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Presented to the Faculty of

Computer Applications Department
College of Computer Studies
Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology
Iligan City

In Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree


May 2019
Republic of the Philippines
Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology


The thesis attached here to entitled “AUTOMATED VENDING
MONITORING SYSTEM”, prepared and submitted by Izza P. Alindong,
Glaisel Faith M. Regner, Erull Marron T. Tonzo in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Electronics and
Computer Technology, is hereby recommended for approval.


Member Member

_______________________ _________________________
Date Date





Adviser Co-Adviser

__________________________ _________________________
Date Date

This thesis is approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
of Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Computer Technology major in
Communication Systems.


Chairperson, ESET Department Dean, College of Computer Studies

_________________________ _________________________
Date Date

We hereby declare that we are responsible for the work submitted in this
thesis, that the original work is our own except as specified in the references. This
has not previously been submitted for a degree nor has it been submitted as part of
any requirement for a degree of any other institution. In addition, we certify that all
information sources and literature used are indicated in this manuscript.

We also declare that the intellectual content of this manuscript is the

product of our own work except for the extent of assistance from others in the
project’s design and conception which are properly acknowledged.






Philippines is one of the developing countries in Asia with most numbered

population that suffers serious problem on sanitation. Inadequate sanitation
threatens the sustainability of the Philippine environment and health of the Filipinos
as well. The Philippine government has made advancements on educating about the
anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive system, e.g. the WASH
implemented in schools.However, even with current education and health policies,
itstill seemed far fetched when it comes to menstrual hygiene. Research found that
the onset of menstruation presents several challenges for girls in school. Girls report
experiencing stress, shame, embarrassment, confusion and fear due to lack of
knowledge, and the inability to manage menstrual flow or from being teased by
peers. These challenges may negatively impact girls’ learning experiences and
result in absenteeism, distraction, decreased school participation and falling behind
in course work. Girls may face these challenges as a result of poor menstruation-
related knowledge; insufficient access to menstrual hygiene materials; and
inadequate school water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) comfort rooms for girls
to wash themselves, change materials in a private space, and discreetly dispose of
menstrual hygiene materials. The UNICEF Philippines Country Office invited
Emory University to include the Philippines in the multi-country menstrual hygiene
management (MHM) in schools research, with the aim of understanding the range
of challenges faced by schoolgirls during menstruation, and the determinants of
those challenges. Thus, the researchers wanted to develop an Automated Vending
Machine for Female Personal Hygiene with Account Monitoring System (AVM for
FPH with AMS) to promote proper sanitation and personal hygiene among all
female students of MSU-IIT.

Keywords: Vending machine, Account monitoring, sanitation, comfort rooms,

personal hygiene.
We dedicate this thesis to our dearest parents
for being our provider, motivator and our number one
supporter specially those difficult times.

To our God Almighty our Creator,

our strong Pillar, our source of Inspiration,
Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding for
He has been the source of strength throughout this thesis.

The completion of this study was made possible by many individuals. There
are no proper words to express our deepest appreciation and sincere gratitude to all
who had helped and supported us while doing this study. Firstly, to our Almighty
God Jesus Christ for giving us guidance, wisdom and power for us to surpass each
day and every challenges that we had encountered not only in our research but also
in our lives.
Secondly to our parents, siblings and friends that always raise us up in times
that we are down during our struggles in doing our research.
We would like to express warmth appreciation to the people who made this
study possible.
To Sir Jofel P. Batutay, who was a great help in our firmware
programming; to Rowen Jay V. Obenario for always supporting us in our
To our adviser Prof. Joel I. Miano and Co-adviser Prof. Nerissa Adlaon
for guiding and teaching us the best things to do to improve and finish our study.
To the panel members, Mr. Ian Bagunas, Prof. Ofelia Mendoza and Prof.
Joseph Allan Y. Mascardo who gave us suggestions and recommendations
regarding our study which greatly helped us in improving our study.

TITLE PAGE ......................................................................................................................... i
CERTIFICATE OF PANEL APPROVAL .................................................................. ii
CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTIC AUTHORSHIP ............................................... iii
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................... iv
DEDICATION ........................................................................................................................v
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .............................................................................................. vi
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................. vii
LISTS OF TABLES ........................................................................................................... xii
LISTS OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................ xiii


1.1 Background of the Study ............................................................. 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem ............................................................. 2
1.3 Objectives of the Study ................................................................ 2
1.4 Scope and Limitation .................................................................. 3
1.5 Significance of the Study ............................................................. 3
1.6 Research Conceptual Framework ................................................ 4
1.7 Operational Definition of Terms ................................................. 5



2.1 Global Sanitation Issues............................................................... 7

2.2 Hygiene and sanitation in the Philippines .................................. 11
2.3 Smart Coffee Vending Machine Using RFID ............................ 13
2.4 Barcode based Student Attendance System ............................... 13
2.5 Solar Powered IoT based Intelligent Sanitary Napkin

Dispense ..................................................................................... 14
2.6 Water Vending Machine ............................................................ 15


3.1 System Design ........................................................................... 17

3.1.1 System Implementation ............................................................. 18
3.1.2 Hardware Design ................................................................................. 18
3.1.3 Software Design ....................................................................... 19
3.1.4 Prototype Design ...................................................................... 20
3.2 System Specification ................................................................ 21
3.2.1 Hardware Specification ............................................................. 21
A. 7” Capacitive Touchscreen LCD with Raspberry Pi ................ 21
B. Arduino UNO ........................................................................... 21
C. Servo motors with Spring Coil ................................................ 21
D. PIR Sensor and Relay Module ................................................. 22
E. Barcode Scanner ...................................................................... 22
F. System Prototype ...................................................................... 22
G. System Box ................................................................................ 23
3.2.2 Appropriate Software ............................................................... 23
A. Arduino and C/C++/Java IDE .................................................... 23
B. Code Blocks ............................................................................... 24
3.3 Schematic Diagram of AVM-FPH with AMS ......................... 25


4.1 Methodology Flowchart ............................................................ 26

4.2 Phase 1:Gathering of Information and Data Analysis ............... 27
A. Data gathered through related literature and studies ................ 27
B. Data gathered through observations........................................... 27
C. Data gathered through conducting Preliminary a survey ........... 27
4.3 Phase 2: Designing and Developing System Prototype ............. 27
4.3.1 Hardware Development ............................................................. 28

4.3.2 Firmware Development ........................................................... 28

4.4 Integration of Hardware and Software ....................................... 29
4.5 Phase 3: Testing and Evaluation of Components of the
System Prototype ..................................................................... 29
4.5.1 System Firmware Testing .......................................................... 29
A. Registered ID Barcode Detection ............................................. 29
B. ID Barcode Not Registered Warning ........................................ 30
C. Product Purchasing Warning ..................................................... 30
D. Balance Recorded in the User Interface..................................... 30
E. Offline Database Login Feature ................................................ 30
F. Balance Recorded in the Offline Database ............................... 31
4.5.2 System Prototype Feature Testing ............................................. 31
A. PIR Sensor Testing .................................................................... 31
B. Barcode Scanner Testing ........................................................... 31
C. Product Dispensing of the System Prototype Testing................ 31
4.6 Evaluation .................................................................................. 32


5.1 Gathering of Data Result ........................................................... 33

5.1.1 Results of The Preliminary Survey ........................................... 33
5.2 Designing and Development of System Result ....................... 39
5.2.1 System Hardware Design and Development Result .................. 39
5.2.2 System Firmware Design Result ................................................ 39
5.2.3 System Prototype Design and Development Result .................. 40
5.3 System Testing and Evaluation Result .................................... 41
5.3.1 System Firmware Feature Results ............................................. 41
A. Registered ID Barcode Detection Test Result ........................... 41
B. ID Barcode Not Registered Detection Test Result .................... 42
C. Product Purchasing Test Result ................................................ 42
D. Balance Recorded in the User Interface Test Result ................. 43
E. Offline Database Login Feature ................................................ 43

F. Balance Recorded in the Offline Database Test Result ............. 44

5.3.2 System Hardware Result ........................................................... 45
5.3.3 System Prototype Features Result ............................................ 45
A. PIR Sensor Testing Result ........................................................ 45
B. Barcode Scanner Testing Result ................................................ 46
C. Product Dispensing of The System Prototype Result ................ 48
5.4 Satisfactory Respondent Post-Survey Results .......................... 49


6.1 Conclusion ................................................................................. 51

62. Recommendations .................................................................... 52

A Gannt Chart ...................................................................................... 55
B Budget Proposal .............................................................................. 56
C Preliminary Survey Questionnaire .................................................. 57
D Sample Preliminary Survey Answer ............................................... 58
E Post Survey Questionnaire ............................................................... 59
F Post Survey Answer .......................................................................... 60
G Hardware Specification .................................................................... 61
H System Code ..................................................................................... 69
I Photo Gallery .................................................................................... 76



