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By S. Rob

(C) Copyright 2014 Castindes Publishing.

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electronic or mechanical methods except by the author himself.

DISCLAIMER: This book is not designed or intended to diagnose, treat

or cure any disease or condition. Information is presented for
entertainment purposes only. Use any and all information presented
herein at your own risk. The author and publisher assume no
responsibility for the use or misuse of the information in this book. This
book is presented purely as a work of fiction and should be
recognized as such. Any and all information is solely the opinion and/or
personal belief of the author and is presented as such.

This book is ONLY intended for sale or reading by persons who are
18 years of age or older.
Chapter 1 What is lucid dreaming?

All of us know what a dream is even if we cannot always remember them. We spend
a lot of our time asleep and yet many of us don’t see the importance of sleep or even
dreaming. Some people see sleep and dreaming as just a waste of time and that any
reduction in time spent sleeping and dreaming would be a great advantage. But this
view is short sighted because sleep and dreaming is of great importance to us as
humans. The world’s greatest minds have considered: how do we know that our
world is real and that life isn’t simply a dream, which is quite sensible when we
consider that people don’t have any control over their dreams: or most people don’t
and in fact people can gain control over their dreaming and this is called lucid
dreaming; at its most basic it means people knowing you are asleep.

But lucid dreaming isn’t just about knowing that you are asleep, it also is about the
much more important matter of knowing when we are truly awake. This is because if
you think when in a dream that it is real then everything which happens in the dream
will affect you subconsciously whether damaging and awful or good. There are few
things as frightening as a nightmare and few people would want these to happen in
real life, but they do happen in real life because you don’t know when you are awake
or asleep. To not know you are sleep is to not know you are awake. I am sure that
most people don’t want to live their lives in apathy: not caring: in a state of not
wanting or truly putting effort into what they want. When this happens people are
trapped into not getting what they want whether asleep or awake.

In fact, being aware of being asleep is a very good form of self control, as it allows
people to gain greater control over their subconscious mind: normally something
well outside of the confines of the conscious mind. Therefore, gaining the skill of
lucid dreaming should be considered of primary importance for a person wanting to
gain true internal power. We also need to consider that the modern world throws
many images at us designed to control and influence us, and they are thrown at us by
marketing everyday: almost continuously. Our minds are being programmed to want
buy and to have certain values, and these messages go straight into our subconscious
mind, the same subconscious mind the conscious mind has usually no influence
over. This means that our dreams are being controlled by marketing, by subliminal
and psychological messages drip fed to us as we are awake, get played out when we
sleep, and even affect us when we are awake: made even stronger by the matter than
we cannot even tell the difference between sleeping and being awake. We are
trapped in the ultimate nightmare.

But we are not defenseless and learning to have control and to know when we dream
gives us the power over when we are awake. Some people may wonder why the time
we are asleep has so much power. Well sleeping is very basic to humanity and also
under many circumstances dreams rehearse what we need to perfect when awake.
For many people, healthy dreaming is the playing out of scenarios and as such is a
type of planning and is part of the reason why humanity has so much mental faculty
and in fact humans can survive longer without water than without sleep. Our body
and minds feed upon sleep, but also many people believe there is another root that
makes dreams so special and that is that they are just as real as the world we live in.

The Australian aborigines class dreams as being in another dimension with different
rules and call it dream time. This means that power over dreaming is even more
important because it is the one time when you can have unprecedented power over
what is around you. This requires however you to know you are dreaming or in
dreamtime as it could also be referred to: more than that to them the power of lucid
dreaming would be practiced because you would exist there after death and before
reincarnation. Just imagine what it would be like if you could not control dreamtime
and you could find yourself in a very long nightmare in which you have no control
awaiting reincarnation. But this world flows from you and it is about you and
thought and so you can be king of your own dreams and of dreamtime: everyone who
can lucid dream is in a sense a king and everyone else is a slave to it. But the power
to lucid dream can be learnt and now is the time to start.

But to Australian Aborigines dreaming is more than just a dream and they believe it
gives the ability to access knowledge from ancestors, and is a representation of your
beliefs, values, and who you are. When dreams run riot all the knowledge you need
from your ancestors, and all the patterns for your waking life can be set in your
dreams. The human brain has tremendous capacity and so it has the power to solve
magnificent problems unsolvable to any other animal or being, to change your life
and world. But if you squander this by not knowing you are dreaming then all this
power is lost, even worse others may still have it and give them an advantage over
you, and then you work hard and strive and would wonder what they had that you

But who can learn lucid dreaming? Everyone! It is something which can be learnt
and once your mind has it as part of its practice then it will start to be natural and
enhance your waking and sleeping life. The way to start this usually is by keeping a
dream journal and this means that you try to keep a log of your dreams. This means
that when awake, you try to remember your dreams. But you may wonder what
should I try to remember? What details are most important and so here is an

Exercise for lucid dreaming

You will need: 1 book and pen on which to write your dreams.
Quite simply, you need the book and pen somewhere near where you sleep and at
first you simply try to get a normal night sleep. But with the intention of knowing
your dream when you wake up: intending to remember your dream is important.
When you have woken the next morning the first thing you do is to try to remember
what you dreamt. Try to work down this list sequentially.

1. What could you see around you in the dream or dreams and describe it.
2. Was the dream good or bad?
3. Were there any other people or beings in the dream?
4. If there were other people or beings, what did they look like?
5. If there were any other people or beings, what did they do?
6. What was the story, what happened in the dream?
7. How did the dream make you feel at different points?
8. Also note anything else you can remember.

Of course, working your way down the list isn’t easy and at first you may find it
difficult to remember the dream at all. But do the above on waking every night
because remembering your dream is the first step to being able to know you are
awake. This is because the most important part of lucid dreaming is awareness. The
most important thing is that you write down what you can and that you go to sleep
with the intent of remembering what you have dreamt about the next day: this in
itself gives you some awareness that you are dreaming. But there are more advanced
exercises, and when you feel you have gotten to the point where you can always
remember your dreams the next day and feel you need something more difficult,
then you can move onto the next more advanced exercise.

