Load Shifting Technique For Reduction Ofpeak Generation Capacity Requirement in Smart Grid

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1s IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics. Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016)

Load Shifting Technique for Reduction ofPeak

Generation Capacity Requirement in Smart Grid

Alpana Sinha and Mala De
IElectrical Engineering Department,
National Institute of Technology, Patna, Bihar, India
2Electrical Engineering Department
National Institute of Technology Patna, Bihar, India
E-mail: lalpanasinha311985@gmail.com.2mala@nitp.ac.in

Abstract-Restructuring of power system and the Residential consumers use appliances in a

introduction of demand side management has changed the disorganized manner in the resuIt most of the energy is
present scenario of power distribution system. Load wasted. Consumers have no means to take active part in
management during peak hour is important for utilities due to
. the load management program to increase the efficiency of
rise in energy cost. Utilities have considered demand slde
the whole system. So TOD tariff structure is used, which
management in their strategie planning without further
constrictions on the level of customer comfort or quality of
give incentive to the consumers. In residential area
power. This paper presents a load shifting technique for consumers uses different type of loads which have
residential consumers by shifting their loads at different time different patterns of energy consumption. In this paper
instances. An algorithm is developed which shift the TOD tariff can be applied to residential customers to avoid
controllable load from peak hours to off peak hours to reduce the urmeeded use of electricity.
the peak load and energy cost. In this method shifting of lo�ds Recently, residential energy management has become
is based on the priority of loads and time of day (TOD) tanff. a vital topic and many demand side management strategies
The experimental tests are carried out considering different
have been proposed for appliance scheduling. In [9] author
households which having different load priority.
proposed an optimization method based on linear
Keywords-Smart Grid; Demand Side Management
(DSM); Load Shijling; Time 0/ Day Tarif! programming. This paper presents a methodology for
scheduling the control action of the water heater. The
I. INTRODUCTION algorithm used in this paper is system specific to minimize
the peak load or electricity production cost. Another
Demand of electricity is increasing day by day. The
control method for scheduling the devices is proposed in
demand and supply should be continuously balanced to
[8] which is based on dynamic programming. In this
avoid supply interruption, but the load on the power plant
paper, the algorithm calculates the ON and O FF cycles for
is variable in nature. There are also large variations in
a group of devices. During the control period each group
demand at different time of the day. Indian utility load
can be controlled many times. The size of the group to be
curve has normally peak load in the moming and evening.
identified in advance and algorithm schedule each group
In this scenario, the power plants are designed to meet the
considering that the load consumption of the remaining
peak demand, which resuIt in increasing the cost of
group is fixed and the obtained resuIt is suboptimal. This
generation. Hence an effective solution for this problem is
algorithm also reduces the peak load and production cost.
demand side management (DSM) that reduces the peak
There are many techniques and algorithm [4] -[6] were
demand and brings immediate benefit to utilities and
developed for load management at demand side which
have primary objective is to reduce the maximum demand
Demand side management [2] is the important
of the system and operation cost. A DSM program based
process in the energy management of smart grid. That
on load shifting method is proposed in [7]. Which can
mainly refers to a program, which is put into operation by
control a large number of controllable devices by using
utility to control the energy consumption at the con�u�er
genetic algorithm. In this paper algorithm control the
side. The implementation of load management actlvItIeS
shifting time of controllable load to reduce the peak
offers great help in the balance of supply and demand.
demand and utility bill of electric power. These
Using the time of day (TOD) tariff under a demand side
techniques, which are overviews is mathematically
management program that encourages consumers to use
proven, but sometimes it is very difficuIt to understand for
electricity more efficiently. Time of day (TOD) tariff
everyday users. If the control period is increased,
means different price for different time of the day, which
computation time becomes large.
retlect the cost of electricity. So this tariff motivates the
This paper proposes a load management strategy at
customers to shift their loads from peak hour to off-peak
the demand side based on load shifting technique, which is
hour when the price of electricity is lower.

