Gyne - Case 05 Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

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 Any form of uterine bleeding that deviates from the  MENO: profuse + METRO: irregular + RRHAGIA: interval
normal menstrual cycle.  Irregular intervals
 Normal: woman is expected to bleed only during menses  Problem: Amount of the flow
Normal Menses  Irregular interval
 Cyclic Bleeding  No pattern
 Duration: 4 - 7 days
 Interval: 28 - 35 days 5. POLYMENORRHEA
 Amount: No more than 80 cc  What if the cycles come too often every 14 to 15 days?
 Cycle: < 21 days
The amount is difficult to quantify, it is determined by getting
the hemoglobin & hematocrit before & after menstruation. 6. OLIGOMENORRHEA
 What if the cycles come once every two months?
Book:  Cycle: > 45 days
Assessment of menstrual blood loss (MBL):  Book: Interval 35 days to 6 months
 MBL measurement: Hgb, serum Fe & serum Ferritin
 More accurate: Alkaline hematic method: Hematin CLASSIFICATION:
To classify AUB, you will have to find out by history, to find the
 Average MBL: 35 – 60 mL (Iron: 13 mg) possible cause
 TV MBL: 2x due to Endometrial Tissue Exudate
1. DYSFUNCTIONAL: Ovulatory or Anovulatory
At age 12, 13 & 14, menstruation may not yet be in the normal 2. ORGANIC: Systemic or Reproductive Tract Disorder
cycle, because there is a certain time the menses may still not
be in normal at the extremes of life during the pubertal age & In the evaluation of a patient with AUB, you have to take note
pre-menopausal period. of the AGE because there are certain causes that are true only
for certain age of the patient
Book: Menstruation is variable in 2 years following menarche,
preceding menopause, times of life during which anovulatory DYSFUNCTIONAL (HORMONAL)
cycles are most frequent.  Diagnosis by EXCLUSION
 Endocrinologic Problem
How would it manifest? Anovulatory Dysfunctional Bleeding
1. INTERMENSTRUAL BLEEDING  Take note of the age of the patient & type of bleeding
 Definition: Bleeding in between menses  Age: Post menarchial & Pre-menopausal
 When would inter-menstrual bleeding be normal?  Type of Bleeding: usually MENOMETRORRHAGIA

 Pattern: Unpredictable, non-periodic, irregular cycles

Jun 16 Jun 28 – 30 July 15  Pelvic Exam: Normal except you will be able to
Day 1 intermenstrual Bleeding Day 1 demonstrate bleeding from the cervix os