More advanced exercise for lucid dreaming

You will need: 1 book and pen on which to write your dreams.
As before put your book and pen near where you sleep and try to get to sleep with
the intention of knowing your dream when you wake up. When you have woken the
next morning, the first thing you do is to try to remember what you dreamt. Try to
work down this list sequentially.

1. What could you see around you in the dream or dreams and describe it.
2. Were there any colour: many people dream in black and white.
3. What was the style of what was around you?
4. What speed did time seem to pass?
5. Did the dream occur in sequence or did it jump around?
6. Did anything in the dream represent something?
7. Was the dream good or bad?
8. Were there any other people or beings in the dream?
9. If there were other people or being what did they look like?
10. If there were people did you know any of them?
11. What type of emotions did they show?
12. If there were any other people or beings what did they do?
13. Did they seem to know each other?
14. What was the story, what happened in the dream?
15. How did the dream make you feel at different points?
16. Also note anything else you can remember.
You should simply work your way down the list when you wake up. You should keep
repeating the exercise every night. What this exercise is about isn’t just about
increasing your ability to remember, but also increasing your awareness that you are
dreaming, and remembering dreams is the first step on the path to being able to
master your dreams. What you are looking is to build awareness that you are
sleeping: which also is awareness of when you are awake too. In fact remembering
helps to build primarily awareness that you are asleep, but to master lucid dreaming
you need to master quite a few different types of awareness. You also require the
awareness that you can make decisions when asleep: this gives you control over your
actions and aids general lucid dreaming. Of course the awareness that you can
remember what you are dreaming about is also exercised with the exercises
aforementioned and this too is important. What also is crucial is: knowing who you
are when dreaming: your actual identity, and this gives you more power over your
dreams. Being aware of your dream environment is also important too, and this
awareness also leads to more control over your dreams and the dream state. The
ability to also know if the dream has any meaning to you also gives you more
control over the dream. Also you will eventually gain awareness of your focus and
concentration of the dream: something difficult to define but is simply about
understanding you and the dream and how it flows from you.

But the benefits of these skills isn’t just when you are asleep, it also is when you are
awake too. Most people truly don’t know they are awake, they just think they are,
just as they do when they are asleep. Knowing is a powerful thing because although
it may feel the same emotionally, the knowing and certainty of it means your actions
are more likely to be appropriate in that situation and in life generally, because
otherwise you are acting as if you may or may not be in a dream world. You need
clarity so that you know how to act and in what state and with lucid dreaming your
mind will gain that clarity. You have learnt that by following the rather simple stage
of remembering your dreams, you gain the first step forward on controlling your
dreams and gaining mastery over yourself awake or asleep.

But there also is practices you can do when awake that will give you greater mastery
over your dreams: these are practiced whether you think yourself awake or asleep.
This may shock some people that to truly gain mastery over your dreams you need to
make one simple thing part of your life when awake as well as asleep. The practices
I talk of at this stage basically come down to checking you aren’t asleep. I will only
cover the more simple examples at the moment such as checking your watch twice
because read texts or numbers changes usually in dreams, look at your image in a
mirror because in dreams many times peoples images don’t appear, poking yourself
with your finger because many people’s flesh becomes more elastic when dreaming,
even checking you cannot place your hands through a solid object. I know that this
list seems odd and many of these aren’t needed yet and are merely here to give you
There are other ways to check that you are awake - one simple principle is to check
at least ten times a day. But also be cynical and think what would where you are now
would be like if you were asleep, and imagine what your life would look life if it
were a dream and when I say imagine: I mean imagine in full detail however you
want to. But perhaps the most important principle of this is that you check to make
sure you are awake and that you can never be completely certain when you are
awake and when you are asleep, unless you have checked, and it is this conscious
effort which gives you control. But here is the thing, with practice it becomes second
nature to check and to have control, and so you will have greater certainty when
awake and asleep and so greater self-control.
This first chapter is the foundation for control over you not just dreams. Also
remember that dreams can be used to our advantage and the person who masters
them gains the ability to rehearse things, practice whatever they feel they needs to
and so their dreams become part of how they learn new skills, consciously plan the
future. You then harness your power of imagination to lengths that are unknown to
other people. But the methods and secrets in this chapter already will have helped
you improve your mental skills and the ability of having a greater grasp of waking
and sleeping. But the most important thing is practice and keep checking you are
awake and also remembering the dreams. By the time you have got to this stage in
the chapter you will be ready to try remembering the dreams without a list of
questions and by this I mean to add as much detail about everything you can about
your dream and you in it.

Chapter 2 How to know you are asleep

One thing which is easy to overlook about lucid dreaming is that one has to be able
to get to sleep in order to have the lucid dream. Sleeping is ironically something
which many people feel is difficult to get. One easy way to help with sleeping is to
try to go to bed to sleep at the same time every night and this helps the person who
wants to sleep to get into an easy sleep routine. Some people say that hot chocolate
can help but really this works because people know that it should. But never neglect
your sleep routine: getting to bed at the same time: because of lucid dreaming
because no matter what happens, remember that to be able to lucid dream you need
first and foremost to be able to get to sleep. However I also understand that some of
the exercises in learning lucid dreaming make ordinary sleep difficult because you
are training yourself to lucid dream. But still sleep is very important: in fact key to
this entire exercise.
In the last chapter I touched on things to do and to look out for when awake: or think
you are: to check that you in fact are awake, and I will now go into much more detail
here as to and how to proceed. What you are looking out for is basically signs that
you aren’t awake. These signs however come in two distinct varieties and these are:
checks which you perform to make sure you are awake and also those things which
simply look out of place. It is best to concentrate upon these one at a time. The
exercises are to be performed by you whenever you think you are awake. The first
of these are the checks to make sure you are awake. The first is really the simplest of
all the checks and here is the exercise.

Method 1 checking you are awake

Perform this method at least 10 times every day at first.

