WL Determination

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Article · January 2015


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4 authors, including:

Akanksha Bhatt Vishesh Gupta

Babu Banarsi Das College of Dental Sciences,Lucknow. Babu Banarasi Das College of Dental Sciences,Babu Banarasi Das University


B. Rajkumar
Babu Banarasi Das College of Dental Sciences,B.B.D. University


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International Journal of Dental and Health Sciences
Review Article Volume 02,Issue 01


Akanksha Bhatt1,Vishesh Gupta2,B. Rajkumar3,Ruchi Arora4
1.Assistant Professor,Babu Banarasi Das College of Dental Sciences, Lucknow
2.Associate Professor,Babu Banarasi Das College of dental Sciences,Lucknow
3.Professor & Head,Babu Banarasi Das College of dental Sciences,Lucknow
4.Assistant Professor,Babu Banarasi Das College of Dental Sciences, Lucknow

The determination of accurate working length is one of the most critical step in the
endodontic therapy. The cleaning, shaping and obturation cannot be accomplished
accurately unless the working length is determined precisely. Thus the predictable
endodontic success demands an accurate working length determination of the root canal.
This article reviews about working length determination and its clinical implications.
Keywords: Cemento-dentinal junction,Dentistry,Electronic apex locater,Radiographic tooth
length, Stomatognathic system, Working length determination.

INTRODUCTION: experience following appointment

by the virtue of over or under
The triad in endodontic therapy
comprises of total debridement of the
pulpal space, proper cleaning and shaping 3. If placed within correct limits, it
of the canal space and three dimensional plays an important role in
obturation of the root canal.The most determining the success of
important segment of endodontic treatment.
treatment is canal preparation which can
be accomplished by correct determination 4. When working length is short, it
of the working length [1,2,3].The endodontic leads to apical leakage. Moreover,
glossary defines working length as “the there is continued existence of
distance from a coronal reference point to a viable bacteria which contributes to
point at which the canal preparation and periradicular lesion and thus poor
obturation should terminate”. The success rate.
significance of the working length are as Therefore it can be seen quite clearly that
follows: the calculation of working length should be
1. The working length determines how performed with skill, using techniques that
far into the canal the instruments have been proven to give valuable and
can be placed and worked. accurate results and by methods that are
practical and efficacious.The ideal
2. It affects the degree of pain and requirements for determining the working
discomfort which patient will length of the tooth are accuracy, easy to

*Corresponding Author Address: Dr.Akanksha Bhatt,30,Shiv Sarovar Extension, Bank Colony, Garh Road, Meerut, Uttar
Pradesh(India)-250001 Email:dr.a.bhatt@gmail.com
Bhatt A. et al, Int J Dent Health Sci 2015; 2(1):105-115
perform, easily reproducible and should be VARIOUS METHODS FOR CALCULATING
confirmative. WORKING LENGTH:

HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES: a. Radiographic method

In 1896 Dr. Charles Edmund Kells was the 1. Grossman’s Method

first to introduce the application of x-rays in
2. Ingle’s Method
dentistry. During 19th century, working
length was usually calculated by placing the 3. Kuttler Method
instrument in the canal and the point
wherethe patient felt pain was recorded. In 4. Best’s Method
1901, Dr. Weston A. Price called attention
5. Bregman’s Method
to incomplete root canal fillings as
evidenced in radiographs. Price was 6. Bramante’s Method
suggested that radiographs should be used
7. X-ray Grid System
to check the accuracy of the root canal
fillings. 8. Xero Radiography

In 1900’s the popular opinion was that 9. Direct Digital Radiography

dental pulp extended through the tooth
and end at the apical foramen and that the b. Non-radiographic method
narrowest diameter of the apical portion of 1. Apex Finder
the root was precisely at the site where the
canal exits the tooth at the extreme 2. Audiometric Method
apex.These views fostered the then existing
3. Tactile Method
technique to calculate working length to
the tip of the root on the radiographs” i.e. 4. Paper Point Evaluation Method
the radiographic apex” – as the correct site
to terminate the canal. 5. Electronic Apex Locators.