978-1-4673-8587-9/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE [1]

1s IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics. Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016)

less eomplieated and also take less time for eomputation. e. Load shifting-reduetion of peak demand load to
Load shifting algorithm shifts the eontrollable loads from shift peak period load to off-peak period.
peak hour to off peak hour, to reduee peak demand from a d. Strategie eonservation-deereasing the overall
utility point of view and reduee energy eost from eustomer load demand by utilizing more energy effieiently.
point of view. In this method shifting of loads based on e. Strategie load growth-inereasing the overall load
their priority and TOD tariff, eleetrieity eonsumption demand to improve eonsumer produetivity and
eharged differently during different period of the day. quality of life.
The paper is organized in five seetions. Seetion 11 The main aim of Peak c1ipping and valley filling
explains the future of teehniques for demand side teehnique is to reduee the variation of demand at the peak
management; seetion III mathematieally formulates the time and valley periods; so the burden of high demand on
load shifting method and deseribe a methodology the system will reduee. The load shifting teehnique
developed and Seetion IV gives the information about the eombines the benefits of these two teehniques by moving
implementation of the proposed algorithm and eonclude loads from peak hour to off peak hour.
the paper in Seetion V.
In this paper load shifting teehnique is proposed at the
Demand side management is the most important demand (eonsumer) side. The aim of proposed algorithm
program in smart grid, whieh depiets teehniques used to is to bring the uItimate load eurve near to the target
monitor and eontrol the effieient use of eleetrie energy at (objeetive) load eurve as possible, so that the preferred
the eonsuming side. Demand side management programs objeetive of the demand side management is aehieved.
ehange the pattern of eleetrieity eonsumption for preferred
ehanges in the load shape of power distribution system. A. Mathematical model
The main goal of DSM eould be redueing the demand The proposed load shifting algorithm shift the
during peak time, eurtail the power bring in from the eontrollable / shiftable load in the system in a manner that
power grid, or redueing the operation eost. DSM also eauses the load eonsumption eurve as nearby to the target
motivates eonsumers to eonsume less power during peak load eurve. So the proposed algorithm for load shifting is
time and shift their energy use to off -peak hour to flatten formulated mathematieally as:
the objeetive load eurve. 2
Minimize L�; 1 (PLoad(t) - ObjectiveLoad(t)) ( 1)
Mainly six type's teehniques are widely used for load
management to ehange the load shape: load shifting, peak Where O bjeetive Load (t) is the value of the target
c1ipping, valley filling, strategie load growth, strategie load eurve at time t, and PLoad (t) is value of aetual load
eonservation, and flexible load shape. These methods are after load shifting at time t.
represented in Fig. 1. The Pload (t) is known by equation:
PLoad(t) forecast(t) + connect(t) -
r�akCI IPp,"9

ß\ PE . .
Where, foreeast (t) is the foreeasted load at time t,
and eonneet (t) is the load whieh eonneeted at time t, and
diseonneet (t) is the load whieh diseonneeted at time t for

. -"
the duration of load shifting.

Iv\'l�"�'"' I ' � �
Fig.ure 2 shows the foreeasted load, eonneeted load,
�� diseonneeted load and load after shifting i.e. PLoad (t).

1B.�"'''ffi' I A�11111".'�""'� ,,,.�

t-3 t t+3
Fig.l: Techniques for Load Management at Demand Side

a. Peak c1ipping-reduetion of peak demand at :Connect(t)

speeifie period means eurtail some load at eertain :Disconnect(t)
hours of the day.
b. Valley filling-inereasing the load during off peak Fig. 2: Sketch Out of Each Load at Time t
period means inereased energy eonsumption
during this period.

1s IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics. Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016)

In the following steps detennine the objective (target) based on the priority of loads and time of day (TOD)
load curve based on the utility and consumer viewpoint. tariff.
The objective for load shifting algorithm can be different
from a utility point of view; the main goal of utility is to J) Load Shifting
reduce the variation of demand at different time of day. In Load shifting is a method of managing the load better
the resuIt, the utility will get relief from constructing new and simpler. It reduces the demand at peak times by
power plants to meet peak demand and lessen waste of moving the loads to partial peak and off peak period. This
energy at the valley period. In view of the consumer, they method does not change the total energy consumption and
want to reduce the energy cost, so the objective for load also easy to apply. In this method loads are shifted or
management on the demand side may be different for reschedules and here no loads are being switched off It is
different utility. In this paper, the tlexible nature of the not possible to shift or rescheduled all the loads, so that
proposed algorithm, which is used to create a fully this method has to select the loads that can be moved to
independent objective load curve. another time period.