To perform this method: look at either a piece of paper with something written on it
or the face of your watch and then look again and see if anything has changed. In a
dream words and numbers tend to change and so this method of glancing at a watch
twice gives you the ability to be fairly certain you are awake or asleep. One
advantage with this method is that people tend to have watches with them and is
very easy to use and remember. However it isn’t the only method and there are also
others too which have great value. But you need to use this method everyday so that
you get used to the idea of checking you are awake because by continual practice
you will start to also check when asleep and therefore gain the ability to dream in the
knowledge that you are dreaming. I will however now move onto another method
which checks if we are awake or asleep.

Method 2 checking you are awake

This method needs to be practiced at first at least ten times a day.

To perform this method try to put your finger through you, actually try to pass it
straight through you and before doing this ask:”I am awake or asleep?”
If your finger pushed through you then you say to yourself: “I am asleep, I am
If your finger doesn’t push through you then you are awake and say to yourself:”I
am awake, this is real.”
This method is a very easy check to see if you really are awake.
One important thing however is not to say the statements out loud because people
probably won’t understand and will think you are very ill, ironic when you put into
mind the fact that they don’t really know they are awake and so you could say that
they are not really in touch with reality. But the most important thing about the
checks is to remember to perform them and use them to check because only by
checking when you think you are awake only then will you check and find out that
you aren’t awake. But reality checking isn’t the only way of knowing if you are
awake or not: there is also the method is looking for dream signs. A dream sign is
basically an object or person or a surroundings that shows you that this isn’t real:
and that you are therefore asleep. Therefore here is an exercise for looking out for
dream signs.

Exercise to help you look for dream signs

This exercise is to help you look for things around you that indicate that you are
asleep and not awake. To perform this simple exercise; spend a week looking for
signs of things which fly and shouldn’t fly. Make sure that you are looking for them
at least ten times throughout the day and this will train your mind to look for things
which mean you are asleep. Remember if you see one you can check again and if it
is flying and shouldn’t be then you are asleep congratulations you have had your
first lucid dream.

Of course this isn’t the only thing which you can look for to see if you are dreaming,
there are others too and it is important to get into the habit of looking for things
which indicate that you aren’t awake. The next exercise is a little like the other: but
this time we are looking for something different. This exercise is in many ways
much more general and builds upon the skills you learnt with the last exercise. It is
quite easy, but will help you to know whether you are awake or asleep.

Exercise to check on environment to see if you are awake or asleep

This next method is quite easy, but you need to check on things at least ten times a
day so that it really sinks in. For this exercise, simply keep looking for things which
are the wrong colour, such as purple people, blue dogs. Keep looking for things
which are the wrong colour and if you find one look again to make sure it just isn’t
something atypical and if it isn’t a mistake and isn’t just atypical then you are in a
dream and you should say this to yourself.
Of course colour isn’t the only way and there are other things which can make an
object or person not be right and look unreal: however we need to be cautious here
because in fact some people are very short and objects too can occasionally be of the
wrong height. Looking at the scale of things is a good way to see if the world looks
as it should and something which is the wrong height or scale is a good indication
that something is wrong. The world around us can be very distorted in dreams and
we usually just accept it no matter how odd it may be and so we need to program our
self to be able spot these dream signs and this means looking for them when you
think you are awake: during the day: because you will always normally think you are
awake unless you know how to have lucid dreams such as I teach you now.

Exercise to check on environment for scale

Perform this method at least ten times a day. It is really quite easy and all you need
to do is to look for objects or people that are of the wrong scale: too tall or broad or
too short, or thin. The whole point of this is to get the habit of being able to spot
things which don’t look right and don’t look the right height or aren’t real. But if
you spot one you should check by using one of the checks such as looking at your
watch face twice to see if it changes and if the watch face does change then say to
yourself:”I am asleep I am not awake”. This means that you really know that you
aren’t awake. Yes I know that this will come as a shock because let’s face it we
normally think we are awake: but this is how we gain mastery of our dreams.
The last exercise will help you really get the idea that you may actually not be awake
when you think you are. It isn’t an easy thing to really understand without the dream
signs and the checking that you now know how to do. But perform the exercise many
times so that you get the dream sign spotting down easy because it has to work
automatically: it must be done as a matter of course without work or thought. But of
course knowing that you are awake is only part of what lucid dreaming is. But this
will help you get the idea of what you are doing and in time you will remember
dreams where you realised you were asleep: you should still be keeping your dream
journal and so if you stopped, start again now. But there are more to dream signs
than simply things being the wrong scale or colour and there are many subtle
nuances which you can learn to interpret so that you have a better sense of

Of course there is more to lucid dreaming than looking for dream signs. But by now
you have things to look for to see if you are dreaming, and also periodic checks you
can perform to prove that you are in fact awake. Among the many benefits of lucid
dreaming are those that you gain when awake: such as better concentration and
improvement in memory and other mental skills: it truly does matter that you truly
know you are awake or asleep. But what also matters is that you should be keeping a
dream journal and this also helps you also know the difference between being awake
and asleep and if you stopped keeping one you should look at what you have written
in it and then keep on keeping one and writing in it.

Looking at your dream journal

Your dream journal is very useful in knowing whether you are awake or asleep
because it tells what you think of and what dreams look like for you. Of course it is
ever changing and your dreams can keep giving you information on what kind of
dreams you have. But look at the journal and try to see any patterns in what kind of
thing you tend to dream about. Now look for these types of things when you think
you are awake: the things in the journal which were in fact not every day kind of
things: which are strange and look for these alongside the other tell-tale dream signs
and things which also indicate dreams.

Also it is good to keep track of when you spot a dream sign or anything which isn’t
real in your dream log so that you can understand what successes you have had and
this will help you stay motivated, but also in the much more important matter of
getting more data which can help you judge: although you can of course always use
the checks which you have learnt such as trying to put your finger through your body
and relooking at your watch face to see if it stays the same. You will have made
progress if you have went through the exercises but remember you can keep
practicing them for as long as you feel you need because ultimately they are very
important steps onto the world of lucid dreaming.
Here I will talk about what you can do with lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming when
mastered isn’t just about lucidity and the knowing that you are asleep but also the
ability to create and change your dreams. To the true master of lucid dreaming,
dreaming can be a time to play, but also to advance their waking goals in ways many
people wouldn’t think possible. But this is all very ill defined and so I will give
some more concrete answers. You can use this time to practice sporting skills
because visualization actually makes skills easier and improves performance. It is
this rehearsing of things which helps people gain true expertise in many skills:
alongside actual practice: and so it is easy to see the advantage that lucid dreaming
has for the dreamer.

