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SSj e p p e s e i m .
Sanderson Training Products

Aircraft Technical Book Company, LLC

By Frank Delp

Sanderson Training Products
Aircraft Technical Book Company, LLC
http: //www
(970) 726-5111
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-publication number: 9 2 -2 4 6 1 5

© 1979 Frank Doip

J S 31 2 C5 1 B A fl R ig h ts R e s e rv e d

Aircraft Technical Book Company, LLC

Table Of Contents
Preface ____________________________________________________ v

Chapter I Introduction To Propellers ____________ _______________ _________ 1-5

Nomenclature; Types Of Propellers; The Propeller Protractor; Propeller Safety

Chapter II FARs And Propellers_________________________________________ 7-11

Propeller Requirements For Aircraft Certification;
Propeller Maintenance Regulations

Chapter III Propeller Theory_____________ ________________________________ 13-16

Propeller Lift And Angle Of Attack; Forces Acting On The Propeller;
Propeller Pitch

Chapter IV Fixed Pitch Propellers And Propeller Blades_________________ 17-24

Wood Propellers And Blades; Aluminum Propellers And Blades;
Steel Propellers And Blades; Fixed Pitch Propeller Designation Systems

Chapter V Propeller Installations 25-35

Flanged Shaft Installations; Tapered Shaft Installation;
Spllned Shaft Installations: Tracking The Propeller;
Safetytng Propeller Installations; Troubleshooting

Chapter VI Ground-Adjustable Propeller_______________________ 37-39

Propeller Construction; Installation; Inspection. Maintenance And Repair;

Chapter VII Automatic Pitch-Changing Propellers_______________________ 41-44

Theory O f Operation; Propeller Construction; Installation;
inspection, Maintenance And Repair; Troubleshooting

Chapter VIII Controllable-PItch Propellers________________________________ 45-46

System Components; Theory Of Operation; Installation;
Inspection, Maintenance And Repair: Troubleshooting

Chapter IX Two-Position Propeller System _________ _____________________ 47-53

System Components; System Operation; Flight Operation; Installation;
Propeller Blade Angle Adjustments; inspection, Maintenance And Repair;

Chapter X Constant-Speed Propeller Systems _________________________ 55-74

Theory Of Operation; Hamilton-Standard Counterweight Propeller System:
McCauley Propeller System; Hartzell Propeller System

Chapter XI Feathering Propeller S ystem s______________________________ 75-95

McCauley Feathering System; Hartzell Feathering System;
Hamilton-Standard Feathering System

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Chapter XII Reversing Propeller Systems 97-121
Hartzell Reversing Propeller System On The Garrett AlReaearch TFE-331 Engine;
Hartzell Reversing Propeller System On The Pratt & Whitney FT-6 Engine;
Hamilton-Standard Reversing Hydromatic® System

Chapter XIII Propeller Auxiliary System 123-141

Ice Elimination Systems; Simultaneous Propeller Control Systems;
Automatic Feathering System: Pitch Lock; Integral Oil Control Assembly

Glossary 143

Answers To Study Questions 145

Final Examination _________ 148

Answers To Final Examination 150

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The book in Aircraft Propellers and Controls is one o f a series of specialized training manuals prepared
for aviation maintenance personnel.

This series is part of a programmed learning course developed and produced by Jeppcsen Sanderson, Inc..
one o f the largest suppliers of aviation maintenance training materials in Ihe world. This program is part
of' a continuing effort to improve the quality o f education for aviation mechanics throughout the world.

This manual is designed to present the A&P mechanic/student with the information necessary for a
general understanding o f the theory, operation, and maintenance of fixed-pitch, variable-pitch, feathering,
and reversing propellers. Although specific propeller systems are discussed in some chapters, the systems
operate in a manner generally applicable to all similar propeller systems.

‘1lie information contained in this manual is for instructional purposes only, and is not to be used as a
substitute for a manufacturer’ s current maintenance manual, service bulletins, or operational data.

Throughout this text, at appropriate points, is included a series, of carefully prepared, questions and
answers to emphasize key elements of the text, and to encourage you to continually test yourself for
accuracy and retention as vou progress. A multiple choice final examination is included to allow you to
test your comprehension of the total material.

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Aircraft Technical Book Company, LLC
Chapter I
Introduction To Propellers
TTiroughout the development of controlled flight further Improvements In propeller designs. The
as we know It, eveiy aircraft required some kind of most widely used Improvement during the war was
device to convert engine power to a usable form a Jour-bladed w o o d proDCllcr. Other d e s ig n im­
termed ttmist. With few exceptions, nearly all of the provements, which were developed during the war.
early practical aircraft deBlgns used propellers to Included an aluminumJfixed-pl teh propeller, and
create necessary thrust. During the latter part of the tw op osition co n tro lla b le p ro p e lle r These
the 19th centuiy many unusual and Innovative Improvements did not rome Into wide usage until
designs for propellers made their debut on the early the late 1920s.
Ilylng machines. These ranged from simple wood
frame and fabric paddles to elaborate multi-bladed As aircraft designs Improved, propellers were
wire-braced designs. Some of these designs were developed which featured thinner airfoil sec­
even used successfully aa a means of propelling the tions, and greater strength. Because o f Its struc­
early dirigibles and heavier-than-alr designs. tural strength, these Improvements brought the
aluminum propeller into wide usage. The advan­
As the science of aeronautics progressed, pro­ tage of being able to change the propeller blade
peller designs improved from flat boards which a n gle In flight, led to wide acceptance o f the
merely pushed air backward, to actual airfoil two-position propeller, and later, the develop­
shapes that produced liji, as do wings, to pull the ment o f the constant-speed p ro p e lle r system .
aircraft forward by aerodynamic action. By the This same constant-speed propeller system is
time the Wright brothers began their first powered still in use on many propeller driven aircraft
flights, propeller designs had evolved Into the being produced today.
standard two bladed style similar In appearance
to those used on today's modem light aircraft. Refinements of propeller designs and systems
from the 1930s through World War II included the
World War 1 brought about an increase in atr Jieatherable propeller for multi-engine applica­
craft size, speed, and engine horsepower requiring tions, reversing propeller systems which allowed
for shorter landing runs and improved ground
maneuverability, and uinny sperlal auxiliary sys­
tems such as ice elimination, simultaneous con­
trol systems, and automatic feathering systems.
Moreover, with the development of the jet engine,
propeller systems were adapted for use with these
engines to allow their efficient use at low altitudes
and low airspeeds.

Today, propeller designs continue to be Im­

proved by the use of new alrfotl shapes, composite
materials, and multi blade configurations. Recent
improvements Include the use o f laminar and
symmetrical airfoils, fiberglass materials, and gull
wing propeller designs.

Fl\gun 1-1. An 1874 propeller design from the first Figure 1-Z Propeller used by the Wright Brothers
powered airplane to leave the ground. fn 1911.

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Figure 1-3. Parts of a propeller.

A. Nomenclature
Before starting any discussion about propellers,
Figure 1S. Propeller blade stations
It la necessary that some basic terms be defined to
avoid confusion and misunderstanding.
B, Types Of Propellers
First of all, exactly what Is a propeller? A pro­
peller normally consists or two or more blades Since the beginning of powered flight, many
attached to a central hub which Is mounted on an unique designs for propellers have appeared with
engine crankshaft. The purpose of the propeller Is only a few becoming widely accepted. The following
to convert engine horsepower to useful thrust. The are brief descriptions of the more common designs
blades, which are actually rotating wings, have a that are being used In aviation.
Iending edge, trailing edge, tip, shank, face and
The Jixed-pitch propeller Is the most widely used
back as shown In Figures 1-3 and 14, Many
propeller design in aviation. A flxed-pltch propeller
people have trouble with the terms Jace and back
may be made of wood, aluminum, or steel and Is
so it is helpful to visualize the flat side of the blade
considered to be of one-piece construction with a
as facing the pilot when he is in the cockpit,
blade angle that cannot normally be changed.
A term that will be used throughout this text is Flxed-pltch propellers are usually found on light
blade angle. This Is the angle between the propeller single-engine aircraft.
p la n e o f rotation and the chord line of a pro­
peller airfoil section. Another term, blade station Ground-adjustable propellers are similar to
Is a reference position on a blade that Is a specified flxed-pltch propellers in that their blade angles
distance from the center o f the hub. Pitch is the cannot be changed In flight. However, since the
distance (In inches) that a propeller section will propeller Is designed so that the blade angles can
move forward in one revolution. Pitch distribu­ be changed on the ground, the propeller can be
tion is the gradual twist in the propeller blade from adjusted to give the desired propeller character­
shank to tip. istics for a flight (i.e., low blade angle for taking
off from a short field or high blade angle for more
Editor'* Note: A complete listing of general speed on a cross-country flight). This type or
propeller terms can be found In the Glossary at the propeller was widely used on aircraft built In the
end of this book. 1920s, '30s, and '40a.

Tlie two position propeller is a design that fdlows

the pilot to select one o f two blade angles while In
flight, allowing the use of a low blade angle for
takeoff and a high blade angle for cruise. Tills Is
something like a two-spced transmission In an
automohile. The two position propeller was used
on some of the more sophisticated designs In the
late 1920s and ’30s.

Controllabte-piteh propellers were designed

to give the pilot the ability to set the blades at any
angle in the propeller’s range while In flight, giving
the pilot more control over the propeller than the
two-position design. This style o f propeller was
popular on light aircraft in the 1940s due to its low
weight and simple mechanism.

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The blade angle Is referenced from the propeller
plane or rotation, which is ninety degrees to the
crankshaft centerline.

The frame or the protractor is made of aluminum

and has three sides which are ninety degrees to
Figure 1-6. Modem conatent-speed feathering each other, A W e i is mounted on one comer of the
propeller. front of the frame. This corner spirit level swings
out and Is used to Indicate when the protractor Is
The most Imaginative propeller design to come vertical. A movable ring Is located In the frame and
Into existence has been the automatic pitch-chang­ Is used to set the zero reference angle for blade
ing propeller. This propeller Is not controllable by angle measurements. The ring Is engraved with
the pilot. Instead, it will theoretically set the pro­ Index marks which allow readings as small as
peller blades at the most efficient angle by reacting one-tenth of a degree. A renter disc is engraved
to forces generated by engine thrust torque, and with a degree scale from 0 to 180 degrees positive
airspeed. This style propeller was used on aircraft and negative and contains a spirit level to Indicate
produced between the late 1930s and the 1950s, when the disc is level. Locking and adjusting
While designed for engines up to 450 hp, most controls arc shown In Figure 1-7.
aircraft using these propellers today have engines
of 150 hp or leas. When using this device and before measuring
the angle of a propeller blade, the reference blade
Most medium and high performance aircraft station must be determined from the propeller or
produced today are equipped with constant speed aircraft manufacturer’s maintenance manual.
propeller systems. Tills propeller system uses a This station will normally be 30-lnch. 36-inch, or
controllable propeller which the pilot Indirectly 42-inch, line reference station should be marked
controls by adjusting a constant speed control with chalk or a grease pencil on the face o f each
unit, commonly called the governor. Propeller blade. CAUTION; Do not use a graphite (black
blade angle Is adjusted by this governor to main­ leadJpencil as it mill cause corrosion!
tain the engine speed (RPM) which the pilot has
set on the governor. Due to this controllability, The next procedure is to establish the reference
coupled with the relatively lightweight and low cost plane from the engine crankshaft centerline. The
of modern constant speed systems, some earlier reference plane is not based on the airframe at­
propeller designs have become leas common. titude because of the canted installation of some
Most multi-engine aircraft equipped with con-
stant-speed propeller systems also have the capa­ To zero the protractor you muet loosen the
bility or feathering the propeller. When a propeller rlng-to-frame lock, align the zeros on the disc and
Is feathered, the propeller blades are rotated to the ring, and then engage the dlsc to-iing lock.
present an edge to the wind, eliminating the drag Place one edge of the protractor on a flat propeller
associated with a wtndmllllng propeller when an hub surface that Is parallel or perpendicular to
engine falls. the crankshaft centerline. Turn the ring adjustor
until the spirit level in the center of the disc is
Reversing propeller systems are refinements or level. (The comer spirit level should also he IcvtlJ
the constant-apeed feathering systems. The pro­ Now, tighten the ring-to-frame lock and release
peller blades can be rotated to a negative angle to the dlsc-to-rlng lock. The protractor is now
create negative thrust. This forces air forward aligned with the engine centerline.
Instead o f backwards permitting a shorter landing
roll and improved ground maneuvering. Reversing Place one blade of the propeller horizontal and
propeller systems are usually found on the more move out to the reference station marked on the face
sophisticated multi -engine aircraft, of the blade to measure the angle. Stand on the
same side of the airplane, facing In the same direc­
tion as when establishing the zero with the protrac­
C. The Propeller Protractor tor, otherwise the measurements will be incorrect.
A useful propeller tool is the universal propeller Place the edge of the protractor on the face at the
protractor. This device is used to measure the reference station and turn the disc adjuster until
propeller blade angle at a specific blade station to the spirit level centers and read the blade angle
determine If the propeller Is properly adjusted. using the zero line on the ring as the Index.

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t)lS K A D JU S T ^

EJIS^ Tfl RlNti LO W

(O H R lN G i


T N E M O K U E Jt

A 0 A IN 5 T IW
A D JU S T | f lO U 1 € |

[ON fR A U F I
sto p fo r P l a c in g
SM RIT L f V f l A T

fOHHSfc\ n ore -

Figure 1-7. PropetJor protractor.

Tenths of degrees can be read from the vernier If the face of the blade la curved, use masking
scale. Rotate each blade to the same horizontal tape to attach a piece o f 1/s-lnch rod (drill bits will
position and measure the angle. The amount of do) tya-inch in from the leading and trailing edge
allowed angle variation among the blades will vary and measure the angle with the protractor resting
with each design. on the rods.

Aircraft Technical Book Company, LLC
(970) 726-5111
W E B O B S OH K F F E R E N R S T A l .W
ON T H lP i ST S tD E OF B t AHF

Figure 1-9. Allowing forbladB curvature.

If you must work on an operable engine, stay out of

Figure 1S. Using the protractor. the arc of the piopelfer and, unless absolutely ne­
cessary, c/o not move the propeller I Also, unless
necessaiy for the work being performed, do not
D. Propeller Safety
allow anyone (n the cockpit while you air working
The aircraft propeller Is the deadliest component around the propeller/They may turn on the magneto
on an aircraft. Obviously, when the engine Is switch or engage the starter. It has happened!
running, It Is not advisable to put anything In the
propeller arc, but how about when the engine is QUESTIONS:
not running? Many people have been Injured while 1. Whut Is the purpose oj the propeller?
p ullfrw/ an engine through by hand. The engine fired
2. Which area of the propeller blade is referred to
with disastrous results! Remember, It la not pos­
sible to move a propeller on an engine without the as the back?
possibility of the engine firing. Just because the 3. Define Made angle.
magneto switch is “Off* does not mean that the
system la tafej P-leads can break, magnetos can 4. What ts the term given to the gradual twist o f
be defective, hot carbon may be In a cylinder a propeller blade from shank to tip?
Immediately after engine shutdown; combine this 5. What is a ground-adjustable propeller?
with the. proper fuel-air mixture in the cylinder and
the engine can fire. 6. What ts a major ndvantage associated with
reversing propellers?
Before working on a propeller installation make
7. How many spirit levels are centered when
sure that the magneto switch Is off and If the switch
adjusting the propeller protractor?
Incorporates a key, remove It. Place the mixture
control In the idle cutoff position, and see that the 8. What is the smallest diuision that can be read
aircraft master switch Is in the off position. It Is a with a propeller protractor?
good practice to mark these Items with a red tag
9. What should be the condition o f the cockpit
while maintenance Is being performed,The only sure
controls before working near a propeller?
way, however, to prevent the engine from firing is to
remove all spark plug leads from the spark plugs 10. Can the magneto Jlre if the magneto switch is
and remove one spark plug from each cylinder. turned oJJ?

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Chapter II
FARs And Propellers
To understand the guidelines set down by the with references to FAR Part 45. Identification and
FAA regarding propeller system designs and main­ Registration Markings.
tenance, It is necessary to understand some of the
The licenses required to perform or supervise
regulations concerning propellers. Thta will be
the maintenance or repair of a propeller and re­
accomplished by looking at parts of the following
lated systems are covered hy FAR Tart 65, Cer­
Federal Aviation Regulations:
tification: Airmen Other Than Flight Crewmember*.
FAR Part 23, Airworthiness Standards: Normal This section distinguishes between the authority
Utility, and Acrobatic Aircraft, and FAR Part 25, of a powerplant mechanic, a propeller repairman,
■Alrmorthtness Standards; Transport Category and an authorized inspector.
Aircraft, outline the requirements for propellers
Subparts of each FAR have been arranged for
and their control systems for aircraft certification.
ease of presentation and do not follow the order as
Because there la veiy little difference In the word­
written in the FARs. The applUable regulations are
ing o f Parts 23 and 25, they are considered iden­
noted at the appropriate points in this text.
tical for the purposes of this discussion.

Part 43 of the FAR defines the different classes A. Propeller Requirements

of maintenance for the propeller system and the
For Aircraft Certification
minimum requirements for 100 hour and annual
inspections. Aircraft propellers muBt be certificated under
FAR Part 35 and must contain the following infor­
The information that Is required to be perma­ mation on the hub or butt o f the propeller blade:
nently affixed to a propeller Is discussed briefly builder's name, model designation, serial number,
type certificate number, and production certificate
number [FAR 45.13).

t t R T IH r V T I D t t C E B T IF IM 1 E
1. Static RFM
An aircraft which uses a fixed pitch propeller will
not operate at maximum RPM (tachometer redline)
on the ground in a no-wind condition when the
engine Is producing maximum allowable horse­
power, This Is designed Into the system to satisfy
the requirement that the propeller must limit en­
gine RPM Lo the maximum allowable when the
engine is operating at full power and the aircraft is
flying at Its best rate-of-climb speed, thus prevent
ing engine damage due to overspeedlng, The pro­
peller must also prevent the engine from exceeding
the rated RPM by no more than 10% in a closed
throttle dive at the aircraft's never-exceed speed
(FAR 23/25.33). As airspeed or wind speed in­
creases, engine RPM will increase because it Is
easier Tor the propeller to rotate. This explains why
the listed static RPM (RPM at full power, on the
N 'JC flE flfll SFAH PED O M THE HUB ground, with no wind) for an aircraft is less than
R EA R F K f .
the engine rated RPM (tachomcter redline).

________ _________ __ ______________ All two-position and controllable-pitch propel­

Figure 2-1. Typical hub stamping on a flxed-pltch lers must comply with FAR 23/25,33 at their low
propeller. blade angle setting.

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Figun 2-4. Tachometer and manifold pressure
gauges and markings.

Cockpit powerplant controls must be arranged

to prevent confusion as to which engine they
control. Recent regulation changes require that
control knobs be distinguished by shape and color
(FAR 23/25.781) as shown in Figure 2-3.
Figure 2-2, A typical light twin powerplant controls
arrangamant. Cockpit instruments such as tachometers and
manifold pressure gauges must be marked with a
A constant-speed propeller system must limit green are to Indicate the normal operating range, a
engine speed to rated RPM at all times when the yellow arc for takeoff and precautionary range, a red
system Is operating normally. If the governor are for critical vibration range, and a red radial line
should fall, the system must be designed to pre­ for maximum operating limit (FAR 23/25.1549).
vent a static RPM of no more that 103% of rated
RPM [FAR 23/25,33), Thla Is accomplished by
using the correct low blade angle setting, the
3. Minimum Terrain And
Structural Clearances
greater the blade angle, the lower the static RPM,
"the minimum ground clearance (distance from
2. Cockpit Controls And Instruments the level ground to the edge of the p ropeller discj
for a tailwheel aircraft in the takeoff attitude is nine
Propeller control levers fn the cockpit must be
inchet. For a tricycle-geared aircraft in the most
arranged to allow easy operation of all conlrols at
nose-low normal attitude (stationary, taxi, or takeoff
the same time, but not to restrict the movement of
attitude) the minimum ground clenrancc Is seven
individual controls (FAR 23/25,11401.
inches. These clearances arc based on normal tire
The propeller controls must be rigged so that and strut inflation. If Hie tire and stmt are deflated
an Increase In RPM is achieved by moving the there need be only a positive ground clearance (the
controls forward and a decrease In RPM is propeller disc must not touch the ground).
caused by moving the controls aft. The throttles
must be arranged so that forward thrust is In­ For a seaplane there must be a minimum of 19
creased by forward movement of the control and inches clearance between the. water and the pro-
reverse thrust is increased by aft movement of pcllcr disc.
the throttle (FAR 23/25.779). [When operating All aircraft must be designed so that tile edge of
in reverse, the throttles are used to place the the propeller disc docs not come any Moser than
propeller hlades at a negative angle.)
one inch to the airframe, This is known as radial

The propeller must be positioned at least one-half

inch in front of, or behind any part o f the airframe,
other than In the area of the spinner and cowling
where only a positive clearance is required.

FAR 23/25.925 gives full details o f the propeller

clearance requirements.

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Figun 2-5A. Propeller ground clearance on e tallwheef aircraft.
Figure 2-SB. Minimum ground clearance on a tricycle-geared aircraft.
Figure 2-5C, Minimum propeller water clearance on a seaplane.
Figure 2-SD. Minimum propeller redial clearance.
Figure 2-5E Minimum longitudinal clearance.

4. Feathering System Requirements If a propeller system uses all to feather the pro­
peller, a supply of oil must be reserved for feathering
Ifa propeller can be Feathered, there must be some
use only. A provision must be made In this system
means of unfeathering it In flight (FAR 23/25.1153).

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2. Preventive Maintenance
The following are types of preventive mainte­
nance that may be associated with propellers and
their systems: replacing defective safety wiring or
cotter keys; lubrication not requiring disassembly
other lhan removal of non structural items such as
coverplates, cowilng9, and fairings; applying pre­
servative or protective material (paint, wax, etc.) to
components when no disassembly is required and
the coating is not prohibited or contrary to good
practice (FAR Part 43, Appendix A(c)).
Figure 2-6. Engine oil tank with a standpipe for a
system which uses oil to feather the propeller. 3. Major Alterations And Repairs
The fallowing are major propeller alterations
to prevent sludge or foreign matter from affecting the
when not authorized in the FAA propeller spe­
feathering oil supply (FAR 23/25.1027). These re­
cifications: a change to the blade or hub design; a
quirements Eire normally met by using a standpipe
change In the governor or control design; instal­
In the engine oil tank with an outlet only to the
lation o f a governor or feathering system; installa­
propeller feathering system.
tion of a propeller de-icing system ; installation of
A separate feathering control Is required for each parts not approved for the propeller.
propeller and must be configured to prevent ac­
cidental operation (FAR 23/25.1153).This maybe
done by the use of a separate feathering control
such as a feathering button or by requiring an
extreme movement o f trie propeller control.

B. Propeller Maintenance
1. Authorized Maintenance Personnel
The Inspection, adjustment, installation and
minor repair of a propeller and its related parts and
appliances on the engine are Lhe responsibility of the
powerplant mechanic. The powerplant mechanic
may also jierform the 100-hour Inspection of (he
propeller and related components (FAR 65.87],

A propeller repairman may perform or super­

vise the major overhaul and repair of propellers
and related parts and appliances for which he is
certificated. The repair and overhaul must be
performed in connection with the operation of n
certified repair station, commercial operator, or
air carrier (FAR 65.103).

An AfirP mechanic who holds an Inspection

Authorization may perform the annual Inspection
of a propeller, but he may not approve major
repairs and alterations to propellers and related
parts and appliances for return to service. Only an
appropriately rated facility, such as a p ro p e lle r
rep a ir station, may return a propeller or acces­
sory to service after a major repair or alteration
(FAR 65.81 and 65,91). Figure 2-7. Maintenance release tag.

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Propeller major repairs are classified as any oil leakage; bolts for improper torquing and lack
repair to. or straightening of steel blades; repairing of sa fety in g ; antl-lclng and de-lclng devices for
or machining o f sLeel hubs; shortening of blades; Improper operation and obvious defects; control
r etlpplng of wood propellers; replacement of outer mechanisms for Improper operation, Insecure
laminations on flxed-pltch wood propellers; re­ mounting, and restricted travel.
pairing elongated bolt holes tn the hub of flxed-
These Inspections are the minimum required by
pltch wood propeller; Inlay work on wood blades;
regulation. Always refer to the manufacturer’s
repairs to composition blades; replacement of tip
manuals for specific Inspection procedures.
fabric; replacement of plastic covering; repair of
propeller governors; overhaul of controllable-pitch
propellers; repairs to deep dents, cuts, scars,
nicks, etc., and straightening of aluminum blades; J. Which FAR defines the different classes o f
the repair or replacement of Internal blade ele­ maintenance fo r the propeller system?
ments (FAR Part 43 Appendix A(a)(3) and (b)(3)).
2. What irfnrmntism is required to be an the hub
Major repairs and alterations to propellers and or Made butt of a propeller?
control devices are normally performed by the
3. Why ts ihe statlr RPM fa r a fixed pitch propeller
manufacturer or a certified repair station.
less than tachometer red line?
When a propeller or control device Is overhauled
4. Is the propeller control or throttle control in the
by a repair facility, a maintenance release tag will be
cockpit used to place the propeller in reverse?
attached to the Item to certify that the item Is
approved for return to service. Tills tag takes the 5. What Is the color o f the arc on. the tachometer
place of a FAA Form 337 and should be attached to mhfrh indicates a critical vibration range?
the appropriate logbook (FARPari 43 AppendixB(b)j.
6. What Is the minimum ground clearance fo r the
4, Annual And 100-Hour Inspections propeller on a tricycle geared aircraft?
When performing a 100 -hour or annual In­ 7. What are the requirements fo r a feathering
spection, Appendix D o f FAR 43 specifies that the system that uses engine ail to feather the
following areas related to propellers and their propeller?
controls must be Inspected: engine controls for
defects, improper travel, and improper safety; 8. What license or certificate ts required to perform
lines, hoses, and dam ps for leaks, improper or supervise the major repair o f a pi opcller?
con d ivlon , and lo o sen ess; a ccessories for 9. Is the repair o f a goi'emor a major or minor
apparent defectB In security or mounting; all repair?
systems for improper installation, poor general
condition, defects, and insecure attachment; 10. What maintenance form will be supplied with
propeller assembly for cracks, nicks, binds, and an overhauled propeller?

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Chapter III
Propeller Theory
As a propeller rotates. It produces lift and causes Starting from the centerline o f the hub of a propel­
an aircraft to move forward. The amount of lift ler, each blade; can be marked off In one-inch incre­
produced depends on variables such as engine ments known as blade stations. If the blade angle
RPM, propeller airfoil shape, and aircraft speed. Is measured at each of these stations, the blade
The relationship between these variables and the angle near the center of (he propeller will be high­
dynamic forces which act upon a rotating propeller est with a decrease In blade angle toward the tip.
will be discussed in this cliapter. This decrease In blade angle from the hub to tbe
tip is known as pitch distribution. A cross section
A, Propeller Lift And of each blade station will show low-speed airfoils
near the hub and high-speed airfoils toward the
Angle O f Attack tip. The pitch distribution and the cliange in airfoil
Because a propeller blade is a rotating airfoil, shape along the length of the blade are necessary
It produces lift by aerodynamic action and pulls because each section Is moving at a different
an aircraft forward. The amount of lift produced velocity with the slowest speeds near (he hub and
depends on the airfoil shape, RPM, and angle the highest speeds near the tip.
o f attack o f the propeller blade sections. Before
discussing ways of varying the amount of lift To illustrate the difference tn (he speed of airfoil
generated by a propeller blade, it is necessary sections at a fixed RPM. consider three airfoil sec ­
to understand some of the propeller design tions on a propeller blade. If a propeller Is rotating
characteristics. at 1,800 RPM, the ten-inch station will travel 5.25
feet per revoluUon [107 MPH), while the twenty-
inch station must travel 10.5 feet per revolution
(214 MPH), and the thirty-inch station has to move
15.75 feet per revolution (321 MPH).The airfoil that
gives the best lilt at 107 MPH would be Inefficient
at 321 MPH. Thus the airfoil is changed gradually
throughout the length of the blade (Figure 3 -2).

Figun 3-1. Sectioned propeller blade showing pitch

distribution, changes In airfoil shape, end blade Figure 3-2. Comparative distance of propeller section
stations. paths at three blade stations.

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A look at one blade section will Illustrate hew the
blade angle of attack on a flxed-pltch propeller can
change with different flight conditions, Angle of
attack Is the angle between the airfoil chord line and
the relative wind, where the relative wind Is a result
of the combined velocities of rotational speed (RPM)
and airspeed. The following examples will serve to
demonstrate how the angle of attack can change:

Example 1: If the aircraft Is stationary with no

wind and an RPM of 1,200, the propeller blade
angle o f 20 degrees at the twenty-inch blade sta­
tion will have an angle of attack of 20 degrees. This
Is because the relative wind la from the direction
opposite to the movement of the propeller.
Figure 3-4. Centrifugal force tries to pull the blades
Extm ple 2: With the same conditions as
out of the hub.
Example 1, except that Ihe aircraft Is moving
forward at 50 MPH, the relative wind Is now
1. The Five Operational Forces
causing an angle of attack o f 0.8 degrees.
a. Centrifugal Force
Example 3: With the same conditions as
Example 2, except that the propeller RPM Is The force which causes the greatest stress on a
increased to 1,500 RPM, the relative wind Is now propeller is ce n trtfiig a l fo rc e . Centrifugal force
causing an angle of attack of 4.4 degrees. can best be described as the force which tries to
pull Ihe blades out of the hub. The amount of
The most desirable angle of attack ts between stress created by centrifugal force may be greater
two and four degrees with any angle above 15 than 7,500 Umes the weight of the propeller blade,
degrees being ineffective (airfoils stall at about 15
degree angle of attack). Fixed pitch propellers may b. Thrust Bending Force
be selected to give this two to four degree angle of Thrust bending fo r c e tends to bend the propel­
attack at either climb or cruise airspeeds and RPM. ler blades forward at the tips because Ihe lift toward
depending on the d e B l r e d flight characteristics of the Up of the blade flexes the thin blade sections
the aircraft. forward. Thrust bending force opposes centrifugal
force to some degree. By tilting the blades forward
B. Forces Acting On The Propeller to the operational position during manufacture,
this opposition In forces can be used in some
As a propeller rotates, many forces are Interact­
propeller designs to reduce the operational stress.
ing causing tension, torsion, compression, and
bending stresses which the propeller must be
designed to withstand. These stresses are broken
down into six forces.

i fMiPU a

/ / /

ltd* - ANGLE OF M U C K

Figure 3-3 . Variations In blade angle of attack with dif­ Figure 3-S, Thrust bending forces tend to bend the
ferent airspeeds and RPM. blades forward.

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Figun 3-3. Aerodynamic twisting moment tends to
Increase blade angle.

e. Centrifugal Twisting Moment

C en trifu ga l tw istin g moment tends to de­
crease blade single and opposes aerodynamic
twisting moment. The tendency to decrease blade
F ig u n 3-6. A tilted blade la designed to reduce the angle la caused by all parts of a rotating propeller
stress caused by centrifugal and thrust bending trying to move In the same plane of rotation as the
blade centerline. This force is greater than the
c, Torque Bending Force aerodynamic twisting moment at operational RPM
and is used in some designs to cause a decrease
T orqu e bending fa r c e ts a force which tends to
in blade angle,
bend Ihe propeller blade back In Ihe direction
opposite to the direction o f rotation.
2. Vibrational Force And
d. Aerodynamic Twisting Moment Critical Range
Aerodynamic twisting moment tries to twist a When a propeller is producing thrust, aero­
blade to a higher angle by aerodynamic action. dynamic and mechanical forces are present which
cauae the blades to vibrate. If not compensated for
This results from the center of rotation o f the In the design, these vibrations may cause exces
blade being at ihe mid point of the chord line while slve flexing, work hardening of the metal, and
the center of lift (also called center of pressure) is result In sections o f the propeller blade breaking
more toward the leading edge of the blade. This off during operation.
tends to cause an Increase In blade angle.
A erod ynam ic tuHsting tnomentiB more apparent Aerodynamic forces have a great vibration effect
at higher blade angleB of attack and is used In at the tip of a blade where the effects of transonic
sume designs to aid In feathering the propeller. speeds cause buffeting and vibration. These vibra­
tions maybe decreased by use of the proper airfoils
and tip designs.

Figure 3~7. Torque bending force bends the blade Figure 3-9. Centrifugal twisting moment tanda to de­
back against the direction o f rotation. crease biada angle.

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C. Propeller Pitch
Propeller pitch !s defined as the distance in
inches that a propeller will move forward In one
revolution. This Is based on the propeller blade
angle at the 75% blade station. As defined, pro­
peller pitch la more properly called geom etric
p itch and Is theoretical In that it does not take into
Figure 3-10. Power pulses from the engine caute the account any losses due to Inefficiency.
propeller to vibrate.
E ffective p itc h is the distance that an aircraft
Mechanical vibrations are generated by the actually moves forward in one revolution o f the
power pulses in a piston engine and are con­ propeller. Effective pitch may vary from zero, when
sidered to be more destructive In their effect than the aircraft Is stationary on the ground, to about
aerodynamic vibration. These engine power pul­ 85% during the most efficient (light conditions.
ses cause a propeller blade to vibrate and set up
The difference between geometric pitch and ef­
standing wave patterns that cause metai fatigue
fective pitch is called slip.
and failure. The location and number aT stress
points changes with different RPM settings, but As an example: if a propeller Is said to have a
the most critical location for these stress con­ pitch of 50 Inches, in theory It will move forward
centrations Is about six inches In from the tip of 50 Inches In one revolution. But, If the aircraft
the blades. actually only moves forward 35 inches In one
revolution, then the effective pitch Is 35 Inches and
Most airframe-engine-propeller combinations ita pitch efficiency is 70%. Slip then, Is 15 Inches
have no problem in eliminating the detrimental or a 30% loss o f efficiency.
effects of these vibrational stresses. However,
some combinations are sensitive to certain RPM QUESTIONS:
ranges and have this c ritic a l range Indicated on 1. Is the lowest propeller blade angle near the
the tachometer by a red arc. The engine should shank or the tip?
not be operated in the critical range except as
necessojy to pass through It to set a higher or 2. What ts pitch distribution?
lower RPM. If the engine la operated in the critical 3. With a jlx e d RPM. does propeller blade angle
ran^e, there Is u possibility o f structural failure in o f attack increase or decrease as airspeed
the aircraft due to the vibrational stresses set up. tncreases?
4. What is the mout ffesimWe bfride angle' ofattack7
5. What is the greatest force acting on apropeller?
6. Why are some propeller blades Hlted?
7. What force tends to decrease propeller blade
8. Where (s the most critical locationJor vibration­
al stresses on a propeller blade?
9. How Is critical range Indicated in the cockpit?