Table Page
5.1 Development of System Result ................................................................ 39
5.2 Vending Machine Firmware Features ...................................................... 44
5.3 Hardware Components Testing Results ................................................... 45
5.4A PIR Sensor Distance Result ..................................................................... 46
5.4B PIR Sensor Motion Result ....................................................................... 46
5.5A Unregistered ID Numbers Testing Results .............................................. 47
5.5B Registered ID Numbers Testing Results .................................................. 48
5.6 Product Dispensing of the Sytem Prototype Testing Result .................... 48

Figure Page
1.1 Conceptual Framework of the Study ......................................................... 4
2.1 Reaction to menstruation .......................................................................... 8
2.2 Type of absorbents used during menstruation .......................................... 8
2.3 Reasons for not using sanitary pads .......................................................... 8
2.4 NFHS 2015-2016 survey .......................................................................... 9
2.5 Access to disposable sanitary napkin has increased .............................. 10
2.6 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development ........................................... 10
2.7 Shows limited access to facilities ........................................................... 11
2.8 Shows official sanitation coverage data for the Philippines ................... 12
2.9 Block diagram of coffee vending machine ............................................. 13
2.10 Architecture of the system ...................................................................... 14
2.11 Block Diagram ........................................................................................ 15
2.12 Block Diagram ......................................................................................... 16
3.1 System Interface and process for AVM for FPH with AMS .................. 17
3.2 AVM for FPH-AMS hardware design .................................................... 18
3.3 Software Development ............................................................................ 19
3.4 Actual system position ............................................................................ 20
3.5 System Box ............................................................................................ 23
3.6 Software Interface ................................................................................... 24
3.7 Code blocks ............................................................................................. 24
3.8 Schematic Diagram of AVM-FPH with AMS ........................................ 25
4.1 Methodology Flowchart .......................................................................... 26
5.1 Shows the existing Vending Machine in CCS ........................................ 33
5.2 Commonly use Comfort Room in CCS .................................................. 34
5.3 Number of times to use the Comfort Rooms ........................................... 34
5.4 Reasons in going to the Comfort Rooms ................................................. 35

5.5 Sanitary Products available in the School Canteen................................. 35

5.6 Percentage of Female respondents who frequently buy Sanitary
Products in the canteen ........................................................................... 36
5.7 Shows how convenient in purchasing sanitary products in the
canteen .................................................................................................... 36
5.8 Reasons of not buying sanitary pads in the canteen ................................ 37
5.9 Shows the percentage of students who agreed to have a vending
machine inside the Comfort Room .......................................................... 37
5.10 Respondents sanitary products choice ..................................................... 38
5.11 Shows the different features vending machine or proposed system
prototype .................................................................................................. 38
5.12 System Hardware .................................................................................... 40
5.13 System Firmware ..................................................................................... 40
5.14 System Prototype ..................................................................................... 41
5.15 ID Barcode Detection Testing Result ...................................................... 41
5.16 ID Barcode Not Registered Warning Test Result .................................... 42
5.17 Product Purchasing Test Result ............................................................... 42
5.18 Balance Recorded in the User Interface Result ...................................... 43
5.19 Offline Database Login Feature .............................................................. 43
5.20 Balance Recorded in the Offline Database Test Result .......................... 44
5.21 Result of Registered ID Barcode ............................................................. 47
5.22 Result of Unregistered ID Barcode .......................................................... 47
5.23 System Functionality Accuracy Rate ....................................................... 49
5.24 System Importance in Maintaining Hygiene for Females Rate ............... 49
5.25 Respondent’s System Evaluation Rating ................................................. 50


1.1 Background of the Study

Personal Hygiene is the most important part to consider in one’s life which
includes different habits like body hygiene, oral hygiene, hand washing, face
hygiene, and even the constant grooming of fingernails, ear, hair, foot, and etc.
Moreover, menstrual cycle for femalesis seemed to be a sensitive topic, especially
since there is a need tokeep away from viruses, bacteria and fungal to avoid
infections. Sanitation and hygiene arecritical to health, survival, and development.
Many countries are challenged in providing adequate sanitation for its entire
population, leaving people at risk for water, sanitation, and hygiene-related
diseases. Throughout the world, an estimated 2.4 billion people lack basic
sanitation, more than 32% of the world’s population (Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, 2017).
The Sustainable Development Goal number six (6) stated that unsafe drinking
of water, unsafe sanitation and lack of hygiene continues to be the major
contributors to global mortalityresulting in about 870,000 deaths in 2016. These
deaths were not mainly caused of diarrhea related diseases but also from
malnutrition and intestinal nematode infections. Furthermore, it also stated that
ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being of all ages could be achieved
through an improved sanitation hygiene. Also, SDG number five (5) which is
focused in achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls,
expressed hygiene as a key factor for women and girls to access the economical,
educational, and social opportunities they deserve.
Thus, the researchers aims to develop the Automated Vending Machine
for Female Personal Hygiene with Account Monitoring System (AVM for FPH-
AMS) to provide a personal hygiene products for the women.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The unprepared menstrual cycle becomes the precursor of this study, the reason
as to whycreating a more reliable hassle-free automated vending machine
specifically designed to cater the women’s personal needs during menstrual period.
Often times, the irregular menstrual cycle ofgives a lot of stress to any woman who
is experiencing it than those who have regular onset. The overall population of
Collede of Computer Studies (CCS)is around 577 undergraduates, which are all
currently enrolled, having 310 male and 267 female students respectively. From the
results of the preliminary survey conducted, among the 150 female students from
CCS, about 56% of these population used comfort rooms duringtheir menstruations.
Furthermore, it showed that 129 out of 150 or 86% of the total female students has
a problem accessing sanitary products during their menstrual period especially
during school days since most college canteen do not sell sanitary product.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The objective of this study is to establish a new design from the existing vending
machine for school public restrooms designed for women experiencing problems
and difficulties for not having reliable and immediate access to sanitary products
and other necessities. This study aims to accomplish the following:
1. To know the existing designs of vending machine.
2. To know the processes and procedure of the existing vending machine.
3. To design and develop an automated Vending Machine for FemalePersonal
Hygiene with Account Monitoring system (AVM for FPH-AMS) intended
for the personal needs and necessities of women.
4. To test the functionality and acceptability of the AVM for FPH-AMS

1.4 Scope and Limitation

This research focused only on developing a system which would provide the
personal and sanitary needs of the CCS female students,through the use of vending
machine. This system used the usual and common Screw type vending machine,
however, instead of being mechanically operated using coins or bills, this vending
machine employed bar code scanner for students’ ID as a method in accessing the
machine Moreover, the researchers generated an experimental database system
wherein the payment of all the products purchased by the student or user would
automatically be sent directly to the system. It is proposed also thatpayments are to
be collected by the end of every semester and be considered as an clearance item,
but only for those students who have used the machine. Also, this system optimized
a touch screen display feature when selecting the desired items.
The AVM for FPH-AMS system has a monitoring system that will monitor
the availability of the products inside the machine and notify the authorized person
or operator about the remaining products. Also, this system integratedthe Raspberry
Pi as its main micro controller which controls all functions of both the hardware
and software of the system. In addition, the researchers used Arduino UNO solely
for the servo motors of the system. Lastly, The prototype was tested in the ground
floor of the comfort room in CCS andselected in-demand female
productscommonly used by the students during menstruation period.

1.5 Significance of the study

This study is significant to the following:

To Academe, the study will provide possible solutions for the

administration to promote sanitation and personal hygiene of all Female recipients
of MSU- IIT.
To Community, this study can help the community specially people that
has common problem of not having immediate access to sanitary products and other
necessities during their menstruation and when using the comfort rooms.
To Female Students, this study will help them in providing sanitation and

personal hygiene that they need.

To Future Researchers, this study will serve as a reference to other

researchers who want to further develop this study. Also, for researchers who wish
to study on related to vending machine with monitoring systems, and for other
future references.

1.6 Research Conceptual Framework

Figure 1.1 Conceptual Framework of the Study

Figure 1.1 illustrates the sytem’s problems and itsfactors which is

significant towards better understanding of the entire research i.e. the unprepared
menstrual period and the inaccessible way for each female during their cycle. Also,
there were other factors cited affectingthe system.One of which was the lack of

access to sanitary products. Based on theseinitial information, the researchers is

inspired to come up with a solution in helpingthe female students to have an easy
and convenient access to their necessary needs, and that is to develop the AVM for
FPH with AMS.

