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Bureau of Customs 3099 Manila 36 May 2008 CUSTOMS MEMORANDUM ORDER : NO. eer SUBJECT: Monitoring the Spesific Description of Articles in the List of Tmportable Materials of Custon Bonded Warehouses 1 Obiectives ‘This Order Is Issued to ensure proper description of Imporlable gouds and matertals of all Customs Bonded Warehouses (CBWs) pursuant to Custome Administrative Order No, 8-2007 and the proper monitoring of the ‘operation af CBWe ‘This Order shall apply Lo all Customs Bonded Warehouses, titelr members and end-user chents, amang olhers, except CBWS In intematlonal airports operating lke C¥/CFS. TH -Qoerslting Provisions: 1. The Ust of Impnitable Goods (11G)/Statement of Raw Mateilal Importation Requirements (SRMIR}, once approved, Is the basic document which specifies the gnods/raw materials, Including the coresponcing volume and other details, that are suthottzad ta be imported. 2. All Customs Bonded Werehouses (CAWs), their members anel enc- user Glents, amorigathers, shall ensure cormpllance with regard to ‘the specific and proper deseription of each of thelr inportable goods/materials In gecordance with CAC) No. 8-2007 including the corresponding thereof. Ne general description shall be allowed. 3. Henceforth, all applications for the establishment, renewal of licenses, amendment of the list af importable niatérials, increase/decrease in volume, etc., of CBWs, pursuant 10 CAQ No, 2- $1 and CMO No, 39-91, shall specify in the corresponding (st of Imparfable Goods (LIG)/Statement of Raw Material Importation Requirements (SRMIR) the specific and prower desrittion of earh af their Importable artides/malerals In accordance with CAO No, &- 2007 including the corresponding ANIIN thereof. Applications submitted canary to the foregoing shall not le. accents Fparoting Giviston/Unie ard ve bret: Canora eeeecenteal, ay the 4. All existing Customs Bonded Warehouses (CBWs), their members ancl end-user dents, among others, evan those whose licenses to N. v. operate a CAW have been renewed, are required to comply with this requirement within thirty (20) days fiom the effectivity ot this Order. 5. Importable arlicles/materials not sa specifically described in the LIG/Srek in accordance vith the foregoing shall be desined to be th Violation of CAG No. 8-2007 and the cargo shall be subjected! ta 100% examination, without projudice ta other spalteable saisclons} and, further, shall nat he entered under warehotsiny and theretore subject Lo payment of duifes and taxes. Further, only srticiesyjteriafs listed in he approver! LIGYSRMIR may be entered under the warehousing regime. 5. It should be noted that uncer 60 No, 127, the different Operating Divislons/equivalent units, which are under the direc supervision ane rol of Ueir respective Distelct Collectors/Collectarg, are mandates! to perform the foregoing tasks, The Operating Divislon/Unit and! the respective District Collector/Port Collector concerned-shall therefore lrictly ensure compliance hereto. In the event of any violation hereof, the responsible officer/s may. be subjeried to the Corresponding administrative/criminal sanction, Repealing Clause: All Orders inconsistent with the foregoing shall be deemed revoked and without effect. ffectity: This Order shall take effect immediately NAPOLEON’) MoRaLES ‘Campyitsioner » iene

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