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Job Title: Substantive Consultant in Emergency Medicine

Grade: Consultant

Managerial Responsible to: Specialty Lead for Emergency Medicine

Professionally Accountable to: Specialty Lead for Emergency Medicine & Clinical Director for

Base/Department(s): Emergency Department

Location(s): Southmead Hospital, Bristol

Job Plan: Proposed Job Plan is attached although the individual will be expected to work flexibly to
fulfil high professional standards and contribute to Departmental and Trust priorities.


North Bristol NHS Trust is the largest Trust in the South West region, and one of the largest
trusts in the country. Last year the Trust treated over 100,000 inpatients, over 300,000
outpatients, 100, 000 Emergency Department patients and helped deliver over 5,000 babies. It
employs more than 8,500 staff, and a revenue budget in excess of £400 million. In May 2014
we moved into a £430 million 800 bed PFI hospital. The trust is the adult major trauma centre
for the Severn trauma network and sees over 600 major trauma patients per annum either
directly to the ED or via trauma units within the network.

The Trust provides medical, surgical, and maternity care for its local population of
approximately half a million people in the North Bristol and South Gloucestershire area. It also
provides sub regional, regional and supra regional services in the fields of neurosciences,
orthopaedics, pathology, plastic surgery and burns, renal medicine and transplant, urology and
vascular surgery.

The health service in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire is being remodelled to
concentrate acute facilities, and where appropriate to provide more care close to patient homes
through a network of community hospitals and facilities.

The Trust has University Teaching status and is associated with both the University of Bristol
and the University of the West of England.
Summary overview of post
The Emergency Department at Southmead Hospital sees between 230 and 300 patients per day, with
a wide variety of conditions predominantly from the North of Bristol but from the region as part of the
Trusts tertiary services. The department was opened in 2014 as part of the new Hospital and provides
outstanding facilities.

There are 16.5 wte Emergency Medicine Consultants currently in the Service. The current Consultant
body provides shop floor cover from 0800-2400 7 days a week. During the week, one of the
Consultants acts as a resident trauma team leader overnight as part of the hospitals designation as
an adult major trauma centre. A weekend trauma team leader service will be provided by a

The successful applicant will work with the established Consultants in a rota including evening,
weekend and overnight sessions as part of their job plan. The successful applicant will be expected
to take a role in our Ambulatory observation unit, as well as working with the other Consultants on the
shop floor, enabling the Department to meet National Service Frameworks and Government targets.

Management structure
The appointee will be contractually accountable to the North Bristol NHS Trust for the provision of
services. The appointee will be managerially responsible to the Chief Executive through the Divisonal
Director. All Consultants are required to undergo an annual appraisal carried out in accordance with
the Trust policy. Consultants are also required to take an active and co-operative approach to their job
planning, which will be reviewed on an annual basis by their clinical Director.
All posts are regarded as being Trust wide but the base Hospital will be:
Southmead Hospital
Please note that the base could change as a consequence of clinical requirements.
(i) Clinical Duties –

Diagnosis and management of patients presenting to the Emergency Department

Southmead Hospital.

Continuing responsibility for the care of patients in liaison with Consultant colleagues.

(ii) Teaching and Supervision of Junior Medical Staff & Students

Professional supervision and management of junior medical staff. If appropriate, the

postholder will be named in the educational contract of junior staff as the person
responsible for overseeing their training and as an initial source of advice to such doctors
regarding their careers.

Teaching, examination and accreditation duties as requested by the Director of

Postgraduate Medical Education are required, as is a contribution to undergraduate,
postgraduate and continual medical education activity locally.

(iii) Study & Research

The postholder will be entitled to 30 days study leave within a 3-year period (pro rata for
part-time posts) as stated in the Terms and Conditions of Service.

The Trust is committed to ensuring that support is given for Continuing Medical
Education. The postholder will be required to fulfil the requirements laid down by the
relevant Royal College, and to fulfil the requirements for revalidation laid down by the
General Medical Council.

The post holder will not necessarily be expected to undertake research however
opportunities do exist and encouragement is given to develop collaborative projects with
other departments within Trust or with the University of Bristol and the University of the
West of England. The post-

holder will be required to submit all research development plans which have resource
implications to the Clinical Director prior to implementation.