1.7 Operational Definition of terms

Arduino UNO. It is a credit-card size board where you can store and run a
program and function as a micro controller. This item will be used solely for the
researchers Servo motors with the Spring coils attached to it that the researchers
will use to dispense the sanitary products prior to the users or buyers choice.
Account system. It is a system that is semi-similar to the My.IIT but
the difference is that the only function of the system is to store or record
all the product taken or purchase by the user prior to using the vending
machine. Moreover, in order to access and use the vending the user must
have a personal account created.
Barcode. A barcode is a square or rectangular image consisting of a series
of parallel black lines and white spaces of varying widths that can be read by a
Barcode scanner. It is a device that records and translate bar codes from
the image you recognize into alphanumeric digits in order to access the vending
Coil Spring.It is a spring shaped tool inside the vending machine which is
rotated by the motor that helps dispense and drop the products when the vending
machine is accessed.
Monitoring. It is a feature in the system that will monitor the availability of
the products inside the machine and notify the authorized person or operator about
the remaining products inside the machine.
Motion sensor. An electronic device capable of converting the movements
it senses into electrical signals. It functions as the system power saving device

wherein the vending machine will only operate when the sensor detects a user from
a considerable range.
Raspberry Pi. This item will be used as the main module or micro
controller for the study which will carry and store the program and control the
general function of the hardware and software of the system.
Sensor. A device that can responds or detects from the physical
environment and transmits a resulting impulse.
Servo Motor. It is a rotary actuator that consist of a suitable motor that
allows to precisely control the rotation of the coil spring to properly dispense
products carried by the coil spring.
Touch screen. A computer screen that allows users to select the product and
the quantity of the product they wish to purchase in the vending machine using their
Vending machine. Is an automatic machine that has mechanical parts that
dispenses sanitary products such as napkins and tissues when the bar code is
scanned, or if you input your ID number.



This research study cited books, articles and laws which are relevant to the
present investigation. It is composed of relevant literature and related studies, both
local and foreign, which contain facts and information on the research problem that
has significant bearings to the present study.

2.1 Global Sanitation Issues

Poor management of menstruation affects many girls globally, and especially
in low- and middle-income countries. Menstrual hygiene is an issue that is
insufficiently acknowledged and has not received adequate attention in the
reproductive health and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sectors in
developing countries including India and its relationship with and impact on
achieving many Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is rarely acknowledged
(Yasmin S et al 2013). A total of 82% of women experience some form of infection
during menstruation. Hygiene related practices of women during menstruation are
of considerable importance as it affects health by increasing vulnerability to
infection especially the infections of urinary tract and perineum (Nemade, 2009).
In addition, inadequate social support and presence of taboos can lead to
psychosocial consequences of menstruation including shame, fear, anxiety and
distraction. Figure 2.1 shows that even though most of them had heard about
menstruation, a large majority of the participants showed varied reactions. Principal
emotions associated with menstruation among urban and rural participants included
fear 125 (46.3%) and 148 (52.9%), followed by a feeling of embarrassment 50
(18.5%) and 77 (43%), and anxiety in 38 (14.1%) and 44 (15.7%) respectively.
There wasn’t any reaction from 26.3%) and 16.8%) of the urban and rural
adolescent girls respectively.

Figure 2.1 Reaction to menstruation

Figure 2.2 Type of absorbents used during menstruation

Figure 2.2 depicts that the majority in the urban (75.9%) and (65%) in rural
area used sanitary pads followed by the use of both pad and cloth as absorbents
20.7% and 30.4% respectively.

Figure 2.3 Reasons for not using sanitary pads


Figure 2.3 depicts the reasons for not using sanitary pads which include
difficulty in disposing 5(55.6%) in both urban and rural areas followed by and high
cost of pad in rural areas 4 (30.8%). Of all participants, 30% of urban and 44% of
rural 44% adolescent girls dried the menstrual cloth used as absorbents inside their

Overall the most prominent reason cited for not changing pads in schools
included feeling uncomfortable among both groups (72.6%). It was observed that
among the rural participants, 24.2% stated that water and disposal facilities were
not available, while 6.2% also mentioned unhygienic conditions for not changing
absorbents in their schools.

Challenges associated with effective menstrual hygiene management

(MHM) include lack of access to clean, effective absorbents; inadequate facilities
to change, clean and dispose of absorbents; lack of access to soap and water; and
lack of privacy.


Figure 2.4 NFHS 2015-2016 survey

The NFHS 2015-16 survey pegs the number for women using hygienic means of
managing menstruation in India at 78% in urban areas, 48% in rural areas and 58%
overall. Today, nearly 6 out of 10 women in India have access to disposable sanitary
napkins. According to this survey, locally prepared napkins, sanitary napkins and
tampons are considered as hygienic methods of protection. One can assume from
the language used that single use disposables are considered hygienic. There are

wide variations in usage of ‘hygienic products’ across different states, with

Tamilnadu, Kerala and Delhi as high as 90% and rural Bihar as low as 30%.

Figure 2.5 Access to disposable sanitary napkin has increased

Source: UNGA (2015a)

Figure 2.6 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

On the other hand, one hundred ninety-three member states of the United
Nation General Assembly signed the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
with 17 goals. With its mission to achieve access to adequate and equitable
sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, paying special attention to
the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations. The SDG 6 focuses

on ensuring the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for

2.2 Hygiene and sanitation in the Philippines

Across the Philippines, there are more latrines per school when compared
with other countries, although sanitation facilities are still far from adequate. Toilets
are often out of order, and even when functional, students avoid them because they
are reported to be unclean, smelly and poorly lit.Economically marginalized girls
in the Philippines have little incentive to stay in school during menstruation when
the school environment is not amenable to their needs. Another challenge for girls
is that the hand-washing sinks in schools are stationed outside the toilet facilities,
which poses a problem for girls who hope to wash bloodstains from their clothes in
private. Hand-washing sinks also lack soap and, oftentimes, the water has to be
fetched. Most girls use sanitary napkins during their menses, but some girls use
nothing at all. The most commonly used sanitary napkin is a folded piece of cloth
called a pasador, which provides only minimal absorbency. Whether girls use a
commercially sourced sanitary pad, a pasador or nothing, they fear that blood will
stain their clothes and their peers will tease them. In attempts to avoid ridicule, girls
wear multiple pairs of underwear or black shorts beneath their uniforms (Haver,

Figure 2.7 shows limited access to facilities


Figure 2.7 Shows toilets at this school were padlocked, girls could not access them
quickly, conveniently or discreetly. This practice drew attention to their need for
using the Facilities.

In two Philippine provinces, Emory University, UNICEF, Plan International

and Save the Children are teaming up to study the MHM challenges girls face in
school. At a school in Masbate Province, the latrines had doors, but they were
locked from outside, requiring students to get a key from a teacher in order to access
them (Haver, Caruso).

Source: WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme

Figure 2.8 shows official sanitation coverage data for the Philippines

Figure 2.8 the data indicate that about 72% of the Philippine population had
access to improved sanitation in 2004. While the figure is a considerable
improvement from the 57% in 1990, it nonetheless suggests that at least 20 million
people have no access to improved sanitation facilities. Based on current population
trends, an additional 2 million Filipinos will also require adequate and clean
sanitation facilities each year. Further, the rural-urban disparity is evident as only
59% of the rural population in 2004 had access to improved sanitation compared
with 80% of the urban population. Hygiene practice in the Philippines is another
concern. A nationwide survey in 2000 found that less than half of the respondents
wash their hands after using the toilet.

2.3 Smart Coffee Vending Machine Using RFID

The study of Rahul Jadhv, Mrunali Jejurkar, Pranita Kave & Prof. H.P.
Chaudhari says that vending machine which provides the beverage like snacks, cold
drink, it is also used for ticketing. These systems are operated on either coin or note
or manually switch operated. This paper presents system which operates not on coin
or note, it operates on RFID system. This system gives the access through only
RFID which avoid the misuse of machine. A small RFID reader is fitted on the
machine. The identity card which contains RFID tag is given to each employee.
According to estimation the numbers of cups per day as per client’s requirement are
programmed. Then an employee goes to vending machine show his card to the
reader then the drink is dispensed. But when employee wants more coffees than
fixed number, that person is allow for that but that employee has to pay for extra
cups and amount is cut from the salary account.

Figure 2.9 Block diagram of coffee vending machine

2.4 Barcode based Student Attendance System

In the study of Sudha , student attendance play significant role in order
to justify academic outcome of a student and college as overall. Unfortunately, there
is no automated attendance record keeping application available in colleges. There
is a need for a tool to systematically keep the students attendance record due to
increasing number of college students. The project that we are going to make is to

help the teachers in our college to avoid maintaining the registry book. This project
uses a barcode scanner. B.B.S.A.S uses Barcode scanner to take the attendance of
students entering the lab. Each student’s ID card will have a barcode at the back
side of it. This barcode contains unique data of the student such as roll number,
branch and year. Etc. Student will scan their barcode at the end so that the student
can’t cheat. The display screen will show the attendance of the particular student
after scanning his/her barcode. Teachers and administrator will only have access to
the system with their respective login ID’s and passwords.

