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Keane Andre O.

Quinio 8-SE

Topic: Underemployment

Underemployment is a problem in the Philippines because of technological changes, unequal supply and
demand, and recession leading to skilled workers with low income jobs, skilled workers in jobs that don’t fully
utilize their skills, and part time workers working full time, basically those factors make people desperate and
take any job they can.

Firstly, The causes of Underemployment are what I stated before, and also a few more, such as low demand
for skilled workers and a large amount of skilled workers, this may be because of a decrease in demand for a
product or service, so certain industries no longer need workers with the skills to create that product or offer
that service, one I mentioned before, technological changes. Technology would take jobs that people would
have easily taken, like ATMs taking away bank teller jobs, or Manufacturing Robots that take away factory
worker jobs , so on and so on, evidence supporting this is on,, and, mostly

Secondly, Underemployment’s effects, it contributes to rising poverty levels, since people pay for education
and training and then don’t get jobs that compensate them to pay off their debts, let alone earn what they
should be earning given their backgrounds, etc. Another effect Underemployment can cause is psychological
problems. Underemployed people may experience high stress and anxiety, due to not being able to make ends
meet, and on top of that, they feel like they have wasted their precious time and money on something that
doesn’t let them fully utilize what they learned. It can also lead to Unemployment, since underemployed
workers won’t be able to update their resumes with skills and on the job training, etc. These can be supported
by the sites listed before:, and

Lastly, My opinion influenced by sites on providing solutions for Underemployment in the Philippines, one of
them is: have more diverse jobs so that people have more options and reduces Underemployment rates, this,
in my opinion, is a good solution for Underemployment, in, it says that Thailand and
Vietnam have extremely low Unemployment and Underemployment because of their diversified rural
economies. Indonesia, in contrast, is very diverse and has higher figures.

In conclusion, Underemployment is a problem in the Philippines because of the low demand of skilled
workers, technological changes, and more, leading to skilled workers taking low income jobs, and low skill
jobs, also leading them to have psychological problems such as high stress and anxiety, and making them feel
like they wasted a huge amount of time, effort, and money but they didn’t get to utilize what they were
taught and they feel like all their effort was wasted.
Keane Andre O. Quinio 8-SE

Topic: Underemployment

Underemployment is a problem in the Philippines because of technological changes, unequal supply and
demand, and recession leading to skilled workers with low income jobs, skilled workers in jobs that don’t fully
utilize their skills, and part time workers working full time, basically those factors make people desperate and
take any job they can.

Firstly, The causes of Underemployment are what I stated before, and also a few more, such as low demand
for skilled workers and a large amount of skilled workers, this may be because of a decrease in demand for a
product or service, so certain industries no longer need workers with the skills to create that product or offer
that service, one I mentioned before, technological changes. Technology would take jobs that people would
have easily taken, like ATMs taking away bank teller jobs, or Manufacturing Robots that take away factory
worker jobs , so on and so on, evidence supporting this is on,, and, mostly

Secondly, Underemployment’s effects, it contributes to rising poverty levels, since people pay for education
and training and then don’t get jobs that compensate them to pay off their debts, let alone earn what they
should be earning given their backgrounds, etc. Another effect Underemployment can cause is psychological
problems. Underemployed people may experience high stress and anxiety, due to not being able to make ends
meet, and on top of that, they feel like they have wasted their precious time and money on something that
doesn’t let them fully utilize what they learned. It can also lead to Unemployment, since underemployed
workers won’t be able to update their resumes with skills and on the job training, etc. These can be supported
by the sites listed before:, and

Lastly, My opinion influenced by sites on providing solutions for Underemployment in the Philippines, one of
them is: have more diverse jobs so that people have more options and reduces Underemployment rates, this,
in my opinion, is a good solution for Underemployment, in, it says that Thailand and
Vietnam have extremely low Unemployment and Underemployment because of their diversified rural
economies. Indonesia, in contrast, is very diverse and has higher figures.

In conclusion, Underemployment is a problem in the Philippines because of the low demand of skilled
workers, technological changes, and more, leading to skilled workers taking low income jobs, and low skill
jobs, also leading them to have psychological problems such as high stress and anxiety, and making them feel
like they wasted a huge amount of time, effort, and money but they didn’t get to utilize what they were
taught and they feel like all their effort was wasted.

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