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statistics, a perfect negative correlation is represented by the value -

1.00, a 0.00 indicates no correlation, and a +1.00 indicates a

Positive correlation exists when two variables move in the same
direction. A basic example of positive correlation is height and perfect positive correlation. A perfect negative correlation means the
weight—taller people tend to be heavier, and vice versa. In some
cases, positive correlation exists because one variable influences the relationship that exists between two variables is negative 100% of the
other. In other cases, the two variables are independent from one
another and are influenced by a third variable. The field of economics time.
contains many cases of positive correlation. In microeconomics,
demand and price are positively correlated. In macroeconomics,
positive correlation exists between consumer spending and gross BREAKING DOWN 'Negative Correlation'
domestic product (GDP).

Negative correlation is used in statistics to measure the amount that a

Postive Correlation in Microeconomics change in one variable can affect an opposite change in another
variable. Analysts perform a regression analysis to quantify
Microeconomics, which analyzes individual consumers and firms, predictability of the negative relationship between the two variables.
features many instances of positive correlation between variables, one This procedure provides analysts with a calculation of R-squared (R2),
of the most common being the relationship between demand and price. which is the statistical measure of how well one variable predicts the
When students study microeconomics and statistics, one of the first value of another variable. If the R2 between two separate items is 1, it
concepts they learn about is the law of supply and demand and the means the independent variable accurately predicts the dependent
influence it has on price. The supply and demand curve shows that variable without error. An R2 of 0 implies that the independent variable
when demand increases without a concomitant increase in supply, a cannot predict the dependent variable. An R2 that falls between 0 and
corresponding increase in price occurs. Similarly, when a demand for a 1 measures the extent to which the independent variable predicts the
good or service decreases, its price also drops. dependent variable. For example, if R2 is 0.4, this implies that the
independent variable can predict the dependent variable with 40%
The relationship between demand and price is an example of
causation as well as positive correlation. An increase in demand
causes the corresponding increase in price; the price of a good or For example, the more time a person devotes to purchasing goods at
service increases precisely because more consumers want it and the mall, the less money he will have in his checking account. The
therefore are willing to pay more for it. When demand decreases, that higher an investor's mutual fund expense ratio, the lower his
means fewer people want a product and sellers must lower its price to investment returns. The more hours a person spends at the office, the
entice people to buy it. less time he or she has for other activities. All of these variables have a
negative R2.
In contrast, supply is negatively correlated with price. When supply
decreases without a corresponding demand decrease, prices increase. The Importance of Negative Correlation
The same number of consumers now compete for a reduced number
of goods, which makes each good more valuable in the eye of the Negative correlation is important for any analyst, investor or person
consumer. looking to diversify and hedge his bets. If an investor is able to find an
investment class that moves opposite to another set of assets he is
Macroeconomics holding, he can invest in both to stabilize his portfolio. Commodities, for
example, are known to move in the opposite direction of the stock
market, on average. If an investor holds a portfolio with a 100%
Positive correlation also abounds in macroeconomics, the study of allocation of public equities, he can sell some of his stock to purchase
economies as a whole. Consumer spending and GDP are two metrics precious metals, thus balancing his portfolio from volatility.
that maintain a positive relationship with one another. When spending
increases, GDP also rises as firms produce more goods and services
to meet consumer demand. Conversely, firms slow production amid a However, while negative correlation can be used to reduce the risk of a
slowdown in consumer spending to bring production costs in line with portfolio, it can also create a situation where an investor cannot win. If
revenues and limit excess supply. (For related reading, the two asset classes are perfectly negatively correlated, any gains in
see: Macroeconomics: Supply, Demand and Elasticity.) one class are completely offset by the other. Therefore, it is important
to find two different investments that have a small, negative correlation.
This way, if the relationship between stocks and commodities is -0.40,
Like demand and price, consumer spending and GDP are examples of an investor can reduce, but not completely offset, his losses in times
positively correlated variables where movement by one variable when stocks are moving downward and still earn a positive return
causes movement by the other. In this case, consumer spending is the when stocks increase in value.
variable that effects a change in GDP. Firms set production levels
based on demand, and demand is measured by consumer spending.
As the level of consumer spending moves up and down, production 
levels strive to match the change in demand, resulting in a positive Measures
relationship between the two variables. (For related reading, see:  What are the measures of central tendency?

