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To: RGV Inc

From: Gabriela Cruz

Date: 8/14/2019
Re: Revenue Assessment

Thank you for the opportunity to assess your sales data in order to provide recommendations for
increasing your sales. The analysis and recommendations below are based on the data you provided,
which covers a period from May 2004 through June 2006. The analysis below is based on this data
alone. Therefore, our recommendations should be tempered by your knowledge of business realities
and your market. Please let us know if we can answer any questions concerning the analysis or the
recommendations provided.

ANALYSIS 1 Sales of Each Country

Based on the information provided in the chart you can see the highest amount of sales were
from the USA, Germany and Austria. The lowest amount of money brought from sales were
from Poland, Norway and Argentina. The Amount of money brought by the USA for the three
years was a total of $245,584.61. The difference between the highest amount of sales(USA) and
the lowest amount of sales( Poland) was a total of 242,052.66. This demonstrates the big gap of
sales for all three years.



Poland, $3,531.95 Switzerland,
UK, $58,971.31
Austria, $136,122.94 $31,692.66
Sweden, $54,495.14
Argentina, $8,119.10
Belgium, $33,824.86 Spain, $17,983.20
Portugal, $11,472.36

Brazil, $106,925.78

USA, $245,584.61
Canada, $50,196.29

Finland, $18,810.05

France, $81,358.32 Norway, $5,735.15

Mexico, $23,582.08
Italy, $15,770.16
Ireland, $49,979.91


The recommendations I would give would be for the countries with the lowest amount of sales
should increase their sales by creating promotions based on the needs of the population and a
the tourist locations. I mention the tourist location because this chart could demonstrate the
USA, Germany and Australia are one of the most visited places which can back up the amount
of sales provided.

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ANALYSIS 2: Sales Person

The information provided in the chart demonstrates the amount the money made by each sales
person. The top sales person was Margaret with a total of $250,187.45 without the discount and
$232,890.85 with the discounts of 6.9134562904734% within all the discounts and the amount of
sales. The lowest sales person was Steven with sales of $75,567.75 without the discount and
$68,792.28 with a discount of 8.96608672350308%. The median sales person was Robert with
$141,295.99 without the discount and $124,568.26 with a discount of 11.83880023771375%.


Sales Person






Andrew Anne Janet Laura Margaret Michael Nancy Robert Steven

Series1 Series2


The recommendation I would suggest would be to limit the discount given for sales, because it’s
unfair for the highest sale person to give less percentage of discount and still be the best sales

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ANALYSIS 3 Sales of Each Product
The chart below demonstrates the amount of sales for each product for all three years the
lowest three product sales were grains/ cereal($95,744.59), produce($99,984.58) and
condiments ($106,047.09). The highest sales were beverages($267,868.18) and Dairy
products($234,507.29). The difference between the highest and lowest sale product is more
than double sales.


Sales of Each Product

$300,000.00 $267,868.18
$200,000.00 $163,022.36 $167,357.23
$150,000.00 $106,047.09
$99,984.58 $95,744.59




The recommendation I would suggest would be to increase the lowest sales by at least 40%-
50% to help increase profit because the difference is by more than half which I consider to be
wrong and to low of sales.

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ANALYSIS 4 Sales by item 2004

The chart below demonstrates the sales by the product and the year the items were sold. During
this year the lowest amount of sales were made for all three years.


Sales by Item 2004

$35,000.00 $30,027.79
$25,000.00 $21,836.86
$20,000.00 $16,320.73 $16,402.95
$15,000.00 $10,830.96


The recommendation I would give would be to compare the increase of sales over the three year
to determine which year had the most profit. During this year the total profit was $166,425.31.

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ANALYSIS 5 Sales by item in 2005

The information provided demonstrates the sales increased from the year 2004 to the year 2005
by $431,583.15 this is 72.17007431633994% of $598,008.46 for the sales that year.


Sales by Item 2005

$120,000.00 $116,495.45
$100,000.00 $105,954.36

$80,000.00 $82,686.75
$60,000.00 $64,122.55 $55,021.08
$47,321.69 $51,221.83


The recommendations I would give would be to continue to increased sales instead of losing
sales, because the progress they made that year was great because they doubled the sales for
most of the products.

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ANALYSIS 6 Sales by Item 2006

The sales for 2006 went down by 16.1618399177831% the only item that sold more than the
previous year was beverages. In 2005 they sold $105,954.36 and during 2006 they sold
$123,243.03, they had an increase of $17,288.67. This increase of sales were great but not enough
because the previous year they sold more items.



The recommendations I would give is to set there previous year sales amount as the minimum
goal. This means that they should perform better than the previous year to show progress within
the company.

From completing the Excel project, I learned that not all the time companies increase their sales. At
times they lose sales and at times they increase sales. From this project I learned to analysis dates,
numbers and the amount of sales each person has and a country has. This is important information to
consider when analyzing data information provided from a company.

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