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Objaviti 23.7. ujutro – prije toga dodati dio o rasama u fantaziji (vilenjaci, patuljci) –
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Fantasy ascribes different weapons to different body types. While it is true that abilityto use a
weapon is related to body build, the connections that fiction makes is often quite the opposite of one
in the real world. Bow and arrow are thus given to women, despite requiring extreme upper body
strength; whereas weapons that required skill and grace – sword and spear – are often given for use
to extremely muscular Ahnold Swolezenegger type guys, under assumption that "BASH HEADS =
HUGE MUSCLE!". But that is not entirely correct.
Since post is rather long, I will rather put link to it.

Medieval Weapons and Body Type

In historical fiction and fantasy, authors often make some assumptions about ideal weapons for a
given body type. The idea that many subscribe to is very basic: close combat = large and muscular,
ranged combat = skinny/lithe. That is why women (and elves) are given bows, while men (and
dwarves) use a variety of close-combat weapons such as swords, warhammers, mallets, mallets-
portrayed-as-warhammers etc. Men wielding warhammers are often portrayed as particularly large
and muscular.
Problem is, those ideas are bullshit. Below, explanation will be given why and how, as well as what
weapons will particular groups use. That being said, what is noted here are ideal conditions; often, a
person may be forced to use weapon that is not optimal for a given body type. While I have done
quite some research, I will be making up some terminology to streamline the explanation.
Weapons characteristics and usage
When it comes to weapons, there are two primary categories: melee weapons and ranged weapons.
Ranged weapons themselves can be divided into thrown weapons and mechanical weapons. Thrown
weapons utilize leverages inbuilt into human body to produce force; examples are various javelins.
Mechanical weapons use various types of compression to acumulate force, which is then released to
propel the projectile. Mechanical weapons themselves can be divided into two groups: tension
weaponry, which uses compression of solid part to generate force (e.g. Various types of bows), and
torsion weaponry, which uses torsion of a rope.
Weapons and body type
Body type determines mechanics of weapons usage. Maximum force which can be exerted by
muscle depends on its crossection, while length varies distance over which it can be applied. Short
stout muscle will exert greater force over shorter distance, while long thin muscle will exert smaller
force over greater distance; but for the same mass, amount of work will remain the same. This force
however is mediated through skeleton, which further diversifies physical abilities based on
attachment points.
Ranged weapons
Tension weaponry requires a significant amount of power. Reason for this is that the velocity of
projectile, and thus weapon's lethality, depends solely on the energy accumulated in the launch
mechanism. Usage of bow therefore requires great force (strength) in order to accumulate such
energy. As a result, archer requires power leverage in the arm, which is favoured by short limb
segments, short and thick muscles, and tendon distant from the joint. He also requires lot of strength
in shoulder and back muscles. Generally, ideal archer would display extreme mesomorphy and
laterallity of build in the shoulder and upper extremity ("omomorphy"), and would overall be strong
and robust. Bow indeed reached its highest development among central Mongoloids, who show
lateral build and strong shoulders.
Crossbow requires significant strength to pull back the string, but since it has locking mechanism in
place, tension can be held indefinitely. With a bow, user has to both draw back the string and hold it
in place, which requires significant strength and stamina. Finger, arm and back muscles are
particularly important in this. As a result, archers had to be trained from birth, and such skill-set
could not be reproduced outside a specific culture.
Traditional Western body ideal for male physique – muscular body and wide shoulders – thus
reflects an age of archery. Ectomorph's adaptation to bow is to increase its length. Longbow reduces
strength required for any given range, as while some efficiency is lost, it enables significantly
longer draw for a given draw weight. This however reduces efficiency, as more of energy is
expended in accelerating arms of the bow itself. Arrow must also be heavier; as a result, short bows
often have superior performance compared to longbows.
Some crossbows however are not directly powered by person. These enabled even cultures with no
archery tradition to have significant missile component in their armies. Windlass crossbow in
particular does not require much strength to use.
Unlike tension weapons, spears and darts depend solely on human body. Here, important factor is
not the mechanical power, but rather velocity imparted on the missile by person's body. As a result,
usage of thrown weapons favours linear physique with long limb segments and tendons close to the
joint; i.e. ectomorphic body type, providing maximum in-built leverages for spear-throwing.
