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Good Morning, ladies and gentleman.

Thank you to each and every of you for being with us today. We are very pleased to be able to
welcome all of the delegation from (nama-nama delegasi negara).
My best gratitude to my primary PIC who had managing this program from the start until todays,
and also my secondary PIC who helped us in some activities in Bandung.
Also, for the dean of the Economic Faculty, who always give supports and guidance in making
SEED 2019 program proposal.
Next, to the rector and the vice rector who always give us encouragement and spirit especially
for the Management Department to hold this International Program since 2016.
And also, the government and all of the participants from the local area who give us a warm-
welcome in holding this program.
Ladies and gentleman, the history of the development of SEED, is organized by
Management department since 2016 until now. This program which includes the students from
ASEAN had ever been hold in some locations, 2016 and 2017 was in Rawabogo, 2018 was in
Sumba, and 2019 will be in Salaawi, Garut, because we believe that this program can be seen as
The reason why we choose Salaawi Garut for SEED 2019, that will be held tomorrow for
two weeks, Garut is an area which has lovely and fertile farming, located not to far from the
capital city of Indonesia, which is about 200 km—this area can be seen as less developed area in
West Java, and become one of the factors that UNPAR choose this location for the program. With
the proverb “Bahkuning khang mrih guna santyaya bhakti”, the community service is become
our needs to educate the students, where they will be contributing their knowledge from the
university and applicating in the society.
Another reason especially for me who was born in Garut, and the experiences from my
father which had ever become a leader of farmers in Garut, many of the farmers society that
inhibit the development for the area. The community service that will be held in Selaawi Garut,
will bring many benefits if it does visionary and continuously, with the relationship in respect.
Ladies and gentleman, I hope that this program can be a vessel for all of the participants;
1. To achieve appointed learning objectives.
2. To give many beneficial inputs for the local governments.
3. To see the opportunities in developing the cooperation with the local community in
economy aspects.
I think that’s all from my speech. Thank you for all the kind attentions.
Good morning, and Have a good day.

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