Other things which a person can do while lucid dreaming is the ability to perfect
strategies and interaction with people, because lucid dreaming gives you the ability
to go through different possibilities and even to think of the best way to say
something important such as an interview for a job or asking someone to marry you,
or maybe even a lecture you need to give. But the benefits of doing something which
you know you have rehearsed and thought about is immense and even if you happen
not to remember; I still consider that the advantages are still great because much of
what we do is based on the subconscious mind and if it knows, then we know.

One other method which you can start with now is that you can begin to use the first
wake up lucid dreaming method. To begin with simply set your alarm to wake you
up four and a half, six or seven and a half hours after you normally go to sleep. You
will also need your dream log and a pen handy and near to where you sleep. This
first part is easy and when you wake up, you simply try to remember the dream you
had and write it down in as much detail as you can, and with taking whatever time is
necessary. You then go back to sleep and when you wake up you repeat the process.
The problem of course with this is that it disturbs your sleep: but it will help you get
more feedback from your dreams. But you don’t need to do this every night because
obvious though it may seem, sleeping is what is most important thing with lucid
dreaming and obviously if you have a bad night and don’t get to sleep, then all of the
other techniques will be much more difficult to use.

There are however many great methods that follow and these will give you even
greater control over your dream state. At the moment you have only just started to
gain control over dreams and there is much more to accomplish, but irrespective of
anything you will have made progress because lucid dreaming is something which
isn’t learnt automatically, it is a skill, but one which needs developing. However it is
one of the most dynamic and best methods of personal growth there is. Control over
dreams somehow gives us not just control over ourselves but greater control over
fulfilling our ambitions and so the waking world too.

Chapter 3 Gaining lucidity when asleep

There are several ways to proceed from here to being able to have lucid dreams and
what way makes sense can be thought of as being very individual. However I
imagine that in fact this is the opinion of many people and they miss the obvious
that the best way is simply to use all methods at different times and in this way your
training get the strength of all the methods. These methods all take you to the same
place but by doing your sleep routine differently different nights then you get the
advantage of them all and a much stronger and faster lucid dream control state. I
will however show you these methods one at a time and at first it may be best to
simply stick to one for perhaps a few days before going on to the other methods. A
very simple add on to all of these methods is meditation to aid sleep, because as
obvious as it may seem one cannot lucid dream if you aren’t asleep. Meditation
before sleep: in the correct way: can help people get to sleep faster and also get a
deeper sleep. Sleeping properly is very important for the human body and good sleep
gives you an advantage throughout the day, whereas poor sleep makes everything
more difficult and why make life difficult when it can manage to be difficult enough
without our assistance? However I also realize that telling you that meditation aids
sleep, helps you little if you don’t know how to meditate and so here are the methods
to use.

Meditating before sleep

The best time to start meditation before sleep is when you are already in bed: ready
to go to sleep. Try to make sure you are comfortable before you begin. Although
there are different ways to get to sleep and to meditate, the best is simply to
concentrate upon your breath. As you do this breathe at a relaxed pace: in and out: as
you do so concentrate on your breath only and cut everything else out of your mind.
You may begin to want to shuffle around in bed or other movements but try not to:
this was why it is easiest if you get comfortable first. Also if any thoughts come into
your mind push them out and concentrate on your breathing as it goes in and out, and
push all noise or other disturbances out of your mind. Eventually you will find
yourself comfortable enough to get to sleep.
The meditative method also has other advantages: in that it can be used as the start
of lucid dream control methods: but also it is good to maintain a good sleep pattern.
However there are also other advantages because meditation gives you emotional
control, improved memory and so you are really stacking methods of self-
improvement over one another. This gives you the best use of your sleep time while
not actually doing anything difficult or that would reduce your energy levels. I will
however also state that there is more than one meditative method that can be used to
get to sleep and so I will present this other so that you can choose which one you
want to use. However this method can cause quite different types of dreams: it can
cause vivid bright dreams and magnifies its colour and weirdness in some people:
however some people may prefer it, and so here is the alternative method.

Meditating before sleep alternative method

To start this method, it is best to be already in bed ready to sleep. With this method
close your eyes. It is at the point where some people think of a god or goddess or
many people choose a pyramid because it has a point at the top to concentrate upon
and you need a smallish point, or at least something of importance. You now
visualize the chosen thing: I use a pyramid: and as you do so cut out all other
disturbances and all that you think of is that chosen object. Now think of it and
although you may feel like moving, don’t: you should have made yourself
comfortable before you started. You will find that your meditation will deepen and
this will get you into a very good state to get to sleep.
The best thing to do is actually to try both methods: also alongside using your dream
log: and you will find which method suits you and also the quality of your dreams
because if any particular method gives you bad dreams or you feel doesn’t suit you
then use the other one. But of course meditation is just the beginning and now I will
explain to you an organized method of lucid dreaming. This method is actually very
easy and should be used by you as a way of starting to gain even greater control over
your dreaming. Think of dreams as being another part of your life in which you can
enhance and have power over. Many people disparage the use of the word power and
tend to give the opinion publicly that power or people wanting it are bad. But power
most of the time is what people want when they want something and don’t simply
want to be happy: anyway lucid dreaming is power over yourself and this is
something which we all deserve, although something some people try to remove
from other people. But lucid dreaming is yours for the taking, and so I will now
share the first exercise of development of lucid dreaming.

Method 1, exercise 1

The exercise is as follows.

1. Before you go to sleep, set your alarm clock to go off four to six hours
after you will have fallen to sleep and have your dream log and pen nearby.
2. Now use meditation to get you to sleep
3. When the alarm wakes you try to remember the dream and this time
simply try to remember the plot: what happened in the dream.
4. Now go back to sleep: but with the objective of returning to the same
dream and chant to yourself:”I will be aware that I am dreaming”.
5. When you wake up next morning write the plot of that dream down in
your dream log.