In the 1920’s considerable study of the apex A. Radiographic method

of the tooth led Grove, Hatton, Blayney and Though used many years ago, still a number
Coolidge to offer reports that contradicted of excellent clinicians use the radiographic
this position. Kuttler did the most apex as the site of canal termination. Those
comprehensive study in 1955 on the who endorse this concept state that it is
microscopic anatomy of the root tip. His impossible to locate the cemento-dentinal
study continued to regal the students of junction (CDJ) clinically and that the
endodontic theory and practice and radiographic apex is the only reproducible
unquestionably it is one of the most site available in this area. Grove, Green and
important set of proper standards for Kuttler reported on a common finding that
sophisticated successful endodontic the apical foramen exits at a distance 1 –
treatment. 3mm from the root tip [4,5]. The vertical
Bhatt A. et al, Int J Dent Health Sci 2015; 2(1):105-115
position of the cement-dentinal junction wiggling motion to bypass any obstruction
(CDJ) varies with each tooth. It may be or debris and is gently teased along the
located 0.5 to 2 – 3mm from the entire canal length until it has been inserted
radiographic apex, produces esthetically to the estimated working length of the
pleasing radiographs [6,7,8] canal. A radiograph is taken to compare
the exact position of the instrument in the
The position of the radiographic apex
root canal with the measure depth of
depends on several factors:
insertion. If necessary the measured length
a. The angulations of the tooth is adjusted so that the instrument tip is
inserted up to 0.5 mm from the apical exit
b. Position of the film of the root canal to the reference point on
the crown of the tooth.
c. Holding agent for the film (finger, X-ray
holder, hemostat, cotton roll) If the K-file is 1 mm longer or shorter of the
radiographic foramen one should add or
d. The length of the X-ray cone
subtract the necessary length to obtain the
e. Horizontal and vertical positioning of root canal length, but if the differences are
the cone greater than 1 mm, one should make
necessary adjustments on the file and take
f. The use of intentional distortion of the
another radiograph.
cone (for angled views)
By measuring the length of radiographic
g. Anatomic structures adjacent to the
images of both the tooth and the
tooth & several other factors.
measuring instruments as well as the actual
1. Grossman’s method[6] length of the instrument, the clinician can
determine the actual length of the tooth by
The original diagnostic radiograph is used to a mathematical formula.
estimate the working length of the tooth
from occlusal to root apex. This length is Actual length of tooth = ALI x RLT
later verified by placing instruments to the
estimated working length in the root canal
and taking an instrumentation radiograph. ALT -Actual length of tooth
The exact working length for each canal is
ALI -Actual length of instrument
determined by adjusting the length of
insertion so the tip of the instrument ends RLT -Radiographic length of tooth
0.5mm from the root apex.
RLI -Radiographic length of instrument
Step by step procedure
2. Ingle’s method [2]
Initially the diagnostic file (usually no. 10-20
K file) that fits into the root canal is inserted In order to establish length of tooth, a
through the access cavity with a slight reamer or file with a rubber ‘stop’ on the

Bhatt A. et al, Int J Dent Health Sci 2015; 2(1):105-115
shaft is needed. The exploring instrument of radiographic distortion, sharply
size must be small enough to negotiate the curving roots and operator
total length of the canal. measuring errors.

Step by step procedure for Ingles method 3. Kuttler’s method [4,5]