10. Wlmt is effective pitch?

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Chapter IV
Fixed-Pitch Propellers
And Propeller Blades
This chapter deaJs with the construction and glue. The woods most com m only used are
maintenance of (lxed-pltch propellers and the mahogany, cherry, black walnut, oak. and birch
blades of change able-pitch propellers. The in for (birch being the. moat widely used). Each layer of
mation presented here is general In nature and a propeller is usually or the same thickness and
gives representative values for repair dimensions. type of wood. A minimum o f five layers of wood
are used. The planks of wood glued together form
Always refer to the manufacturer's manual
a blank.
for specific information about a particular
propeller. During fabrication the blank. Is roughed to shape
and is allowed to set for a week to allow equal
A- Wood Propellers And Blades distribution of moisture through all of the layers.
The rough-shaped blank is called a white.
Wood propellers are often found on older single­
engine aircraft using fixed pitch propellers and on The white is finished to the exact airfoil and
some controliable-pitch Installations on vintage pitch dimensions for the desired performance
aircraft Most have a natural wood finish, with
characteristics. During thts process the center
some designs using a black or gray plastic coating.
bore and bolt holes are drilled.
1. Construction From this point, the Up fabric is applied on the
Wood propellers are made o f several layers o f propeller. The cotton tip fabric ts glued to the last
wood bonded together with a waterproof resin 12 to 15 Inches of the propeller blade and serves


Figure 4-1. Throe stages o f wood propellor production: glued planks, white, and finished propeller.

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2, Inspection, Maintenance And Repair
Wood propellers are made of many components
and require a close Inspection of each part to
assure proper operation and prevent failures.

Defects that may occur In the wood Include

separation of laminations, dents or bruises on the
surface (especially the face), scars across the blade
surface, broken sections, warping, worn or over­
size centerbore and bolt holes.

Separation of laminations Is not repairable un­

less It occurs at Ihe outside lamination of flxed-
pltch propellers. Delamination of the outer layers
may be repaired by a repair station,

Dents, bmlscs, and scars on the blade surfaces

should be Inspected with a magnifying glass while
to reinforce the strength of the thin sections of the flexing the blade to expose any cracks. Cracks that
tip. The fabric Is doped to prevent deterioration by show could cause failure and may be repaired by
weather and the sun’s rays. an inlay at a repair facility. Defects that have rough
surfaces or shapes that will hold a filler, but will
The propeller is varnished with a coat of water
not Induce failure, may be filled with a mixture of
rcpellant dear varnish to protect the wood surface.
glue and clean fine sawdust. To apply this mixture,
Metal tipping is applied to the leading edge of thoroughly work and pack the mixture into the
the propeller to prevent damage from small stones defect, allow It to dry. and then sand the surface
during ground operations. The tipping is made of smooth and reflnish with varnish. It is very impor­
monel, brass, terneplate, or stateless steel. The tant that all loose or foreign material be removed
metal 1b shaped to the leading edge contour and Is from the damaged area to Insure that the glue will
attached to Ihe blade by countersunk screws In adhere to the wood.
the tliick blade sections and copper rivets in the Small cracks that are parallel to Ihe grain may
Ihln sections near the tip. The screws and rivets be repaired by working resin glue into the crack.
are safetted into place with solder. When the glue Is dry, the area is sanded smooth
Three #60 slze holes,3/in-inch deep, are drilled and refinlshed with varnish. Small cuts are
treated in the same manner.
In the tip o f each blade to release moisture from
the propeller and allow the wood tn breathe. The Broken Bcctlnns may be repaired by a repair
propeller la then balanced and the finish coats of facility, depending on the location and severity of
varnish are applied. the break.

Some propellers do not use tip fabric, but are Worn or oversize bolt holes may be repaired by
coated with plastic before the metal tipping is the use of inserts to restore the original dimen­
applied- ThiB plastic coaling provides protection sions. This repair Is performed by a repair station
and added strength to the propeller. and Is subject to wear limits.

Wood blades for controllable-pitch propellers are The tip fabric covering should be checked for
constructed In the same manner as flxed-pltch cracks or bubbles In the material, chipping or the
propellers except that the blade Is placed In ametfll paint, and wrinkles that appear when the tip Is
sleeve at the shank and secured with lag screws. twisted or flexed.

If the tip fabric bas surface defects of three-

quarter inch or less in diameter (and not an Indica­
tion of a breakdown In the wood structure), the
defect may be filled with lacquer. Several coats of
lacquer are applied until the defect blends In with
the fabric surface. Defects larger than 3/4 o f an
Inch should be referred to a repair facility.

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cracki*. tJMKkOFan? cnnrns

Figure 4-5. inspect the metal sleeve area of a wood

consiont-speed blade for cracks.

not to enter Lhe wood more than necessary. Fill the

crack with solder.
When Inspecting the metal tipping, look for
looseness or slipping, loose screws or rivets, On a changeable -pi tch blade, check the metal
cracks In the solder joints, damage to the metal sleeve and the wood next to the sleevp Tor cracks.
surface, and cracks In the metal, especially on Tills may indicate loose or broken lag screws and
the leading edge, should be referred to an overhauled facility for
ir the tipping Is loose or slipping, refer the
propeller to an overhau l f a c ilit y for repairs as If the varnish should begin to peel or chip, the
this Is an indication o f wood deterioration. LooBe surface can be sanded Ughtly to leather-ln the
screws and rivets are Indicated by a small crack edges of the Irregularity and then apply a fresh
appearing In the solder over the screw or rivet coat of varnish to the area.
and normally running parallel to the chord line
o f the blade. In advanced stages the crack will In addition to the repairs mentioned above, a
form a circle around the screw head or rivet repair station can perform the following major
head. The solder which sufetlea the screw or rivet repairs: replacement o f metal Upping; replace­
should be removed by using a heavy duty solder­ ment or tip Tabilc; aud replacement or plastic
ing iron to melt the solder. Then brush the solder coatings.
away with u steel brush. Care must be taken to
heat the solder quickly and not allow the wood The following defects are not repairable and
to be scorched In the process. Tightened a loose are reasons for considering a propeller unainvor
thy: a crack or deep cut across Ihe grain: a spill
screw or replace it with the next larger size screw
blade; separated laminations, except for the out­
as necessary. Repeen or replace a loose rivet.
side laminations of a fixed-pitch propeller; un­
Resafety the screw or rivet with solder. The sur­
used screw or rivet holes; any appreciable warp;
face Is (lied, smooth sanded, and varnished.
an appreciable portion of wood missing; cracks,
Cracks in the solder joint near the blade Up may cuts, or damage to the metal sleeve o f a change-
be Indications of wood deterioration, Inspcct the able-pltch propeller; an oversized crankshaft
area closely while flexing the blade tip. If no defects bore in a flxed-pltch propeller: cracks between
are found, the joint may be reBoldcred, but Inspcct crankshaft holes and bolt holes; cracked in­
the area closely at each opportunity for evidence ternal laminations; excessively elongated bolt
o f recurrence. holeB; and broken lag screws in a changeable-
pitch propeller.
Damage to the metal suriace normally is In the
form o f dents and scratches from stone strikes. If balancing equipment Is available, the pro­
Inspect the damage and the wood in the damaged peller balance may be checked and corrected as
area for evidence of defects, tf none are found, the fallows; place the propeller on the balancing
dent may be filled with solder, filed smooth, and stand and check for balance in the horizontal
varnished. If a crack In the metal Is found, Inspect and vertical positions. This should be done In an
the area carefully for any further damage and, if area free from drafts and wind currents that may
none is found, stop-drtll the crack, being careful cause the propeller to appear out o f balance.

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( 0 1 OEK

Ir -- THBU51 N K S D F IL flO E ' \ r V 5 ***}-

' / / / !)

Figure 4-8. Correct horizontal balance by spreading

solder on the face o f the tip.

iron to a thin even coating. Allow the solder to cool

and then tile and sand the solder to a smooth, even
finish. Varnish the worked area and then recheck
the horizontal balance.

A slight horizontal Imbalance can be corrected

by applying a coat of varnish to the light blade, but
the varnish must be allowed to dry for 48 hours
before rechecking the balance.

If a vertical Imbalance Is noted, leave the pro­

peller on the balance stand and stick clay or putty
to the light side of the fees® to determine the
amount of weight needed to bring the propeller
into balance. Remove the putty, weigh it, and
prepare a lead or brass plate of' slightly more
weight than the putty. The plate is attached to the
boss with four screws with the edges of the plate
beveled as necessary to remove excess weight and
bring the propeller into vertical balance. The plate
is then varnished.
Figure 4-6. Positions of a two-bfaded propeller
during a balance check. If a wood propeller Is placed In storage, it should
be placed In a horizontal position to maintain an
If the propeller Is out of balance in the horizontal even moisture distribution throughout the wood.
position, while the propeller is on the balancing The storage area should be cool, dark, dry, and
stand, bend short lengths of solder (two to three well ventilated. Do not wrap the propeller In any
inches) and hangthem over the tlpofthellghtblade material that will seal off the propeller from the
until the propeller Is balanced horizontally. Remove surrounding air flow or the wood "will rot.
the solder pieces from the tip and set them aside.
Place the propeller In a working fixture with the face
up. Remove the varnish from the metal tip cap and
use a large soldering iron to melt the solder pieces
onto the tip cap. Smooth out the solder with the

Figure 4-7. Adjusting horizontal balance by the use Figure 4-9. A ttach a plate to the side o f ihe boss to
of solder pieces. correct vertical balance.

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3. Aluminum Propellers And Blades A majority of the surface defects that occur on the
blades can be repaired by the powerplant mechanic.
Aluminum propellers are the most widely used Defects on the leading and trailing edge of a blade
type of propeIIera In aviation. Aluminum propellers may be dressed out by the use of needle files. The
are more desirable than wood oropeKera because repair should blend In smoothly with the edge and
thinner, more efficient airfoils may be used without should not leave any sharp edges or angles. The
sacrificing structural strength. Better engine cool­ approximate maximum allowable size of a r e tir e d
ing is also achieved by carrying the airfoil sections edge defect Is Vs Inch deep and no more than I'/a
close to the hub and directing more air over the Inches long. Repairs to the face and back of a blade
engine. These propellers require much less main­ are performed with a spoon like riffle Hie wtileh Is
tenance than wood propellers, thereby reducing used to dish out the damaged area. Permissible
the operating cost. reductions In blade thickness and width as noted In
the manufacturer's publications or AC 43.13-1A
1. Construction must be observed, Therepaire are finished by polish­
Aluminum propellers are made of aluminum ing with very fine sand paper, moving the paper In a
alloys and are finished to the desired airfoil shape direction along the length of the blade, and then
by machine and manual grinding. The pitch Is set
by twisUng the blades to the desired angles. (A ) M AXIM UM T U lP C H f £ S Of I LADE S E C T W k TS A T POfWf

As the propeller Is being finished by grinding. Its cohhect N*

balance is checked and adjusted by removing metal METHOD

from the dp of the blade to adjust horizontal balance !CNGTH

and the boss or leading and bailing edges o f the
blades to adjust vertical balance. Some flxed-pltch O RW NAL
00 NO m S T R D r M AXIM UM
propeller designs have thedr horizontal balance ad­ TH IC KN ESS DF SECTIO N <F
justed by placing lead wool in balance holes near the POSSIBLE.
boss and their vertical balance corrected by attach­ ELA K

ing balance weights to the side o f the boss.

Once the propeller Is ground to the desired DAMAGED

contours and the balance Is adjusted the surfaces POINTQFJH.M1MU1I THICKNESS FG flriO N -

C'BAom i ir roti large

are finished by plating, chemical etching, and/or o^NTDumsraofltttHf
painting. Anodizing is the most commonly used 1N C PR R EC I M flHOTT
finishing process.

2. Inspection, Maintenance And Repair

As mentioned previously, an advantage of alu­
r.noistittm CROSSHC-nON
minum propellers Is the low cost of maintenance. § E F 0 R£ R EP A IR t.
j „- - / Y j
A F T E K fiE f A IR

This ts due to the one-piece construction and Ihe

hardness of the metal from which the propellers are
- 1- /-■ -
made. However, any damage that does occur is
critical and may result in blade separation. For this i f A .££;>
reason, the blades must be inspected carefully and ------- \i r - i - —
any damage must be repaired as soon as possible. C
Before a propeller is Inspected It should be
cleaned with a solution of mild soap and water to
remove dirt, grass stains, etc. , r si

The propeller blades should be Inspected for

pitting, nicks, dents, cracks, and corrosion, espe­ CHACK WORKED
cially on the leading edge and face. A four-power OUT

magnifying glass will aid In these Inspections. A

dye penetrant inspection should be performed if Figure 4-1OA. Method of repairing leading edge
cracks are suspected. 'Hie condition of the paint damage.
should also be noted. Figure 4-1 OB. Before and after Illustrations of defects.

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RIAO E W l l l S l l l C K t S i

Figure 4-12. Chert for maximum bond allowed in a

propeller blade.

be made as to the repalrability of the blade. To make

tliis decision, determine the center of the bend and
measure from the center of the boss to determine the
blade station of the center of the bend. Next, mark
the blade one inch on each side of the bend centerline
Figure 4-11. Measuring blade bend angle with a and measure the degree of bend by using a protrac­
tor similar to the one shown In Figure 4-11. (Be sure
to have the protractor tangent to the one-inch lines
treating the surface with Alodlne®, paint, or other
when measuring the angle.) Use the appropriate
appropriate protective coating. The repair dimen­
chart to determine If the bend is repairable. When
sions presented here are for example only. Hie
reading the chart, anything above the graph line Is
allowable repair dimensions may be different de­
not repairable. If the proper chart ts not available,
pending on the model propeller being repaired.
take the measurements and contact, an overhaul
The boss should be inspected for damage and facility for a decision before sending the propeller to
corrosion inside the center bore and on the sur­ the facility for straightening.
faces which mount on the crankshaft. The bolt
holes should be inspected for damage, corrosion,
and proper dimension. Dowel pina should be in­
spected for damace. security, and dimension.

Light corrosion in the boss can be cleaned with

CJkMBfcfl SID E L f> j
sandpaper and then painted or treated to prevent
the recurrence of corrosion. Propellers with dam­ 7 ’Trip
age or heavy corrosion in the boas area should be \
referred to a repair station for appropriate repairs.
Dimensional wear in the boss area should also be •‘ r . \ '.
referred to a repair facility. T P O U M F U U rD S ’

Damage In the shank area of a propeller blade

should be referred to an overhaul facility for cor­
rective action. All forces acting on the propeller are M IN T C r t S I 0 A flE * S AS FOLLOW S .

concentrated on the shank and any damage In this 1 PfllM EA M IL'P -fl5R 5 , COLOR V (Nt M COAT,

area 1b critical. 2 L A C 0 L1E A T T L ^ D , ? E 0 5 f 0 N f l 595 C O L O * t t & S m A H G E T J tL L f lW fG O A T S

3 U C f l U E H T T - L - W . F E D S T O N O . 095 C O L O ft , l? n 3l S L A C K . 2 C H A T S .
If a blade has been bent, the angle of the bend and
the blade station of the bend center can be measured
and, by using the proper chart, a determination can Figure 4-13. Suggested propeller paint scheme.

Aircraft Technical Book Company, LLC
After the propeller has been repaired, the surfaces A visual inspection may be performed with the
may havp to be repainted. The lace of each blade aid of a magnifying glass and the use of a dye
should be pointed with one coat of zinc chromate penetrant. Magnetic particle Inspections may be
primer and two coats o f flat black lacquer from the perform ed according to the m anufacturers
six-inch station to the tip. The back of the blade specifications.
should have the last four Inches of the tip pointed
with one coat o f zinc chromate and two coats of a Bunt bladeB should be treated like aluminum
high visibility color such as red, yellow, or orange. bla den with the location and amount of bend being
The color scheme on the back of the blade on some used to determine If the blade is repairable.
aircraft differs from that described here, so the All repairs to steel propellers and blades, Includ­
original color scheme may be duplicated if desired. ing slight dents and nicks, are major repairs and
Repairs and modifications that may be per­ must be performed by a repair station.
formed by a repair station, not mentioned above,
includes the removal of deep and large surface D. Fixed-Pitch Propeller
defects, shortening of blades, and changing the Designation Systems
plteh o f blades.
Two propeller designation systems are covered
so that the mechanic will be able to understand
C. Steel Propellers And Blades
the systems and notice the differences In propeller
Steel propellers and blades are found primarily designs by their designation. The McCauley and
on antiques and transport aircraft. These are nor* Sensenich systems covered are representative of
mally of hollow construction. The primary ad­ those presently In use.
vantage of the hollow blades is In the reduced
weight. Steel blades, whether solid or hollow are 1, McCauley Designation System
veiy durable and resistant to damage,
A McCauley propeller designation 1B90/CM7246
1. Construction has a basic design designation of 1B90. The CM
component o f ihe designation indicates the type of
Solid steel propellers are forged and machined
crankshaft the propeller will fit, blade tip contour,
to the desired contours and the proper pitch Is
adapter used, and provides other Information per­
achieved by twisting the blades.
taining to a specific aircraft Installation. The 72
One method of constructing hollow steel blades indicates the diameter of the propeller in inches
Is b y assembling a rib structure, attaching steel and the 46 indicates the pitch or the propeller at
sheets to the structure, and filling the outer sec­ the 75% station.
tions of the blade with a foam material to absorb
vibration and maintain a rigid structure. 2. Sensenich Designation System
The Sensenich designation 76DM6S5 2-54
2. Inspection, Maintenance And Repair
Indicates a propeller with a designed diameter or
Steel blades ore not as susceptible to damage as 76 Inches. The D designates the blade design and
aluminum or wood blades, but any damage Is the MS Indicates hub design and mounting In­
critical due to the brittle metals used. Consequent­ formation [bolt hole size, dowef pin location,
ly, damage must be located and corrected as soon etc.). The S5 designates the thickness of the
as possible. spacer to be used when the propeller Is Installed.
The 2 indicates that the diameter has been re­
duced two Indies from the designed diameter
meaning that this propeller has an actual di­
ameter of 74 Inches. The 54 designates the pitch,
in inches, at the 75% station.

In either designation system, a change in pitch

will be indicated by the pitch stamping on the hub
being restamped to indicate the new pitch setting.

Other propeller manufacturers use designation

systems that are similar tn the McCauley and
Sensenich systems.

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QUESTIONS: 7. List some advantages o f aluminum propellers
over wood propellers.
1. What type o f wood is most commonly used in
constructing! luood propeiler blades? 8. Why must surface defects be repaired prompt­
2. What is the purpose o f the tipfabric on a wood ly on u metal propeller?
propeller blade?
9. What solution should be used to clean a metal
3. What Is the purpose o f the holes tn. the tip o f a propeller?
wood propeiler?
10. On which part o f a propeller blade are alJ the
4. How can loose scneuis and rtoets be detected
stresses concentrated?
on metal tipptnp?

5. I f the outer lamination o f a wood flxed-pltch 11. What type o f repair is ihe renioixil o f a slight
propeller is starting to separate, can It be scratch on a steel blade?
repaired or must the propeller be scrapped?
12. B reak down the fo llo w in g designation:
6. WTwtts the proper way to store a wood propeller? 1C172/DM7553.

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Chapter V
Propeller Installations
The three types o f propeller Installations — With the flange area clean and smooth, a light
fla n g e d ahqfK tapered shaft, and ipUned sh q ft coat o f oil or anti seize compound is applied to
— are discussed In this chapter. Although the prevent corrosion and allow easy removal o f the
chapter discusses fixed-pitch propeller lnstalla propeller.
tlons, the principles are the same as for other types
of propeller Installations (constant-speed, revers­ The mounting surfaces of die propeller should
ing, etc.) and only major variations will be covered be inspected and prepared In a manner similar to
In future chapters. that used with the flange.

The bolts to be used should be in good condition

A- Flanged-Sh&ft Installations and Inspected for cracks with a dye- penetrant or
magnaflux process. Washers and nuts should also
Flanged propeller shafts are found on horizon­
be inspected and new fiber locknuts should be
tally opposed and some turboprop engines. The
front of the crankshaft is formed Into a flange four used If required in the installation.
to eight Inches across and 90 degrees to the
2. Installation
crankshaft centerline. Mounting bolt holes and
dowel pin holes are machined Into the flange and. The propeller Is now ready to mount on the
on some flanges, threaded inserts are pressed Into crankshaft. If dowel pins are used, the propeller
the bolt holes. will fit on the shaft In only one position. If no
dowel pins are used, the propeller should be
1. Preparation For Installation Installed in the posiUon called for tn the aircraft
or engine maintenance manual. Propeller instal­
Before the propeller is Installed, the flange
lation position Is critical for maximum engine life
should be inspected for corrosion, nicks, burrs,
and other surface defects. The defects should be in some installations. If no position Is specified
on a four cylinder horizontally opposed engine,
repaired in accordance with the engine manti
farlurer’a re commendations. Li^ht corrosion can the propeller should be Installed so die blades
be removed with very fine sandpaper. If a bent
flange Is suspected, a run out Inspection should
be performed on the crankshaft flange. The bolt
holes and threads of inserts should be clean and
in good condition.

; --K }
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Figure 5-2. Propeller Installation position for a four-

Figum 5-1. Two styles of cranks heft flanges. cylinder engine.

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are at the ten o'clock and four o’clock position When a sfcu!f cap spinner is used, the mount­
when the engine stops. This reduces vibration In ing bracket is Installed with two o f the propeller
many Instances and puls the propeller In posi­ mounting bolts. If a full spinner is used, a rear
tion for hand-propping the airplane. bulkhead Is Installed on the flange before the
propeller is Installed, and a front bulkhead Is
The bolls, washers, and nuts are Installed next, installed on the front of the boss before the bolts
according to the particular installation. The bolts are placed through the propeller boss. The spin­
should be Lightened slightly. Use an alternating
ner Is now Installed using screws.
torqulng sequence to tighten the bolts to the de­
sired value. Refer to the appropriate manufac­ If a wood propeller Is being Installed, a faceplate
turers service Information for specific values of Is normally placed on the front of the propeller
propeller torque. boss before installing the holts. The faceplate


Figure 5-3. Typical flanged-shaft Installation with spinner and space.

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distributes the compression load of the bolts over
the surface of the boss.

Spacers between the propeller and flange are

Installed In accordance wjlh the aircraft man­
ufacturer’s manual.

Once the bolts are Installed and properly tor

qued, the propeller ts tracked and safe tied as
discussed later in this chapter.

B. Tape red-Shaft Installations

Tapered-shaft crankshafts are found on older
model horizontally-opposed engines o f low horse­
power. This style of crankshaft requires the use of a
hub to adapt the propeller for mounting on the shall.

1. Pre-Installation Checks
Before the propeller is Installed on the crank­
shaft, the shaft should be Inspected carefully for
corrosion, thread condition, cracks and wear In


Figun 5-5. Typical spinner Installations.

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the area of the keyway. The keyway inspection is
c ritical as cracks can develop In the comers of the
keyway and result In the crankshaft’s breaking. A
dye-penetrant inspection of the keyway area is
advisable at each 100-hour and annual Inspec Figure 5-3. Prussian Blue transfer on hub emss-sectlon.
tion, and each time the propeller is removed.
crankshaft. With the key Installed in the keyway,
If surface irregularities are found, dress or the hub fs then installed on the shaft and the
polish out the defects as the engine manufac­ retaining nut is tightened to the Installation torque.
turer recommends, The hub is then removed and the amount of Ink
transferred from the crankshaft to the hub Is
The hub components and mounting hardware
noted. The ink transfer should Indicate a mini­
should be Inspected for wear, cracks, corrosion,
mum contact area of 70%. Ifless than 70% contact
and warpage. Correct defects as necessary, A dye-
area is Indicated, the hub and crankshaft should
penetrant or magnetic Inspection of the hub and
be checked for surface Irregularities such as dirt,
(jolts is recommended.
wear, and corrosion. The surfaces may be lapped
The fit nf the hub on the crankshaft should be to fit by removing the key from the crankshaft and
checked by the use of a liquid transfer ink such as lapping the hub to the crankshaft with a polishing
Prussian Blue. The Prussian Blue is applied in a compound until a minimum o f 70% contact area
thin, even coating on the tapered area of the Is achieved.

flA N G E P L A f C
Figure 5-9. Propeller hub Installation on a metal flxed-
Figure 5-7. Propeller hub. pitch propeller — exploded view.

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the propeller hub assembly on the shaft, Install
the retaining nut and torque the nut to the proper
value. Install the snap ring, track, and saiety the
propeller. (Refer to latter portion o f this chapter
for a discussion o f tracking and safctying.)

3. Removal
To remove the propeller from the tapered shaft,
remove the safety, back the retaining nut off with
a har to pull the propelW from the shall. A snap
ring is required so that die retaining nut can he
connected to the hub and pull the hub ofT the shaf
as the nut Is unscrewed. If the snap ring is not
Installed, hub removal may be veiy difficult.

H g u n 5-10. Balance washer Is use rf to final belancs C. Spiined-Shaft Installations

the propeltBr-hub assembly.
Splined crankshafts are found on most radial
This Inspection and corrective action may be engines and some opposed, in-line, and turboprop
done with the propeller installed on the hub, If engines. The splined shaft is characterized by
desired. Once sufficient contact Is obtained, the splines and voids of equal dimensions and on
hub and shaft are cleaned of ink and polishing many engines a master spline formed between two
compound. splines so that a hub will fit on the shaft in only
one position.
Place the propeller on the hub and, If a wood
propeller Is used, position the faceplate on the 1. Pre-Installation Checks
Front o f the boss. Make !ure that the propeller la
installed on the hub with the blades in the correct inspcct the crankshaft for cracks, surface de­
position in relation to the keyway if specified by fects, and corrosion. Repair defccts in accordance
the engine manual. Install the bolts, washers, and with the engine manufacturer's directions.
nuts as required to mount the propeller on the
hub. Tighten the bolts in the some manner as for
a flanged-shafL installation. Check the propeller
balance with the hub installed and correct the
balance by placing approved balancing washers
under the bolt head or nut at the light position on
the hub,

2. Installation
Apply oil or anU-setze to the crankshaft, making
sure that the key is installed properly, and place

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Figure 5-13. Checking lor spline m ar with a go
no-go gauge.

The splines on the crankshaft and on the hub Figure 5-15. Typical spllned-ahaft Installation.
should be inspected for wear by the use of a go
If the front cone Is new, the halves will be Joined
no-go gauge. The gauge ia 0.002 Inches larger
together and will have to be separated with a hack­
than the maximum space allowed between the
saw. After the halves are separated, the cut surfaces
splines. The crankshaft or hub ts serviceable If the
will have to be filed and polished smooth. In addition,
gauge cannot be Inserted between the splines for
they may have to be marked with an arbitrary serial
more than 20% of the spline length* If the 20%
number by the use of an engraving tool.
value Is exceeded, the hub or crankshaft Is worn
excessively and should be replaced.
2. Trial Installation
The hub and bolts should be Inspected In the The rear cone and. In some installations, a
same manner as for a tapered-shaft Installation. bronze spacer, is place on the crankshaft and
pushed all the way back on the aliaft. A coat of
Cones are used to center the hub on the crank­
Prussian Blue Is applied to the rear cone. The hub
shaft and should be Inspected fur general condi­
tion. The rear cone Is made of bronze with a cut at
one place to allow flexibility during Installation and
assure a tight fit when installed. The front cone la
in two pieces that are a matched set and must be
used together. The front cones are made of steel
and are marked with a serial number to identify
die mates In a set.

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If no transfer to the rear cone occurs during the
transfer check, a condition known as rear cone
bottoming exists. This happens when the apex, or
point, of the rear cone contacts the land on the rear
HBHTOF seat o f the hub before the hub can seat on the rear
eone. Rear cone bottoming is corrected by remov­
ing up to V ie of an inch from the apex o f the cone.
FIgt/n 5-17. Rear eon• bottoming. Sandpaper placed on the surface plate may be
used to assure an even removal of metal.
Is then placed on the shaft, with care taken to align
the hub on the master spline, and the hub is i<Yont cone bottoming occurs when the front cone
pushed against the rear cone. H ie front cones are bottoms on the splines o f the crankshaft before
placed around Lhe lip on the retaining nut, coated contacting the seat on the hub. Front cone bottom­
wltn Prussian Blue, Installed In the hub, and the ing Is Indicated by the hub’s being loose on the shaft
nut Is tightened to the proper torque. when the retaining nut Is tight and no transfer of
The retaining nut and front cone tire removed Prussian Blue to the front hub seat. Front cone
and the amount o f Prussian Blue transferred to the bottoming Is corrected by placing a spacer of no
huh Ja noted, A minimum or 70% contact Is re more than Ve-lnch thickness behind the rear cone.
qulred. H ie hub is then pulled from the crankshaft This moves the hub forward and allows the front
and the transfer from the rear cone is checked. cone to seat properly. Some installations require a
Again, a minimum o f 70% contact Is required. If thick spacer {<me inch or more) behind the rear
contact is Insufficient, the hub can be lapped to the cone to assure proper mounting. The corrections
cones by the use of a special lapping fixture. noted above are In addition to the spacers called
for In the manufacturer’s manual- If front and rear
cone bottoming cannot be corrected as stated
hear cone above, and no reason can be determined for the
\ . ItWNTCn Improper seating, consult the manufacturer.

3. Installation
The propeller Is installed on thf*. hub In the same
manner as used for a tapered-all aft installation.
The position o f the propeller on the hub in relation
to the master spline Is critical. Some Installations
require that one blade align with the master spline
while other Installations require that the blades be
perpendicular to the master spline position. Con­
sult the engine maintenance manual for the re­
quirements of a particular installation.

Once the propeller is mounted on the hub. the

Figure 5-18. Using a surface piste and sandpaper to crankshaft is coated with oil or an antl-selze com­
lap tJta apsx of a rear cone. pound and the propeller-hub assembly is placed

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Figure 5-20. Two normal propeller Installation posi­
tions aa misled to thB master apKne.

on the shall. The retaining nut and front cone are paper. (Make sure that the engine is safe as
installed and torqued. The snap ring is installed,
described in Chapter I.) The position of the blade
the p rop eller track. Is checked, and the installa­
Up is marked on the paper. The propeller ts then
tion is safetled.

Propeller removal is the same as for a tapcred-

shaft Installation.

D, Tracking The Propeller

Once the propeller Is installed and torqued, the
truck orthe propeller should be checked. H ie track
of the propeller Is defined as the path which the . MUIMUN
tips of tlie blades follow when rotated with the \ TRACK
aircraft stationary. For light aircraft with
propellers oC approximately six feet in diameter,
metal propellers can be out o f track no more than
l/ 16 or an Inch and the track of a wood propeller
may not be out more than Vb of an Inch.

Before the propeller can be tracked, the aircraft

must be made stationary by chocking the wheels
so that the aircraft will not move. Next, a fixed
reference point must be placed within 1/a Inch of
the propeller arc. This may be done by placing a
board on blocks under the propeller arc and taping
a piece of paper to the board so that the track of
each blade can be marked. The propeller is rotated
by hand until one blade is polnUng down at the Figure 5-22, Tracking marks tor a f/iflM-Wsded propeller.

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Figure 5-S5. Adjusting propeller track on a wood

propeller by Installing shims.
Figure 5-23. Blade track can also be checked with a
pointer attached to the airplane. E. Safe tying Propeller Installations
Once a propeller is within track and properly
rotated so that the track o f the next blade can be
torqued, the Installation can be Bafetled. There is
marked on the paper. This is repeated for each
no one way to safety a propeller installation be­
blade on the propeller. The maximum difference in
cause o f the many different types o f installations.
track for all the blades should not exceed the limits
mentioned for a light aircraft. For tills reason only the tnore commonly used
safeties will be discusscd here.
If a wooden propeller track is o ff more than the
allowed amount, and presumingthat the propeller, A flanged-shaft Installation has the largest
hub, and crankshaft are within permissible tol­ variety o f safety methods because of the many
erances, the track may be corrected by the use of variations In the flange shaft Installations. If the
shims, A shim shaped to fit halfway around the flange has threaded Inserts installed, the propeller
face of the hub or flange Is Installed between the is held on by bolts which screw into the Inserts.
flange and propeller on the side with the more The bolt heads are drilled and are safetied with
rearward tracking blade, so that the blade will be 0.041 Inch stainless steel safety wire using stand­
moved forward. The shim should be an approved ard safety wire procedures.
type of thin brass shim stock o f about .002 to .004
If threaded inserts are not used In a flanged
Inches as necessary to correct the problem.
Installation, bolts and nuts are used to hold the
Another shim of the same thickness may be In­
stalled between the faceplate and the boss on the
side or the more forward blade.

Once the shims arc installed, the propeller-hub

assembly is reassembled and the propeller Is In­
stalled on the crankshaft, torqued, and the track is
rechecked. If the track is within limits, the Installa­
tion Is safetied. Always consult the manufacturer's
manual before using shims as some model pro­
pellers do not allow the use of shims.

Figure 5-26. Flanged installations may be safetied

with safety wire or cotter pine, depending on the
style of Installation.

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If the propeller is Involved In a ground strike,
the balance and aerodynamic characteristics may
have been altered. If a ground strike Is suspccted,
check with the pilot as not all ground strikes
result in readily apparent damage. If a ground
strike has occurred, refer the propeller to an
overhaul facility for repair.

Some people use the propeller as a handle to pull

the aircraft around on the ground. This may result
In pulling the blades out of track. The propeller
should be overhauled to remove the bend. The
same thing may occur if high power settings are
used to pul] the aircraft out o f mud or sand.

If a propeller has recently been repltched. the

propeller may tend to return to the original pitch.
Figure 5-27. Safety of tapered-and splined-ahaft Instal­ This would be Indicated by an increase In vibration
lations fs dona with a clevis pin and a cottar pb. during several hours of operation. The problem
cannot be corrected and the propeller should be
propeller on tie flange. Some installations use replaced. This problem often develops In old pro­
fiber lock nuts, which require no safelytng, but pellers and is an indication of a breakdown in the
the nuts should be replaced each time the pro­ metal structure.
peller Is removed. Other Installations use cas­
tellated nuts with bolts drilled In the threaded Vibration associated with wood propellers is
area and the nuta are safetled to the bolts with often related to wood damage or moisture In the
cotter pins. propeller. If a wood propeller Is stored Improperly
or the aircraft has been idle for a period of time,
Tapered and splined-shaft Installations are moisture may be concentrated In one blade, caus­
safetied In the same way. A clevis pin Is Installed ing the propeller to be out of balance. The moisture
through the safety holes in the retaining nut and will redistribute Itself if the propeller Is placed In
crankshaft. The pin should be positioned with a horizontal position for several days.
the head toward the center of the crankshaft. A
washer is placed over the pin and a cotter pin is Wood propellers may warp, resulting In a change
Installed. Be sure that the head of the clevis pin In the aerodynamic characteristics of the blade
is toward the center of the shaft so that the and causing aerodynamic Imbalance. These pro­
centrifugal force will be born by the clevis pin pellers should be replaced.
head and not by the cotter pin.
Reasons for vibrations that are common to both
wood and metal propellers Include improper over­
T. Troubleshooting haul. uneven torqulng of mounting bolts, improper
tracking, loose retaining nut, front or rear cone
Troubleshooting the installation o f a flxed- bottoming, and Improper installation position In
pltch usually Involves determining the cause of relation to the crankshaft.
a vibration. When Investigating the cause of
vibration it la important that the recent history If vibrations persist after checking all or the
of the propeller be known. Accidents, repairs, causes listed above, there may be a problem with
and type of operation may give clues to the cause an interaction between the propeller and the en­
of vibration. Also, structural characteristics of gine cowling. This can be reduced by removing the
metal propellers may cause a problem to develop propeller from the hub or flange and shiAing its
that would not be possible in a wood propeller, position one bolt hole. Reinstall the propeller and
and visa versa. perform an operational check to determine If the
vibration level has decreased. This procedure may
Metal propellers may cause vibration if a repair be repeated until the position o f least vibration Is
has thrown the propeller nut of balance. The vibra­ determined. Remember to consult the appropriate
tion would appear immediately after the repair. manuals to determine If a specific propeller posi­
The propeller should be rebalanced. tion is called for before attempting this procedure.

