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ABAT Cooker: An Innovation Ala Technites

A Qualitative Research Presented to the Faculty of

Senior High School Bauan Technical High School

In Partial fulfillment of the Requirements for

the K-12 Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum

Adap, Mark Dave M.

Beltran, Marc James M.
Abanador, Danica Kae A.
Tumambing, Kristine Fe P.

February, 2019

Almost all of the people are fond of cooking many dishes in different ways.

People love to cook and create new dishes that can surely satisfy their needs. Different

menus, recipes and dishes were created and cooked to enhance not only their way of

cooking but also the taste of the food that they are preparing. At some point, the

different forms of cooking like steaming, baking, broiling, roasting, frying and grilling

affects the taste of the foods. By the use of those forms of cooking, the desired tastes of

the people are easy to achieve and get.

A form of cooking that involves dry heat or significant amount of radiant heat

directly applied to the surface of foods especially meats is commonly called grilling. It is

one of the famous ways of people in cooking the foods that they were going to eat.

Grilling is best for quick cooking at high heat. When grilling meat, tender cuts work best

like filet, steak and pork chops. Meats sliced thin enough as to allow quick cooking also

lend themselves well to this preparation style. Traditional grilling are inexpensive, light

easily, and burn long and steady. The Traditional Charcoal grill features a powder-coat

finish, heat gauge, and triple wall steel with insulation to deliver a superior grilling

experience. Keep flare-ups low with cast-iron cooking grates. It is first used by the

people of Arawak tribe of Hispaniola to cook their foods on a frame of sticks over a fire,

calling it barbacòa (Green, 2012). Now, grilling is usually done by the used of

charcoals or woods with a metal grills to roast, smoke and cook the foods the way

they desire. The history of grilling stretches back to caveman days, when a brilliant

ancestor of ours discovered that holding meat directly over an open flame for an
extended period of time “cooked” the meat. Most likely, cavemen stumbled upon

animals that had been killed in forest fires (Avey, 2018).

Though grilling is a fun, tasty way to prepare a meal year round, it is not that

easy to prepare and cook especially when using charcoal grills. However, charcoal grills

can cook foods deliciously and making it more tasty and flavorful. To make things

easier, start with a charcoal chimney and then lay the prepared coals in the grill. Quick-

cooking foods like hot dogs, hamburgers, and many vegetables can be cooked over an

open grill. If working with slower-cooking foods like bone-in chicken or roasts cover

them up and check on them from time to time. A procedure came from wiki how (2018)

that is one of the ways on how to do grilling of foods. The history of grilling stretches

back to caveman days, when a brilliant ancestor of ours discovered that holding meat

directly over an open flame for an extended period of time “cooked” the meat. Most

likely, cavemen stumbled upon animals that had been killed in forest fires.

At some point, people want or more likely do grilling when the weather is good

because they usually do grilling outside the house. Grilling foods is also the easiest

way of cooking if there is a camping or having a special vacation. Traditional grillers

may use even without any specific tools specially when there is a camping. It is just

the metal grills and the charcoal or woods. They will also need newspapers or fire-

starting materials to help in creating the proper conditions for an outdoors stove.

However, charcoal grills have the added expense of buying charcoal on a regular basis,

which can get pretty expensive if people grill regularly in the summertime. Charcoal

grills offer better flavor than gas grills and also require a good amount of practice to

operate to their full capability. In fact, this is true of electric grills and almost any other
method of cooking. Moreover, some professional chief preferred to use common and

traditional way of grilling because the slow and continuous exposure to heat due to slow

cooking causes the fat in the food to liquefy and get separated from the meat. It is a way

to cook food more quickly while keeping it delicious. Some foods like hotdogs, pork and

meats are usually cooked using the way of grilling because of its easiest way but the

taste remains the great.

On the other hand, due to the people’s ideas of advancement and

convenience about the things that they were using, they came up to the new and

more satisfying things which are great help for them to have an easiest way of living.

People are capable of doing everything into a new and great one that from simple

things to improve and more fancy but helpful and advance things. Grillers and the

way of grilling are one of those innovations that are more than just ideas now. From

the use of charcoals and woods, some people moved to commercial grillers or

electrical grillers for some reasons.

Away from the grilling by the use of gas, electricity and coal is the pan fry. Pan

frying, most common cooking method. The commercial grillers are much more

different than the common way of grilling. Instead of using charcoals and woods, the

new innovation of grillers uses griller pan together with propane gas or electricity.

Some says it is more efficient and safe to use than the common and traditional

grilling. Aside from that, commercial grillers or electric grillers are not producing

much more smoke unlike using charcoals and woods. People using commercial

grillers or electric grillers will not going to put any effort of blowing the fire of charcoal

and woods to keep it alive because the fire of propane gas and the electricity are
more controlled. But even if the commercial grillers or electric grillers have many

advantages, not all the people want to use those because of some qualities that only

the common and traditional way grilling using charcoal and woods have. It is the

desire taste of the food that undergoes grilling. Some people want their grilled food

to taste slightly smoked but still tender and moist as it is.

