In The First Part Then, in The Second Part and To Finish Off

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Presentation: The World Wide Web.

Good afternoon
The Internet is composed of millions of computer networks that allow access to an
information space called the World Wide Web. The number of people and companies using
the World Wide Web have increased significantly the last years. However, most users don’t
know what are behind this domains and how trustworthy is the data available.

In my presentation today, I'm going to talk about the dark web which is part of the World
Wide Web.
Basically, I've divided this presentation into three parts. In the first part, I'll talk about how
a company is susceptible to the Darknet and why they should protect against it. Then, in
the second part, I'll look at are businesses really concerned with the Darknet. And to finish
off. I’ll focus on examples of how the Darknet has been used against companies.

Before move onto my first point today I want to make a brief explanation about the
different levels of the World Wide Web. As we can see in the graph [ ], firstly, the
surface web is the portion of the Internet that everybody can access. Secondly, the deep
web is behind-the scenes of world communications and data stores are not recognized by
Internet search engines. Finally, Darknet is mostly invisible and purposely designed to hide
the user’s identity.

Now I'd like to move onto the first part of my presentation, computers are used by most
companies nowadays, and company networks plays a key role within business
development. These have led employee to use different devices such as smartphones,
personal computers and other electronic devices to work remotely in order to achieve their
duties. But how could this represent a risk for companies?, online criminals when want to
accesses information of an specific company nearly always need first that employees use
their electronic devices onsite or remotely. Consequently, when employees are doing daily
activities can allow criminals access to the Darknet without knowledge or intentionally.
Regardless of the circumstance, once criminals access the result will make and untold harm
within the company and in some cases does it mean loss important businesses.
The darknet allows criminal to explore, conspire, instigate and even extort companies in
order to obtain monetary gain or use information against them. For these reasons
companies should invest in modern technology and monitoring systems to guarantee the
security of the storage data and online information.
Next I'd like to look at my second point today, according to a research conducted by Brian
Krebs, the number of companies which are concerned about security of their data and fraud
has increased. However companies have been omitting an important factor in their
challenge to keep safe. “Insider employee” which in terms means, the employee who sell
business data or network access on the Darknet. This person plays and important role
during the process to steal information. So it is extremely important that companies identify
and develop approaches to monitor employee performance and computer activity. In case
you think this alarmist, now let’s look at the graph, this graph [ ].
Based on this reality, unfortunately, most companies don’t have the time or the resources
for monitoring activity on the Dark Web. However, some of them can piggyback on research
by other firms by signing up for alerts and monitoring services.

In the final part, I’ll focus on examples of how the Darknet has been used against companies,
Cybercriminals can take advantage of the Darknet’s capacity to shield detection by
employing various schemes to attack businesses.

 Blackmailing individual employees to secure access to company networks or

electronically stored data
 Securing and selling access to company networks.
 Stealing personally information such as account information, linked credit card
numbers, bank accounts, business trade secrets as well as confidential customer
lists; or insider information from company networks, and then later selling this
Another examples are
 Accessing accounts payable of a company and approving fraudulent wire transfers.
 Accessing security networks of a company and coordinating unlawful breaking and
entering onto business property to conduct other criminal activity.
 Conducting cyberattacks on phone or Web access of a company that relies on these
communications for customer service or shutting down operations for certain times
until blackmail payment received
 Conducting phishing attacks
 Conducting cyberattacks

It is widely recognized that the Internet is the place where you can find information about
everything and everyone, the fact that the dark web is often used by various terrorist
organizations for different types of trafficking and illegal activities is becoming concern for
companies. Acquire modern technology and monitoring systems to guarantee the security
of the storage data and online information should be a priority for companies.
That concludes my presentation. Are there any questions?

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