Study Guide For Chat # 1 NANZ

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Study Guide for Chat Session #1 ( For Reading and

Compliance Only Before Sept. 27, 2017. No Reply

by Susana Teresa Estigoy - Wednesday, 31 May 2017, 8:48 PM

Greetings to you, TEACHeXCELS Class 8 team!

To help you in preparing for our first chat session on Sept. 27, 2017, herewith is a study guide
which hopefully will give you some direction on how to make use of the concepts from Lessons
1 and 2 of Module 6 which will be the coverage of our discussion for Chat session # 1. Take
note that while the study guide herein capsulized the topics covered in the two lessons, the
questions therein cannot be appropriately responded to if you are not to completely read
lessons 1 and 2 of module 6 . The concepts covered by the guide questions given in the
herewith study guide may not exactly be the only coverage of our discussions but being ready
with the answers to the said questions will help you actively contribute to our three-hour
exchange of facts and views during the chat.
There are two video clips from YOU TUBE which I expect that you will be viewing before the
chat session. Please comply with the instruction for you to view these two. .

Study Guide for Chat#1.docx

Study guide for Chat Session # 1 TEACHeXCELS

Coverage: Lessons 1 and 2, Module 6
1. From what you have read im Module 6, you must have realized by now that
TEACHeXCELS is focused on enhancing your competencies as instructional leader.
Related to this. what roles do you play in school as an instructional leader?
2. View the video clip “ Seven Steps to Instructional Leadership” in You Tube
Just click on this URL address:

From the seven steps identified, choose one which is most significant to you and be
ready to explain why this is most significant.

Lesson 1:
1. On Teaching Philosophy:
1.1. What can comprise a teacher’s teaching philosophy?
1.2. Read the two scenarios about Mr. Kamulwat and Mrs. Prinsakorn. What were
the differences in their beliefs about learners and about themselves as teachers which
influenced the way they handled the teaching-learning process?
1.3. From what you have read on teaching philosophy as exemplified by Mr.
Kamulwat and Mrs. Prinsakorn, of what importance is it to an instructional leader to
understand /know the teaching philosophy of the teachers?

2.On Facilitative teaching:

2.1. When may you consider a teacher as a facilitative teacher?
2.2. Search on You Tube and view the video entitled “ Teaching in the 21st Century”.
You can click open this URL:
2.2.1. From what you understood of the video and based on what you read from
the module on the roles and characteristics of a facilitative teacher, what
makes facilitative teaching relevant to the 21st century education?

2.3. Other than his/her own personal traits, what should a teacher should know
about teaching and about learners in order for him/her to appropriately perform
the roles and demonstrate the characteristics and behaviors of a facilitative

2.4. As instructional leader, how can you provide support to the teachers in their
practice of facilitative teaching?

3. On teaching styles:
3.1. Are teaching styles taught/learned? Why do you say so?
3.2. What are the differences in teacher behaviors of those who adopt any one of the
four teaching styles?
3.3. Recalling the critical incidents about Mr. Kamulwat and Mrs. Prinsakorn, to
which teaching style may you attribute the way Mr. Kamulwat handles his
students? How about Mrs. Prinsakonr? On the basis of these two critical
incidents, what influence does teaching philosophy has on the teaching style
of a teacher?
3.4. Which of the four teaching styles can be responsive to the way teaching should
be done in the 21st century?
3.5. Who is an all around flexible and adaptable teacher? What can be the teacher’s
determinants to decide that she needs to be an all-around flexible and adaptable
teacher rather than hold on to one teaching style all the time?

Lesson 2;
1. On learning styles
1.1. What are learning styles?
1.2. Can a teacher teach the learners a learning style to use? Why?
1.3. Why should a teacher be concerned about his /her pupils or students’ learning

1.4. Other than the four most commonly known learning styles ( visual, auditory,
kinesthetic, tactile), there are other learning styles that a teacher should be aware
of. What are these?

1.5. In what ways may a teacher show his being facilitative as regards the different
learning styles his.her learners in one class may have?

( Read the critical incident about Mr. Kamulwat and Kim – pp.44-45
and the discussion on the Science and Art of Teaching – pp. 59-60)

2. Of what help may it be to a teacher to have the knowledge on the myths and facts
about learning?

3. On intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, effective and ineffective praise:

3.1. Why should teachers motivate their pupils and students to learn? What basic
principles in motivating learners should a teacher be aware of ? How should these be
considered in her planning of the teaching-learning process?

3.3 .What are examples of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation? Which of these two can
result to a person’s life paradigm?
3.4. What is the relevance of motivation and effective praise to a teacher’s choice of
teaching style and of being a facilitative teacher? What can be a relationship between
motivation and praise on one hand, and the concept of teachers’ expectations and
student behaviors ( pp. 65 – 66) on the other hand?

4. On Effective teaching strategies:

4.1. What are some effective teaching strategies which can address the
pupils/students’ learning needs and styles? In using any of these , what do you see
as the encompassing principles/approaches that teachers should keep in mind?

4.2. One way of motivating students to learn is to create a Thinking atmosphere in

the classroom. How can a teacher create a THINKING atmosphere inside the

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