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Presentation: Colombian coffee

In my presentation today, I'm going to talk about the tallest buildings in the world.
Basically, I've divided this presentation into three parts. In the first part, I'll talk about the firsts tall
Then, in the second part, I'll look at the current tallest buildings. And to finish off. I’ll focus on some
buildings under construction.

Now I'd like to move onto the first part of my presentation. Over time several ancient structures
were built, some of them still stand nowadays. For example, Egyptian pyramids, Lincoln Cathedral,
Washington Monument and Eiffel Tower. It is very very important to keep in mind that some of
these structures are not considered buildings because they never been inhabited or occupied.
In the 19 century when the iron became famous among engineers and builders, a new concept was
created. Skyscraper which in terms means tall buildings. The first skyscraper was the Ditherington
Flax Mill which is located in Ditherington, a suburb of Shrewsbury, England. Despite of the low
height of the building, just 16m or five stories this was the beginning of the new era of tall building,
followed by other relevant structures such as Home Insurance Building, New York World Building
and among others.

Next I'd like to look at my second point today, since 1901 several skyscraper have been built around
the world. North America was the first country which started to build a significant number of tall
building, at the end of 1930, 99 of the 100 tallest building were there. Among the famous and tallest
building are 432 Park Avenue(425.5m), Sears tower(442.1m) and One World Trade
Center(541.3m).These are currently the tallest building at least in North America. So where are
located the others skyscrapers? In Asia and the Middle East, after build Petronas Twin Towers in
1998 the number of building in these part of the world has increased dramatically, insomuch that
currently 60 out of 100 are located in these area such as Burj Khalifa which is the tallest build in
the wolrd with 828m , Shanghai Tower(632m) and Abraj Al-Bait Clock Tower(601m).

In the final part, I’ll focus on buildings under construction. There are a significant number of building
that are being built. Most of these projects will be completed after 2020. Some of them are, Jeddah
Tower (1008m) and does means 10 soccer fields. Also it will become the tallest building in the world
other project is Suzhou Zhongnan Center(729m) which it will become the tallest building in China.
China has an ambitious project which consist in 29 skyscrapers, all of them will be in the top 50 of
the tallest buildings.

(Wikipedia, 2017).
That concludes my presentation. Are there any questions?



Wikipedia. (19 de 11 de 2017). List of tallest buildings. Obtenido de

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