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Joshua Mariano

BSBA MM-1C | MM120 | TTh 1-2:30

After spending three or four years studying, adjusting to life after university
can be tough. Your graduation ceremony signifies the end of an era and the
start of something new but you may be left wondering, 'what next?' There are a
number of different routes to take as you contemplate what to do after
university - and everyone's journey will be different. You can search for a
graduate job, enroll on a postgraduate course, set up your own business,
volunteer or travel the world.

“So, what will be my plan after college graduation?”— Ugh. I couldn’t put
a number on the amount of times I got this question in the months leading up to
college graduation. This question was my worst nightmare. I lay in my bed asking
myself that exact same thing and it kept me up at night. I had no idea what I
wanted to do.

I strongly believe that I will be a successful person in my whole life. I want

to start making my dreams come true with my degree from MMSU. My goals is to
start my career before I get my degree, I believe that it will make me more
successful. I know all of my lecturers from my college is going to prepare me to
have a good life.

I am majoring in Business Administration major in Marketing Management.

My plan is to pursue my career in Marketing. My degree from MMSU is going to
give me a lot of chance to make a difference in the marketing world. After third
semester of my study, I am going to start a small business. I want to start my
career from the very first step. I want to improve my skills by learning about my
subject. I am willing to do everything to be where I want to be. I also want to
complete my studying by getting my MBA degree in Business. I also want to
improve my skills in finance sector, so I can work in any department in any
company. My all career goals have no geographic or salary. I am willing to
relocate anywhere in order to achieve success and gain my knowledge.

In the medium term of my experience, I would like to obtain a challenging

job in any country. By this time I want to make more specific decisions about my
career. Hopefully as a result of gaining my knowledge, I will impress people who
can help me to improve my skills. My long-term goal would be becoming a
marketing manager/owner of a 5-star hotel and restaurant. Actually I am
dreaming to working in hotel since I was child.

At the end of the way, I want to be recognized as a successful person

who achieved all the goals he planned and left a positive impression in people’s
lives. I will have to work as hard as I can to get that recognition and I am willing
to do what it takes to get that point. I approach everything in life with positive
attitude and lots of enthusiasm.

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