Throwing of spear can also be readily combined with running, which depending on situation may
give advantage to either ectomorphic (endurance running) or mesomorphic (sprinting) body type.
Since sprinting throw would be more likely in combat, indication is that javelin throw would be best
adapted by peoples of mesomorphic stature (as also shown here). If however tactics disallow
sprinting throw (e.g. javeliners positioned behind a shield or pike wall), ectomorphic body type
would be better suited for the purpose.
Sling is a deadly weapon, capable of achieving ranges up to 400 meters. Unlike only other such
infantry weapon – bow – it does not rely on tension, is easy to carry and cheap to produce. Range
depends on the length of the sling, and Balearic slingers regularly carried long sling for long-range
shots, short sling for short-range shots, and medium sling for intermediate range. Staff sling is
inferior in range to hand sling, but can throw larger and heavier missiles. Ancient Grek slingers
were regularly accurate enough to hit not just head of the enemy, but particular part of face. Speed
of the missile can easily exceed 100 kph upon leaving the sling, and is more likely around 60 mps /
220 kph; as noted here, recurve bow can achieve 140 kph, compound bow 320 kph, and longbow
230 kph. Vegetius stated that slings were more deadly than bows against opponents clad in leather
armour – unlike arrow, sling projectile could inflict blunt damage through armour. During Spanish
invasion of Peru, stone from sling was observed to break a sword in two at 30 paces. Spaniards
themselves feared only Aztec slingers: stone-tipped arrows would glance off or shatter against the
armour, but slings would cause damage through armour. Historically, peoples who took up the sling
saw no reason to develop the bow, and vice-versa.
Slingers are more mobile than archers, and can shoot on the move. Slings projectiles are also much
more difficult to see than arrows. However, they are much more difficult to use in deep formations.
With regards to body type and performance, it has already been noted that sling's range is connected
to its length. Therefore, taller slingers – capable of utilizing longer slings with typical underhand
throw – would have the advantage. Shorter slinger could compensate by utilizing overhand or side
throw, but these have disadvantages – especially side throw, which is difficult to use in formation.
Melee weapons
Clubs are simple, but also primitive weapons. Because of this, they require a significant mount of
force to be effective, thus favouring endomorphic body type. Neanderthals, who had used clubs,
developed heavier physique to go with it, while homo sapiens developed throwing spear and linear
physique. Clubs and maces of medieval Europe and Polynesia had appeared among peoples of large
stature and balanced physique.
However, medieval combat in general required endurance at least as much as strength, thus
favouring either balanced (mesomorphic) or slight (ectomorphic) physique. Full suit of gothic plate
armour weighted 15 to 25 kg (20 to 30 kg, maybe), but this was well distributed all across the body
and thus much less strenous than wearing equivalent backpack. Overall, hand-eye coordination is
much more important than raw strength.
A large proportion of medieval combat happened on horseback. Heavy cavalry were striking arm of
typical medieval army. Riding is anything but easy, and modern-day jousters have similar fitness
levels to professional footballers (note: soccer players for Americans) and tennis players. Jouster
examined in the article is 33 years old with body fat percentage of 7,72% - which is less than that of
a professional footballer (8 – 10%) - core stability superior to that of a swimmer and alignment and
balance of an acrobat.
Fighting style would depend on body build. A person with a wiry body would rely more on
endurance, speed and mobility, darting in and out as necessary, and harassing the opponent until an
opening presents itself or else the opponent tires out. A tall guy could use reach advantage to keep
opponent at the distance. A large / heavy person should avoid protracted fight, and instead try to get
to grips quickly, using size and strength advantage to overwhelm the opponent.
