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OBJECTIVE: To be familiar with the Primary and Ancillary controls Air Exercise
and how they affect the airplane.

Principals of Flight Primary Secondary

Axis Control Input Use
Effect Effect
Yoke forward / push Pitch down Attitude and
Lateral Elevator None
Yoke rearward / pull Pitch up Airspeed

Yoke right Roll right

Longitudinal Aileron Yaw Direction
Yoke left Roll left
Rudder Pedals right Yaw right
Vertical Rudder Roll Balance
Rudder Pedals left Yaw left

Primary Controls Airspeed Slipstream

Elevator > Pitch >Attitude Increased airspeed > controls more effective > less input > Increased power
Aileron > Roll > Changing Direction Decreased airspeed > controls less effective > more input > Increased slipstream
Rudder > Yaw > Balance > Increased flow over the elevator
> More effective controls
Ancillary Controls Power > Strikes rudder
Decrease in power > nose pitches down > Left turning tendency
Throttle effects speed
Increase in power > nose pitches up
Mixture controls fuel/air ratio
Carb heat allows the hot air to enter the carburetor
Trim to relieve pressure on the controls Trim
Flaps changes the shape of the wing
If holding back pressure > pulling > trim backward
If holding forward pressure > pushing > trim forward
Transfer of Controls
Lookout Extending flaps > increase in lift and drag > pitch up
Smooth Control Inputs Retracting flaps > decrease in lift and drag > pitch down

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