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QUESTIONS: 7. What is fh« purpose o f t)le cones tn a spltiied
shajl installation?
1. What are the turn purposes fo r applying a
lubricant to the crankshaft Jlange before tn- 8. What ts rear cone bottoming and how is it
s tailing the propeller? corrected?
2. Why is the ten o'clock/four o'clock position 9. What is front cone bottoming and how ts it
suggested when installing a propeller on a corrcctcd?
four-cylinder horizontally opposed engine?
10. What is the maximum allowable ou t-of track
3. What fa the purpose o f a propeller hub?
fo r a liglit aircraft metal propeller?
4. When checktngforproper seating with Prussian
Blue, what is the minimum amount q f contact? 11. How way the propeller track be corrected?

5. What ts the purpose o f the snap ring in a 12. What device is used to safety a spUned shajt
tapered-shajl Installation? installation?

6. What is the maximum amount o f penetration 13. What fa the most likely cause o f vibration as­
allowed when checking a splined shqft with a sociated with a wood propeller that has been
go no-go gauge? tn storage fo r a period o f time?

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Chapter VI
Ground-Adjustable Propellers
Ground-adju stable propellers are designed so on the blades. If steel blades are used, the huh will
that their blade angles can be adjusted on the be held together with bolts. If wood or aluminum
ground to give the desired performance charac blades are used, the hub halves will be held to­
terlstlcs for various operational conditions (low gether with bolts or clamp rings,
blade angle for short Held takeoffs or high-blade
angle for Increased cruise speed). The adjustable B. Installation
characteristic also allows one propeller design to
be used on aircraft designs with varying perfor­ Ground-adjustable propellers may be designed
mance, but using the same engine model. to fit flangpd, tapered, or spllned crankshafts. The
Installation Is basically the same as for fixed-pitch
Ground-adjustable propellers arc often found propellers.
on older aircraft of low to moderate performance
(Steaimans. Wacos, etc.). I . B lad e Angle Adjustment
Before the blade angles are adjusted, the refer­
A. Propeller Construction ence station must be determined by referring to
the propeller or aircraft maintenance manual. The
Tlie propeller Is designed so that the blades can most commonly used reference stations are 30,36,
be rotated In the hub to change the blade angles. and 42 Inches. Check the aircraft maintenance
The hub Is In two halves that must be separated manual or aircraft specifications to And the blade
slightly so that the blades can be rotated. The hub angle range that may be used Tor the aircraft. H ie
Is held together with clamps or bolts to prevent the angle will normally be between seven and 15 de­
blades from rotating during operation. grees. The propeller blade angles can be adjusted
on the aircraft or on a propeller bench.
The propeller blades may be of either wood,
aluminum, or steel construction with the root of Before the retaining bolts or clamps are loosened,
the blade having s h o u ld e rs machined on It so that the ndaUve position of the hub and blades should
the blades will be held in the hub against the be marked with a red lead, white lead, or grease
centrifugal operating loads. pencil. Do not use a gruphile pencil! This marking
will allow the change in blade position to be ob­
The hub of the propeller Is made o f aluminum or
served and aid in the initial movement o f all blades
steel, with the two halves machined as a matched
toward the new blade angle.
pair. Grocves in the hub mate with the shoulders
The propeller is placed In a horizontal posiuon.
The hub bolts or clamps and, if the propeller Is on
the engine, the retaining nut are now loosened

Flgun 6-1. Two atylaa of ground-ad]uatabh> propeller Flgun 5-2. Tha blades a n held In the hub with a eat
/tubs. o f BhouUers and groovoa.

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|B la d e N u m b e r One ts A l 12 t | H itte rs nee B e tw e e n

Pt n a i l e r A
( B la d e H u m b e r T w o Is A 1 119) B la d e s Too E m !

( 9 I J d e N ir r n l» r 0 n e Is At 11.9 1 S la d e T w o
Propeller 8
[B la d e N u m b e r T w o Is A l 11 81 B e y o n d T o le ra n c e

[B la d e N u m b e r O w l s A t 11.9 1
P ro p e lle r C Acceptable
lR l» d e N u m b e r T w o Is A1 1 ! D|

Figure 6-5. Examples of acceptable and unaccep­

table blade angle combinations.

The Installation Is now torqued, tracked, safe-

tied, sind all reference markings are removed.
Figure 6-3. Use a blade paddle to rotate the biadea to
the desired angle.
C. Inspection, Maintenance
until the blades turn freely In the hub. The blades And Repair
are turned to the desired angle with the aid of
propeller paddles as shown in Figure 6-3. It may Inspection or the propeller blades Is the same as
for any propeller, whether It Is made of wood or
be necessary to Jiggle the blades slightly as they
metal. Special attention should be given to the area
are rotated to prevent binding.
of the shank where the metal sleeve Is U B e d on wood
Check the new blade angles with a propeller blades and In the area of the retention shoulders
protractor, then tighten the blade bolts or clamps and grooves on all blades. A dye- penetrant Inspec­
and the propeller retaining nut. The blade angle tion of these areas Is recommended whenever the
may change during the tightening process since the propeller Is disassembled for shipment, local In­
blades tend to hang down when the hub halves are spection. or repair,
loosened. Determine the amount o f blade angle
Tlie hub should he Inspected closely in the blade
change that occurred during the tightening pro­
retention areas. A dye penetrant Inspection Is
cess. loosen the bolts or clamps and retaining nut,
recommended on the external surfaces In this area
and reset the blade angles, allowing for the blade
durlntf routine, 100-hour, and annual Inspections.
angle change that will occur during the tightening
Disassembly ol the propeller at these Inspection
process. Retlghten the hub and measure the blade
inlervals Is not normally recommended as more
angles again, they should now be correct.
damafte may occur during disassembly and reas­
Tills procedure may have to be repeated a few sembly than Initially existed.
limes until the blades are at the same angle. Unless
otherwise stated In the maintenance manual, an
acceptable tolerance Tor the difference In blade angle
between the blades Is 0.1 degrees. The blades should
be within 0.1 degrees of the desired blade angle.



Figure 6-4. Blades tend to hang down when damps

and retaining nuta are loosened while the
propeller is on the engine. This must be allowed Figure 6-6. Use dye penetrant to check for cracks In
for when adjusting blade angles. the blade retention area.

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During 100-hour and annual Inspections aU tor* Another reason for vibration from a new or
ques and safeties should be checked. All nuta, bolts, recently overhauled propeller, is that one blade has
clevis pins, etc., should be checked for condition and a different length, pitch distribution, weight, or
replaced as necessary. Other than cleaning and the airfoil shape than the otheT blade. This should be
repair of defects as covered in Chapter IV, no other corrected by the manufacturer or an overhaul
routine maintenance need be performed. facility.

The propeller should be overhauled by a repair QUESTIONS:

station at each engine overhaul or as specified by 1. How are the blades o f a ground-adjustable
the manufacturer. propeller retained in the hub?
2. What devices are used to hold the hub fia(i>es
D. Troubleshooting together if steel blades are used?

The determination of operational problems with 3. Which devices must be loosened before the
a ground-adjustable propeller usually consists of blade angles can be adjusted?
determining the cause of excessive vibration.
4. What types o f pendl may be used to mark the
The following are causes of vibration and the hub and blades?
solutions are evident by correcting the problem In a 5. JJthe blade angles are being adjusted with the
manner previously dlsuissed: different blade angles proppiter on the aircrafi, why way the angles
set on each blade; loose retaining nut; blades loose hare to be adjusted two or more limes?
In the hub; front cone bottoming; rear cone bottom­
ing; excessive hub or crankshaft spline wear; Insuf­ 6. What Is an acceptable difference tin blade angle
ficient cone or tapered shaft contact area. between the blades?
7. Which areas o f the hub should be inspected
Vibration may also be caused by the propeller
u>ith dye penetrant?
being out of track. This problem will require that
the propeller be sent to a repair station. 8. When should the propeller be ouerhauled?

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Chapter VII
Automatic Pitch-Changing Propellers
Automatic pitch-changing propellers are de ■ Although not widely used, this style of propeller
signed so that the blade angle will change In Is covered because its principles of operation are
response to operational forces providing the de­ similar to those used on more modern constant
sirable load on the engine at* flight conditions speed designs and it is not complicated by the
change. At high power setting and low airspeeds, of cockpit controls and governors.
as In a climb, the blade angle will decrease to
provide good climb performance. At high air­ A. Theory O f Operation
speeds and moderate power settings the blade
angle will increase to provide goad cruise perfor­ The Aeromatic® propeller uses the natural forces
mance. There is no cockpit control to cause this acting on the blades and the counterweights to
change, the propeller ts an independent and auto­ automatically achicve the desired change in blade
matic unit. angle for different flight conditions. Automatic op­
eration represents a balance between the forces
Automatic pitch-changing propellers are not now which tend to increase blade angle and those
in wide usage due to the control!ability achieved which tend to decrease blade angle.
with modem constant speed systems. However,
this propeller design ts still found on some older The Interaction o f the forces which determine the
light aircraft such as Swifts, Bellancae, and early blade angle m a y become confusing, b o I t Is suggested
Cessnas. The design most commonly used is the that the student refer to the accompanying Illustra­
Koppera Aeromatic® propeller, the model which will tions while studying this section. Also, note that the
centerline of the propeller blade is behtn/i the renter-
be discussed in this chapter.
line of the hub and the angle between the hub
centerline and the blade centerline remains constant
as the blade angle changes. This arrangement re­
sults in the blade moving forward of the huh plane
of rotation when at low angles and moving behind
the hub plane o f rotation when at lilgh blade angles.

Figure 7-2. The AeromatkP blade centerline lags

Figure 7-1. Cutaway o f an AerofnstlcP’ propeller. behind the hub centerline.

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Consider the aircraft to be In cruising flight.
When the throttle Is pushed In, engine horsepower
increases and causes the RPM to Increase. An
Increase in RPM will result in an Increase In cen­
trifugal twisting moment which tends to decrease
blade angle. The increase in lift on the propeller
caused by the RPM rise will cause the blade to move
forward and help to decrease the blade angle. The
higher RPM results In a higher blade angle of attack
with the result that (he center of lift on the blade
moves toward the leading edge to further Increase
the movement toward a lower blade angle.

As the aircraft starts to accelerate in response to

the higher power setting, the blade angle of attack
starts to decrease and the center of lift on the blade
starts moving rearward. The initial Increase In RPM
caused an increase in the force of the counter­
weights toward a higher blade angle, but this was
Insufficient to overcome the combined forces mov­
ing the blade toward a lower blade angle. Howeve
as the center of lift moves rearward, tending to
Increase blade angle, and the system RPM In­
creases with the rise In airspeed, the force gen­
erated by the counterweights becomes sufficient to
cause an Increase in blade angle.
Figure 7-4. AeromBti<P propeller forces which increase
blade angle.

At the point where the airspeed no longer in­

creases with the higher power setting, the oppos
ing forces balance out and the blades assume the
most desirable angle for the existing conditions of
airspeed and engine power output.

r I0W PITCH B. Propeller Construction

.A \ /
The Aeromatlc® propeller blades are made of
\ / / thin wood laminations, usually covered with a
r\ ft * \ CF«Tfl(FUGtL FORCE black plastic coating for surface protection, and
/"‘ij /v have a metal leading edge. The shank of each blade
i I f */ \ MNtEPIOFUF- Is mounted In a steel sleeve and Is attached to the
: / » 1 I, 1 /' 1
: / \ / S i / V J
/ * hub. A segmented gear 1b mounted on the butt of
HIGH PITCH / A the blade and a counterweight bracket Is located
/ t '
HAIitCtNTfHUW ^ on the outside of the sleeve.
CENTER OF P H h S iliR F '
The hub may be designed to flt any of the
crankshaft styles previously discussed. The huh is
made of steel and contains all of the bearing
/ surfaces necessary for smooth propeller operation,
OftAhKSHAfMX+5 t
B L JU E PIVOT A segmented synchronizer gear Is located inside
he hub and meshes with the gears on the butt of
each blade so that each blade turnB the same
Figure 7-3. Aeromailt? propeller forces which amount during operation, thereby maintaining the
decrease blade angle. same blade angle on each blade at all times.

42 AircraftTeehnioal Book Company, LLC

one hour of drying time between coats. This ts only
a temporary repair and the permanent repair
should be performed as aoon as possible.

The hub and blade sleeves should be inspected

for surface defects and cracks with a magnifying
glass and dye penetrant. Any defects found should
be referred to an overhaul facility for correction.

The Aeromatic® propeller Is lubricated by a self­

Figure 7-5. A synchronizer gear Is used to keep the contained oil supply which should be checked at
btodes at the same angle. 100-hour and annual Inspections. The oil level is
checked by turning the propeller 45 degrees from
There are four 8top bolts which extend into the the horizontal with the hub oil plug up. Remove
hub and are used to set the high and low blade the plug and check to see that the oil level Is level
angles o f the propeller blades. These holts con­ with the opening. As necessary, fill the hub with
tact stop lugs which are part o f the blade butt the oil grade called for !n the aircraft or propeller
structure. maintenance manual, If the oil level is too high,
erratic or Blugglsh operation may result. Oil leak­
The counterweights on the blade sleeves extend
age around the blades or hub indicates defective
forward Df the propeller and cany a series of
oil seals and the propeller muet be sent to an
weights with different size weights which may be
overhaul facility to replace the seals.
added or removed as necessary to adjust the op­
eration of the propeller. The weights are held on When the propeller is placed in storage, the hub
the counterweight bracket by a bolt and castel­ should be completely filled with oil and placed in
lated nut. a horizontal position, as Is standard for all wood
propellers. The propeller should be turned once
C. Installation every two weeks to keep a coaling of oil on all the
internal parts and prevent corrosion.
The installation of an Aeromatic® propeller Is the
same as for a flxed-pltch propeller. When checking Aeromalir ® propeller blades should move freely
the track, be sure that the blade is at full low or and easily when turned by hand. If this doe a not
high blade angle. Remember, the blade path moves happen, defective blade bearings are Indicated and
forward as blade angle decreases. the propeller should be overhauled. If there is
excessive movement of one blade while the other
blade Is held rigid, excessive wear has occurred on
D. Inspection, Maintenance
the blade gear segments or the synchronizer gear
And Repair is worn. Again, have the propeller overhauled.
If a natural wood finish is used on the blades,
Inspect and repair the blades as described in
3£. Troubleshooting
Chapter IV. If a plastic coating Is used, Inspect the
metal Upping aB In Chapter IV, The plastic coating If vibration is noticed during operation, the
should be inspected for abrasion, cracks, and blades should be checked for gear wear as men­
missing sections. The blade should be twisted and tioned above. The vibration may also be caused by
flexed slightly at the tip to check for broken wood the propeller being out of track (1/s inch maximum
sections under tile coating, indicated by wrinkles difference between the blades) or the propeller
appearing in the coating. being out of balance. If the track is beyond the
limit, or the balance cannot be corrected by placing
Small surface defects In the plastic coaling can the propeller horizontal to allow erven moisture
be repaired by the use of a field repair kit available distribution, send the propeller to an overhaul
from the propeller manufacturer. Large defects in facility for correction.
the coating or an IndlcaUon of a crack In the wood
should be referred to a repair station, aB repair of If the RPM is too high for flight conditions, the
these defects constitutes a major repair. Tem­ weights on the counterweights may not be suffi­
porary repairs to small defects in the plasUc coat­ cient. Refer to the propeller and aircraft manual
ing that expose I he wood can be done by applying and add washers to the counterweights as neces­
two coats o f clear nitrate dope to the area, allowing sary. The opposite holds true if the RPM is too low,

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remove washers as necessaiy. Make sure that an 4. What is the purpose o f the segmented syn­
equal amount of weight is added or removed from chronizer gear ?
each counterweight. When test flying the aircraft
5. What temporary repair may be made fo r a
during counterweight adjustment, make sure
small crack in the plastic coating?
that the spinner la installed if used on the aircraft.
The propeller may have slightly different counter­ 6. What would be the result if the propeller ivere
weight and aerodynamic action depending on serviced with too much oil?
whether or not the spinner is Installed.
7. What preparations are necessary before placing
QUESTIONS: the propeller in storage?

1. Name two forces that will cause an Increase In 8. I f the operational RPM ts too high, are weights
blade angle on an Aeromatic* propeller. added to or removed from the counterweights?

2. What two /actors Influence blade angle o f 9. Why must the propeller spinner be installed
attack? Luhen flig h t testing the propeller fo r RPM
3. As the aircraft transitions from climb to cruise
with the same throttle setting, will blade angle 10. What should be done with the propeller if the
increase or decrease? track ts out by more than1/a inch?

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Chapter VIII
Controllable-Piteh Propellers
A cantroUable-pitch propeller Is designed so that 2. Cockpit Control
the pilot can select any hlade angle within the
prop tiler's range regardless o f the aircraft opera The cockpit control is a crank handle which direct­
tional conditions. Tills type o f propeller is occa­ ly drives the pinion gear through a flexible cable. The
sionally found on aircraft o f the post-World War II cable housing Is supported at several points to
era and was eventually refined into the Beechcraft prevent abrasion and excessIvc cable Hexing.
electric ('onstfint'speed propeller. This propeller
design allowed light aircraft with as little as 65 3. Design Variations
horsepower to have the advantages of a variable-
pitch propeller without the complexity and expense Some more sophisticated designs of the Beech-
of a constant-speed system The most popular Roby aystem use a toggle switch in the cockpit,
design is known as a Beech-Roby propeller. operating an electric motor to di ive the pinion gear.
In this design, microswitchea are placed with the
A. System Components mechanical stops to limit the blade angle ranges
and automatically shut off the electric motor at the
1. Propeller Construction maximum and minimum blade angles,

The blades of Beech-Roby propellers are of wood

construction and may have a varnished Dnlsh or be B. Theory O f Operation
coated with plastic. The blades are in a me La] shank
as in the Aeromatic® and ground adjustable designs. Tlie Beech-Roby propeller is operated from the
cockpit by a crank handle mounted on the Instru­
The hub may be a one-piece shell or composed ment panel. When the crank is turned, a flexible
o f two halves which are held together with bolts. cable (similar to a tachometer drive cable) rotates
Internal components consist of ball bearings to and turns a pinion gear mounted in a bracket
carry the operational loads between the hub and directly behind the propeller. The pinion gear
blades and the pitch-changing mechanism as dls- meshes with a drive gear which fits around the
ruased in System Operation. crankshaft and is mounted to the engine crank­
case. The drive gear can rotate through a limited
The propeller may be designed to mount on any
range on Its mount.
or the crankshaft styles covered in Chapter V.

The range of propeller travel is set by mechanical

stops on the drive gear behind the propeller.

^ VT7r,\
/ ” >>
A ll 20 %

t 5 f 25

v/ 3
V * A >
v . ^ y

('— it

Figure 6-2. Controllabla-pltch propeller operating

Figure 6-1. Propeller control crm k on instrument panel mechanism.

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The drive gear Is grooved internally with spiral The cockpit control should operate freely without
slots which mate with the outer race o f the binding or catching through the full range o f travel.
actuator (the outer and Inner races of the ac­ The cable should be lubricated at 100-hour and
tuator are connected through ball bearings so annual inspections and should be replaced if any
the inner race can rotate with the propeller). As binding or catching is noticed. The cable mounts
the drive gear is rotated by the pinion gear, the and support brackets should be inspected foT wear,
actuator moves forward or rearward as the lugs abrasion, and crarks. Repair mounts and brackets
move In the drive gear slots. In accordance with accepted aircraft structural
repair practices.
The Inner race of the actuator rotates with the
propeller and Incorporates two arms which extend There should be a minimum of play between the
forward Into the hub. These arms are connected pinion gear and the drive gear and the gears
to an actuating pin In the base of each blade should be free of dirt and corrosion. The gears
through a set of control fingers. As the outer race should not be lubricated since lubricants will at­
of the actuator moves forward or rearward, the tract dirt and abrasives and cause wear.
Inner race moves with it, causing the blade angle
If an electric mechanism is used to control the
to change through the connection between the
blade angle, inspect and repair the electrical com­
arm and the actuating pin,
ponents in accordance with acceptable mainte­
nance practices.
C. Installation
The Installation of the propeller on the crank­ E. Troubleshooting
shaft Is the same as for installations covered in Standard troubleshooting procedures and cor­
Chapter V. A mounting bracket Is required to rections apply to controllable-pitch propellers with
install the drive gear on the engine case. the following additions.
If the aircraft ts being modified to accept a Vibration may be caused by wear in the actuator
BeechRoby propeller, the cowling may have to be lugs, actuator fingers, drive gear slots, or actuating
altered to allow clearance for the pinion gear. The pins. These wear problems should be corrected by
instrument panel will require a slight alteration to an approved overhaul facility.
accept the control crank, and provisions will have
to be made for bracing the control cable housing If the system RPM is too high or too low, check
between the cockpit control and the pinion gear. the blade angle stops and adjust as necessary to
comply with the alnraft specifications,
D. Inspection, Maintenance QUESTIONS:
And Repair 1. WJirrf type o j cockpit control is used to operate
The blades are Inspected and maintained as a Beech Roby propeller?
discussed In Chapter IV.
2. How is the blade angle range adjusted on this
The hub should be inspected for cracks, loose propeller?
blades, and proper torque and safety of the
3. What operational condltioti uxxild indkxde a
Installation. There should be a minimum of play
need to replace the control cable?
when the blades are checked for rotational se­
curity. If movement is excessive, tbe propeller 4. What ts m ed to lubricate the gears of the pinion
should be overhauled. gear and drive gear?

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Chapter IX
Two-Position Propeller System
A two-position propeller system la designed so The bladebracket assembly la Installed on an arm
that the pilot can select one of two blade angles In or the spider.
flight. This capability allowB the pilot to place the
propeller In a low blade angle for takeoff and climb The propeller barrel {hub assembly) Is made o f
or In a high blade angle for cruise, similar to having two steel halves which are machined as a set and
a two-speed transmission In a car. serially numbered. Barrel halves cannot be Inter­
changed between sets. The barrel halves, with
"While this system la not currently being used on required bearings and spacers, are placed around
any production aircraft, It was very popular In the the spider after the blades are installed and are held
1930s for high performance Chilian and military together with Welch bolts (more on these later).
aircraft. Aircraft presen tty using this propeller sys­
tem include antiques and agricultural aircraft. The The cylinder Ms between the counterweight
basic propeller design and pitch changing princi­ brackets and Is attached to the brackets by spe­
ples o f the I Iamllton-Standard two -position propel­ cial Allen-head screws which act as follower pins
ler are still in use on aircraft as sophisticated as during pitch changing operations.
the Beech King Air and the Cessna Conquest.
The counterweight assemblies are Installed on
the counterweight brackets. These contain the
A. System Components blade angle setting mechanism of the propeller.
1. Propeller The piston fits through the cylinder and doubles
The central component of the Hamilton-Standard as the propeller retaining nut. To the piston are
counterweight propeller Is the spider. The spider Is attached the front cone, the snap ring, and a safety
designed for Installation on a spllned crankshaft and ring. Leather seals ere used between the piston
Incorporates two or three arms on which the blades and cylinder and are held In place by a seal nut.
are mounted.
If a crankshaft breathing engine Is being used,
Aluminum blades are commonly used, although a breather shaft Is Installed through the center of
some early models used wood blades. On the butt the propeller to a threaded area in the renter of the
o f each blade Is Installed a counterweight bracket crankshaft.
which Is part o f the pitch-changing mechanism.
The cylinder head and its copper-aBbest us gas­
kets are Installed in the forward end o f the cylinder
and safetied with a locking ring wire.

The Hamilton-Standard propeller designation

system can be deciphered In the following manner
using a 12D30-235 propeller as an example. The
1 Indicates a major modification to the basic pro­
peller design; the 2 Indicates the number o f blades
on the propeller; the U indicates the size of the
blade shank, based In n Hamilton-Standard desig­
nation system: the 30 means that the propeller fits
an SAE number 30 spllned shaft: the 235 Indicates
a minor modification of the design; and the 5 In
the 235 means that the propeller 1b designed to
rotate clockwise when viewed from the cockpit. If
the last number in the minor modification des­
ignation Is an odd number (1, 3, 5, 7. 9) the
F lg u n 0-1. Cutaway view o f a H&mittvn-Sundard propeller rotation is clockwise, and If the number
counterweight propeller. Is even (2,4, 6,8) the rotation Is counterclockwise.

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\ -p sv /71. / \ . '
hi * i'! i . i lfc. \
L1 y ‘ ' \ fji\ I ■' 3J,
"'I I
1 I
V ; f ] f o
\I /

Figun 9-Z Simplified selector valve. Figun 9-4. OHpressure moves the cylinder forward
The blade designation for a Hamilton-Standard and decreeses propeller blade angle.
6253A-18 propeller blade means: the basic pro- rearward for high blade angle. There is no Inter­
pellei blade design is a 6253; the blade is a com­ mediate position,
plete assembly with bearing surfaces and other
necessary parts, indicated by the A; the propeller
B, System Operation
has been reduced in diameter by 18 Inches (each
blade ts shortened nine Inches}. Two forces are used to cause the blade angle to
change — engine oil pressure In the propeller cyl­
2. Selector Valve inder and centrifugal force acting on the counter­
A selector valve is used to direct oil at engine weights. The other rotational and operational forces
system pressure to the propeller or drain the oil have a minimum of effect on system operation.
from the propeller and return It to the engine oil When the propeller control lever Is moved for­
sump. The valve is controlled by the pilot from the ward to decrease the blade angle, the selector valve
cockpit by a propeller control lever. When the is rotated to direct engine oil pressure (60 to 90
propeller control lever Is moved forward, the selec­ pal) to the propeller cylinder. Oil Dows from the
tor valve rotates to direct pressurized oil to the selector valve, through passages In the engine
propeller and cause a decrease in blade angle. By nose case, and is delivered to ihe hollow crank­
moving the control aft, the selector valve rotates to shaft through a transfer bearing.
drain oil from the propeller and Increase blade
angle. The selector valve maybe located on the rear As the oil pressure moves the cylinder forward,
accessory case of the engine or on the nose case, It overcomes the centrifugal force on the counter­
weights and pulls them in toward the centerline of
3. Cockpit Control the propeller blades. The counterweights are at­
The cockpit control for the propeller is normally tached to the blade butt so that as the counter­
located with the throttle control lever and Is con­ weight# move toward the blade centerline the
nected to the selector valve tlirongh flexible cables blades are rotated to a lower angle. The propeller
using pulleys and tumbuckles as necessary for movement continues until the follower pins con­
routing and adjusting cable tension. The control tact the stops Inside the counterweights.
lever is moved forward for low blade angle and To Increase blade angle the cockpit conlrol Is
moved rearward and the selector valve la rotated to
release the oil pressure from the propeller. The cen­
trifugal force on the counterweights is now greater
than the force of the oil In the propeller cylinder and
the blades rotate to a higher blade angle. The oil is
forced out of the cylinder and Is returned to the
engine sump as the cylinder Is pulled inward by the
action of the counterweights. The propeller move­
ment continues until the follower pins contact the
stops. The propeller is now held in high blade angle
by centrifugal force acting on the counterweights.

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The propeller Is placed in low blade angle for
/ -' f takeoff and climb so maximum RPM and thrust
.r T
IS can be developed dining the low speed phases of
flight. The propeller Is shifted to high blade angle

^ M'»
M-fclJ - -

5 1

for cruising flight so that the maximum airspeed
can be obtained.

For approach and landing, the throttle setting la

reduced and the propeller is shifted to the low
4 blade angle. This allows the full engine RPM to he
available If the landing must be aborted.
Figure 0-J, Oil pressure is released and the
centrifugal force on the counterweights increases When the engine is to be shutdown, the propeller
the pnpeller'a blade angle, should be placed in hlfih hlade angle so that the
majority of the oil is forced out o f the propeller
C. Flight Operation cylinder. This prepares the propeller for the next
engine start, covers the piston surfaces with the
When the engine Is started, the propeller ts at cylinder to prevent cuiroslon and dirt accumula­
the high blade angle setting. This Is to prevent tion on the piston, and prevents congealing of the
oil from going Into the propeller cylinder rather oil In the cylinder when operating In cold climates,
than to the engine bearings and causing un­
necessary bearing wear. "When lhe engine oil
temperature and pressure are at the desired
D. Installation
values the propeller can be placed In the low 1. Propeller
blade angle position.
Hamilton-Standard propellers are used on
During engine preflight checks the propeller splined shaft engines. The standard checks are
should be operated through at least three full made for proper front and rear cone contact and
pitch-change cycles to be sure that sufficient spline wear. The rear cone and propeller are
warm engine oil Is In the propeller and to check placed on the shaft in the same manner as for
for proper propeller operation. any propeller previously discussed.

11 1*


2 m if c - I S U D E S A S S U M IY 1 CBTTF* m 12 PISTON M S m NUT
I FRONT CONE B PISTON LOCK BING 13 cvlmdefi Nt*D g m k e i


Ftgurw 9-6. Propeller extended of! the propeller shaft

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Figure 9-7. Positioning piston lock ring and hub
snap ring.
H ie propeller piston la not Installed until the
propeller Is placed on the shaft. The cylinder Is pulled
forward and the piston Is Inserted through the cylin­
Figure 8-9. Installing a platon-to-cy/fndw seal.
der. The piston lock ring and the snap ring are then
placed on the portion of the piston which was Insert­ The snap ring and piston lock ring are then
ed through the cylinder, The front cone halves are Installed and the lock ring is safetied to the spider
placed on the piston and the piston Is started on the with a cotter pin. The plston-to-cyilnder leather
threads of the crankshaft. The proper Hamilton- seals are Installed through the front o f the cylinder
Standard tool Is used to tighten the piston on the along with the piston gasket nut. The nut la
shaft. If the threads are damaged or the cylinder Is torqued and safetied.
cocked, the piston may not start on the shaft If the
Install the copper-asbestos cylinder head gasket,
piston does not turn smoothly and easily onto the
with the slit toward the cylinder. Install and tighten
shaft do not proceed until the cause of the resistance
the cylinder head and safety the cylinder head with
is determined and corrected. Remember. If the threads
the wire lock ring.
on the crankshaft are damaged the crankshaft must
be replaced! Install seals that are required for a The propeller installation is now complete. The
particular installation when mounting the propeller. propeller should be checked for proper track In
accordance with the airctaft or propeller main­
Wlicn torqulng the piston refer to the propeller tenance manual. The propeller Is now ready to
or aircraft maintenance manual. A spcclflc torque have the blade angle set as discussed in Section £
wrench rending may not be given. Instead, a pro­ Pnopeller Blade Angle Adjustments.
cedure similar to the following may be specified:
apply a force of 180 pounds to the end of a After the blade angles have been set, the pro­
four-foot bar and strike the bar once with a 2*/a peller should be checked for proper operation.
pound hammer while applying the torque. Initially the propeller may operate erratically be
cause of air trapped in the cylinder. This condition
will correct itself as the propeller is cycled several
times and the air is purged from the system.
Always refer to the propeller or aircraft main­
tenance manual for specific Information concern­
ing the Installation of a particular model of the
counterweight propeller.

2. Selector Valve And Cockpit Control

The selector valve is installed following standard
procedures for the Installation of engine acces­
sories. The external oil lines should be installed in
accordance with accepted aircraft practices.
The cockpit control arrangement will vary with
different aircraft designs, but standard aircraft
installation procedures should be followed when
Figure 9-8. Method of torqulng th t propetfor piston. replacing cables, turnbuckles, pulleys, etc.

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E. Propeller Blade Angle To set the low blade angle (17 degrees) the stop nut
Is positioned on the counterweight adjusting screw
A d ju s tm e n ts
so tliat the edge toward the center of the counter­
The propeller blade angles are adjusted by means weight adjusting screw will line up with the 8 mark
of the stop nuts an the counterweight adjusting on the scale beside the counterweight adjusting
screw located under each counterweight cap. screw recess. The other stop nut is positioned so
that the edge lines up with the number 3. Set the
The counterweight adjusting screws are removed
stop nuts for each counterweight In t h lB manner.
by first removing the clevis pin which safeties the
With these settings the propeller blades should
counterweight cap and unscrewing Ihe cap. Ih e
have the approximate blade angles desired. Due to
counterweight adjusting screw is now pulled out of
die design of the counterweight adjusting screw
its recess in the counterweight or pushed from
and the counterweight's recess, another stop nut
behind the counterweight bracket with a small-
will have to be Installed on the high blade angle
bladed screwdriver. The counterweight adjusting
end. This Is to prevent the counterweight adjusting
screw removal Is easiest when the blades are In
screw from cocking during operation and causing
some mid-range position.
the propeller to Jam. Any time that a atop nut must
Alongside the recess which held the Index pin Is be positioned three degrees or more from the end
a scale which Is calibrated In degrees and half­ of the counterweight adjusting screw, a third stop
degrees with an arbitrary scale ranging from zero nut must be installed This Is done to all counter­
to ten. This scale Is used to set the stop nuts on weights on the propeller.
the Index pin.
Once the counterweight adjusting screws are
The propeller blade in dex number (also known set, the counterweight cap Is screwed on. The
as the base setting) should be stamped In a lead blades are moved through their full range of travel
plug located near the counterweight adjusting once and then positioned for high blade angle,
screw recess. This number indicates the maxi­ (Use a blade p a d d le on each blade when rotating
mum blade angle for which the propeller was the blades.) Measure the angle o f each blade at
adjusted during its last overhaul. Tliis number the proper reference station (42 Inches on most
may be somewhere near 25 degrees and Is used models] with a propeller protractor.
to calculate where the stop nuts on the counter­
Now turn the blades to full low blade angle and
weight adjusting screw should be positioned.
measure the blade angles, which may be off as
If the blade Index is 25 degrees and the desired much as a full degree at this paint. The angles ran
blade angles listed In the aircraft specifications be corrected by placing the propeller In mid range,
are 17 and 22 degrees, the calculation Is done In carefully removing the counterweight adjusting
the following manner: 2 5 - 1 7 = 8 and 25 - 22 = 3. screws so as not to disturb their adjustment, and
adjusting the stop nuts. A good rule of thumb Is to
turn the stop nut one-quarter turn for each 0.1
degrees change In blade angle desired. Reinstall
the counterweight adjusting screws and counter­
weight caps and measure the blade angles. Repeat
as often as necessary to get the blade angles within
acceptable limits.

The tolerance for blade angle adjustments are -—

within 0.3 degrees of the desired blade setting for
the low blade angle; the blades must be within 0.2
degrees of each other at the low blade angle; the
high blade angle of each blade must be within 0.1
degrees of the desired blade angle. Some Installa­
tions will have different tolcrances, Refer to the
aircraft maintenance manual.

Once the blade angles are set correctly, reinstall

Figure 9-10, Removing the counteiwelght adjusting the counterweight cap clevis pins and safety them
screw from the propeller counterweight with a cotter pin.