There is a professionally staffed Medical Library at Southmead Hospital, with a rapid

service between these and the University Library situated in the centre of Bristol city. A
computer literature search facility is available for which a charge is made and the library
has links with other networks. The libraries are at the forefront of developments in
electronic knowledge delivery.

(iv) Audit -

The postholder will be required to take part in a Clinical Audit Programme. The Trust has an
audit department which supports and monitors such activity. There is an active Trust Clinical
Audit Committee.

The appointee will be expected to work within the facilities available to the Group and any new service
developments are subject to the provision of necessary resources within the Trust. There is an active
appraisal and development programme and all consultant staff will take part in this process.

The post holder must be fully registered with the General Medical Council with a licence to practise
and is advised to maintain up to date membership of a recognised medical defence organisation. The
Trust has arrangements in place to ensure that all Medical staff receive an annual appraisal with a
trained appraiser and supports all Medical staff through the revalidation process.

The Trust has a list of identified Mentors which is used to allocate a suitable support to new
consultants during the first year in post

The appointee will be required to live within a distance that allows safe discharge of all clinical
commitments and no more than a 10 mile distance from the base (unless there is prior agreement
with the Medical Director) or 30 minutes travelling of your base hospital.

An applicant who is unable, for personal reasons, to work full-time will be eligible to be considered for
the post; if such a person is appointed, modification of the job content will be discussed with the
Trusts on a personal basis in consultation with Consultant colleagues.

The successful candidate is expected to be aware of local policies and procedures and comply with
the standing orders and standing financial instructions of the Trusts.

Consultant appointments are made to North Bristol NHS Trust and as services are developed and
changed, the base and/or clinical sessions of posts may alter to meet service requirements.

Your attention is drawn to the confidential nature of information collected within the NHS. The
unauthorised use or disclosure of patient or other personal information is a dismissible offence and in
the case of computerised information, could result in a prosecution for an offence or action for civil
damages under the Data Protection Act 1998.

The appointment is subject to pre-employment health screening


(a) Facilities (eg wards, out- patients clinics, beds support services)

The seated assessment area is used for observational medicine, as well as ambulatory

We have tertiary specialities of Neurosurgery, Plastics surgery and burns, pelvic

orthopaedic surgery, vascular and urology surgery and renal transplant surgery. We are a
regional stroke centre, and have tertiary neurology and renal medical services on site. We
have a 48 bedded critical care unit and a very large theatre complex. There is a delivery
suite, which has around 6,000 birth per year, and a NICU.

Pathology services include haematology, clinical chemistry, histopathology and medical


All specialities hold outpatient clinics on site.

(c) Secretarial Support & Office Accommodation

Shared secretarial support and Office accommodation is available.

(d) Activity/Contracts (eg out patient attendances)

Annual attendances are around 90,000 per year.

((e) Diagnostic Facilities

MRI and CT scan facilities are available on site including a dedicated CT scanner in the
resuscitation area of the department. The Trust also has ultrasound, nuclear medicine
and vascular radiology services.

(f) Therapeutic Facilities

There is a lithotripsy suite, hybrid theatre and are the regional vascular centre.

(g) Academic Facilities

North Bristol NHS Trust has medical education facilities in a dedicated education centre.
This provides a lounge area where a good selection of daily newspapers and coffee is
available during working hours.

A Diary Card is published three times a year, giving details of the many meetings and
events that take place each term in the Centres.

An extensive range of audio-visual equipment is available, including the latest multi-

media projection systems, portable audio-visual equipment and video-conferencing links
on each site.

The Centre is open between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm Monday to Thursday

and from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm on Fridays.

SECTION 7 - Commitment to Patients, Infection Control, Health and Safety, No Smoking,

Confidentiality, Equal Opportunities, Safeguarding
Improving the Patient Experience through your work

Patients are the most important people in the health service and are at the centre of what we do. Patients
and carers are the ‘experts’ in how they feel and what it is like to live with or care for someone with a
particular illness or condition. The patients’ experience of our services should guide the way we deliver
services and influence how we engage with patients every day in our work.