This first exercise in this method is quite easy and simply relies upon you
remembering what happened in the dream. It isn’t important that you remember
more than that: but if you can remember more that is good. But it is important that
you simply note down what you can remember. The ability to lucid dream isn’t built
in a day: any progress here is beneficial and also notes that you are now starting to
learn to know you are asleep to a greater degree and the beginning of control over
dreaming and your dreams. But this is simply the beginning and it shouldn’t be long
before you will want to move onto a more advanced exercise and so here is the next

Method 1, exercise 2

The exercise is as follows.

1. Set your alarm clock to go off four to six hours after you fall sleep; have
your dream log and pen nearby.
2. Use meditation to go to sleep
3. When the alarm goes and you wake up: try to remember what happened in
the dream and any people or beings that were in the dream and try to describe them
in your log.
4. Try to go to sleep with chant to yourself:”I will be aware that I am
5. Next morning when you have woken up write down what happened and
any people or beings that were in that dream; if you were able to take control of the
dream at any point; that you were aware you were dreaming.

You have now expanded on what you achieved last time because this time you have
expanded what you needed to remember. Of course trying to remember more isn’t
the only way that you can gain greater control. The last exercise however is only part
about remembering and also part about knowing you are dreaming and more about
gaining control. But now I want you to focus more on what you feel you have
achieved, because it is important to think about what you have already achieved and
by you I mean you specifically. This is because it is important to give sufficient time
to what you have already learnt and so now you should appraise your work. However
I know that some people are more positive and other more negative and so I want
you not to be too critical. However you also need to know what to look for in terms
of progress and so here is an exercise for self analysis.

Analysing progress

1. How good are you at getting to sleep?

2. How good are you at using your checks to make sure you are sleeping?
3. Are you still looking for signs that you aren’t awake?
4. How good are you at remembering your dreams?
5. Have you shown any awareness in your dreams: that you know you are

I understand that it is difficult to judge how good you are at these areas, and of
course some of them rely upon you being able to remember your dreams. I also want
you to remember that you are still at a very early stage in learning the secrets of
lucid dreaming. However I also know that knowing your weak points helps you
strengthen them, because lucid dreaming is all about awareness: awareness of
whether you are awake or asleep, awareness of how you sleep, awareness of the
process and how to gain control and so awareness of what you need to improve will
only make progress easier and faster. Therefore I will now describe the last of the
exercises in method 1 although there are others you should do on other methods.

Method 1, exercise 3

The exercise is as follows.

1. Have your dream log and pen nearby. Set your alarm clock to ring: four to
six hours after you fall sleep.
2. Use meditation to aid sleep.
3. When the alarm wakes you: try to remember everything you can about
your dream: what happened, how it looked, how any people or beings in the dreams
looked, everything you can possibly remember and write it in your log.
4. Try to go to sleep with chant to yourself:”I will be aware that I am
5. Next morning when you have woken up, write in your dream log
everything you can remember about the dream you had after you went back to sleep.

This last exercise is the one which you can do for as long as you feel you need to.
However as I said there is much benefit to doing all the methods and therefore I
suggest the best method is the meta approach: of doing all methods and techniques:
and so gaining full control over your dreams and so here is the next part of the meta-
approach and it involves waking up during the night and going back to sleep. This
method is a very good way of gaining control over your dreams and once mastered
this too can give you great control and in some ways it is easier and although sleep
disruption is more than the last technique I showed you. The method is easy to
explain and here is the first of the exercises.

Method 2, exercise 1

1. Before you go to sleep set your alarm to go off five to six hours after you
normally fall asleep.
2. Now simply go to sleep either using meditation or without if you want:
use whatever method suits you.
3. When you wake up, stay awake for an hour and concentrate upon being
lucid and whether you are dreaming or awake, and keep looking for signs you may
be asleep: odd things which aren’t real.
4. After one hour go back to bed and keep chanting:”I will be aware that I
am dreaming.”

This method is in many ways easier to do than some others. This exercise has the
advantage of being less analytical than some of the more advanced exercises: but it
is a good exercise none the less. It gives you a good degree of control, however
simply looking for things that aren’t real is only part of control and dream signs are
part of the method and all other methods, but also a key point of the method is the
checks that you can perform to prove you are awake or asleep. The method gets the
mind used to checking and looking for signs you are in a dream; therefore here is the
next exercise.

Method 2, exercise 2
1. As before set your alarm to go off five to six hours after you normally fall
2. Go to sleep.
3. When you wake up stay awake for an hour and concentrate upon being
lucid and whether you are dreaming or awake, and keep checking that you are awake
and not asleep. Do this by: looking at a watch or clock twice to see if it changes,
prod yourself to see if your flesh feels as it normally does, prod trying to push your
finger through your body and if it does go then you are asleep, try to float by thought
and if this happens then you are asleep. Keep doing these checks every so often for
the one hour period.
4. After the one hour go back to bed and keep chanting:”I will be aware if I
am sleeping.”

This second exercise actually gets you used to using your checking methods and also
helps you do this when you go to sleep and by checking in the middle of two periods
of sleep one hour apart, you have actually primed your mind for lucid dreaming.
However doing the checks and looking for signs you are dreaming has also to be
done together and not just apart and therefore here is the next exercise which puts it
all together and it is the third exercise for this method and the one which you would
practice in place of any other exercises once you have progressed to it.

Method 2, exercise 3

1. Set your alarm to go off five to six hours after you normally fall asleep.
2. Go to sleep.
3. When you wake up, stay awake for an hour and concentrate upon being
lucid and thinking of whether you are dreaming or awake. Look for signs of things
which aren’t in real life such as purple cats and odd things, and consciously look for
them, also things such as the environment looking odd or strange. Perform checks to
know if you are awake or asleep. Do checks such as: looking at your watch twice to
see if it has changed, most people cannot read in dreams, also check by prodding to
see if your body feel as it normally does, and check to see whether you can fly by
thing of flying and any other check you can.
4. After the one hour go back to bed and keep chanting:”I will be aware if I
am sleeping.”

