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Executive Summary

This assignment is to study the causes ,after-effects and mitigation steps that had been taken
after the China Floods,2017 in which more than 14.9017 million people in 10 provinces and
municipalities and regions were affected, especially the southern and central provinces and
regionsof Guangxi, Guangdong, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Shandong,
Shaanxi, Yunnan, Sichuan, Gansu and Henan.
China was quite successful in reducing or reviving the impact of damages caused by the
Some of the findings of this study include-:
 Since June 27,2017 several areas of South China received heavy rainfall which affected
9564 million people.The rainfall led to massive floodings and even destroyed the 201
Provincial Highway leading to traffic disruptions.
 Vice chairman of the municipal committee of Xiangxiang was washed away by the
massive floods caused in the area.
 Many rivers and lakes in China were flooded to danger levels.

 No. of affected people: 11.08 million

 Measures that could be taken to reduce the loss caused by the disaster.


 Heavy rains

 Broken dams

 Improper urban drainage

 Lack of vegetation


Since May 2017,several parts of China was subjected to heavy rainfall,hailstorms and
rainstorms.A huge loss was reported with regard to human life as well as wealth.Many
houses were destroyed and lead to a huge economic loss of RMB 25.27 Billion.Though
the whole population of China was shook by the massive calamitie that had taken
place,rescue operations were quite successfully accomplished and reduced the damage
to a great extent.
Heavy rainfall created dangerous situations in many counties within Yulin City, and
Suide and Zizhou counties suffered the most serious flood disasters. So far, 432,500
people have been affected by the disaster. There have been 12 confirmed deaths, Eighty
four thousand five hundred people were evacuated urgently, and 113,400 people needed
emergency assistance. Sixty eight thousand one hundred and twenty hectares of crops
were also affected, of which 21,170 hectares were destroyed, and 126 hectares of
farmland were destroyed, causing the death of 562 livestock. One thousand one hundred
and ninety-six houses collapsed, 8318 houses were destroyed.s


After the flooding ,the Shaanxi provincial party committee and the shaanxi provincial
government took bold measures to minimise the loss created by the disaster.10 million
yuan of relief funds were dispatched to the relief funds to protect people of the
country.Towels,food packages,sanitary products were soon dispatched to the affected

The flood control and disaster relief headquarters started to organize forces to repair the
damages incurred due to the disaster.Unlike other countries ,China was quite quick to
respond to the havoc because of which Human as well as economic loss incurred could
be revived as soon as possible.

Solutions that could have been taken

 Flooding is a major water management issue in China,The beijing government

had not been able to alert the people of some areas.An efficient and effective
warning system which has full coverage could reduce the risk to a great extent.

 Sponge City Programme-Orthodox style where amenities such as

bridges,railway stations etc interfere mostly with the sewage systems,sponge
city structures fosters the natural water cycle.

 Green infrastructure-Infratructures which act as an asset to the environment are

much appreciated,For eg,Green belt on the side of bridges could prove to be
benificial in metropolitan cities.Green infrastructure are considered to be more
cost effective because of less capital and mentainence costs involved.
 Stormwater treatment system-Refers to the sustaiable landscaping to purify
storm water and revive the soils to enhance further growth of green reserves.


Flooding,a havoc caused when temporarily rainwater enters dryland leading to

loss of wealth,vegetation infrastructure and human life.The occurrence is
unavoidable in the short run but the extent off loss incurred during Flooding can
be minimized to a great extent by adopting smart and green conventional
methods.A complete green revolution could help an economy to cope with the
loss created by the disaster.Green methods refer to adopting more of greener
methods now to avoid or reduce loss incurred by the disaster.




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