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Defne Apul, PhD1

Today’s water infrastructures are the outcome of an industrial revolution-based design that are now at odds with
the current sustainability paradigm. The goal of this study was to develop a vision for engineering sustainable water
infrastructures. A list of 99 ecological design principles was compiled from eleven authors and grouped into three
themes: (1) human dimension, (2) learning from nature (biomimicry), and (3) integrating nature. The biomimicry
concept was further divided into six sub-themes; (1) complex system properties, (2) energy source, (3) scale, (4) mass
and energy flows, (5) structure, and function, and (6) diversity and cooperation. The implications of these concepts
on water infrastructure design suggested that water infrastructure should be conceptualized in a more holistic way
by not only considering water supply, treatment, and storm water management services, but also integrating into the
design problem other provisioning, regulating, cultural, and supporting ecosystem services. A decentralized approach
for this integration and innovation in adaptive design are necessary to develop resilient and energy efficient water

water sustainability, water infrastructure, ecological design principles, biomimicry, nature

1. INTRODUCTION realize that the current water infrastructure design

Engineered systems in the developed world evolved is at odds with today’s environmental, economic,
as products of the industrial revolution. Design and social sustainability paradigms. Energy, water,
principles of the time were different. Dominant and and materials (e.g. plastic, steel, and concrete, and
accepted ideas were economics of scale and meeting asphalt) are scarce resources of the future world that
a specific limited function. Design and development will host a much greater population than today.
of the water infrastructure system is no exception. In These resources are expansively (and in many cases
the industrialized world, the water infrastructure was inefficiently) used in today’s water infrastructure.
designed initially to supply water to the city, then to Their shortage would have major implications on
sewer the city, and finally to drain the city to avoid water infrastructure performance. Sustainability
flooding (Brown et al. 2009). This design led to the suggests eliminating waste and local management
current centralized water infrastructure that consists of resources; yet within the current traditional water
of a large network of pipes (1.5 million miles of pipes infrastructure both storm water and wastewater
in the US; GAO, 2004) and centralized water and are nuisances and neither is managed locally. Cur-
wastewater treatment plants where treated water is rent water infrastructure contributes little to social
conveyed to point of use and from there wastewater is sustainability since it is hidden from the public and
conveyed to a wastewater treatment plant. managed only by specialists. In addition, the current
The current water infrastructure has served very water infrastructure in the United States is old and
well in meeting its design purposes of water supply, in need of repairs; so far, funds to maintain it are
sanitation, and flood control and has thus contrib- not available (ASCE 2009).
uted much to the improvement of public health and In response to the surmounting problems and
quality of life in the 20th century. However, we now the growing interest in sustainability, the literature

1. Department of Civil Engineering, MS 307, The University of Toledo, 2801 W. Bancroft St., Toledo, OH, 43606, USA. Email:, Phone: +1 419 530 8132, Fax: +1 419 530 8116.

Volume 5, Number 3 147

on water infrastructure sustainability has rapidly The goal of this study was to coalesce the engi-
expanded in the past few years. The engineering per- neering and ecology perspectives on water man-
spective typically focuses on water reuse and other agement within one vision that could guide the
alternative technologies (e.g. Goddard 2006; Huertas engineering of sustainable water infrastructures.
et al. 2008; Urkiaga et al. 2008) as well as conceptual Developing a vision is important because it is the
and modelling based integrated approaches to urban first step towards solving a problem both in the
water management (e.g. Devesa et al. 2009; Liu et engineering context and the sustainability context.
al. 2008; Schenk et al. 2009; Hermanowicz 2008; While it has been criticized (Upham 2000), the
Chung et al. 2008). Some studies focus on human Natural Step remains one of the most prominent
and institutional dimensions of water sustainability sustainability frameworks. In the Natural Step
(e.g. Starkl et al. 2009; Brown et al. 2009). Ecolo- framework, the first step is the ‘visioning’ process
gists and environmental scientists typically have a dif- during which a sustainable version of the system is
ferent perspective of the water management problem; imagined. This vision then drives the entire pro-
their starting point is ecosystem health and ecological cess toward sustainability (and backcasting is used
management of water (e.g. Min et al. 2007; Richter to determine the steps that will lead to the vision).
et al. 2003; Baron et al. 2002). Baron et al. (2002) From an engineering perspective, the vision helps
noted that the people (hydrologists, engineers, and to properly define the problem. Problem definition
water managers) who design and manage the water is the first step in the engineering design process
infrastructures are “rarely taught about manage- (Dieter and Schmidt 2009), and in dealing with
ment consequences to ecosystems, nor are ecologists complex systems, inadequate definition of goals or
trained to think about the critical role of water in vision is one of the most common mistakes (Wahl
human society.” This disparity in ecology and engi- 2006).
neering fields has been a barrier to progress in design- To develop a vision for engineering sustainable
ing sustainable water infrastructures. water infrastructures, a list of 99 ecological design
In order for society to engineer sustainable principles were compiled from the literature (Table 1).
water infrastructures, the fields of ecology and This list was compiled from 11 references. Since this
engineering will need to merge. In practice, some is a long list, it was neither useful nor practical to dis-
of this merger is taking place with the active role cuss each one of the principles and their implications
of many landscape architect and environmental on water infrastructure. Furthermore, such a detailed
architect/design firms that specialize in sustain- discussion was beyond the scope of this study.
able construction and integration of natural sys- Instead, implications of these principles on water
tems and processes into urban settings (e.g. Wenk infrastructure engineering was analyzed (i) by identi-
A ssociates ; A ndropogon A ssociates ; William fying common themes threaded through the 99-item
McDonough and Partners). The landscape ecology list, (ii) by reconceptualizing the water infrastructure
literature (e.g. Lovell and Johnson 2008; Termor- within the context of these common themes, and (iii)
shuizen and Opdam 2009) will also contribute to by providing specific examples and ideas for possible
this merger. Perhaps, however, the most appropri- implementation of some of these themes.
ate home for this merger is within the ecological
engineering domain because ecological engineer- 2. COMPILED ECOLOGICAL DESIGN
ing is “the design of sustainable systems, consistent PRINCIPLES
with self design and other ecological principles, A literature review on ecological design principles
which integrate human society with the natural identified 14 different references. However, three of
environment for the benefit of both” (Bergen et al. these focused on design principles that were devel-
2001). Ecological engineering originated with con- oped for specific contexts such as green chemistry
structed wetland design and has now emerged as a (Anastas and Warner 1998), green cities (New-
new branch of engineering (Mitsch and Jorgensen man and Jennings 2008), and green living (Ludwig
2003) that will play an important role in sustain- 2003). Since the principles in these three references
able development (Gosselin 2008). were not broad enough to be applied to water infra-

148 Journal of Green Building

structure design, they were eliminated from the list. included in this study because the authors of these
A total of 99 ecological design principles were com- references were state-of-the-art practicing design-
piled from the remaining 11 references (Table 1). ers. Their perspective was deemed important to be
This list included ecological design principles pub- included since state-of-the-art is the starting point
lished not only in the peer reviewed literature, but for design (unlike science where the starting point
also in books and websites. Book and website based is existing knowledge or peer reviewed literature)
principles were not eliminated and instead, were (Dieter and Schmidt 2009).