All staff should communicate effectively in their day to day practice with patients and should support and
enable patients/carers to make choices, changes and influence the way their treatment or care is provided.
All staff, managers and Board members should work to promote effective patient, carer and public
involvement in all elements of their work

We have a duty to involve, engage and consult with patients, carers and families about plans for health
facilities and the provision of our services. North Bristol NHS Trust wholeheartedly embraces the principles
of patient partnership and has made clear its commitment to involve patients in key aspects of its work,
which will be further strengthened through becoming a Foundation Trust.
Infection Control

Compliance with all infection control policies and procedures will form an integral part of the practice of all
staff working in a clinical environment. Each staff member will be responsible for familiarising themselves
with the Infection Control Manual in the clinical areas and on the Trust’s Intranet site. Staff must keep up to
date with new policies and subsequent implementation in practice.
Staff must seek support and advice from Infection Control in all instances where cross infection is likely to
have occurred or when managing situations involving patients with infections where guidance provided in
the Policies is not applicable.

All staff must contact the Occupational Health Dept if they are suffering from any form of infection which
may put patients and other staff at risk.

Health and Safety/Security

It is the duty of every employee to work in such a way that accidents to themselves and to others are
avoided, and to co-operate in maintaining their place of work in a tidy and safe condition, thereby minimising
risk. Employees will, therefore, refer any matters of concern through their respective line managers.
Similarly, it is each persons responsibility to ensure a secure environment and bring any breaches of
security to the attention of their managers.

No-Smoking Policy

As an NHS employer, the Trust has a duty to its staff and patients to protect them from the health hazard
that smoking represents. Consequently, from 8 March 2006, in line with the public health white paper,
Choosing Health, smoking will not be permitted anywhere on Trust property including all buildings, grounds
and within leased/owned vehicles of the Trust. This applies to all staff, patients and visitors of the Trust.
Failure by staff to comply with this requirement may result
in recourse to the disciplinary procedure. Employees also have a responsibility to remind members of the
public, visitors and other staff to refrain from smoking on Trust premises and to inform the appropriate
manager if they witness repeat non compliance.

Equal Opportunities

North Bristol NHS Trust has given its full commitment to the adoption and promotion of the key principles of
equal opportunities contained within current legislation and the Trust’s Equal Opportunities Policy.

All staff hold personal responsibility for the application of this policy on a day-to-day basis and should not
undertake any acts of discriminatory practice during the course of their employment. Similarly all staff have
a responsibility to highlight any potentially discriminatory practice to their line manager, human resources
department or trade union/professional associations.

Copies of the Equal Opportunities Policy are available in the Personnel Policies and Procedures file in every
department and on the intranet.

Harassment and Bullying

We believe that all people, whether staff, patients or visitors, are entitled to an environment in which the
dignity of the individual is respected.

We are also firmly committed to promoting an organisational culture which values diversity and equality of
opportunity and to preventing discrimination in all aspects of its employment practices and services. We
regard harassment and bullying as totally unacceptable forms of behaviour that will not be tolerated or

The person appointed to this post is reminded this organisation is committed to safeguarding and promoting
the welfare of children and young people. It is the responsibility of all staff to be clear about appropriate and
inappropriate practice and further information on ‘Guidance for Safer Working Practice for Adults who Work
with Children and Young People, Nov 2007 can be found at

Confidentiality and Freedom of Information

Information relating to patients’ records, diagnosis and/or treatment of patients, staff records, or information
concerning contracts, tenders and other commercially sensitive matters etc. are considered to be
confidential and must not be divulged without prior authority other than in accordance with the provisions of
the Trust’s Policy on raising concerns about Health Care Services as may be amended from time to time.
Breaches of confidentiality will result in disciplinary action, and may result in dismissal. Managers are also
required as a condition of this Contract to represent the views of the Trust in any dealing they may have
with Trust employees, their representatives, the media, general public or other organisations in which
he/she may come into contact.

However, as a public body, the Trust has a requirement to publish particular information. Therefore, in
addition to the above confidentiality requirements you must also comply with all aspects of the law
concerned with information handling. For this purpose, the relevant legislation is the Freedom of
Information Act 2000. This Act places a legal duty on all staff to comply with the rights of the public to
access information. Any altering, destroying or concealing of information held by the Trust with the intention
of preventing the legitimate disclosure of all or part of that information will result in disciplinary action, and
may result in dismissal.


North Bristol Trust are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and
adults and to protecting them from all risks of harm. The organisation expects all staff to work to national
and local children and adult safeguarding policies and procedures. The trust expects all staff and volunteers
to be dementia aware and to support the care of people with dementia. All staff are expected to share this
commitment and meet the competencies relevant to their role.


