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Q Discuss the components of modern Indian political

thought l\,4odern {odian
p, r1... l,louqhl .nFrgad In th-.o .JLtlshmal|l
{c\t o, 6 oi B,tti h nr.. l. o ,
llodem lndian though differs from anciert thoLrght because
olodern thought
because critical of socio cultLlral traditions of lndia
lt is reformative as wel as
revolut onaTy Some thinkers even repir\cnt
Loll!l-rvalsm sa|ent leatures of
,_, i.t. lr dl rn porttt. ,l thoLghr arp.
(l) anti imperiatist

(iii universalism ,
lndjan thinkers dicJ not address just lndian pubtic
but they
appealed to humanity hence lndian thought
not only inspired nationalist
movement of India but also in other countries.

(iir) lndian thirkers are not deating wilh

issues v,/hich are of c..ncern to tndia onty.
'lhey were dealing lvith world problems like materialism,
consllmerism, fascism and issues like
world peace, fteedom as weli as
violence against environment

(iv) lndian thought is comprenlnsive

rt Oeats with various issues of hurnan life anC
not only wlth political life

lv) lndian thinkers shares vjews wiih

western counterparts as well as they shor,v
the cootinuily of indian tradition.

(vi) we observe forowing components/streams

of thouqht in Indian tradition
t. Tradition Scholar
t. Socio-cultural renaissance
Raja Ram Monan Roy, lshwar Chand
i Vidyasagar
Dadabljai Naroii, lvt.c. Ranade, cokhaie
(economic nationalism)
Exlremists Miiitant
Lal. Bal, Pal
t. nationalist traditaon
Gandnian tradition
Gandh,. Vinoba Bhave, -1.p. Narain


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