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My Interview Plan

Topic: AWS
Q1: What is AWS? ☆
AWS stands for Amazon Web Services and is a platform that provides database storage,
cloud services, offering to compute power, content delivery, and many other services to
develop business levels.
Q2: Explain the key components of AWS? ☆
Simple Storage Service (S3): S3 is most widely used AWS storage web service.
Simple E-mail Service (SES): SES is a hosted transactional email service and allows
one to fluently send deliverable emails using a RESTFUL API call or through a regular
Identity and Access Management (IAM): IAM provides improved identity and
security management for AWS account.
Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2): EC2 is an AWS ecosystem central piece. It is
responsible for providing on-demand and flexible computing resources with a “pay as
you go” pricing model.
Elastic Block Store (EBS): EBS offers continuous storage solution that can be seen in
instances as a regular hard drive.
CloudWatch: CloudWatch allows the controller to outlook and gather key metrics and
also set a series of alarms to be notified if there is any trouble.

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