Figure 2.10 Architecture of the system

2.5 Solar Powered IoT based Intelligent Sanitary Napkin Dispense

By K. Samba Siva Rao , K. Harish M. Kavin Kumar , D. Vishnu Harish

Women hygiene is of utmost importance and is to be taken care of. Women

in India are still shy of buying napkins from medical shops and other stores. A
solution to this problem is installing napkin dispensing system in schools, colleges
and public places. The main drawback of the existing coin operated dispensing
system is that there is no mechanism available for the person refilling the napkins
to know about the status of napkins available in the system. So, a person has to
regularly check the availability of napkins in the system manually and refill it. This
work aims at installing an automatic napkin dispenser in toilets and places that can

keep track of available napkins and inform the person concerned when fewer
napkins are available. Keywords: Sanitary Napkin, Dispenser, PLC, RFID, Solar

Figure 2.11 Block Diagram

2.6 Water Vending Machine

By Manish Navlakha1 , Imran2 , Lokendra Singh Rathore , Lovekush Sharma

Now a day’s water vending machines are available and operated on only one coin
but our aim is to design water vending machine which is operated on different coins.
In India there is problem of safe drinking water therefore we are going to provide
mineral water. Water has become the most commercial products of the century. This
may sound bizarre, but true. The stress on the multiple water resources is a result of
a multitude of factors. On the one hand, the rapidly rising population and changing
lifestyles have increased the need for fresh water. If opportunity costs were taken
into account, it would be clear that in most rural areas, households are paying far
more for water supply than the often-normal rates charged in urban areas. Also, if
this cost of fetching water which is almost equivalent. To 150 million women days
each year, is covered into a loss for the national exchequer, it translates into a
whopping 10 billion rupees per year.

Figure 2.12 Block Diagram



This chapter discusses the technical description of the system design, hardware
and software to develop the AVM-FPH with AMS.

3.1 System Design

The design of the study focuses on the basic process and operation of AVM-
FPH with AMS to overcome the problems stated in chapter 1.


Offline Database

Vending Machine Payment will be paid on or

before semester ends.
Would you like to confirm?

Admin Account
Confirmation of the


Figure 3.1 System Interface and process for AVM for FPH with AMS

3.1.1 System Implementation

Automated Vending Machine for Females Personal Hygiene with Account

Monitoring System consists of a hardware and software design and is accompanied
by major functions:

I. The use of the PIR (Passive Infrared Sensor) Sensor to detect motion.
This can detect motion up to 6 meters and requires up to 10-60 seconds
of settling the time before the operation will start.
II. The use of Arduino to allow a change of period and reset period that is
inherent in the PIR.
III. The use of Raspberry pi is to allow multiple devices.
IV. User using touch sensitive screen to choose the product they purchased
and the quantity. A fast touch screen response time of 6ms–8ms that is
independent of the number of touches.
V. The use of ID card Scanner to scan their account by using there ID for
them to access our product and will connect directly to their account.
VI. The use of servo motor for releasing of products.

3.1.2 Hardware Design

In developing the AHFMP System, the researchers designed the hardware

sub-systems for the development of the proposed device.



Figure 3.2 AVM for FPH-AMS hardware design


3.1.3 Software Design

Figure 3.3 Software Development


3.1.4 Prototype Design

Servo motor attached

to helical coil PIR Sensor

LCD Touch
Screen and
Raspberry Pi

Releasing of products

Glass Scanner

Figure 3.4 Actual system position

This shows the proper positioning of parts of the prototype in actual settings.
The size of the machine is 25.5” in length, 25” in height, and 23” in width. The PIR
Sensor located above the LCD touch screen to detect motion easily. There are 3
layers for the products by using ½ marine plywood, the first layer contains of wet
and dry tissues, the second layer contains the sanitary pads and the last layer
contains suggested products in the preliminary survey like alcohol and soap. The

ID scanner located at the right side below the LCD touch screen. The vending
machine front glass allows the user to check the available products.

3.2 System Specification

3.2.1 Hardware Specification

A. 7” Capacitive Touchscreen LCD with Raspberry Pi

The researcher tested the Capacitive Touchscreen LCD by connecting it

with the Raspberry Pi, a credit-card sized computer that uses a standard
keyboard and mouse. The testing is done by first installing an SD card to the
Raspberry Pi board with a Debian Linux operating system (OS). After the OS
is installed and the Capacitive Touchscreen LCD and the Raspberry Pi
integrated together, the researchers proceed on testing the Capacitive
Touchscreen LCD by checking the status of the touch panel or the “touch”
feature of the Capacitive Touchscreen LCD if it is working properly or not.
Lastly, to further test the LCD and the Raspberry Pi the researchers tested all
the built-in application that is in the OS.

B. Arduino UNO
The researchers tested the Arduino UNO by simply connecting it to a 5V
power from the USB chord connected to the laptop or Personal Computer of
the researchers. To further test the Arduino UNO board the researchers
uploaded a sample code or sketch to the Arduino IDE such as Blink Sketch to
verify if all 14 digital input/output and 6 analog pins are functioning properly
or not.

C. Servo motors with Spring Coil

The researcher tested the (6) servo motors with the spring coils by
individually connecting the servo into the (6) spring coils and the servo motor
also connected to the Arduino UNO board. Then Arduino is connected to the
laptop and then powered on. After the Arduino is powered

on the researchers connected the VCC wire of the Servo motor to a 12V power
supply and the GND of the Servo motor to the Arduino board GND pin. After every
pin are connected, the researchers uploaded a sample code or sketch for the servo
motors to the Arduino IDE to test if the Servo motors are working or if it is spinning
in 360 in a counter clockwise motion. Furthermore, assuming that the servo motor
is already working the Spring coil is now being attached test if it can make the
spring spin properly without stopping given that the spring is properly coiled and is
working and can spin properly with products attach to it.

D. PIR Sensor and Relay Module

The testing of PIR Sensor with the Relay Module is done by integrating both of
them together then the Relay module connected directly to a 5V power supply to
check if the sensor is properly working and to test if it can accurately detect motion
from the physical environment and transmits a resulting impulse.

E. Barcode Scanner

The researchers tested the Barcode Scanner by integrating it to the already tested
Capacitive Touchscreen LCD with Raspberry Pi. The testing is done by uploading
specific code in the raspberry pi for the barcode scanner, to see if it can detect and
read bar codes also to test its accuracy and efficiency in terms of scanning bar codes
in a considerable distance.

F. System Prototype
After testing and evaluating the functionality and determining the efficiency of
every hardware components that is used in the system prototype the researchers
then proceed on integrating the firmware and the hardware of the system. After the
integration of the hardware and the firmware of the system, the researchers then
tested the overall functionality of the system to test and evaluate if the system will
function efficiently according to the proposed desired function of the system

prototype. Further discussion of the system prototype testing and results will be in
the succeeding chapter.

G. System Box

A large box that has a divider for the helical coil and it is made out of marine
plywood. A 25.5x23x25 wooden box is used in this project, it can hold up to 6
helical cord.

Figure 3.5 System Box

3.2.2 Appropriate Software

A. Arduino and C/C++/Java IDE

The Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is used to

upload codes for the program of AVM for FPH-AMS System. The Arduino
IDE will help the researchers to send instructions to the Arduino board to
communicate with the system and these Arduino IDE use a program such
as C, C++, and Java IDE. The researchers had a programming expertise
about C and C++.

Figure 3.6 Software Interface

B. Code Blocks

Code Blocks, shown on figure 3.16, allows the researcher to make a console
application. The researchers used this application to program the servo motor.

Figure 3.7 Codeblocks


3.3 Schematic Diagram of AVM-FPH with AMS

Figure 3.8Schematic Diagram of AVM for FPH-AMS

The AVM for FPH-SAMS has 6 servo connected to the pin 3, pin 5, pin 6, pin
9, pin 10 and pin 11. Next is the PIR sensor that detects motion that is connected to
the 4-channel relay. The Raspberry Pi is connected to Arduino Uno which is also
the main controller of the system.


This chapter discusses the technical description of the system design to develop
the AVN-FPH with AMS. In addition, this chapter is composed of (3) phases, first
phase involves the gathering of information and data analysis. Second phase
involves the designing, development and the integration of the hardware and
firmware of the system prototype. Lastly, the third phase involves testing and
evaluation. Figure 4.1 illustrates the researchers research methodology flowchart.

4.1 Methodology Flowchart

Gathering of Information

Data Analysis
------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------
Designing and Development

Hardware Development Firmware Development


------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------
PHASE 3 Testing and Evaluation

Figure 4.1 Methodology Flowchart

Figure 4.1 summarizes the stages the researchers followed in order to achieve
and develop the prototype for the system.

4.2 Phase 1: Gathering of Information and Data Analysis

A. Data gathered through related literature and studies
The researchers gathered data from the existing related studies and
literature found on journals that were relevant to the study. The gathered
data were then analyzed through the methods of the study, components used
and the problems encountered in the existing studies in which the
researchers used to formulate, further understand and develop the study.

B. Data gathered through observations

The researchers also gathered data through observation and on personal
experiences especially two of the researchers are females which of course
theintended target user of the system prototype being develop. Furthermore,
the data gathered is used to develop a more relevant method for the study.