TABLE 1. Ecological design principles compiled from 11 studies.

Shu-Yang, Freedman, Cote

Sanborn (S)1 Todd (T)2 McLennan (M)3 (SFC) 4
S1. Ecologically T1. The living world is the M1. Respect for the wisdom SFC1. Meet the inherent
responsive matrix for all design of natural systems—The needs of humans
S2. Healthy, T2. Design should follow, not Biomimicry principle SFC2. Meet toward resource
sensible buildings oppose, the laws of life M2. Respect for people—The sustainability
S3. Socially just T3. Biological equity must human vitality principle SFC3. Maintain ecological
S4. Culturally determine design M3. Respect for place—The integrity
creative T4. Design must reflect ecosystem principles Emulate natural ecosystems
S5. Beautiful bioregionality M4. Respect for the cycle of SFC4. Eliminate natural debt
S6. Physically T5. Projects should be based life – The “seven generations SFC5. Protect natural habitat
and economically on renewable energy sources principle” SFC6. Increase environmental
accessible T6. Design should be M5. Respect for energy literacy
S7. Evolutionary sustainable through the and natural resources—The
integration of living systems conservation principles
T7. Design should be M6. Respect for process—The
coevolutionary with the holistic thinking principle
natural world
T8. Building and design
should help heal the planet
T9. Design should follow a
sacred ecology
Van der Ryn and Holmgren (Permaculture)
Cowan (VC) 5 Benyus (Biomimicry) (B) 6 Hannover (H)7 (P) 8
VC1. Solutions B1. Nature runs on sunlight H1. Insist on rights of humanity P1. Observe and interact
grow from place B2. Uses only the energy it and nature to co-exist P2. Catch and store energy
VC2. Ecological needs H2. Recognize interdependence P3. Obtain a yield
accounting informs B3. Fits form to function H3. Respect relationships P4. Apply self-regulation and
design B4. Recycles everything between spirit and matter accept feedback
VC3. Design with B5. Rewards co-operation H4. Accept responsibility for P5. Use and value renewable
nature B6. Nature banks on diversity consequences of design resources and services
VC4. Everyone is a B7. Demands local expertise H5. Create safe objects of long P6. Produce no waste
designer B8. Curbs excesses within term value P7. Design from patterns to
VC5. Make nature B9. Taps the power of limits H6. Eliminate the concept of details
visible waste P8. Integrate rather than
H7. Rely on natural energy segregate
flows P9. Use small and slow
H8. Understand the limitations solutions
of design P10. Use and value diversity
H9. See constant improvement P11. Use edges and value the
by the sharing of knowledge marginal
P12. Creatively use and
respond to change
continues on next page

Volume 5, Number 3 149

TABLE 1 (continued) Ecological design principles compiled from 11 studies.

Anastas and Zimmerman (Green

Engineering) (AZ) 9 Mitsch and Jorgensen (MJ)11
AZ1. Inherent rather than circumstantial MJ1. Ecosystem structure and functions are determined by the
AZ2. Prevention instead of treatment forcing functions of the system
AZ3. Design for separation MJ2. Energy inputs to the ecosystems and available storage of
AZ4. Maximize mass, energy. Space and time matter are limited
efficiency MJ3. Ecosystems are open and dissipative systems
AZ5. Output-pulled versus input-pushed MJ4. Attention to a limited number of factors is most strategic in
AZ6. Conserve complexity preventing pollution or restoring ecosystems
AZ7. Durability rather than immortality MJ5. Ecosystems have some homeostatic capability that results in
AZ8. Meet need, minimize excess smoothing out and depressing the effects of strongly variable inputs
AZ9. Minimize material diversity MJ6. Match recycling pathways to the rates to ecosystems to reduce
AZ10. Integrate local material and energy flows the effect of pollution
AZ11. Design for commercial “afterlife” MJ7. Design for pulsing systems wherever possible
AZ12. Renewable rather than depleting MJ8. Ecosystems are self-designing systems
MJ9. Processes of ecosystems have characteristic time and space
scales that should eb accounted for in environmental management
MJ10. Biodiversity should be championed to maintain an
ecosystem’s self-design capacity
MJ11. Ecotones, transition zones, are as important for ecosystems as
membranes are for cells
MJ12.Coupling between ecosystems should be utilized wherever
MJ13. The components of an ecosystem are interconnected,
Bergen, et al. (BE)10
interrelated, and form a network, implying that direct as well as
BE1. Design consistent with indirect effects of ecosystem development need to be considered
ecological principles MJ14. An ecosystem has a history of development
BE2. Design for site-specific context MJ15. Ecosystems and species are most vulnerable at their
BE3. Maintain the independence of design geographic edges
functional requirements MJ16. Ecosystems are hierarchical systems and are parts of a larger
BE4. Design for efficiency in energy and landscape
information MJ17. Physical and biological processes are interactive. It is
BE5. Acknowledge the values and purposes that important to know both the physical and biological interactions and
motivate design to interpret them properly
MJ18. Ecotechnology requires a holistic approach that integrates all
interacting parts and processes as far as possible
MJ19. Information in ecosystems is stored instructures
1. Sanborn 2009; 2. Todd and Todd 1994; 3. McLennan 2004; 4. Shu-Yang et al. 2004; 5. Van der Ryn and Cowan 1996; 6. Benyus
1997; 7. McDonough and Braungart 1992; 8. Holmgren 2002. 9. Anastas and Zimmerman 2003; 10. Bergen et al. 2001; 11. Mitsch and
Jorgensen 2004.