Wikiman (2009) stated that there are several good things about choosing to use

an electric BBQ or grill. These are the Quick Fire Up because electric grills get going

very quickly, Consistent Cooking Surface because this is another key benefit of using

an electric barbecue, Low Maintenance which compared to charcoal and gas units,

electric grills are way easier to take care of and lastly, It can be used inside the people’s

house where the fact that people can use these grills indoors are a huge selling factor

for many people.

On the other hand, according to Ishaq (2018), fried foods absorb a large amount

of fat. These foods increase the cholesterol level in blood and cause greater health

risks. Fried foods cause health conditions including stroke, obesity, heart disease, type-

2 diabetes, and high blood pressure. Grilling helps to reduce the risks of such diseases

also grilling foods require shorter cooking time. It ensures the minimal loss of vitamins

and moisture from vegetables.

There are so many researchers already conducted a research about grilling

history because of the people’s curiousness on how to make an improvement for the

food they eat every day but many of them still do not have an idea on how these grilling

methods can affect their lifestyle in terms of healthiness of the food they eat and the

satisfaction of their cravings. Both the common and traditional way of grilling and
commercial grilling or electrical grilling have their own advantages and

disadvantages that’s why the researchers came up to this study and creation of a

griller which has the combination of advantages of both the traditional and

commercial grillers. Grilling food without being exhausted because of keeping the

fire alive, rechargeable griller and a good quality taste of foods are the aim of the

researchers in doing or creating an advance kind of griller to help the people in

grilling. Somehow, this study may change the preferences of the people in both

grillers because of the new and advance ABAT Cooker AlaTechnites. This griller

may give the desired taste, convenience, and satisfaction of the people by the

combination and advancement of the traditional and commercial grillers.

In addition, this research will benefit the students to become an inspiration for

them to create a better and improved product. Also for the community so that they will

be able to use the ABAT Cooker Ala Technites at home and save more time to do other

things. This research will also help the future researchers because they can use the

study when they are researching on the similar field.

The study entitled “ABAT Cooker AlaTechnites: An Improvement to Everyone’s

Daily Life” will determine the advances and benefits of having commercial grills to

everyone’s daily life. This will discuss the desired taste, convenience and satisfaction of

the people based on the result of the interview. However, this study limits its coverage

to the people who are using commercial grills or cooker only. This will not discuss the

advancement and benefits of the other technologies and appliances.

This research aims to determine the advances distribute by the commercial grills,

to determine the desired taste, convenience, and satisfaction of the people, to

determine the benefits of having ABAT Cooker AlaTechnites and to propose plan of


Review Literature

Traditional Charcoal Grilling

According to Brewer (2017), grilling, one of the best methods of cooking, is

nevertheless one of the cutting-edge world’s favored methods to create meals. It is

enjoyed especially in the hotter months when the climate is good. For those who are

new to the difficulty of grill history, grilling is no longer pretty the equal as the barbecue

— it is a bit more fundamental and refers to a meals being cooked directly over an open

flame or high warmness source. Barbeque, which makes use of a grill, often includes

marinating or other coaching earlier than inserting it on the grill.

The cooking technique stayed famous due to the fact it used to be a way to cook

dinner food greater rapidly while maintaining it delicious. That is why hot dogs, steak,

pork and other meats are a favorite aspect to cook dinner for grill masters worldwide.

But because of the advancement of the technology, a lot of new inventions and

innovations happened. The natural griller or the commercial griller that the people are

accustomed to use made an improvement which happened to be the electric grill and

gas grill some people use now.

Charcoal grills offer higher taste than gasoline grills and additionally require a

proper quantity of practice to operate to their full capability. In fact, it is genuine of

electric grills and nearly any different method of cooking.In addition, Simon(2016) noted

that the charcoal crowd swears that the method imparts some sort of magical flavor to
the food. But he stated that they are incorrect about the place that taste comes from: It’s

no longer simply from the briquettes themselves.

The incredible factor about charcoal is that it burns crazy hot, way hotter than a

gas grill can manage. It is because charcoal is exceedingly a lot pure carbon, and that

skill a lot of energy. Briquette producers get that pure carbon by carbonizing wood.

Simon(2016) stated how the plant begins with sawdust and different little timber bits left

over from lumber mills, cooking the stuff at super excessive temperatures but with little

oxygen so it would not ignite. That system burns off water and different compounds,

leaving the carbon.

Ironically, it is the volatile compounds in the food and not in the briquettes that

are responsible for charcoal grilling distinct flavors. As the meat heats up, it releases

drippings that strike the super-hot charcoal and combust a burst of flame. Those

drippings are full of fats and oils and sugars and proteins that vaporize and upward jab

lower back up into the meat whence they came. That is how grilling over charcoal gives

the superb flavor. The briquettes themselves are just middlemen, now not the flavor-

makers. The more the food drips, the greater the taste builds.

