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AquilionCXL - Trouble shooting, 15 June 2012

2.5 Trouble shooting

© Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation 1

Diagnostics and Escalation
X-ray system
Data Acquisition system

© Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation 2

Diagnostics and Escalation
For performance and long life - Proper operation and maintenance

• Operator training - applications training

• Trouble shooting guide - mainly for operator
• Service manuals - trouble shooting procedures and flowcharts
• Toshiba service
• Toshiba escalation - local - regional - global support

It is essential for prompt system recovery that abnormal system behaviour

is reported appropriately

© Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation 3


© Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation 4

[GTS] sts
[GTS] *** dualport RAM cyclic status ***
done_sts=4e41(NA) off_sts=52(R) rote_sts=52(R) x_ray_sts=52(R) bed_sts=52(R)
gns_sts=52(R) err sts=3030383a30303030(008:0000) slid_inter=30(0)
hite_inter=30(0) tilt_inter=30(0) r_spd=303030(000) x_ray_pos=30303030(0000)
sld_dsp=2b3030303030(+00000) hite_dsp=2b303030(+000) tilt_dsp=2b303030(+000)
warning=40(@) free_lgt_sts=30(0) preheat_cut=30(0) req_sts=40(@)
pre_err=40(@) sen_chk=3030303c32303030(000<2000)
*** dualport RAM return status ***
weg_rst=30(0) das_rst=303030(000) slt_rst=303030(000) row_rst=303030(000)
x_focus=30(0) tc_offset=303030(000) btm_rst=303030(000) detector=303030(000)
gt_rst=30(0) sld_sts=30(0) hite_sts=30(0) tilt_sts=30(0) lite_sts=30(0)
mes_beam=40(@) mes_slit=40(@) mes_mode=40(@) mes_wedge=40(@)
mes_slide1=40(@) mes_rote=40(@) mes_tilt=40(@) mes_lite=40(@) mes_gns=44(D)
mes_main=40(@) mes_das=40(@) mes_hite=40(@) mes_power=48(H) mes_mudat=44(D)
mes_gns_count=40(@) mes_compre=40(@) mes_det=40(@) mes_slide2=40(@)
mes_hite2=40(@) mes_tilt2=40(@) mes_mudat2=40(@)
scan_type=30(0) view_rate=30303030(0000) x_ray_pos=313230(120)
GTSA - Status

slide_mv_direct=30(0) slide_mv_value=3030303030(00000)
view_count=303030303030(000000) select puls=30(0)
helical speed=3030303030(00000) corrct=30(0) test_mode=30(0)
speed data=0x0 tilt data=0x1fd slide speed data=0x27bc
fluoroscopy slide speed data=0x0
abs init=30(0) abs sld dsp=303030303030(000000) slide BASE=0
rotation counter=500

© Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation 5

Watch STATUS - wsts
[GTS] wsts
[GTS] *** dualport RAM watch status ***
rotation error=30303030303030303030303030303030(0000000000000000)
slide error=3030303030(00000)
height error=3030303030303030303030(00000000000)
mudat error=30303030303030303030303030303030(0000000000000000)

© Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation 6


© Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation 7

Couch control limited mode
Couch Limited Operation mode
Invoked in case of height encoder related errors

In fault condition
tilting back to zero, and couch up/down slow mode only

Message for operator

© Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation 8

Couch control limited mode
Scanning is possible without a System-Reset - message for operator
Only slow Up/down movement
No remote Up/Down control
Gantry tilting only back to 0 - tilt only +/- 0.5 degrees
Height display is ---- mm
GTSA: HITE: Limited mode start

Click OK in the limited mode message for the operator
Reset GTSA
Raise the couch above HEIGHT-1
Lower the couch until it stops at HEIGHT-1
It should stop at Height-1 and display 000 mm
GTSA after recovery:
[GTS] HITE: Limited mode clear(absolute data:0x****)

© Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation 9

X-ray system

© Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation 10

Inverter Unit - SCB LED’s and Test switch

Used only at Spellman:


© Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation 11

INV Unit - HV cable
Rotate clockwise - top view
weak spring, don’t use force
Pull the plug out

Make sure the cables are free and that

2 no other cables are tied to these pink
wires. These wires heat up and can
cause burns.

© Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation 12

Data Acquisition system

© Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation 13

Control2 - LED’s
+3.3V ON - DS9
DS8 +5V regulator ON

DS1 Hard reset, normally off

1.5V regulator B ON - DS7

DS4 FPGA B config done

DS3 FPGA A config done DS10 DS5 DS11 DS2 1.5V regulator A ON - DS6

DS12 DS13 S5 S6

+3 V








© Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation 14

Trouble shooting and repair

A DAS fan that has stopped

Message in monitor
Repeated after reboot

© Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation 15


© Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation 16

• CPU box access for service at the front - Two screws
• Two network ports on power controller - for service only
• Power supply test connector on power controller

© Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation 17

hwtest and hwdiag
Test programs for the fibre channel and the reconstruction system

© Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation 18



Loop Devices: S-con and RTM/Recon1

© Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation 19

Raw & Image data
1. If one disk in the RDD fails
Recovery possible hot swap - no data loss
Recovery should be made as soon as possible

2. If two or more disks fail in one RDD RAID

Recovery, after replacement of the two disks, is possible by full setup of the
RDD RAIDs - all data is lost
Initialize Raw data - Create Image Directories - Init Raws only
Restore actual calibration data from back-up - or re-calibrate

3. If one of the two image disks in the S-console fails - no loss of data
Message for operator
Recovery, after replacement of the defective disk, by RAID utility

4. If one of the two system disks in the S-console fails - no loss of data
No message for operator
Recovery, after replacement of the defective disk, by RAID utility

© Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation 20


© Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation 21

Worth knowing
Korn shell operation in combination with the Windows taskbar and
Windows menus may cause peculiar system behaviour

Recovery by: Ctrl - Alt - Del, followed by Esc

© Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation 22

XC, SS, GTS, GTS backuplog

IV_logget - creates textfiles in s:/Innervision - default -

4 application CT
6 system operating system

G:/Eventlog - errlog.detail_log - SS and GTS log

Automatically created - Click Detail in error message

© Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation 23

Current Eventlogs can be converted to text by IV_logget
Older logs are archived and compressed - double-click to unzip
Convert to text using Eventviewer - select View - Oldest First
Save Log File As... - select txt

© Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation 24


This document contains confidential and proprietary information of Toshiba.

It may not be copied, distributed or shown to any third party, nor its contents
disclosed to any third party without Toshiba’s prior written consent.

These materials support a Toshiba training course.

They do not stand alone as a reference and are not current, accurate or complete
for any other use.

They do not replace or supersede Toshiba reference documentation (manual) in

any way. Should there be any conflict in what is contained in these materials and
any Toshiba manual, in every case the manual supersedes the information
contained herein.

© Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation 25

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