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Rizal Technological University

Pasig City
College of Engineering and Industrial Technology

Experiment 1: Grow a Crystal

 You may choose between alum (also known as'tawas') or borax
(powdered form) as your solute
 Food coloring
 Boiling water
 An object you want to be covered with crystal
 Container

 This experiment involves the use of heat, please handle everything with
 DO NOT utilize food containers or any kitchenwares that may
contaminate your food or drinks after you conduct this experiment.
 THOROUGHLY WASH the container after use.

 Add the boiling water with the alum or borax.
 Stir the solution, make sure that it is saturated.
 Add food coloring and stir again
 Submerge your object of choice into the solution.
 After 12 hours, remove your crystal and reheat the solution and add
more alum or borax while the water is boiling.
 After cooling down, put back the crystal.
 After 12 hours, take the crystal out.
 You may repeat the procedure if you're not satisfied with the results.

Data and Results:

In the 1st half of a bond paper:

write a narrative about the experiment you've conducted. Specifically,
indicate what solute (alum or borax) and food coloring you've used. Also
mention the number of trials and the changes or adjustments you made in
order to get your desired results. Do not waste your time making stories
because you may redo the experiment until a crystal grow in your desired

In the 2nd half of the paper:

Provide several pictures showing that you are conducting the experiment.
Make sure that you are visible in ALL the pictures. Include a picture of the final
product as well.

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