Also, there are many benefits of the usage of charcoal grills based on an article

stating meat grilled in a charcoal grill has an awesome smoky feel to it that

connoisseurs feel can never be observed in meat cooked on fuel grills. It stated few

advantages of the use of a charcoal grill, which make it the favorite of most professional

chefs. The first benefit is it cooks the meat slowly and over a long length of time, due to

which the meat retains its tenderness and remains moist. The second benefit is the

gradual and continuous exposure to warmness due to gradual cooking causes the fat in
the meals to liquefy and get separated from the meat. In this way the meat gets rid of

extra fats and hence, calories.

The third benefit is nutrients like proteins, vitamins and minerals present in the

meat continue to be intact and the quit product is a great deal more nutritious. The

fourth benefit is with a charcoal grill, the temperature of the fireplace is an awful lot

greater as in contrast to a fuel grill (as excessive as 500°F), due to which the meals is

uncovered to more heat. It ensures that the food is proper cooked even on the inside.

The fifth benefit is a massive gain of the usage of charcoal grills is that not only can

control the temperature of the grill, however additionally shift the coals to trade the

temperature of unique spots on the grill. The sixth benefit is charcoal grills are the

cheapest amongst all types of grills. The seventh or the last benefit is charcoal grills are

portable and less difficult to elevate as in contrast to the other types.

According to a Bon Vivant(2018), charcoal gives a sense of the traditional,

normal flavor that comes from timber chips, whereas a propane gas grill imparts a

bacon-like taste. Deciding on a grilling alternative completely depends on the style

buds, however when people are cooking enthusiast, they need to be aware of the

definitive differences between both.

The people must be aware at the taste. When the meat drippings meet the flame,

they end up vaporized, and a portion penetrates the food. But a propane fuel grill has

ceramic or metallic slabs protecting the flame. Any food drippings or spices hit the

surface and do no longer touch the meat. A gain of a fuel grill is that it produces greater

steam than its charcoal counterpart, giving the meat extra moisture.
People must also be aware at the cooking Time. A charcoal grill takes extra time

to preheat. It can also prolong the serving time and have a poor impact on the party. In

contrast, a propane fuel grill heats up easily; every so often just 10 minutes are

sufficient to preheat it, and it holds that temperature. But with a charcoal grill, they have

to reveal the temperature constantly. They must be also aware at the control. A person

can control the temperature of a gas grill. Once they are acquainted with the instrument,

it is simpler to monitor, and they can determine when a decrease or greater temperature

is needed. In addition, people can use a gasoline grill on a wet day.

The people must be responsible for the cleanup: Cleaning a gas grill is more

convenient than cleansing a charcoal grill. Charcoal grills are dirty to handle, and the

ashes are sometimes quite stubborn. But the fuel grills have an ashtray that is easily

removable. Accessories: A propane gas grill often comes with a few add-ons like facet

burners, lights fixtures, storage racks and even a bottle opener. These different traits

may make this type of grill the winner. They must be also prepare and always thinking

about the safety. Cooking with a charcoal grill can be pretty a risk. The pieces of hot

charcoal can burn the hand, and the charcoal can ignite when the wind blows. Using a

charcoal grill improperly can even invite a unsafe accident. But fuel grills are no longer

inclined to the wind and continue to be on the safer facet than their competitors.

Lastly, people must be aware at the cost. Due to the mechanisms and

complexity, gasoline grills are extra highly-priced than charcoal grills. If someone do

now not favor to spend a lot on a grill, then a charcoal one can also be pleasant,

however if they want to go for the most benefits and most fulfilling safety, a gasoline grill

is surely the better.

In addition, in accordance to McClusky (2013), charcoal purists will attempt and

tell people that their preferred gas leads to higher flavor. The food does not comprehend

what is creating the heat below it, and once charcoal is hot, there are not any aromatic

compounds left in the coals. According to the meals science bible Modernist Cuisine,

"Carbon is carbon; as it burns, it imparts no flavor of its own to the meals being grilled."

Commercial or Electric Grills

According to Tatum (2018), a popular choice to the charcoal or gasoline grill, the

electric grill has won a lot of interest over the closing couple of many years as being an

environment friendly and safe way to grill all sorts of foods. These are the data about

electric powered grills, such as unique sorts and how to get the most from the grill.

As a cooking device that uses electrical heating factors rather of gas fires or a

mattress of hot charcoal as the warmness medium, an electric grill presents quick and

handy options for taking part in the style of grilled food except a lot of the mess.

Constructed with a grate that is located just above the electric heating elements, many

types of the grill have a drip pan positioned under the factors to catch any juices that run

off meat and other objects at some stage in the grilling process.

Other types of grills will include a grate that has deep grooves in the construction.

Since the grate is located at a mild angle, the juices run into a channel and down to the

drip pan. Typically on simply about all models the drip pan is detachable, so the

drippings can be used to make gravies and sauces to go with the grilled items. One of

the blessings of the electric grill is that the units can be plugged at once into an outlet.

