Libon Private High School, Inc.: First Monthly Examination English 8

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Republic of the Philippines

Region V (Bicol)
Division of Albay
Libon Private High School, Inc.
Libon, Albay





Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is a speech, which convinces the audience to take the speaker’s stand on an issue.

a. descriptive speech c. informative speech

b. persuasive speech d. expository speech

2. It is a speech, which explains in a sentence or introduces a concept, a person, a place, or an event

a. expository speech c. narrative speech

b. descriptive speech d. persuasive speech

3. It refers to how loud or soft one’s voice level is while speaking.

a. loudness c. projection

b. volume d. pitch

4. It is a speech, which entertains people and commonly used in social gatherings; this type of speech is the

most informal speech.

a. narrative speech c. persuasive speech

b. entertaining speech d. informative speech

5. It is a type of listening, which you listen to form your opinion on a particular matter.

a. discriminative listening c. opinion listening

b. informative listening d. critical listening

6. It is a type of listening happens when the listener is there to become sympathetic to the one listening.

a. therapeutic listening c. critical listening

b. appreciative listening d. discriminative listening

7. It is a type of listening happens when you want to pursue a goal, or know a piece of information, or

sometimes, to simply be entertained.

a. entertaining listening c. appreciative listening

b. informative listening d. critical listening

8. __________ listening happens when you want to gather information from a particular text or speaker.

a. informative speech c. expository

b. informative d. discriminative

9. In this type of listening, you take into account the verbal and non-verbal cues of the speaker so that you can

uncover his or her actual message.

a. discriminative listening c. appreciative listening

b. attentive listening d. critical listening

10. The _______ essay aims to define and explains an idea

a. descriptive c. narrative essay

b. expository d. argumentative

11. A _________ essay tells a story which may or may not have happened in real life.

a. expository c. descriptive

b. argumentative d. narrative

12. What is a speech?

a. the communication or expression of thoughts in spoken word.

b. it is the speed by which a person speaks.

c. It is the highness and the lowness of voice

d. the communication that uses language.


Direction: Write TRUE if the underline word is correct and if false, write the appropriate word in the blank.

13. African Literature refers to the body of oral and written language produced by Africans in

their native languages and European languages.

14. Africa is the third largest continent behind Asia.

15. African literature is divided by Region – West, East, North, South and Southern Africa.

16. The features of African Oral Literature are the following: purpose, structure, technique, and

17. African literature has a strong tradition of oral literature even after the Europeans came to

colonize the continent.

18. “ Where is the rain” is a KwaZulu Chant from Zulu tribe.

19. The feature of purpose in the poem is to introduce an entity to a group of people. This entity

could be a god, an animal, nature, town, or even one’s self.

20. Oral literature includes poems, chants, songs, and folktales.

21. From the chant “ Where is the Rain”, the giraffe and the camel went for a walk.

22. Chant is saying or shouting repeatedly in a singsong tone.


Direction: Write the letter of the word/s that is best described by the underlined idiomatic expressions in each

numbered item.

A. accomplish two different things at the same time.

B. It’s raining heavily C. very expensive D. easy

E. become angry

23. We can’t play lawn tennis today. It has been raining cats and dog since this morning.

24. “I heard your mother was appointed that we went home at two in the morning.” “No, she is not

disappointed. She blew her top.

25. Be careful with our car. It cost an arm and a leg.

26. Why not go to the post office on your way to the mall and kill two birds with one stone.

27. The assignment was really a piece of cake.


A. Direction: Fill in the box with the appropriate coordinating conjunctions given inside the box below.

for nor or so
and but yet

28. The band practiced for two hours, they still did not sound very good.

29. My mom didn’t want to go to the store, did she want to get out of bed.

30. I earned $100 on my spelling test, my dad gave me $5.

31. Do you speak English, do you speak Spanish?

32. The Panthers won the game, they had worked long and hard during football practices.

33. I want chocolate ice cream, I want chocolate cake.

34. Sue was having fun at the party, she wanted to go home.


Direction: Underline the correct subordinating conjunction in the parenthesis.

35. (Since, Once) Kyla’s recital is on Saturday night, she needs to practice her dance routine.

36. Jillian waited to speak (until, whether) the song is over.

37. The children leapt from their seats (where, when) the bell rang.

38. (Although, Even if) he worked hard, he failed.

39. She will not come (unless, while) we compel her.

40. She began to cry (if, because) she had lost her golden chain.


Direction: For items 41-45, arrange the following events in the story, “The King and the Ju Ju tree” in

chronological order. Write number 1-5 inside the circle.

The daughter arrived to their house, she ordered the king to take at once a cow, a pig, a sheep, a goat, a

dog, a chicken, and seven eggs and cut them into seven parts as a sacrifice and leave them on the road.

Then the spirit man eats the sacrifice on the road and returned to the spirit land. Then the danger was


King Udo and his wife used to wash at the spring just behind their house. After two years of being

absent from his house, King Udo went to his old place to wash, he found that the Idem Ju Ju tree had

grown up all around the place, and it was impossible.

The spirit man was the one who could cure him and requested the king to give his own daughter. At

first the king didn’t want to give his daughter but when the pain got worse than ever he gave his

daughter to the spirit man. The spirit man healed the king and the pain disappeared.

The King’s daughter put in the fatting house with the spirit man and was given food. The skull helped

the daughter to escape and give directions.

The King therefore called fifthy of his young men to bring their machetes and cut down the tree. They

started cutting the tree, but they found they had made no impression on it. Then the King started to cut

the tree that caused a small splinter of wood into the king’s eye.


Direction: Identify what type of graphic organizer are the following:

46. 47.

48. 49.


“ Life is the most difficult exam. Many people fail because they try to copy others. Not realizing that
everyone has a different question paper.”
--Goodluck –

Identify the different types
of speeches, types of
listening and modes of
discourse. 3.5 12 23% 1-12
Analyze the features of
African Literature
3 10 20% 13-22
Determine the meaning of
idiomatic expression
through context clues.
1.5 5 10% 23-27
Use the appropriate
coordinating and
conjunctions. 4 13 27% 28-40
Arrange the events in the
story in chronological
order. 1.5 5 10% 41-45

Identify the different

graphic organizers. 1.5 5 10% 46-50
TOTAL 15 50 100%

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