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Worksheet 17 (4.


Chapter 4 Polynomials

4.1 Polynomials: Sums and Differences

Summary 1:

Monomials are terms that contain variables with only

nonnegative integers as exponents. EX. -6y2

A polynomial is a monomial or a finite sum or difference of

A binomial is a polynomial with two terms. EX. 5x - 7
A trinomial is a polynomial with three terms. EX. 2x2 - 3x + 6
The degree of a monomial is the sum of the exponents of the
literal factors. EX. -12a2b4c is of degree 7
Any nonzero constant term is of degree zero. EX. -8 is of
degree zero
The degree of a polynomial is the degree of the term with the
highest degree in the polynomial. EX. 4x3y4 - 5xy4 is of
degree 7

Warm-up 1. a) The degree of 8x2y3 is .

b) The degree of 2x3 - 5x2 + 3x - 6 is .


1. Determine the degree of 5x 2y3 - 3xy3 - 6x3.

2. Determine the degree of 5a - 6b.

Summary 2:

To add polynomials, rearrange, regroup and combine

similar terms.

To subtract polynomials, change the problem to addition of

the opposite.
(To take the opposite of a polynomial, change the signs of all
the terms.

Warm-up 2. a) Add 2x2 - 5x + 6 and 3x2 + x - 4.

(2x2 - 5x + 6) + (3x 2 + x - 4) = (2x 2 + ) + (-5x + ) + (6 +

= x2 - x+

b) Find the sum: (2a - 5) + (a + 6) + (3a - 2).

(2a - 5) + (a + 6) + (3a - 2) = (2a + + ) + (-5 + +

= a-
17 (4.1)


3. Add 3y2 - 6y + 2 and y2 - 2y - 5.

4. Find the sum: (5b - 6) + (b - 4) + (2b + 3)

Warm-up 3. a) Subtract 8x2 + 2x - 6 from -3x2 + x - 4.

(-3x2 + x - 4) - (8x2 + 2x - 6) = -3x2 + x - 4 - - +

= (-3x2 - ) + (x - ) + (-4 + )
= x2 - x+

b) Simplify: 6x - [2x - (5x + 2)] = 6x - [2x - - ]
= 6x - [ x- ]
= 6x + x+
= x+


5. Subtract -3x2 - 5x + 2 from 2x2 + 3x - 4.

6. Simplify: -3x + [8x - (7x + 9)].

Polynomials occur in various geometric problems: perimeter,

area, volume.

Summary 3:

Warm-up 4. a) Write a polynomial to represent the perimeter

of a rectangle whose width is 2x + 3 and whose
length is 5x - 4. Simplify the expression by
combining similar terms.

P = 2W + 2L
P = 2( ) + 2( )
P= x+ + x-
P= x-
Worksheet 17 (4.1)

b) Find the perimeter of the rectangle in part a if the

value of x is 4.

P= (4) -
P= -

The perimeter of the rectangle is .


7. Write a polynomial to represent the perimeter of a square with
sides of length
2x2 - 5.

8. Find the perimeter of the square in problem # 7 if x = 3.

18 (4.2)

4.2 Products and Quotients of Monomials

Summary 1:

Properties of Exponents
If a and b are real numbers and m and n are positive integers,

b n  bm = b n + m

(bn)m = bmn

(ab)n = an bn
= bn - m ; when n > m; (b  0)
= 1 ; when n = m; (b  0)

Warm-up 1. Simplify:
a) y8  y4 = e) (x5)2 =

b) x  x5 = f) (4x)2 =
c) 52 53 = g) 5
d) (23)4 = h) 3
Problems - Simplify:
1. a5  a9 2. 7  78
3. (y8)3 4. (2y)3
7 3
m 5
5. 2 6. 3
m 5
Summary 2:

To multiply monomials, multiply their coefficients and
multiply the variable factors by adding the exponents of the
like variables.

