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Ingerdients<br> <br>

1 cup All purpose flour <br>

1 tsp. Salt<br>

1/2 tsp. Yeast<br>

1/2 cup of water <br>

1 egg<br>

2 banana<br>

1 nestle cream<br> &nbsp;

1 tsp. Vanilla<br>

1 tbs. Sugar<br> <br> &nbsp;

To make a dough. <br>

Put 1 cup all purpose flour in the bowl. <br> Add 1 tsp. Salt <br> Add 1 tbs. Sugar<br> Add 1/2 cup of
water <br> Just mixed all the ingredients well.<br> AFTER MIXING IT WELL.<br> Put it in a bowl. Make
sure to brush some oil in the surface of the bowl so that the dough will not stick on it.&nbsp; Lastly, put
a cover unto the bowl so that the dough will <br> <br>

To make the fillings:<br> <br>

Peel the banana.<br> Slice the bananas into small pieces.<br> Put the sliced bananas in the blender.
<br> Turn on the blender. <br> Then, add all purpose cream and sugar. It sweetness will depends om
the taste that you want. <br> <br> <br>

To bake the dough. <br> <br>

Flaten the dough using a rolling pin. <br> Then, cut the dough into strips. <br> Afterwards, surrounds pr
coverr the ice cream cone with the dough. <br> Then brush some eggs unto the dough. <br> Lastly, put
it inside the oven or any indigenous oven. <br> <br> <br> If it is already cooked. <br> Put the fillings
inside on it. <br> Then serve. <br> <br>

PanDessert This food is composed of a home made bread. Its shape is most like a cone of a ice cream.
Inside the bread there is a ice cream cone filled with banana yogurt. Basically, this product will not just
solve your hunger but it will also solve your cravings for dessert.

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