Also, the grill is lot easier to save at some stage in the wintry weather months. Unlike

the fuel grill, which will require anybody disconnecting the gas supply and then making
positive the gasoline jet is excellent sealed, simply unplug the grill and wheel it into the

storage area. Many fashions additionally have the self-cleaning feature located on

kitchen ovens, which makes the procedure of cleaning the grill tons less complicated as


The (, 2017) also stated some of the really useful outcomes of

the usage of electric grills. Electric grills are slowly discovering their way into the houses

of many, particularly in areas the place rain is almost a consistent component and

barbecues are accomplished in the summer. The kitchen device has its share of

advantages that make it worth considering, especially if a person likes to continue to be

away from cooking with oil and love seeing grill marks on their food.

There are some advantages of the usage of electric powered grills as in contrast

to the usage of usual grilling systems. The first advantage is Safer. Traditional grills use

gasoline and charcoal to cook food which on its very own is dangerous, specifically if

now not tended properly enough. The flames and embers of such grills can without

problems spread to the surrounding place which can start a house fire or even a

wildfire. The uncontrollable nature of these types of furnace can also lead to 1st to 3rd-

degree burns while purely touching the grill can scald absolutely everyone who dares do

so. Electric grills, on the different hand, are safer because no flame is produced, and

there little to no hazard by chance placing the residence on fire. The grill may

additionally get too hot, but it has ample protection aspects to let people recognize if

that is the case or even the different way around.

The second advantage of the usage of electric powered grills is Flexible. Electric

grills are an awful lot smaller in measurement than the standard grills that often see
outdoors. This let people take the grill inside when the weather is gloomy or take it

backyard when the sun is shining, and the climate is simply best for a barbecue. Electric

grills do not need a good deal of clearance as compared to a common grill, just set in on

a non-flammable table, and make positive that there is a nearby socket and then they

are top to go. It additionally makes electric powered grills a precise tenting companion,

given that the campsite or parade ground has a generator.

The third advantage is Fewer Greenhouse Emissions. Charcoal-and gas-fired

grills emit carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide, amongst different names of

compounds that can damage the protecting layer of the planet, or in lesser instances

suffocate to death. Electric grills do not have such emissions, and the only smoke that

will smell is the aroma of the food.

The last advantage of using electric powered grills is Flame Control. Electric grills

do no longer want to produce flames to cook dinner food. It is easier to include the

warmness of this grill as compared to standard grilling systems. Electric grills have

knobs and switches that can control how high of a temperature would need.

Also, as noted by Wikiman (2009), there are a number of correct matters about

deciding on to use an electric powered BBQ or grill. One of those correct matters is

Quick Fire up Time. Electric grills get going very quickly. With a regular BBQ, people

have to get the charcoal going then wait for a desirable ten to fifteen minutes earlier

than the coals settle down. Even with a gasoline powered unit, people have to wait quite

some time earlier than the warmth is appropriate for cooking. Electric gadgets require

little in the way of heat up time though. With any respectable product, the common time

between begin up and "cook" up is very reasonable.

In addition, the Consistent Cooking Surface is another key benefit of the usage of

an electric barbecue. The same function is discovered on suitable propane products as

well. Having even warmth throughout the entire grill is very important. If some

components are hotter than others, probabilities are the food might not cook evenly.

Getting this consistency with charcoal grills is fantastically tough. With an electric unit,

however, the warmness is constantly displaced properly. Low Maintenance is also one

of the correct matters about deciding on to use an electric powered BBQ or grill.

Compared to charcoal and gas units, electric grills are way easier to take care of. Then

there will be no messy black residue to deal with by no means want to replace awkward

propane tanks. With the low renovation thing comes financial savings as well. Propane

is getting more costly all the time and charcoal burns very quickly. And lastly, electric

powered BBQ or grill use inside. The fact that a person can use these grills indoors is a

big promoting issue. No hassle with an electric powered beauty.

But because Filipinos are Filipinos, they do not want to change their usual

practices on how they grill their food. They believe that traditional way of grilling the food

is more tasteful, delicious, and appetizing and the aroma of the food did not changed.

According to Brewer, the most necessary gain of the charcoal grill is the style and taste

of the food. Many chefs would by no means contact an electric powered grill however

would love a nice, pan-seared steak cooked on an open fire. Open hearth grills entice in

flavor, and no count if it is charcoal or timber chips, almost any meat cooked on top of a

fireplace will have flavor trapped into it.

Charcoal grills may additionally provide higher taste than electric grills, however it

additionally require an exact amount of house outdoors to avoid dangers of fire. Out in
the elements, there is usually a danger of a spark escaping on a windy day. This is why

an out of doors grill ought to be attended via anyone all of the time.

Charcoal grills additionally have the introduced fee of buying charcoal on a

everyday basis, which can get tremendously steeply-priced if someone grill in many

instances in the summertime. People will additionally want newspapers or fire-starting

substances to help them create the ideal conditions for an exterior stove. It generally

takes 20-30 minutes for the charcoal to capture furnace adequate that are ready to grill

the meat. Once the grill is ready, a person will be able to prepare dinner warm dogs,

hamburgers, corn on the cob and other veggies quickly and all at once.