C. Data gathered through conducting Preliminary a survey

In the gathering of data researchers conducted a survey at the CCS
through a questionnaire which was used in identifying the problems
relevant to the study e.g. lack and unreliable access of sanitary products
and etc. The respondents consisted only to registered female students of
CCS which was also discussed in the Scope and Limitation section of the

4.3 Phase 2: Designing and Developing System Prototype

In this phase, the researchers focused on the design and development of

the system and the integration of every components used in the system
prototype. Designing and the development of the system prototype is divided
into two sub-areas which are the Hardware and the Firmware development.

4.3.1 Hardware Development

In the hardware development, the researchers purchased equipment and
tools from different online based shop such as Shopee, Lazada, etc. considering
the prices and especially the quality of the materials. The researchers also
purchased some of the materials from local hardware and electronics shops
located in the City of Iligan. The hardware materials were chosen based on its
appropriateness to the model that will be developed.
During this phase, the researchers chose the suitable hardware components
and designed a system that performed the following:

A. Detect the presence of the user with the use of the specific sensor which is
the PIR motion sensor to activate the machine out of the standby mode. During
the occurrence of the user, the system will provide necessary information to
guide the user on how to use the machine.

B. First, the user must scan her ID that has bar code using the bar code scanner
or entering the ID No. Using LCD Touchscreen to connect the user to the
database system to be able to access or purchase products in the vending

C. The purchase products will be out through the coil spring that is connected
to the Servo motor.

4.3.2 Firmware Development

In the Firmware Development, the researchers used an specific computer

programming language that is familiar to the researchers which is the C/C++
computer programming language to write and upload the codes in the Arduino
IDE and Raspberry Pi board. After the program code has been formulated,
finalized and uploaded into the Arduino IDE and Raspberry Pi the researchers

then tested the program to check if the program is functioning according to the
desired function of the system.
4.4 Integration of Hardware and Software
This phase is considered as one of the most important part in developing the
system. After developing and troubleshooting the hardware and of the system, the
researcher then integrated the firmware of the system to further observe the overall
function of the system and to troubleshoot possible errors during the testing of the
system prototype as a whole. These are the activities that the researchers made:
A. The researchers integrated the hardware and firmware.
B. Once the hardware and firmware parts of the system works properly without
errors and malfunctions, the combination of hardware and software were then
After the combination and integration are finished, the system are then checked
for possible errors caused by the integration of every parts before evaluating its
overall function of the system prototype.

4.5 Phase 3: Testing and Evaluation of Components of the System Prototype

In the testing and evaluation phase of components of the system prototype the
researchers conducted a testing to every components and materials that composed
the hardware of the system to check if every components and material is working
properly or functional. In addition, after testing the hardware the researchers tested
the whole system with the hardware and firmware integrated together to further
evaluate the system according to the desired function of the system prototype as a

4.5.1 System Firmware Testing

In testing the system firmware, the researchers follow the steps below.

A. Registered ID Barcode Detection

Upon the integration of the hardware and the firmware of the system prototype
the researchers tested the ID barcode detection feature of the firmware of the

system prototype by scanning a registered ID to the barcode scanner. It shows

the Name with the ID number of the user in the upper right corner of the user
interface (UI) if the user is registered in the system.

B. ID Barcode Not Registered Warning

After testing the ID bacode detection feature of the system prototype the
researchers then proceed on testing the ID not registered detection warning of
the firmware of the system prototype by scanning an ID to the barcode scanner.
It shows a “ NOT REGISTERED ” warning with the ID number of the
unregistered user of the system.

C. Product Purchasing Warning

The researchers tested the Product purchasing warning of the system

firmware by selecting a sample product to be purchased in the vending machine
using the registered ID of the researchers and then clicking the “ CHECKOUT ”
button which shows the warning “ Payment will be on or before semester ends.
Would you like to proceed “ to the system User Interface (UI).

D. Balance Recorded in the User Interface

After testing the product purchasing warning of the system prototype the
researchers then proceed on testing the balance recording feature of the system
firmware by checking if the payment of the sample product being purchased
during the testing of the product purchasing warning is recorded and shown in
the User Interface (UI) of the system just below the Name and ID number of the
registerd ID.

E. Offline Database Login Feature

The researchers tested the Offline Database Login feature of the firmware
of the system prototype by going to the admin section located in the upper left
corner of the User Interface (UI) and clicking the “ ADMIN ” button which is
linked directly to the User Interface of the Admin. It shows the username and

password bar where the admin inputs their username and password to be able to
check the balance of the users in the offline database.

F. Balance Recorded in the Offline Database

The researchers tested the balance recording feature of the offline database
system by selecting a sample product to be purchased in the vending machine
and then logging into the offline database of the system prototype and checking
if the payment of the product being purchased is recorded in the offline

4.5.2 System Prototype Feature Testing

In this part the researchers tested the system prototype base on the overall
functionality of the system prototype.

A. PIR Sensor Testing

The researchers tested the PIR sensor by conducting a series of testing upon the
integration of the overall components of the system to check if the sensor is properly
working and accurately detects motion base on the desired function of the sensor to
the system prototype which is to turn the white LED On if the sensor detects motion
or presence at a considerable distance. It indicates that the machine is now in usable
state or from the standby mode into usable state and when there is no motion or
presence detected, the white LED indicator turns OFF or turns back to standby

B. Barcode Scanner Testing

The researchers tested the Barcode scanner by conducting a 5 series of test from
its capability to detect a Registered ID number and 5 series of test from its capability
to detect an Unregistered ID number.

C. Product Dispensing of the System Prototype Testing

The researchers tested the Product dispensing mechanism of the system

prototype by conducting 5 series and simultaneous test on dispensing a product to

test its accuracy and reliability on dispensing multiple products. It is also to test the
reliability of the servo motors and the helical coil by its capability to rotate the
spring continuously while the spring dispenses products.

4.6 Evaluation

Evaluation is just as important as the integration part of the system, in this part
the researchers evaluated the functionality of the system in terms of overall function
of the integrated hardware and firmware of the system. In addition, the researchers
evaluated the whole system by its functionality and acceptability by conducting a
respondent satisfaction survey. The systems acceptability results of the survey is
shown in Figure 5.8 in Methodology.

This chapter presents the results and discussions of the research study based on
the objectives, and methodology of the study. It also discusses the results of the data
gathered by the researchers through the preliminary and satisfaction respondent
survey and the result of the overall functionality of the system according to the
desired function of the system.

5.1 Gathering of Data Result

In this part discusses the results of the data gathered by the researchers
through the preliminary survey.

5.1.1 Results of the Preliminary Survey

This section shows the preliminary survey results that the researchers
conducted during the research study.

Figure 5.1 Shows the existing Vending Machine in CCS

Figure 5.1 shows the result of the survey conducted from the female
students about the existing vending machine in CCS, wherein the majority of the
females students stated that there is an existing vending machine. In addition, they
stated that the only existing vending machine in the CCS is a Water Vending

Figure 5.2 Commonly use Comfort Room in CCS

Figure 5.2shows gathered data of the respondents about which of the

comfort rooms do they usually use in the CCS building. It shows that out of 150
women students there are 67 or 45% who chose 1st Floor, then followed by 54
women or 36% in the 3rd Floor. Lastly, 29 women or 19% chose in the 4th Floor.
Thus, base on the data gathered the researchers installed the system prototype for
testing and for conducting satisfaction respondent survey in the ground floor
comfort room of the CCS building.

Figure 5.3 Number of times to use the Comfort Rooms

Figure 5.3 reveals the frequency these students usually used the comfort
room during school time. The figure shows that out of 150 female students there
are 136 or 91% go to the comfort room less than 7 times and 9% or 14 female
students go to the comfort room more than 7 times.

Figure 5.4 Reasons in going to the Comfort Rooms

Figure 5.4 shows the reasons and problems of the female students
encountered during school time that needs to go to comfort rooms. It shows that
129 or 86% out of 150 women students go to comfort rooms to urinate. There are
also 19 or 13% female students go to comfort rooms because of LBM and 40 female
students or 27% chose retouching. And lastly it shows that aside from these
common reason for visiting or using the comfort room which is Urinate, LBM and
retouch; menstruation plays a big factor on why they visit the comfort rooms
wherein there are 84 or 56% female students go to comfort rooms because of

Figure 5.5 Sanitary Products available in the School Canteen


Figure 5.5 shows that 129 or 86% out of 150 respondents stated that they
were aware that the college canteen in CCS provides female sanitary products for
the students and the remaining 21 or 14% respondents said that they are not aware
of the availability of female sanitary products.

Figure 5.6 Percentage of Female respondents who frequently buy Sanitary

Products in the canteen

Figure 5.6 shows the percentage of female respondents who frequently buy
sanitary products in the canteen. Moreover, It shows that out of 150 female students
only 1% of the respondents said that they always buy sanitary products in the
canteen, 105 respondents or 70% says sometimes and lastly 44 respondents or 29%
said they never bought sanitary products in the canteen. Therefor by looking at this
data, itshows that not the majority of the femalestudents in CCS is aware of the
availability of the female products inside the canteen.

