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Roles of specialists

First part
The elder said that long ago there were so traditional specialists who
had different roles in the community. These specialists consisted of
the rain makers, medicine men/medicine women, prophets/seers,
mediums, priests, diviners and herbalists. In general they were
called religious specialists during that time.
Second part
Findings from the elder
Role of religious specialists.
The main role of the medicine men/medicine women was to
heal people from illness. They also identified illness and curses
from the people. They gave medicine to people to increase
fertility in both people and animals. They also identified
appropriate treatment and prevention measures for the
illnesses. The diviners on the other hand revealed secret
information from the past or future. They also unveiled
mysteries by interpreting the information received from the
spirits. They also helped the community in solving the issues
that are difficult for them to understand. The rainmakers
performed rituals in order to cause rain and as well to stop the
destructive rain. They also predicted weather conditions by just
observing the skies and how the animals and plants behaved.
The prophets or seers they foretold the future, communicated
God’s message to the community, carry out cleansing rituals
and they prayed to God on behalf of the people. They also
advised people on religious matters and performed religious
duties. The mediums also had their main role which was to give
the cause, nature and treatment of disease or misfortune. They
also revealed messages from the spirits world on behalf of the
living. The priests performed religious duties like offering
sacrifices, presiding over rituals and prayers and acted as
judges, advisers and experts in traditional rituals and rules.
They also drive away witches, appease spirits, and reversed
curses and protected people from danger and harm.

specialist role
prophets  They foretold the future.
 They communicated
God’s message to the
community and predict
the will of God.
 They performed
cleansing rituals.

priests  They take care of the

religious places.
 They offered sacrifices
and offerings to God.
 They symbolize God’s
presence in the African

mediums  They give cause, nature

and treatment of disease
or misfortune.
 They revealed messages
from the spirits world on
behalf of the living.
diviners  Unveil mysteries by
interpreting the
information received
from spirits.
 They helped the society
in solving difficult issues
for them to understand.
Rainmakers  They predicted weather
 They used sacred objects
in rainmaking.
 They had ability to stop
destructive rain.
Medicine people  They healed people.
 They identified illness
and their causes.
 They avert the effects of
a curse.

Relevance of religious specialists today.

 People still consult prophets before making important decisions.
 Today people prophesy in churches or Christian fellowships through
the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
 Their roles has been diminished by several influences e.g.
Christianity and formal education.
 African priests no longer play major religious roles in the
community. Their duties have been replaced by those of
religious leaders i.e. bishops, pastors and priests in Christian
 Traditional priests are sometimes invited for national public
functions to offer prayers.
 Rainmakers are often engaged during public gatherings and
other big events to delay the rain until the event is over.
 Christianity has eroded people’s believe in rainmakers.
 Christians believe that only God is able to resolve a difficult
 There are people who still believe in the messages revealed
through mediums. However, their role has been eroded by
the influence of Christianity.
 Medical doctors and scientific researchers’ today work side by
side with traditional healers to alleviate human
suffering. Herbs are used to make modern medicine.
 Some people still believe that there are some illnesses that
cannot be treated in hospitals hence turn to herbalists.
 Some people also believe that medicine people who practice
magic have the power to change their fate e.g. they are
consulted to influence political fortunes, legal matters and
enhance academic performance.

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