The attribute taste of grilled meals comes from the drippings, not the fuel. When

these drippings hit the heat supply below, the oils, sugars, and proteins burst into

smoke and flame. That warmth creates new complex molecules that upward jostle in

the smoke and heat air to coat the meals that are grilling.

The study claimed the gas grill’s victory but there is this way of cooking which is

much easier to do and to prepare. Away from gas, electric and charcoal grilling is the

pan frying. Pan frying, the most common way of cooking. Pan frying is known to be the

easiest way of cooking because of its ability to cook food in a faster way than grilling. In

one click of gas stove, you can already cook without a sweat. But people, being

considerate for their family and their own self, always think to do the healthier way of

cooking which is grilling.

According to Ishaq (2018), cooking approach has a tremendous impact on the

food. Grilling and frying are the two most famous techniques that can use to cook food.

For grilling, people have to locate food on a wire grid which is positioned above or
underneath a dry heat source. In this method, the food was cooked by means of the

usage of thermal radiations.

For frying, food dipped into a pan or fryer that carries hot fats or oil. The high

warmness conductivity and high temperatures cook the food. In this way, meals has a

first-rate aroma and crispiness. However, the fantastic notably drops down when fried.

That is the purpose for grilling foods is a healthier alternative.The first-class option for

getting most diet alongside with taste is grilling. It requires minimum brought fat and

consequences in healthier foods. Grilling additionally helps in weight management and

lower unhealthy cholesterol levels.

On the other hand, fried meals soak up a large quantity of fat. These ingredients

increase the cholesterol level in blood and motive greater fitness risks. Fried meals

motive health conditions including stroke, obesity, coronary heart disease, type-2

diabetes, and excessive blood pressure. Grilling helps to limit the risks of such ailments

additionally grilling ingredients require shorter cooking time. It ensures the minimal loss

of nutritional vitamins and moisture from vegetables.

After all, any kind of cooking method is good. As long as they have food to eat,

they satisfy their cravings, filled their stomach, any way of cooking their food will be

definitely worth it.


Research Design

The study determines the advances and benefits of having commercial grills to

everyone’s daily life. Also, this study discusses the desired taste, convenience and

satisfaction of the people based on the result of interviews and recommendation. This
Qualitative research is a Quasi-experimental study. It will answer questions about

charcoal grills and modern electric grills and it takes place in the field of education with

the use of close observation and documentary analysis. The proponents conduct a

qualitative interview to the select subjects for this study by randomly asking and

consulting about what would be the benefits of using charcoal grill with respect to their

health, desired taste, convenience and satisfactory. The proponents provide a brief and

convenient interview questionnaire that the respondents can answer easily and

confidently with respect to their privacy. The interview questionnaire answered by the

respondents will reveal how ABAT Cooker Ala Technites help the beneficiaries of such

product through suggestions and recommendations and random subjects of this study.

Participants of the Study

The target participant of the study is defined to include 5 people who are using

commercial grills and another 5 people that do not use commercial grills. There are 10

respondents in all which are chosen through purposive sampling. A purposive sample or

sampling is a non-probability sample that is selected based on characteristics of a

population and the objective of the study.

Instrument Used

The questionnaire was the main tool used by this study in data gathering or for

the research. A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of series of items and

other prompts for the purpose of gathering information and to know the side of the


The proponent prepared a set of self-made questions that was discussed and

explained to the respondents in the interview before they were asked. The interview is
consisting of a question that is affiliated to the study. The study was supported through

the questions asked at the interview.

Research Procedure

The method of purposive sampling also known as judgmental, selective, or

subjective sampling was used to develop the sample of the research under discussion.

This method which belongs to the category of non-probability sampling techniques does

not rely on the use of randomization techniques to select sample members. According

to this method, sample members are selected based knowledge, experiences and

availability of the subject.

This research provided an informed consent to those who are involved in this

research. Also, it made sure to respect the anonymity and the confidentiality of the

respondents. Furthermore, it provided no harm in any way possible. And finally, it

prioritized the respect for dignity of the research participants.

Data Analysis

The responses of the respondents for the questionnaires prepared by the

researchers was analyzed and interpreted to come up for the information that is needed

by the researchers. A discourse analysis was used by the researchers for the

interpretation of the data that the respondents gave. Discourse analysis (DA),

or discourse studies, is the approaches to analyze written, vocal, or sign language use,

or any significant semiotic event.

Results and Discussion

For Traditional or Charcoal Griller users:

Interview No. 1

Question: What is your preferred taste for grilled foods?

Answer: Yung tama lang kasi pagka sa electric ganyan hindi nalasang usok pero sa

uling parang mas masarap yata yung sa uling.

Question: Have you ever heard electric griller? If yes, what is your opinion about it?

Answer: Oo, less ng uling pero mas maganda pa rin yung mga nasa ulingan parang

yung mantika talaga ay naaano, nanunuot sa ulam.