Chapter 4 Control while asleep

But lucid dreaming methods can take many forms and these can also be about
learning to trigger lucid dreams. One such method is basically a technique whereby a
person learns to trigger lucid dreams themselves. But this method isn’t very
complex and it is simply a matter of repetition so that it can become automatic
because really the method is one which is very easy once practiced. But the world of
lucid dreaming is also partly about choice, and although some people may settle
upon one method there is still much to be gained by practicing multiple methods and
therefore the following method is presented here alongside the others in the book.
But really this is a method which utilized actual physical movement in order to do
things: lucid dreaming. But the best way for you to learn the technique is simply to
start and so here it is.

Method 3, exercise 1

1. To start you will need to set an alarm clock to wake you up after you have
slept a while, and also you should have your dream log by your bed with a pen to
take notes of your dreams.
2. You now try to get to sleep, but when you feel yourself getting slightly
tired you move your index finger up your middle finger and back down and then
your middle finger up and down your index finger. Keep doing this and don’t focus
on anything else.
3. Then after you have done this for a while, check for signs that you may be
asleep and dreaming.
4. When you check for something unusual and it is affirmative, like your
finger passing through your body, or anything else highly unusual, you are probably
lucid dreaming.
5. When you wake up write down as much as you can remember about your

This first exercise is quite easy to do and is good for someone to do no matter what
level they are at. However it simply makes you lucid dream and hasn’t any added
control methods which you can use, or to measure your control level when you have
gotten control over the dream. There are much more to lucid dreaming than simply
proving that at a particular point, you know you are sleeping. There are different
levels of control to master using this method and lucid dreaming in general and this
is because this book is here to teach you the highest level of control over dreams and
not just a basic command over the dream self and your surroundings.

I will quite soon move onto showing you the next level of control using this method.
This is in many ways the most important principle of this book is that we can
improve, and that we can reach to higher levels of control. However what is very
important is that we move onto the next level at the appropriate time and this means
that you have been able to verify that you have and can regularly know that you are
in a dream, and the verify part is very important and by verify I mean that you must
be able remember you knowing you were in a dream. Control in dreams has to be
verified because you should only move into the next exercise when you have verified
you are ready.

Method 3, exercise 2

1. Set an alarm clock to wake you up after you have slept a while and have
your dream log and a pen by your bed to take notes of your dreams.
2. Now get to sleep, before you feel yourself getting tired you move your
index finger up your middle finger and back down and then your middle finger up
and down your index finger as before with the goal of bringing a blue sheep into
your dream when you have one.
3. Then after you have done this for a while, check for signs that you may be
asleep and dreaming, then go back to your finger action.
4. When you check for something unusual and it is affirmative, like your
finger passing through your body, or anything else highly unusual, you are probably
lucid dreaming.
5. When you wake up write down as much as you can remember about your

Now if you can remember a blue sheep in your dream you have done very well and
have managed to bring something into a dream and this therefore is a higher level of
control than you were expected with the first exercise, which was merely to know
you were in a dream. The exercise shows that you have control in a different way as
well as at a higher level because it showed that you could add something into a
dream that otherwise wouldn’t be there. However it isn’t the only type of control and
there are other ways too. In many ways the sheep exercise is as much about proving
to yourself that you have control over your dreams and that they are yours to control
and it also gives people a great sense of achievement when they have managed to
have made the sheep appear and also means they can make other things appear too.
However now here is the next level of control.

Method 3, exercise 3

1. You need to set an alarm clock to go off to wake you up after you will
have slept a while and have your dream log and a pen by your bed to take notes of
your dreams.
2. Now go to sleep, before you feel getting tired move your index finger up
your middle finger and back down and then your middle finger up and down your
index finger as before with the goal of playing a football match in your dream: when
you have one.
3. Then after you have done this for a while, check for signs that you may be
asleep and dreaming, then go back to your finger action.
4. When you check for something unusual and it is affirmative, like your
finger passing through your body, or anything else highly unusual, you are probably
lucid dreaming.
5. When you wake up write down as much as you can remember about your

Hopefully when you look at your dream log, you will have found that you did in fact
play a football match. You may have found out that you didn’t: but this isn’t a
problem because the exercise will seldom work for people straight away. This is
actually an important point and don’t berate yourself for not getting it right straight
away. This book is about progress and this is in actual fact an exercise which you
can do more than once and in fact change the objective to anything you want because
this is the most advanced exercise in method 3, and so naturally is very difficult for
people. But I believe it is definitely a very good stepping stone onto the road to total
dream control.

We can now proceed to other methods of dream control. In many ways the power
you gain from one method crosses over to the next and in strengthens any
weaknesses you may have in terms of dream control and manipulation via lucid
dreaming. The next method works in a very different way to how the last method
worked, and so is very beneficial and think of it like the other exercises as like a
kind of cross training for the various different ways and methods of training the
mind for lucid dreaming. But also it sometimes can pay to take a rest night if you
feel that your mind is getting tired: because unlike some instructors of lucid
dreaming I realize that it can be demanding. But even on a rest day you should
complete your dream log. But I will soon move onto the next method and exercise.

Method 4, exercise 1

1. Make sure you have your dream log and pen ready near your bed.
2. Now use one of the meditation methods to calm yourself.
3. Concentrate upon the feeling of your head on the pillow and feel your
head sinking into your pillow as you go to sleep and you will pass the lucidity onto
your dream state.
4. Try to gain control and do something in your sleep over which you have
5. When you wake up write in your log what dreams you remember.

