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Nymber of trucks per year PAYLOAD

Reagent Volume Weight of reagent Weight per year Number of trucks Remarks
m3/truck ton/truck ton/year trucks/year
1 Sulfuric acid 21 39 942,650 24,400 Add ISO20ft container (6ton)
2 Sulfur 14 28,840 2,130 40ft Trailer
3 Coal 50 45 276,600 6,150 45t Dump Truck
4 Limestone 38 45 668,490 14,860 45t Dump Truck
5 Quick lime 22 125,000 5,690 Add 20ft container (4ton)
6 48%NaOH 21 32 14,990 480 Add ISO20ft container (6ton)
7 Methanol 21 17 11,630 710 Add ISO20ft container (6ton)
8 Diesel 15 13 6,600 530 15m3 Lorry
9 MS-Product 32 83,720 2,620 40ft Trailer

11 Potable Water 21 21 365 Add ISO20ft container (6ton)

12 Bus (50 person) 21,900 (=1500person/50(person/bus)×2(cycle))

Other company (Mining)

13 Dump (25t) 12,000
Total 91,835

PAYLOAD Number of trucks
3 Coal 50 45 276,600 6,150 45t Dump Truck
4 Limestone 38 45 668,490 14,860 45t Dump Truck
13 Dump (25t) 12,000
33,010 per year
90 per day/AADT
Average Payload = 45 ton
GVM = 58.2 ton
Axle Loads configuration = ( 7 + 8.5 + 8.5 + 12 + 12 + 12 ) ton
ESAL of the Dump Truk = ( 7/8.165)^4+(8.5/8.165)^4+(8.5/8.165)^4+(12/8.165)^4+(12/8.165)^4+(12/8.165)^4= 16.89 ESAL/Dump Tuck
From Table 30% - AADT = 90/0.3 = 300 Truk/day
Base Year Design ESAL = 15,000 x 16.89 = 253,350 ESAL/Year

PAYLOAD Number of trucks
2 Sulfur 14 28,840 2,130 40ft Trailer
9 MS-Product 32 83,720 2,620 40ft Trailer
4,750 per year
13 per day/AADT
Average Payload = 25 ton
GVM = 40 ton
Axle Loads configuration = ( 6 + 12 + 12 + 12 ) ton
ESAL of the 40 Feet Trailer = ( 6/8.165)^4+(12/8.165)^4+(12/8.165)^4+(12/8.165)^4 = 14.29 ESAL/40 Feet Trailer
From Table 30% - AADT = 13/0.3 = 43.33 40 Feet Trailer/day
Base Year Design ESAL = 2,166.5 x 14.29 = 30,959 ESAL/Year

PAYLOAD Number of trucks
1 Sulfuric acid 21 39 942,650 24,400 Add ISO20ft container (6ton)
6 48%NaOH 21 32 14,990 480 Add ISO20ft container (6ton)
24,880 per year
68 per day/AADT
Average Payload = 39 ton
GVM = 54 ton
Axle Loads configuration = ( 6 + 10 + 10 + 14 + 14 ) ton
ESAL of the 20 Feet Trailer = ( 6/8.165)^4+(10/8.165)^4+(10/8.165)^4+(14/8.165)^4+(14/8.165)^4 = 22.08 ESAL/20 Feet Trailer
From Table 30% - AADT = 68/0.3 = 226.7 20 Feet Trailer/day
Base Year Design ESAL = 11,333 x 22.08 = 250,240 ESAL/Year

PAYLOAD Number of trucks

5 Quick lime 22 125,000 5,690 Add 20ft container (4ton)
7 Methanol 21 17 11,630 710 Add ISO20ft container (6ton)
8 Diesel 15 13 6,600 530 15m3 Lorry
11 Potable Water 21 21 365 Add ISO20ft container (6ton)
7,295 per year
20 per day/AADT
Average Payload = 21 ton
GVM = 36 ton
Axle Loads configuration = ( 6 + 12 + 18 ) ton
ESAL of the 20 Feet Trailer = ( 6/8.165)^4+(12/8.165)^4+(18/8.165)^4 = 28.58 ESAL/20 Feet Trailer
From Table 30% - AADT = 20/0.3 = 66.7 20 Feet Trailer/day
Base Year Design ESAL = 3,335 x 28.58 = 95,314 ESAL/Year


PAYLOAD Number of trucks

12 Bus (50 person) 5 21,900 (=1500person/50(person/bus)×2(cycle))
21,900 per year
60 per day/AADT
Average Payload = 5 ton
GVM = 18 ton
Axle Loads configuration = ( 6 + 12 ) ton
ESAL of the Bus = ( 6/8.165)^4+(12/8.165)^4 = 4.96 ESAL/Bus
From Table 30% - AADT = 60/0.3 = 200 Bus/day
Base Year Design ESAL = 10,000 x 4.96 = 49,600 ESAL/Year

Total Base Year Design ESAL = 253,350 + 30,959 + 250,240 + 95,314 + 49,600 = 679,463 ESALs
Annual Growth = 0%
Basic Design = 20 Years

Growth Factor = 20

Total ESAL = 679,463 x 20 = 13,589,260 ESALs

CBR of Subgrade minimum 5

Minimum Subbase Thickness = 14 Inch

If we use Pavement Thickness = 20 Inch + Top Layer 4 Inch ( Design is SAFE )

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