Question: Do you think it is better to use charcoal griller that commercial grillers or

electric griller? Why?

Answer: Oo pero depende pa rin kasi minsan yung sa iba mausok, pangit naman pero

pag dun sa dekuryente parang kinuryente lang yung ulam.

Question: Why would you recommend using charcoal griller more than the commercial

grillers or electric griller?

Answer: Kasi mas maganda ang luto pag uling ang gamit.

Question: If you will be given a chance to change your way of grilling foods, are you

going to change it? Why?

Answer: Hindi, kasi sa uling e less ang kuryente at nadadala kahit saan.

Interview No. 2

Question: What is your preferred taste for grilled foods?

Answer: Smoky flavor.

Question: Have you ever heard electric griller? If yes, what is your opinion about it?
Answer: Oo. Ano naman mas madaling gamitin. Mas convenient, mas mura.

Question: Do you think it is better to use charcoal griller that commercial grillers or

electric griller? Why?

Answer: Depende sa ano, sa lulutuin, kung mas ma…kung mas magiging masarap

kapag ano traditional ang gagamitin.

ng yung ulam.

Question: Why would you recommend using charcoal griller more than the commercial

grillers or electric griller?

Answer: Ano, mas…di kayang gawin ng electric griller yung lasa na smoky ang flavor.

Question: If you will be given a chance to change your way of grilling foods, are you

going to change it? Why?

Answer: Depende sa gagawing pagkain. Pero pwede naman, be open to innovations

Interview No. 3

Question: What is your preferred taste for grilled foods?

Answer: Well done..

Question: Have you ever heard electric griller? If yes, what is your opinion about it?

Answer: Hindi ko gusto kasi unang-una ang lakas sa kuryente tapos mas masarap

talaga yung manual, I mean yung charcoal. Makikita, alam mo talaga yung lasa.

Question: Do you think it is better to use charcoal griller that commercial grillers or

electric griller? Why?

Answer: Mas masarap yung niluto

Question: Why would you recommend using charcoal griller more than the commercial

grillers or electric griller?

Answer: Yes. Kasi nga yun, masarap ang luto tapos wala pang konsumo di tulad ng sa


Question: If you will be given a chance to change your way of grilling foods, are you

going to change it? Why?

Answer: Ah siguro kapag wala nang mabilhan ng uling.

Interview No. 4

Question: What is your preferred taste for grilled foods?

Answer: Kung ano yung sadyang flavor ng pagkain.

Question: Have you ever heard electric griller? If yes, what is your opinion about it?

Answer: Easier to use, accommodating.

Question: Do you think it is better to use charcoal griller that commercial grillers or

electric griller? Why?

Answer: yes, hindi sya energy controlled, mas nakakasave sya ng kuryente.

Question: Why would you recommend using charcoal griller more than the commercial

grillers or electric griller?

Answer: Natural ang lasa kasi coal ang gamit. Mas masarap at yun ang nakasanayan..

Question: If you will be given a chance to change your way of grilling foods, are you

going to change it? Why?

Answer: No, kasi yun nga yung nakasanayan na.

Interview No. 5

Question: What is your preferred taste for grilled foods?

Answer: Yung medyo lasang usok tapos maayos at masarap ang pagkakaluto. Hindi

makunat at malambot ang ulam na inihaw.

Question: Have you ever heard electric griller? If yes, what is your opinion about it?

Answer: Oo, medyo hindi ko gusto yun kasi bukod sa kuryente ang gamit ay parang

hindi masarap yung ulam na inihaw mo gamit yung electric griller. Nakagamit at

makatikim na rin kasi ako ng ulam na sa electric griller niluto at masasabi kong mas

masarap talaga yung sa uling niluto.

Question: Do you think it is better to use charcoal griller that commercial grillers or

electric griller? Why?

Answer: Oo kasi hindi na dagdag pa sa bayarin ng kuryente hahahaha tsaka yun nga,

mas masarap pa rin sa uling na ihaw.

Question: Why would you recommend using charcoal griller more than the commercial

grillers or electric griller?

Answer: Mas malabot pag sa uling inihaw at nanunuot ang lasa sa ulam.

Question: If you will be given a chance to change your way of grilling foods, are you

going to change it? Why?

Answer: Hindi kasi mas gusto ko sa uling nag-iihaw.

For Commercial or Electric Griller users:

Interview No. 1

Question: What is your preferred taste for grilled foods?

Answer: Yung ano, maraming soy sauce at toasted.

Question: What are the reasons why did you bought and use commercial grillers

electric griller instead of the common grilling method?

Answer: Kasi po sa health, sa may mga allergy bawal ang charcoal yung may mga

usok. Kailangan ay yung hindi nanggagaling sa mga usok, sa mga kahoy. Bawal yun.

Question Do you think commercial grillers or electric griller helped you a lot in terms of

grilling foods? Why?

Answer: Oo naman. Mabilis pa.

Question: Did you notice any change of taste when you grill your food using

commercial grillers or electric griller? If yes, what are the changes?