Figure 5.7 Shows how convenient in purchasing sanitary products in the canteen

Figure 5.7 shows how convenient the female students in College of

Computer Studies (CCS) on buying sanitary products in the college canteen. It
shows that 98 out of 159 or 65% of the female students are convenient buying
sanitary products in the canteen and 35% of the rest are not convenient.

Figure 5.8 Reasons of not buying sanitary pads in the canteen

Figure 5.8 shows the reasons why 35% of the respondents were not convenient
on buying sanitary products in the canteen, it is because some of them are shy and
uncomfortable of buying sanitary products in the canteen. In addition they stated
that it is a hassle and awkward when buying sanitary pads in the canteen because
the seller is male, also they said that it is embarrassing for them because most of
the time the canteen is crowded that is why when they are having their monthly
period or menstrual cycle they usually brought their own sanitary pads or products.

Figure 5.9 Shows the percentage of students who agreed to have a vending
machine inside the Comfort Room

Figure 5.9 shows that majority of the students in CCS agreed on installing a
reliable access of female sanitary products through the use of vending machine.

Figure 5.10 Respondents sanitary products choice

Figure 5.10 shows the different products they want to be in the vending
machine wherein 140 out of the overall female students wanted sanitary pads, 109
out of 150 wanted wet tissue, 106 out of 150 wanteddry tissue, 61 out of 150
wanteddisposable products, 9 out of 150 wanted soap and lastly 5 out of 150 wanted

Figure 5.11 Shows the different features vending machine or proposed system

Figure 5.11 shows the different features the CCS students wants in the
vending machine or proposed system prototype of the researchers. It shows that
24 out of 150 female students prefer a vending machine where payment will be
through the experimental database similar to My.IIT, 71 out of 150 prefer a
vending machine with touch screen display and lastly 101 out of 150 female
students prefer a vending machine that has an ID scanner.

5.2 Designing and Development of System Result

Table 5.1 Development of System Result

Research Study Methodology Result
Development of the Designing Development The researchers
automated vending A. Hardware successfully
machine system Development developed a system
prototype based on the B. Firmware prototype designated
problems, parameters, Development to the female students
indicators, C. Integration of CCS.
conducted studies and
designed models.

Table 5.1 shows the design of the Automated Vending Machine for Female
Personal Hygiene with Account Monitoring System is based on the preliminary
survey conducted by the researchers. The researchers also used and utilized the
existing studies and literature that helped contribute in designing and developing a
system prototype designated to the female students of CCS.

5.2.1 System Hardware Design and Development Result

The researchers successfully designed and developed the system hardware

the result is shown in figure 5.12.

5.2.2 System Firmware Design Result

The researchers successfully designed the system firmware, and the result
is shown in figure 5.13.

5.2.3 System Prototype Design and Development Result

The researchers successfully designed and developed the system prototype and
the result is shown in the figure 5.14.

Figure 5.12 System Hardware

Figure 5.13 System Firmware


Figure 5.14 System Prototype

5.3 System Testing and Evaluation Result

This part shows all the result of the testing on each of the components in the
hardware and firmware components which made up the system prototype.

5.3.1 System Firmware Feature Results

This section shows the results of testing and running the system firmware.

A. Registered ID Barcode Detection Test Result

Figure 5.15 ID Barcode Detection Testing Result


Figure 5.15 shows when the ID of the user is registered in the system wherein
it shows the user’s ID number and name.

B. ID Barcode Not Registered Warning TestResult

Figure 5.16 ID Barcode Not Registered Warning Test Result

Figure 5.15 shows when the ID of the user is unregistered in the system
wherein the system will show a warning that the ID number of the user is not
registered in the system.

C. Product Purchasing Warning Test Result

Figure 5.17 Product Purchasing Test Result


Figure 5.17 shows the product purchasing result wherein after the user
selected and checkout their desired products, there will be a confirmation whether
to proceed or not.

D. Balance Recorded in the User Interface Test Result

Figure 5.18 Balance Recorded in the User Interface Result

Figure 5.18 shows the recorded balance of the registered user after purchasing
the products.

E. Offline Database Login Feature

Figure 5.19 Offline Database Login Feature


Figure 5.19 shows the Admin Login features that is linked to the Offline
Database system that records all the unpaid balances of the user prior to using the
vending machine or system prototype.

F. Balance Recorded in the Offline Database Test Result

Figure 5.20 Balance Recorded in the Offline Database Test Result

Figure 5.18B shows the recorded balance of the user in the Offline database

Table 5.2 Vending Machine Firmware Features

Procedures Evaluation
Registered ID Barcode Detection SUCCESS
ID Barcode Not Registered Warning SUCCESS
Product purchasing warning SUCCESS
Balance Recording in the User Interface SUCCESS
Offline Database Login Feature SUCCESS
Balance Recorded in the Offline Database SUCCESS

Table 5.2 shows the testing results of the different features that the system has.
Several tests were conducted to see whether the features are functioning or not. And
as the table shows success in every features.

5.3.2 System Hardware Result

This section shows the results of testing and running the hardware components.

Table 5.3 Hardware Components Testing Results

Components Functioning Not Functioning

Raspberry Pi YES
Arduino UNO YES
7” Capacitive Touchscreen LCD YES
PIR Sensor YES
Barcode Scanner YES
Servo Motors YES
Spring Coil YES
Relay Module YES

Table 5.3 shows that the components of the system were functioning based on
its functionality after conducting several trials.

5.3.3 System Prototype Features Result

This section shows the results of testing and running the system prototype.

A. PIR Sensor Testing Result

Upon the integration of the overall components of the system prototype, the
researchers conducted a series of test todetermine the accuracy of the PIR Sensor to
detect motion at a considerable distance. And also the functionality of the sensor to
the overall system prototype, wherein if there is motion or presence detected, the
white LED indicator turns ON or from the standby mode into usable state and when
there is no motion or presence detected, the white LED indicator turns OFF or turns
back to standby mode.

Table 5.4A PIR Sensor Distance Result

Trial Distance in Meters
No. Average
1 2 3 4 5
1 √ √ X x x 40%
2 √ √ X x x 40%
3 √ √ X x x 40%
4 √ √ X x x 40%
5 √ √ x x x 40%

Table 5.4B PIR Sensor Motion Result

Trial Upon After the Remarks
No. Presence/LED Presence /LED
On Off
1 √ x Fail
2 √ x Fail
3 √ x Fail

Table 5.4A and Table 5.4B shows the results of the series of trials conducted
by the researchers from the PIR Sensor upon testing the overall sytem prototype.
Thus, by looking at the table 5.4A it shows that the sensor can only detect motion
at a maximum distance of 2 meters. In table 5.4B shows that the sensor successfully
operates when it detects motion but failed to turn the white LED indicator OFF after
the motion or the presence is not detected.

B. Barcode Scanner Testing Result

Figures below shows the results of the Barcode Scanner upon the integration
of the overall system prototype. It show the accuracy and efficiency of the barcode
scanner on detecting whether the barcode in the ID of the students or user is
registered in the system or not.

Figure 5.21 Results of Registered ID Barcode

Figure 5.22 Result of Unregistered ID Barcode

Table 5.5A Unregistered ID Numbers Testing Results

Trial No. ID No. Remarks

1 2014-6332 SUCCESS
2 2015-6797 SUCCESS
3 2015-6766 SUCCESS
4 2015-8088 SUCCESS
5 2015-8220 SUCCESS

Table 5.5B Registered ID Numbers Testing Results

Trial No. ID No. Remarks
1 2014-4742 SUCCESS
2 2015-5093 SUCCESS
3 2015-3694 SUCCESS
4 2015-8202 SUCCESS
5 2015-4928 SUCCESS

Table 5.5A and Table 5.5B shows the results of the series of trials conducted
by the researchers from the Barcode Scanner upon testing the overall sytem
prototype, from its capabilities to detect Unregistered and Registered ID numbers.
Thus, it shows that the barcode scanner successfully detects and determines the
registered and unregistered ID numbers.

C. Product Dispensing of the System Prototype Testing Result

Upon the integration of the overall components the researchers tested the
Product dispensing capabilities of the System prototype.

Table 5.6 Product Dispensing of the Sytem Prototype Testing Result

Trial Number of Products for dispensing
No. 1 2 3 4 5 Average
1 √ √ √ √ √ 100%
2 √ √ √ √ √ 100%
3 √ √ √ √ √ 100%
4 √ √ √ √ √ 100%
5 √ √ √ √ √ 100%

Table 5.6 shows the successful dispensing of the product which was choosen
by the student after series of process. Thus, it shows that the servo motor that is
connected to the helical coil is successfully working in dispensing the product.

5.4 Satisfactory Respondent Post-Survey Results

This shows the result of Respondents Satisfactory Post-Survey that the

researchers conducted during the research study.

System Accuracy



Very Accurate Accurate Less accurate

Figure 5.23 System Functionality Accuracy Rate

Figure 5.23 shows the accuracy of the system in terms of it’s functionality.
Fifty-nine percent (59%) of the students says its very accurate, 38% says accurate
and 3% of them says its less accurate.