Person with broad chest yet short arms may find some longsword guards – where wrists cross over
– to be cumbersome. This also applies to extremely muscular individuals. Both very muscular and
overweight people can have success with sword and shield, as shield can be used to literally push
opponent around and also compensates for possible disadvantage in guarding large body. Tall and
slender person on the other hand would do better with a longsword, as it maximizes reach
advantage. Outside swords, more lightly built person would do well with a spear, as it would enable
combatant to keep his distance. Short, stocky person would find it more advantageous to get inside
opponent's guard, thus creating an ideal opportunity for dagger work. Likewise, lanky build lends
itself to a polehammer. Polehammer is a two-handed weapon and allows for various grips which
would limit strength required to use it properly. Stocky build is better for wrestlers/grapplers, as
short limbs and distant attachment points means that they have advantage in applying and resisting
Most melee weapons are not as disadvantaged by body build as is often believed. Warhammers,
unlike their portrayal in e.g. Warhammer and much of fantasy (including A Song of Ice and Fire),
do not in fact require great physical strength. Many medieval warhammers are in fact two-handed
weapons. Typical warhammer would have been 2 – 2,5 ft in length and weighted around 4 lbs with
maybe 3 lbs of it being a head. This makes it comparable in weight to a longsword. A polehammer
would have weighted 4,6 lbs with length of 4,7 ft (reconstruction example), though some could
have been up to 7 ft long – but not much heavier than 5 lbs. Even so, due to big spike and
distribution of weight, warhammers were capable of penetrating plate armour – if a solid hit was
achieved. A warhammer, especially a polehammer, could be used effectively by men of fairly slight
body build, though some minimum level of strength is necessary. Combat axes are also
comparatively light. However, both warhammers and axes are much less well balanced and thus
more tiring to use than swords; thus, poleaxes and polehammers are a better choice for a person of
less physical strength.
Both warhammers and swords – especially latter, due to the stance and weight distribution – would
require not so much physical strength, as they would endurance. Combat is very taxing, and merely
holding a sword, especially a single-handed sword, in a guard stance, can be tiring. As a result,
person would require a lot of slow-twitch muscles as well as forearm strength. Properly performed
cuts in particular are not powered by arms, but rather by the core strength and leg muscles. Staff and
spear also rely more on speed than on strength.
Historical cases and evidence
In early 16th century, French accounts forbade those under 18 from serving as men-at-arms. This
indicates that many knights were teenagers or young adults, meaning that their body build would
have been naturally slighter. Literature also distinguishes "noble" physique from that of labourers,
farm hands and blacksmiths. Nobles were expected to not be as burly as common peasants, but
rather more agile, graceful and courageous.
Book of Courtier, from 16th century, shows that ideal knight should not be extremely short or tall.
Further, it notes that "men thus huge of body are also unfit for every exercise of agility", and that
knight should be "well built and shapely of limb, and would have him show strength and lightness
and suppleness, and know all bodily exercises that befit a man of war". This means that knights
would likely be quite lean, rather than large.
According to Johannes Lichtenauer, a knight should be agile more than strong, nimble than
muscular, and have good muscular coordination skills rather than brute force, as well as be highly
intelligent. He states that "buffalo", a person who relies solely on physical strength, is no threat to a
skilled fighter, and that the best knight will become from a boy who is medium size in stature, has
good muscle coordination, long arms and has the center of gravity near the navel.
Drawings also show knights to be slim – either light or medium in build. This includes fencing
manuals such as Talhofer Fechtbuch and illustrations in chronicles such as those by Froissart.
(detail of ten knights)
Plate armour
Plate armour has to conform to body in order to achieve adequate agility. As such, armour can be
used to determine body build of person it had been made for. Many pieces of plate armour indicate
relatively slim build, with narrow waist and leg armour, but not all – regardless of what the ideal is,
different individuals have different body builds. See images below.
(armour images)
English knight who died in 1388. was heavily muscled. As shown above, this was not the ideal
body type for a knight, but certainly did happen.
Weapons and fantasy races
Physical characteristics of fantasy races
Above questions and issues are even more pronounced by various fantasy races. In fantasy, elves
are often portrayed as generally ectomorphic, and dwarves as either mesomorphic or even
endomorphic. There are very few to no exceptions within races, and depending on the setting, said
characteristics may be even more exaggerated than among humans. Other species are more varied.
Tolkien's Uruk's are implied to be – and depicted in movies as being – heavily mesomorphic, while
various Snaga that serve as trackers may be closer to ectomorphic body type.
