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Smith Machine Shoulder Press Instructions

1. Set up for the smith machine shoulder press by setting a bench down in the smith
machine and adjusting the back to a 90 degree angle.
2. Now sit down on the bench and adjust the position so that the bar comfortably comes
down just in front of your face.
3. Next, add the weight you want to use and sit down on the bench.
4. Un-rack the weights and bend your elbows slightly. This is the starting position for the
5. Slowly lower the weight down until the bar is just below chin height, pause, and then
raise the bar back to the starting position without locking your elbows out at the top of
the movement.
6. Repeat for desired reps.

Shoulder Press Tips:

1. The smith machine shoulder press is a viable option for moving heavy weight without
a spotter.
2. Don't lock your elbows out at the top of the movement.
3. Always warm up first to lower your risk of shoulder injury.
4. Always lower the bar below your chin to complete a long range of motion.

Seated Bent Over Dumbbell Reverse Fly Instructions

1. Secure a flat bench and select the desired weight from the rack.
2. Sit in an upright position and then hinge forward from the hips.
3. Allow the arms to hang straight down from the shoulders with a neutral grip and
dumbbells behind your calves.
4. Take a deep breath and pull the dumbbells towards the ceiling using the rear deltoids.
5. Slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position under control.
6. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Seated Bent Over Dumbbell Reverse Fly Tips

1. Ideally we want to focus on the rear deltoids, not the scapular retractors so movement
at the shoulder blade should be limited. Move the shoulder within the joint, not the
shoulder blade on the ribcage.
2. Keep the abs braced and don’t arch the back at the top of the movement.
3. Hinge as far as comfortably possible while completing the exercise. Or, you could
also take a seated position to complete the exercise as well.
4. If you experience shoulder pain during the movement then it may be beneficial to
rotate the dumbbells until the thumbs are pointing away from one
another and the palms are facing forward. This is also known as a
supinated grip and will externally rotate the shoulder.
5. Don’t jut your head forward during the movement - this is about
stimulation for a small muscle group. Focus during the movement
and don’t just rely on momentum. Allow the arms to move freely but don’t lock out the

Military Press (AKA Overhead Press) Instructions

1. Adjust the barbell to just below shoulder height then load the desired weight onto the
2. Assume a shoulder width stance and place your hands at (or just outside of) shoulder
width with a pronated grip on the bar.
3. Step underneath the bar and unrack it while keeping the spine in a neutral position.
4. Take two steps back, inhale, brace, tuck the chin, then press the bar to lockout
5. Exhale once the bar gets to lockout and reverse the movement slowly while
controlling the bar back to your chest.
6. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Military Press (AKA Overhead Press) Tips

1. Reach tall at the top and don’t worry about keeping the shoulders packed down and
2. Allow the elbows to rotate and point outward at the top of the movement but tuck
them tight to the ribcage at the bottom.
3. Fight to control the bar from rolling your wrists into extension and think about “rolling
your knuckles toward the ceiling.”
4. Keep momentum out of the movement and don’t add any additional leg drive by
flexing and extending the knees.
5. Squeeze your glutes and brace your abs as you press. You shouldn’t be leaning back
excessively as you press.
6. Imagine you’re trying to look out a window at the top, your ears should be in line with
your biceps.
7. If your shoulders are bothering you during the movement, consider experimenting
with a wider grip or utilizing some of the vertical pressing progressions listed on the
8. You can use a staggered stance to prevent the lower back from arching excessively
but if you still can’t control the anterior core then consider using a half kneeling
regression shown on the site.

Dumbbell Lateral Raise Instructions

1. The dumbbell lateral raise is a good exercise for building width in your upper body
which gives you the "V" shape. Grab a set of dumbbells and stand straight up with the
dumbbells at your sides.
2. Your palms should be facing your body. You should be holding the dumbbells slightly
off your body, as this keeps the tension on the side delts. This is your starting position
for the exercise.
3. To execute, slowly raise the dumbbells up to around shoulder height. It's important
that you do not let your wrists go above your elbows while raising the weight, as this
will take the work off the side delts and put it on the front delts.
4. Pause at the top of the movement, and then slowly lower the weight back to the
starting position.
5. Do not let the dumbbells touch your body, and then raise them for the next rep.