Of the 11 references, the principles developed by one of which was based on the biomimicry princi-
Hannover, Sanborn, and Van der Ryn (and Cowan) ple. Holmgren (2002) developed design principles
were primarily geared toward building construc- for human habitats; his perspective has been used
tion design. The ecological design principles from mostly in agricultural systems.
these three references were previously compiled by In the peer reviewed literature, only four stud-
Andrews (2006). Principles developed by Benyus’ ies reported development of new ecological design
(1997) are referred to as biomimicry principles and principles and three of these were developed by
are applicable to any kind of design. These prin- ecologists. Bergen et al. (2001) identified the first
ciples are published in a book. McLennan (2004) principles of the ecological engineering design; their
approached design principles from a building per- list was inspired by Todd and Todd (1994) and van
spective as well and proposed six design principles, der Ryn and Cowan (1996), among others. Mitsch

150 Journal of Green Building

and Jorgensen (2004) developed the longest list of from the process. If engineers and designers include
ecological design principles that were discussed in a stakeholders in the design and management process,
pioneering ecological engineering book. Shu-Yang then the ideas included in the human dimension
et al. (2004) presented six key aspects of eco-design theme can be more easily incorporated into design as
after reviewing previously published literature. these ideas could more easily be pushed forward by
Anastas and Zimmernan (2003) developed ‘green stakeholders than engineers. In traditional engineer-
engineering’ principles; they are the only authors ing, designers by training and by time constraints
that approached ecological design principles from a are typically focused on limited engineering criteria
primarily engineering perspective. such as meeting the necessary function (e.g. water
provision, storm water removal), minimizing cost
3. COMMON THEMES WITHIN THE (weight, volume where appropriate) and increasing
ECOLOGICAL DESIGN PRINCIPLES durability and quality (Pahl 2007). With stake-
The 99-item list of ecological design principles was holder involvement, additional criteria in accordance
analyzed for common themes and after several revi- with stakeholders’ values would be incorporated into
sions, the list was organized under three primary the design. As stakeholders help define their own
themes; human dimension, learning from nature needs, they would also take ownership of the project
(biomimicry), and incorporating nature (Figure 1). and act in ways (e.g. educate others, maintain and
In addition, six sub-themes were identified within beautify some parts of it) that would contribute to
the biomimicry theme: (i) complex system proper- economic, social, and environmental sustainability
ties, (ii) energy source, (iii) structure and function, of water infrastructure.
(iv) scale, (v) mass and energy flows, and (vi) diver-
sity and cooperation. These themes and subthemes 3.2 Economic Perspective of the Ecological
can form the foundation for all engineering design Design Principles
projects and for engineering a sustainable water Sustainability is often considered as a three pronged
infrastructure. A summary of how they relate to approach that focuses on the environment, society,
conventional versus sustainable water infrastructure and economy. Ecological design principles explicitly
design is shown in Table 2. The points summarized incorporate social (human dimension theme) and
in Table 2 are further discussed in this paper. environmental sustainability (incorporate nature
and biomimicry themes). If ecological design prin-
3.1 Human Dimension Theme ciples are in alignment with the sustainability prin-
The human dimension theme addresses the social ciples, they should also be addressing the economic
aspects of sustainability and 12 ecological principles aspects of the design. In conventional design, typi-
relate to this concept. Some key words and ideas cally short-term and direct costs are considered and
included within this theme are beautiful, creative, deemed very important; yet within ecological design
socially just, healthy, respectful, educational, value- principles, there is very little direct mention of eco-
driven, including stakeholders in the design process nomics; instead, indirect social and environmental
and meeting the needs of humans. Of these ideas, long-term costs are implied within the principles.
meeting the (water provisioning, wet weather con- For example, there are many ecological design
trol and public health) needs of humans is central principles that do not directly mention economics
to the current water infrastructure design but oth- but focus on environmental ideas (e.g. energy effi-
ers would be foreign or secondary ideas for a water ciency, elimination of waste, design for commercial
infrastructure engineer. afterlife) that would affect the life cycle cost of the
For example, infrastructure of pipes and treat- design. Similarly, economics is indirectly implied
ment plants are hidden from stakeholders and in some of the principles within the human dimen-
designed and managed by specialists who are typi- sion theme. Buildings that provide a healthy, beau-
cally civil or environmental engineers. Yet, the eco- tiful, socially just environment would contribute to
logical design principles suggest a framework that keeping the occupants healthy and therefore mini-
includes stakeholders as opposed to isolating them mize the health costs of occupants. Among the 99

Volume 5, Number 3 151

FIGURE 1. Themes and sub-themes identified across ecological design principles.

Ecological Design

Biomimicry: Learn from Nature

Work With/Incorporate Nature (M1. Respect for the wisdom of natural systems—The Biomimicry principle; SFC3. emulate natural ecosystems; L1. Follow nature’s example)
S1. Ecologically responsive
T1. The living world is the matrix for all design Complex System Properties Structure and Function Mass and Energy Flows
T6. Design should be sustainable through the M6. Respect for process—The holistic thinking S6. Physically and economically accessible B2: Uses only the energy it
integration of living systems principle B9: Taps the power of limits needs
T3. Biological equity must determine design H2. Recognize interdependence MJ1. Ecosystem structure and functions are B8: Curbs excesses within
T7. Design should be coevolutionary with the natural MJ8.Ecosystems are self-designing systems determined by the forcing functions of the H6. Eliminate the concept of
world MJ3. Ecosystems are open and dissipative systems system waste
T8. Building and design should help heal the planet MJ12.Coupling between ecosystems should be MJ7. Design for pulsing systems wherever MJ6. Match recycling
T9. Design should follow a sacred ecology utilized wherever possible possible pathways to the rates to
VC2. Ecological accounting informs design MJ13. The components of an ecosystem are MJ19. Information in ecosystems is stored in ecosystems to reduce the
VC3. Design with nature interconnected, interrelated, and form a network, structures effect of pollution
H1. Insist on rights of humanity and nature to co-exist implying that direct as well as indirect effects of AZ3. Design for separation AZ4. Maximize mass,
MJ4. Attention to a limited number of factors is most ecosystem development need to be considered AZ7. Durability rather than immortality energy. Space and time
strategic in preventing pollution or restoring ecosystems MJ17. Physical and biological processes are AZ9. Minimize material diversity B3:Fits form efficiency
MJ5. Ecosystems have some homeostatic capability that interactive. It is important to know both the to function AZ8. Meet need, minimize
results in smoothing out and depressing the effects of physical and biological interactions and to interpret H8. Understand the limitations of design excess
strongly variable inputs them properly H5. Create safe objects of long term value AZ12. Renewable rather
AZ5. Output-pulled versus input-pushed MJ14. An ecosystem has a history of development AZ2. Prevention instead of treatment than depleting
BE1. Design consistent with ecological design principles MJ18. Ecotechnology requires a holistic approach AZ1. Inherent rather than circumstantial BE4. Design for efficiency in
VC5. Make nature visible that integrates all interacting parts and processes as AZ11. Design for commercial “afterlife” energy and information
SFC3. Maintain ecological integrity far as possible BE3. Maintain the independence of design B4: Recycles everything
SFC4. Eliminate natural debt AZ6. Conserve complexity functional requirements SFC2. Meet toward resource
SFC5. Protect natural habitat S7. Evolutionary sustainability
P1. Observe and interact P4. Apply self-regulation and accept feedback P2. Catch and store energy