System Importance

Not Important 0%
Less Important 3%
Important 6%
Very Important 91%
0 20 40 60 80 100

Very Less Not

Important Important Important
System Importance 91 6 3 0

System Importance

Figure 5.24 System Importance in Maintaining Hygiene for Females Rate


Figure 5.24 shows how important is the system in maintaining the females
hygiene. Ninety-one percent (91%) of says its very important, 6% important and
3% for less important.

System Evaluation Rating



Somewhat pleasant Very pleasant

Figure 5.25 Respondent’s System Evaluation Rating

Figure 5.25 shows the experience in purchasing the products on the system.
Fourty-Three percent (43%) says they are very pleasant on the system. 67% says
they are somewhat pleasant on the system.


This chapter discuss the conclusions and recommendations articulated form

the results and discussions of the study.

6.1 Conclusion

Based on the preliminary survey conducted by the researchers, it was found out
that the only vending machine existed in the College of Computer Studies (CCS) is
a Water Vending Machine which is mechanily operated with coin mechanism
feature wherein it dispenses an amount of water per peso.

The researchers modelled the design and develop an AVM for FPH-AMS based
on the existing vending machine in the market. When it comes to the overall system
prototype, the system was considered important and useful based on the
Respondents Satisfactory Survey conducted in the College of Computer Studies
(CCS) which shows out of 50 students who tested the system 43% says they wer
very satisfied of the system while 67% of them says they were satisfied.

When it comes to the overall system integration and testing procedures, the
Barcode scanner, UI of the system prototype and the firmware features of the
system and lastly the dispensing feature of the vending machine was proven to be
accurate base on its desired fuction in the system prototype.

There are certain problem the researchers met during the integration of the
hardware of the system prototype, wherein the reasearcher did not anticipated the
voltage distribution of each components that it causes the researcher a lot of trouble
during the integration. and also the researchers was not able to accurately configure
the PIR sensor base on its desired function of the system.

6.2 Recommendations

For future researches, the researchers suggest to add a SMS monitoring feature
in the system prototype for the Admin to monitor the remaining products in the
vending machine. In addition, it would be better if the user of the vending machine
can monitor their balances without having a physical connections to the system
prototype itself. Thus, the researchers suggest to have an Online Monitoring system
for the user.

For the Future Researchers, they may also put a Receipt feature to the vending
machine for the user to have aphysical proof of each of their purchase products.

For the Future Researchers, the reserchers suggest the remodeling of the
vending machine in such a way that it does not occupy a lot of space when installing
it in the Comfort Room. Computer Processing Unit (CPU) case size would be a
great sample size or reference size to remodel the machine.

Abad, E. (2017). Design and implementation of paper vending machine for retail
of common usable papers for unstop students. International Journal for
Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, V(XI), pp.289-

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PIR Motion Sensor Module 1 Php180
7 inch LCD Touch Screen Module 1 Php3,155
Helical Coil 6 Php60x6=Php360
Rasberry Pi 1 Php2,975
Servo Motor 6 Php180x6= Php1080
Glass (Acrylic) 1 Php600
½ Marine Plywood 1 Php827
Barcode Scanner 1 Php1916
Wire for Helical Coil 1kg Php50
32GB SD Card 1 450
Shrinkable Tube 10m Php10x10.5= Php105
No More Nails 2 Php50x2=Php100
Gray Paint and White Paint 1L Php560
Long Folder 15
Drawer Lock 1 Php169.75
Hinge 1 Php30
Drill Bit 1 Php49.75
1/8 Stove Bolt 2 Php15.75x2= Php69.50
Sandpaper 2 Php15.75x2= Php31.50
Glass with Frame 15”x8” Php400
Acrylic Glass 1 Php600
Box 1 Php1000
Cosmetics 36pcs 500
Plastic Board 1 Php275
TOTAL: Php 12,602.75

Name (Optional):
Year Level:

1. Is there an existing vending machine in the College of Computer Studies? If yes,

what type of vending machine? ____________

2. Which of the comfort rooms do you usually use in the SCS building?
o First floor
o Third floor
o Fourth floor

3. How many times do you usually use the comfort room during school time?
o Less than 7 times
o More than 7 times

4. What female problem you encounter at school that needs to go to comfort room?
(Choose all that apply)
o Urinate
o Retouch
o Menstruation
o Others:

5. Does the school canteens provide female products for the students? _______
(Y/N) How frequent do you go to the school canteen to buy female products?

6. Is it convenient for you to buy sanitary products in the canteen? _____ (Y/N) if no,
state your reason/s.

7. Would you agree to have a vending machine inside the comfort room? _____
(Y/N) If yes, what products to be put on the vending machine? (Choose all that apply)
o Sanitary pads
o Disposable products
o Wet Tissue
o Dry Tissue
o Others:__________

8. What features of a vending machine would you like to prefer? (Choose all that
o ID scanner
o Touch screen display
o Payment method through My.IIT account
o Others: _______



Name (optional):

ID #:

1. How accurate do you find the system’s functionality?

 Very Accurate
 Accurate
 Less Accurate
2. How important is the system to maintain the Hygiene for Females?
 Very Important
 Important
 Less Important
 Not Important
3. Which of the following categories best describes your experience purchasing
product on the system?
 Very Pleasant
 Somewhat Pleasant
 Neither Pleasant/Not Pleasant
 Somewhat Unpleasant
 Very Unpleasant
4. Rate the system (5-lowest; 10-highest)_______________________
5. Will you recommend this system to be used in the CCS Comfort Rooms?
If Yes, Why?____________________



A. Arduino

The Arduino Uno, shown on table 3.1, is a microcontroller board

based on the ATmega328 (datasheet). It has 14 digital input/output pins (of
which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz crystal
oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset
button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply
connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with an AC-to-DC
adapter or battery to get started.

Table 3.1 Arduino Uno Specification

AT mega328P 8 bit AVR
family microcontroller
Operating Voltage 5V
Recommended Input Voltage 7-12V
Input Voltage Limits 6-20V
Analog Input Pins 6 (A0-A5)
14 (Out of which 6 provide
Digital I/O Pins
PWM output)
DC Current on I/O Pins 40 mA
DC Current on 3.3V Pin 50 mA
32 KB (0.5 KB is used for
Flash Memory
Boot loader)
Frequency (Clock Speed) 16 MHz

B. Raspberry Pi 3B+

The Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ is the latest production Raspberry Pi

3 featuring a 64-bit quad core processor running at 1.4 Ghz. It incorporates
built-in WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity with enhanced dual-band 2.4 GHz
and 5 GHz WiFi, Bluetooth 4.2/BLE and faster Ethernet. To take full
advantage of the improved power management on the Raspberry Pi 3 B+
and provide even support for even more powerful devices on the USB ports,
a 2.5A adapter is recommended. The power supply included in this kit
incorporates a noise filter to provide the highest stability and comes with a
5-foot cable. This power supply can power the Raspberry Pi 3 B+ and other
USB accessories (such as most portable hard drives) without requiring an
external powered USB hub. The raspberry pi 3b+ is the main motherboard
of the system. The 40 pins is connected to 7 inch resistive touch screen LCD
using the dupont wire connectors(female to male) The 4 usb ports are used
for keyboard, mouse and flash drive for encoding and making the GUI of
the system. The micro SD slot is for saving the system. For powering the
raspberry pi B3+, we connect it to the power supply to power.

Table 3.2 Raspberry Pi Specification

SoC Broadcom BCM2837
CPU 4x ARM Cortex-A53, 1.2GHz
GPU Broadcom VideoCore IV
Networking 10/100 Ethernet, 2.4GHz 802.11n wireless
Bluetooth Bluetooth 4.1 Classic, Bluetooth Low Energy
Storage microSD
GPIO 40-pin header, populated

HDMI, 3.5mm analogue audio-video jack, 4xUSB

Ports 2.0, Ethernet, Camera Serial Interface (CSI), Display
Serial Interface (DSI)

C. PIR Sensor

A passive infrared sensor is an electronic sensor that measures

infrared light radiating from objects in its field of view. They are most often
used in PIR-based motion detectors. PIR sensors are commonly used in
security alarms and automatic lighting applications. There are 3 pins for PIR
sensor. To indicate the Vcc, Ground and Data, we use color code to locate.
The Red color is for the Vcc. The Yellow wire is connected to IN2 in 5v
Relay for controlling the sensors and for lighting up the LEDS for human
detection and the Black wire is connected to Ground in the Arduino UNO.