J) Objeclive J: Flatten Ihe Load Consumption Curve 2) Residenlial Load

The purpose of this objective is taken in this paper Residential loads can be c1assified into two types:
from the utility view point, to reduce generation costs and a. Fixed load: - These types of loads have fixed
reduces the burden on the system. Some steps are to be power requirement and also need a continuous
taken for tlattening the load curve, i.e. To distribute the power supply. These types of loads are not
load evenly over the period of the day. Comparatively shifted to any other time.
requirement of balanced energy can increase the efficiency b. Shiftable load: - These types of loads can be
of the system. Therefore, the value of the objective curve shifted or scheduled at any other time. Shift
of time t is defmed aso ability is c10sely related to consumer's needs or
convenience. In this paper shiftable loads can be
Objectiveload(t) = PL/T (3)
divided into three priority loads. Some loads have
Where PL is the total forecasted load in KW and T is higher priority than other loads.
the total time duration
3) Time of Day (TOD) Tarif!
2) Objeclive 2: Reduce Ihe Cosl of Energy Consumption
Time of day tariff is a tariff structure; in this the price
Even though objective 1 has also purpose to reduce of electricity varies according to the time of consumption.
the cost for electricity consumption, but it is mainly In this tariff, the price of electricity is high during peak
benefits to the utility. So the solution from customer hours and the price of electricity is low during off peak
viewpoint is to reduce the cost of energy consumption. hour. In this paper load shifting technique is proposed,
Therefore the target (objective) load curve is inversely under this technique, electrical power to all consumers is
proportional to the price of electricity, which varies always available, but may be different charge at the time
according to the time of consumption. In this paper TOD of day or use of So the consumers utilize more energy
tariff is used to achieve the objective of demand side when rate of electricity is low.
management strategy. Therefore, the objective function is:
Objectiveload(t) = (PL/T) * (priceavg)jprice(t)(4) 4) Algorithm for Load Shifting
Where price (I) is cost of electricity per KWH at Step 1: Read forecasted load data, priority of loads
time t and hourly TOD tariff.
The purpose of this objective load curve is to Step 2: Determine objective load curve based on the
compensate electricity bill in every hour. If the electricity electricity price using equation (3) and (4).
price is high; the energy consumption will be small and Step 3: Calculate available power at eh hour by
vice-versa. In this paper this objective is drawn primarily subtracting fixed load from the objective
considered as the solution of objective 1 cannot be load at each hour.
satisfactory for the consumer perspectives. Step 4: Start load shifting for ith priority load.
Step 5: If available power at jth hour is larger than ith
B. Proposed Load Shifting Algorithm priority load, then assign ith priority load at
fh hour else search power at other time, if
In this paper load shifting technique is proposed for
power available is larger than load then
load management at demand side of residential
assign load at that hour.
consumers. An algorithm is developed which shift the
Step 6: if t 24 and no space allocated to ith priority

controllable (shiftable) load from peak hours to valley

load, then no time slot available for shifting
period or off- peak hours to reduce the peak load and
the ith priority load ,then these loads are
energy cost for consumers. In this method shifting of loads
shifted to the time where cost of power

1s IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics. Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016)

delivery is minimum after allocating loads period or off-peak hour. If the control period for load
based on priority. shifting is 0-24 hr, then peak hour load cannot be shifted
Step 7: if shifting for all the loads is done, then to valley period. So in this paper, the control period for
display the resuIt else go to step 4. load shifting started from the 17th hour of the day and in
The O utput of this algorithrn, plot the graph of this situation load shifting technique is easily
forecasted load, objective load and load after shifting implemented.
versus time. The ResuIt obtained from the proposed Case 1: In the first case, the simulations were
algorithm confirms system peak demand reduction and simplified to a single house. Fig. 4 shows the resuIts of a
energy cost reduction. single household for objective 1 and Fig.5.shows the result
of single household for objective 2.