Worksheet 18 (4.2)

Warm-up 2. Find each of the following products:

a) (2x2y2)(4xy4) = (24)(x2x)(y2y4)
=( )(x2 + 1)(y2 + 4)

b) (-5x)(3x 2)(2x4) = (-532)(xx2x4)

=( )( )

c) (-3x2y)3 = ( )3( )3( )3


Problems - Find each of the following products:

7. (cd2)(-3c4d5)
8. (2d)(-3d3)(½d5)
9. (2x5y2)4

To divide two monomials, divide the coefficients and divide

the variable factors by subtracting the exponents of the
like variables.

Summary 3:

Warm-up 3. Find each of the following quotients:

- 42 a 2 b5  42   a 2   b5 
a) =  -     3 
6 ab3  6  a b 
=( )( )( )

18 x7 y 4  18   x7   y 4 
b) 4
=    3   4 
2 x3 y  2  x  y 
=( )( )( )

Problems - Find each of the following quotients:

100 x5 y - 12 a7 b6
10. 11.
50 x 2 y 3 a5 b
19 (4.3)

4.3 Multiplying Polynomials

Summary 1:

To multiply a monomial and a polynomial, multiply the

monomial times each term of the polynomial by using an
extension of the distributive property.

Warm-up 1. a) -5x2y(2x2y - 3y2 + 5) = (-5x 2y)(2x2y) - (-5x2y)

(3y ) + (-5x2y)(5)

= + -

Problems - Multiply:

1. 3y2(2y2 - 5y + 9)

2. -xy3(3x2y - 7xy2 + 2)

Summary 2:

To multiply any two polynomials, multiply each term of the
first polynomial times each term of the second polynomial.
Simplify by combining similar terms if needed.

Warm-up 2. a) (x - 5)(x + 6) = x(x + 6) - 5(x + 6)

= x2 + - - 30
=x +2
- 30

b) (x + 3)(x 2 - 2x + 5) = x(x2 - 2x + 5) + 3(x2 - 2x + 5)

= x3 - 2x2 + 5x + - +
=x +
- +

Problems - Multiply:

3. (c - 3d)(c + 5a)

4. (a - 2)(a2 + 3a - 9)
Worksheet 19 (4.3)

Summary 3:

When multiplying two binomials, a shortened version can

be used:

1. Multiply the first terms of the two binomials. (First)

2. Multiply the two outer terms and multiply the two inner
terms and combine if products are similar terms.
(Outer + Inner)
3. Multiply the last terms of the two binomials. (Last)
This method is sometimes called the FOIL method.

Warm-up 3. a) (x - 3)(x + 4) = + -
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Step 1. Multiply xx

Step 2. Multiply x4 and -3x and combine
Step 3. Multiply -34

b) (2x - 5)(3x + 4) = - -

Problems - Multiply:

5. (x + 6)(x - 7)

6. (5x - 6)(2x + 4)

Summary 4:

To square a binomial you can multiply the binomial times

itself or you can use the following special patterns: (a + b)2 =
a2 + 2ab + b2

(a - b)2 = a2 - 2ab + b2
The pattern follows the format of:
(first term)2 ± 2(first term)(second term) + (second
If the sign between the two terms is positive, the middle sign of
the answer will be positive. If the sign between the two
terms is negative, the middle sign of the answer will be

When two binomials differ only in the middle sign a special

pattern develops: (a + b)(a - b) = a2 - b2
(The sum of the outer and inner products is 0: ab - ab = 0)

When cubing a binomial the following patterns develop:

(a + b)3 = a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3
(a - b)3 = a3 - 3a2b + 3ab2 - b3

orksheet 19 (4.3)

Warm-up 4. Multiply using the special patterns:

a) (x - 5)2 = (x)2 - 2(x)(5) + (5)2

= - +

b) (3a + 2b)2 = (3a)2 + 2(3a)(2b) + (2b) 2

= + +

c) (2x - 7)(2x + 7) = ( )2 - ( )2
= -

d) (x - 5)3 = ( )3 - 3( )2( ) + 3( )( )2 - ( )3
= - 3( )( ) + 3( )( )-
= - + -

e) (2x + 3)3 = ( ) 3 + 3( ) 2( ) + 3( )( )2 + (
= + 3( )( ) + 3( )( )+
= + + +

Problems - Use special patterns to multiply:

7. (5x - 6)2

8. (7x - 2)(7x + 2)

9. (y + 3)3

10. (3a - 4b)3

 Note: If the patterns are forgotten or are difficult for you to use,

using the distributive property will always work.