Journal of Green Building

P7. Design from patterns to details P3. Obtain a yield
P8. Integrate rather than segregate P5. Use and value renewable
P9. Use small and slow solutions Scale resources and services
P11. Use edges and value the marginal T4. Design must reflect bioregionality P6. Produce no waste
Human Dimension P12. Creatively use and respond to change M3. Respect for place—The ecosystem principles
S4. Culturally creative B7: Demands local expertise
S5. Beautiful VC1. Solutions grow from place
S2. Healthy, sensible buildings MJ9. Processes of ecosystems have characteristic
S3. Socially just time and space scales that should be accounted Diversity and Cooperation
M2. Respect for people—The human vitality principle for in environmental management B5: Rewards co-operation
M4. Respect for the cycle of life—The “seven Energy Source MJ11. Ecotones, transition zones, are as B6: Nature banks on diversity
generations principle” T5. Projects should be based on renewable energy important for ecosystems as membranes are for H9. See constant
VC4. Everyone is a designer sources cells improvement by the sharing
H3. Respect relationships between spirit and matter M5. Respect for energy and natural resources— The MJ15. Ecosystems and species are most of knowledge
H4. Accept responsibility for consequences of design conservation principles vulnerable at their geographic edges MJ10. Biodiversity should be
BE5. Acknowledge the values and purposes that B1: Nature runs on sunlight MJ16. Ecosystems are hierarchical systems and championed to maintain an
motivate design H7. Rely on natural energy flows are parts of a larger landscape ecosystem’s self-design
SFC1. Meet the inherent needs of humans MJ2. Energy inputs to the ecosystems and available AZ10. Integrate local material and energy flows capacity
SFC6 Increase environmental literacy storage of matter are limited BE2. Design for site-specific context P10. Use and value diversity

TABLE 2. Concepts of ecological design principles evaluated for conventional versus sustainable water infrastructure designs.

Conventional Sustainable
Integrating • Unconnected to other life forms; the primary integration way is • Nature is integrated throughout not just in treatment. Design links sub-
Nature by biological treatment which uses only a few species (bacteria, ecosystems. In treatment, more diverse set of organisms are used.
etc.) to treat water.
• Structural components dominate. • Structural components support non-permanent ecological design components.
• Pipes convey storm water to surface waters. • Vegetated swales, bioretention basins, and wetlands retain and treat storm water
• Uses only water provisioning, flood control, and to some extent • Uses many other (provisioning, regulating, cultural, and supporting) ecosystem
water purification ecosystem services. services than water provisioning, water purification, and flood control. Food supply,
habitat creation and other ecosystem services are incorporated in design thinking.
• Cost defines what can be done. • Environmental limitations define what can be done before cost is considered.
Human • Infrastructure of pipes and treatment plants hidden from • Infrastructure accessible to stakeholders, stakeholder is involved in design and
Dimensions stakeholders, designed and managed by specialists. management and design process and outcome is educational.
• Typically no values are considered, there are narrow engineering • Acknowledges values that motivate design, incorporates stakeholders.
goals (e.g. provide water, treat water).
• Beauty is not a concern. • Aesthetics, beauty may be a design criteria.
Biomimicry • Irrelevant or marginally relevant. • Central theme
Complex • Centralized, one scale, uniform, rigid, fragmented design. • Decentralized, hierarchical, diverse, adaptive, holistic design.
System • Disintegrated water, storm water, sewer components. • Integrated design achieves multiple functions including food production and
Properties energy production.
• Static design functions within the tight bounds of treatment • Use of organisms and non structural components and mindset about adaptability
process parameters. allow the design to have emerging properties that react to changes in inputs.
• One way interactions among a limited number of components • Designed with interdependence among components and services in mind.
and services.
Function • Meets limited functions such as water supply, sewerage, and • Meets multiple functions that are viewed in context of ecosystem services. All
drainage. Water provisioning service only for municipal water water provisioning services are included in the planning not just municipal water
supply. supply.

Volume 5, Number 3
Structure • Water is used once and sent to sanitary sewer. Potable water • Water is used multiple times cascading from higher to lower quality and
is used (e.g. toilets, irrigation) when even lower water quality treatments in between. Water quality matches its intended use.
would be acceptable.
• Primarily hard structural components. • Structural components supported with renewable and non permanent components
• Traditional design. • Fits form to function; uses capillary pressure to move water and generate energy;
geometrical design to reduce friction; wetland flows and treatments serve as
‘treatment plants’; sanitation water requirements eliminated by use of composting
and urine separation toilets.
Mass and • Water is moved by pumps and gravity. • Water is moved by pumps, gravity, and capillary pressure.
Energy Flows • Energy from non-renewable resources. • Energy from renewable resources.
• Waste is inherently implied (e.g. wastewater). • Eliminates concept of waste.
Energy Source • Uses fossil fuel based energy sources. • Uses renewable limited energy sources.
Scale • Large one centralized system. • Many diverse, centralized and decentralized systems.
• Large scale, limited function. • Smaller scale, multiple functions.
• No exchange of water between buildings. • Buildings exchange water based on water quality and demand.
• Designed for 50-100 year lifetime span. • Designed for adaptability.
• Universal design for all locations. • Designs are specific to location.
Diversity and • Centralized, one type of method moves and treats water. • Decentralized, multiple methods move and treat water at different locations.

Cooperation • Bacteria are primary species that improve water quality. • Multiple species contribute to improving water quality.
FIGURE 2. Three pillars of sustainability
conceptualized as (a) three separate Environment

but overlapping subsystems and as

(b) economy being a subsystem of Economy Society Society

the human society which itself is a

subsystem of the natural world.