i. Measure the tooth on the pre- According to Kuttler the narrowest

operative radiograph diameter is definitely not at the site of exit
of the canal from the tooth but usually
ii. Subtract at least 1 mm, which is for
occurs within the dentin, just prior to the
safety factor for possible image
initial layers of cementum. He referred to
distortion or magnification.
this position as the ‘minor diameter’ of the
iii. Set the instrument at this tentative canal (apical constriction).
In 1955 Kuttler measured the distance
iv. Place the instrument in the canal among 20 different anatomic positions
until the stop, in case the these calculations were for e.g. – from
instrument is left at that level and major to minor diameter or width of either
the rubber stop readjusted to this diameters. The diameter of the canal at the
new point of reference. site of exiting from the tooth was found to
be approx twice as wide as the minor
v. On the radiograph measure the diameter this is the “major diameter”.
difference between the end of the
instrument and the end of the root. Technique for calculation of working
Add this amount to the original length: Before starting endodontic
measured length; if the instrument treatment the dentist must identify the
through some oversight has probable i.e.
extended beyond the apex subtract
 The canal configuration present
the difference.
 The estimated length of the root
vi. From this adjusted length of the
tooth subtract about 1 mm “Safety
factor” to conform the instrument  The site of exiting of the canal (s)
within the apical termination of the
root canal at the CDJ.  The estimated width of the canal
vii. Set the endodontic ruler at this new
corrected length and readjust the This is done by analyzing the pre-op
stop on the exploring instrument. radiograph available using both straight –
for site (s) of exiting, root (s) length, canal
viii. A confirmatory radiograph of the (s) width & angled views – for canal
new adjusted W.L. is highly configuration (s) and sites of exiting.
desirable because of the possibility

Bhatt A. et al, Int J Dent Health Sci 2015; 2(1):105-115
The calculations dealing with the site of  Estimate the length of the root (s) either
exiting of the canal (s) length & widths will by measuring the length with a –mm –
help to identify the major and more often ruler on the pre-op radiograph or using
the minor diameter. The calculations the tables in the opposite page.
dealing with the widths & length is valuable
in making the calculation for working  Estimate the width of the canals (s) on
length. the radiograph. If the canal estimates is
narrow, consider using a size 10 or 15
The basis for this method’s value is the file, if average select – a size 20 or 25
measurement provided by Kuttler relating file, if wide choose a size 30 or 35, if
to the distance between the major very wide choose size 50 or larger.
diameter (site of exiting of the canal) and
the minor diameter (i.e. the CDJ). In  Using the file selected by step (iv) Set
younger patients the distance between the stop for the W.L. according to the
these two positions is approx 0.5 mm and in measurement estimated in step (iii),
older patients due to increased build-up of Place the file in the access cavity and
cementum the distance is approx. 0.67 take an initial radiograph if the file
mm. Using the radiograph the dentist must seems to stop at a length that could be
locate the major diameter and then accurate stop and take a radiograph
interpolate the position of the minor rather than force the file into the
diameter or locate the minor diameter by periapical tissues.
seeing the funneled shape into the tooth  If the file appears too long or too short
from the site of the exiting. by more than 1 mm from the minor
Step-by-Step technique for calculation of diameter make the interpolation and
working length by Kuttlers method: use that as the calculated working
 Using the information from the straight
and angled radiographs about the  If your file reaches the major diameter
expected canal configuration prepare a exactly, subtract .5mm from the length
correct access cavity. Remove whatever if the patient is 35 years old or younger,
pulp tissue and debris needs to be reduce .67 mm from that length if the
removed prior to taking the length. patient is older.

 Locate the major diameter and minor  If the file reaches the site that you
diameter on the pre-op x ray. In some believe is the minor diameter use that
cases the exact site may not be seen, as the calculated working length. If it is
only that the radiolucent line of the obvious that a great deal of cementum
pulp canal space stops near the tip of has been deposited at the root tip,
the root. subtract a greater amount from the site
of the major diameter to rectify the
increased distance.