This method has many different accompanying parts to it and you should also need
to use the tests to know you are asleep: but you should be practicing these anyway
and are beneficial to any method. But this method also has many other ways of doing
things, and so there is also a variation and this is shown in the next exercise. The
next exercise in this method is actually very subtle and needs some explanation so
that you gain what you can fully get out of the method. In the method there is the
technique of drawing a symbol or word on your palm and this actually represents
awareness and for those that are religious it can actually represent awareness of
reality through god. For this exercise, we will simply be tracing the letter “L” on
your palm, L, of course, standing for “Lucid” as in lucid dreaming. In fact the
awareness is one that is required, but that the awareness is of that you are awake or
asleep and that each time you trace the “L” on the back of your hand it is a sign that
you need to be aware and challenge the assumption that you are awake: but do this
merely by being aware of whether you are although if required observation or checks
can be performed. What is important is that you also trace the L on the back of your
hand during the day because you will not feel you are asleep when you are and so
perform the L tracing on the back of your hand many times in a day: at least ten to
fifteen I recommend.

Method 4, exercise 2

1. Have your dream log and pen ready near your bed.
2. Now use one of the meditation methods to calm yourself.
3. Because you should have practiced the L for Lucidity when awake, you
should trace it when you are asleep and so gain awareness of being asleep
4. Try to gain control and do something in your sleep over which you have
5. When you wake up write in your log what dreams you remember.

By now you have actually gained a good knowledge of lucid dreaming and you will
find that mastery of lucid dreaming is really just ahead of you. Of course lucid
dreaming isn’t easy but then again what thing is, that is worth doing? The methods
however need to be practiced in combination; eventually you will find that all that is
required is that you circle around the methods eventually in order to move to the
final level, because lucid dreaming is a technique that you will want to use to gain
more control over your life because dream control is self control. It is really quite
amazing how control of one thing gives us control over another. It is quite like
Gandhi realized that to change the world he had to start by controlling something
which is small and so he started by controlling what he ate and by doing this gained
the power to get India separate from the United Kingdom; I am English by the way.
But from controlling one thing we can gain control over other things and dream
control through lucid dreaming is a large thing to control, and so gives you a great
head start to change whatever self or world altering endeavours you choose to do:
not that you need to because lucid dreaming means controlling of the massive time
you spend asleep.
It is amazing the control people gain through lucid dreaming and things that would
seem difficult become easier because you can utilize the time dreaming to help you,
and also the self control you will have gained. The time spent dreaming can be spent
working out how best to lose weight or simply the gaining of self control can help
you to do this: self control is very much like weight lifting, and the more you use it
the stronger it gets. But many people who people imagine are undisciplined because
they don’t have the values they have, and difference is something people mistake for
undisciplined: people imagining that discipline only appears in people who dress or
look a certain way: when in fact sometimes these people show through lucid
dreaming that they actually possess an abundance of natural discipline. But this is
because lucid dreaming practice gets to the heart of things, to the root of the person
and the root of self control.

It also is a good practice to look back at what you have done and so find what you
think you could have done better, because self control can only be enhanced by this.
But don’t imagine that there aren’t more methods and techniques to know and learn
because there is. But still this is a good time to consolidate the method and
techniques you know so far and a good time to take stock on your practices of the
checks and dream sign looking: checks that you are awake and looking for
impossibilities to prove that you are asleep: because you in fact should be still doing
these they are the foundation of lucid dreaming. Always keep the methods of
checking and dream sign spotting well practiced and if you need to then you should
look up them, so that you know what checks you can perform. It would be a shame if
you stumbled at this point because of a lack of consolidation of expertise, although
you will have gained much at this point.

Chapter 5 Mastery of dreams

This being the last chapter it is one where the most advanced material is presented,
and here is the place where any loose ends are tied up, and by the time you have
finished this chapter you will have reached the end of the method. This chapter
therefore is a great achievement by you: when you complete it. However in this
chapter is key information, but also insight into how to move onto the stage where
you can gain as much as you can by your lucid dreaming and I also will show you
some other exercises that are needed for you to complete your training. The world of
the dream will finally be yours to control, instead of just yours and like almost the
victim of your own imagination like some kind of sci-fi story from one of those
shows with “From the” or “Zone” in their titles.
No the true fact is even more unusual and that is that many people suffer from their
own imagination when asleep for no good reason; when a way exists for them to gain
control over their dreams: yes truth is stranger than fiction by a country mile. It is
like people starving not three foot from a banquet, it just doesn’t make sense. But
then things more unusual have happened in this world and in the dream world too.
But now we need to proceed onto a new method which will give you now so far
unprecedented control over your dreams. The method is quite easy to do for you by
now and will help unleash the power of the conscious mind as a power for control on
the unconscious dream world. Therefore I will now move onto a powerful method
for both dream lucidity and control. This method involves looking at a small object
for a period of time before you go to sleep, with the intent of actually seeing that
same object in your dream. The object is up to you. Some people look at a pencil,
some people look at a little statue. I personally look at a small crystal ball that I
have. Pick your object ahead of time.

Method 5, exercise 1

This method needs a little explaining and so that you know how to use it. The
method centers upon looking at an object before bed and therefore this is quite an
easy thing for you to do when awake: although if the object doesn’t appear in your
dream then just have the intent to dream next time with the object being in the
dream. However here are the steps for the method.
1. First make sure you have your dream log and your pen near where you
2. Unlike other methods don’t simply go straight to sleep and look at the
object of your choice for approximately thirty minutes before you sleep, and as you
do so say to yourself: ”I will dream about this object in my sleep”, and keep saying
this to yourself.
3. When you have said this for thirty minutes or when you feel tired go to
4. When you awake make a log of the dream and if you haven’t looked at the
object in your dream then remember next time to dream with the intent of seeing
your chosen object (most people don’t need this).

This last exercise is one which while different from the others furthers your aim to
become a great lucid dreamer. This therefore is there as a progression from the other
methods and by now you will have gained a good ability to control your dreams, and
this is obviously what this chapter is about: but there is still more progression that
can be made in lucid dreaming. However it is good to appraise what you managed to
achieve in this exercise because if you find you weren’t able to dream of a the object
then you should repeat the exercise until you can. But of course there is a greater
degree of control that you can gain with lucid dreaming and therefore there are other
exercises in utilising this method. Therefore here is the next method and a way to
move onto stronger control over your dreams.