(a) (b)

principles compiled, there is only one principle that for engineering a sustainable water infrastructure,
directly mentions economics (S6: Physically and if ecological design principles are properly followed,
economically accessible) and as other principles, this the primary limiting criteria will be environmental
principle also does not deal with the short term cost and social constraints and not economic constraints.
of the project but refers to social aspects of econom- Economics and short term cost are almost always
ics (economic access by stakeholders). the primary constraints for traditional engineering
Ecological design principles, therefore, place a projects. To accept that environmental (and social)
greater emphasis on the social and environmen- goals will supersede the short-term cost constraints
tal dimensions of sustainability and consider the will be a major, and perhaps most difficult transition
economic dimension of sustainability primarily for engineers. Without this fundamental change
through environmental and societal costs and not in thinking, however, only incremental progress
as direct costs. This perspective of the ecological through minor modifications to the existing sys-
design principles has major implications on how an tem can be made. As a result, a true alignment of
engineering design problem would be defined. The water infrastructure with sustainability would not
perspective and associated goals and means of an be possible.
engineering design project can follow that of Figure
2a where economy, society, and the environment are 3.3 Biomimicry Theme
viewed as equally important criteria to be considered Biomimicry is a very dominant theme within the
in the design process. A sustainable design can be compiled list of ecological design principles. Bio-
achieved in the intersection of all three of these cri- mimicry is an ancient concept that was primar-
teria (i.e. at the intersection of the society, economy, ily popularized by Janine Benyus (1997) who
and environment circles). Alternatively, the perspec- described biomimicry as imitating life and nature’s
tive of an engineering design project can follow that processes. Benyus (1997) argued that since nature
of Figure 2b, where economic (and societal) aspects has been around millions of years, it has already
of the engineering project are constrained by envi- developed solutions to various problems and that as
ronmental limits. human beings we can learn from nature’s solutions
Among the compiled list of ecological design as we engineer our own systems. To practice bio-
principles, principles relating to environmental sus- mimicry, designers need to understand how nature
tainability are highest in number and are empha- works. Six sub-themes were identified within the
sized most. The next level of emphasis within the biomimicry theme as guiding concepts for under-
ecological design principles is social sustainability. standing and mimicking nature. Other groupings
Finally, there is very little emphasis on and almost no or sub-themes could have also been identified but
direct discussion of economics within the ecological the ecological design principles most easily and
design principles. Economics is indirectly included comprehensively fit into these concepts: complex
through societal and environmental costs. There- system properties, energy source, scale, mass and
fore, the compiled list of ecological design principles energy flows, structure and function, and diversity
aligns more closely with Figure 2b. Consequently, and cooperation.

154 Journal of Green Building

3.4 Complex Systems Properties Sub-theme their multiple interactions lead to unpredictable,
Nature is a complex system, and, therefore has adaptive and resilient behaviour.
complex system properties. A complex system can
be most simply defined as one whose properties 3.5 Systems Perspective of the Water
are not fully explained by an understanding of its Infrastructure
component parts (Gallagher and Appenzeller 1999). Toward integrating these complex system prop-
Eleven of the ecological design principles describe erties into water infrastructure design, a systems
properties of complex systems. These descriptions perspective of water infrastructure was developed
refer to integration of all interacting parts and pro- (Figure 3). In this systems perspective, the water
cesses that can lead to a holistic design in which the infrastructure consisted of four sub-systems: water
system evolves in time (i.e complex systems have a source, water treatment, water conveyance, and the
history). A holistic approach, interacting smaller direct use of the water. In addition, indirect uses of
scale components, and adaptability are inferred by water or other functions of water infrastructure were
the ecological design principles. These system prop- considered as an important aspect of the systems
erties can arise from decentralization which is a perspective.
key concept for complex systems. In decentralized This conceptualization of water infrastructure
complex systems there are autonomous agents at is well aligned with integrated water management
the bottom of the hierarchy; these agents interact to concepts and meshes and expands on previously dis-
develop emergence and self organization at a differ- cussed ideas. Previously, researchers have discussed
ent level of observation than the agents themselves integrating water, wastewater, and storm water
(Parrot 2002). Diversity of autonomous agents and infrastructures (Mitchell 2006; Anderson and Iya-

FIGURE 3. Ecological water infrastructure: re-conceptualization of the water infrastructure boundaries and components.

Indirect uses of water

Treated Humid air and other functions of
water water infrastructure
Local ground
Roof water Road water water
Water provision
Water treatment
Potable city Local surface Wet weather control
water water Food provision
Timber provision
Water sources providing water quantity Nutrients retention
Other unit Moderation of
Subsurface processes, microclimates
Capillary Wetlands operations
soil Habitat supporting
Fixed film Suspended biodiversity
Gravity film processes Recreation
Water quality Vegetated
Water conveyance improvement land
(e.g. toilets) Livestock and
(hands, body,
clothes, other) Firefighting Heat
exchange (e.g.
Landscape Mining and power plants)
irrigation Crop other industrial
irrigation processes