Bhatt A. et al, Int J Dent Health Sci 2015; 2(1):105-115
4. Best’s method [6,7] that its internal surface is in flush with the
resin surface contacting the tooth surface.
In 1960 BEST described a technique for
The probe is introduced into the root canal
determining the tooth length. In this
so that the resin touches the incisal edge or
method a steel pin measuring 10 mm is
cusp tip taking care to see that the bend
fixed to the labial surface of the root with
segment of the probe would be parallel to
utility wax keeping the pin parallel to the
the mesio-distal diameters of the crown
long axis of the tooth and a radiograph
thus making it possible to visualize it on the
obtained. The radiograph is then carried to
radiograph. Then the tooth is
a gauge, which would indicate the tooth
radiographed. In this radiograph the
reference points are as follows.
5. Bregman’s method [6,7]
A-Internal angle of intersection of incisal U
It is a method in which 25 mm length flat radicular probe segment.
probes are prepared and each has a steel
B-Apical end of the probe
blade fixed with acrylic resin as a stop,
leaving a free end of 10 mm for placement C-Tooth apex
into the root canal? This probe is place in
Measuring the radiographic image length of
the tooth until the metallic end touches the
the probe. A-B, measuring the radiographic
incisal edge or cusp tip of the tooth. Then a
image length of the tooth from A to C and
radiograph is taken. In the radiographic
then measuring the real length of the
image the following is measured.
ALT-Apparent length of the tooth (as seen
Now the following equation is applied
in the radiograph)
CRD-Real tooth length
RLI-Real length of the instrument
CRS-Real tooth length
ALI-Apparent length of the instrument
CAD-Tooth length in radiograph
Now RLT (Real length of the tooth) is
calculated from the formula. CAS-Instrument length in radiograph
6. Bramante’s method [6,7] Measuring the distance between the apical
end of the probe and the tooth apex in the
Bramante described another method to
radiograph. This measure is either added
determine tooth length. He employed
or diminished to obtain the correct length
stainless steel probes of various calibers&
of the tooth. This is somewhat similar to
Lengths. These were bend at one end at
that described by Ingle.
right angel and this bend is inserted
partially in acrylic resin in such a manner

Bhatt A. et al, Int J Dent Health Sci 2015; 2(1):105-115
7. X-ray grid system diagnostic tool in determining root canal
length. It has been stated that although
Everett & Fixott in 1963 designed a
there is no diagnostic difference between
diagnostic X-ray grid system for
Xero-radiography and conventional
determining the length of the tooth. The
radiography in determining the actual
diagnostic X-ray grid designed consists of
length of root canals, Xero-radiographic
lines 1 mm apart running lengthwise and
images of the fire for determining length
cross-wise. A heavier line to make the
are sharper and can be measured faster..
reading easier on the radiograph
These might be useful in detecting carious
accentuates every fifth millimeter.
lesions, especially proximal surface caries of
Enameled copper wires are placed in plexi- adult and primary teeth.
glass and fixed to a regular periapical film.
According to Macro in 1984,
The grid is taped to film to lie between the
Xeroradiography gave closer to accurate
tooth and film during exposure so that the
results in measurement compared to
pattern becomes incorporated in the
conventional radiographs.
finished film. The incorporated grid is used
for accurate measurement of working 9. Direct digital radiography or
length. radio-visiography

8. Xeroradiogrphy A new radiographic system called DDR

digitizes ionizing radiation. This system
Xeroradiography is a highly accurate
consists of a programmed computerized
electrostatic imaging technique that used a
receiver that processes signals from an
modified xerographic copying process to
intra-oral sensor that is stimulated by x-rays
record images produced by diagnostic x-
from a standard dental machine. The
rays. Xero-radiography records images
computer-monitorised image then appears
produced by x-radiation but differs from
immediately upon the video monitor much
conventional radiography in that it does not
like that in a large regular radiograph. This
require wet chemicals or dark room for
image may then be varied in size (zoom in
for enlargement), in contrast (gradations of
In endodontics, Xero-radiographs permit grey) and finally it can be printed out. The
better visualization of pulp chamber image can also be stored in computer for
morphology, root canal configuration and alter recall. Two of the earlier models of
root outline. This is especially evident in the DDR system are the RVG (Radio -
maxillary molars and pre molars, in which Visiography) developed by Dr. Francis
zygomatic arch and maxillary sinus super- Mouyan, a French dentist and VIXA (Video
impositions will hinder accurate imaging X-ray application).
visualization of dental structures. The
B. Non-radiographic methods
lamina-dura is also clearly observed. A
dental Xero-radiograph is also a useful 1. Apex finder