Table 3.3 PIR Motion Sensor Specification


Size Rectangular

Digital pulse high (3V) when triggered (motion

detected) digital low when idle (no motion
Output detected). Pulse lengths are determined by
resistors and capacitors on the PCB and differ
from sensor to sensor.
up to 20 feet (6 meters) 110° x 70° detection
Sensitivity range range

5V-12V input voltage for most modules (they

Power supply have a 3.3V regulator), but 5V is ideal in case the
regulator has different specs

D. 7inch LCD Touchscreen

Raspberry Pi HDMI LCD (7 inch) is a low-cost 7 inch Capacitive

Touch Screen LCD, HDMI interface, supports various systems is designed
for Raspberry Pi. It is a 1024x768 high resolution capacitive touch control.
For other mini-PCs, driver is required and should be developed by users.
The Touch screen is connected to the raspberry pi 3B+ using the dupont
wires connecting it from the back of the touch screen and connect it to the
raspberry pi 3B+ pins using female to male dupont wire connectors to power
up the touch screen and the HDMI connectors is connected from the touch
screen port to raspberry pi 3B+ port.

Table 3.4 LCD Touchscreen Specification

LCD Type TFT Trans missive
Interface 16bit parallel bus interface
Boost regular to provide power supply
On board 400mA DC-DC
to LCD Black light
It is provided, so that you can save
LCD-Specialized initialization time to optimize power control
code register and gamma curves for best
display performance.
approx. 186. 3mm x 105.4 mm / 7. 3
x 4. 1 inch

E. Servo Motor

A servomotor is a rotary actuator or linear actuator that allows for precise

control of angular or linear position, velocity and acceleration. It consists of a
suitable motor coupled to a sensor for position feedback. It also requires a relatively
sophisticated controller, often a dedicated module designed specifically for use with
servomotors. Servomotors are not a specific class of motor although the term
servomotor is often used to refer to a motor suitable for use in a closed-loop control
system. Servomotors are used in applications such as robotics, CNC machinery or
automated manufacturing. In this system, we use 360 Degree Continuous rotary
servo motor. A continuous servo can turn around a full 360 degrees like a motor. A
continuous servo also has three wires like a standard servo, 2 for power and one for
control. The speed of a continuous servo is controllable. Due to the gears,

continuous servos generally are slower than a continuous DC motor or a geared

motor. The 1 & 2 Vcc wires for servo motors are connected together and connect it
to the FDPS in power supply and the grounds 1 & 2 for servo wires are connected
together and connecting to FDPS in power supply. The control wires for servo 1 &
2 is connected to the Arduino UNO in pin 3 & 5. The 3 & 4 Vcc wires for servo
motors are connected together and connect it to the 20-pin of ATX computer power
supply connector while the ground wires of 3 & 4 for servo motor is connected to
the 4 pin of the power supply. The control wires for servo 3 & 4 is connected to
Arduino UNO in pin 6 & 9. The Vcc of servo motors for 5 & 6 is connected together
and connect it to 4-pin of ATX power supply connector and the ground for 5 & 6 is
connected together and connect it to 4-pin of power supply.

F. 4-Channel Relay

A 4-Channel Relay interface board that allows you to control various

appliances, and other equipment’s with large current. It can be controlled
directly by Micro-controller (Arduino, Raspberry Pi, 8051, AVR, PIC, DSP,
ARM, ARM, MSP430, TTL logic). The 4 channel relay module uses to connect
from PIR sensor. The Vcc and ground wires are connected to the Arduino and
the IN2 is connected to the yellow wire of the PIR sensor.

G. Helical Coil

It is also known as compression spring. Since the open-coiled helical springs

are not wound very tightly, the pitch of the spring is much greater. Due to the
space between the coils, one round of the spring does not lie in the same plane
as the axis of the helix. Hence, no two turns of a spring will lie in the same
plane. As compared to closed coiled helical springs, where the angle formed
between the turn and the helical axis is 90˚, the turns of the open coiled helical
springs form an inclined angle with the helical axis. The pitch and the distance
between the coils is the major point of distinction between the two types of
helical springs. In the system, we use the open coiled helical spring. It connects
the spring to the servo motors and programmed it to the raspberry pi 3B+ to
control the spring when getting the products after the user buys the sanitary

H. Strip LED

An LED strip light (also known as an LED tape or ribbon light) is a flexible
circuit board populated by surface mounted light-emitting diodes (SMD LEDs)
and other components that usually comes with an adhesive backing.
Traditionally, strip lights had been used solely in accent lighting, backlighting,
task lighting, and decorative lighting applications. The led strip lights is
connected together to the power supply with Vcc and ground wires. It uses for
lighting the products in the vending machine when the user comes closer and
detects with the PIR sensor and the Led strip lights will on and after the user

buys the products, the Led lights will turn off after the user is done using the
vending machine and far from the prototype.

I. Power Supply

A power supply unit (or PSU) converts mains AC to low-voltage regulated

DC power for the internal components of a computer. Modern personal
computers universally use switched-mode power supplies. Some power
supplies have a manual switch for selecting input voltage, while others
automatically adapt to the mains voltage. Most modern desktop personal
computer power supplies conform to the ATX specification, which includes
form factor and voltage tolerances. While an ATX power supply is connected
to the mains supply, it always provides a 5 Volt standby (5VSB) voltage so that
the standby functions on the computer and certain peripherals are powered.
ATX power supplies are turned on and off by a signal from the motherboard.
They also provide a signal to the motherboard to indicate when the DC voltages
are in spec, so that the computer is able to safely power up and boot. The use of
the power supply for the system is to provide powers from the devices to power


struct SAppContext for (s32 i=0;

i<irr::gui::EGDC_COUNT ; ++i)
IrrlichtDevice *device;
video::SColor col =
s32 counter;
IGUIListBox* listbox; COLOR)i);

}; col.setAlpha(alpha);

// Define some values that we'll use LT_COLOR)i, col);
to identify individual GUI controls.
int item1count=0;
// ID_ON = 101,
int item2count=0;
// ID_OFF,
int item3count=0;
GUI_ID_FILE_OPEN_BUTTO int item4count=0;
int item5count=0;
int item6count=0;
CROLL_BAR stringc item1count_str=L"0";
//}; stringc item2count_str=L"0";
/* stringc item3count_str=L"0";
Set the skin transparency by stringc item4count_str=L"0";
changing the alpha values of all skin-
stringc item5count_str=L"0";
stringc item6count_str=L"0";
int amount1=7;
void setSkinTransparency(s32 alpha,
irr::gui::IGUISkin * skin) int amount2=20;
{ int amount3=17;

virtual bool OnEvent(const

SEvent& event)
int amount4=5;
int amount5=12;
if (event.EventType ==
int amount6=17;
s32 id =
IGUIEnvironment* env
stringc t();
amount5count_str=L"Php12.00"; {

stringc case
amount6count_str=L"Php17.00"; EGET_SCROLL_BAR_CHANGED
int totalamount=0;
// if (id ==
stringc totalamount_str=L"0"; GUI_ID_TRANSPARENCY_SCRO
IGUIEditBox* account_IDnumber; LL_BAR)

IGUIEditBox* account_password; // {

IGUIWindow *Windq; // s32 pos =

class MyEventReceiver : public ////
IEventReceiver setSkinTransparency(pos,
{ env->getSkin());

public: // }-

MyEventReceiver(SAppContext break;
& context) : Context(context) { }

EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED: item1count_str+=item1count;
switch(id) return true;
// case ID_ON: case BTNB_P:
// item2count++;
return true;
// return true;
// case ID_OFF:
// {
// serialPrintf(SP1,"a");
// return 1; if(item2count<0)item2count=0;
// } item2count_str=L"";
// return true;
case BTNA_P:
return true;
case BTNC_P:
item1count_str+=item1count; item3count++;
return true; item3count_str=L"";
BTNA_M: item3count_str+=item3count;
item1count--; return true;
if(item1count<0)item1count=0; BTNC_M:
item1count_str=L""; item3count--;

case BTNE_M:
return true;
case BTND_P: return true;
item4count_str=L""; case BTNF_P:
return true;
case return true;
case BTNF_M:
return true;
return true;
case BTNE_P:
item5count_str=L""; BTNCHECKOUT:{

return true;



Erull Marron T. Tonzo

Zone Madasigon II Suarez, Iligan City

Lanao del Norte, Philippines


Date of Birth: August 24, 1998

Place of Birth: Iligan City

Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino

2019 Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology

Andres Bonifacio Tibanga, Iligan City

2014 Suarez National High School

Brgy. Suarez, Iligan City

2009 Suarez Central School
Brgy. Suarez, Iligan City

On-the-Job Trainee

Izza P. Alindong
Banana Village Kapatagan

Lanao del Norte, Philippines


Date of Birth: July 29, 1997

Place of Birth: Kapatagan, LDN

Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino

2019 Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology

Andres Bonifacio Tibanga, Iligan City

2014 Kapatagan National High School

Poblacion, Kapatagan LDN

2009 Kapatagan East Central School
Poblacion, Kapatagan LDN


Gaisel Faith M. Regner

Purok 3 Poblacion Linamon

Lanao del Norte, Philippines


Date of Birth: June 3, 1998

Place of Birth: Linamon, LDN

Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino


2019 Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology
Andres Bonifacio Tibanga, Iligan City

2014 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Academy

Linamon, LDN
2009 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Academy

Linamon, LDN

MSU-IIT Tech Support Laboratory
On-the-Job Trainee

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