Worksheet 20 (4.4)

4.4 Factoring: Use of the Distributive Property

Summary 1:

A prime number is a positive integer greater than 1 that

has no factors that are positive integers other than itself
and 1. EX. 2, 3, 5, 7

A composite number is a positive integer greater than 1 that

is not a prime number. EX. 4, 6, 8, 9
Every composite number is the product of prime numbers.
EX. 6 = 23
Prime factorization form of a number is the indicated
product form that contains only prime factors. EX. 63
= 337
A number is completely factored when it is in the prime
factorization form.

Warm-up 1. Classify as prime or composite:

a) 92 92 = 192, 246 or 423 therefore is
b) 47 47 = 147 therefore is .

Problems - Classify as prime or composite:

1. 33 2. 79 3. 129

Warm-up 2. Factor into the product of prime numbers:

a) 42 = 2 b) 140 = 2
= 23 = 22
= 225

Problems - Factor into the product of prime numbers:

4. 92 5. 125 6. 68

We use the distributive property, ab + ac = a(b + c), to

factor a polynomial whose terms have common factors.

EX. 5x - 10y = 5(x) - 5(2y) = 5(x - 2y)

This type of factoring process is referred to as factoring out
the highest common monomial factor.
A polynomial with integral coefficients is in completely factored
form if:
1. It is expressed as a product of polynomials with integral
2. No polynomial, other than a monomial, within the
factored form can be further factored into polynomials
with integral coefficients.

Summary 2:

20 (4.4)

Warm-up 3. Factor completely:

a) 15x3 - 5x2 = 5x2( - )

b) 3x2y3 + 12xy2 = 3xy2( + )
c) 5(a - b) - x(a - b) = (a - b)( - )

 Note: Warm-up c) is an example of a common binomial factor.

Problems - Factor completely:

7. 24a4b - 8a3b2

8. 18x3 + 12x2 - 24x

9. y(a - 2) + 5(a - 2)

10. x2(y + 5) - 8(y + 5)

Summary 3:

Factoring by grouping is usually used when there are four


To factor by grouping:
1. group the four terms in pairs.
2. factor out the common factor for each pair.
3. factor out the common binomial factor which appears in
step 2.

Warm-up 4. Factor by grouping:

a) ax + bx + ac + bc = x( + ) + c( + )
= (x + c)( + )

b) 2y - 4z + ay - 2az = 2( - ) + a( - )
=( + )( - )

c) y2 - 3y - 4y + 12 = y( - ) - 4( - )
=( - )( - )

 Note: It was necessary to factor -4 from the last two terms for the
binomial factors to match.

d) ac - bd + bc - ad = ac - ad + bc - bd

= a( - ) + b( - )
=( + )( - )
 Note: It was necessary for this polynomial to be rearranged since no
common factor occurred in the two pairs as it was written.
Worksheet 20 (4.4)

Problems - Factor by grouping:

11. 2x - ax + 6 - 3a

12. ax + bx - ay - by

13. 5m - cn + 5n - cm

Summary 4:

The following property allows us to use factoring as a

technique for solving equations:

Let a and b be real numbers, ab = 0 if and only if a =

0 or b = 0

This property tells us that if two factors multiply to give 0, one

of the factors must be equal to 0.

Warm-up 5. a) Solve: y2 + 8y = 0
y( + )=0
y = 0 or + =0
y = 0 or y= Solution Set = { 0, }

b) Solve: 4c2 = 12c

4c - 12c= 0

4c( - ) =0
4c = 0 or - =0
c = or c = Solution
Set = { , }

c) Solve 5ax2 - 10cx = 0 for x:

5ax2 - 10cx =0
5x( - ) =0
5x = 0 or - =0
x= or x = Solution Set = {
, }

20 (4.4)

Problems - Solve:

14. 2x2 - 4x = 0

15. 5m2 = 15m

16. Solve for y: 2ay2 - by = 0

Warm-up 6. Set up an equation and solve:

a) The area of a square is 5 times its perimeter. Find

the length of a side of the square.