Direct uses of water

Volume 5, Number 3 155

duri 2003), other uses of water (such as in energy, an integrated approach to water, sewage and storm
food production, and industry; Schenk et al. 2009) water planning can identify opportunities and cost
and stakeholders (Schenk et al. 2009; Brown et al. savings that are not apparent when separate strate-
2009) toward developing sustainable water infra- gies are developed for each service (Anderson and
structures. These ideas are integrated within Figure Iyaduri 2003). Therefore, it is likely that such addi-
3 along with other ideas such as ecosystem functions tional benefits may be realized when other functions
and multiple approaches for water source, water con- are also integrated. In addition, the concept of waste
veyance, and water treatment. can be more easily eliminated when multiple func-
In Figure 3, the shaded ovals depict the tradi- tions of water infrastructure are considered because
tional, narrow visualization of the water infrastruc- what is considered waste can be used as a resource
ture. The unshaded ovals represent a greater diver- for a different function. One primary theme of
sity of options for water source, conveyance, and the ecological design principles is integration with
treatment that could possibly be used in sustain- nature; therefore the additional functions of water
able water infrastructures. Water is used directly for infrastructure (e.g. food, timber provisioning, nutri-
many purposes in the current water infrastructure ents retention, moderation of microclimates, habitat
but the uses represented in shaded and unshaded supporting biodiversity, recreation, aesthetics) were
ovals are typically conceptualized and designed conceptualized as services provided by nature (eco-
independent of each other. In contrast, in sustain- system services).
able water infrastructure design, all water uses will
be considered to better explore possible synergies 3.6 Integration with Nature Theme
arising from the integrated design process. Ecosystem services are the benefits people obtain
Traditional water infrastructure uses a ground- from ecosystems (United Nations Millenium Eco-
water or a surface water source to centrally pro- system Assessment 2005). The relation of water
duce potable water at a drinking water treatment infrastructure with ecosystem services is shown
plant which is then conveyed to users (i.e. build- in Figure 4. Traditional water infrastructure is
ings) where ‘water’ is consumed as a product. Water designed as a separate entity than the ecosystems. It
quality improvement is a critical component of is designed so that humans benefit from ecosystem
the water infrastructure and is provided through services only when water is withdrawn from nature
the water and wastewater treatment plants. Tradi- (water provisioning ecosystem service) and when
tional water infrastructure is a linear, one way sys- wastewater water is released to the environment for
tem where water is pumped from a central water further natural treatment (water purification ecosys-
treatment plant to buildings, and wastewater from tem service) of wastewater-treatment-plant–treated
buildings typically flows by gravity to a wastewater water. Traditional water infrastructure relies heav-
treatment plant. Flood and wet weather control are ily on engineered structural components of pipes,
provided by the storm water infrastructure which pumps, and treatment plants.
traditionally is a centralized approach with the goal In contrast, the ecological design principles
of quickly removing the water from the site using emphasize the need to integrate nature into the
storm water or combined sewer pipes. Thus, the design. Therefore, the sustainable water infrastruc-
conventional water infrastructure provides three ture is embedded within the ecosystem and is thus
primary functions: water provisioning, water treat- inherently integrated with nature. Through this
ment, and storm water management. integration, sustainable water infrastructure allows
In Figure 3, consideration and integration of mul- humans to benefit from multiple ecosystem services
tiple functions of the water infrastructure (beyond not just water provisioning and water purification
the functions of water provision, treatment and wet (Figure 4). Sustainable water infrastructure design
weather control) is one key aspect to be considered also has engineered structural components but these
in design of sustainable water infrastructures. In have supporting roles for ecosystem services and are
nature, many materials, surfaces, and devices have not as dominant as in the traditional water infra-
multiple functions (Bhushan 2009). In practice, structure design. The ecosystem services provided

156 Journal of Green Building

FIGURE 4. Traditional water
infrastructure (a) heavily depends on
Engineered structural components (pipes, treatment engineered structural components that
plants) that are not part of ecosystems are not part of ecosystems. Traditional
water infrastructure is designed to
benefit only from water provisioning
and purification services. The sustainable
Conventional Water Infrastructure
water infrastructure (b) is designed
to benefit from multiple ecosystem
Water provisioning services, not just water provisioning
and purification
ecosystem services
and purification. In sustainable water
infrastructure design, engineered
structural components provide support
to the ecosystem services not vice versa.

Engineered structural
components (pipes,
treatment plants) that are
not part of ecosystems

Sustainable Water Infrastructure

Regulating, provisioning, cultural, and supporting

ecosystem services


by a sustainable water infrastructure can be pro- design are also critical. Accordingly, in the sustain-
visioning (that provide water, food, and timber), able water infrastructure envisioned in Figure 3,
regulating (water purification, moderation of micro- the functions of water infrastructure are broader
climates), cultural (recreation, aesthetics, tourism), while its autonomous scale is smaller. In the con-
and supporting services (nutrient cycling, habitat text of landscape design, a similar approach was
supporting biological diversity) (Figure 3) (United also proposed by Lovell and Johnson (2008). The
Nations Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005). first objective of landscape design is to improve
These multiple functions have not yet been explic- landscape performance by developing design that
itly incorporated into any of the engineered water integrates multiple functions in the landscape. This
infrastructures; engineering such water infrastruc- integration should happen within the same site
tures will require major innovation since no exam- (Lovell and Johnson 2008). The scale of the ‘site’ in
ples are yet available. the context of water infrastructure design could be a
building or a cluster of buildings. A single building
3.7 Scale Theme may in some cases be too small a scale. Design for a
The scale concept of ecological design principles cluster of buildings would better allow integration of
suggest a decentralized hierarchical design where multiple ecosystem services into the design and the
individual designs are developed locally, and inter- synergistic benefits these services will provide the
act with other designs to become a part of the larger users. In addition, a cluster of buildings would allow
landscape. The interactions on the edges of the exchange of water between buildings which may

Volume 5, Number 3 157

optimize the use of water. The cluster of buildings nature (e.g. green roofs, vegetated swales, tree box
could then be, in some cases, connected to other filters, raingardens). In green infrastructure design,
clusters within a watershed, thereby allowing the the primary purpose of integrating nature is often
decentralized systems to be loosely connected with for meeting storm water quantity and quality goals
each other. A similar design approach with some at the site. As proposed in this paper, if ecological
decentralized systems and other ‘satellite’ systems design principles are followed, the multiple ecosys-
was proposed by Gigas and Tchobanoglous (2009) tem services (e.g. habitat creation, micro-climate
not for a full water infrastructure but for a sanitation moderation, food provisioning) that the green infra-
infrastructure. To avoid (virtual or actual) water structure can serve will have to be considered explic-
transport across watersheds, a scale larger than the itly as part of design goals instead of an additional
watershed would not be appropriate for designing benefit of the design outcome. This consideration
sustainable water infrastructures. for storm water management will likely pave the way
Decentralization is not a new concept. It is intui- for developing sustainable water infrastructures that
tive to observe that conveyance of water over large integrate (currently isolated) designs for water provi-
distances is energy intensive and it disrupts natural sioning, purification, and other ecosystem services.
hydrological cycles, especially with respect to runoff.
While the centralized water infrastructure design is 3.8 Energy Source; Mass and Energy Flows
embedded within our societies, there is a growing Sub-themes
concern about limited benefits of this centralization Our society and the proper functioning of waste-
(Nelson 2008; Rocky Mountain Institute 2004). water treatment and water provisioning services
In energy infrastructure discussions, decentralized for potable water, irrigation water, aquaculture,
power generation is already an established con- and livestock water are all dependent on fossil fuel
cept and is considered a prerequisite for sustainable energy inputs. Due to high energy density and wide
energy infrastructure (Karger and Hennings 2009). availability of fossil fuels, these systems have been
Decentralized storm water management (also designed to be very energy intensive. Approximately
referred to as green infrastructure or low impact 4% of national electricity consumption is used by
development technologies) is an accepted and suc- the current water supply and treatment processes
cessful practice (Dietz 2007). Many of the authors (EPRI 2002). Water supply and wastewater treat-
that discussed water sustainability also argued and ment annual national electricity use is 94×109 kWhr
promoted the decentralization of water and waste- (EPRI, 2002). Water provisioning for other services
water infrastructures (Pahl-Wost 2005; Gikas and are also very energy intensive. Irrigation requires the
Tchobonouglous 2009; Engel-Yan et al. 2005; Peter most energy (24×109 kWhr), followed by industrial,
Varnabets et al. 2009; Weber 2006; Mitchell 2006). (3×10 9 kWhr) aquaculture and livestock (1×10 9
Similarly, ecological design principles on complex- kWhr) (EPRI, 2002).
ity and scale also imply that decentralization is a The energy source and mass and energy f low
requirement for a sustainable water infrastructure; sub-themes of the ecological design principles focus
yet, different from previous studies, the ecological on reduction of this high energy demand and its
design principles also imply that while the scale is environmental impact. Ecological design principles
decreased, the functions of water infrastructure and current practice both suggest that this can be
should be increased and integrated. achieved by energy conservation and efficiency; and
Green infrastructure concepts and techniques by shifting of the energy source from fossil fuels to
provide a good example of how to implement renewable energy. In a world past-peak oil, renew-
decreased scale—increased function approach. able sources such as wind, micro-hydro power,
Green infrastructure design has now become a biomass, and sun will primarily be used to capture
relatively mature field. All of the green infrastruc- energy to meet the demands of the water infrastruc-
ture techniques (e.g. permeable surface or veg- ture. Energy conservation and efficiency as a solu-
etated solutions) are decentralized solutions. Many tion is also an important consideration and cur-
green infrastructure design techniques incorporate rent water infrastructure with input from USEPA