Lateral Raise Tips:

1. The dumbbell lateral raise is one of those exercises that so many people do
incorrectly. First, this is an isolation exercise, so you should be focusing on stretch
and muscle contraction, not using heavy weights.
2. Second, you MUST keep your rep timing slow and controlled. So many people use
momentum to swing heavy weights up, and this is not going to get you the best
results from the dumbbell lateral raise.
3. Third, it very important that your elbows stay above your wrists. If your wrists come
up too far, the focus comes off your side delts and onto your front delts. A good trick
to ensure this does not happen is to tilt the dumbbells down as if you were pouring a
jug of water as you raise them up. This makes it very hard to raise the wrists higher
than the elbows.
4. And finally, keep the side delts under stress for the whole set by not allowing the
dumbbells to touch your body or "hang" at the bottom of the movement.

Dumbbell Shrug Instructions

1. Assume a standing position with the dumbbells on both sides of your body.
2. Hinge forward, inhale, and grab the dumbbells with a neutral grip.
3. Stand up tall and ensure your spine remains neutral.
4. Contract the traps to elevate the shoulders. Squeeze hard at the top and slowly lower
the dumbbells back to the starting position.
5. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Dumbbell Shrug Tips

1. Looking slightly up while shrugging may enhance the contraction as traps help to
control movement of the skull. This motion should be smooth and controlled, as a
ballistic movement could result in a neck injury.
2. The traps tend to respond well to high reps and explosive movements (e.g. snatch
grip high pulls) so program your accessory work accordingly.
3. Limit momentum and excessive jerking or bouncing of the weight. No one cares
about how much you shrug.
4. Don’t allow the head to jut forward excessively as you squeeze the traps, this can put
the neck in a compromised position and result in an injury.
5. Adding a pause at the top of the movement can help to enhance the mind muscle

Barbell Upright Row Instructions

1. The barbell upright row is one of the best exercises for building the upper traps and
shoulders. Load up a barbell with the weight you want to use and stand facing it with
your feet at around shoulder width apart.
2. Grasp the barbell with an overhand grip (palms facing down), and hands slightly
closer than shoulder width apart.
3. Pick the bar up, bending at the knees and keeping your back straight.
4. Keeping your back straight and eyes facing forwards, lift the bar straight up while
keeping it as close to your body as possible (you should pull the bar up to around
chest height - nearly touching your chin).
5. Pause, and then slowly lower the bar back to the starting position.
6. Repeat for desired reps.
Upright Row Tips:

1. Focus on keeping your elbows higher than your forearms. The elbows push the
2. Keep your body fixed throughout the set. Don't lean forward as you lower the bar, and
back as you raise it. Movement of the body makes the upright row easier, and you will
not get the most out of it.
3. Pause and squeeze the traps at the top of the movement, and then lower the bar
really slowly if you want to add a bit of intensity to the exercise.

Standing Wrist Curl Behind Back Instructions

1. Begin the exercise by selecting a barbell weight and holding it behind your back using
an underhand grip (palms facing out). Your hands should be placed around shoulder
width apart.
2. Stand straight up with your feet shoulder width apart and look straight
forward. Bending only at the wrists, let the barbell drop as far as possible. This is the
starting position for the exercise.
3. Slowly raise the barbell up as far as possible squeezing the forearm muscles at the
top of the movement. Only your wrists should be moving.
4. Pause, and then slowly lower the barbell back to the starting position.
5. Repeat for desired reps.

Exercise Tips:

1. A light weight should be used with proper technique. It doesn't take heavy weight to
make this exercise effective.
2. Keep the rep timing slow, and pause/squeeze the forearms for a count of two at the
top of the movement for added intensity.
3. Use a full range of motion by allowing the weight to drop as far as possible at the
bottom of the movement.
4. It would be wise to have a training partner either hand you the bar or use a rack to
pick it up.
5. When finished, lower the bar to a rack or bend at the knees and lower it to the floor.

Seated Barbell Wrist Curl Instructions

1. Select the desired weight, load it onto the bar, and assume a seated position with the
forearms resting comfortably on your thighs.
2. Utilize a supinated (palms up) grip and curl the bar towards your body using just the
3. Once the forearm flexors are fully shortened, slowly lower the weight back to the
starting position.
4. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Seated Barbell Wrist Curl Tips

1. Using a slow eccentric (lowering portion) of the exercise can help to improve tension
and mind muscle connection.
2. Try not to open the fingers at the bottom of the movement, just move through the

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