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Matric No.:

Lecturer’s Name: Course Code: SCCA1023


1 = Below Basic 2 = Basic 3 = Proficient 4 = Advance Marks

Organization Audience cannot Audience has difficulty Student presents Student presents
understand the following the information in logical information in logical,
presentation because presentation because sequence which interesting sequence
there is no sequence of student jumps around. audience can follow. which audience can
information. follow.

Topic is too broad or Topic is somewhat Well-chosen topic. Unique, well-chosen

too narrow broad or somewhat topic.

Weak or confusing Good introduction but Attention-getting Dynamic introduction.

introduction not polished. introduction.
Minimal use of Good use of supporting Excellent use of Insightful and
supporting detail. detail. supporting detail. sophisticated use of
supporting detail.

Vague or confusing Weak conclusion. Effective conclusion. Interesting, effective

conclusion. conclusion.

Subject Student does not have Student is Student is at ease with Student demonstrates
knowledge grasp of information. uncomfortable with information. full knowledge of
information. information.

Student cannot answer Student is able to Student answers most Student answers all
questions about subject. answer only questions with questions with
rudimentary questions, explanations and some explanations and
but fails to elaborate. elaboration. elaboration.

Visual aids Poor quality visuals Average quality visuals. High quality Professional and high
demonstrated, but not quality.
particularly creative.

Mechanics Presentation has four or Presentation has three Presentation has not Presentation has no
more spelling errors misspellings and/or more than two misspellings and/or
and/or grammatical grammatical errors. misspellings and/or grammatical errors.
errors. grammatical errors.

Many pronunciation Some pronunciation Few pronunciation Precise pronunciation

errors and run-on errors and run-on errors and run-on and uses complete
sentences. sentences. sentences. sentences.

Leadership Nervous tension Some tension or Quick recovery from Relaxed and self-
qualities obvious inappropriate indifference apparent minor mistakes. confident.
1 = Below Basic 2 = Basic 3 = Proficient 4 = Advance Marks

Inappropriately dressed Somewhat Somewhat Appropriately dressed

for purpose or inappropriately dressed. appropriately dressed. for purpose or
audience. audience.

Enthusiasm Student shows Student shows some Student occasionally Student demonstrates a
absolutely no interest in negativity toward topic shows positive feelings strong feeling about
topic presented. presented. about topic. topic during entire

Verbal Student mumbles and Student’s voice is low. Student’s voice is Student uses clear voice
techniques speaks too quietly for Audiences have somewhat clear. Most so that all audiences can
audience in the back of difficulty hearing audiences can hear hear presentation.
class to hear. presentation. presentation.

Teamwork Show no cooperation Members work with Each member Each member
during the presentation. each other but are contributes and takes contributes effectively
unclear of their roles part in the presentation. and assumes a clear role
and responsibilities in in the presentation.
the presentation.



Overall Comments:

Scoring Key

Performance Undergraduate
Below basic 0 - 16
Basic 17 - 32
Proficient 33 - 48
Advance 49 - 60

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