158 Journal of Green Building

is already in a transition to more efficient pumps, Progress on this cyclic and cascading approach has
blowers, and processes (USEPA 2006). Combined so far been limited to completing only one section of
heat and power recovered from methane gas is also the cycle. For example, water from sinks (grey water)
a viable solution that is now implemented in many has been treated and used as a water source for toi-
wastewater treatment plants. lets and irrigation (Gual et al. 2008; Li et al. 2008).
Water from toilets (wastewater) has been used to
4. SOME INNOVATIVE EXAMPLES grow commercial flowers (Zurita et al. 2009). In
ON HOW TO IMPLEMENT THE sustainable water infrastructure, this concept may
THEMES AND SUB-THEMES IN WATER be expanded to develop multiple uses placed one
INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING after the other instead of a single re-use scenario.

4.1 Water Source 4.2 Water Quality Improvement and Diversity

In traditional water infrastructure, potable city In the traditional water infrastructure, water qual-
water, provided centrally from a surface or ground- ity is improved in centralized water and wastewa-
water source is used throughout the urban environ- ter treatment plants that rely on physical, chemical
ment. Similar to the energy sector’s approach to processes and fixed film or suspended film biologi-
going ‘off grid,’ the decentralized approach to water cal processes. Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus
management can ultimately cut buildings off the removal in current wastewater treatment plants are
centralized wastewater treatment and potable water biological processes. However, they primarily rely
supply services. To replace the centrally provided on a limited function of bacteria. The design and
potable water, in sustainable water infrastructure, management of these processes are based on con-
multiple local sources can be used. Rainwater that ventional engineering design and the organisms are
falls on roofs or on pavement can and has been used managed as components of a machine. They operate
for various purposes including irrigation and toilet within tight controls (Allen et al. 2003). Ecological
flushing. In the US, a popular way to manage pave- design principles encourage diversity and incorpo-
ment water is to direct it to vegetated swales or biore- rating nature. Therefore, to design sustainable water
tention basins. Since these are ecological structures, infrastructures, the treatment methods will involve
they inadvertently provide not only water quantity a greater diversity of species. One way to achieve this
and quality related services but also other ecosys- objective is by subsurface and surface flow wetlands.
tem services such as biodiversity and natural habi- Constructed wetlands have now become a widely
tat for wildlife. Humid air may be another source studied topic and will play a major role in engi-
of water. Dehumidifiers extract water from humid neering sustainable water infrastructures. Another
air; we have the technology to use humid air as a method that will have a role in sustainable water
resource. However we have not incorporated this infrastructure is the ‘living machines’ concept that
source into water infrastructure design. Using bio- incorporates fauna, aquatic species and other organ-
mimicry and following the model of desert amphib- isms in the tank-based treatment system (Todd et al.
ians that absorb water through the structure of their 2003).
skin, dehumidifiers of the future will likely require
less energy than today’s dehumidifiers which can 4.3 Water Conveyance
lead the way for using humid air as a water resource In conveyance of water, pumps and gravity are used
in some instances. in the conventional water infrastructure. In sustain-
Treated water can also be a water source. As able water infrastructure, the function can fit into
Pinkham (1999) proposed, water can be used multi- form and the structure of the material can facilitate
ple times by cascading it from higher to lower-qual- the movement of water. This can be achieved at low
ity needs (e.g. using household gray water for irriga- flow rates by capillary pressure. Trees move water up
tion), and by reclaiming treated water for its return many meters using the capillary pressure principle.
to the supply side of the infrastructure. The two way In soil, water in aquifers passively moves upward to
arrows in Figure 1 project this cyclic flow of water. the ground surface due to capillary pressure. Recent