Bhatt A. et al, Int J Dent Health Sci 2015; 2(1):105-115
M.M.Negm in 1982 introduced a novel facts that make tactile identification
method of determining the length of root possible.
canal without the use of radiographs. The
i. The unresorbed canal commonly
new instrument apex finder is used to
constricts just before exiting the root .
locate the apex as well as measuring the
root length. The application of this method ii. It frequently changes course in the last 2-
is based on insertion of a fine plastic 3 mm. Both structures apply pressure to
tapered bared shaft through a beveled tube the file. A narrowing presses more tightly
into the root canal. against the instrument, whereas a
curvature deflects the instrument from a
When resistance to withdrawl is felt which
straight path. Both consume energy and
indicates that some barbs have engaged the
sensitive instrument with which the
apical margin, the shaft is marked at the
experienced clinician can accurately
level of the cusp tip. The distance between
determine passage through the foramen.
the mark and the barbs, which caused the
At this point, it also has access to pass
resistance, is measured.
through the apical accessory canal.
2. Audio metric method
4. Paper point evaluation
It is based on the principle of electrical
The paper point may be used to detect
resistance of comparative tissue using a low
bleeding or apical moisture. A bloody or
frequency oscillation sound to indicate
moist tip suggests an over extended
when similarity to electrical resistance has
preparation. Further assessment of the
occurred by a similar sound response. By
apical preparation and working length
placing an instrument in the gingival sulcus
should be made. The point of wetness often
and including an electric current until sound
given an approximate location to the actual
is produced and then repeating this by
canal end point. A wet or bloody point may
placing an instrument through the root
also indicate that the foramen has been
canal until the same sound is heard, one
zipped or the apex perforated during
can determine the length of the tooth.
preparation. These conditions would
3. Tactile method require additional canal shaping in addition
to adjustment of working length.
The experienced clinician develops a keen
tactile sense and can gain considerable 5. Electronics apex locator
information from passing an instrument
Although the term “apex locator” is
through the canal. Following access, when
commonly used and has become accepted
interferences in the coronal third of the
terminology, it is a misnomer. These
canal are removed, the observant clinician
devices attempt to locate the apical
can detect a sudden increase in resistance,
constriction, the cemento-dentinal junction,
as a small file approaches the apex. Careful
or the apical foramen. They are not
study of the apical anatomy discloses two
capable of routinely locating the
Bhatt A. et al, Int J Dent Health Sci 2015; 2(1):105-115
radiographic apex. In 1918, Custer was the Classification and Accuracy of Apex
first to report the use of electric current to Locators:
calculate working length. The scientific
The classification of apex locators
basis for apex locators originated with
presented here is a modification of the
research conducted by Suzuki in 1942. In
classification given by McDonald. This
1960, Gordon was the second to report the
classification is based on the type of current
use of a clinical device for electrical
flow and the opposite to the current flow,
measurement of root canals. Sunada
as well as the number of frequencies
adopted the principle reported by Suzuki
and was the first to describe the detail of a
simple clinical devise to measure working First-Generation Apex Locators- First –
length in patients. He used a simple direct generation apex locations devices, also
current ohmmeter to measure a constant known as “resistance apex locators”,
resistance of 6.5 kilo-ohms between oral measure opposition to the flow of direct
mucous membrane and the periodontium current or resistance. Eg- sono-explorer.
regardless of the size or shape of the teeth.
The device used by Sunada in his research Second-generation apex locators - Second-
became the basis for most apex locators. generation apex locators, also known as
“impedance apex locators”, measure
All apex locators function by using the opposition to the flow of alternating
human body to complete an electrical current or impedance.
circuit. One side of the apex locator’s
circuitry is connected to an endodontic There is another issue: not all apex locators
instrument. The other side is connected to incorporate the same degree of
the patient’s body either by a contact to the sophistication in electronic circuitry that
patient’s hand. The electrical circuit is adjusts its sensitivity to compensate for the
completed when the endodontic intracanal environment or indicates on its
instrument is advanced apically inside the display that it should be switched from a
root canal until it touches periodontal “wet” to a “dry” mode or vice versa. Eg-
tissue. The display on the apex locator Apex finder, Endo Analyzer.