A = s2 P = 4s (Geometry formulas

A = 5(P)
s2 = 5(4s)
s2 = 20s
s2 - =0
s(s - ) =0
s = 0 or s - =0
s=0 or s =

The length of a side of the square is .

Problems - Set up an equation and solve:

17. The area of a circular region is numerically equal to four times

the circumference of the circle. Find the length of the radius of
the circle.

Worksheet 21 (4.5)

4.5 Factoring: Difference of Two Squares and

Sum or Difference of Two Cubes

Summary 1:

Difference of Two Squares: a2 - b2 = (a + b)(a - b)

A sum of two squares will not factor. It is said to be a prime

a2 + b2 is a prime polynomial

Warm-up 1. a) x2 - 36 = ( )2 - ( )2
=( )( )

b) 25a2 - 49 = ( )2 - ( )2
=( )( )

c) a4 - 16b4 = ( )2 - ( )2
=( + )( - )
=( + )[( ) -(
=( )( )( )

d) (a - 1)2 - b2 = [(a - 1) + ][(a - 1) - )]

=( )( )

e) 2x2 - 18 = 2( - )
= 2[( )2 - ( )2]
= 2( )( )

f) x2 + 25 =

Problems - Factor completely:

1. y2 - 64 2. 16a2 - 9

3. x4 - 81 4. (x + 2)2 - y2
5. 3x2 - 48 6. a2 + 81

21 (4.5)

Summary 2:

Sum of Two Cubes: a3 + b3 = (a + b)(a2 - ab + b2)

Difference of Two Cubes: a3 - b3 = (a - b)(a2 + ab + b2)

Warm-up 2. a) x3 - 8 = ( )3 - ( )3
=( - )[( )2 + ( )( )+( )2]
=( )( )

b) 27x3 + 1 = ( )3 + ( )3
=( + )[( )2 - ( )( )+( )2]
=( )( )

c) 125y3 - 64z3 = ( )3 - ( )3
=( - )[( )2 + ( )( )+( )2]
=( )( )

Problems - Factor using the sum or difference of two cubes pattern:

7. a3 - 27

8. 8x3 + 125

9. 64x3 - 1

Summary 3:

Special kinds of equations can be solved using the difference
of two squares factoring pattern. (The two terms must be
perfect squares, and the x term must be missing.)

Warm-up 3. a) Solve: 25x2 = 49

25x - 2
( + )( - ) =0
+ = 0 or - =0
x= or x =
x= or x =

Solution Set = { , }

Worksheet 21 (4.5)

b) Solve: 2x2 - 18 =0
2( - ) =0

( - ) =0
( + )( - ) =0
+ = 0 or - =0
x= or x=

Solution Set = { , }

c) Solve: x3 - 36x =0
x( - ) =0
x( + )( - ) =0
x = 0 or + = 0 or - =0
x=0 or x= or x =

Solution Set = { , , }

d) A rectangle is three times as long as it is wide and its

area is 75 square feet. Find the length and width
of the rectangle.

Let x = width and 3x = length

widthlength = Area
( )( ) = 75

x2 = 75
x2 =
x -
(x + )(x - ) =0
= 0 or =0
x= or x =
3x = 3( )=

The width is and the length is


 Note: The solution x = -5 was excluded because the width can not be
a negative number.