Due to the above, many weapons used by fantasy races do not make sense. Elves are usually given
bows and swords, and dwarves warhammers and axes. But, also depending on the situation, ideal
weapons would be quite different.
Dwarves are usually described as short and stocky, and incredibly strong. They also usually live
underground, which raises a question of eyesight. If eyesight is not a problem – unlikely – then
usage of powerful recurve bows as well as crossbows would make sense above the ground.
However, as stereotypical dwarves spend their life underground, they are likely to be short-sighted
compared to humans. As a result, dwarves are unlikely to use any ranged weapons at all. In melee,
dwarves would have to compensate for the lack of reach; therefore, various weapons mounted on a
stick would be useful. These include spears, pikes and polearms, such as Danish axe, glaive,
corseque, halberd and poleaxe. Another useful weapon would be two-handed flail. Even so, short
reach would be a disadvantage in melee as dwarves would be incapable of producing as much
leverage and control as taller races would. Underground, lack of space would dictate weapon types.
Thus shorter weapons such as normal warhammers, maces, axes and clubs would be regularly used,
and to great effect; short swords and daggers would be used as well. Hammer and axe would
definitely be weaponized, as they would have been used for mining. Two-handed swords
(longswords, greatswords etc.) would not be used, as overly muscular build and short arms would
inhibit many two-handed guards and moves.
Being stocky, dwarves would have low centre of gravity, and profound physical strength (recall
discussion on body types). This would enable them to wear much heavier armour, as well as to use
weapons that are much heavier than what humans could use. Dwarves would also be able to use
shields to great effect: a dwarven shield would cover most of the body, especially from attacks by
taller opponents, and stocky body build and low centre of gravity would allow dwarves to be good
at simply pushing opponents around. However, too large shield would not be good, as it must not
block view or limit mobility; something the relative size of Roman scutum would be ideal, as it
would protect the legs. Stocky build would also be an advantage in grappling, as short limbs
(levers) and strong muscles would make it difficult for an opponent to make dwarves' limbs go the
way they want them to, and low centre of gravity would make it easier for a dwarf to suplex or lift a
man. It would also facilitate easy takedowns, as dwarf would not have to crouch to get below
opponent's centre of gravity. A charge by a dwarf would easily knock a human off his feet. This
would enable dwarves to grapple the enemy into submission and then use dagger to find chinks in
the armour.
Consequently, a human (or an elf) fighting a dwarf would have to stay away, using reach and
mobility advantage to prevent dwarf from coming to body contact range. This is important for
another reason as well. Short and stocky build with distant muscle attachment points indicates that
dwarves would have limited endurance; therefore, useful approach for a more gracile race would be
to stay away and wait for a charging dwarf to tire himself out. Using a warhammer or a sword
against a dwarf would be similar as sword would have to be used as a hammer (murder stroke); this
would enable the attacker to pull back dwarf's shield out of the way. In a bind, attacker could use his
shield and weight to lock down dwarf's weapon (or else a shield) and strike around it.
Elves are usually described as tall, slim and graceful. This would make them more agile yet more
frail and physically weaker than most humans (elves may or may not be slimmer than ectomorphic
humans, depending on depiction). As noted earlier, this means that they would be ill-suited for
usage of bows, even longbows (except those elves that are noted to be much stronger than humans,
because magic). Their ranged weapons would be predominantly slings, darts and javelins –
weapons which do not require much strength, but rather rely on technique (slings) or leverage
(darts, javelins). Crossbows would actually see much more use than bows, as windlass crossbows
do not require as much strength to use as bows or hand-cocked crossbows.
In melee, elves would again favour weapons that do not require strength. As a result, spears and
swords would see heavy usage. For anti-armour work, elves would predominantly use
polehammers, as a two-handed warhammer would require less muscular strength than single-
handed one, even if it is slightly heavier. Being naturally more graceful and agile than humans,
elves would be naturally better fighters, especially with weapons that rely on skill and speed (spears
and swords). Daggers however would not be used as primary weapons, as longsword would have so
much advantage over dagger as to make skill nearly useless.
Further reading / online sources

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