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F. Inspection, Maintenance The counterweight propeller is balanced during
overhaul by Installing lead washers in the shank
And Repair
of a light blade for horizontal balance and placing
The Inspection and repair of the blades and barrel lead washers in recesses on barrel support blocks
are the same as for other propeller designs. The for vertical balance.
counterweights should be checked for security and
the pitch changing mechanism should be checked Slight adjustments to the propeller balance are
for excessive play by holding one blade and noting corrected hy placing lead wool in the counterbared
now much the other blade can be rotated. Take care area of the hub bolt heads. These bolts are called
not to apply excessive force when making this check. Welch bolts because of the Welch plug used to cap
Play between the blades may Indicate wear In the the bolt once lead wool 1s installed, Welch plugs
blade retention area of the barrel, In the area where should be In the bolt heads regardless or whether
the follower pin moves in the counterweight, the or not lead wool Is placed In the bolt head. If a
bearing surface on the cylinder where the counter­ Welch plug is missing, the propeller can be con­
weight rides, or deterioration of the plston-to cyl­ sidered out of balance. Adjustment oT balance with
inder seal®, Plston-to-cyiinder seals may be replaced lead wool and Welch plugs la normally referred to
In the field. Other defects should be referred to an an overhaul facility.
overhaul laclllty for correction. The use of lead washers and lead wool to correct
Since oil pressure Is used to change the propeller propeller balancc is called dry balancing. Wet
blade angles, the areas of a leak should be noted to balancing occurs when the blades are greased
aid in determining the cause. If oil covers all of the through hub fittings as the final step in overhaul
propeller, from the cylinder rearward, the cylinder Ing the propeller. Since routine maintenance re­
head is loose or the gasket Is defective. If oil Is found quires that the mechanic grease the blades, care
on everything aft of the cylinder, the plston-to- should be taken to see that an equal amount of
cyllnder seals are the cause and should be replaced grease is used on each propeller blade. This can
Check to see that the piston Is not pitted or covered best be done by giving each blade the same
with dirt,This will only damage the next set of seals. number of strokes of the grease gun. Do not
The piston should be replaced if pitted or scratched. over-hibricate the blades as this will cause the
blade grease seals to Jail, allowing grease to
Oil on the barrel and blades Indicates defective spread out over the blades and the atrjrame. These
seals where the piston attaches to the crankshaft, seals must be replaced by an overhaul facility. The
a loose piston, or a crack In the spider or crank­ blades are greased at 25-hour intervals unless
shaft. Repair or replace as appropriate. otherwise specified In the aircraft manuals.

The counterweight bearings should be lubri­

cated in accordance with the operating conditions
and the manual specifications.

G. Troubleshooting
Vibration may be Investigated and corrected as
has been discussed In previous chapters. The only
additional cause of vibration would be unequal
lubrication of the blades.

If the propeller does not respond to cockpit con­

trol movements, the following system components
should be checked: the control cable to the selector
valve may be rigged improperly; the selector valve
may be defective and in need of repair or replace­
ment: oil may be congealed in ihe oil lines or the
propeller if operating in cold climates; the propeller
cylinder and piston may have a build up of sludge.
The selector valve may be replaced or overhauled
by a powerplant technician. The engine and pro­
peller may be preheated to break-up congealed oil.

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The propeller should be removed from the engine 4, lis t the three reasons that a ffamiifan-Stand-
and all of the sludge should be removed with ard counterweight propeller is shut down In
approved solvent (relubrlcate the propeller before high blade angle.
returning to service).
5, Which component o f the propeller serves as the
If the RPM Is incorrect under static or flight con­ retaining nut?
ditions. the blade angles may be at the wrong setting
6, What are the stop pin settings fa r a ten-degree
or sludge may be building up In the propeller.
range two-position propeller indexed fo r 28
degrees and requiring angles o f 27 degrees
QUESTIONS: and 21 degrees?

J. What size shaft does a Hamilton-Standard 7, What (s the tolerance fur the high blade angle
2D3G-145 propeller fit? setting o f the counterweight propeller?

2. What farce is used, to increase propeller blade 8, What are Welch bolts used fo r?
angle? 9, What is wet balancing?

3. Is the cockpit propeller control moved forward 10. When must a third stop nut be Installed on the
or rearward to Increase blade angle? index pin?

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Chapter X
Constant-Speed Propeller Systems
A constant-speed propeller system Is a system engine oil at engine oil pressure and boost it to
In which the propeller blade angle la varied by the the propeller operating pressure. Excess pressure
action of a governor to maintain a constant system built up in the booster pump is returned to the
RPM. 'Hie action of the governor allows the RPM to inlet side of the pump by a pressure relief valve.
be held constant with changes in engine throttle
H ie boosted oil is routed through passages in the
setting and aircraft speeds.
governor to a pilot valve which fits In the center of
Constant speed systems are used on most mod­ the hollow driveshaft. This pilot valve can be moved
em medium and high performance atngle-engtne up and down In the driveshaft and directs oil through
aircraft. ports In the driveshaft to or from the propeller to vary
the blade angle maintaining the desired RPM.
A. Theory O f Operation The position of the pilot valve in the driveshaft
1. Propeller ts determined by the action of the flyweights at­
tached to the end of the driveshaft. The flyweights
Constant-speed propellers use a fixed farce to are designed to tilt outward when RPM increases
cause a decrease or Increase In blade angle. This and Inward when RPM decreases. When the fly­
force may be centrifugal force acting on counter­ weights are tilted outward, the pilot valve is raised.
weights, a spring, or centrifugal twisting moment When they tilt inward, the pilot valve is lowered.
on blades. The force Is termed a fixed force because This movement of the pilot valve in response to
it is always present during operation and must be changes In RPM will direct oil flow to adjust the
overcome to cause a change In blade angle. blade angle to maintain the selected RPM.
The most commonly used variable force, which The movement Dr the flyweights Is opposed by a
will cause a change In blade angle opposite to the
speeder spring which is located above the flyweights
fixed force. Is oil pressure. The oil pressure is and Is adjusted by the pilot through a control cable,
varied by the governor as necessary to adjust the pulley, and speeder rack. When a higher RPM Is
blades to the desired angle. desired, the cockpit control is moved forward and the
The operational action of the propeller Is similar
to that o f the two-position propeller, except that
the blades may be at any angle between the blade
angle stops.

2. Governor
The propeller governor is an RPM sensing device
which responds to a change In system RPM by
directing oil pressure to or releasing oil pressure
from the propeller to change the blade angle and
return the system RPM to the original value. The
governor is set for a specific RPM by the cockpit
propeller control.

The basic governor configuration contains a

driveshaft which Is connected to the engine drive
train. The driveshaft rotates at a fixed proportion­
al speed to the RPM of the engine (governor speed
ranges from 80% to 110% of crankshaft RPM,
depending on the engine model}. An oil pump
drive gear is located on the drtveshafl and meshes
with an oil pump Idler gear. These gears take

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speeder spring 1b compressed. As the flyweights are The opposite action will occur If the cockpit
tilted inward by the Increase In compression of the control Is moved ail, the speeder spring compres­
spring, the pilot vahre Is lowered. When this occurs, sion will be reduced, the flyweights will tilt out­
the blade angle is decreased and the RPM will In­ ward, the pilot valve is raised, and the blade angle
crease unUl the centrifugal force on the flyweights will Increase until the centrifugal force on the
overcomes the force o f the speeder spring and re­ flyweights decreases and the pilot valve returns to
turns the pilot valve to the neutral position. the neutral position.












Figure 10-2. Onspeed p o s i t i o n of ihe governor flyweights.

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Whenever the flyweights are tilted outward and The same governing action of the flyweights and
the pilot valve is raised, the governor Is said to be pilot valve will occur with changing flight condi­
in an Ouerspeed condition (the RPM is higher than tions. If the aircraft is tn a cruise condition and the
the governor speeder spring setting). If the fly­ pilot starts a climb, airspeed will decrease causing
weights are tilted inward, the governor la Under­ an Increase in propeller blade angle of attack. With
speed (the RPM Is lower than the speeder spring the Increase, more drag Is created and the system
setting). If the RPM la the same as the governor RPM slows down, Ih e governor senses this reduc­
setting, the governor is Onspeed. tion in RPM by the reduced centrifugal force on the








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Ffgun m s . Ovonpaed position of the governor flyweights.

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flyweights, allowing them to tilt Inward and lower angle to return the system to the onspeed condi­
the pilot valve (underspeed condition). When the tion (see Figures 10-2, 10-3, and 10-4).
pilot valve Is lowered, blade angle Is reduced and
A change in throttle setting will have the same
the RPM Increases to the original value, and the
effect as placing the aircraft In a climb or dive. An
system returns to the onspeed condition.
increase In throttle would cause an increase in
If the aircraft is placed In a dive from cruising blade angle to prevent an RPM increase, A de­
flight, an overspeed condition would be created crease In throttle setting would result In a decrease
and the governor would cause an increase in blade in blade angle.








III !■ l O -



Flgun 10-4. Underspeed posfiion oi the governor flyweight*.

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3. Instrument Indications pressure will occur. The amount of change will
vary with different engines and varying situations,
An aircraft with a flxed-pitch propeller uses the [The values presented here are for discussion pur­
tachometer to indicate the throttle setting, with the
poses only.)
RPM increasing as the throttle Is advanced and
decreasing as the throttle Is retarded, A constant - It should be noted that It Is possible to damage
speed system uses a manifold pressure gauge to the engine if the manifold pressure Is too high for
indicate the throttle setting and the tachometer la a given RPM setting. Always refer to the aircraft's
used to Indicate the setting of the propeller control. engine performance charts and operating manual
However, there is some interaction between the before operating an engine.
propeller control and the manifold pressure gauge
when changing RPM and holding the throttle set­ With a fixed propeller control setting, the man­
ting fixed. ifold pressure can be changed with the throttle.
The RPM, however, will remain constant beranse
T o understand the interaction between the the governor will adjust the blade angle to main­
propeller control, tachometer, and manifold tain a set RPM.
pressure gauge, It is helpful to refer to the PLANK
formula used In determining Indicated Horse­ When changing power settings, take care to
power. (For a complete discussion of the PLANK prevent damaging the engine by creating too high
formula, refer to EA-AC65-12A, Airframe and a manifold pressure for a given HPM. When power
Powerplant Mechanics Powerplant Handbook.) is to be Increased, it is best to Increase the RPM
The horsepower that an engine develops is a to the desired setting and then advance the throt­
function o f the engine RPM and the engine man­ tle to the desired manifold pressure. When de­
ifold pressure. The amount of horsepower (HP) creasing power, pull the throttle back until the
produced Is determined by a combination o f manifold pressure is about one inch below the
manifold pressure (MPJ and RPM, desired setting. The propeller control can then be
reduced with a rise In manifold pressure o f about
The throttle directly controls horsepower, so one Inch resulting as covered in the discussion of
with a fixed throttle setting the horsepower output the PLANK formula.
of the engine is constant. For instance, assume an
engine is producing 200 HP at 23 Inches of man­ 4. General System Configuration
ifold pressure and 2,300 HPM, If the propeller
control Is advanced to 2,400 RPM, the manifold The propeller cockpit control is located with the
pressure must decrease to some lower value, say throtUe and mixture controls. The control Is linked
22 Inches to agree with the formula. If the RPM Is to the governor liy a push-pull control, torque
reduced to 2,200, thf* manifold pressure may rise tubes. or steel control cables. The control linkage
l o 24 Inches. By these examples It can br seen that Is connected to the governor pulley or control arm
when the RPM Is adjusted, a change In manifold and the point or attachment can be adjusted tn
allow the system to be properly rigged.

The governor is located under the left front

CONTROL SETTING * H AN im O fW EStURE HPW cylinder on most Continental horizontally op­
J--: . - 1
I l « 0 I l i t SET posed engines. On a Lycoming opposed engine,
fWmLEB | UNCrtANOED DECREMEO 1MCmtEO the governor Is commonly mounted on the en­
eOrfTmwcrensto i
T H M im E S E T I gine rear accessory case. Radial engines may
have the governor mounted on the nose case or
on the accessary case.
INCREASED IHCBEASED UNCHANGED The propeller Installation may Incorporate a
t h r o t t le in m e a s e d
aplnner, crankshaft extension, and Ice elimina­
' THwnTt.E!>a;*E*sEO
Oil passages are machined inside the engine
Figure 10-5. A comparison of the change In manifold case and can y oil to and from the propeller
pressure and RPM with changes In the propeller through the crankshaft via a transfer bearing at
control setting and the throtl/e setting. the engine front main Journal.

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2. P flO PR LltR

Figun 10-6, Prap»ttor control system component arrangement for # typical fight single-engine aircraft.

5 m iN D E H J N S Y
6 DCUhT£HWf7rjT5H«Fr
9 OlfWHhCf
10 lE A R IH fi
If tYLlKDEtl LM fd
1? sm l -Q te
17 O-^IND [U R G E )
a > . 'v :
14 3 .R M a ' & * W U
17. SNAPHim f
it ma*
1> W E L S im U ff
{ y~ * .,\V‘?T
70 BAJflFuSUit
\ <+V w
22 FRD^tCOM? X ✓ VI /
II MfflfflAS.vr v . X ^ P il7 1'
hCh/ t
hy ®-idv
H S JfP H IS f
73 SPMFH /
?7 i.U M I M T M
23 flIHG
3a hgmgonf
3L Gre*SE^rcAiNEIC
xM -

13 SHlfllFUnE
U IM frT fT 4a a m * pin
36 « OOWEL «. SUflW
37 BM M W 43 COUVTEPWflGHT 47 S C R F W m t
3* W £ M SCREW it NUT

Figun 10-7, Eipiodad vbw of a Wam/flon-Sttntfartf ewrjferw»(pftf constonf-spewJ propaiter.

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Figure 10-8. Spring assembly fora 20-degree
propeller b eb g Installed.

3. Hamilton-Standard
CatJiterCT’dght Propeller System
The Hamilton-Standard constant-speed counter­ Figure 10-9. A Hamilton-Standard governor.
weight system la not widely used an modem general
aviation aircraft except for agricultural aircraft. This The body of the governor contains the propeller
system Is used as the introductory system far can- oil flow control mechanism, which 1b composed of
stant-speed systems because the propeller Is basi­ the pilot valve, oil passages, and the pressure relief
cally the same as the two-poslUon propeller. valve which is set for 180 to 200 psi.

The base contains the governor boost pump, the

1. Propeller mounting surface for installation on the engine, and
The propeller ts the same design as Is used for oil passages which direct engine oil to the pump and
the two-posltlon system except that the consiant- return oil from the propeller to the engine sump.
speed propeller has a different blade angle range.
The head, body and base are held together with
A refinement of the propeller design has a 20de-
studs and nuts. The governor drive shaft extends
gree range and uses a set of two coaxial springs
below the base to mate with the engine drive gear.
mounted In the center of the piston to aid the
The driveshaft passes up through the base where
propeller movement toward a high blade angle.
it drives the oil pump, through the body where it
The counterweight adjustment scaleB are stamped
has oil ports so oil can (low tu and from the pro­
to reflect the 15- or 20-degree range.
peller, and Into the head, where it Is attached to the
The designation system lur the propeller Is the flyweight cup and rotates the flyweights.
same as for the counterweight two-position propeller.
The governor designation system Indicates the
2. Governor design of the head, body, and base used on a
particular governor. For a governor model 1A3-
The governor is a Hamilton Standard design and U2H, the basic design of the head Is indicated by
operates in a manner similar to the operation the 1 with minor modifications to the head design
previously discussed. The governor la divided Into Indicated by the B following the dash. The body
three parts and this Is reflected in the governor design is A with minor modification 2. The base is
designation system. a 3 altered by an I I minor modification.
The head of the governor contains the flyweights
and flyweight cup, the speeder spring, a speeder rack 3. System Operation
and pinion mechanics, and a control pulley. Cast on To understand the operation o f the system, con­
the side o f the head Is a flange for the pulley adjust­ sider that the aircraft is In cruising [light. If the
ment atop screw. Some head designs Incorporate a pilot desires a higher KPM from the system, he
balance spring above the speeder rack to set the moves the propeller control lorward. This rotates
governor to cruise RPM If the control cable breaks. the pulley on the governor and causes the speeder

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K U I . l f t ---------



P ilO P E U E B S H A f l


d ecr ea se SHU'

COHN I E * •
M€*»v s w m s iA iM enutntA

S I I I . 1 E A M S P J K O T O C H N K EHAF11


g o v e h n m o r iv e ;

FTgurv 10-10. Cross section of a Hamftton-Standard counterweight constant-speed system on an engine nose case.

rack to be lowered to compress the speeder spring. 4. Installation And Adjustment

As the speeder spring compresses, it presses on
The propeller installation is the same as for the
the flyweights and causes them to tilt Inward to
two-position model. The propeller is adjusted for
the underspeed position. As the flyweights tUt
the high and low blade angles specified Tor the
Inward the pilot valve is lowered In the driveshaft
aircraft in the same manner as for the two-posl-
and the port to the propeller opens, allowing oil at
tlon propeller. The only difference is that the
governor boost pump pressure to Ilow out to the
calculations and settings tire performed using a
propeller, forcing the tyllnder forward and rotat­
range appropriate for the propeller in use,
ing the blades to a lower angle. With the lower
blade angle the RPM can increase until the pilot Before Installing the governor, It should be In­
valve returns to the neutral position and the spected for freedom of rotation of the driveshaft.
governor Is onspeed. No binding or grittiness should be felt when rotat­
ing the shaft by hand. A smooth resistance to
If the pilot decides to decrease engine RPM, he
rotation ts normally the result o f the preservative
pulls the propeller control rearward. The com-
compounds placed In the governor after overhaul,
presslon o f the speeder spring is reduced, allow­
or is caused by cold oil In the governor, and is not
ing the flyweights to tilt outwaid, raising the
necessarily an indication of a dctect. The preserv­
pilot valve. The pilot valve uncovers the propeller
atives in the governor are not removed before
oil passage and allows the oil In the propeller to Installation unless so specified by the Installation
flow into the engine sump. With no oil pressure
instructions. Most preservatives are compatible
In the propeller cylinder, the counterweights on with the engine oil and are not in sufficient quan­
the propeller cause the blades to increase in tity to Interfere with system operation.
angle and decrease the RPM. As the RPM ap­
proaches the setting o f the governor, the pilot Visually Inspect the governor for surface de­
valve returns to the neutral position and the fects, broken safeties, and security of all screws,
system is again onspeed. bolts and nuts.

62 Aircraft Technical Booh Company, LLC

Figure 10-11. Determine If the governor oil porta a n
plugged property by observing Ota direction of
rotation of the engine drive gear.

Check to see that the correct part Is plugged an Figure 10-13. The governor pulley Is Installed so that
the base of the governor. The governor direction of the cable clamp will allow the cable to be tangent
rotation can be checked by observing the direction to the pulley at all times.
of rotation of the governor drive gear In the engine The governor must now be rigged to allow the
whil« rotating the engine In the normal direction. proper cuckpilcontrol movement and set the desired
Place some clean engine oil In the Inlet passage on RPM limit. Place the pulley on the hexagon shaped
the base of the governor while holding the governor pinion shaft on the governor head In such a position
with the base up. Rotate the governor drive gear In that the cable clamp bolt hole will be opposite the
the proper direction, If the correct port Is plugged, direction that the control cable comes from when the
the oil will be pulled In through the unplugged port. governor pulley is in mid-range. This will assure that
If the wrong port la plugged, the governor will have the cable remains tangent to the pulley during opera­
to be returned to an overhaul facility to have the tion. Then install the washer, nut, and cotter pin to
Internal parts changed. hold the pulley on the shaft (Figure 10-13).
Once the governor Is Inspected and the engine Install the governor pulley stop pin In a pulley hole
mounting pad is checked for scratches and burrs, which will allow the pin to contact the stop screw
the mounting gasket can be placed on the pad with when the governor is in the full high RPM position.
the raised portion o f the filter screen toward the The control cable Ip now placed around the pulley.
governor. Gasket compound is nut used.
Move the cockpit control full forward and then
Place the governor on the engine, rotating the back off about '/s of an inch to allow the proper
crankshaft ae necessary to allow the splines on the control cushion. Lock the control in this position.
governor driveshaft to engage the engine gear, Rotate the pulley to the high KFM setting and install
install the mounting nuts and washers, torque,
and safety the installation.

Figure 10-12. The governor mounting gasket la in­ Figun 10-14. Adjust the cockpit confro/for a cushion
stalled with the raised screen toward the governor. ofaftotrt Vb-incfi unfess offwrwfse specified.

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the cable clamp so (hat the pulley will move with the All components are now cherkcd for torque, safe ­
cable. Adjust Ihe cable tension to the value specified ty, and movement In accordance with the appro­
for the aircraft and recheck so that the pulley stop priate manuals. A ground and (light check should
pin touches the stop screw when the cockpit control be performed to check operation and oil leaks.
Is full forward (allowingfor the cushion).
5. Inspection, Maintenance And Repair
Once everything Is secured and safetled as neces
sary for a ground operational check, check the ad­ The propeller should be treated In the same
justment of the governor high RPM stop by starting manner as discussed In the section on two-
the engine and slowly advancing the throttle until the position propellers.
RPM no longer Increases. (Be sure the propeller The governor should be visually Inspected for
control in the cockpit is full forward). Note the RPM leaks, s u r f a c e defccls, defective safeties, and
and stop the engine. Determine the difference be­ loose nuts and bolts. Ifleaks cannot be corrected
tween the RPM obtained and the desired maximum by properly torquing the nuts and bolts, the
RPM. Adjust the governor to give the desired maxi' governor should be referred to an overhaul fa­
mum RPM limit by moving the atop pin on the pulley cility for correction.
one pin hole for each 250 RPM change desired. Turn
the slop screw one turn for each 25 RPM change Inspect and adjust control rigging, cushion, and
desired. Restart the engine and check the RPM. Make cable tension as necessary, according to the air­
final adjustments with partial turns of the stop screw. craft maintenance manual.

When making the Initial RPM check, If the RPM 6. Troubleshooting

continues to Increase when the engine RPM limit Propeller troubleshooting is the same as for the
has been reached, retard the propeller control two-position propeller.
until it starts to decrease. Shut the engine down
and adjust the pulley stop pin position and the If the propeller shifts to high blade angle during
governor stop screw so that the stop pin just operation and does not respond to cockpit control
contacts the slop screw, Readjust the control cable movements, one of three problems may have de­
for the correct control cushion. Restart the engine veloped, the governor driveshaft or engine drive
and adjust the governor as necessary to achieve gear may have sheared, oil to the governor may be
the maximum governed RPM desired. Do not op* blocked, or the governor speeder spring may have
erate the engine above its rated RPM! broken. Clear the oil passage or have the engine
and/or governor repaired as appropriate.

If the governor contains a halance spring nbove
the speeder rack, the governor will go to a cruise
RPM setting if the cable from the cockpit control
were to break. If a balance spring Is not used, the
governor pulley will be spring loaded to the maxi
mum RPM position,

Sluggish or erratic propeller operation may be an

Indication of sludge build-up in the governor. The
sludge can be flushed from the system by removing
the governor from the engine and planing It under a
low-pressure Qow of solvent. Rotate the governor by
hand In its normal direction of rotation and pump
tlie solvent through the governor to cut the sludge
loose. When all of the sludge has been removed,
indicated by clear solvent coming out of the governor,
pump clean engine oil through the governor, rotating
it by hand. Reinstall the governor on the engine.

Overapeeding on tatceofT may be caused by Inner-

Figure 10-15. Adjust system RPM limit by moving the rect propeller or governor setting, but it may also
pulley atop pin and adjusting the governor atop be a result of too rapid an application of throttle.
screw. Check with the pilot and perform a ground run-up

64 Aircraft Technical Book Company, LLC

(970) 726-5111
check before adjusting the governor. Also, be sure The system Is used on most of the Cessna aircraft
that the tachometer la accurate. requiring a conatant-Bpeed system and on many
Bceehcraft and other designs,
If, when troubleshooting the constant-speed
system, you suspect the governor, remove the
governor and replace it with a known good gover­
1, Propellers
nor. If the problem does not go away, the governor Two series of propellers are currently being pro­
is not the cause. The same procedure can be duced by McCauley — the threaded series and the
followed with the propeller. threadless series The threaded series propellers use
a retention nut which screws into the propeller hub
C. McCauley Propeller System and holds the blades In the hub. The threadlcss
series propellers use split retainers to hold the blades
The McCauley constant-speed propeller system In the hub. The thread] ens design is the more mod
Is one of the more popular cOnstant-spced systems em of the two and has the advantages of simplified
for light and medium size general aviation aircraft. manufacture and decreased overhaul time.

McCauley propellers use oil pressure on an inter­

nal piston to increase hlade angle, while centrifugal
twisting moments on the blades combined with a
booster spring in the hub provides the piLch de­
Figure 10-16. McCauley constant-apeed propeller. creasing forces, The movement of the piatun is


____________ H f lt N I H IH HUT



_______________ — ____ ____________________________
Figure 10-17A. Exploded vtaw of a UcCauley threadleaa blade„
Figu n 10-17B. Bxpioded view of a McCauley threaded propeller blade.

Aircraft Technical Book Company, LLC

Figure 10-20, Locations of bub plugs on oil-ftiled


lubrication during operation. The hub is vented to

Figure 10-18- Croee section aim McCauley constant* the atmosphere through spiral pins in the hub just
ape*d propeller. behind the cylinder or through holes located in the
mounting dowel pins.
transmitted to the blade actuating pins, located on
the butt of the blades, by blade actuating links. All Certain models of McCauley propellers have been
of the pitch-changing mechanism Is located Inside modified to allow for an ongoing dye-penetrant
the hub. type Inspection. The hub breather holes are sealed
and the hub Is partially filled with engine oil colored
The propeller blades, hub, retention nut, and with a red dye. The red dye in the oil makes the
piston are made of aluminum. The propeller cylin­ location of cracks readily apparent and Indicates
der, blade actuating pins, piston rod. and spring are that the propeller should be removed from service.
made of steel, plated with chrome or cadmium. The Cracking may occur in the blade retention area of
actuating links are made of a phenolic material. the hub and on the blade shanks. A leaking cyl­
inder gasket may also be Indicated and can be
The hollow piston rod through the center of the
replaced In the field. The area should be Inspected
hub is used as the oil passage to direct oil from the
carefully to determine if any cracks have developed
engine crankshaft to the propeller piston. The pitch
In the cylinder mounting area.
return spring Is located around the piston rod and
is compressed between the piston and the rear Oil-filled hubs are readily Identified by the In­
Inside surface of the hub. O-ring seals are used to stallation of an Internally wrenched pipe plug on
seal between the piston and the cylinder, the piston the side of the hub.
and the piston rod, and the piston rod and the hub.
For Continental Installations, mounting studs
All operating components of the propeller aye and dowel plna are Installed on the rear mounting
lubricated at overhaul and receive no additional aurlace of the hub. Lycoming installations use a
stud and nut arrangement locked together with a
roll pin so that the studs can be screwed Into the
threaded Inserts on the Lycoming crankshaft.

Figure 10-19. The McCauley propeller hub Ja vented

to the atmosphere through a aplrol pin on the front
of the hub or a dowel pin on the rear of the hub. Figure 10-21. McCauley hubs designed to fit
Only one will be used In a specific model propeller. Continental or Lycoming engines.

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)Z A F 3 f i C T 1 B - Q 0 / t 3 O M - # JZ 112fi —— NUPrtEfiOFHUHAADElM
m ie n lA m u .
-a io {ii*Mfifn
t , « 7 1m A W E re *
IM fflfFA C H JflED

ETC) OTHEII O E S i m . A, At.
EtK. Figure 10-23. McCauley propeller aerial number
- in d ic a t e s « * s j c design m a h e t f*
designation system.
ETC, McCauley serial numberB on the propeller hub
'IMITATION VIEWED FJIOM DOWN Indicate the year In which the hub waa manufac­
S i m M j A ll OTHER S U M S HISMT- tured (Figure 10-23). If an aircraft is manufactured
mawi icibikhisf miT/ncwi
in 1965 shows no record of propeller replacement
or overhaul, and the hub aerial number Is 701362,
- - I N t llD A T t S M IN O R C H A N G E M O T A F F E C -
something la amiss because the hub was not

ItN tt t U G lS I L in H IN T E F C H A H S E A H U *
IY . manufactured until 19701
. .iiJ K A T E S M AJO R CW ANM A F F IC T H 1 S
CLiBMiuTv or mmcnAhnFmui*.
O TH ER M S I3 W 1 .7 , ». U J ) , » , ETC.
2. Governors
L_. -W H E N P B E S E N E H J IIH T ‘. I W W t l CON-
McCauley governors use the same principles
ih o l l a ii e , T w o -p o s m o n m o w ll e b .
of operation as the Hamilton-Standard gover­
-iM m cATfs t yp e of m p iu e n - c , co n sta n t

SPEED OR C0NTHHLA1LE nors except that oil is released from the propeller
— m ;c *m m co au cet s lm e *hank su e
to decrease blade angle, directly opposite from
CES<GNAT<<1M (O TH ER M 0 0 E L S 3 J 4 E T C {. the oil flow in the Hamilton-Standard system.
“ IN D IC A T E S T Y P E OF P P O F H .L E R — F , F U L L FEA TH ER IN G The governor relief valve is set for an oil pressure
------INSTATES FLANOE SIZE- o f 290 psi. The governor control lever is spring
A-SffiCWLF^lJE,* "11.0
o - m o o in E o sae « s w -in c h «e; rs.
loaded to the high RPM setting. The overall con­
F - SPECIAL 41* S C, struction o f the governor Is simplex than the
----- .NOtCAlES NUMBCH OF K L.A D tl (OfHER H0DEL3 31,

- i m a m uwre ■■i am io w w ith w s r e c i n cem ew ne



B - r A N 6 1 E O *C L O C H W 5 £ F SO* W ill H O ’ CLOCKWISE
C ■ 1 iI I * A H l3 0 D * C L (IC K W ,JE F 150* ANDJ30' ClnCtWISF.

Ffgum 10-22. McCmutoy propeller d&ftgnmtion system.

The McCauley propeller designation system Is

broken down In Figure 10-22. The most Important
parts of the designation for the technician arc the
dowel pin location, the Onum ber (C18, C22, C201,
etc.). and the modification or change letter after the
C-number. The modification and change designa­
tion Indicates compliance with required or recom­
mended alteration b.

The blade designation Is included with the

propeller designation when determining which
propeller will fit a specific aircraft. For example:
a C203 propeller will fit a Cessna 180J aircraft,
but the land-plane version requires a 90DCA-8
blade o f 82 inches in diameter, while the sea­
plane version requires a 90DCA-2 blade of 88
inches in diameter.

Aircraft Technical Book Company, LUC
(970) 726-5111
Aft* H.
CF US 290 D1
r w M f i e i ^ h i . i i. m s sunn
A tYU R N . « c c M i f l o i r.D u m p o s i t i o n .

S p n w r, S P f E D H s p u in g , f i t .

SFBmH- ------- n w iw design change nor nrm

MCX tw o F n r , m ilw r | on in ie b -


i l l E I M l r V O B ' ( .T M C H J t m M W J W

fJATA - * 5 l» IK * t S ETT IN G (IF P R fS S lIR t R E L IE F

<& I # Vf va lv e o iH f f ls n n u r ,. j m
S P F F f lt *
------------- (rH f N PR ESEN T. m tllC R T E S SVHCHflONl^lWfi
sfbing -tf FU TU RE.

V *L V E
■— »M6N pBfSEnr. tw oiM tf s 'jttfurmumn FFA7UHF


L -

,6'V ■' ’ f v - MCHH71H6 --------— in d ic a te s c o n s t a n t s m o r m nom non

"»s« t
— WHtnnesetn. w o ic ^ f s dampened w a d fe a tu re
Figure 10-SS, Exploded view o f a McCauley governor.
Figure 10-27. McCauley governor designation system.
Hamilton-Standard governor, being lighter and
smaller. All governors Incorporate a high RPM Is placed on the crankshaft, the O-rlng tn the
stop and seme governors also use a low HPM rear of the hub should be lubricated with a Ught
stop. The governor designation system Is illu­ coat of engine oil. When placing the propeller on
strated in Figure 10-27. the flange, take care to protect this O-ring from
being damaged. The bolts or nuts should be
3. Installation And Adjustment torqued following a torqulng sequence and safe-
tied as appropriat e. Be sure to use new fiber lock
M cCaulcy con stan t speed propellers are nuts, if applicable.
found only on flanged installations and are In­
stalled following the basic procedures for flxed- The governor Is installed using the procedure
pitch flanked Installations. Before the propeller covered in the Hamilton-Standard constant-
.ipeed section. The McCauley governor uses a
control arm Instead of a pulley to connecL the
governor control shaft to the cockpit control cablc,
3W M S FW "Hie push pull cockpit control Is adjustable In
length through a llmlLed range by an adjustable
rod end. The governor RPM limit can be adjusted
by the set screw on the head of the governor with
one turn or the screw changing the RPM by 17,
20, or 25 RPM, depending on the engine gearratio
and the governor.

Once the propeller and governor are Installed,

the cockpit control Is rigged for the proper
cushion. Check the syatem for proper operation
on the ground, correcting adjustments and
rigging as necessary for maximum RPM limit,
response to cockpit control movement, oil leaks
and control cushion. A test flight should now be
Figure 10-26. The McCauley governor high RPM stop performed to check operation and to check for
screw Is located on the head of the governor. oil leaks.

68 Aircraft Technical Book Company, LLC
(970) 726-5111
Flgurs 10-28. Exploded view of a McCauley constant-spaed propeller Installation.

After the test flight check all nuts and bolts for 4, Inspection, Maintenance And Repair
torque and safety. Make sure that all is not leaking
from between the propeller hub and crankshaft. If The propeller should be inspected for surface
oil Is round In this area, the O-rtng that seals defects on the blades and hub areas, security of
between the crankshaft and the hub may be dam­ the blades in the hub, proper safety Installation,
aged and will need to be replaced. Do not release oil leaks, and security of mounting bolls and
the aircraft for flight until the aircraft is teat flown nuts. Repair hlade defects following the pro­
to check operation and oil leaks. The oil leakage can cedures discussed in Chapter IV. Repair defects
quickly cower the windscreen and the pilot will not on the surface of the hub using procedures in
be able to see out the front windscreen. Fur this the McCauley maintenance manuals with spe­
reason, keep the test flight near the airportl cial note taken o f the location and size of the
defect. [Certain areas o f the hub are critical and
are not repairable,) The track and play in the
■- blades may be corrected by an overhaul facility
W lF f lK R
GOYfKNOR If beyond the limits set by the manufacturer for
each model propeller.

Oil found coming from the hub breather holes

■ h i
■ L■ . ,. (spiral pin or dowel pins] Indicates a defective
> V i,
v ■■ / • , I . ■1 piston-to-cyllnder O rin g On some models, this
tun *! ^ , 0 :
can be replaced by the mechanic following the
E l l f N S I «N
I iV ; | ' ' ' / /
S' V- Y / / propeller or aircraft maintenance manual. Other­
V-- V V«.- ■„» / ; ■■■' wise. refer the propeller to a repair facility.
■ '.V
■ ~C ■ -- --- A dye-penetrant inspection of the blade reten­
' - -f
CONTftWMDWD GOVEHHOBCONTROL tion areas of the hub and of the blade shanks is
advisable at each 100-hour and annual Inspec­
Figure 10-29, The governor control rod end position tion. Be sure to remove all of the residue after the
on the governor control rod can be varied by inspection as some of the substances used are
screwing the tod end on or off the threaded por­ corrosive. Cracked components should be referred
tion of the governor control to a repair station for replacement.

Aircraft Technical Book Company, Li

Remember two basic differences — a loss of oil
pressure will allow the propeller to go to the low
blade angle stop and the governor Is spring
loaded to the high RPM setting in case the cock­
pit control should break.

D. Hartzell Propeller System

The Hartzell constant-speed propeller systems
are used in modem general aviation aircraft and
share the market with McCauley. Hartzell systems
are used extensively on Piper aircraft and on many
other designs.