indicates that the apical area has been
Third –Generation Apex Locators- The
reached. This simple and commonly
principle on which “third-generation” apex
accepted explanation for the electronic
locators are based “comparative
phenomenon has been challenged. It would
impedance”.Since the impedance of a given
be useful clinically to use the apical
circuit may be substantially influenced by
constriction as the ideal apical foramen.
the frequency of the current flow, these
Consideration should also be given to using
devices have been called “frequency
– 0.5 to 0.0 m as the most clinically ideal
dependent”. Eg- Endex.
error tolerance.
Fourth- Generation Apex Locators- The
apex locaters are similar to Impedance-type
Bhatt A. et al, Int J Dent Health Sci 2015; 2(1):105-115
because it measures the impedance of the  Reduction of x-ray exposure
tooth at two different frequencies. As the
 Artificial perforation can be
file is advanced apically, the difference in
the impedance value begins to differ greatly
with maximum difference at the apical  Can be used in pregnant women –
area. because of no risk of radiation
Fifth-Generation Apex Locators- These  Can used in patient with gagging
were developed in 2003. It measures the reflex
capacitance and resistance of the circuit
separately. It is supplied by diagnostic table  Can be used when dense zygomatic
that includes the statistics of the values at arch is over lapping the apices of
different positions to diagnose the position upper molars
of the file. Devices employing this method
 Can be used unerupted impacted
experience considerable difficulties while
tooth over shadows the apex
operating in dry canals.
 Patients who have a phobia of
Sixth-Generation Apex Locators-The sixth
radiographic exposure.
generation Adaptive Apex Locator
overcomes as the disadvantages of the Disadvantages of electronic apex locators
popular apex locators IVth generation low
 Requires a special device
accuracy on working in wet canals, as well
the disadvantages of devices Vth generation  Accuracy is influenced by the
difficulty on working in dry canals and electrical conditions in the root
necessarily of compulsory, additional canal
wetting. Adaptive Apex Locator
continuously defines humidity of the canal  Difficult in tooth with open apex
and immediately adapts to dry or wet canal.  Inconsistent results
This way it is possible to use it dry and in
additional wetted canals as well, canals Recent advances:
with blood or exudates, canals with still not
Tomography: Is a radiographic technique
extirpated pulp.
that “slices” teeth in thin sections.
Advantages of electronic apex locators Computers subsequently reassemble the
sections to generate a three-dimensional
 Only method that can measure the image. Dental anatomy including bucco-
apical foramen, not to the lingual curvatures shapes of the root canal
radiographic apex. spaces and location of the apical foramen
 Accurate (which is important in determining or
calculating the working length) can be
 Easy and fast visualized in the third-dimension. Additional
advantage in the elimination of angled
Bhatt A. et al, Int J Dent Health Sci 2015; 2(1):105-115
radiographs; all angled views are captured The RVG on screen measurement utility
in just one exposure. allows for rapid additive multiple point
measurement of digital images,
Videography and Intra-Oral Cameras: intra-
automatically tallying the measurement
oral videography is an non-ionizing
points on screen to a tenth of a millimeter.
diagnostic imaging technique. Developers
are using miniature colour CCD (charge Empirically it was expected that multiple
coupled device) chips. With fiber optic measurements along the curve of a canal
probes to assemble video cameras small would be more accurate than a straight-line
enough to transverse periodontal defects measurement from the reference point to
and identify vertical root fractures. These the apex. It was felt that if measurement
devices are useful in endodontics as they points were able to closely follow the curve
can display canal morphology as well aid in a truely estimate of the working length
locating canal orifices. Perforations can be would be obtained.
visualized by inserting the fiber optic probe
down the suspected canal.These devices
are connected to a computer that provides It can be concluded from the current article
enhanced images for teaching and patient that electronic apex locater are not
education. superior to the radiograph in determining
the working length. Thus long term follow
DDR- Fourth generation DDR: one of the
up studies evaluating post-operative
more recent additions to Trophy’s fourth
success comparing radiographic and non-
generation RVG systems is the capability of
radiographic methods are needed to
on screen point-to-point measurements
appreciate the best method of working
using multiple additive points. This
length determination in endodonitics.
capability potentially allows for fast
accurate working length estimation in roots
demonstrating severe apical curvatures.

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