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The main purpose of this study was to make trap out of okra mucilage. The
significance of this will help the community to use an affordable and cheaper price. The
researcher used okra as the main component.
“It plays a vital role to preserve our health. In recent times, the use of herbal
products has increased tremendously in the western world as well as developed
countries.” (Kumar,, 2013)
The okra was boiled then grinded and was put on the plastic cover. The
cockroaches, was also put on top of the okra and was labeled as set-up A, on the other
hand, set-up B was a cockroach trap with cockroach on top of it. Each set-up received
five cockroaches.
Two trials were done in set-up A, using t-test for independent means, the t- value
was 0.079, the degree of freedom was 2 and the critical value was 4.30. The critical value
was higher than the t-value which is 0.079, this means that the accepted hypothesis was
null and the rejected hypothesis was alternative, which means that there is no significant
difference between the set-ups.
The researcher recommended the future researcher to monitor every hour if the
cockroaches escaped the trap for accurate data. The researcher also recommended the
future researcher to use more okra and put more than 3 cups of water when boiling. Make
sure while catching cockroaches, wear gloves to not infect any parts of the body. It is
recommended to use correct materials.


First, the researcher would like to thank God, for giving the researcher

intelligence, knowledge and ability to finish her research paper. And for giving the

researcher strength to complete the research successfully.

Second, the researcher would also like to thank her parents for supporting her

financially and emotionally, and for giving her full support.

Third, the researcher would like to thank her teacher in this subject, Ma’am Sarah

Jane Detruz, for helping the researcher finish the research on time and for giving advices

to the researcher.

And lastly, the researcher would to thank her friends, for helping the researcher to

finish the researcher and whenever the researcher asks question, the researcher’s friends

are there to answer the question quickly.

Table of Contents

Title Page i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures v
List of Tables vi
Introduction 1
Background of the Study 1
Statement of the Problem 1
Hypothesis 2
Significance of the Study 2
Scope and Delimitations 3
Definition of Terms 3
Conceptual Framework 3
Review of Related Literature 4
Methodology 8
Research Design 8
Source of Materials 8
Location of the Study 8
Process 8
Data Analysis 9
Research Methodology Flowchart 10
Results and Discussions 14
Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation 17
Bibliography 19

List of Figures
Figure 1: Cardboard with Plastic Cover 10
Figure 2: Boiling of Okra 10
Figure 3: Grinding of Okra 10
Figure 4: Okra Mucilage Trap 11
Figure 5: Putting of Cockroaches in Okra Mucilage Trap 11

Figure 6: Putting of Cockroaches in Cockroach Trap 11

List of Tables

Table 1: Comparison of total number of cockroaches left in Set-up A and B in Trial 1 12

Table 2: Comparison of total number of cockroaches left in Set-up A and B in Trial 2 12

Table 3: T-test value 13


Background of the Study

Cockroaches such as American and German Cockroaches are one of the insect

that carries diseases and is common to be seen for a typical Filipino.

Cockroaches are a diverse group but their behavior is known primarily from

laboratory studies of household pests. These serve as important models in a variety of

fields, including locomotion, neurobiology, and chemical ecology. The widest range of

comparative data exists for cockroach mating and social behavior. Mate selection

involves a complex interaction of male competition and female choice. (Nalepa, 2018)

To solve this problem, the researcher will find that okra mucilage can be used to

be a cockroach trap because okra mucilage is thick, gluey substance produced by nearly

all plants and some microorganisms.

Its mucilaginous properties are used as thickening agent for food particularly in

soups. The upper part of the okra pods are commonly remove or cut and thrown prior to

cooking. This part of okra pod also contains mucilage which gives its slimy

characteristic. This mucilage has good potential to be alternative glue.

Statement of the Problem

This research wants to know the answer of the following:

1. Is the okra mucilage effective as a cockroach trap?

2. Is there a significant difference between the okra mucilage cockroach trap and the

commercialized trap?

3. Is the okra mucilage cockroach trap more effective than the commercialized trap

in terms of number of cockroaches that stayed in the trap?


Alternative: There is significant difference between the okra mucilage cockroach trap and

the commercialized trap.

Null: There is no significant difference between the okra mucilage cockroach trap and the

commercialized trap.

Significance of the Study

The study will be conducted to support other studies related to okra mucilage as

trap. This study will help the community to use an affordable and but it in cheap price.

The study will also help people to get rid of cockroaches that are loitering anywhere

inside the house. The main purpose of this research is to know if okra mucilage can be

more effective than the commercialized trap.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will be focusing on the effectiveness of Okra Mucilage as Cockroach

Trap as an alternative for commercialized trap. It will also include the okra mucilage

extract and commercialized trap. It also focuses on how many of the cockroaches will not

escape in the ability of the okra mucilage and not on its other uses.

Definitions of Terms

The following terms are defined conceptually and operationally for better

understanding of the research study:

Okra- herbaceous hairy annual plant of the mallow family (Malvaceae). The leaves are

heart-shaped and three to five-lobbed. The flowers are yellow with a crimson centre.