1. Propellers
Figure 1ih3Q. Location o f balance plates on McCauley
constant-speed propellers. Hartzell produces two styles of constant-speed
propellers — a Steel flub propeller and a Compact
The McCauley threaded series propellers are model. Steel Hub propellers are identified by the
balanced by the Installation of balance plates on exposed operating mechanism, while Compact
the blade retention nuts. Threadless propellers are models have the pitch-changing mechanism en­
balanced by the use of balance pistes around the cased in the hub assembly.
cylinder. Inspect the plate Installations for security
and safety (Figure 10-30). Some models o f the Steel Hub propellers use
oil pressure to decrease blade angle and the
Propeller designs which use a spiral pin should centrifugal force on the counterweights to In­
have a coat of General Electric RTV-108 silicone crease blade angle. Other models o f the Steel
base sealer placed around the outside of the ptn Hub propellers use centrifugal twisting moment
to prevent water from entering the hub. to decrease blade angle and oil pressure to In­
Typically McCauley propellers are overhauled at crease blade angle.
1,200-hour Intervals or whenever the engine is Hartzell Steel Huh propellers use a steel spider
overhauled, whichever comes first. The governors as the central component. Bearing assemblies and
arc overhauled at 800-hour intervals or engine aluminum blades are placed on the spider arms
overhaul, whichever comes first. Maintenance and are held In placc by two-piece steel clamps. A
manuals should be consulted for correct Intervals, steel cylinder Is screwed onto the front of the
spider and an aluminum piston is placed aver the
S. Troubleshooting
The troubleshooting procedures for the Mc­
Cauley constant-speed components are basically
the same as for the Hamilton-Standard system.

Figure 10-31. Seal around the hub aplrolpkt to

prevent m te r from entering the propeller hub. Figure 10-328. Hartzell Compact propeller.

70 Aircraft Technical Book Company, LLC

cylinder. The piston is connected to the blade
clamps by steel link rods.

During operation oil pressure Is directed to the

propeller piston through the engine crankshaft and
causes a change in blade angle. Counterweigh ted
models use oil pressure to decrease the blade an^le
and centrifugal force on the counter weights to
Increase the angle. Non-counteiweighted models
PfcTWOWWWTSW use oil pressure to increase blade angle and cen­
trifugal twisting moment to decrease the angle.

The Steel Hub propellers may be designed to

mount on a flanged or a spllned crankshaft.
b% L<Sjar:.,'~
IS J V s u J t- *
Hartzell Compact propellers use aluminum blades
-.-i '■' mounted in an aluminum hub. The hub Is held
P IS I OH together with bolls and contains the pitch changing
' COUNIBWEIfiHr mechanism of the propeller consisting of a piston,
piston rod, and actuating links.
l~h$* ( -y
The Compact propellers use governor oil pres­
sure to increase blade angle and the centrifugal
twisting moment acting on the propeller blades to
Ffgvre 18-33. Cutaway view of a Hartzell Sleet Hub decrease blade angle. Some models also use coun­
terweights to aid in Increasing the blade angle.

Aircraft Technical Book Company, LLC
(970) 720-5111
The Hartzell propeller designation system Is the
same for Steel Hub and Compact propeller models
as shown in Figure 10-35. H should be noted that
-X -X M M T Z E L I 6 0 V EM M A MODEL

a greater variety of designators for each com ­ , , Mmof«&*f|r-vntnotqMcdtfg-rtqfr:^.

ponent of the designation system exists than are
- M ifiji' to ablaiei tn q in n P'ftp ilter IVnv^tricr coin H .n t.u iff
illustrated here, A full listing of all of the variations
tn listings would not be practical for this text. ■----------- iy. fl>Tic flrnjy Ma,ot ( j r t i fTm hfm jton

a \Atnm iMirtiPi2»iB«i^d F 101?. f ¥12 1P1Z

2. Governors {MadrfirJbas*riwarkr1
Firip iio n 4 ‘ 1-M >i>tnairewr?kfi4) fl 149. W H 1 d im 9BJ(1

Hartzell governors a rt reworked Hamilton' § 1012 in ? 1 * lt ! f 4G*

{H u d . b o fr ta s« ) FTflMrtf f-e-,1*
Standard governors and use the designation sys­ C tA ? 63

tem shown in Figure 10-36. Many Hartzell D IM 13 1 0 U . 1T>1? f - 8A*iCAl.l V A 4GB fipVt MW*

installations use a Woodward brand governor, {MOtfltiflftnnwif*6"t«M, $ WAJ''RAUJUSTMFHI

:rc«jjor»>hng n fw spnof} 3 f t - MtNQH ADiUSTMfHl
which is similar to the McCauley governor In
appearance and operation.
Figun 10'3€. Hartzell governor designation system,

3. Installation And Adjustment
Hartzell propellers are installed following the prac­
e H C -8 2 X 1 -1 D
tices discussed In Chapter V and covered In Ihe
m inor M t x m c i ii m section on McCauley constant-speed propellers.
« N D T E 5 S P ifC I^ E D E S If ilt!M A T U R ES . M

ig u n ltrtfEJq hls The Steel Hub propellers can be adjusted for the
- 4 0 I . Man fe iLk n n rg no ctw l*
desired low blade angle Ijy loosening the hub
-2 fiBlhirinq
- 3 ,5 . T F t iifc e r iR f i r r i rr^ tr^ ng clamps and rotating the blades In the clamps tmOl
the. desired blade angle is obtained. The clamps
If fh + p I * M t ;« c li
\i Y U n q t . U f M 2 7/16feoffs
are then retorqued and safetled. This also changes
U R , F p*rt$ *. S * E 2. V tW Is the high blade angle since the range between high
SHAf-T M C U N ' I H G S p fffli. SAE ? 0 . J t f n M I t
1 ,1 0 .K q h n i.J f f lf 30 31 Frr~ .ft
and low blade angle is fixed by the range of the
K H i n p . 4 1 /4 ( C to ils piston movement.

ft d rjfrle s ftiw W w . V The low pitch setting of the Compact propellers

- BtMESHANK iMmtfrr W. tow-js. PI can be adjusted by loosening Ihe lock nut on the
I T , s inqtt s f>. iW iir wl(h ? itn-dfc fcttftrtijt

- W U W M i t O F ft' k m
adJusUng screw on the hub cylinder and rotating
the screw in to increase the low blade angle or out
-* iA S IJ. liF tlG N O F K m A T IQ N n n
to decrease the blade angle. When the desired
angle is set, retlghten the lock nut.
-M O UN TING M t t f U PIN i JC *T JQ tf
f AISA'bUnfc


333 H -3

IfM IM lLD V 7C?5

C MflBIFttO BlfcBE
- { 0 *ST|-iCJNG BOOTS


- W S t G Q iA M E U R B E f D M R tO U C T lO fl

*uti M
- shankcohfiauwnoH

Figure 10-35. Hgrlzell propeller and blade designation Figure 10-37. Woodward governors are used with
system. acme Hartzell propeller Installations.

Aircraft Technical Book Company, LLC
fitting hole, sufficient grease has been applied to
the blade. Reinstall the zerk fitting, replace the
protective cap and safety it.

Overhaul Intervals are generally specified by the

manufacturer, and the most recent service infer
matlon should be consulted.

S. Troubleshooting
The troubleshooting procedures and corrections
previously discussed are applicable to the Hartzell
system. The principle addition Is the determina­
tion of the source of a grease leak.

A grease leak Is readily noticeable and the cause

should be determined and corrected as soon as
possible. The most common causes o f grease leak­
age are loose or missing zerk fi ttings, defective zerk
fittings, loose blade damps, defective blade clamp
seals, and over-lubrication of the blades.

If Lhe zerk fitting is loose, missing, or defective,

it should be tightened or replaced as appropriate.
Loose blade clamps should be torqued to the spe­
cified value for the particular propeller model in
question and resafetled. Check to be sure that the
blade angle has not changed. Defective blade
clamp seals and damaged grease seals should be
replaced by an overhaul facility.
F lg u n 10-33. HarUelt Compact propeller Installation
on • Lycoming engine. QUESTIONS:
When changing the blade angles, always refer to 1. Which component o f a constant-speed system
the aircraft specifications and the propeller man­ is considered an RPM sensing device?
ufacturer’s manual for instructions about specific
2. Whaf is the purpose o f the goucmor pilot w ive?
propeller models.
3. What components o f the governor opposes the
H ie governors are Installed and adjusted as has force o f the speeder spring?
been discussed for the Hamilton-Standard and
McCauley systems. Again, refer to the aircraft 4. During constant speed operation, i f the cockpit
maintenance manual for Information about spe­ propeller control ts moved forward, urfU blade
cific Installations. angle Increase or decrease?

5. I f an aircrajl urftfi a constant-speed is in cruis­

4, Inspection, Maintenance And Repair ing flight and the aircraft enters a climb, will
The Inspection, maintenance, and repair of the propeller blade angle increase or decrease?
Hartzell constant-speed propeller systems Is ba­
6. In cruising fig h t, if the propeller control is
sically the same as for systems previously dis­
pulled aft, what change in manf/o!d pressure
cussed. However, special care should be taken
will occur?
when lubricating the propeller blades to prevent
damage to the blade seals. 7. When rotating a governor driveshaft by hand
diving the pre Installation inspection, a smooth
Before lubricating a blade, remove one of the two resistance fo rotation is felL What does ihts
zerk fittings for the blade and grease the blade
indicate and u>hat maintenance action must be
through the remaining zerk Sitting This will pre­
vent any pressure from building up In the blade
grease chamber and prevent damage to the blade 8. What Is the position o f the screen on the gover­
seals. When grease comes out of the vacant zerk nor mounting gasket dutlng installation?

Aircraft Technical Book Company, LLC
S. Whflt ts an acceptable amount o f cockpit con­ 16. Where Is an oil leak most likely to occur on a
trol cushion when rigging the governor? newly installed McCauley propeller?

10. What is the purpose o f a governor balance 17. I f oil ts found coming from the dotvel pin
spring? breather hole tn a McCauley propeller, what ts
a likely cause!?
11. What would be the result o f sludge building up
in the governor? 18. What is the most apparent difference between
a Hartzell Compact propeller and a Steel Hub
12. Presuming that all components are adjusted propeller?
correctly, u?hat urtll cause momentary over­
19. Whatfarces are used to operate a Hartzell
speeding o f the propeller during takeoff?
Compact propeller?
13. Whatfarces are used to change the blade angle 20. How is the low blade angle o f a Hartzell Steel
o f a McCauley constant-speed propeller? Hub propeller adjusted?
14. What ts the purpose q f the oil-filled hubs used 21. Whatprecnuttonshouldbetakenbefcregreas-
tn some McCauley propeller designs? ing a Hartzell propeller blade?

J5. H oldmany times may the fiber lock nuts be 22. What will cause grease to leak fro m the
used to attach the propeller to the crankshaft? HartzeH propeller blades?

Aircraft Technical Book Company, LLC
http Jlw/w
Chapter XI
Feathering Propeller Systems
Feathering propellers are used on all modem rotate the propeller blades to ar< approximate 90-
multi-engine aircraft and on all but a few vintage degree blade angle. The constant-speed controls
multi-engine airplanes. The primary purpose of a and operational events covered In Chapter X apply
feathering propeller Is to eliminate the drag to the feathering propeller system. The cockpit
created by a wlndmllllng propeller when an engine propeller control lever Incorporates an additional
falls. There are no current production slngle-en- range of movement to allow feathering the propeller
glne aircraft equipped with feathering propellers or a separate push-button control may be used to
other than a few special purpose airplanes using operate the feathering mechanism.
turboprop installations {such as the PT6-powered
Thrush Commander agricultural aircraft). Feathering operations are Independent of con­
stant-speed operations and can override the con­
Feathering propeller systems are constant-speed stant speed operation to feather the propeller at
systems with the additional capability of feathering any time. The engine does not have to be developing
the propeller. This means they have the ability to power and tn some systems the engine does not


Figure 11-1, When the propeller faathera, th* blades a n »bout 80 degree* to the plane of rotation.
Aircraft Technical Book Company, LLC
have to be rotating to feather the propeller. In short,
propellers are feathered by farces which are totally 9|JCt
independent o f engine operation.

It should be noted that when the propeller Is i U f i t HCTUtTlKC PIN

feathered, the engine stops rotating.

A. McCauley Feathering System

The McCauley feathering system Is used on all
current production piston-engined Cessna iwtna
t i ’i l1. '■I
I - [tv ,

........... .1

and on many twin-engined Beech craft. The sys­

tem Incorporates a feathering propeller and gower
nor, cockpit control levers which control both the
constant-speed and feathering operations of the i QW F IT C H S T E P “

system, and unfeathering a ccum ulators as op­ CQMTOOL

tional equipment. B l t t S H E T B R M tN H f M m

1. Propellers
/ / "V ’J A
The outward appearance of McCauley feathering f S-1■*, -A-V ***'-,?** \
propellers is similar to that of the constant-speed
propellers except for the longer cylinder, which
allows the greater blade angle range, and the
addition of counterweights. The propeller is de­ Figure 11-3. Cutaway view of a McCauley feathering
signed to use oS! pressure from the governor to propeller.
decrease blade angle while the force of springs and
The propeller designation system Is the same as
counterweights (s used to Increase blade angle and
for the McCauley constant-speed propellers.
to feather the propeller. NOTE: Both threaded and
threadless blade designs are used.
2. Governors
The propeller Is spring-loaded and counter­
weighted to the feather position at all times so that McCauley feathering governors are haslcally the
if oil pressure Is lost, the propeller will automat­ same as constant-speed governors except that the
ically feather. To prevent the propeller from governor directs oil pressure to the propeller to
feathering when the engine Is stopped on the decrease hlade angle and releases oil from the
ground, a spring-loaded latch mechanism en­ propeller to increase blade angle.
gages at some low RPM (for example 900 Rl’M}.
Feathering governors incorporate a lift rod con­
This prevents excessive load on the starter and
nected to the speeder rack which will mechanically
engine system when starting the engine. Three
lift the pilot valve, releasing the oil from the pro­
different latch mechanisms have been used with
peller when the cockpit control lever Is moved to
the McCauley feathering propellers - the Inertial
the feathrr position. This occurs when the cockpit
latch, the pressure latch, and the centrifugal
control is pulled full aft. This action may take place
latch. Since the centrifugal latch has proved to be
the best system, moat propellers either have been
converted to this style or will be converted during PISTW
the next overhaul.

f llF B
Figure 11-2. A McCauley feathering propeller. Note
the cylinder size and blade counterweights and lATWPtNS
compare with the constant-speed model of the
McCaulsy propeller. Figure 11-4. McCauley centrifugal latch mechanism.

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section c-e Oil IKUir


Figure 11-5. Sectioned vlevra o f th• McCauley governor showing the lift rod mechanism end governor structure
with and without accumulator passages.

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Figure 11-8. Typical location of an accumulator.

4. System Operation
Figure 11-6. Cross section of a bait-type sccumulator.
The constant-speed operation of the McCauley
ut any time and overrides the position of the feathering type propeller system is exactly the
flyweights or the speeder spring. same as the McCauley constant-speed system ex­
If the feathering system Includes an accum­ cept for the change In oil flow direction.
ulator, a ball-check valve will be incorporated In Feathering of the McCauley system Is achieved
the governor design. This allows the accumulator by moving the cockpit propeller control lever full
to be charged during normal operation and pre­ aft. When this occurs, the governor lever arm Is
vents It from discharging during feathering. The pulled to the low RPM stop. This causes the RPM
ball check valve is released by a push rod when lift rod in the governor to raise the pilot valve and
the propeller control Is moved forward to the high release oil pressure from the propeller. Without oil
RPM position. At this time, the stored oil pressure pressure in the propeller, it goes to the feather
In the accumulator will be released to unfeather angle by a combination of spring force and cen-
the propeller. trtfugal force on the blade counterweights. When
the propeller blades have fully feathered, engine
The governor designation system is the same as
rotation stops. If an accumulator Is used, the ball
for the McCauley constant-speed governors. check valve In the governor holds a charge of ail
pressure in the accumulator.
3. Accumulator
The unfeathertng accumulator Is In the shape of
a ball or a cylinder. It contains a diaphragm or
piston which is used to separate an air charge from
an oil charge. The air charge is approximately 100
psi and uses n i t r o g e n or dry air. The oil side of the
accumulator is charged by the governor through
a flexible line and stores a charge of oil at governor
pressure (290 pal). The accumulator Is usually
Installed in the engine compartment.

BRACKET cnm m houhtiik mn

- 7 H l
1i W
I .....- ..... - ;•
M t& b V E M tiH R t i;E F Y * L V E -
■. . . i a 1
Figure 11-9. Action of l l » governor Hft rod during
Figure 11.7. Cutaway view of a McCauley accumulator. feathering.

78 Aircraft Technical Book Company, LLC

To unfeather the propeller without an accum­ overcome the force of the springs and move the
ulator, the cockpit control is moved forward and blades to a lower angle. As this blade angle
the engine must be rotated by the starter. This decreases, the propeller will start to windmill
allows governor oil pressure to be developed to and help complete the unfeathering operation.

If an accumulator Is used to unfeather the

propeller, the governor ball check valve Is merely
opened by the push rod in the govern or when the
cockpit control 1b moved forward.This allows the
oil pressure In the accumulator to [low through
the governor to the propeller cylinder and force
the blades to a lower angle. NOTE: The engine
does not have to be attempting to restart for the
accumulator to unfeather the propeller.

When stopping the engine on the ground, the

engine should be idled to about 800 RPM with the
cockpit propeller control In the full forward posi­
tion. When the blades are at this low blade angle
and the engine is shut down, they will tend to
feather due to the loss of oil pressure. This action
is prevented by a spring force which engages the
latch mechanism. This force 1b greater than the
centrifugal force on the latch plates at idle; conse­
quently, the blades are held by latch plates at an
angle a f e w d e g r e e B above the low blade angle as
they move toward feather (see Figure 11-4).

When the engine is started on the ground, the

cockpit control should always be full forward.
This causes the blade angle to decrease as gov­
ernor oil pressure Is generated, and the blades
will move to the low blade stop from the latch
angle. As HPM Increases, these latch plates move
outward by centrifugal force allowing propeller
blades to be free to move through their full range
of travel.

Figure 11-10. Action of the governor push rod, bail

check valve and accumulator during aystam Figure 11-11, Exploded view of a McCauley feathering
operation. propeller (natall&tlon.

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The propeller should be overhauled at 1,200
hours or at engine overhaul. The governor should
be overhauled at 800 hours or at engine overhaul.
•~--:VlSW The accumulator should be overhauled at engine
overhaul or as specified by the manufacturer.

7, Troubleshooting
In addition to the troubleshooting procedures
discussed for constant-speed systems, the fea­
. -/ < v. V & ’ ’
thering system may have some additional op­
. ''i , fc K . /, - x- i > erating difficulties.
{j 0 t k i < ^ ■
If the propeller will not feather In flight, the
problem may be that the governor low RPM stop
r \ ts set too high preventing the lift rod from raising
the pilot valve. It may also be caused by the
cockpit controls being rigged Improperly or re­
stricted, preventing full movement o f the governor
lever arm.

14 If the propeller high blade angle is not correctly

1. SKA C U T S, NOSE ASSEMBLY 1! INTAKE M M IF O L O set, the propeller may continue to windmill after
J IW 7 H U E S V * lr E 13, NUT
the propeller feathers. Refer the propeller to an
* bolt 9. CW M P IS UWM overhaul facility to adjust the high pitch stop.

If the propeller falls to unfeather in flight and an

Figure 11-12. Typical accumulator InmliBUon. accumulator system is not used, the problem may
be that the starter cannot generate sufficient RPM
5. Installation And Adjustments to rest.irt the engine or develop sufficient oil pres­
sure tn the governor to unfeather the propeller.
The installation and adjustment o f the feathering This is a common problem Is some older aircraft
propeller and governor are basically the same os In and involves a change in pilot technique and/or
the constant speed models. If an accumulator Is the addition o f accumulators. Some aircraft can be
Installed, It Is usually Installed In the engine com­ unfeaihered more easily If the aircraft is placed In
partment In accordance with standard airframe a shallow dive to Increase airspeed, then rotating
practices. It Is connected to the governor with the engine with the starter.
flexible hose similar to those used )n hydraulic
systems (Figure 1112). If the propeller falls to unfeather with an ac­
cumulator installed, one of the following problems
may be the cause — a loss of air pressure or
6. Inspection, Maintenance And Repair
insufficient air pressure in the accumulator, oil
Inspection of the McCauley feathering propeller leaking from the accumulator or flex hose causing
is the same as that of the constant-speed pro­ a reduction in the oil pressure, or a leak from the
pellers. However, special attention should be given air side o f the accumulator to the oil side resulting
to checking the counterweights for slippage and In a loss of air pressure. External air leaks can be
security. located by pressurizing the system to normal
operating pressure and checking for leaks with
The governor should be Inspected in the same soapy water.
manner as the constant-speed governors. If an
accumulator Is used, be sure to check the fittings To locate the problem, simply follow these
for security and leaks. guidelines. Oil leaks are readily apparent. A loss
of air charge to the oil Bide o f the accumulator
The accumulator should be inspected for can be checked by draining the oil side o f the
security of mounting, proper air charge, and accumulator and checking for air coming out of
leaks. Be sure to check the lines from the ac­ the oil line lifting. If air is leaking to the oil side
cumulator to the governor for condition, wear, o f ihe accumulator, the accumulator should be
security and leaks. overhauled.

80 Aircraft Technical Book Company, LLC

B. Hartzell Feathering System
Hartzell feathering systems are used on all cur­
rent production Piper piston-driven twins, some
Beechcraft and Aero Commander twins, and older
Cessna twin-engJne aircraft.

It Propellers
Both Compact and Steel Hub propeller designs
are used for Hartzell feathering propellers*

Compact designs use governor oil pressure to

decrease blade angle and air pressure In ihe
propeller cylinder (and counterweights on some
models) to feather Ihe propeller. A latch stop
(called the High Pitch Stop by Hartzell) Is located
Inside the cylinder to hold the blades in a low
blade angle when the engine Is stopped on the
ground. The latch mechanism in composed of
Figure 11-13B. HsrtMi! Compact feathering propeller. springs and locking ptna*



H C - « Y l * 2 B ( L ] 5 P flO P ElLS H (E X T e N M C )
LO W S T ! P S C R E rf A U JU r rM F N I
(TACK R J l T13 I N C A S E



wc-exvo* nroreimi
•*jv ’
6 S F H 5 E f l l t WE


S t A « T E « G fA R

S P 1 * * f A A&APTGH
V \ PT l Off F L A W * P M F C L L fN S

F ig u n 11'14. Cross section of s Hartzell Comped leathering propeller.

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The Hartzell feathering propeller designation
system Is the same as for the constant-speed

2. Governors
Hartzell feathering systems may use either
Hartzell or Woodward governors for operation.
The governors may Incorporate an internal
mechanism with a lift rod and accumulator oil
passages and valves. Or, they may have an ex­
ternal adapter which contains a shutofT valve
linked to the governor control arm to control the
accumulator operation.

3. Accumulators
The information concerning accumulators that
Is covered in the section on McCauley feathering
propellers 1b applicable to the Hartzell feathering

4. System Operation
The constant-speed operation of the Hartzell
Figure 11-15. Cross section of 9 Hartzell Steal Hub
feathering propeller, feathering propellers Is the same as for the con-
stant-Bpeed models except for the change in direc­
The Hartzell Steel Hub feathering propeller tion of oil flow In some models.
uses oil pressure to decrease blade angle and a
combination of springs and counterweights to When the Hartzell propellers are feathered, the
Increase the propeller blade angle. An external cockpit control Is moved full aft and the governor
latch mechanism Is used to prevent the propeller pilot valve is raised by the lift rod to release oil
from feathering when the engine Is stopped on from the propeller. With the oil pressure re­
the ground. leased, a Steel Hub propeller will move to the
feather position by the force o f the counter­
weights and springs. The Compact models will
go to feather by the force of the air pressure in
the cylinder and the force o f the backup spring,
in some models, the force o f the counterweights.
The blades are held in feather by the spring force
or air pressure.

When tmfeaihering the propeller In flight, the

system relies on engine rotation by the starter
to initiate the unfeathering operation unless an
accumulator is used. The operation o f the
accumulator is the same as for the McCauley

When shutting the engine down after flight,

the propeller cockpit control should be placed In
full forward position while the engine is idling.
This causes the spring tn the latch mechanism
to force the lock pin Into a low pitch lo c k posi­
Figure 11-18. Governor with an external accumulator tion and engage when the engine is shut down
adapter. and the blades attempt to rotate toward feather.

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Flgum 11-17, Typical Inetstfatkm of a Hartzell Compact feathering propeller.

5. Installation And Adjustments Governor installation and adjustment Is the

same as for a constant-speed governor.
Installation and adjustment o f the propellers
are the same as for the cons tan t-apeed models. Accumulators are Installed in accordance with
If the blades are feathered, they can be rotated the aircraft maintenance manual and are serviced
to the latch angle by placing a blade paddle on with dry air or nitrogen to the value specified in
each blade and rotating the blades to the latch the aircraft maintenance manual.
angle simultaneously.
The air pressure In the Compact model pro­
pellers should be checked and serviced as neces­ TEHF* *F PNCS5 p K !t TtMP„ *F rucss. (P5ii
sary alter Installation. The amount of air pressure
100 mi 30 785
is determined by using a chart similar to the one 90 115 20 Ml
tn Figure 11-18. »Ef to 1W
iG m 0 15«
60 175 to 15?
Blade latches may be supplied separate from 60 Mi -11 M
the Steol Hub propeller and are simply bolted *0 m -3 0 H fi

onto the outside o f the propeller in accordance

with the instructions relating to the particular Figure 11-18. Air pressure chart (ora Hartzell Compact
model propeller. feathering propeller.

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11. H .O H P IT C H S T O P
H lG * P IT C H 5 T C ° P llf S P f N N t R B L iL K H E W l
ts N ir
H IG H P IT C H S T O P & R f c t # t t BOLT
sc a ew o - r im s fa l
cana p in B O LT
to pisto n
19 SPlNM tH
iJ Q W t L P IN

f/gi/re rr-rs. 7>pfcsf /nsteffflWofl o f a HarUell Steel Hub feathering propeller.

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Figure 11-20. Exploded vfrnwoltha Hamflion-StanHard feathering Hydromatfc® propeller.

6. Inspection, Maintenance And Repair reach full RPM and may feather when the engine
is shutdown on the ground.
The inspection, maintenance, and repair of Ihe
Hartzell feathering propeller system Is the same as
described for other nonstant-speed and feathering C. Hamilton-Standard
systems.Ih e Compact propeller air pressure should Feathering System
be checked at each 100 hour and annual Inspection.
The Hamilton-Standard feathering system is
used on many medium and large transports such
7. Troubleshooting as the Beech 18, the Curllss C-46, und the Douglas
The system troubleshooting procedures are the DC-4. The Hamilton-Standard design goes by the
Bame as described for other propeller systems. trade name of H yd ro m a tic*> Indicating that the
principal operating forces are liquid (oil pressure).
If the air charge Is too low in the Compact
propeller, it may not feather or respond properly
1. Propeller
to constant speed operation. The propeller may
also have a tendency to overspeed or surge. Also, The Hamilton-Standard Hydromatlc® propeller
If the air charge Is too great, the system may not Is composed o f three major assemblies — the hub

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-C O M E S H E L L

,ir • '


. > ----- :■■-'

O O M fB S R R E l S M I


'-Mine SEAL

'^-U-nlNG SEAL



- S N A # RING

fe t ^ - flK E B M M

P IT C H STO P a o w a

G im O A R O M t l BEABJNG3


______ A H H O LIE R S H A F T BUSH IN G



: WELCH PLUG 1? m m pack
4. BAftRfc: M L t (IffllG} I* * p r : ng pact, fepim q *
' — M T A T IN I! CAM
6. m j| SNAP 1WG *1 MffVRflN T Yff BLAtlF PATKING
1 HlfWT CORF 22 T im a m f tPE b lah* pack ins ■^LNSOABO R A L L D M RINGS
smnut s m * r s ea l iung 23. SPIDER RING

- SPIDER-SHAH JC H ?i, APIfifR RlAnt PACKING ------- - I W P IIE H STO P ft:H 6
I M A F I KU PPflftT RARREL Blit* HifT ____ _ _ - P R F L a « D SH IW

Figurv 11-21 . An exploded vfew of the barrel taeemb- Figure 11-22, An exploded view of the dome assembly.
ty without the blades. The blades fit on the arms o f
the spider. dome shell, a piston, a rotating cam cylinder, a
stationary cam cylinder, and two pitch stop rings.
or barrel assembly, the dome assembly, and the The dome shell acts as the cylinder for the pro­
distributor valve. peller piston. The piston Is attached to the rotat­
ing and stationary camu by cam rollers which
The barrel assembly contains the sptder, blades,
move in the slota In the cams. As the piston moves
blade gear segments, barrel halves, and necessary
fore and aft In the dome shell. It rotates following
support blocks, spacers, and bearings. Front and
the cam track in the stationary cam and causes
rear cones, a retaining nut, and a lock ring are used
the rotating cam to rotate. The gear on the end of
to Install the barrel assembly on the crankshaft.
the rotating cam meshes with the gear segment
The dome assembly contains the pitch-chang­ on Ihe butt o f the propeller blades causing the
ing mechanism of the propeller and Includes the blades to rotate to a different angle.

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10 — —-- —
3. PUKING WAJHHi 10 d riv e c a w v N O

Figure 11-24. A cutaway view of the HydrometltP

leathering governor with a mechanical head.

propeller control system when the propeller Is

feathered or unfeathered.
Figun 11-23. An exploded view of the Hydrometlc®
distributor valve. A pressure cut-out switch is located on the side
of the governor and Is used to terminate the
The distributor valve is used to dltect oil from feathering operation automatically.
the crankshaft to the inboard and outboard side
cf the piston and Is shifted during unfeathering to Hydromatlc® governors may use mechanical
reverse the oil passages to the piston. heads {discussed In the Hamilton-Standard con-
stant-apeed section) or electric heads. Electric
governor heads are controlled from the cockpit
2, Governor
by toggle switches which are spring-loaded to the
The feathering Hydromatlc® governor Includes center off position. When the toggle is pushed
all o f the basic governor components discussed forward, the electric motor in the governor head
for constant-speed governors. In addition, the rotates to reposition the governor speeder rack
Hydromatlc0 governor contains a high-presBure for a higher RPM setting. When the toggle switch
tra n sfer valve w hich is used to block the Is moved rearward, the governor head motor
governor constant-speed mechanism out of the positions the speeder rack for a lower RPM,

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BALANCE SPRING 10 rF O P E L L E h O k S m t N t f l
h * t« A SSEM BLY 11 p itw p ic i e r am
S P t M F R S P H JN C 12 C U T O U T S W IT C H
F L T - W l iC H T 13 B A S E O H C W T im R U G Figure 11-27. A Hydromatkf^ governor with an electric
T M N 5 F F P V fliV F P l'J N f iff l 14, IK J M P V A L Y E

Figure 11-25, A cutaway view of a HydromatltP

feathering governor from a different angle show­
ing transfer valve and pressure cutout switch.

I fj
7 \W i I
Zf(Q\ W
P .)
E _ -
H P I»
* T 0 C !SCREW


U/ '■K

S Jfl£
W fi T M

m w '
,< P * E 5 5 U 1 E

tj -P U M P

L - U i . 1J___
P&0* C 0 N S 1 A N 1 .S P FE P

Figure 11-26. Vie high-pressure transfer valve blocks fTgure fl-JS. Adjust the RPM stop screws on the
the governor constant-speed mechanism out of the electric head of the governor and then safety
system during feathering and unfeathering. th&m together.

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Figure 11-29, Cockpit feather button.
Figure 11-31. Auxiliary pump and motor used In the
3. Feathering System Components Hamilton-Standard feathering system.
The cockpit control for the feathering system ts
For discussion purposes, consider that governor
simply a push button. This button la approximate­
oil pressure is on the inboard 9ide of the propeller
ly 11/ 4 Inchfa In diameter and Is used to feather
piston and engine oil pressure is on the outboard
and unfeather the propeller. The feather button la
side of the piston.
usually located Inside a shield to prevent acciden­
tal operation. The feathering button incorporates The Ilydromatlc® propeller does not use any
a holding coll to hold the button In electrically springs or counterweights for operation. The fixed
when the button is pushed. force la the engine oil pressure which Is about 60
A feathering relay Is used to keep high currents psl, The governor oil pressure (200 or 300 psi
out o f the cockpit and reduce the length of large depending on the system) Is controlled by the pilot
cables needed to get high current (200 amps or valve during constant speed operation.
more) from the battery to the feathering (auxiliary)
When the system Is In an overspeed condition,
pump. The feathering relay Is actuated when the
the pilot valve In the govei nor is raised and gover­
feather button is pushed.
nor oil pressure Is allowed to flow to the inboard
An elec trtcally-operaled feathering pump Is used side of the propeller piston via the crankshaft
to supply oil under high pressure (about 600 pai) transfer bearing and the distributor valve. The
to the propeller when the feathering system Is lnrrease In pressure un the inboard side of the
actuated- The pump draws oil from a standpipe In piston causes the piston to move outboard. As the
the engine oil supply tank. pistnn moves outboard, it rotates following the slut
In the stationary cam and causes the rotating cam
4. System Operation to rotate. As the rotating ram turns, the gears on
The Ilydromallc® propeller uses governor oil the bottom of the cam mesh with the gears on the
pressure on one side o f the propeller piston op­
posed by engine oil pressure on the other side of
the piston aided by centrifugal twisting moments.
Depending on the model o f the propeller, governor
^ j.; G O m H O # O IL
oil pressure may be directed to the outboard side
i f lK S S U flf
ca Inboard side of the piston. tr*
f ! v/
i? ;;
FW T H W IN O H 'T r f lN it ^
'V l- y
-JL "
. . ~t — •1*1... n K S U M E CVTOUt ' tN&mswimssum
^ ......... L.- switch ,*** ;
- -v < • •• I T “
-- mumpwm uwe

Figure 11-30. Feathering system configuration. Figure 11-32. Hydromatkr propeller operating forces.

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IHSmOli K^FSStlBfc

Figure 11-33. Feathering operations of the Hydromatit^ propeller.

blade segment and cause the blade angle to In­ starts to build rapidly. This increasing pressure is
crease, With this Increase In blade angle, the sys­ sensed by the pressure cutout switch on the gover­
tem RTM slows down and the governor returns to nor, which will break the circuit to the feather
the onspeed condition. The oil in the outboard side button holding coll at about 650 pal. This releases
of the piston Is forced back Into the engine lubrica­ the feather relay and shuts o ff the feathering
tion system where the pressure la maintained con­ pump. All system pressures drop to zero and the
stant by the engine oil pressure relief valve. blades of the propeller are held in feather by
aerodynamic forces.
When the system is underspeed, the pilot valve
is lowered and the governor oil pressure in the
Inboard side of the piston Is released. This causes
engine oil pressure on the outboard side of Hie
piston to force the piston inboard. As this piston
moves inboard, the rotation crealed by the piston
and the cams causes the blades to rotate to a lower
blade angle allowing system RPM to increase to the
onspeed condition.

To feather the propeller, the feather button In

the cockpit Is pushed. When this lit done electrical
contacts close and energize the holding coil which
holds the feather button in. Another set of electri
cal contacts doses at the same time in the feather
button and causes the feathering relay to dose.
The feathering relay completes the circuit from the
batleiy to the feathering pump and the high pres­
sure oil generated by the pump shifts the higli-
pressure transfer valve in the governor to hlock the
governor out of the system. This high pressure oil
is then directed to the inboard side of the piston
and moves the blades toward the feather angle. Figure 11-34. Cross section of a pressure cutout switch
When the rotating cam contacts the high pitch showing the spring end engine oil pressure on the
stop, the piston stops moving and the blades have plunger which opposes the force of ihe auxiliary oil
reached the feather angle. Since the piston cannot pressure so that the feathering circuit does not
move any further, the pressure In the system break until the auxiliary pressure la very high.