Problems - Solve:

10. x2 - 81 = 0

21 (4.5)

11. 4x2 = 49

12. x3 - 100x = 0

13. The cube of a number equals four times the square of the same
number. Find the number.

Worksheet 22 (4.6)

4.6 Factoring Trinomials

Summary 1:

Trinomials of the Form x2 + bx + c

Factorable trinomials such as x2 + 5x + 6 will factor into the

product of two binomials; x2 + 5x + 6 = (x + 2)(x + 3),
1. The first terms of the two binomials multiply to give
x , the first
term of the trinomial. (xx = x2)
2. The second terms of the two binomials multiply to
give 6, last term of the trinomial. (23 = 6)
3. The second terms of the two binomials add to give
5, the coefficient of the middle term of the
trinomial. 2 + 3 = 5

Warm-up 1. Factor:

 Note: If the last sign of the trinomial is positive, the signs in the
middle of the two factors will be alike, and will be the same as the sign
in the middle of the trinomial.

a) x2 + 8x + 15 = (x + )(x + )
 
both signs
positive alike
 Note: The two numbers in the blanks must multiply and give 15, and
add to give 8.

b) x2 - 9x + 20 = (x - )(x - )
 
both signs
negative alike
 Note: The two numbers in the blanks must multiply and give 20, and
add to give - 9.
 Note: If the last sign of the trinomial is negative, the signs in the
middle of the two factors will be different. The sign in the middle of the
trinomial will go in front of the larger of the two numbers used for the
second terms.

c) x2 - x - 12 = (x + )(x - )
 
negative signs
in front of different
larger number
 Note: The two numbers in the blanks must multiply and give -12,
and add to give -1.
22 (4.6)

d) x2 + 3x - 18 = (x + )(x - )
 
positive signs
in front of different
larger number

 Note: The two numbers in the blanks must multiply and give -18 and

add to give 3.

Problems - Factor completely:

1. x2 - 7x + 10

2. x2 + 5x - 24

3. y2 + 13y + 42

4. a2 - 5a - 14

Summary 2:

Trinomials of the Form ax2 + bx + c

Factorable trinomials such as 2x2 - x - 10 will factor into the

product of two
binomials; 2x2 - x - 10 = (2x - 5)(x + 2), where:
1. The first terms of the two binomials multiply to give
2x2, the first term of the trinomial. (2xx = 2x2)
2. The last terms of the two binomials multiply to give
-10, the last term of the trinomial. (-52 = -10)
3. The products of the inner and outer terms of the
two binomials combine to give the middle term of
the trinomial.
(-5x + 2x2 = -5x + 4x = -x)

Worksheet 22 (4.6)

Warm-up 2. Factor:

a) 3x2 - 5x - 2 = (3x )(x )

 
the inner and outer signs
products add to different
give a negative

 Note: The two numbers in the blanks must multiply and give -2, and
the products of the inner and outer terms must add to give -5x.

b) 6x2 + x - 12 = (2x )(3x )

 
the inner and outer signs
products add to different
give a positive

 Note: The two numbers in the blanks must multiply and give -12,
and the products of the inner and outer terms must add to give +x. If
6x and 1x had been chosen for the first terms, then the product of the
inner and outer terms would not have added to give +x.

c) 10x2 - 19x + 7 = (5x )(2x )

 
both signs
negative alike

 Note: The two numbers in the blanks must multiply and give 7, and
the products of the inner and outer terms must add to give -19x. If 10x
and 1x had been chosen for the first terms, then the product of the
inner and outer terms would not have added to give -19x.

Problems - Factor completely:

5. 4x2 - 5x - 6

6. 5x2 - 22x + 8

7. 12x2 + 4x - 5

22 (4.6)

Summary 3:

Perfect Square Trinomials

Trinomials in the form of a2 + 2ab + b2 are called perfect

square trinomials since they factor into two identical factors
which can be written as the square of a binomial:
a2 + 2ab + b2 = (a + b)(a + b) = (a + b)2
a2 - 2ab + b2 = (a - b)(a - b) = (a - b)2
Look for this pattern:
(lst term)2 ± 2(lst term)(2nd term) + (2nd term)2 = (lst
term ± 2nd term)2

Warm-up 3. Factor using the perfect square trinomial


a) x2 - 18x + 81 = (x)2 -2(x)(9) + (9)2

=( - )2

b) 16x2 + 24x + 9 = ( )2 + 2( )( )+( )2

=( + )2

Problems - Factor using the perfect square trinomial pattern:

8. a2 + 8a + 16 9. 4x2 - 20x + 25

 Note: Trial and error will also work on perfect square trinomials.