A measure of central tendency (also referred to
Negative Correlation as measures of centre or central location) is a summary
measure that attempts to describe a whole set of data
Loading the player... with a single value that represents the middle or centre
of its distribution.

What is 'Negative Correlation' There are three main measures of central tendency: the
mode, the median and the mean. Each of these measures
Negative correlation is a relationship between two variables in which describes a different indication of the typical or central value
in the distribution.
one variable increases as the other decreases, and vice versa. In
What is the mode?
 54, 54, 54, 55, 56, 57, 57, 58, 58, 60, 60

The mode is the most commonly occurring value in a When the distribution has an even number of observations,
distribution. the median value is the mean of the two middle values. In
the following distribution, the two middle values are 56 and
Consider this dataset showing the retirement age of 11 57, therefore the median equals 56.5 years:
people, in whole years:
52, 54, 54, 54, 55, 56, 57, 57, 58, 58, 60, 60
54, 54, 54, 55, 56, 57, 57, 58, 58, 60, 60

This table shows a simple frequency distribution of the Advantage of the median:
retirement age data.
The median is less affected by outliers and skewed data
than the mean, and is usually the preferred measure of
Age Frequency
central tendency when the distribution is not symmetrical.
54 3
55 1
Limitation of the median:
56 1
The median cannot be identified
57 2
for categorical nominal data, as it cannot be logically
58 2 ordered.
60 2
 What is the mean?
The most commonly occurring value is 54, therefore the 
mode of this distribution is 54 years. 
The mean is the sum of the value of each observation in
a dataset divided by the number of observations. This is
Advantage of the mode: also known as the arithmetic average.

The mode has an advantage over the median and the mean Looking at the retirement age distribution again:
as it can be found for both numerical and categorical (non-
numerical) data. 54, 54, 54, 55, 56, 57, 57, 58, 58, 60, 60

The mean is calculated by adding together all the values

Limitations of the mode: (54+54+54+55+56+57+57+58+58+60+60 = 623) and
dividing by the number of observations (11) which equals
The are some limitations to using the mode. In some 56.6 years.
distributions, the mode may not reflect the centre of the
distribution very well. When the distribution of retirement age
is ordered from lowest to highest value, it is easy to see that Advantage of the mean:
the centre of the distribution is 57 years, but the mode is
lower, at 54 years. The mean can be used for
both continuous and discrete numeric data.
54, 54, 54, 55, 56, 57, 57, 58, 58, 60, 60

It is also possible for there to be more than one mode for the Limitations of the mean:
same distribution of data, (bi-modal, or multi-modal). The
presence of more than one mode can limit the ability of the The mean cannot be calculated for categorical data, as the
mode in describing the centre or typical value of the values cannot be summed.
distribution because a single value to describe the centre
cannot be identified. As the mean includes every value in the distribution the
mean is influenced by outliers and skewed distributions.
In some cases, particularly where the data
are continuous, the distribution may have no mode at all (i.e.
if all values are different). What else do I need to know about the mean?

In cases such as these, it may be better to consider using The population mean is indicated by the Greek
the median or mean, or group the data in to appropriate symbol µ (pronounced ‘mu’). When the mean is calculated
intervals, and find the modal class. on a distribution from a sample it is indicated by the
symbol x̅ (pronounced X-bar).

What is the median?

 How does the shape of a distribution influence the
 Measures of Central Tendency?
The median is the middle value in distribution when the 
values are arranged in ascending or descending order. 

The median divides the distribution in half (there are 50% Symmetrical distributions:
of observations on either side of the median value). In a
distribution with an odd number of observations, the median When a distribution is symmetrical, the mode, median and
value is the middle value. mean are all in the middle of the distribution. The following
graph shows a larger retirement age dataset with a
Looking at the retirement age distribution (which has 11 distribution which is symmetrical. The mode, median and
observations), the median is the middle value, which is 57 mean all equal 58 years.
generally, most of the values, including the median value,
tend to be greater than the mean value.

The following graph shows a larger retirement age dataset

with a distribution which left skewed. The mode is 65 years,
the modal class is 63-65 years, the median is 63 years and
the mean is 61.8 years.