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Feathering pump pressure is then directed to the
t H it M S IB OIITftOUO outboard side of the piston and engine oil lines
are open to the inboard side of the piston. The
piston moves inboard and causes the blades to
rotate to a lower blade angle through the action of
the cams. With this lower blade angle the pro­
peller starts to windmill, allowing the engine to be
restarted. At this point the feather button should
be released and the system will return to con­
stant-speed operation. If the feather button Is not
released, the dome relief valve In the distributor
valve will off-seat and release excess oil pressure
(above 750 psi) from the outboard aide o f the
piston to the inboard side of the piston after the
rotating cam contacts the low blade angle stop.

5. Installation And Adjustments

The Installation of a Hydromatlc® propeller re­
quires that the barrel assembly be installed first,
following the basic procedure used to install a
flbced-pltch propeller on a spllned crankshaft. A
hoist Is required for most HydromaUc® propellers
due to their size and weight. Special Hamilton-
Standard tools are necessary to tighten the retain­
ing nut. The standard checks for proper cone
Figure 11-35. Cross section view o f the distributor sealing and spline wear are made when installing
valv* during propeller operations the barrel assembly. The retaining nut Is then
torqued, but not safetied at this time.
To unfeather the propeller, the feather button
ts pushed and held In to prevent the button from The distributor valve gasket and distributor
popping back out when the pressure cutout valve are installed in the crankshaft. The dis­
switch opens. The feathering pump starts build­ tributor valve is carefully screwed into the Internal
ing pressure above the setting o f the pressure threads on the crankshaft to avoid damaging the
cutout switch, causing the distributor valve to threads. The distributor valve Is then torqued to
shift and reverse the flaw o f oil to the piston. the value specified for the particular Installation.

Figure 11-36. Unfoalhertng operation of the Hydromatid® propeller.

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Figure 11-39. Installing the banal and distributor
valve locking ring.

weight. and the location of the reference tooth on the stop

rings. The reference tooth on the stop rings is used
Once the barrel assembly and distributor valve as the index which Is placed next to the blade angle
are Installed on the crankshaft, a safety lock ring scale on the rotating or stationary cam. (The loca­
is Inserted through a safety hole in the retaining tion varies with propeller models). The reference
nut and crankshaft, and Into the safety slot o f the tooth may be either to the right {+] or to the left (-)
distributor valve. of the zero reference tooth and may or may not be
marked by a scribed line or arrow. The zero refer­
The dome assembly Is now prepared for Instal­ ence tooth Is the tooth which la In the center of the
lation on the barrel assembly. The pitch stop rings stop ring lug on most models (see Figure 11-40.)
must first be installed no that the propeller will
have the proper blade angle range. For discussion purposes, presume that the low
pitch stop ring Is Indexed at -23, the high pitch step
Refer to the proper aircraft or propeller service ring Is indexed at +7, and the blade angles are 18
manual to determine the blade angles required and 95 degrees. From the zero reference tooth on the
lew pitch stop ring, count 23 teeth to the left and
mark the tooth with a red lead or white lead pencil.
Place the stop ring on the t>ase of the dome assembly
so that the reference tooth lines up with the 18- de­
gree mark an the cam scale and Install the ring fully
Into the dome base. Count seven teeth to the right
of the zero reference tooth on the high pitch stop ring

Figure 11-38. Position the distributor valve gasket In­

side the crankshaft and screw the distributor valve Figure 11-40. The zero reference tooth Is located In
Into the crankshaft the center of the stop ring lug.

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Figure 11-43. Set the blades to the feather angle

using the scale on the blades at the hub.

H ie blades In the barrel are rotated until the scale

on the blade shank Indicates that the blades are at
the feather angle. The dome shim Is Installed on the
dome shelf in the barrel and the base gasket Is placed
Figure 11-41. Locate the reference tooth on the stop on the bottom of the dome. The dome Is Installed on
ring by counting from the zero reference tooth. the barrel following the procedure for the particular
propeller model, then it Is torqued and safetied. The
and mark this tooth. The high pitch stop ring Is
dome plug is Installed, torqued, and safetied.
positioned 30 that the reference tooth aligns with the
95-degree mark on the cam scale and the ring Is then The propeller track and the high and low blade
pressed Into the dome base on top of the low pitch angles of each blade are then checked.
stop ring. H ie piston should be in a mid-range
position when installing the stop rings. The governor Is Installed and rigged In the same
manner as for the Hamilton-Standard constant-
The Totaling cam Is turned until the lugs on the
speed governor. The only additional steps required
high pitch stop ring contact the dome stop lugs.
are to connect the cannon plug to the pressure
This sets the dome In the feather position.
cutout switch and attach the oil line from the
feathering pump.

Figure 11-42. tosts/f the stop rings In the base ot tfta Figure 11-44. Install the dome shim on the terra!
propeller dome. shelf before Installing the dome assembly.

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G. Inspection, Maintenance And Repair
ALIGNING The propeller and governor are Inspected and
ARROW repaired In accordance with the procedures dis­
rE N C IL L . N R
cussed in previous chapters ofthfs book-'Hie inspec­
tion primarily involved assuring proper operation,
checking for oil leaks, and inspecting the external oil
lines for signs of deterioration and abrasion.
Oil leaks in the propeller are normally caused by
a faulty gasket or a loose nut or bolt. If oil covers all
of the propeller, the dome plug Is leaking. If oil
appears on the barrel Immediately behind the dome,
the dome gasket Is leaking or the dome nut is loose.
These defective gaskets can be replaced in the field
and the nuts should be torqued and safetled.
M U ST 8 E IN FU LL Wit KWfLSAND If oil is coming from the blade shank area or
F lA T K E fl POSITION M m M E W SN E0 from between the barrel halves, the hub bolts may
be loose or the gaskets may be defective. If no
irregularities are found, Lhe bolts may be re-
Figure 11-45. Install the dome assembly on the barret torqued, The gaskets must be replaced by an
using a lifting handle on the dome. overhaul facility.

If an electric head Is used on the governor, The propeller is lubricated by engine operating
governor rigging Is simplified. Since the cannon oil and does not need to be lubricated during
plug for the head needs only to be connected and maintenance.
the high and low RPM limit switches set.
7. Troubleshooting
The feathering pump, feather button, and Troubleshooting procedures and solutions dls-
other system components are installed and cusscd for other systems are generally applicable
adjusted according to the particular aircraft to the feathering Hydromatlc® system.
service manual.
If the propeller fails to respond to Lhe cockpit
propeller control lever, but can be feathered and
unfeathered, the cause is most likely a failure of
the governor or governor control system. To locate
this problem, check the control system first. If it
is functioning properly, replace the governor.

If the propeller falls to feather, check the system

for electrical faults or open wiring to the electrical
components. Other causes may be a defective
feathering pump or a stuck high-pressure transfer
valve in the governor. Replace the defective com­
ponent. desludge the governor, or replace the gov­
ernor, as appropriate.

If the propeller fails to unfeather after feathering

normally, the distributor valve Is not shifting.
Replace the distributor valve.
If the propeller feathers and immediately un­
feathers, the problem may be a shorted line from
the holding coil to the pressure cutout switch or a
defective pressure cutout switch. The same effect
will result if the feather button Is shorted internal­
Figure 11-46. Remove the dome lifting handle and ly. The feather button or pressure cutout switch
Install the dome plug and required seals. may be replaced as necessary.

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Sluggish movement o f the propeller may be the 6. Whatforces may be used tofeather the Hartzell
result of a buildup of sludge in the propeller dome Compact propeller?
or a worn out plston-to-dome seal In the dome.Hie
7. What cockpit procedure is followed to feather
sludge can be removed by removing the dome and
the propeller on a light aircraft?
cleaning with a solvent. A worn plston-to-dome
seal requires replacement by an overhaul facility. 8. What are the three major assemblies used tn a
Hy dramatic® propeller?
Erratic or Jerky operation of the propeller Is an
indication o f the wrong preload shim being used 9. Which Hydromattc® propeller assembly con­
between the dome and barrel assemblies. The tains (he propeller pitch-changing mechanism?
dome should be removed and the proper shim
10. What ts the purpose o f the high-pressure trans­
should be installed.
fe r value on the Hydramatid6 governor ?

QUESTIONS: 11. Which Hydromattc® governor component auto

maiicaUy terminates thefeathering operation?
J. Whatforces are used to feather the McCauley
propeller? 12. Whatfarce opposes governor oil pressure in the
Hydromattc® propeller?
2. What Is the purpose o f the accumulator In the
Ught aircraft feathering systems? 13. During which Ilydromattc* propeller operation
does the distributor value shifl?
3. What are the two shapes of accumulators?
J4, What ts the position of the I]ydramatic® pro­
4. I f an accumulator ts not used (n a light aircrqft peller piston when installing the pitch stop
feathering system. u»hat pilot technique may rings?
help to unfeather the propeller tnflight?
15. What is the position qf the Hydrornati^ pro­
5. What is the approximate air pressure tn an peller blades when the dame assemhlrt is In­
accumulator? stalled on the barrel assembly?

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Chapter XII
Reversing Propeller Systems
A reversing propeller is a constant-speed fea­ When a propeller goes into reverse, the blades
thering propeller with the additional capability rotate below the low blade angle and Into a nega­
o f producing a reverse thrust. tive angle of about -15 degrees. This forcce air
forward to provide a negative thrust. When the
Reversing propeller systems are used on most system goes into reverse, the engine does not
modern multi-engine turboprop aircraft such as rotate [n the direction opposite to normal rotation
the Cessna Conquest, Beechcraft King Air, Piper (as some people think), the blades Just force air
Cheyenne, and on large transport aircraft such forward rather than rearward.
as the Douglas DC-7 and the Lockheed Constel­
lation.. Some small slngle-engtne seaplanes and The reversing operation Is controlled In the cock­
floatplanes use reversing propellers Tor Improved pit by the throttles and is Initiated by moving the
water maneuverability. throttles aft of the Idle position. This reverses the
blades and the engine RPM and/or the blade angle
Reversing propellers have the advantages of Is varied by moving the throttles within the reverse
decreasing the length of the landing roll, reduc­ range to control the amount of reverse thrust. The
ing brake wear, and Increasing ground maneu­ farther aft the throttles are moved, the greater the
verability. Some aircraft can use the reversing reverse thrust.
system to back up the aircraft on the ground,
while other designs use the system only to brake Propellers cannot normally be reversed In flight
the aircraft on the landing roll. and the aircraft often must be below a specified
airspeed on the landing roll before the reverse
The main disadvantages of the reversing sys­ mechanism is engaged. Most systems require that
tem are the reduced engine cooling available for the aircraft weight be on the landing gear before
piston driven aircraft, and Increased blade dam­ the throttles can be moved Into the reverse range.
age from stones, sand, etc-, when the propellers This is controlled by a squat switch on the landing
are in reverse. gear strut.

This chapter will cover the Hartzell reversing

propellers used with the Garrelt AlResearch
TPE-331, the Pratt & Whitney rTG engines, and
the Hamilton-Standard reversing Hydromatic®
propeller system used on transport aircraft.

Figun 12-1. The reverse angles are negative angles

compared to positive angles in the conalant-&peed
range and the feather angle.

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A. Hartzell Reversing Propeller
System Ofi The Garrett
AiResearch TPE-331 Engine
The Hartzell propeller on the TPE-331 Is used
on aircraft such as the Mitsubishi MU-2, Short
Skyvan, and the Cessna Conquest.

The TPE-331 engine Is a fixed turbine engine of

over 600 horsepower at an engine RPM of about
40,000. A gear reduction assembly on the front of
the engine couples the engine driveshaft to the
propeller driveshaft and reduces the engine RPM
to about 2,200 RPM at the propeller drive shaft.
(Theae values vary somewhat with different models
of the engine.) H ie engine may be Installed with
the propeller driveshaft above or below the engine
centerline as shown In Figure 12-3.

1. Propeller
Figure 12-3. Basic components o f tha engine and the The propeller commonly used on the TPE-331
two Inetalletlon position*. Is a three- or four-bladed Hartzell Steel Hub

530-23 A JT D HMH

M l4 '6 A H «* HO


H )G « m e n

M M lF E f t f l f t E
(M R S EA R C H P/N 9 5 5 03 9}


M O O IL H C -M T N -5

Figure 12-4. Cutaway view o f the Hartzell propeller uaed on the TPE-331 engine.

98 Aircraft Technical Book Company, LLC

EN G lN f
-X . nm lev er


1 - 4
r- rL *:} MMUAt
1 4 f\
ro n a u e i e r s d *

F ig u n 12-5. The location o f the system components

on the gear reduction aaaerrjbly o f the TPE-331

reversing propeller. The propeller is spring-

loaded and counterwetghted to the feather po­
1. OIL MiCT j. w w tm m .
sition and uses engine oil pressurized by the 1 NEGATIVE T0R0UE SENSING 10 S lfE W R SWING
governor to decrease the blade angle. It Is flange- DUTIXT 11 FLY MIGHT
i. pressur e n ju r 11. FLYWEIQH T HEM!
mounted on the drtveahaft and locks In a J lat 4. RELIEF VALVE IY-PASS 13 MAIN TO tum p
angle of about two degrees when the engine Is !. RELIEF VALVE 1*. PILOT VALVE PLUNGER

shut dawn, on the ground. This prevents exces­ 8 Gqveandk s h a ft 15. ( W f l ’ EH RTTCH co n tro l lin e
7. i i f t nan It. DAMN LINE
sive stress on the engine starter system when I. ik e d a u u s t in b c o n tro l l e v e r 17. CHECK VALVE

starting the engine.

The propeller Is constructed similar to the Figure 12-7. Propeller governor cutaway.
feathering Steel Hub designs. The principal
additional component Is the Beta tube which serves as an oil passage and follow-up device
passes through the center of the propeller and during propeller operation.

The same designation system Is used for the

reversing IlarLzell propellers as is used for Hartzell
feathering and constant-speed propellers.

2. Syetem Components
The propeller pitch nontrot is mounted on the
rear of the gear reduction assembly In line with
the propeller driveshaft and Is connected to the
propeller through the Beta tube. The propeller
pitch control is operated by the cockpit power
lever and la used to direct oil to and from the
propeller to change blade angles during ground
operations. During (light operations the propeller
pitch control serves only as an oil passage be­
tween the propeller and the propeller governor.
The propeller governor Is mounted on the gear
P T O P E a n o il p h e s s u r t gauge po st 9. OIL PASSAGE TO OEAK CASE reduction assembly and operates the same way a9
other constant-speed governors to control system
PITCH CONTROL 1UETE 11. CAM JUICE RPM In Qlght [through a range of about 2,000 to
is s e a l in g r i n u
2,200 RPM}. Below 2,000 RPM the propeller gov­
ernor Is Underspeed and serves only to provide oil
Figure 12-6. Propeller pttch control unit. pressure to the propeller pitch control.

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SPTEO t f W I ,
s m o S E t fIN G


fEBTHF* ’ '


I I W E U f F I GOVIRNOR #11 PM I 11. YALWC»f>
S BE M i sen rt. vuivr roo Spain* Figure 12-10. Control system for the TPE-331 system
I V A LV E S W IN G 13 M w rE fi showing the cockpit control and the acceasorha.
i. vuvEsor 1». FFHTHEB VALVE M 5E»*LV

3. Cockpit Controls
The corkplt controls for the TPE-331 turboprop
Figure 12-6 . Crass section of the feathering valve.
Installation Include a power lever which controls
the horsepower output of the engine, a condition
The underspeed govemoTt which Is part o f the
lever which controls system RPM, a feather hand­
fuel control unit, is used to control system RPM
le, and an unfeathering switch.
when the propeller is being driven at less than
2,000 RPM. The underspeed governor is operated The power lever Is similar to the reciprocating
by the condition lever and controls fuel flow to the engine throttle in that it controls system horse­
engine to maintain a selected RPM below the pro­ power. During ground operation the power lever
peller governor range. directly controls the propeller blade angle by
positioning the propeller pitch control. During
A feathering valve Is operated automatically by flight operations, the power lever directly con­
a torque sensor tn the engine or manually from the trols fuel flow to the engine through the engine
cockpit to release all oil pressure from the pro­ Tuel control untt
peller allowing the springs and counterweights to
feather the propeller. The condition lever la similar to the propeller
control lever In a reciprocating engine system in
An elerlrtr unfeathering pump la used to supply that it controls system RPM. During ground
oil pressure to unfeather the propeller. operation the condition lever adjusts the under-
specd governor on the fuel control unit to vary
the fuel flow and maintain a fixed RPM as the
blade angle Is changed by the power lever.
During flight operations the condition lever sets
the propeller governor to maintain system RPM
by varying the blade angles when the engine
power is changed with the power lever or when
flight operations change.

Many aircraft use a feather handle connected

to the feathering valve on the engine. Other
aircraft conncct the feathering valve to the con­
dition lever so that full aft movement of the lever
will cause the propeller to feather. When the
feathering valve is moved by the cockpit control,
oil Is released from the propeller and the pro­
peller feathers.

An unfeatherlng switch 1b used to control the

Figure 12-9. CockpH powerplant quadrant for the electric unfeathering pump to unfeather the
TPE-331 powered Cessna CwxjueH propeller.

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j rmifiller
______ F "T C H C O N T R O L

fU E l m v i


P R O P O O V t R N IK S M Q D E Dhi S P E c B

Figure 12-11. Schematic diagram of the propeller control system.

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4, System Operation piston as lhe propeller moves to the low blade
angle. The propeller blade angle stops changing
The two basic operating modes of the TPE-331 when tlie Beta tube moves forward to the neutral
system are the Beta Mode, meaning any ground position In the propeller pitch control.
operation Including start, taxi, and reveree opera­
tion. and the Alpha Mode, meaning any flight The condition lever Is used to set the desired RPM
operation from takeoff to landing. Typically, Beta through the underspeed governor during ground
Mode Includes operation from 65% to 95% and operations, and the power lever Is used to vary the
Alpha Mode Includes operation from 95% to 100% blade angle to cause the aircraft to move forward
of system rated RPM. or rearward. Tf the power lever is moved forward,
the propeller pitch control moves rearward so that
When the engine Is started, the power lever Is the oil ports on the end of lhe Beta tube are open
set at lhe ground Idle position and the condition to a drain line to the engine sump and the oil In the
lever Is In the start position. When lhe engine propeller is forced out by the springs and counter
starts the propeller latches retract and the pro­ weights. As the Made angle Increases, the propeller
peller moves to a zero degree blade angle as the piston moves Inward, moving the Heta tube inward
propeller pitch control is positioned b y the power until It returns to the neutral position. This causes
lever over the Beta tube. The Beta tube Is attached a proportional response of the propeller to the
to the propeller piston and moves forward with the power lever movement.

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F M T H E R lN G Y A 1 .V E

\ I


~ TO f l lf l CONIRM


Figure 12-12, System components positioned to ktcream propeller blade angle In the Beta Mode.

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nuw Til
[ T e a iT
i maj_ MIN1
CASE * -

U l l E OIL
fDEM URE I K ------


Figure 12-13, The Beta Tube atopa propeller blade angle change In the Beta Mode by moving to the neutral
position In the propeller pitch control unit.

C U M ? TO
S P fe tD
tEVEfi CD0R0»NAtE0




TO T 0 f l COWftOL


Figure 12-14. Decrease o f blade angle tn the Bata Hade.

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C*SE - mt

F E M t f f i m VHLVE

prrtH c o n tro l


K A IflH t r w i VHtVf


Figure 12-15. Feathering of th» prxypeiter by th& cockpit control,

With the increase In blade angle the engine will With a fix ed p o w e r lever s e t t in g In the Alpha
start to slow down, but the underspeed governor Mode, the p ro p e lle r governor Is a d ju s t e d b y the
which Is set by the condition lever, will Increase fuel c o n d itio n lever to set the system RPM in the s a m e
flow to the engine to maintain the selected RPM. a s for any c o n s t a n t -s p e e d B ystem .

If the power lever is moved rearward, the pro­ With a fixed condition lever setting In the Alpha
peller pitch control moves forward over the Beta Mode, the power lever adjusts the fuel control unit
tube and governor oil pressure flows out to the to control the amount o f fuel delivered to the
propeller piston and causes a decrease in blade engine If the power lever is moved forward, fuel
angle. As the piston moves outward, the Beta tube flow will Increase and the propeller blade angle
moves with It and will return to the neutral posi­ will be increased by the propeller governor to
tion as the blade angle changes. With this lower absorb the increase In engine power and maintain
blade angle the engine RPM will tend to Increase, Ihe set RPM. If the power lever Is moved aft. fuel
but the underspeed governor will reduce the fuel flow will decrease and the propeller blade angle
flow to maintain the selected RPM. will decrease by the action of the propeller gover­
nor to maintain the selected RPM.
In the Alpha Mode o f operation (flight opera­
tions], the condition lever is moved to a high RPM Whenever It Is desired to fcalher the propeller,
setting (95% to 100%) and the power lever Is the feather handle is pulled or the condition lever
moved to the flight idle position. When this is Is moved full aft, depending on the aircraft design.
done, the underspeed governor is opened fully This action shifts the feathering valve, located on
and no longer affects system operation, RPM con­ the side of the gear reduction assembly, and re­
trol Is now accomplished through the propeller leases the oil pressure from the propeller, re­
governor. When the power lever is moved to flight turning tiie oil to the engine sump.
Idle, the propeller pitch control moves forward so
that the Bela tube is fully In the propeller pitch The springs and cou n terw eigh ts on the
control and no longer functions to adjust blade propefler force the oil out o f the propeller and the
angle. The power lever then controls fuel flow blades go to the feather angle. The feather valve
through the fuel control unit. may be operated hydraullcally by the engine

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ivauf IErtn coonDiwrto
VALVE Liven shaft

(M N U A L
E E tT H E S


Ffgur* 12-16. Feathering by the Negative Torque System.

Negative Torque Sensing (NTS) system, sensing a prnpeller piston after the propeller Is Installed and
loss o f poattive torque, directing of I pressure to is bolted to the forward part of the piston.
the feathering valve and shifting It to the feather
position. This system works automatically and The adjustment of the propeller low pilch latch
requires no action by the pilot (Figure 12-16). Is performed by loosening the latch plates and
shifting their position to give a two- or three-degree
To unfeather the propeller, the electric unfea­ blade angle (depending on the blade model] at the
thering pump la turned on by a toggle switch In 30 inch station.
the cockpit and oil pressure la directed to the
propeller to reduce the blade angle. This will cause To adjust the reverse blade angle, rotate the
the propeller to start windmllllng in flight and an in the blade clamps as for a feathering and
b la d e B

air start can be accomplished. On the ground the constant-speed Steel Hub propeller. This will
propeller can be unfeathered in the same manner cause the feather and low pitch stop angle to
before starting the engine. change also. The reverse angle tan also be ad­
justed by an overhaul facility by changing the
5. Installation And Adjustment length o f the tube reverse pitch stop Inside the
feathering spring assembly.
The propeller Is installed following the basic pro­
cedure used for the Installation of flanged-shaft The feather angle can be adjusted by rotating
propellers. The Beta tube la Installed through the the blades In the blade clamp. This will also

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change the low pitch stop and reverse angle to
change. The feather angle can also be adjusted by mormfR
removing the propeller cylinder and adjusting the
screw on the front of the spring assembly. The
screw will Increase the feather angle 1.2 degrees
for each turn into lhe spring assembly.
I •* '1 -• J;: ■ « b ~
The propeller governor, propeller pitch control, K f lP f U F * , - I *
SHAH * ’ I
feather valve, and fuel control unit are mounted
on the engine gear reduction assembly in accord­
ance with the engine service manual. Figure 12-17. A PTB engine.

The interconnection between the condition

B, Hartzell Reversing Propeller
lever, the underspeed governor, and the propeller
governor Is rigged and adjusted according to the System On The Fratt &
manual pertaining to the particular aircraft, and Whitney PT6 Engine
engine model used. The same holds for the inter­ The Hartzell propeller on the PT6 engine Is used
connection between the power lever, Lhe fuel con­ on the Piper Cheyenne, DeHavllland Twin Otter,
trol unit, and the propeller pitch control. and most models of the Beech craft King Air series.

8. Inspection, Maintenance And Repair The FT6 engine ia a free turbine design of over
600 HP at 38.000 RPM. A gear reduction mech­
Inspect and repair the propeller following the anism couples the engine power turbine to the
basic procedures set forth for other versions of propeller driveshaft with the propeller rotating at
the Hartzell Steel Hub propeller. Take care when 2,200 RPM at 100% RPM. TTie engine is a free
removing and Installing the Beta tube to prevent turbine design, meaning that the power turbine Is
damage to the tube surface. The Beta tube la not mechanically connected to the engtne compres­
trued for roundness and Is machined to close sor, but Is air coupled. The hot gases generated by
tolerances. the engine flow over the power turbine wheel and
cause the power turbine and the propeller to rotate.
Inspect the propeller control units for leaks,
security, and damage. Check the linkages be­ Another turbine section is mechanically linked
tween these units for freedom of movement, to the compressor section and is used to drive the
security, and damage. Replace defective seals, compressor section. It is possible during engine
adjust rigging, and secure all nuts and bolts as start for the compressor and its turbine to be
appropriate Tor the installation. Use the engine or rotating while the propeller and the power turbine
aircraft maintenance manuals for specific inspec­ do not move or move at a lower RPM, The power
tions which vary with different aircraft models. turbine will eventually reach the speed of the
compressor, but the starter motor Is not under a
7. Troubleshooting
Basic troubleshooting procedures as have been fWHlt.l
previously covered apply to the Hartzell reversing RAHUVJCtlON
system. ir the proper propeller response is not f SSStMBl 1 COHPBSilOR

occurring, check the system for proper rigging if

there Is no obvious defect.

In the Beta Mode, if the RPM Is not constant,

invesUgate the underspeed governor on the fuel
control unit. If the blade angle does not respond
properly to power lever movement, check the pro­
peller pitch control.

In Lhe Alpha Mode if the RPM is not constant

check the propeller governor. If power does not Figure 12-18. Configuration of the PTB engine and
change smoothly, check the fuel control unit. propeller.

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• M -1I CHIDE CO LU flU ftl'

v « U ! u» rr

k'M »«(O C K «SSEM el.V

».3<»S!HIIB)B L W H T W -

•-3TO1-2 CO U M . LOW STOP

Figure 12-19. Cutaway view o f the Hartzell propaUer uaed with the PTB engtnB.

load from the propeller and power turbine during

engine start. For this reason the propeller can be M 9FELU SH J P f f t i

shut down In feather and does not need a low blade K i « t LEven

angle latch mechanism for engine starting.

1. Propeller
The propeller commonly used with the PT6 Is a HEucmivE
three-, four ■, or five-bladed llartzell Steel Hub re­ s im ™ ™ pum p

versing propeller. The propeller is flange-mounted

on the engine, and Is spring-loaded and counter­
weighted to the feather position with oil pressure
being used to decrease the blade angle. A slip ring
mechanism on the rear of the propeller serves as a
follow-up mechanism In giving proportional pro­
peller response to control Inputs In the beta mode.
2. Governor
The propeller governor used with the PT8 la Figure 12-30. Cross section o f Uio propeller governor
basically the sarne as other governors discussed fo ra PTB installation.

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for constant-9peed operation, using a speeder excessive engine RPM. The power turbine gover­
spring and flyweights to control a pilot valve which nor Is not controllable from the cockpit.
directs oil flow to and from the propeller. A lift rod
The engine fuel conlrol unit is mounted on the
1b Incorporated In the governor to allow feathering

of the propeller. rear of the engine and is linked through a cam

assembly to the Beta control valve on the propeller
For Beta Mode operation the governor contains governor and to the slip ring on the propeller. This
a Beta control valve operated by lhe power lever Interconnection with the fuel control unit is used
linkage and directs oil pressure generated by the during Bela Mode operation.
governor boost pump to the propeller or relieves
oil from the propeller to change the blade angle. 4. Cockpit Controls
The cockpit controls for the PT 6 turboprop In­
3. System Components stallation consist of a power lever controlling en­
A propeller overspeed governor is mounted on gine power output in all modes and propeller blade
the gear reduction assem bly and will release oil angle in the Beta Mode, a propeller control lever
from the propeller whenever the propeller RPM which adjusts systnn RPM in the Alpha Mode, and
exceeds 100%. The release of oil pressure will a fuel cut-off lever which turns the fuel on and off
result In a higher blade angle and a reduction in at the fuel control unit.
RPM. Tlie overspeed governor is adjusted on the The power lever is linked to the cam assembly
ground when the unit Is Installed and cannot be on the side o f the engine and from there, rearward
adjusted In flight, There are no cockpit controls to to the fuel control unit and forward to lhe propeller
this governor governor Beta control valve. The power lever ad­
justs both engine fuel flow and propeller blade
A power turbine governor is Installed on the
angle In the Bela Mode (reverse to flight Idle}. In
gear reduction assembly as a safety device In
the Alpha Mode, the lever only controls fuel flow
case the other propeller governing devices
to the engine.
should fall. When the power turbine KPM
reaches about 105%, the power turbine governor The propeller control lever adjusts system RPM
will reduce fuel flow to the engine to prevent in the Alpha Mode through conventional governor
operation. Full aft movement o f the lever will raise
the hfl rod in the governor and cause the propeller
to feather.

The fuel cut off lever turns the fuel to the

engine on and o ff at the engine fuel control unit.
Some designs have an Intermediate position,
called lo-idlet to limit systism power while operat­
ing on the ground.

5. System Operation
Beta Mode operation is generally In the range of
50 to 85% RPM. In this range the power lever Is
used to control hoLh fuel flow and propeller blade
angle. When the power lever is moved forward, the
cam assembly on the side of the engine causes the
fuel flow to the engine to increase. At the same time
the linkage to the propeller governor moves the
Beta control valve forward out o f the governor
body, and oil pressure in the propeller is released.
As the propeller cylinder moves inboard In re­
sponse to the loss o f oil. the slip ring on lhe rear
o f the cylinder moves inboard and, through the
carbon block and linkage, returns the Beta control
Figure 12-21. Cross section of a PTB overspeed valve to a neutral posiUon. This gives a propor-
governor. Uonal movement to the propeller.

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Figure 12-22. Side view of a PT5 engine showing the position of the fuel control\ the cam mechanism and the propeller installation.
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S E L f C I t f V E f l~ v

P flW E L L C T

M l VE /-SC O W ) FT. TON
Oil DUMHO fllfu r r iY


s r w im a s

Figure 12-23. PTB propeller system configuration.

If the power lever la moved rearward, fuel flow is returns to the neutral position by the action of the
reduced and the Beta control valve Is moved in to slip ring, carbon block, and linkage. This again
the governor body directing oil pressure to the gives a proportional response.
propeller to decrease blade angle. As the propeller
cylinder moves outboard, the Beta control valve If the power lever Is moved aTt o f Lhe zero thrust
position, fuel flow will Increase and the blade angle
goes negative to allow a variable reverse thrust.
This change in fuel flow is caused by the cam
mechanism on Lhe side of the engine.

During the Beta Mode, (he propeller governor

constant-speed mechanism is underspeed wtLh
the pilot valve lowered. H ie governor oil pump
supplies the oil pressure for propeller operation in
Lhe Beta Mode.

In the Alpha Mode, the system RPM Is high

enough for the propeller governor to operate and
the system is tn a constant-speed mode of opera­
tion. As the power lever Is moved forward, more
fuel flows to the engine to increase horsepower
and the propeller governor causes an increase In
propeller blade angle to absorb the power increase
and maintain the selected system RPM. If the
power lever ia moved aft, the blade angle will be.
decreased by the governor to maintain the se­
lected RPM.

To feather the propeller, the propeller control

lever Is moved full aft, Lhe pllotvalve in the governor
Figure 12-24. Petition of the Beta Control v*tvs In Is raised by a lift rod, and all o f the oil pressure in
the propeller governor to increase, hold and the propeller Is released. The springs and counter­
decrease blade angle during Beta Mode. weights in the propeller will take it to feather.

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PBoraiERsfF?' and rigged with the fuel control unit and the cam
'IS lt t iiV E f mechanism according to the appropriate main­
tenance manual.

7. Inspection, Maintenance And Repair

Tlie comments for the TPE-331 installation are
applicable to the FT6 installation.

8. Troubleshooting
«L«TV*UF Basic troubleshooting procedures as have
been previously discussed, are applicable to the
i n * CONTROL Hartzell reversing system. If the proper propeller
111(1 response does not occur, check the system for
H IlW JM T l
SEDUCTION qEm aox <2 > proper rigging before investigating individual
(M l S U P P L Y units unless the defect Is obvious.

In Beta Mode operation, the interconnection

should be checked between the power lever, the
Ftgun 12-25, Feather position of the propeller governor.
cam mechanism, the fuel control unit, the Beta
To unfeather the propeller, the engine Is started. control valve on the propeller governor, and the
As It starts to rotate, the power turbine will rotate slip ring.
and the governor or Beta control valve will take the In the Alpha Mode, the propeller governor and
propeller to the selected blade angle or governor
linkage to It from the propeller control lever and
RPM setting. When the engine is restarted, the
the cam mechanism should be checked.
engine will be started before the propeller la rotat­
ing at the same proportional speed because of the If the system RPM ts too low, the fault may be
free turbine characteristic o f the engine, with the adjustment of the propeller overBpeed
governor or the power turbine governor. These
If the propeller RPM should exceed 100%, the components are not involved In the control linkage
propeller over speed governor will raise Its pilot rigging, but do not forget them. They may also be
valve and release oil from the propeller to increase a reason for overspeeding o f the system.
blade angle and prevent overapeeding of the pro­
peller The overspeed governor is automatic and is
not controllable In flight.
C. Hamilton-Standard Reversing
Hydromatlc® System
TTie power turbine governor prevents excessive
TTie Hamilton Standard reversing Hydramatic®
overspeeding of the propeller by reducing fuel flow
propeller system is used on many large transport
to the engine at approximately 105% RPM. This
aircraft such as the Lockheed Electra and the
governor is not controllable In Ulght and Is auto­
Martin 404. TTie system uses many of the princi­
matic in operation.
ples and components or the feathering Hydro-
matic® m >dels in its construction and operation.
6. Installation And Adjustment
The propeller Is Installed following the basic 1. Propeller
procedures for flanged-shaft Installations. H ie Tlie reversing Hydromatlc® propeller consists or
slip ring and carbon block arrangement must be a barrel assembly and a dome assembly that are
installed following the procedures in the aircraft basically the same as those used in the feathering
or engine service manual for the specific model Hydromatlc® propeller, except that the cams and
Involved, blades are designed for a greater blade angle range.
The feather and reverse low blade angles can be The stop rings on the base of the dome assembly
adjusted in the same manner as used for the are used to set the reverse and feather blade
TPE-331 installation. angles. The low blade angle for constant speed
operation is act by the low-pltch stop-Iever as­
The governors associated with this system are sembly which replaces the distributor valve in the
Installed following the procedures tn the engine center of the dome assembly. The governor per­
service manual. TTie governors are then adjusted forms the function of the distributor valve.

