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LMS Plus FDC– V 72

LMS Plus
Version V 7.x

Fantuzzi FDC

LMS Plus FDC– V 72

This is the complete alarms message list and all of

these will be stored in the black box.
Code and description
1 -- not available
2 -- CAN PLC core id11 broken
3 -- bypass 20 40
4 -- bypass engine
5 -- bypass buzzer
6 -- bypass overload code
7 – bypass overload key
8 -- bypass transm safety
9 -- bypass all safety
10 -- erase black box
11 -- system reset
12 – bypass safeties clamps
13 … 20 -- not used
21 -- high engine cool temperature
22 -- high engine oil temperature
23 -- low engine oil pressure
24 -- low coolant level (option)
25 -- low fuel level
26 -- engine shutdown
27 -- low brake oil pressure
28 -- high gear oil temperature
29 -- wheel sensor fault
30 -- engine CAN fault
31 -- stop emergency button
32 – spreader not locked
33 -- engine protection
34 -- engine warning
35 -- engine alarm
36 -- engine malfunctioning
37 -- engine fault code
38 -- TCU transmission KO
39 -- TCU shutdown
40 -- TCU limp home
41 -- TCU fault code
42 -- TCU CAN fault
43 -- TCU calibration active (ZF)
44 -- transmission position fault (ZF)
45 -- Overload
46 – not used
47 – oil cyl press broken
48 -- accelerator pedal broken
49 – fuel level broken
50 -- oil transmission temperature broken
LMS Plus FDC– V 72
This is the complete warning message list All of
these will be not stored in the black box.
Code and description
52 -- bypass twist
53 – opened doors
54 .. 61 -- not used
62 -- work lights off
63 -- rpm engine safety
64 -- inversion not permitted
65 -- load not calibrated
66 .. 67 -- not used
68 -- pedal not calibrated

LMS Plus FDC– V 72

Bypass alarms and warnings

The operator is the only responsible of safeties bypass
Without safeties, machine handling can be very
Supervisors must communicate bypass codes only if
strictly necessary.

Pressing the key on the panel the system shoes this screen:

Each event (code inserted) will be stored in black box.

Pressing the keys from F1 to F4 each digit increases by one unit, from 0 to 9, in
order to compose a 4 digits number.

Confirm the final code with the key


Overload safety bypass: 1234

Buzzer alarm bypass: 4444
transmission safey 8888
bypass engine 3434
bypass load cell 8426
bypass 20 40 9932
bypass all safeties 1590
bypass safety clamps 0201

Black box erasing: 6666
System reset: 9090

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