Informal enquiries regarding the post may be made by contacting:

 The current junior doctors in post via the switchboard

 Dr Leilah Dare, Specialty Lead Emergency Medicine: or Danielle Morse

Specialty Manager: 0117 414 4995

8th October 2019

Please give the names and addresses of three referees, one of whom should be your present employer or
most recent employer. It is our normal practice to contact your present, or most recent employer, and we
would automatically do so if you are shortlisted.


Day Time / start Location (note Activity / Categorisation No. of PAs

Weekdays and end * any off site frequency
and or travel) Comment

e.g. ward DCC/SPA (see

round, clinic further codes in
0800/1630 Brunel Major Trauma DCC 2.66 253
Early days/yr
1600/2200 Brunel Major Trauma DCC 2.19 253
Late days/yr
0800/1630 Brunel Early Shift DCC 2.66 253
1600/2300 Brunel Late Shift DCC 2.60 253
1130/1730 Brunel Mid Majors DCC 1.88 253

1130/1730 Brunel Mid Minors DCC 1.88 201

1600/2200 Brunel Late C DCC 2.19 52 days/yr

0800/1700 Brunel ED Consultant DCC 3.75 52 days/yr

0800/1700 Brunel Weekend DCC 3.75 52 days/yr
Sun 1600/2300 Brunel Weekend Late DCC 2.92 52 days/yr
Bank Holiday 0800/1700
0800/1600 Brunel Bank Hol On DCC 3.75 8 days/yr
No Specific Call
Day Brunel Bank Hol DCC 3.33 8 days/yr
Brunel CORE SPA SPA 1.50

Consultants will cover a mixture of above clinical shifts as part of an annualised rota.
On Call Availability Supplement
Rota Frequency (Schedule 16, para 5) the number of consultants on rota)
Value of supplement as a % of WT basic salary
Frequency of Rota
(please tick appropriate box)
Category A Category B
High Frequency: 1:1 to 1:4 8.0% 3.0%
Medium Frequency: 1:5 to 1: 5.0% 2.0%
Low Frequency: 1:9 or less 3.0% 1.0%

Programmed activity Number

Direct clinical care (including unpredictable on-call)
Supporting professional activities
Other NHS responsibilities (to be discussed with Clinical Director)
External duties (to be discussed with Clinical Director)
Total Programmed Activities


This is a proposed job plan. Only those times that need to be fixed, such as the start and usual finish times
of clinics are detailed. All other times must be discussed with the appointee. The timetable will be reviewed
after the appointee has been in post for three months. It must therefore be regarded as a temporary work
programme only.

Assessment at Shortlisting stage

Category Essential Desirable Scoring Matrix
Qualifications FRCEM or equivalent Higher academic Qualifications
And qualification (e.g. MD or MS).
Registration Maintain Full registration with the GMC.

Must have CCT in Emergency Medicine or be

within 6 months of completing and have been
entered on the GMC Specialist Register at the
time of the appointment.

Specialist registrars that do not hold a CCT must

be due to be awarded one within 6 months of the
interview date.
Training Recent experience and familiarity of UK hospital Advanced resuscitation Experience
And systems and practices (or equivalent). skills, experience of
Experience observation Medicine,
Minimum of 8 years postgraduate experience experience of CDU
including higher surgical/medical training, three
years as a Senior Registrar in an approved
training post, or equivalent. Part of this period
may be in a post of equivalent responsibility and
training potential.

Training in diagnosis and treatment of

A&E conditions.
Further Evidence of recent CME/ reasonable training Completion of a general Knowledge
Training, progression at this stage of career. management course or
Management, programme.
Audit Experience in audit project and written up

Knowledge of contemporary NHS management


Knowledge of political context within which we

Research, Proven teaching ability. Proven track record in Skills
Teaching, research.
Publications Willingness to undertake teaching of medical
under-graduates & postgraduates. Willingness to undertake
further research.

Ability to gain the trust and

confidence of colleagues and

Ability to teach effectively

Evidence of relevant
publications in peer reviewed

Demonstration of
involvement in clinical
directorate management.
Personal Ability to lead a team and form effective working Other
Requirements relationships within a team.
Communication Ability to inspire, motivate and develop junior
Leadership medical staff.
Flexibility) Ability to work independently as well as part of
the Medicine Directorate. To balance individual
requirements against those of the Directorate
and Trust as a whole.

Good written communication skills. Evidence of

the ability to communicate with patients,
colleagues and staff at all levels.

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