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112 fttvEuma
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wessons* AUmfEATH RMnrUGMT r n n T n ijL

IES1 JW tTC H 8S .-k. i _ l l L l I n If f \ 'T/P « - AUTO FEATK BOX

KiAf FtATHfcH'Mu


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„ lt t i_ . CDnrnoi lok» pit^m j s fb u o n rro n J t-stHvo p^sthh

------------------ -AifBfsHTo'jhfueat'Bquk Company, fct£ — — -------
Figure 12-26. Schematic o f a reversing HydromatkP pmpatler system. http./
(070) 726-5111
The low-pitch stop-lever assembly In the pro­ of tlie propeller piston toward a lower blade angle.
peller sets the ]ow blade angle for constant-epeed The stop levers in the assembly are retracted by oil
operation and is located In the center of the dome pressure during reversing* They allow the piston
assembly, where it restricts the forward movement to move to the reverse angle atop.


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11 B f llV t lK L T

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19. IN F L A T E D W1HE

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24 CONT ftOL 5 # lT E H ASS EM 11U

25. SHIM

26 M LT

27. C P U N T Y R W F IG H T fIN N t H |

rt. CntfNTtBrtflfih+T{OUT^fi

30 B U M AfSfeMBLY

31 BM FftL

Figure 12-27. Exploded view of a n vtra kig Hydmmatic® Instillation.

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Figure 12-30. DoubJe^actlrrg governor overapaed,
2. Governor
C \ : The governor for the reversing Hydromatlc® sys­
/ t.'J'J tem is similar to the feathering Hydromatlc® gover
nor. but contains several additional components
and a different style o f pilot valve. Most of the
I. IDOSTSRttMP I iw s o t f t spw in s
1 Miau PDfSSUWC flELIEF V«LVE S. F I y W IG H T reversing governors use electric heads rather than
mechanical heads.
<3. PILOT VALVE The governor Is termed a double-acting gover­
nor because the pilot valve w ill direct both
engine oil pressure and governor oil pressure to
Figure 12-28. Cutaway vhw o f a nvaratng
the appropriate side oC the propeller piston to
Hydromatid® governor with an electric head.
change blade angle as shown In Figures 12-30
and 12-31.

Figure 12-29. Double-acting governor onapoed.

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Flgun 12-3Z Blade switch arrangement on ths nvorslng HydromatltP propeller.

The high-pressure transfer valve used in the unreversing operations to override the action of
reversing governor, allows oil pressure to enter the flyweights and speeder spring and hydrau-
the governor from the auxiliary pump during Ucally position the pilot valve as necessary for
feathering, unfeathering, reversing, and un- the desired operation. The selector valve is also
reversing operations and combines this auxiliary used to position the blocking valve during the
oil pressure with the pressure from the governor reversing and unfeathering operations (Bee
oil pump during reversing and unfeathering op­ Figure 12 37).
erations to change the blade angles, The gov­
The governor contains a pressure cut-out
ernor control mechanism which Is used to direct
switch which operates the same way that the
oil flow during these operations, la not cut out of
switch does on a feathering Hydromatlc® pro­
the system as in the feathering Hydromatlc®
peller. H ie switch Is used to terminate the fea­
thering operation and to stop the auxiliary pump
A blocking valve Is used to block the governor when reversing the propeller.
oil pressure relief valve out of the system during
reversing and unfeathering operations, thereby 3. System Components
allowing the governor oil pump to generate high
Components, external to the governor and
oil pressures. This valve is positioned by the
propeller mechanism, are necessary for proper
auxiliary oil pressure and a solenoid operated
aelector valve. A spring retracts the blocking
valve when oil pressure is released by the se­ An auxiliary oil pump Is used far all operations
lector valve when reversing and unfeathering are other than constant-speed operation and is the
terminated. same as that used In the feathering Hydromatlc®
An electric solenoid operated selector valve Is
used to direct auxiliary oil pressure to the Blade switches and cam lings on the shank of
positioning land on the top o f the pilot valve two o f the propeller blades are used to terminate
during feathering, unfeathering, reversing, and the unfeathering and unreversing operations.

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the cockpit control for each propeller fs a spring-
loaded to center-off toggle switch. The switch is
pushed forward to Increase the governor RPM
M M IM U M JW G K 'IH M U M Betting and moved rearward to decrease RPM,
When the speeder rack In the governor electric
head has reached full travel, an Indicator light will
appear next to the toggle switch.
TBGGl* SWITCHES The throttles are used to place the propellers
EDI THE U S IE in reverse and to unreverse them. If the throttles
COWTflDl SYSTEM are moved aft of the idle position, the propellers
will go to full reverse angle. If they are then
returned to the Idle position, the propellers will
Figure 12-33, Toggle awttchaa *ra uaed to control the
electric head governors from the cockph Lights A landing gear m lc ro B w ltc h , called a squat
are used to Indlca to full movement of the governor switch. Is used to prevent the propellers from
speeder rack. being reversed before the aircraft weight Is on the
landing gear. This prevents reversing In flight.
These cam rings are adjustable around the blade
shank. The microswitches which are operated by Several electrical relays are used to control the
the cam rings, transmit their electrical signal propeller feathering and reversing operations.
through a slip ring unit mounted on the rear of Their use will be illustrated during the discus­
the propeller barrel,Thia rotating slip ring trans­ sion of system operation.
fers the electrical signal to the propeller control
system through a brush block unit mounted on 4, System Operation
the engine nose ease just behind the propeller. The constant-speed operation o f the reversing
Hydromatlc® propeller system Is the same aa for
A feathering button is used to feather and
other constant-speed systems except that a
unfeather the propeller. Decause different elec­
double acting governor is used and the position of
trical circuits are used during feathering and
the fbted force (engine oil pressure) is controlled
unfeathering, the button is pushed to feather
and shifted by the pilot valve.
and pulled to unfeather the propeller.
To feather the propeller, the feather button is
The cockpit propeller control lever Is used to set pushed. This completes the drcuit to the auxiliary
the propeller governor mechanical head for con­ pump and the circuit to the feather button holding
stant-speed operation. If an electric head Is used. coll through the governor pressure cutout switch.
The auxiliary pump pressurizes the oil from the oil
supply tank and the oil flows to the governor and
runt* shifts the high pressure transfer valve. The ball
WEIGHT IS check valve Is seated by this pressure’s being
m O T T L t _ J ° LC
OFF LAWfl- greater than that from the governor oil pump. The
FDRWARb ]J ’ 'VERSE , high oil pressure moves through the selector valve
-' to the positioning land on the top o f the pilot valve
T H U d irif FROM
i -um«Av -rjf
WTO nEVFfl S f
4_ _f
A * "JF ' "
n and forces the pilot valve up Into an artificial
overspeed condition. This directs the auxiliary oil
CD * H U S S IO N - * i
miw ■ w ,1 pressure to the outboard side of the piston and
i f MEN THE SOLENOID opens the engine oil pressure to the inboard side
/ 'v ^ ' lf I V S' ...
IS £NERGI2fcD f T R J U *
;‘/WV5LL0CK'-,:WnERV- jrrr of the piston.
THC B t t E U O C K H * L f
.f 4*1%
INTQl]flOlUOF«EV£flS£^ *
i r j
A l ; t O W KW rfE*
s l ' * HEA GIttQ

**D E .
<n :
As the piston moves Inboard, the blade angle
^ « • — WEIJMTtS Increases until the stop ring on the base of the
WAT INS GEAR dome assembly contacts the atop lug on the sta­
tionary cam and the blades stop moving. The
blades are then In feather ;and the oil pressure
Figure 12-34 Landing gear mhroawltch operation In from the auxiliary pump Increases rapidly until
the reversing system. the pressure cut-out switch opens and releases

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P F U JT F U S N E 5

TO W J& W H IC H P li 5 H E S

A g im w r


T h f sa v E flN D B o il turnr* o u tp u ta d o s t o

Figure 12-35. A representation o f the governor operation during feathering o f the reversing Hydromatlc1 propeller.

the feather button, terminating the feathering If the feather button is not released, the blade
operation. The engine is no longer rotating, all mlcroswltch and blade cam ring will break the
pressure drops to zero, and the blades are held in electric circuit to the holding coil on the relay
feather by aerodynamic forces (Figure 12-35). between the fealher button and the auxiliary
pump. This mlcroswltch terminates the un­
To unfeather the propeller, the feathering but­
feathering operation at five to seven degrees
ton is pulled out. This energises an electric relay before the piston reaches the low blade angle
whose holding coll Is grounded through a pro­
stop. This occurs if the feather button ts not
peller blade switch. The relay completes the cir­ released by the crewmember when the engine
cuit to the auxiliary oil pump and energizes the starts to windmill.
selector valve solenoid. The auxiliary oil pressure
enters the governor, moving the high-pressure To reverse the propellers, the aircraft must be
transfer valve. Oil pressure then Sows to the on the ground with the aircraft weight on the
selector valve which is raised. It then [lows to the landing gear, allowing the squat switch to close.
top o f the positioning land on the pilot valve, This removes a lock on the throttles and allows
forcing lhe pilot vahre down into an artificial un- them to be moved rearward Into the reverse
d«*rspeed condition. This directs oil pressure from range. When the throttle is moved rearward, an
the auxiliary pump to the inboard side of the electric circuit is completed to the solenoid selec­
piston and moves the piston outboard, causing tor valve and the auxiliary pump. The auxiliary
the blade angle to decrease and the propeller will pump circuit is completed through contacts on
start to windmill. The engine is restarted once the the pressure cut-out switch. The auxiliary oil
feather button is released (Figure 12-36]. pressure positions the governor components in

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THE DLi*i&tS o u r o F m t



Ftgur* 12-36. A representation of the governor operation during unfeatherlng of the reversing HydromatkP propeller.

the same position as for unfeatherlng the pro­ (The blocking valve and selector valve are still In
peller. (Reversing and unfeatherlng operations position and the high pressure la maintained by
both decrease the blade angle (Figure 12-37)1. the governor high pressure relief valve).

Note that the blocking valve Is inserted to As the throttle position Is varied in the reverse
prevent the governor oil pressure relief valve range, the engine RPM changes to vary the
from relieving and the governor oil pressure amount o f reverse thrust generated. fThe farther
pump will work with the auxiliary pump to help aft the throttle Is moved the higher the reverse
reverse the propeller. RPM.) In reverse the blade angle does not \ary,
but stays at the reverse angle limit.
The oil pressure moves the propeller piston
forward to a lower blade angle. Oil pressure is also To unreverse the propeller, move the throttle
directed to the servo piston In the low pitch stop- forward to the idle position. This restarts the
lever assembly, moving the wedge forward and auxiliary pump through the pressure cut-out
allowing the stop levers to be retracted (Figure switch and a blade mfcroswltch. Auxiliary oil
12-38). The piston then moves forward over the pressure enters the governor and raises the pilot
stop lever assembly to the reverse angle. When the valve through the selector valve positioning land
stop ring contacts the stop lug on the stationary action. The governor is in the same configuration
cam, the piston stops moving and the blades are as for feathering the propeller. (Both operations
in the reverse angle. The auxiliary pump Is shut increase the blade angle.) Oil pressure moved
off by the action of the pressure cutout switch and the piston inboard and the stop levers are re­
the propeller is held In reverse by the high pres­ inserted as the low blade angle stops as the
sure being generated by the governor oil pump. piston moves inboard of the levers. When the

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pnESSbnr nuT-
mm rwrpnuiirs reTHr

tp t^ e b lo c k ;n g vun

F lg u r a 1 2 -3 7 . A rnprBSGntelton of the governor operation during reversing of the HydromaU<P' propeller.

blades rotate to an angle a few degrees greater low blade angle, or out to decrease the low blade
Ulan the law blade angle setting, the mlcroswltch angle. The assembly Is safeUed and the dome cap
and ram on the blade terminate the unreversing Is Installed and safetled.
operation and the system returns to constant-
speed opt*,ration (see Figures 12-39 and 12-40). The governor Is installed and adjusted Following
the procedures covered for other ILimllion Stand­
5. Installation And Adjustments ard governors. Connect and safety all of the can­
non plugs required for lhe Installation.
The propeller barrel assembly and dome as
scmbly are Installed following the same procedure Propeller controls and equipment are Installed
as for the feathering Hydromatlc® propeller. At this following the procedure In the maintenance man­
time, the reverse and feather blade angles should ual for the particular aircraft model.
be checked.

Th^ low pitch Btop-lever assembly Is then In­

6. Inspection, Maintenance And Repair
stalled through the front of the dome. The blades InspecUon. maintenance, and repair of the
should be at some high blade angle during this reversing Hydromatlc® propeller Is basically the
Installation to prevent Interference with the stop same as for the feathering Hydromatlc® system.
lever assembly. The assembly Is screwed Into the
dome to a predetermined depth, for the particular
7. Troubleshooting
aircraft, to set the low blade assembly. Check the
low blade angle by rotating the blades until the For constant-speed and feathering trouble­
piston contacts the stop levers. Measure this angle shooting, refer to the section on feathering
and turn the atop lever assembly In to increase the Hydromatlc® propellers.

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If the propeller will not unfeather, one of the
following may be the problem: the selector valve
LOW P lld t
It W P T C H S T M l*
*LITCTLIJUIY O il may not operate: the blade switch maybe open; the
X1M MAI. POSITION pm 5 sl; he pu sh es
pnsninn -
blade cam may be positioned incorrectly: the un­
featherlng contacts on thy feather button may be
defective; the slip ring or brush block behind the
propeller may not be transmitting the electrical
signal; the unfeatherlng relay may be defective.The
correction for these defects Involves replacement or
THI5YM V fB P fH S C H ll
adjustment of the defective component. The defect
AUXILIARY OfLPUIWPPFIFSSUflE may also be the wiring associated with the com­
ponents rather than the components themselves.
WFDGE NtmMAIUfKEEPITHE If the propeller will not reverse, one of the follow­
ing may be the problem: the squat switch may be
PUSHED M *A r. AND 1Hf STOPS open or Improperly adjusted; the solenoid selector
AHDOUT valve may be defective; the low pitch stop-1ever
M U S UUP OF THE PISTON assembly may not be retracting the wedge from
behind the stop-levers; the pressure rut-out swit ch
PFtESS-JfiEEFIOMTBEAlXIUAIIlf may be open: the throttle contact may be open. The
defect should be corrected as appropriat
THE HKJH 'BtSSUHt Dll IS irthe propeller will not unreverse, the defect may
be; a defective relay; defective blade microswitch;
pirn* incorrectly positioned blade cam; slip ring or
brush block difficulty; incorrect setting of the stop-
lever assembly where the blade switch opens be­
f o r e 12-3B. Operation o f the atop-lever assembly fore the piston moves Inboard past the stop levers.
during reversing of the HydromatkP propeller. Correct the defect as appropriate.

Figure 12-39. A representation of the governor operation during unreversing of the HydromatkP propeller.

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5. What force (s) is/are used to increase propeller
blade angle with a Hartzell Steel Hub reversing

THfcPMPlSHr.OlN 6. FortheTPE-331 installation, which engine ac­

O lL P R E S S L jh E A C T N G
cessories are used to control system RPM?
AGA1NS* T H t S n S IO N — ,
7. For the TPE-331 installation, which engine ac­
ACTION15STARTERTHE cessories are used to control propeller blade
TWRDU3H T H t l O l l - ____ 8. What does Beta Mode o f operation indicate?
i n m e s i g n f oh t h e 9. What does the feathering uaEue do when it is
t c m i D f o f t h is v a l v e .
moved tn the TPE-331 installation?
ID THE IE A T E D POSITION 10, What does the condition lever adjust fo r the
TPE 331 installation tn the Beta Mode? In the
Alpha Mode?
M O m THE WE M E AND J J. Does the TPE-331propeller or the PT6 propeller
“MIS WEDGE PRESSES normally shutdown tn the feather position?
STOfimRSWHICHARE 12. In which component o f the PT6 reversing sys­
M A L FO & m D H S THE MO- tem is the Beta control valve located?
CONSTANT 5 PEED R A N K _ / ______ ; 13. What governor component in the PTB system ts
O f O R f R A IM M used to feather the propeller in flight?
m n r aa c t w «
t ne c o n s u n i s p ie d m e
i 4. What does the power lever control tn the PT6
Wirn THE LOW PITCH 17DP l E « K IN K K t .
system during Beta Mode operation?
15, What dnes the power turbine governor control
tn the PTG Installation?
Figure 12-40. Operstton o f the stop-lever assembly
during unreveralng o f the HydromatkP propeller. 16, What is the purpose o f the low pitch stop-lever
assem bly in the reversing /iydromaftc®
Q U E S T IO N S : system?
J. What are some advantages of using reversing i 7. What angles are set by the stop rings in the
propellers? reversing Hydromatlc^ propeller?
2 . Whal Is the ma in disadvantage o f using revers­ 18. Whichsystem pump ts used to keep the revers­
ing propellers on reciprocating engine powered ing Hydmmattc® propeller tn reverse?
19. What is the purpose o f the squat switch in the
J, Which cockpit control is used to contrd the reversing Hydroaiatfc* propeller?
reversing operation?
20. As fa r as the governor is concerned tn the
4. Normally, what condition must exist before the reversing Hydromatlc9 system, reversing is the
propellers can be reversed? same as?

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Chapter XIII
Propeller Auxiliary Systems
Propeller auxiliary systems Include systems workload of the flight crew. One or more of the
which Increase the efficiency of propeller operation systems discussed In this chapter may be found
and provide automatic operation of governor and on almost any aircraft from light slngle-englne
feathering mechanisms to reduce the fatigue and airplanes to large transports.

A. Ice Elimination Systems

Propeller Ice elimination systems are used to
prevent or remove Ice formation on propeller
blades during night. If Ice la allowed to remain nn
the blades, the efficiency of the airfoil Is reduced,
the propeller becomes heavier, and develops an
out-of-balance condition. These conditions can
generate vibrations and cause damage to the en­
gine and the airframe.

Two types of ice elimination are used antJ-

ic in g and de-icing.

1. Anti-Icing
Anti-icing refers to any system which prevents
Ihe formation of Ice on the propeller. The most
commonly used type of anti icing system employs
Figure 13-1. Ice accumulation on a propeller. a fluid which mixes with the moisture on the


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mors cohtoi piwsm PLIGHT E M IN EE R '5 ST A N S*

Figure 13-2. Propeller controls mounted on the pilot's control pedestal and flight engineer’s station on a
Lockheed Constellation.

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propeller blades and allows the mixture to flow off
of the blades before the moisture can create an ice
build-up on the blades. This system la Ineffective
□nee the ice has formed, so the system must be In
operation whenever the aircraft 1b operating In
suspectcd Icing conditions.

Anti icing systems are used on aircraft as small

as a Cessna 310 and as large as a Douglas DC-6 .

a. System Components
The fluid used In the anti-icing system must
readily combine with water and have a very low
Freezing point so that the mixture of fluid and
water will not freeze during Right. The moat com­
monly used fluid is lsopropyl alcohol because of
its lew cost and availability, A primary disad­
vantage is the flammabillty of the fluid, Another
fluid of phosphate compounds Is used in some
systems, but It Is not as widely used due to Its high
cost, even though it is less flammable than alcohol.

A fluid tank used with the system is usually developed by the pump is no more than about ten
located in the fuselage and may or may not be pst as there is very little resistance to lluid flow
accessible in flight, depending on aircraft design. other than a check valve which opens at three to
The tank is vented to the atmosphere and contains live psi. The pump speed is controlled from the
a quantity indicator. The Indicator may be a direct cockpit by a rheostat and can be varied from less
reading or a remote Indicating type, as necessary than a quart per hour to more than a gallon per
so that the quantity Is Indicated in the cockpit. The hour of fluid flow. Usually one pump will supply
lank la positioned so that It will gravity feed to the no more than two engines on an aircraft.
fluid pump(s). The sl2e o f the tank depends on the
aircraft. It may have a capacity of a few quarts to A check valve located between the fluid pump
several gallons. and the sltn ger rtng feed tube ts used to prevent
siphoning of fluid In flight when the system is not
A fluid filter is placed in the line between the operating and to reduce evaporation of fluid from
tank and the fluid pump to prevent contaminants the system.
from entering the system from the tank.
A slinger ring feed tube mounted on the engine
A fluid pump is used to move the fluid from the nose case directs the fluid flow into the slinger ring
tank to (he propeller feed lines. The pressure which is rotating with the propeller.

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The sllnger ring mounted on the rear of the corrosion, and a new shoe installed following the
propeller hub holds fluid In Its curved channel by manufacturer's instructions.
centrifugal force. The fluid flows out to the blades
through the blade feed tubes, which are outlets The system can be checked foe proper operation
welded onto the blade sllnger ring. on the ground by first connecting a hose to the
feeder tube on the engine noae case and placing it
Rubber feed shoes (anti-icing boob) which are In a calibrated container. Determine the rate of flow
attached to the leading edge o f the propeller blades that should occur and determine the amount of
by an adhesive are optional Items and are not used fluid that should be pumped through the system
on all systems. The shoes direct the fluid flowing during some small time Interval, such as five min­
along the leading edge of the blades as it comes utes. As an example: if the system should supply
out of the feed tubeB and provide an even distribu­ three gallons of fluid in one hour, In five minutes
tion of the fluid. The shoes often do not extend the system should put out one quart of fluid. If the
beyond one-third o f the blade length, amount or fluid pumped ta substantially less than
that desired, the system should be checked for
b. System Operation
defective components (see the troubleshooting sec­
When the system rheostat is turned on, the fluid tion). The amount of fluid pumped may be slightly
pump operates at the rate set on the rheostat by less than the amount calculated as the pump Is
the p ilo t. Fluid is drawn from the tank, through operating from battery voltage which may be 10%
the filter, a n d is forced out to the sllnger fee d tu b e . less than generator voltage.
Fluid flows from the stationary feed tube to the
rotating sllnger ring on the rear o f the propeller d. Trouble •hooting
where it flows through blade feed tu beB to the
Troubleshooting o f the fluid anti-icing system is
leading edge of the blades at the shank. The fluid
fairly straightforward, If the system does not pro­
flows out o f the tube onto the blade surface or boot
duce any fluid at the blades, any component of the
and moves along the length of the blade leading
system may be the defective unit. The best way to
edge by centrifugal force. The fluid combines with
check the system Is to determine if fluid is being
the moisture and the mixture flows off the blades
delivered by the pump. Loosen a fitting at the pump
as a liquid.
outlet and note if fluid comes out around the loose
c. In&peation, Maintenance And Repair fitting when the system is turned on. If it does, the
The fluid level in the tank should be checked and dcfecUve component is downstream or the pump
and if not, the defective component Is upstream of
serviced before each flight during which the sys­
the fitting used to check for fluid flow. Investigate
tem may be used. Due to the nature of alcohol, the
further to locate the defective component.
fluid level may be decreased by evaporation over
the period oF a few days if the conditions are right irthe fluid is not being delivered to one propeller,
(high temperature, high altitude, etc.).The system
one o f the following may be the problem: a line may
should be serviced with the recommended fluid.
be blocked; the check valve may be stuck closed.
The Alter should be cleaned at every 100 -hour
If one blade does not anU-Ice. the problem is a
Inspection and annual inspection and as neces­
blocked line between the slinger ring and the blade
sary to assure proper operation.
feed tube outlet.
All lines should be checked for condition, secur­
ity, and obstructions, especially for lines clogged If the system fluid supply decreases in flight
by insects. when the system Is not being used, check the
system for leaks and check to be sure that the
The fluid Teed shoes should be Inspected for check valves are closed. Correct the leaks as ap­
deterioration o f the shoe material, damage to the propriate and repair or replace the check valve.
shoes from sand, stones, etc,, and for separation
of the shoe from the blade. Inspect the area If the system works properly when it is first
around the shoes for any indication of corrosion turned on, but the flow rate generally decreases
which may extend under the shoe. If corrosion and then stops and the fluid supply Is sufficient
is Found, the shoe should be removed following and the pump is operating, the tank vent may be
the aircraft manufacturer’s instruction, the area blocked. It will allow a vacuum to build up in the
o f corrosion treated by the mechanic or an over­ tank as fluid is being used until the fluid will no
haul facility, as appropriate to the extent o f longer gravity flow to the pump, and flow stops,

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BflEAKEf 10)1LiMlTEA
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peirtawuY^; j.
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H r; ■ to o t h e s T o tfflE tii "s jj
PANEL \ ' > :! i r ~ ” fjP * w n iE * s p* ir o f i :
■' \ i l i '; 1— : 1 BLADES i J
■| 1 .. i ; ■ l... •<; n.
W f- -H j '=\ INTERN*! Ofl Em itM AI
: / I.-* - L ..... _ J v heatin g elem en ts

fu sela g e/ / ’ t .m eh o a c t c l in s unit

Blls j L CDNt*0! SWITCH

tDHTTOl CIBEIHTMIAXER Figure 13-6. Brush block assembly used in the de­
icing system of a light twin.

Figure 13-5. Typical electrical de-icing system.

current drawn by the de-icing system. One load­
meter may be used for all engines on a multi-en­
2. De-Icing gine aircraft or a separate one maybe used for each
De-Icing refers to a system which allows ice to engine. The loadmeter may be calibrated In amps
form, and then removes the Ice from the propeller or In percent of rated current.
blades. De-icing systems use electrical heating
elements on the blades to melt the layer ofice next The system timer is turned on and oft by the
to the blade and centrifugal force throws the ice cockpit controls and is used to sequence the
off of the blade. The system heats the blades for a operation of the de icing system. A DC motor In
short period of time and then the current is turned the timer runs a sequencing mechanism which
off and ice again forms on the blades. Once the ice turns each propeller de-icing circuit on and o(T In
forms, the system again heals and melts the ac­ proper sequence and keeps the proper heating
cumulated ire. interval for each propeller. At any one instant,
only one propeller will be de-iced. The timer is
Electrical de Icing Is the preferred method ofice mounted In the aircraft fuselage and controls the
control for propellers due to the Infinite supply of de-icing operation through power relays located
dectrica] power during a flight. In the engine nacelles. Thus the length of high
This system may be used on aircraft ranging in current carrying wires Is kept to a minimum.
size from Cessna 210s to Lockheed Electras. Abrush block mounted on the engine nose case
a. System Component* just behind the propeller contains brushes which
are used to transfer electrical power from the
The pilot controls the operation of the de- icing power relays to the propeller slip ring. The slip
system from the cockpit through one or more ring mounted on the rear or the propeller contains
toggle switches. An on-oiT switch is included in all at least two contact bars which align with the
systems to supply power to the system for opera­ brushes in the brush block and accept the electri­
tion. The system will de-ice as long as the switch
cal power from Ihe brushes transferring it to the
is on.
blade boots. The slip ring Is trued for contact ring
Some systems incorporate a selector switch roundness and Is flat to provide even and con­
which can select one of two cycling speeds to tinuous contact during operation.
adjust for heavy or light icing conditions. Another
Rubber de-icing boots, containing the heating
control switch which m aybe used is a Full De-ice
elements, are attached to the blade leading edge
Mode toggle switch which is spring-loaded off and
with adhesives. Some boots contain two heating
must be held on to de-ice all of the propellers at
the same time. This switch can only be used for elements which reduce the amount of current
required during the de- Icing operation and allow a
short periods of time and is used if ice builds Up
on the propeller before the system 1b turned on. greater concentration of heat on the blades. The
two elements operate on the inboard and the
A loadmeter located in the cabin near the system outboard sections of the bouts and are heated in
control switches Is used to indicate the amount of sequence by the acUon of the timer.

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Figure 13-7. Os-icing prvpeilw Installation on * light twin.

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b. System Operation As the timer operates, an Indication Is given In
the cockpit by the action of the loadmeter. IT one
When the pilot turns on the cockpft switch, the
Umer starts to run, sequencing the de-lclng opera­ loadmeter is used, the meter will indicate a
tion. As the timer sequences, power is delivered current flow for the heating time (approximately
to each power relay In turn. The high current 30 seconds) and will then return to zero for
released by the power relay la directed to the blade about, one second (for the null period) hefore
boots through the brush block and slip ilng as­ returning to the current How reading. If a load­
sembly. Each propeller Is de-iced In turn by the meter is Used for each engine, only one meter will
operation of the timer. Indicate current flow at any one instant and
during the null period all meters will indicate
To prevent more than one propeller From de­ zero.
icing at any one time during normal operation, a
null period of about one second is set In the timer. The time for the heating sequence may vary for
During the null period no blades are being de-iced each model of aircraft, but is about 30 seconds for
and the loadmeter Indicates zero current flow. each propeller.



Figure 13-8. Electric da-tdng system on a fight turboprop.

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c. Inspection, Maintenance And Repair
i rs
Maintenance and inspection varies from system to
system and the proper procedure far checking the
rf ^ operation ol one system may damage or destroy the
components of another system. The most sensitive
— a ’' ■ . * * components In the system are the blade boots. While
V ’ . , J M USK BLOCK ? one system may allow unlimited operation on the
T l¥ £ f l
SWITCH l| ground during inspection, another system may only
allow two cycles of the system's heating sequence
■‘ Sa-T t TO POWER SOUBCI li f before it must be allowed to cool for 30 mlnutea or
more because of the heat generated by the blade
boots. For this reason, always consult thr aircraft
maintenance manual before performing any main­
•i n oe-tcf* tenance on the de-Icing system.

The system should be inspected visually for any

damage, wear, and for any dirt accumulation on
the brush block and slip ring assemblies. Replace
I : /
- P ^ l damaged and worn components and wires follow­
L ’ ~J ' ’t '' ’* a BUSHS LACK. '■" ing the aircraft manufacturer's procedures. Clean
f / . il s l ip s in ii K the slip ring and brush block assemblies with an
I | H M t* ,'sx-r
I1 J ■ .SW IT C H J jlj approved solvent and ensure proper brush contact
iM K t n f t " I * • * * * * » '. TO P D W E R S W JB C E f ' on the slip ring and sufficient brush length.
k ...... 11,
Electrical checks may be performed on the sys
t l E C n t l C K l O I A U A M S H O W IN G C Y C . E S E D U E H C E P H » 3 E 1 tem components, both for resistance and for
proper sequencing through voltage checks with
de-'Css. ;i = the boots disconnected.

An operational checkinaybe performed on some

;i r » systems with the engines not operating using the
following procedure. With an assistant in the uock-
11" ks r : - V "H pit to operate the controls and to time the
a#' msn row
* y- V- : •
1MV, ’ . ■J SLIP RINGS Pit sequence, turn on the aircraft master switch and
the de-icing switch. Use your hands to determine
which boot Is heating. Follow the sequence of boot
c> p o m soupct
heating with your hands and have an assistant
time the length of each sequence by observing the
loadmeter Indications. If all boots have a similar
heat rise and the time that each boot Is heated is
DE-ICER - in accordance with the service manual, the system
is operating properly. If a system malfunction Is
Ir noted, follow (he aircraft manufacturer’s instruc­
tions for troubleshooting the system. Note tliat
4-I when using battery power, the voltage applied to
r m
T i ' - Ii ^ X ya\ the timer Is slightly less than full operating voltage,
• vnuiniluw' . jfc
y consequently, the system may take up to 10 %
y r--
SUPffflWJ^ ,J;t longer to complete the de-icing cycle. Again, check
n w E« ^ ,v
■SWITCH the maintenance manual before performing this
4H METER ' s& ;*•to POWERSOURCE operational check.

De-icing system boots should be Inspected for

damage and electrical continuity. If necessary, the
boots maybe replaced by a mechanic following the
Figure 13-9. Cycling sequence of a light twin d»-lclng aircraft manufacturer's instructions. Check close­
system using boots with two elements. ly fo r corrosion as mentioned To t anti- icing shoes,

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d, Troubleshooting As this system requires the use o f electric gov­
When troubleshooting the system, remember ernor heads, It is most often used on transport
that the timer in the central component common aircraft,
to all propeller heating circuits. After the Umer, all a. System Components
propellers have separate circuits and do not in­
terfere with each other’s operation. Therefore, If The master control lever In the cockpit is used
the system does not function properly for any to adjust the RPM setting o f all the governors and
propeller, the problem is with the timer or Its to set all governors at their maximum RPM setting.
electrical source. The lever moves through an arc in the same way
that cable controls move and indicates the ap­
If one propeller does not de-ice. the problem proximate RPM setting by lls poBiUon In the arc of
may be with the timer contact, the wires between travel.
the timer and the power relay, the brush block or
brushes, or the slip ring. H ie boots are not likely A rotary contact is connected to the master
to be a problem If no boot will heat. The problem control lever through a cahle and moves when the
is with a component that is common to all of the master control lever fs moved. The contact com­
boots. pletes an electrical path to a DC motor through a
follow-up arm and causes the motor to drive the
If one blade does not de-ice, the problem Is either governor control boxes and change the setting of
in the boot, the wires on the propeller, or the the governor head.
terminal on the propeller.
The reversible DC motor in the system is used
to drive the governor commutator switches In the
B. Simultaneous Propeller governor control boxes to reset the governor heads
Control Systems to a higher or lower RPM, depending on the direc­
A sim ultaneous propeller control system tion in which the control lever is moved. When the
provides a means by which the RPM setting of all DC motor rotates an amount proportional to the
engines can be changed by one control and/or a signal from the rotary contact, the follow-up arm
means of setting all engines at the same RPM, moves off the rotary contact and the motor stops.
b. System Operation
1. Master Control System
A mat.ter control system allows the pilot to The master control system Is operational when­
change the RPM o f all engines an equal amount ever the aircraft master control switch is turned on,
by the use of one lever, called the master control When the master control lever Is moved forward,
lever. The system also has the capability of set­ all engines will Increase thdr RPM by the same
ting all governors to their maximum RPM setting. amount, 'fills Is done by the rotary contact being
moved by movement of the master control lever
and directing electrical power to the DC motor,
A < r rp *
a ris H to mo
fo llo w up

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Figure 13-11* Governor response to movement o( the

Figure 13-10. Hamilton-Standard master control system. master control lever,:

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rotating It iri the proper direction. As the motor control cables. The rotary contacts should be
runs, the governors are reset to a higher RPM and Inspected for arcing, pitting, and dirt, with the
lhe follow-up arm rotates until the arm runs off proper corrective maintenance. The DC motor
the contact area on the rotary contact. This gives should be Inspected and maintained according to
q proportional response to the RPM Increase, A standard electrical practices,
large movement of the control lever will cause a
large change In RPM before the follow-up arm runs d. Troubleshooting
off Ihe contact area and a small control movement If the system doea not respond to movement of
will cause a small change In RPM. the control lever, one of the following may be the
When the master control lever is moved aft, all cause: no electrical power to the master control
governors will be reyet for a lower RPM proportion­ system; the control cable may be loose or broken;
al to the control lever movement. the rotary contact may be defective; the DC motor
may not be operating.
It is Important to understand lhat all governors
will change approximately the same RPM, but If the master control lever causes an Increase tn
slight differences will always exist and the system RPM, but not a decrease, the decrease side of lhe
will rarely be In synchronization by use of the follow-up arm may have an open circuit. If the RPM
master control system. con be decreased, but not increased, the other
contact on the follow-up arm may be open.
The master control system has the capability of
setting all of the governors at their maximum RPM
setting by moving the master control lever full 2. Synchronization System
forward. This will cause all ol the governors to drive The propeller syn ch ron ization system is used
to their high RPM stop. This capability permits the to set all governors at exactly the same RPM,
pilot to set all engines easily at approximately the thereby eliminating excess noise and vibration. A
same RPM and eliminates the need to adjust the synchronization system m aybe used with gover­
RPM of engines by use of the Individual toggle nors having mechanical or electrical heads
switches. This is known as calibrating the system. Aircraft as small as the Cessna 310 may use a
A t any time the pilot has individual control of synchronization system.
the propeller governors through Lhe toggle
The synchronization system Is normally used
for all flight operations except takeoff and land­
c. Inspection, Maintenance And Repaiz ing. A master engine Is used to establish lhe RPM
to which all other engines (slave engines) will
Maintenance o f the master control system In­
volves Inspection, rigging, and cleaning o f the
system components.
The cable connecting the master control lever TO BSU m
should be adjusted, lubricated, cleaned, and SWITCH , M ’ T E*Y STEPMOTBIt

Inspected in the same manner a9 for aircraft 5TEPM0T0R


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Figure 13-1Z Calibrating the propellers with the Figure 13-13. Diagram of the Hamllton-Stanaard
master control lever. synchronization system.