A woman may have mid-cycle bleeding that will last for only a When do you expect this to be normal?
few hours and will only stain the underwear. This will come 
Post-menarcheal: 1 2 – 3 years after menarche
every month & will be notice on day 14-15 of the cycle. Cause: Immaturity of the HPO Axis
Book: Also failure of + feedback of Estradiol to cause LH surge
This is mid-cycle bleeding or termed: OVULATORY BLEEDING
 Pre-menopausal: about age 45 – 46 may have irregular
What is the cause? Why does a woman bleed at the time she is menstruation indicating anovulation
ovulating? Cause: Start of ovarian failure, the follicles in the ovaries
 In ovulation, there is mechanical extrusion of the egg that are already depleted
will cause bleeding inside the peritoneal cavity and will o Female: depletion of follicles
NOT cause bleeding thru the vagina. That bleeding inside o Male: can manufacture the sperm every 72 days
the peritoneum is termed as OVULATORY PAIN or
MITTELSCHMERZ What would be the main cause? What is absent in the patient?
 Absence of Progesterone & Corpus Luteum
 Some patient would think they are recently ovulating  In TVS, you will be able to see only the thickened
because of a pain on one side of the pelvis. endometrium because of the proliferation of the
endometrium 2 to the continuous effect of estrogen & on
Day 20 you will not be able to see the presence of the
 During this time Estrogen will rise, but just before corpus luteum
ovulation there will be a fall in Estrogen. And it is the fall
of this Estrogen that will trigger the LH surge to cause Book:
ovulation. This will be responsible for the little stains in  Anovulatory: Continuous estradiol production without
underwear known as the KLEINE-REGAL SIGN corpus luteum formation & progesterone production
 Continuous proliferation  Outgrow BS  Necrosis
 AKA Heavy Menstrual Bleeding (HMB) (> 7 days) Other causes of anovulatory:
 Regular intervals  PCOS
 Problem: Amount of the flow (> 80 mL)  Hypothalamic dysfunction
 Hypothyroidism
 Hyperprolactinemia (> 20 ng/mL)
 Cushing’s Syndrome
TX When a woman is in the reproductive age group with AUB -
1. Progesterone
 Supplement: 2nd half of the cycle 2. Infection of the Upper Genital Tract
 If a woman ovulates on day 14 or 15 of the cycle, by day What is Puerperium?
15- 16 we expect her to produce her own progesterone so  The state of a woman during childbirth or immediately
supplement after supposedly the day I should expect her thereafter, approximate 6-week period lasting from
to ovulate childbirth to the return of normal uterine size
 Give her cyclic progesterone (Between Day 16 - 25)
3. Endometritis
To have pregnancy:  ENDOMETRITIS following delivery patient may have
2. Ovulatory Drugs delayed post-partum hemorrhage after infection
 Make her ovulate to produce her own progesterone  Prolonged Menstruation
 If she ovulates from the dominant follicle there will be  More commonly: Episodic inter-menstrual spotting, Pre-
ovulation, that follicle per ovulation that took place will mentrual spotting
now be converted to corpus luteum which is destined to
produce her own progesterone. 4. Malignancies:
 Drugs: Clomiphene Citrate  Considered if in elderly age group except when thinking of
cervical cancer because these malignancies may range
To make her menstruation regular: from vagina (not common), can be cervical or uterine
3. OCP
 To supplement a deficient hormonal status of the patient Book:
 Endometrial & Cervical Ca > Vagina, vulva, fallopian tube
To simply stop the bleeding:  Estrogen producing ovarian tumors,
4. Danazol, GnRH agonist  Granulosa Theca Cell Tumors – Excessive uterine bleeding
 Danazol is a testosterone derivative; if patient stops
bleeding there is no DUB. Cervical Ca
 Symptom: bleeding every now and then
Ovulatory Dysfunctional Bleeding  Profile/ Risk Factors: Early coitarche, several male partner,
 Normal, Regular, periodic, predictable cycles multipara, infection with HPV
 No demonstrable reproductive organ disorder  DX: Speculum Exam
 Pattern: Menorrhagia (HMB)  How is bleeding related to contact? Post-coital Bleeding

Book Cause: 5. Anatomic Uterine Abnormalities

o Abnormalities of the platelet plug (1 line of defense)  Submucus myoma, Endometrial polyp, Adenomyosis
o ↓ PGF2α (mediates uterine contractility)  Prolonged excessive regular uterine bleeding
o ↑ PGE (vasodilator)  Cause: Abnormal vasculature & blood flow, as well as ↑
o Excessive uterine production of prostacyclin (vasodilator inflammatory changes
PG that opposes platelet adhesion & may interfere with
uterine contractility) Leiomyomas
o Abnormal Endothelin & vascular endothelial GF (controls  Tumors of myometrium
BV formation)  Not all would cause AUB, it is only when you are dealing
 PGF2α/PGE is inversely proportional to MBL with the SUBMUCOUS type
 Anti-prostaglandin or Prostaglandin Synthetase Inhibitor Endometrial Polyp
 NSAIDS  Tongue like projections within the endometrial lining
 Hemostatics like Tranexamic Acid  Symptom: INTERMENSTRUAL BLEEDING
 DX Procedure: SIS – observe floating of polyp
ORGANIC  Cannot be a simple UTZ. IF TVS–“thickened endometrium”
 Type of Bleeding: usually MENORRHAGIA
 Pattern: Profuse menses, regular intervals 6. Cervical Lesions
 Erosion, polyps & cervicitis
Systemic  Irregular Bleeding  Post-coital spotting
Causes:  DX: Visualization of the cervix
 Antithrombotics: ASA or Clopidogrel (exogenous)
 Diseases: any form of a blood dyscrasia or hematopoietic 7. Foreign Body
disorder (Hemolytic Anemia, Leukemia, ITP)  The presence of foreign body in the form IUD would
 Disorders of Blood Coagulation (vWB disease) present as HMB because that uterus contracts more
 Cirrhosis (↓ capacity to metabolize Estrogens during menstruation in its effort to try to expel the IUD

