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The Critique of Western Civilization: An observation

Western civilization, regarded by many scholars and persons of wisdom, includes a trend and
culture of good gentleman-ship, civility, professionalism and personality where the western
people tend to lead a life of simplicity supported by their plain mode of lifestyle both in the large
rural landscape and in the artificial enamel of their city life.

The west is mostly concerned about how it can consider the world phenomena and how the
world responds to its call of hospitality, acceptance, recognition, cordiality, communication,
correspondence and sustained relationship throughout the ages.

The west is sincere and vigilant about how to retain the world support and how it can observe the
world affairs and festivities with the support and consideration of the world community where
the west seems ambivalent to consider something as its own and native in terms of thoughts,
rituals, practice and culture defending regionalism, partiality and segregation.

The west seems lack of warmth, limited level of cordiality and sincerity, devoid of expressed
openness in case of their achievements, passion, sorrows and pleasure though the west isn’t an
exception from the rest of the world in case of socio-economic resources and opportunities,
complexities and complications.

How the world communities tend to accept and consider the west is very much crucial in the
consideration and judgment of the west in managing their thoughts, arrangements,
communication and dealings with the rest of the world.

The western world through their former world colonies and recent world globalization of
communication, commercialization, travelling and media culture has achieved much experience
about the life and culture of the rest of the world where the western image especially the good
impression of America around the globe in terms of correspondence, communication,
multiculturalism, commercialization and professionalism has been turned into a newer phase of
improvement and rejuvenation.

Though the eastern civilization precedes the western civilization in case of commencement and
duration, the western civilization has been fully embedded with war and peace, conflict and
cordiality, sorrows and happiness, events and casualties with higher magnitudes.

The west isn’t a place of origin of any religions though there develops a different but plain level
of religiousness and spirituality supported by its very nature and experience of its socio-
economic, historical, colonial and other considerations.

The world as a unit is grossly divided into east and west where the western colonial culture has
been replaced by the eastern reverse colonialism into the west and the rest of the world where
resources and opportunities, culture and rituals etc. are being shared by the eastern and western
communities of the world with the passage of time.

It’s a common question both for the east and the west whether and how much they have been
able to reshape, refine and restructure their own culture and civilization from ancient casualties,
barbarism, badness, ugliness and such types of negative practices.

The west has witnessed the industrial revolution, French revolution, renaissance, socialist
revolution and those types of events and arrangements of bringing change and rejuvenation in
their history though it has also witnessed the fatal incidents of two world wars and other regional
conflicts and strife throughout their ages.

The western education trend tends to initiate a simple, structured and no-exuberant means of
arranging education where the training of being educated and being employed has been
prioritized calling for an expedition to bring about a change for the betterment of society, state
and the world.

Though the west is convicted with a place of material well-being and dearth of traditional
spirituality and religiousness, actually the west has well-developed own mode of spirituality,
ethics, religiosity, and idealism where the welfare and betterment of individual and society is
ensured, secured and supported by well-sensed humanism, behaviorism, values, customs and
traditions of the different regions of the west.

The west has affluence as well as poverty, rural life and urban life, discipline and anarchy,
beauty and ugliness, goodness and badness and in this way, the division of the east and the west
sometimes seems less significant as the west is beset with own blessings and curse as like as the
east is full of own opportunities and challenges.

Despite the cultural, social, economic, educational, religious and other forms of differences
between the east and the west, the world people demand civility, courtesy, cordiality, humanism,
philanthropy, idealism, goodness, soundness, ethics and professionalism under the umbrella of
one mother earth and our beloved green planet.

It is our bounden duties and responsibilities not to be surprised about the exceptions and
diversity of the west, rather the east can explore and understand the superstructures and
infrastructures of the west in order to receive proper, true and substantial knowledge,
information, and conceptions about their life and lifestyle and in this way, both the east and the
west can be benefited through mutual understanding, realities, trust, communication,
correspondence, co-existence, co-operation and compassion.

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