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Figure 13-14. Woodward synchronization system for
a tight twin. Figure 13-15. The master engine arrangement o f a
transport aircraft.
a. System Components

A ta ch om eter-gen era tor o t a. fre q u e n cy gen­ operation and allow the slave governor synchro­
e ra to r used with each engine of a synchroni­ nization drive mechanisms to center, providing for
zation system generates a signal proportional to full travel {100 RPM) toward the master engine
the RPM o f the engine. H ie tach-generator is RPM. This control is used If one or more slave
mounted on the rear accessory case o f an engine. engines are more than 100 RPM different from the
A frequency generator may be Included in the master engine without the need to operate In­
governor construction. dividual toggle switches,

A com parison u n it Is used to compare the b. System Operation

RPM signal o f the slave engines to the RPM signal
The synchronization system Is used for all
o f the master engine. I f a tach-generator Is used,
phases o f flight except takeoff and landing. If the
the signal voltage Is directed to a differential
syBtem were used for takeoff or landing, failure of
motor to compare the master engine RPM and
the master engine would result in all the engines
the slave engine RPM. The engine which
trying to follow the master engine and would
generates the higher voltage will determine the
cause a total syBtem loss of power as the RPM of
direction that the differential motor will rotate
all engines decreased 100 RPM.
and adjust the governor setting of the slave
engine. If a frequency generator is used, the During normal operation, the slave engines are
engine signals are sent to an electronic unit near the master engine RPM when the synchro­
which compares the frequencies and sends a nization system is turned on. The signal com­
correcting signal to the slave engine governor parison of the master engine and the slave engine
control mechanism. signals through the comparison unit causes the
The comparison unit has a limited range of slave engines' governors to adjust to the same RPM
operation and the slave engines must be within as the master engine.
about 100 RPM of the master engine RPM for
If a master control system is incorporated with
synchronization to occur,
the synchronization syBtem, the master control
A four-engine aircraft synchronization system can be used at any time to adjust the RPM of all
may Include a master engine selector switch engines. As the master control lever Is moved, the
which allows the pilot to select the master engine synchronization system Is Interrupted and the
to be used (normally engine #2 or #3). This engines may go out of synchronization for a few
provides an alternate master engine if the engine seconds. When the lever stops moving, the system
being used as the master should become in­ returns to synchronization.
operative. A twin-englne aircraft uses the left
engine as the master engine, The resynchronlzatlon button is used to re­
center the synchronization system bo that all en­
A resynchronizatlan button is used In some gines can drtve toward the master engine through
systems to Interrupt the synchronization system their full range of travel (100 RPM),

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Ffoum 13- 16. installation o f a synchronization system In a light twin.

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c. Inspection, Maintenance And Repair Synchrophasing is uspd to further reduce the
noise created by the engines. The synchrophase
Maintenance of synchronization system invol­
angle can be varied by the pilot to adjust for
ves assuring that the system Is clean, lubricated,
different flight conditions and still achieve a min­
and electrically sound.
imum noise level,
An operational check should be performed In a
A synchrophasing system may be used on air­
manner similar to lhe following: with the engines
craft as small as the Cessna 337.
operating at a mid-range RPM, turn the synchroni­
zation system on and observe that the engine syn­
a. System Components
chronize. Reduce lhe RPM of the master engine with
the master engine's cockpit control and note that the A pulse gen erator is keyed to the same blade
slave engines follow the master engine for about 100 of each propeller [#I blade for example) and the
RPM. Resynchronlze the system and reduce the RPM signal generated Is used to determine If ail #1
of each slave engine In small Increments noting that blades are in the same relative position at the same
the slave engine stays at the master engine RPM (or Instant, The pulse generator serves the same func­
returns to the master engine RTM when the toggle tion as the tach-generator in the synchronisation
switch Is released) for a control movement equal to system. By comparing when the signals from the
about 100 RPM. Outside of the 100 RPM range, the slave pulse generators occur in relation to the
system should go out of synchronization. master engine pulse, the mechanism will synchro­
nize the phase relationship of the slaves to the
If a ^synchronization button is In the system,
master engfne.
tun i llie system off and set the slave engines about
200 RPM different from the master engine RPM. The synchrophaser electronic unit receives the
Turn on the system and note that the slaves move signals from the pulse generators, compares them
toward the master RPM. Push the ^synchroniza­ to the master engine signal, and sends a correcting
tion button and the slave engines should move signal to the governors. Tills adjusts the control of
closer to the master engine RPM. Each time the the slave engines to establish the phase angle
button is pushed, the slaves should move 100 RPM selected by the pilot.
toward Lhe master engine RPM until all engines
are In synchronization. A propeller manual phase control in the cockpit
allows the pilot to Belect the phase angle which will
d. Troubleshooting
For troubles hooting o f a system, refer to the
service manual for the particular system and 1,DMIITAID?I SWITCHJO flED M C K
Installation. ElCCTWCH&AO HHENraME'TiK
S T M 5 TH E

3. Synchrophasing System R t t r R lC HEAri

Synchrophasing is a refinement of synchro­
nization which allows the pilot to set the bladeB
of the slave engines a number of degrees In ro­
tation behind the blades of the master engine,

ph a se sm tw c
grNfen*;oK r e p la c e s

Figure 13-17. Synchrophasing sets the propellers of

the aircraft at different angles and keeps them at Figure 13-18. A comparison otthe Hamlllan-Standani
the same RPM. aynchronbathn aystem and synchrophastig system.

134 Aircraft Technical Book Company, LLC

C. Automatic Feathering System
An automatic feathering system is used on some
transport category aircraft to feather a propeller
automatically if the engine fells. The system Is
normally armed for takeoff and landing, but i 9
turned o ff during cruising filght.

1. System components
(Please refer to Figure 13-21 for the Joil owing

The system master switch Is located on the pilot

or flight engineer's console and is covered by a red
twin. guard. When the switch Is turned on, a green
Indicator light appears to indicate that the system
give the minimum vibration. The control Is a dial is armed.
located with the propeller controls,
A throttle switch is used to arm the circuit
b. System Operation further by closing a mlcroswltch when the throttle
is advanced to a position of 45 to 75 percent of full
When the engines are operating at nearly the
throttle movement, depending on the aircraft. The
same RPM, the system Is turned on and the slaves
clmJlt is open when the throttles are below this
will synchronize with the master engine. The elec­
setting and the syBtem will not autofeather.
tronic unit will adjust the governors to set the
propellers at the phase angle set on the pilot’s A torque pressure switch Is used to sense the
control dial. The pilot can vaiy the phase angle by power output o f the engine and will close a
rotating the control dial. This will cause the elec­ contact whenerer engine power drops below a
tronic unit to readjust the governors, setting the specific power output The amount o f torque
new phase angle. pressure loss required for the system to operate
will vaiy with different aircraft due to engine size
e. Inspection. Maintenance And Repair
and Elire raft design.
Please refer to the section on synchronising Fur
A time delay unit Is used In the circuit to prevent
autofeathering if only a momentary interruption In
d. Troubleshooting power occurs. The power loss must cxcecd one to
two seconds for the system to autofeather. (This
For troubleshooting of a system, refer to the value varies with aircraft designs,)
manual for the particular Installation.
A feather button is the unit ultimately activated
by the system when an engine fails, A holding coll
In the button is used to pull the feather button In

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F ig u n 13-20. Governor wtth a mechanical head used Figun 13-21. Automatic feathering system diagram
with 9 light aircraft aynchrophaaing system. fora transport aircraft.

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and initiates the feathering operation In the same [f a complete system check Is desired arid Is not
manner as If the pilot had pushed the button. prohibited by the engine manufacturer, the same
When the button Is actuated by the auto feather procedure is followed as above, but the test switch
systems, a red light In the feather button Illu­ is not used and the throtde Is advanced far enough
minates to Identify the feathered engine to the to close the throttle switch. The mixture control
pilot. The button can also be operated In a normal can be pulled back to cause a loss in power and
manner by the pilot at any time, the propeller should auto feather.

A blocking relay la tn the system to prevent more System components should be inspected and
than one engine from autofeathering. This com­ maintained in accordance with the aircraft service
ponent may be located between the master switch manual. Units can be removed and replaced as
and the throttle switch or may be Incorporated In necessary to correct system operation,
the feather button circuit. If one engine auto­
feathers, some systems can be reset to rearm the 4. Troubleshooting
auto feather system In case another engine should
If the system indicator light does not illuminate
fail. The pilot can feather any engine, at any time, when the system is armed, the bulb may be burned
by pushing the button regardless of whether or not out, the system master switch may be open, or
a propeller has been auto feathered. electrical power may not be getting to the system.
A test switch Is used to bypass the blocking relay If the system operates properly during a ground
and throttle switch so that the system operation test, but will not autofeather In flight, the throttle
can be checked on the ground without developing switch or blocking relay may be open or Incorrect­
high power settings, ly adjusted.

2. System Operation If the system will not operate during a test or in

flight, but the armed light is illuminated, the prob­
Before takeoff and landing, the system Is armed
lem is most likely the torque pressure switch, the
by turning on the system master switch. As power
time delay unit, the feathering button holding coll,
is advanced for takeoff or during a missed landing
or the feathering system.
approach, the throttle switch closes and the torque
pressure switch Is armed, but the torque pressure
switch contacts are open. If a loss of engine power D. Pitch Lock
occurs, the torque pressure switch closes and, after A pitch lock mechanism Is used on some large
the prescribed time interval, the time delay unit transport aircraft to prevent an excessive engine
completes the circuit energizing the holding roll on overspeed if the governor should fail, preventing
the feather button.The button is pulled In initiating the blades decreasing tlielr angle by centrifugal
the feathering operation. At the same time, the twisting moment. The pitch lock components are
blocking relay is actuated to break the circuit for mounted in the dome assembly and low pitch
the autofeather system on the other engines. stop-lever assembly In the Hamilton Standard
reversing Hydromaiic® propellers. H ie Hamilton-
3. Inspection, Maintenance And Repair Standard system is used for purposes of this dis­
An operational check of the system is the best cussion. Other systems work In a similar manner.
way to check the system for operation and defects.
Start the engines and artn the system with the
1. System Components
autofeather system master switch. Advance the A flyweight operated valve Is located on the for­
throttles to develop the required torque to arm the ward section of lhe stop-lever assembly, centered
torque pressure switch, Hold the test switch In the on the transfer tube, which is an oil passage
position for the engine being checked and retard through the assembly tD the outboard side of the
the throttle to Idle. This should cause the torque piston. The flyweight valve uses a spring to op pose
pressure switch and the time delay relay to dose the centrifugal force on the IlyweightB and sets the
and start the feathering operation by pulling in the system so the valve wl’J be moved onto the transfer
feather button and Illuminating the light In the tube blocking the oil passage when the system RPM
button. Release the lest switch and pull the button reaches about 95% of the engine rated RPM. Tills
out to prevent the propeller from feathering. Note prevents the engine oil pressure on the outboard
that with this check the blocking relay and throttle side of the piston from returning to the engine oil
switch are not checked. pressure system and decreasing blade angle.

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2. System Operation
The system is automatic and Is not controllable
from the cockpit. As engine RPM Increases, such
as during a takeoff, the flyweight va]ve will close
at 95% engine RPM preventing a rapid decrease
in blade angle. Oil pressure from the governor will
off-seat the valve and increase the blade angle as
necessary to maintain rated RPM (100%), If the
system overspeeds by 10%, the governor Is no
longer operating to control the RPM and may have
failed. The bleed shutofT valve will now close and
a hydraulic lock forming in the outboard portion
o f the propeller dome. This prevents oil from
leaving the outboard side of the piston which
would cause a decrease in blade angle and a
Figure 13-2Z A repreeantBtton o f the pitch foefc greater overspeed. The bleed valve locks in posi­
mechanism. tion when it engages and will not retract until
system RPM returns to some low value (about
A bleed shutoff valve, consisting of a bleed valve 50% RPM).
and a spring, Is located In each piston cam roller
B h a ft . This used to dose off the bleed passage The propeller can be feathered at any time. It can
between the Inboard and outboard side o f the also be reversed during the landing roll by the
piston If the system RPM exceeds the engine rated flyweight valve’s being moved off its seat by the
RPM by 10%. movement o f the stop-lever assembly.


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Figure 13-23, A cress section of a reversing HydromatkP dome containing a pitch lock mechanism.

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3. Inspection Maintenance And Repair the engine nose case directly behind the propeller.
The 10CA contains all of the units necessary to
The pitch lock mechanism is an Integral part of
control propeller operation. This system is used
the propeller piston and the stop-lever assembly
and no separate maintenance Is required. The with reversing propeller Installations on some
system is not accessible to the mechanic in the large transport aircraft,
field and the propeller should be returned to an
overhaul facility for correction of malfunctions. 1, System Components

4, Troubleshooting The IOCA components are contained in, or mount­

ed on, a case which ia bolted to the engine nose case.
If the pitch lock mechanism engages at too low
an RPM nr allows too high an overspeed, the valves Transfer sleeves tn the center of the IOCA case
may be defective or the unit may be set for the are used to transfer oil to and from the rotating
wrong RPM, [The same model propeller may fit propeller from the stationary IOCA, The propeller
different engines with different RPM limits.) If the shaft passes through the center o f the IOCA.
overspeed tends to Increase gradually, the fly­
weight valve is closed, by the bleed shutofT valve The unit contains two Internal pumps, a main
may not be closing or the piston seals to the dome pump and a scavenge pump. The main pump is
or the stop-lever assembly may be leaking. located In the lower section of the case and takes
oil from the IOCA sump, pressurizing It to a value
Any malfunctioning of the system must be cor­
necessary for propeller operation. The oil then
rected by an overhaul facility.
moves to the governor where It is directed as
necessary to and from the propeller to change
E. Integral Oil Control Assembly the blade angles for constant-speed operation.
The In tegra l Oil C ontrol Assembly (IOCA) Is a The scavenge pump la used to return relieved
sclf-contained propeller control unit mounted on system oil to the system sump,



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in t c j m l o il c < ]N T a r L u y {jU T

Figure 13-24. Compsrfsan on the component location on a conventional propeller control system end the
Integral OH Control As3omtty system.

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(970) 726-5111


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Flgur* 13-25. A front-vlew reprssentathn otan fOCA.

A high pressure relief valve la used to regulate External components mounted on the IOCA case
system pressure as necessary to assure proper include a governor, an auxiliary pump, and a brush
propeller operation. block assembly.

A sump relief valve ts used to maintain a slight 2. System Operation

air pressure in the system to reduce foaming o f the System operation for constant -speed, feathering
oil during operation. Excess air pressure Is vented and reversing operations is the same as for the
overboard by the valve. Hydromatlc® system dlscusscd in other chapters
of this book.. A reserve Bupply of oil for feathering
The main oil sump contains the system oil
is obtained by placing the auxiliary oil pump pick­
supply which Is Independent of the engine oil
up below the level o f the main pump pick-up.
system. An auxiliary oil supply Is located on the
engine or In the nacelle to allow replenishment of If the system oil supply should become low in
the sump In flight. The oil used may be engine oil, Illght, an indicator light will comc on in the cockpit.
hydraulic oil, or a special fluid, and may or may The pilot must then throw a switch to release the
not contain a corrosion inhibitor. oil from the reverse supply tank.

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I I P M W * * EM







S C H E W M It SK ETC H S H O W N O tlll F t M T O P E - I C W I i. JN F E A IH E R rN G AND IlN R tV E R S If fC C lU r n fllS *N iJ .>11 [ > ,W S f t F RINGS

Figure 13-26. A side-view representation of an IOCA.

3. Installation Some components on the IOCA can be removed

The IOCA Is Installed on the engine crankshaft, and replaced. These include the governor, auxiliary
which drives the unit, and is bolted to ihe nose case. pump and the brushes in the brush blocks assembly.
The propeller Is then Installed and the unit's cannon
plugs and control cables are connected. Follow ihe Maintenance involving disassembly of the IOCA
Instructions for the particular installation. unit Is usually referred to an overhaul facility.

Refer to the appropriate maintenance manual

4. Inspection, Maintenance And Repair
for specific information concerning servicing of a
The primary Job of the mechanic Is to install, particular installation.
service, adjustand replace components on the IOCA.

Servicing of the unit consists of replenishing the 5. Troubleshooting

oil tanks, cleaning filters and screens, and keeping
the brush blocks and propeller slip ring clean. Troubleshooting for the system Is the same as
for the Individual systems in the IOCA. whether It
Adjustments include setting the governor RPM be the reversing .system, the ice elimination sys­
limits and aligning the brushes to the slip ring. tem. the synchrophasing system, etc.

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QUESTIONS: 11. Which engine is normally the master engtne on
a twin engtne aircrqft?
L Which tee elimination system prevents icefrom
form ing? 12. What tsr the purpose of the resynchronization
2. Whatfluids may be used In an anti-icing system? button?

3. What Is the purpose o f the rheostat (n the 13. What is synchrophasing?

anti-icing system?
14. Which components o f the automatic feathering
4. How are antt-ictng feed shoes attached to the system are bypassed during a normal ground
propeller blades? operational check?

5. What is the purpose o f the Full De-ice Mode in 15. What is the purpose o f the time delay unit in
a de-icing system? ihe autofeather system?
6. What components are used to transfer the elec­ 16. What is thepurpose of the pilch InckmecfumiSTn?
trical power from the engtne nose case to the
propeller in a de-lctng system? IT. Which valve in the pitch lock mechan ism closes
dining normal takeajj?
7. Why ts a null period included In the timing
sequence (n a de-icing timer'? 19. What routine maintenance can be performed
8. Whnt is the purpose o f a master control system? an the pitch tock components?

9. What is meant by calibrating the master control J9. Whatjluids may be used from jyropeller opera­
system? tion with an IOCA?

JO. What devices may be used to sense system 20, Which components on the IOCA may be re­
RPM in a synchronization system? placed in the field?

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This glossary o f terms ts prouided to nerve as a ce n trifu g a l tw isting m om ent The force on a
ready reference far the loord urfth which you may propeller which tends to decrease the propeller
not be familiar. These definitions may differ from blade angle.
those q f standard dictionaries, but are tn keeping chord lin e The Imaginary line which extends from
with shop usage* the leading edge to the trailing edge of a blade
airfoil section.
a ccu m u la to r A device to aid In unfeatherlng a
propeller. com parison u n it The unit in a synchronization
or synchrophasing syBtem which compares the
aerodynam ic tw isting m om ent An operational signals of the master engine and the slave engine
force an a propeller which tends to Increase the and sends a signal to correct the slave engine
propeller blade angle. RPM or blade phase angle.
a ngle o f a tta ck The angle between the chord line cone The component used in a splined shaft In­
o f a propeller blade section and the relative wind. stallation which centers the propeller on the
anti-icing system A system which prevents the crankshaft.
formation of Ice on propeller blades. constant-speed system A system which uses a
automatic propeller A propeller which changes governor to adjust the propeller blade angle to
blade angles Jn response to operational forces maintain a selected RPM.
ynd is not controlled from the cockpit. Trade con trolla h le-p itch p ro p e lle r A propeller whose
name: Aeromatic®. pitch can be changed In flight by the pilot’s
control lever or switch.
back The curved side o f a propeller airfoil scction
that can be seen while standing in front o f the c ritic a l range The RPM rantfe at. which destrnr
airplane, tive harmonic vibrations exist.

blade One arm of a propeller from the hub to the dc-iciny system An ice elimination system which
Up. allows ice to form and then breaks it loose In
blade angle The angle between the blade section
chord line and the plane of rotation o f the dome assembly The pitch-changing mechanism
propeller. of a Hydromatlc® propeller.
effective p itc h The distance forward that an air­
blade index number The maximum blade angle on
craft actually moves in one revolution of the
a Hamilton-Standard counterweight propeller.
blade p a d d le A tool used to turn the blades In
fa c e The flat or thrust side of a propeller blade.
the hub.
fe a th e r The rotation o f the propeller blades to an
blade n o t The portion o f a blade which Is nearest
angle o f about 90 degrees which will eliminate
the hub.
the ding of a wlndmilllng propeller.
blade s ta tio n A distance from the center of the /Lead-pitch p ro p e ller A propeller, used on light
propeller hub measured In Inches. aircraft, whose blade angles cannot be changed.
boots Ice elimination components which are at­ fla n g e d sh ttft A crankshaft whose propeller
tached to the leading edge of propeller blades. mounting surface forms a flat plate 90 degrees
boss The center portion of a fixed pitch propeller. to the shaft centerline,

brush b lo ck The component of a de-icing and/or .frequency generator The engine RPM signal
reversing system which Is mounted on the en­ generator for some synchronization systems.
gine. nose case and holds the brushes which geometric pitch The theoretical distance that an
transfer electrical power to the slip ring. aircraft will move forward In one revolution of
the propeller.
centrifUgalJbrce The force on a propeller which
tends to throw the bladea out from the propeller governor The propeller control device in a con­
center. stant-speed system.

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go no-go gauge A gauge used to measure wear selector value Propeller control unit in a two-
between the splines of a spllned crankshaft. posiUon propeller system.
grvund a d ju s ta b le p rop eller A propeller which shank The thickened portion of the blade near
can be adjusted on the ground to change the the center of lhe propeller.
blade angles, shoe See boot.
hub The central portion o f a propeller which Is shoulder The flanged area on the butt of a pro­
fitted to the engine crankshaft and carries the peller blade which Is used to retain the propeller
blades. blades In the hub.
Hydromafic® A trade name for one type of Hamil­ s ltn ger rin g The fluid distribution unit on the
ton-Standard hydraulically operated propellers. rear of a propeller hub using an antf-lclng
Integral all co n tro l assembly A self-contained system.
propeller control unit used on some transport slip The difference between geometric pitch and
aircraft. effective pitch.
leading edge The forward edge of a propeller snap rin g A component of a spllned or tapered
blade. shaft Installation which is used to aid In removal
overhaul f a c ilit y An FAA approved facility for or the propeller.
major overhauls and repairs. sp id er The central component on many con­
pitch The same as geometric pitch. Often used trollable- pitch propellers which mountB on the
Interchangeably with blade angle. crankshaft and has arms on which the blades
pitch distribution The twist tn a propeller blade are installed.
along Its length. splined sh a ft A cylindrical-shaped crankshaft
p itc h lo ck A mechanism used on some trans­ extension which has splines on its surface to
ports to prevent excessive overspeedlng of the prevent propeller rotation on the shaft.
propeller If the governor falls. static RPM The maximum RPM that can be ob­
plane o f rotation The plane In which the propeller tained at full throttle on the ground In a no-wind
rotates, 90 degrees to the crankshaft centerline, condition.
p ro p e lle r A device for converting engine horse­ synchronization system A system which keeps
power into usable thrust. all engines at the same RPM.
p rop eller disc The disc shaped area in which synchrophasing system A refined synchronlza-
the propeller rotates, Uon system which allows the pilot to adjust the
blade relative position as they rotate.
p ro p e lle r repair station See overhaul facility.
tachom eter-generator The RPM-senslng unit of
p ropeller track The arc described by a propeller
some synchronization systems.
blade as the propeller rotates.
tapered s h a ft A crankshaft design whose pro­
pulse generator The unit which generates an
peller-mounting surface tapera to a smaller di­
RPM and blade position signal in a synchro-
ameter and acts like a cone seaUng surface.
phasing system.
th rust bending fo r c e An operational force which
radial clearance The distance from the edge of the
tends to bend the propeller blades forward,
propeller disc to an object near the edge of the disc,
perpendicular to the crankshaft centerline. tip The portion o f the blade farthest ftom the hub.
reversing Rotation of the propeller blades to a torque bending fo re x An operational force which
negative angle to produce a braking or reversing tends to bend the propeller blades in the direc­
thrust. tion opposite to ihe direction of rotation.
safetying The installation of a safety device such tioo p ositio n p ro p e lle r A propeller which can be
as safety wire or a cotter pin. changed between two blade angles in flight.

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Answers to Study Questions
C h apter I 8 . Six Inches in from the tip.
9, A red arc on the tachometer.
1. Convert engine horsepower to useful thrust
10. The distance that the aircraft moves forward
2. The curved side of the airfoil section.
In one revolution of the propeller.
3. The angle between the airfoil section chord
line and the plane o f rotation.
C hapter IV
4. Pitch distribution,
1. Yellow birch.
5. A propeller whose blade angle can be adjusted
only on the ground. 2 . Increase the structural strength of the tip.
6 . Reduced landing roll and improved ground 3. Release moisture.
man euverablllty. 4. Cracks In the solder safety.
7. Twu 5. Can be repaired by an overhaul facility.
8 . 0.1 degree. 6 . In a horizontal position In a cool, dry, dark
9. Mags off, throttle at idle, and mixture at Idle
cutoff. 7. More efficient, better engine cooling, and re­
10. Yes. quire less maintenance.
6 . To prevent a surface defect from developing
Into a crack.
C hapter II
9. Mild soap and water.
1. FAR 43. 10. The blade shank.
2. Builder's name, model designation, serial 11. Major repair.
number, type certificate number, and produc­
12. 1C172 basic design; DM mounting and design
tion certificate number.
changes; 75 inch diameter: 53 Inch pitch.
3. A no-wind condition exists and the propeller
rotation Is not aided by the wind moving
through the propeller. C hapter V
4. Throttle. 1. Prevent corrosion and allow easy propeller
5. Red.
2. So that the propeller will stop in a convenient
6 . Seven Inches.
position for hand propping.
7. A reserve oil supply must be available only to
3. Adapt the propeller for mounting on a tapered
the feathering pump.
or spllned crankshaft.
8 . Propeller repairman's certificate.
4. 70%.
9. Major repair.
5. Aid In removal o f the propeller,
10. A maintenance release tag.
6 . 20%.
7. Center the propeller on the crankshaft.
C hapter HE 8 . When the rear cone apex prevents the propel­
1. Tip. ler hub from sealing on the rear cone. Remove
2. The gradual change In blade angle from the up Vis-Inch from the apex of the rear cone.
root to the tip. 9. When the cone bottoms on the crankshaft
splines before the propeller hub seats on the
3. Decrease.
rear cone. Place a spacer of no more than
4. Two to four degrees, Vs-lnch thickness behind the rear cone.
5. Centrifugal force. 10 . V ia inch.
6 . To reduce operational stresses. 11. Shims between the propeller and the hub or
7. Centrifugal twisting moment. flange on wood propellers.

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12. Clevis pin and cotter pin. 4. Prevent congealing of the oil In the piston,
13. Uneven moisture distribution In the propeller:* protect the piston from corrosion, prevent
starvation of the engine bearings during en­
gine start.
C hapter V I
5. Piston.
1. With grooves in the hub mating with should­
6 . 1 and 7.
ers on the blades.
7. 0.1 degrees.
2. Bolts.
8 . Balancing.
3. The hub damp rings or bolts and the propeller
retaining nut. 9. Final balancing of the propeller with grease.
4. White lead, red lead, or grease pencil. 10. When a stop nut Is positioned to set a blade
5. Because of blade droop. angle three degrees or more from the mini­
mum or maximum setting.
6 . 0.1 degrees.
7. The blade retention area,
8. When the engfne Is overhauled.
C hapter X
1. Governor.
Chapter VII 2. To control the flow of oil to and from the
1. Centrifugal force and aerodynamic lift on the
blade. 3. Flyweight assembly.
2. Airspeed and RPM. 4. Decrease.
3. Increase. 5. Decrease.
4. To prevent the propeller blades from being at 6 . Increase.
different angles as the forces act to change the 7. Caused by oil or preservative In the governor
blade angles. and no action is necessary,
5. Two coats of clear nitrate dope applied over 8. Raised side o f the screen toward the governor.
the defect.
9. V a-in ch ,
6 . Sluggish or erratic operation.
10. To set the governor at a cruise setting if the
7. Fill the hub with oil,
control cable from the cockpit should break.
8. Added.
11. Sluggish operation.
0. Because the airflow over the propeller coun­
12. Rapid opening of the throttle.
terweights may affect propeller blade angle
change. 13. Springs, centrifugal twisting force, and gover­
nor oil pressure.
10, Adjust the track with ahtins on a Hanged
installation or have the propeller overhauled. 14. To provide a constant dye penetrant inspection.
15. Once.
Chapter V III 16. Between the engine crankshaft and the pro­
peller hub.
1. A crank handle.
17. The piston oil seal Ls leaking.
2 . Through stops on the gear behind the propeller,
18. The Steel Hub propeller has Its pitch changing
3. Binding or catching as the cockpit control Is
mechanism externally mounted.
19. Governor oil pressure and centrifugal twisting
4. No lubricant Is used.
20. By rotat ing the blades in the blade damps.
Chapter IX
21. Remove one of the grease fittings In the blade
1. 30. clamp.
2. Centrifugal force. 22. Loose blade clamps, defective seals, zerk fit­
3. Rearward. tings loose or leaking, over lubrication.

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C h ap ter X I 14. Fuel flow and propeller blade angle.
15. Fuel flow.
1. S p rin g s and c e n tr ifu g a l fo rce on the
16. Set the low blade angle for constant-speed
2. Aid In unfeathering the propeller,
17. Reverse and feather,
3. Ball and cylinder.
18. Governor oil pump.
4. Place the aircraft in a shallow dive,
19. Prevent reversing before the aircraft weight Is
5. 100 psl. on the landing gear.
6 . Air pressure springs and centrifugal force on 20. Unfeatherlng.
the counterweights.
7. Move the propeller control lull aft.
8 . Darrel assembly, dome assembly, and dis­ C hapter X III
tributor valve.
1. Anti-ictag
9. Dome assembly,
2. Isopropyl alcohol or phosphate compound.
10. To block the governor out of the system when
feathering and unfeatherlng the propeller. 3. To control the rate of fluid flow.

1 1 . The pressure cutout switch. 4. With adhesives.

12 . Engine oil pressure. 5. To de-lcp all of the propellers at the same time.
13. Unfeathering. 6 . A brush block and a slip ring.
14. Mid-range. 7. So that only one propeller will de-ice at any
one time.
15. Feather,
8. To allow adjustment of all engine RPM settings
with one control lever.
C h ap ter X II 9. Setting all governors at their high RPM limits by
moving the master control lever full forward.
1. Decreased landing roll, reduced brake wear,
increased ground maneuverability. 10. A tachom eter-generator or a frequency
2. Insufficient engine cooling when reversing.
11. Left engine.
3. Throttle or power lever.
12. To allow all governors to drive toward the
4. The landing gear must be extended and the master engine RPM through full range each
aircraft weight must be on the gear. time the button is pushed.
5. S p rin g s and c e n trifu g a l fo rce on the 13. Synchronizing and setting the blades at a
counterweights. specific angle in rotaUon behind the master
6 . Underspeed governor and propeller governor. engine.

7. Propeller pitch control and propeller governor. 14. Blocking relay and throttle switch.

8 . Ground operation. 15. To prevent autofeathering of a propeller dur­

ing momentary Interruptions In engine power.
9. Releases oil from the propeller.
16. Prevent excessive overspending of the engine,
10. RPM through the underspeed governor. RPM
through the propeller governor, 17. Flyweight valve.

11. PTG. 16. None.

12. Propeller governor. 19. Engine oil, hydraulic fluid, or special fluids.
13. Tile pilot valve. 20. Auxiliary pump, governor, and brushes.

Aircraft Technical Book Company, LLC
(970) 726-5111
Final Examination
Aircraft Propellers and Controls
Student______________________________ C, The blade angle o f attack Increases.
D, The blade angle of attack decreases.
7. Which force tends to decrease propeller blade
Place a circle around the letter for the correct
answer to each o f the following questions. A Centrifugal twisting moment.
B. Aerodynamic twisting moment.
1. The constant-speed control unit is also called a:
C. Torque bending force.
A. Accumulator,
D. Thrust bending force,
B. Governor,
C. Selector valve, 8. A horizontal Imbalance in a wood propeller
D. Propeller pitch control. may be corrected by:
A. Solder on the boss.
2. Which FAR lists the minimum Inspections
B. Solder on the tip,
required during an annual inspection?
C. A plate on the boss.
A. 23.
D. A plate on lhe tip.
B. 25.
C. 43. 9. The recommended maximum depth of repair
D. 65. on the trailing edge of an aluminum propeller
hlade is.
3. Which of the following Is not a condition
A. V ' 6-Jnch,
necessary to check the static RPM o f an
installation? B. ’ /a-inch.
C. 3/i0-lnch.
A. Aircraft in a level attitude.
B. Maximum allowable manifold pressure. D. Y 4-lnch.
C. No-wtnd condition. 10. Which type of installation does not require the
D. The aircraft is stationary. use of Prussian Blue to check Tor seating?
A. Flanged shaft.
4. What is the minimum water clearance of the
propellers on a seaplane? B. Tapered shaft.
A. 7 Inches. C. Spllned shaft,
D. 9 inches, D. All require a Prussian Blue check.
C. 18 Inches. 11. Which force is used to Increase the propeller
D. 24 Inches. blade angle of a Hamilton-Standard two-posi­
tion propeller?
5. Who may supervise the major repair of a
governor? A Engine oil pressure.
A. A powerplanl mechanic. B. Springs.
G. An A&P mechanic with an Inspection C. Centrifugal force.
Authorization. D. Governor oil pressure.
C. A propeller repairman. 12. Which blade angle Is used for takeoff in a
D, A powerplant repairman. controllable pitch propeller?
6 . An aircraft Is equipped with a fixed-pitch pro­ A. Reverse.
peller. As airspeed Increases: B. Low blade angle.
A. The blade angle Increases. C. High blade angle,
B. The blade angle decreases. D. Feather.

Aircraft Technical Book Company, LLC
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13. What opposes the flyweights In a governor? 17. What la the purpose of the high-pressure trans­
A. Pilot valve, fer valve In a feathering Hydromatlc® system.
B. Balance spring, A. Terminate the feathering operation.
B. Block the governor out o f the system.
C. Transfer valve.
C. Shift oil passages to the propeller dome to
D. Speeder spring.
allow unfeatherlng.
14. Which cockpit control is used Lo make large D. Initiate the feathering operation.
changes In manifold pressure?
18. Which turboprop control lever Is used to
A Throttle.
control propeller blade angle in the Beta
B. Propeller control. Mode?
C. Mixture control. A. Speed lever,
D. None of the above. B. Condition lever.
15. If an aircraft Is equipped with a constant-speed C. Propeller control lever.
system, which o f the following will cause a D. Power lever.
decrease In propeller blade angle?
19. Which of the following switches la not used
A. Moving the propeller control aft. with a de-icing system?
B. Moving lhe throttle forward. A Rheostat.
C. Placing the aircraft. In a climb. B. Full de-ice mode.
D. All of the above, C. Cycle speed selector.

16. What is an acceptable amount of cuBhlon In D. On-off switch.

a governor control lever? 20. A synchronization system in not used during:
A. V&lnch. A, Takeoff.
B. V*-inch. B, Climb.
C. 3/a-inch. C. Cruise.
D. i/s- inch. D. Descent.

Aircraft Technical Book Company, LLC
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(970) 726-5111
Answers to Final Examination

Aircraft Propellers and Controls

1. B 11. C

2. C 12 . B
3. A 13. n
4. C 14. A
5. C 15. C
6. D 16. A
7- A 17. R
8. B 18. D
9. B 19. A
10. A 20. A

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