That is why for a young girl (Age 14 – 15) presenting with AUB Remember:
while you would like to think this is anovulatory DUB because  In pathogenesis of Ovulatory DUB, this is all because of an
she is post-menarcheal – ALWAYS R/O BLOOD DYSCRASIA increase in prostaglandin. That’s why a woman bleeds
 Unless indicated by clinical signs: petechiae or ecchymosis more, there is NO organic cause but it is simply because
of prostaglandin which is responsible for myometrial
Reproductive Tract Disorders contraction
1. Accidents of pregnancy
 Abortion 8. Iatrogenic Causes:
 Ectopic pregnancy  Oral & injectable steroids for contraception, HRT,
 Gestational Trophoblastic Disease (any woman who has dysmenorrhea, hirsutism, acne, or endometriosis
had a recent pregnancy)  Tranquilizers & other psychotropic drugs may interfere
 Eclampsia? NO - not unless it causes to an abruption with the NT responsible for hypothalamic hormones
You will only be able to arrive at these organic causes of Hysteroscopy
bleeding after pelvic examination or even after doing an  - Copy “Scope” meaning endoscopic examination under
ancillary procedure. minimally invasive surgery directly visualizing the
endometrial cavity
Principle: If you demonstrated an organic cause, the treatment  Advantage: the moment a pathology can be seen, you can
is towards that organic cause (If it is a polyp take out the polyp) convert from diagnostic to an operative & therapeutic
Order of Ruling out: D&C
1. R/o systemic cause to dx reproductive tract disorder  Dilatation & Curettage
2. R/o organic cause to diagnose DUB  Tagalog: “RASPA”
 Both diagnostic (GYN) & therapeutic (OB)
 Β hCG – To rule out accidents of pregnancy 
360 of uterine cavity is sampled
 Blood Count & Coagulation profile – To rule out systemic
Endometrial Biopsy
TVS  Take only representative samples
 Best route to examine reproductive tract  Advantage: do not have to dilate the cervix which is
 Possible Dx: Submucous Myoma, Polycystic Ovaries painful
 NOT PCOS, a syndrome is something a clinician will make a  An office procedure which can be done in the clinic
diagnosis of. PCOS will be made up of Oligomenorrhea,
Hyperandrogenism & Polycystic Ovaries Fractional D & C
 Practically not used anymore
 Can be able to see an abnormal lining of the uterus &  Divide the uterus into 2: Endometrial & Endocervix
thickened endometrium which may mean endometrial  Objective: to find out especially if working diagnosis in
polyp, submucous myoma, endometrial hyperplasia, or endometrial cancer is confine to the body or involve both
endometrial Ca body & cervix.
 If clinically you suspect it might be a polyp due to
presentation in the history of intermenstrual bleeding Note: Gold standard is no longer Fractional D & C, you can just
instead a TVS, request for SIS. do endometrial biopsy.

HSG Book
 Primarily for the patency of the tubes  SHG: to rule out an intracavitary lesion before ascribing
the diagnosis to ovulatory DUB
 Endometrial Biopsy (> 8 mm), if obtained at the onset of
bleeding will show secretory changes (For age: >35, long
history of excessive bleeding)

36 year old G1P1 (1011) consulted because of prolonged and profuse menses for the past 4 cycles. She claimed that her menstrual
cycles lasted for 10 days consuming 4 overnight pads per day. Her usual menses lasted for 4 days and she consumes about 3
regular pads per day. PPE: BP – 110/70 PR: 90/min; pale palpebral conjunctiva; Speculum: cervix is pink, smooth with minimal
bleeding per os: IE: cervix – firm, long, closed; uterus – normal in size, anteverted; adnexa – no masses & tenderness.

Type of Bleeding: Menorrhagia, HMB Remember

 Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding is diagnosed by exclusion.
WORK UP  No demonstrable organic cause (RULED OUT)
To rule out ORGANIC cause of the problem: DO TVS  Patient experiences REGULAR profuse bleeding pointing
to an OVULATORY cycle.
1. Rule out ORGANIC systemic causes:
 Is there presence of epistaxis, gum bleeding while There is nothing to treat her with hormones, perhaps the
brushing your teeth, sustained wound bleed for long problem is with the hemostatic mechanism. (Look at the
 IF POSITIVE: do CBC, platelet, PT, APTT, TSH hemostasis of the menstrual cycle)

Result: All are normal except for ↓ Hgb due to bleeding for 4 So this patient may simply need that use of Prostaglandin
months. Inhibitors, NSAIDS, or supplement it with hemostatics to
address the problem of HMB
2. Rule out ORGANIC reproductive tract disorder cause:
 Polyp? Remember the patient has HMB, not inter-
menstrual bleeding
 Foreign Body? Nothing in the history
 Pregnancy: do β hCG
 Malignancies:
 Cervix is clean: R/o cervical cancer
 No mass in adnexa: R/o possible ovarian malignancy

TVS Result:
 Proliferative endometrium, normal size uterus & ovaries

What is the next thing you need to do?

 See what day of the cycle is she in
 If she is on Day 7or 8 with proliferative endometrium then
it is normal

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