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Chemistry 4 Laboratory Activity 1

Solution Preparation (50 min)

1. Prepare 50 ml of 5% v/v acetic acid solution using concentrated glacial acetic acid.
2. Prepare 10 ml of 1.2 M HCl from concentrated HCl. From the 1.2 M stock solution, prepare
10 ml of 0.72 M HCl.
3. Prepare 50 g of aqueous solution that is 5% w/w NaCl. What is the required mass of the
4. A laboratory procedure requires 50 ml of approximately 1.75 M NaOH aqueous solution.
Prepare this using solid NaOH.

Concentrated glacial Acetic acid
Concentrated HCl
NaOH pellets

50 ml graduated cylinder
10 ml graduated cylinder
50 ml volumetric flask (50 ml beaker if flask is not available)
10 ml volumetric flask (10 ml beaker if flask is not available)
Petri dish

Laboratory Apparatus/Equipment
Analytical balance
Fume hood

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