To test the efficacy of the proposed algorithrn, load

data taken from the residential sector. Consider three
households from residential area and hourly forecasted I. ,
load data taken from these three households. Set control
period 24 hours (i.e. T 24) and time interval is 1 hour.
All households have some essential loads means fixed
loads, which are not shifted to any time period and some
shiftable loads. Shiftable loads can be divided into three "

priority loads. Some loads have higher priority than other

Fig.3: TOD Pricing Scheme
loads. Shiftable loads may be including washing machine,
dishwasher, water heater ,etc. These loads are shifted from
peak hour to off peak hour. Time of day tariff is
implemented to these consumers.
Forecasted load data for three households are given in
table 1 and proposed TOD pricing scheme shown in Fig.3.

Time in Hrs Hourly forecasted load (KW)

House I House 2 House 3 Total Load
17-18 0.49 0.60 0.43 1.52
18-19 0.53 0.60 0.70 1.83
19-20 0.80 0.92 0.74 2.46
20-21 0.80 1.03 0.85 2.68
21-22 0.73 0.92 0.98 2.63
22-23 0.67 0.54 0.68 1.89
23-24 0.22 0.25 0.46 0.93 Fig. 4: DSM Result für Single Hüuse für Objective I
24-1 0.18 0.20 0.18 0.56
1-2 0.16 0.205 0.17 0.238 Proposed algorithm not only reduces the peak
2-3 0.16 0.205 0.17 0.238 demand, it also reduces the energy cost for consumers. In
3-4 0.16 0.205 0.03 0.224 this case Table 2 shows the peak load demand and energy
4-5 0.22 0.205 0.19 0.246
cost with and without the load shifting algorithm for
5-6 0.24 0.27 0.32 0.83
6-7 0.23 0.24 0.41 0.88 objective 1 and objective 2.
7-8 0.27 0.33 0.42 1.02
8-9 0.19 0.33 0.65 1.17
9-10 0.15 0.69 0.66 1.50
10-11 0.04 0.50 0.55 1.09
11-12 0.04 0.26 0.32 0.62
12-13 0.027 0.26 0.30 0.083
13-14 0.062 0.15 0.08 0.085
14-15 0.35 0.10 0.08 0.53
15-16 0.35 0.12 0.075 0.022
16-17 0.35 0.12 0.18 0.65

The maximum load demand of these three households

is 2.68 KW. Load shifting technique shifts the peak hour
load to off-peak hour to level the load consumption curve.
In general on a typical day, valley period of load
consumption curve in the moming and peak hour of load Fig. 5: DSM Result für Single Hüuse für Objective 2
consumption curve in the evening which is after the valley

1s IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics. Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016)

This paper proposed the load shifting technique for
Without load With load shiftine;
shifting Ob.iective I Obiective 2
load management on the demand (consumer) side. This
Peak load (KW) 0.8 0.5 0.45 load shifting algorithm successfully works to level or
Energy cost (Rs.) 52.67 43.05 42.20 smooth out the load demand over the day without a
Case 2: In this case, consider three houses with decrease in total energy consumption. In this paper
different priority. Proposed load shifting algorithm check developed algorithm is based on the shiftable loads
the priority of loads and also priority of houses, the shift priority, which is different for different consumers and
the lower priority load to the appropriate time based on the time of day tariff. Unlike the other paper, a load shifting
priority of houses algorithm is developed by using c1assical approach ,
which take less time for execution . It is shown that the
strategy implemented to shift the consumer loads to
appropriate time in order to reduce the peak demand and
utility will get a relief. Reducing the maximum demand
will also reduce the cost of electricity.
The load shifting algorithm can shift controllable
loads to the appropriate time of the day means off-peak
hours in order to reduce peak demand. This proposed
algorithm will not only reduce consumer costs, but will
also reduce generation cost .TOD tariff has been used for
housing consumers that may help out the supplier to
Fig. 6: DSM Result for Three Houses for Objective I decrease the maximum demand and electricity bill from
the consumer point of view. It is possible to implement
Fig. 6 shows the load shifting algorithm schedule the this algorithm for multiple household.
shiftable loads according to their priority and price of
electricity in order to reduce peak demand and the cost of REFERENCES
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