Mucilage-is a thick, gluey substance produced by nearly all plants and some

microorganisms. These microorganisms include protists which use it for their


Cockcroach- a beetlelike insect with long antennae and legs, feeding by scavenging.

Several tropical species have become established worldwide as pests in homes and food

service establishments.

Conceptual Framework

Input Process Measuring the

number of
Okra mucilage Extraction cockroaches that
stayed in the trap

Analysis of Data Observation of Results Experimentation


Counting of the
experimented okra
mucilage cockroach
trap and compare to
commercialized trap
Review of Related Literature

Okra Mucilage

Okra Mucilage plant belongs to the family Malvaceae, botanical name of this

plant is Abelmoschus esculentus. Okra Mucilage plant plays an important role in the

human diet by supplying carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins,

potassium,sodium,magneshium were found to be the principal element. Okra is a power

house of valuable nutrients including fiber,vitamin B6 and folic acid. Okra is rich in

fiber,both soluble and insoluble. (Bondres, 1972)

Okra mucilage has medicinal applications when used as a plasma replacement or

blood volume expander. The mucilage of okra binds cholesterol and bile acid carrying

toxins dumped into it by the liver. (Beyene,, 2015)


Okra is the most important vegetable crop of the tropical and subtropical regions

of the world. Okra is a multipurpose crop valued for its tender and delicious pods. In

West Africa, leaves, buds, and flowers of okra are also consumed. The dried seeds

provide oil, protein, vegetable curd, and a coffee additive or substitute. (Sharma, B. 1993)

Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) is a perishable fruit with an extremely short post-

harvesting period. (Ayres,, 2016)

Okra is a widely accepted vegetable in subtropical and tropical regions due to the

good palatability. (Chen,, 2017)

The new okra (Hibiscus esculentus) variety, is high-yielding and has sparse

foliage which makes harvesting easier. (Clemson, S.C , 1939)

Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus Moench) is valued for its edible green seed pods.

Twenty-five okra genotypes were sown to determine the genetic variability for 10 yield-

and quality-related traits. Minor differences between genotypic and phenotypic variance

indicated low environmental variance. (Ijaz,, 2015)

Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) is the only vegetable crop of significance in

the Malvaceae family and is very popular in the Indo-Pak subcontinent. In India, it ranks

number one in its consumption but its original home is Ethiopia and Sudan, and North-

eastern African countries. Medicinal plants are the nature's gift to human being to have

disease-free healthy life. It plays a vital role to preserve our health. In recent times, the

use of herbal products has increased tremendously in the western world as well as

developed countries. (Kumar,, 2013)


Cockroaches are considered one of the most obnoxious insects. They are highly

prevalent in unhygienic atmosphere and buildings. They are carrier of about 60 disease

producing organisms. Several types of insecticides such as organochlorine, carbamate,

organophosphours, pyrethroid, pyrazole, insect growth regulators and essential oils of

plant origin etc. were used for controlling cockroaches. However, some of them were

banned globally in many countries of world due to their carcinogenic and long-term

toxicity. (Verma, R.K. 2002)

Cockroach allergy is an important health problem associated with the

development of asthma, as a consequence of chronic exposure to low levels of allergens

in susceptible individuals. (Armeda,, 2014)

Cockroaches and houseflies pose significant public health threat owning to their

ability to mechanically transmit human intestinal parasites and other disease-causing

microorganisms. (Agbaje,, 2016)


Recent adhesive technologies have focused on the development of high-quality

and eco-friendly adhesives. Thus, there is a gradual shift from the currently used

chemical-based adhesives toward harmless adhesives with improved quality and

performance. (Hoonsong ,,2016)

Adhesively bonded joints have been often chosen to achieve a compromise

between mass reduction and higher mechanical strength. Among others, the reduction in

stress concentrations, the ability of producing smooth surfaces with no discontinuities and

the reduced weight penalties are some of the factors that make this type of joints so

attractive. Normally, to increase the bond strength, the materials to be bonded must be

subjected to a kind of surface treatment. (Anes,, 2016)


Mucilage are generally normal products of metabolism formed in the cell and are

storage material. Mucilage has been found to be extensively present in Okra, a vegetable

consumed by several applications in Pharma industry by its use as an emulsifying

agent. (Chinnala,, 2008)


Research Design

In this study, an experiment was conducted. In the experiment, there are 2

different set-ups wherein the okra mucilage’s stickiness was tested because the researcher

counted the number of cockroach that was left in the trap. Each set-up received 5


Source of Materials

All of the needed materials were provided by the researcher except for okra and

the trap. One kilogram of okra was bought at the wet market, while the trap was bought at

Novo here in Calamba.

Location of the Study

The study was conducted in Brgy 2, Bantayan, Calamba City. The making of the

product was also held in the same place.


First, the researcher gathered all the materials for making the cockroach trap.