Answer: Yung kasing yung mga uling, mausok kasi yun, sa electric wala syang amoy.

Kung ano yung amoy ng pagkain, yun talaga ang lalaba, eh sa uling usok sya.

Question: What are your experiences in using common grilling method before you use

commercial grillers or electric grillers?

Answer: Mahirap magprepare. Eh sa electric isasaksak mo lang okay na. Mas madali

syang gamitin.

Interview No. 2

Question: What is your preferred taste for grilled foods?

Answer: Yung Tama lang

Question: What are the reasons why did you bought and use commercial grillers

electric griller instead of the common grilling method?

Answer: Testing, tsaka meron na dine kaya yun ang ginagamit naming.

Question Do you think commercial grillers or electric griller helped you a lot in terms of

grilling foods? Why?

Answer: Madaling gamitin ang electric griller kasi iiwan mo na lang, di na

Question: Did you notice any change of taste when you grill your food using

commercial grillers or electric griller? If yes, what are the changes?

Answer: Oo, mausok at amoy usok yung sa charcoal ang sa electric ay wala. Walang

amoy at walang usok.

Question: What are your experiences in using common grilling method before you use

commercial grillers or electric grillers?

Answer: Nauusukan at kailangan pang magpaypay.

Interview No. 3

Question: What is your preferred taste for grilled foods?

Answer: Ayoko ng lasang usok

Question: What are the reasons why did you bought and use commercial grillers

electric griller instead of the common grilling method?

Answer: walang usok. May allergy din kasi ako. May hika kaya di pwede ang mauusok.

Question Do you think commercial grillers or electric griller helped you a lot in terms of

grilling foods? Why?

Answer: Oo, kasi wala masyadong usok na lumalabas kapag ginagamit ang electric.

Question: Did you notice any change of taste when you grill your food using

commercial grillers or electric griller? If yes, what are the changes?

Answer: Oo. Hindi na sya naglalasang usok.

Question: What are your experiences in using common grilling method before you use

commercial grillers or electric grillers?

Answer: Hinihika at inuubo.

Interview No. 4
Question: What is your preferred taste for grilled foods?

Answer: Yung hindi mausok.

Question: What are the reasons why did you bought and use commercial grillers

electric griller instead of the common grilling method?

Answer: Yun nga ano, dahil hindi mausok. Kasi ang usok ano masama din sa bata, eh

maraming baby dito. Isa pa ay hindi masyadong matakaw sa oras ang pag iihaw gamit

ang electric griller.

Question: Do you think commercial grillers or electric griller helped you a lot in terms of

grilling foods? Why?

Answer: Oo naman. Kasi pag uling syempre time consuming, magsisiga ka pa,

magpapaypay pa, magbabaga pa. Eh sa electric, isasaksak mo lang.

Question: Did you notice any change of taste when you grill your food using

commercial grillers or electric griller? If yes, what are the changes?

Answer: Oo meron. Hindi na lasang usok.

Question: What are your experiences in using common grilling method before you use

commercial grillers or electric grillers?

Interview No. 5

Question: What is your preferred taste for grilled foods?

Answer: Tender meat pero hindi sobrang lasang usok.

Question: What are the reasons why did you bought and use commercial grillers

electric griller instead of the common grilling method?

Answer: Gusto ko kasing itry since marami na ring gumagamit ng electric griller. Nung

una kasi e gusto kong malaman kung aniong pinagkaiba ng electric griller sa uling tas

ayun, nagustuhan ko naman kasi mas medaling gamitin at ayusin. Hindi na kailangan

pang magpaypay para lang hindi mawala yung apoy kasi kuryente na ang ginagamit

para ma-ihaw yung pagkain na gusto ko.

Question: Do you think commercial grillers or electric griller helped you a lot in terms of

grilling foods? Why?

Answer: Sobrang nakatulong sya. Hilig ko kasing mag-ihaw nang mag-ihaw kaya lang

naaasar naman ako sa mga usok kapag nagpapaypay ako nung gamit ko pa ay uling.

Ngayon e natutuwa na talaga akong mag-ihaw kasi ang gagawin mo na lang ay

baliktarin yung ulam kapag luto na.

Question: Did you notice any change of taste when you grill your food using

commercial grillers or electric griller? If yes, what are the changes?

Answer: Oo meron. Yung sa uling kasi e mausok-usok ang lasa tas etong electric griller

naman ay hindi.

Question: What are your experiences in using common grilling method before you use

commercial grillers or electric grillers?

Answer: Yun nga, naaasar ako sa usok sa twng akoy nag-iihaw tas minsan pay nag-

iihaw ako sa labas e yung anak koy naglalaro sa palibot nung ihawan, ayun muntik

nang matumba at mapaso.

Advances Distribute by the Commercial Grillers

The advances distributed by the commercial or electric grillers are easy to use,

accommodating griller and safer. This study shows some reason why electric griller is

considered easy in terms of grilling foods. Some of the respondents said that people do

not have to keep the fire up by using fan because electric griller is used by the help of

electricity. Also, this electric griller can be used inside the house and no need to go

outside just to grill foods. These advances are supported by wikiman (2009) which tells

that electric powered griller can be used inside. The fact that a person can use these

grills indoors is a big promoting issue. No hassle with an electric powered beauty.

