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MATTER FOR 01.07.2019      COURT NO. 8     ITEM NO.

 59       SEC­X


                WRIT PETITION (CIVIL) NO. 104 OF 2019
      INTERLOCUTORY APPLICATION NO. 22527 OF 2018 AND 74909 OF 2019
               INTERLOCUTORY APPLICATION NO. 90067 OF 2019
             INTERLOCUTORY APPLICATION NO. 92529 OF 2019
               INTERLOCUTORY APPLICATION NO. 92700 OF 2019
UNION OF INDIA & ORS.                  ...RESPONDENTS

It is submitted that the matter above­mentioned was listed
before   the   Hon'ble   Court   on   10.05.2019   with   office   report   dated
04.05.2019, when the Court was pleased to pass the following Order:
“Because   of   paucity   of   time,   these   matters
cannot be taken up today. However, Ms. Meenakshi Arora,
learned   counsel   submitted   that   there   is   an   extreme
urgency in the matter.
In   the   circumstances,   we   give   liberty   to   the
parties   to   mention   the   matter   before   the   learned
Vacation Court.”

It is submitted that Mr. Vaibhav Manu Srivastava, Advocate
has filed application for impleadment on behalf of 107  applicants
as   party   respondents   along   with   application   for   directions.   The
application   for   impleadment   has   been   registered   as   I.A.No.
60952/2019   and   application   for   direction   as   I.A.D.No.60956/2019.
The   said   applications   were   mentioned   before   the   Hon'ble   Court   on
03.06.2019, when the Court was pleased to pass the following Order:
“List   these   applications   immediately   after
ensuing summer vacation.”

Sys. 5
Service of notice is complete in the writ petition.
It   is   further   submitted   that   Ms.   Anil   Katiyar,   Advocate
has on 19.06.2019 filed an application for modification of order
dated 30.01.2019 on behalf of Union of India. (copy of the same is
being circulated herewith).
It is further submitted that Mr. P.K. Jain, Advocate has
on 28.06.2019  filed  application  for clarification  of order  dated
30.01.2019.   The   same   has   been   registered   as   92529/2019
(copy of the same is being circulated herewith).
It is lastly  submitted  that Ms. Divya  Roy, Advocate  has
on   28.06.2019   filed   application   for   impleadment   to   implead   as
petitioner.   The   same   has   been   registered   as   I.A.No.   92700/2019
(copy of the same is being circulated herewith).
The I.A.No. 60952 and 60956 of 2019 in the writ petition
above­mentioned   are   listed   before   the   Hon'ble   Court   with  this
Revised Office Report.
Dated this the 29th day of June, 2019.

Copy to:­
Ms. Divya Roy, Advocate
Mr. Anuvrat Sharma, Advocate
Ms. Anil Katiyar, Advocate 
Mr. P.K. Jain, Advocate 
Mr. Vaibhav Manu Srivastava, Advocate

                                               ASSISTANT REGISTRAR

Sys. 5
MATTER FOR 01.07.2019      COURT NO. 8     ITEM NO. 59       SEC­X


                WRIT PETITION (CIVIL) NO. 104 OF 2019
      INTERLOCUTORY APPLICATION NO. 22527 OF 2018 AND 74909 OF 2019
               INTERLOCUTORY APPLICATION NO. 90067 OF 2019
UNION OF INDIA & ORS.                  ...RESPONDENTS

It is submitted that the matter above­mentioned was listed
before   the   Hon'ble   Court   on   10.05.2019   with   office   report   dated
04.05.2019, when the Court was pleased to pass the following Order:
“Because   of   paucity   of   time,   these   matters
cannot be taken up today. However, Ms. Meenakshi Arora,
learned   counsel   submitted   that   there   is   an   extreme
urgency in the matter.
In   the   circumstances,   we   give   liberty   to   the
parties   to   mention   the   matter   before   the   learned
Vacation Court.”

It is submitted that Mr. Vaibhav Manu Srivastava, Advocate
has filed application for impleadment on behalf of 107  applicants
as   party   respondents   along   with   application   for   directions.   The
application   for   impleadment   has   been   registered   as   I.A.No.
60952/2019   and   application   for   direction   as   I.A.D.No.60956/2019.
The   said   applications   were   mentioned   before   the   Hon'ble   Court   on
03.06.2019, when the Court was pleased to pass the following Order:
“List   these   applications   immediately   after
ensuing summer vacation.”

Service of notice is complete in the writ petition.
It   is   lastly   submitted   that   Ms.   Anil   Katiyar,   Advocate
has on 19.06.2019 filed an application for modification of order
dated 30.01.2019 on behalf of Union of India. (copy of the same is
being circulated herewith). ..2/­

Sys. 5
The I.A.No. 60952 and 60956 of 2019 in the writ petition
above­mentioned   are   listed   before   the   Hon'ble   Court   with  this
Office Report.
Dated this the 26th day of June, 2019.

Copy to:­
Ms. Divya Roy, Advocate
Mr. Anuvrat Sharma, Advocate
Ms. Anil Katiyar, Advocate 
Mr. P.K. Jain, Advocate 
Mr. Vaibhav Manu Srivastava, Advocate

                                               ASSISTANT REGISTRAR

Sys. 5

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