Second, the cardboard served as the base of the trap. Also, the cardboard was provided by

the researcher. Next, the plastic cover covered the cardboard. The 500g of okra was

boiled, after boiling the okra, the researcher got the mucilage. After getting the mucilage

it was placed on top of the plastic cover. After placing on top of the plastic cover the

researcher put the 5 cockroaches each set-up.

Data Analysis

The researcher counted the number of cockroaches that stayed in the trap for 8

hours. T-test for independent means will be used because there are two set-ups, Set-up

A and set-up B. Set-up A has 3 cockroaches that were left in the trap. While set-up B has

5 cockroaches in the trap means that no cockroaches went out of the trap. While in trial

number 2, Set-up A has 2 cockroaches that were left in the trap, in set-up B there were

still 5 cockroaches that were left.

Research Methodology Flowchart

Buying of the Materials

Gathering of the materials

Making of okra mucilage cockroach trap

Setup A Setup B

Okra mucilage Commercialized trap

cockroach trap (boiled)

Okra mucilage

Okra mucilage cockroach trap (boiled)

cockroach trap (boiled) Testing the effectiveness of okra

mucilage as cockroach trap

Comparison of the number of

cockroaches present in setup A

and setup B

Figure 1: Cardboard with plastic cover

Figure 2: Boiling of the okra

Figure 3: Grinding of Okra

Figure 4: Okra Mucilage trap

Figure 5: Putting of Cockroaches in Okra Mucilage Trap

Figure 6: Putting of Cockroaches in Cockroach Trap

Results and Discussion

Data Presentation

Table 1: Total number of cockroaches that stayed in the trap of Commercialized Trap and

Okra Mucilage Trap (boiled) Trial 1

Set-ups Number of cockroaches that stayed in

the trap

A(Boiled) 3

B(Commercialized Trap) 5

Table 2: Total number of cockroaches that stayed in the trap of Commercialized Trap and

Okra Mucilage Trap (boiled) Trial 2

Set-ups Number of cockroaches that stayed in

the trap

A(Boiled) 2

B(Commercialized) 5

Table 1 and 2 shows the total number of cockroaches that stayed in the trap in

Commercialized Trap and Okra Mucilage Trap (Boiled) in Trial 1 and Trial 2.

Table 3: The T-test table for the number of cockroaches that stayed in the trap

with Commercialized Trap and Okra Mucilage Trap

Set-Up t-value


B(Commercialized Trap)

Table 3 shows that the t-value is 0.079 while the t-crit is 4.30, according to that,

alternative hypothesis should be rejected and the null hypothesis should be accepted since

t-crit is greater than the t-value.

It means that there is no significant difference between Okra Mucilage Trap and

Cockroach trap in terms of stickiness. It also says that the number of cockroach that

stayed in the cockroach trap is higher than the number of cockroach that stayed in the

okra mucilage trap.

T-test for two independent means was used to compare Okra Mucilage Trap and

Cockroach trap. The degree of freedom used was 2 while the critical value is 4.30 in level

of significance of 0.05.

Source of Errors

For catching cockroaches, it should have a container that has holes in it so that

cockroaches can still breathe and not die easily. Also, the researcher had a hard time

catching the cockroaches because it moves fast, then the researcher at first didn’t put any

holes in it so the cockroaches died fast, then catch another set of cockroaches.

Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation


The main purpose of this study was to determine if there was a significant

difference between Okra Mucilage Cockroach Trap and Cockroach Trap in terms of its

stickiness. Five cockroaches each set-up, cockroach trap and okra mucilage trap, were

tested and observed for Five hours. After observing, the data were gathered and analysed

and used t-test for independent means.

Summary of Findings

Upon using t-test for independent means, the value of t which was 0.079 is less

than the critical value which is 4.30.The null hypothesis should be accepted, while the

alternative hypothesis should be rejected, since the critical value is higher than the t-

value. It means there is no significant difference between the Okra Mucilage Cockroach

Trap and Cockroach Trap in terms of number of cockroaches that stayed in the trap.


It can be concluded that Okra Mucilage Cockroach Trap was suitable of catching

cockroaches but not replacement for the Cockroach Trap. The results show that there is a

difference in the number of cockroaches that stayed in the trap. The data between the

number of cockroaches that stayed in the trap in the setups, showed that there is no

significant difference between the number of cockroaches that stayed caused by the

product. It is therefore concluded that Okra Mucilage Cockroach Trap is effective but

Cockroach trap is more effective in terms of catching a cockroach.


Based from the results and data of the study done by the researcher, it is

recommended to monitor every hour if the cockroaches escaped the trap for accurate

data. It is also recommended to do this study with more amount of okra then put 4-6 cups

of water then boil. Make sure while catching cockroaches, wear gloves to not infect any

parts of the body. It is recommended to use correct materials.


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Ayres, E., (2003) Preparation and Characterization of Okra Mucilage (Abelmoschus

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