Summary 4:

Review of Factoring Techniques

1. Factor out a common monomial (or binomial) factor by

using the distributive property. (Always look for this type
of factoring first.)
2. If the polynomial contains 4 terms, try factoring by
3. If the polynomial contains 2 terms, look for: a difference of
two squares pattern, a difference of two cubes pattern or a
sum of two cubes pattern.
4. If the polynomial contains 3 terms, look for a perfect
square trinomial pattern or factor by trial and error.
5. Always check to see if any factor can be factored further.

Worksheet 22 (4.6)

Problems - Factor completely by any method discussed in

this chapter.

10. x3 + 27

In ab
0 if and
if a =to0use
or b
= following
0 property to
solve equations:

11. ax - bx + ay - by

12. 5x2y3 - 10x3y

13. 9x2 - 12x + 4

14. 81y2 - 25

15. 6b2 + 7b - 20

23 (4.7)

4.7 Equations and Problem Solving

Summary 1:

Warm-up 1. a) Solve: 10x2 - x - 3 = 0

10x2 - x - 3 =0
(5x - )(2x + ) =0
5x - = 0 or 2x + =0
5x = or 2x =
x= or x =

Solution Set= { , }

b) Solve: -2x2 + 6x + 20 = 0

-2x2 + 6x + 20 = 0
-2(x2 - - = 0
(x -
- ) = 0
(x - )(x + ) = 0
x- = 0 or x + = 0
x= or x =

Solution Set = { , }

c) Solve: (x + 2)(x - 1) = 10

(x + 2)(x - 1) = 10
x +x-2
= 10
x2 + x = 0
(x + )(x - ) =0
x+ = 0 or x - = 0
x= or x =

Solution Set = { , }

 Note: In this problem it was necessary to simplify and set = 0 before

using the factoring technique to solve.

Worksheet 23 (4.7)

Problems - Solve:

1. 12x2 + 8x - 15 = 0

2. -2a2 - 14a + 60 = 0

3. x(x - 5) = 6

Summary 2:

Many application problems can be solved by using factoring


Warm-up 2. a) Find two consecutive even whole numbers

whose product is 120.

Let x = first consecutive

even whole number
x+2 = second consecutive
even whole number
x( + ) = 120
x2 + = 120
x2 + - = 0
(x + )(x - ) = 0
x+ = 0 or x - =0
x= or x =
x +2 = +2=

The two consecutive even whole numbers are


 Note: The negative solution for x was excluded because the problem
specified a whole number.

23 (4.7)

Problems - Solve:

4. Find two consecutive odd whole numbers whose product is 63.

5. The length of a rectangle is 5 inches more than twice the width.

If the area of the rectangle is 133 square inches, find the width and

Summary 3:

Pythagorean Theorem

The Pythagorean Theorem is used in application problems

involving right triangles. The Pythagorean Theorem states: In
any right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse (the
longest side, opposite the right angle), is equal to the
sum of the squares of the other two sides (called legs).

The Pythagorean Theorem is sometimes stated: a2 + b2 =

where a and b represent the legs and c represents the
Worksheet 23 (4.7)

Warm-up 3. a) The length of one leg of a right triangle is 2

inches more than the length of the other leg. If the
length of the hypotenuse is 10 inches, find the
lengths of the two legs.

Let: x = length of shorter leg (a)

x+2 = length of longer leg (b)
10= length of the hypotenuse (c)

a2 + b2 = c2
x + (x + 2) = 102
2 2

x2 + + + =
2x2 + - =0
2( + - ) =0
( + - ) =0
(x + )(x - ) =0
x+ = 0 or x - =0
x= or x =

x+2 =

The two legs are and .

Problem - Solve:

6. The length of one leg of a right triangle is 4 cm more than the

length of the other leg. The length of the hypotenuse is 4 cm
more than the length of the longer leg. Find the length of the
three sides of the triangle.


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