Those advances of electric griller help the people who want to grill foods without

the emission of smoke. It satisfy the needs and wants of some of the people who are

fond of grilling but with some circumstances. The respondents of the commercial and

electric griller are satisfied by the advances that electric griller contributed to them but

with different reason. One of the respondent said that using electric griller is better at

grilling than charcoal because electric griller does not consume much time in cooking

unlike the charcoal griller. This answer of the respondent is supported by wikiman

(2009) which stated that electric griller is getting more costly all the time and charcoal

burns very quickly.

Benefits of the ABAT Cooker Ala Technites

This study shows the benefits of having the ABAT Cooker Ala Technites. The

ABAT Cooker Ala Technites is a combination of electric and charcoal grills. According to

the research’s interviewee for traditional griller users, smoky flavor is one of the desired

tastes in grilling that satisfy their needs that is why the ABAT Cooker uses a charcoal to
have that smoky flavor when grilling foods. Smoky flavor give sense of the traditional

and normal flavor of the food (Bon Vivant, 2018). Another, ABAT Cooker Ala Technites

can bring in any special vacation or camping because of its portable materials that is

used in making this griller.

On the other hand, one of the research’s interviewee for the commercial griller or

electric users, electric grillers is easy to use and safer than the common traditional

grillers which is true according to Tatum (2018), cooking in electric griller is a safe way

to grill all sorts of food. Few of this study’s interviewees choose commercial grillers in

terms of their health conditions. Some are allergic in smokes. Some did not choose

electric grills because it takes too much electricity that is why the researcher’s ABAT

Cooker is used can-recycled blower that runs in 12 volts battery. This is enough to heat

up and maintain the fire of the griller. The cooker is more effective than the commercial

grillers because it can be brought anywhere just like traditional grillers.

Desired Taste, Convenience and Satisfaction of the People

This study determines the desired taste, convenience and satisfaction of the

people as well as their safety and health. The most preferred taste of grilled foods is

smoky, moist and is rich in flavor. According to the interviewees of traditional or

charcoal grillers user, cooking with the use of charcoal makes the meat more tender

and juicy. It is also stated that the taste is enhanced when using charcoal. This shows

that it is better when people cook it manually using charcoals to meet the desired taste

that satisfy our needs. Moreover, ABAT cooker provides the desired satisfaction in taste

of food. Charcoal grills offer higher taste than gasoline grills which is stated by Simon

(2018) and the researcher’s ABAT cooker offers smoky taste with the use of charcoal.
However, there were respondents that has health issues, they prefer smokeless

grilling and has non-smoky taste for people who has asthma. Some of the respondents

stated that it is hard for them to breath and the smoke can trigger asthma that’s why

they cannot use ABAT cooker for cooking. For those people who have allergies, electric

griller is way better for them to use because electric grills do not have such emissions,

and the only smoke that will smell is the aroma of the food which is stated by (2017).


The proponents conclude based from the data collected from the respondents:

1. The advances distributed by the commercial or electric grillers are easy to use,

accommodating griller and safer.

2. The benefits of the ABAT Cooker Ala Technites are easier way of grilling while

giving a natural smoky flavor which is most of the people like, can bring in any

special vacation or camping and gives the tenderness of the food which is the

people want.

3. The desired taste, convenience and satisfaction of the people are smoky, moist

and are rich in flavor.


Based from the findings and conclusions of the study, the following

recommendations were formed.

1. People can try to consider using both electrical and charcoal grill to know the

essence of each in grilling foods.

2. The researchers recommend widening the capacity of learning in terms of

grilling. It is not just electrical or charcoal grill, these are both good grilling


3. The researchers recommend using the new innovated cooker which is the ABAT

Cooker to witness its capability to grill food.

4. The plan of action for this study is to recommend the ABAT cooker to use and to

lessen every person's effort, time, and weariness when grilling the food.


Title Objectives Activity Person Involve Time Frame

To create a
ABAT Cooker griller which is Creation of a
the combination griller that will
Ala Technites
of traditional and satisfy the needs The researchers February 2019
commercial and wants of the
griller people

Program led by
To introduce the researchers
ABAT Cooker that will explain The researchers
ABAT Program Ala Technites to the benefits of People March 2019
the people ABAT Cooker
Ala Technites to
the people

To sell ABAT
Purchasing Selling ABAT The researchers
Cooker Ala
Cooker Ala People who are March 2019
ABAT Cooker Technites to the
Technites interested
people who are
Ala Technites

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McClusky, M. (2013). wired. Retrieved from
Simon, M. (2016). wired. Retrieved from
Tatum, M. (2018). wisegeek. Retrieved from
thebestdibs. (2017). thebestdibs. Retrieved from
Wikman, J. (2009). hubpages. Retrieved from

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