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Calculations of spring constants for mat foundations and base slabs of box type

As per Winkler’s linear model of elastic soil, pressure deflection relation can be express by the following

p(x,y) = K x w(x,y)

Where, p = Pressure on soil

w = Soil deformation
K = Constant
For uni-direction above equation may be written as: p=Kxy
Or K = p/y …….(i)
Mr. Terzaghi termed constant ‘K’ as Modulus of sub grade reaction.
As per Terzaghi’s definition of co –efficient of sub grade reaction, Ks = q/y ……(ii)

Both the equations (i) & (ii) are identical and are used for calculating for elastic spring constant to assign
supports in various analysis tools and software.
Now, from spring-force formula: F = Kx

Force, F = Ky (for vertical direction)

Or qA = Ky
K = (q/y)A
K = (Ks)A …..using eqn. (ii)
Where, q = pressure
A = area under consideration
K = spring constant to be assign for support
y = deformation

For example,
Assumed base pressure = 150kN/m2
Spacing of reaction to be applied for supports = 0.5m
Assume, allowable settlement = 10mm
= 0.010m
Subgrade reaction Ks =150/0.01
= 15000kN/m3
Value of spring constants, K = (Ks)A
=15000 x 0.5 x 1 (assume width of model 1m)
K = 7500kN/m

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