Volume 5, Number 3 159

advances on synthetic trees that can move water and recycle everything. These ideas can be partly
to higher elevation (Wheeler and Strock 2008) are achieved by considering the quality of the water for
promising. Capillary pressure concept can even the intended use. Currently, municipally supplied
be used to generate electricity (Borno et al. 2009). potable water is used for all domestic uses and the
With technological advances, the production rates wastewater resulting from multiple uses is typically
of capillary pressure may increase. not recycled or reused. Potable water quality is not
necessary to fight fire, water gardens, flush toilets or
4.4 Energy Conservation and Efficiency for heat exchange (e.g. chillers) purposes. To over-
through Structural Changes to Water come the energy inefficiency associated with ‘over-
Infrastructure treating’ the water for its intended use, Pinkham
One innovative solution for reducing the energy (1999) proposed a cascading water system where
demand of water infrastructure is to make struc- water uses and quality match as water moves from
tural changes to it. Humans have relied on energy one use to another. This way, there would be no
to design systems (which led to the energy intensive ‘excess treatment’ and the water would be reused
water infrastructure), whereas nature has relied on multiple times instead of the single use approach of
structure and information (Vincent et al. 2006). the current water infrastructure.
Biomimicking nature’s approach, it should be pos- Another way the sustainable water infrastruc-
sible to make structural changes to the water infra- ture can reduce the energy demand is by changing
structure system to reduce its energy requirements. the way services are provided. Wastewater convey-
Primary energy consumption in the current water ance and treatment are one of the three primary
infrastructure is due to conveyance of water and air services of the current water infrastructure. In
by pumps and blower motors (USEPA 2006). Many locations where water is scarce, use of this water to
different structural changes to the water infrastruc- convey ‘waste’ will be inappropriate. One person
ture can help reduce this energy demand. By shifting produces about 1.0–2.5 liters of urine and 120–
the water infrastructure to a decentralized system, the 400 g of feces per day (Rauch et al. 2003; Schouw
need to convey large volumes of water long distances et al. 2002) and for each liter of urine passed,
can be reduced or ultimately eliminated. As technol- the standard toilet and urinal fixtures in the US
ogy develops (mimicking the natural processes of require about 6–15 times of water for flushing it.
trees), capillary tension principles can be used to con- In residential buildings about one third of indoor
vey some water. This process would not require energy water is used just for toilet flushing (Mayer et al.
and can possibly be engineered instead to produce 1999). In educational and office buildings this per-
energy (Borno et al. 2009). The demand for pumped centage is likely higher since toilets and sinks are
air can be eliminated or reduced in a decentralized the primary uses of water in these buildings. From
system and through the use of diverse species to treat a sustainability perspective, the use of high quality
water in ecological machines or wetlands. Some of the water to dilute and convey ‘waste’ is unacceptable.
energy supplied by pumps and blowers is lost in pipes Therefore, composting toilets and urine separation
due to friction. The current engineering approach is technologies are more ecological alternatives to
to use smooth pipes to minimize this frictional head the ‘flush and forget’ approach (Langergraber and
loss. In sustainable water infrastructure, this frictional Muelleger 2005). Ecological design principles rec-
loss can be reduced not only by surface characteristics ommend designing for separation; thus separating
but also by geometrical design (Bhusan 2009). Com- the feces or urine or both from other wastewater
panies have already begun decreasing energy losses components may be a more effective way to man-
in flow by using geometrical design inspired from age the resources. In addition, composting toilets
nature (e.g. PAX company; http://www.paxscientific and urine collection systems can be dry systems
.com/tech_what.html). and would not require any water. As a result, the
Ecological design principles suggest that systems use of water to f lush toilets and the provision of
should be designed for efficiency, should use no sanitation services may possibly not be a service of
more energy than they need, and minimize excess the sustainable water infrastructure.

160 Journal of Green Building

4.5 Adaptive Non-Permanent Design of adaptive and non-permanent design. Instead of
(Complex System Property) making indestructible structures, beavers adapt
Based on ecological design principles, the structure to the environment by locating to other locations.
of the water infrastructure should be physically Beavers’ approach to design is therefore adaptive
accessible and made from safe and durable (not per- in nature. They do not expect their designs to last
manent) materials that can be separated and re-used for very long times. Similarly, in progress towards
at the end of their design life. The materials should designing adaptive water infrastructures, there
be manufactured within the temperature and pres- would need to be a change in the societal values
sure constraints of nature (i.e. tapping the power of regarding what is defined as engineering and design.
limits). Current water infrastructure is in contrast Adaptability would need to be the primary concept
to these ecological design principles. Metal, plastic, replacing permanence. Designing non-rigid adap-
and concrete hardware such as pumps, pipes, and tive systems is in its infancy. Innovation in this
tanks form the structural materials of our current area will be crucial for developing sustainable water
water infrastructure. With permanence in mind, infrastructures.
large treatment plants were built and pipes were
placed in the subsurface. Yet, since these materials 5. CONCLUSIONS
have a design life of 50–100 years, despite being In trying to ‘fit’ into existing building design prac-
permanent structures, their functions are becom- tices, the most common ‘sustainable’ water practice
ing obsolete. Inflexibility also creates a problem for in buildings has been the use of low flush fixtures.
adapting to future uncertainty in water demands This is an unfortunate consequence considering it
and ecosystem flow requirements. Due to the cur- misses many other opportunities. This outcome
rent design approaches, it is now difficult to modify is partially due to a lack of vision for a sustainable
the water infrastructure so as to adapt to changing water infrastructure. Water is a central and essen-
conditions and emerging problems (Melosi 2000). tial aspect of human life and has a special role in
Adaptability of the sustainable water infrastruc- how ecosystems provide their services to humans.
ture can possibly be achieved by multiple approaches. Therefore, instead of having the water infrastructure
One approach may be to design systems so that fit into existing infrastructure thinking, it might be
materials can be disassembled and reused so that more advantageous to first envision and design the
that the use of permanent materials such as metal or water infrastructure. In this way water, infrastruc-
plastic do not require the permanence of the design ture can pave the way for design of other infrastruc-
itself. Another approach may be to use more of the ture systems (e.g. transportation, communication,
renewable materials. For example, wood may not be energy, and buildings).
as durable as concrete but its shorter lifetime would Development of a vision is the foremost step
require the design to be continuously updated there- toward engineering sustainable water infrastruc-
fore giving an opportunity to adjust the design to tures. To address this step, a sustainable water
current conditions. Short material lifetimes would infrastructure was conceptualized based on ideas
be viewed negatively in traditional design but may discussed in ecological design principles. Common
provide an advantage in some cases for sustainable themes were identified within the list of 99 eco-
design. Another approach would be to use biota more logical design principles. Themes of learning from
extensively. Organisms are autonomous agents and nature, incorporating nature, and human dimen-
adaptation is primarily possible in presence of auton- sion applied to water infrastructure design sug-
omous agents. Therefore, using more of the biota gested major changes to the way water infrastruc-
would help facilitate more adaptive designs. ture should be conceptualized and designed to meet
A social approach may also be used towards sustainability goals. These changes were discussed
designing adaptive systems. The goal of this throughout the paper and summarized in Table 2.
approach would be to instill an ‘adaptive’ mindset In this paper, sub-systems of water infrastructure
in the public. Rosemond and Anderson (2003) pro- were identified as water source, water conveyance,
vided dam construction by beavers as an example water use, and water treatment. In the conceptual-

Volume 5, Number 3 161

ized sustainable water infrastructure, each one of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
these subsystems had more diverse set of possibili- This study was partially funded by the Water
ties for meeting the function (e.g. water conveyance Resources Center of Ohio and Lake Erie Protection
can be done not only by gravity and pumps but also Fund. Catherine Powell is greatly acknowledged for
by capillary pressure). In the conceptualized sus- her help in editing the manuscript.
tainable water infrastructure, water was considered
as only one of the products of the water infrastruc- REFERENCES
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