Skewed distributions:

When a distribution is skewed the mode remains the most

commonly occurring value, the median remains the middle
value in the distribution, but the mean is generally ‘pulled’ in
the direction of the tails. In a skewed distribution, the median
is often a preferred measure of central tendency, as the
mean is not usually in the middle of the distribution.
How do outliers influence the measures of central
A distribution is said to be positively or right skewed when tendency?
the tail on the right side of the distribution is longer than the 
left side. In a positively skewed distribution it is common for 
the mean to be ‘pulled’ toward the right tail of the distribution. Outliers are extreme, or atypical data value(s) that are
Although there are exceptions to this rule, generally, most of notably different from the rest of the data.
the values, including the median value, tend to be less than
the mean value. It is important to detect outliers within a distribution, because
they can alter the results of the data analysis. The mean is
The following graph shows a larger retirement age data set more sensitive to the existence of outliers than the median or
with a distribution which is right skewed. The data has been
grouped into classes, as the variable being measured
(retirement age) is continuous. The mode is 54 years, the
modal class is 54-56 years, the median is 56 years and the Consider the initial retirement age dataset again, with one
mean is 57.2 years. difference; the last observation of 60 years has been
replaced with a retirement age of 81 years. This value is
much higher than the other values, and could be considered
an outlier. However, it has not changed the middle of the
distribution, and therefore the median value is still 57 years.

54, 54, 54, 55, 56, 57, 57, 58, 58, 60, 81

As the all values are included in the calculation of the mean,

the outlier will influence the mean value.

(54+54+54+55+56+57+57+58+58+60+81 = 644), divided by

11 = 58.5 years

In this distribution the outlier value has increased the mean


Despite the existence of outliers in a distribution, the mean

can still be an appropriate measure of central tendency,
especially if the rest of the data is normally distributed. If the
outlier is confirmed as a valid extreme value, it should not be
removed from the dataset. Several common regression
techniques can help reduce the influence of outliers on the
mean value.

A distribution is said to be negatively or left skewed when

the tail on the left side of the distribution is longer than the
right side. In a negatively skewed distribution, it is common What is a 'Rule Of Thumb'
for the mean to be ‘pulled’ toward the left tail of the
distribution. Although there are exceptions to this rule,
A rule of thumb is a guideline that provides simplified advice regarding
a particular subject. It is a general principle that gives practical
instructions for accomplishing or approaching a certain task. Typically,
rules of thumb develop as a result of practice and experience rather
than from scientific research or theory. This is why they're regarded as
a heuristic.


Investors may be familiar with a variety of "financial rules of thumb"

that are intended to help individuals learn, remember and apply
financial guidelines, including those that address methods and
procedures for saving, investing and retirement. Although a rule of
thumb may be appropriate for a wide audience, it may not apply
universally to every individual and unique set of circumstances.

There are a number of financial rules of thumb that provide guidance

for investors, including the following guidelines:

 A home purchase should cost less than an amount equal to

two and a half years of your annual income.
 Always save at least 10% of your take-home income for
 Have at least five times your gross salary in life insurance.
 Pay off your highest-interest credit cards first.
 The stock market has a long-term average return of 10%.
 You should have an emergency fund equal to six months'
worth of household expenses.
 Your age represents the percentage of bonds you should
have in your portfolio.
 Your age subtracted from 100 represents the percentage of
stocks you should have in your portfolio.

There are also rules of thumb for determining how much net worth you
will need to retire comfortably at a normal retirement age. Here is the
calculation that Investopedia uses to determine your net worth: If you
are employed and earning income: ((your age) x (annual household
income)) / 10. If you are not earning income or you are a student:
((your age – 27) x (annual household income)) / 10.

Take Rules of Thumb With a Grain of Salt

While rules of thumbs are useful to people as general guidelines, they

may be too oversimplified in many situations, leading to
underestimating or overestimating an individual’s needs. Rules of
thumb do not account for specific circumstances or factors occurring at
a particular time, or that could change over time, which should be
considered for making sound financial decisions. For example, in a
tight job market, an emergency fund amounting to six months of
household expenses does not consider the possibility of extended
unemployment. As another example, buying life insurance based on a
multiple of income does not account for the specific needs of the
surviving family, which include a mortgage, the need for college
funding and an extended survivor income for a non-working spouse.

Read more: Rule Of Thumb

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