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8/14-8/15 TASKS



1. Open up your notebook to a brand new page.
2. Take out your ​blue​ and black pen/pencil.
3. Title a brand new page in your notebook:​ ​Intro to Newton
4. Write today’s date on the top right ​8/14/19 or 8/15/19
5. ​Click Here for Google Countdown Timer​ and set the timer countdown
for each activity based on the ​red time suggestions​ below.
Part 1:​ Check It! Reflection 5 min
1. Copy the questions below into your notebook using ​BLUE PEN​.
2. Answer the questions in your notebook using ​BLACK PEN/PENCIL​.

A) Did I complete my homework (bringing all 9 supplies and parts 1-4 of packet?)
Explain what score you think you will receive and why.

B) Describe one thing that went well this week and one thing you are nervous about.

Part 2:​ Preview It! (Vocabulary) 5 - 7 min.
1​. Copy the following chart in your notebook.
2 Click on the following link ​Science Dictionary​ to fill out vocab chart​ IN YOUR NOTEBOOK!
Example: our Sun, its eight planets and their
solar system moons, and all other bodies that travel
around the Sun, or any system that
includes a star and all of the matter
which orbits that star, including planets
and moons

1. Force

2. Motion

3. Gravity

Part 3:​ Watch It! 5 - 7 min.
1. ​Watch the ​Forces and Motion​ ​ Video
2. Copy the following statements and fill in the blanks in your notebook.
a. Name three examples of forces:
● _______________
● _______________
● _______________

b. A force ​______________​ exist by itself because it is an interaction.

c. Forces affect the ​____________​ and ​___________​ of all things.

d. The name the force exerted on us that keeps us glued to the ground is ​_______________

Part 4:​ Read It! 10 min.
1. Read the passage below and copy the statements into your notebook:

a. The main idea from this reading is … (write 2-3 sentences)

Carson has been riding a scooter for almost as long as he can remember. As you
can see, he’s really good at it. He can even do tricks in the air. It takes a lot of practice to
be able to control a scooter like this. Carson automatically applies just the right forces to
control his scooter.  

Defining Force
Force​ is defined as a push or pull acting on an object. There are several fundamental
forces in the universe, including the force of gravity, electromagnetic force, and weak and
strong nuclear forces. When it comes to the motion of everyday objects, however, the forces of interest
include mainly gravity, friction, and applied force. ​Applied force​ is force that a person or thing applies to an

Q: What forces act on Carson’s scooter?

A: Gravity, friction, and applied forces all act on Carson’s scooter. ​Gravity​ keeps pulling both Carson and
the scooter toward the ground. ​Friction​ between the wheels of the scooter and the ground prevent the
scooter from sliding but also slow it down. In addition, Carson ​applies forces​ to his scooter to control its
speed and direction.

Force and Motion

Forces​ cause all motions. When a force is applied, the motion of an object
changes. Force can cause a stationary object to start moving or a moving object to
change its speed or direction or both. A change in the speed or direction of an
object is called ​acceleration​. Look at Carson’s brother Colton in the Figure below.
He’s getting his scooter started by pushing off with his foot. The force he applies to
the ground with his foot starts the scooter moving in the opposite direction. The
harder he pushes against the ground, the faster the scooter will go.
Figure 1:​ Scooter rider pushing off the ground
How much an object accelerates when a force is applied to it depends not only on the strength of the
force but also on the object’s mass​. For example, a heavier scooter would be harder to accelerate. Colton
would have to push with more force to start it moving and move it faster.

Q: What units do you think are used to measure force?

A: The SI unit for force is the Newton (N). A Newton is the force needed to cause a mass of 1 kilogram to
accelerate at 1 m/s2, so a Newton equals 1 kg • m/s2. The Newton was named for the scientist Sir Isaac
Newton, who is famous for his laws of motion and gravity

Part 5:​ Write it! 15 min.
1. Copy the questions in your notebook.
2. Use the reading to help you answer the questions below:

a. What is force?
b. 3 fundamental forces acting on Carson’s scooter are:

c. What role does ​gravity ​play on Carson’s scooter?

d. What role does ​friction​ play on Carson’s scooter?

e. What role does ​applied force ​play on Carson’s scooter?


f. What do forces do?What happens when a force is applied?


g. What two factors influence how much an object will accelerate?

Part 6: ​Done Early? Extend It!
5 - 7 min.
1. Watch the ​Sir Isaac Newton Video
2. Write 5 f​ un facts​ you learned about Sir Isaac Newton from this video:

a. One thing I learned about Isaac Newton was ...


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