Method 5, exercise 2

1. Your dream log and your pen should be near where you sleep.
2. Look at the object for approximately thirty minutes before you sleep and
as you do so say to yourself: ”I will dream about being in a bar drinking with a
purple person”, and keep saying this to yourself.
3. When you have finished saying this or when you feel tired go to sleep.
4. When you awake make a log of the dream and if you haven’t looked at the
object in your dream and haven’t then certainly haven’t achieved your aim then
remember next time to dream with the intent of seeing the object (most people don’t
need this).

You should look at the dream you had and if the exercise has been successful you
should have been in a bar drinking with a purple person and therefore showing a
higher level of control than you did with the last exercise. However don’t be too hard
on yourself if you have found this difficult because this exercise you have just tried
was very difficult to do and really needs a very high level of control for you to be
able to produce the correct result. But if you did then that is fabulous: but don’t get
too big headed because there are other things that you can do too and so here is the
last of the exercises with this type of method.

Method 5, exercise 3

1. Have your dream log and your pen near where you sleep.
2. Look at your object for thirty minutes before you sleep and say to
yourself:”I will dream of playing draughts (or checkers which ever term you
normally use)”, and keep saying this to yourself.
3. When you have said this for thirty minutes or when you feel tired go to
4. When you awake make a log of the dream and if you haven’t looked at the
object in your dream then remember next time to dream with the intent of seeing the
object (most people don’t need this).

Now you should appraise your dream and be able to answer the question were you
able to play draughts or checkers in your dreams? If you cannot play either of these
games then you can replace it for any other board game. However bear in mind that
the mind asleep is very much different from the mind awake and so don’t
necessarily expect the board game to make perfect sense, because dreams don’t
always work like that. But the act of playing the game in a dream is a very, very high
level of dream control. But at the same time this is how you gain the power to
stretch yourself and gain better lucid dreaming abilities. There is only one way to
improve and that is to do more difficult lucid dreaming practice. But it needn’t be a
long lasting test and it is perfectly okay to simply use the ability you have gained
after all not everyone who works out has to be in the Olympics.

I would say that once you have the technique from the last exercise a good thing is to
use the ability you have and therefore now I will move onto things you can do to
achieve things with your new found skill. Lucid dreaming itself is productive. But
think how much better it will be, to be able to use lucid dreaming to improve your
waking life too. However at first it is like a student who graduates and then finds
that they don’t know what to do? However the world of lucid dreaming isn’t like that
and I will not leave you unable to know the next step and I will therefore ease you
into the world of lucid dreaming in a more independent way. I will do this by
concentrating on applications and way to improve your life. It may seem the lucid
dreaming is very different from the other type of world that we are awake in and so
we may wonder: how can it help us to gain in wealth.

Seeing chances

1. This time you need to go to sleep with the aim of seeking ways in your
life to make money.
2. When you wake up log all the dream and ideas down.
3. Analyze the ideas to see if any are of use
4. Take those that aren’t of use and read these and now think of new ideas:
these will have been inspired by the more crazy ideas
5. Now look at the useful ideas from step 4 and step 3 and see how you can
improve them

Finding out how to do what you do well enough to make more money
1. Decide on what task you already or would like to do that you need
2. When you go to sleep do so with the aim of doing the task from step 1 but
doing it many times and seeking to improve it
3. Note down your dream when you wake up.
4. Note any ideas you have had that may be of use, but recognizing that the
practice in the dream will have helped too.
5. See how you can use any useful ideas and see how any others could
inspire new ones that you can use.
6. Apply the ideas to make improvements.

But of course there are other ways that lucid dreaming can help us and these too are
useful in our lives. One way is to allow us to free ourselves from emotional pain
because there are very few emotionally freeing situations like lucid dreaming can be.
Therefore here is a great application to help you deal with the death of a loved one.

Dealing with the death of a loved one

1. Go to sleep with the aim of saying what you need to, to someone who has
passed away.
2. When you wake the next day write down the dream
3. The dream may have been painful, but also freeing for you and it means
you have the opportunity to say goodbye to them: something which many people
cannot do in real life and regret greatly.

However what is great about this method is that if you find that it didn’t go well you
can do it again, but remember that it isn’t meant as a replacement for the real person
and is just a way of you moving on, so that you can enjoy your life just like they
would want you to. I hope this has helped you realize the power of lucid dreaming,
and also the many wonderful things you can do with it. With lucid dreaming you can
fly around and learn new skills, perfect old ones, live the type of life you cannot
normally do: such as living in a grand mansion or flying in a private airplane, doing
the impossible. Everything is possible with lucid dreaming there are no limits to the
world you live when asleep. Lucid dreaming turns us all into kings, emperors of our
own world. Because we should remember that although the waking world is more
important when we are awake, when we are asleep it isn’t: the dream world is.

But there is also other powers that dreams can give and just as many people have
predictive dreams which predict the future: although interpretation needs practice:
lucid dreaming reverses this and means that instead of your dream predicting what
will be, it can be used as a type of magic to make it so. This occurs through intent or
will and also by sympathetic magic. Sympathetic magic basically is one thing
affecting another and is the principle behind the voodoo doll. I will therefore finish
with the method for sympathetic magic dreaming.

Magic dreaming

1. Think of what you want in your life and think of an object which can
represent it: such as a golden hen for being wealthier.
2. Before you go to sleep focus on the golden hen: or whatever other object
you want to be in the dream: being in the dream and that it will cause more money to
come into your life.
3. When you wake you don’t need to do anything and it isn’t necessary to
write it down.

Remember that what is most important with this method is intent to make it happen,
because it is intent and will that partly works the magic, and also the way that the
aim has been made into an object which therefore moves into your subconscious in
the correct manner for a strong magical affect. However you can cast the spell again
and again if required and repeat working of this dream magic is in fact a very good
thing indeed. There therefore is the last secret of lucid dreaming, and now the dream
world is yours and also power of the waking world too. But the most important point
of this whole book is that if you do not know when you are asleep, how do you know
when you are awake? You don’t, and so the power of truth lies here, that you can be
aware and empowered and not need to be in a waking dream or sleeping awake and
that lucidity means control and a real life both asleep and awake.

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