Specialized Tech Campus For High Growth Startups: The Collective

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The Collective:

Specialized Tech Campus

for High Growth Startups

Thesis Proposal for the Design 09 Architectural Thesis Class of 2019-2020

University of Santo Tomas, College of Architecture

Aaron Brienne C. Bondoc

2015077495, RMA Class of 4AR-9, A.Y. 2018-2019

30 May, 2019

Thesis Proposal for the Design 09 Architectural Thesis Class of 2019-2020

Aaron Brienne C. Bondoc 1


On the present the extent of the medium of trades involve selling of designs
and ideas that may be profitable. The people had the idea, the product design but
lacks funding, support, and connections. In a short period of time these companies
could rise to their competitions if well received by their consumers. But these great
ideas struggle to make it to the market.

2012, the year where Startups begin to boom in the Philippines. The country
became a landscape for both foreign investor and local entrepreneurial veterans.
Hearing about a success of a freshly started company with an age of less than a
decade isn’t anymore a surprise to anyone, they even thrive in the country’s economy.
The Philippines would be the grounds for these prodigies of talents and take over the
country’s economy to new horizons. Designing technologies that would enhance
quality of life and advance the country’s economic state.

The Philippine is a hotspot for startups, as entrepreneurs view Southeast Asia

as the primary market to penetrate. Considering its location and the globally engaged
citizens who are fluent in English as well as cheaper labor that translates to an ideal
investment point. A recent survey suggested technology, services, and customer
experience are the top three areas that majority of startups are looking to innovate in
the next three years. This is inline with the global shift to customer-centric marketing
and the application of emerging tech in business.

The entrepreneurial shift of millennials and numerous tech advancements have

paved the way for better opportunities and inspiration for others to follow the same
path despite of the risks. Despite the growing number of startups present, investors
and business analysts still point out the infancy of the Philippine startup scene. There’s
still a lot of room for potential and growth. But as the country has the second fastest
growing economy in Asia, it’s one of the best places to innovate for emerging markets,
social enterprises, and tech. The long term-plan would be the locals to thrive and target
foreign investors to catapult their business idea on a global scale.

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An idea, the brainchild of people, conveys reason, meaning, and purpose. Even
if some are just meant to exist, these ideas are valid. These bizarre thoughts could be
creative or effective, sometimes both. Ideas can be powerful, most of the professionals
are trained to practice their thinking skills for creative, effective, and beneficial ideas
that would affect the field. It is every professions power tool in growth. Every profession
is practicing to produce one of a kind idea/ideas to stand out to their fields. Ideas grew
from one another. An ever-evolving thinking of solutions were the living testimonials
that brought us to where we are right now. These covers to all kinds of arts and
sciences. Technology, Medicine, and Commercial.

What’s a different between a “Good Idea” and a “Great Idea”? Good ideas come
along all the time and help people solve minor problems in work and daily life. Great
ideas on the other hand appear a little less frequently and require a little more work to
execute. Great ideas aren’t necessarily the result of highly paid thinks tanks or drug-
induced vision quests in the desert. Often, they are unexpected moments of inspiration
that help keep the napkin companies in business.

In order to generate these ideas, freeing oneself from conventional, mundane

thoughts that occupy most of the brain’s time. Great ideas were mostly unexpected
and comes in a bizarre manner. No one can also pressure someone to bare a great

People then turn ideas into profitable trades. They create business models that
champions their ideas to the public. Creating their ideas purchasable for others to take
benefit of it. Develop it and create more ideas or products to produce.

Nowadays, people invested in technology more than before. This includes their
money and time to actually apply and use these techs to improve their quality of life or
for entertainment or leisure. Opening a new market or platform for the public to
consume or use.

Startups are various starting companies or organization that focuses on

innovating quality of life, technology, or health. Startups’ risk in the field is notable and
overwhelming because of the existing corporate state of companies especially here in
the Philippines. The startup scene in the Philippines started to boom since 2012,

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although only a few were willing to invest because of its risks and uncertainties during
that time. As years go by, Foreign startups even branched out to the country to expand
their scope of services.

According to Magda of JobFluent, “Few things are more exciting than getting
involved in a new project, working hard on it together with your teammates and seeing
how it evolves and grows that’s what happens when you work at a startup.”
Experiencing professional growth firsthand, being able to be the front-liner when
dealing with clients and people for the betterment of the company. It is an adventure.
At a startup you must create everything from scratch, imagine designing a workflow
that best fits the company.

A startup needs a good product, may it be in a form of services, physical ones,

consumables, or virtual goods; it’s the face of the company all resources should be
focus on designing, developing, and improving the said product that the startup offers.

2 Startups rarely succeeds in Isolation; increasingly, it occurs in interconnected

networks of business partners and other organizations. For entrepreneurs lacking
access to an established business ecosystem and provide a possible support
mechanism for access to partners and resources. Yet, startups tend to act individually,
as independent organisms in the commercial ecosystem.

Efficient funding, effective administration, and productive environment, these

are the fundamental factors that would help in the growth of the startup. Resources
that would maintain as the foundation of your startup. Challenges will hit them along
the way, that’s why perseverance and connections should also throw into them.
Starting a company is easy, maintaining them is the real challenge. Risk is always no
question when it comes to starting up a company, but the reward is worth every hard

Collaboration is a key to success for startups, because exposure of the

company in its first stage is crucial. A research of startupbootcamp (a startup company
support and accelerator) found that the most popular driver for startups to collaborate
with corporates is because they see them as the ultimate customer for their product
or service. Their program aims to introduce startup companies to those who are
already in the game, enabling their partnership. Questions follow like the disruption of
startup companies or the possibility that their company will be absorb by their

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corporate partners. 70 % believed that it’s very relevant to partner with corporates.
However, despite the clear belief among startups in the importance of corporate
collaboration, over half of our alumni do not currently feel corporates are successful in
creating genuine disruption. While corporates can bring experience, investment and
best practice, it seems this isn’t a one-sided partnership, as startups bring the agility
and fresh thinking to potentially shake up a market.

When a fast growing startup then enters or partners with corporate companies
they experience complication or long internal process working with them. A few
startups feel there is no single point of contract and some believe there is lack of
priority and uncertainty.

Social media is the new trend that became a platform for marketing products
and services. A recent study by Rappler shows Filipinos spend most time online, on
social media worldwide. There are now 5.11 billion unique mobile users today,
increasing by 100 million in the past year. Total number of internet users has grown
from 4.24 billion to 4.39 billion, a growth of 9 percent, since January 2018. A year ago
there were 3.19 billion social media users. Now there are 3.48 billion, representing a
9% growth as well. Of these 3.48 billion users, 3.26 billion of them use social media
on mobile devices, growing by 10% from the past year. These are facts that turned
Philippines on as a hotspot for tech startups. In the country, we spent almost 9 hours
to 10 hours daily just to look on to our phones. In contrast, the worldwide average is 6
hours 42 minutes. The least being, Japan with an online amount time of 3 hours 45
minutes. Despite of poor internet connect services, the Philippines also topped in
usage of desktop or laptop computer, clocking atleast 5 hours 4 minutes daily. These
timestamps is an opening for a new market for tech companies.

The Philippines turned into a breeding ground for startup community. Only time
will tell the rising of the country’s very own Silicon Valley. Foreign investors target and
is entering as time passes by. Ideas, products, and services that would better the
quality of life.

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Aaron Brienne C. Bondoc 5

Based on the positive growth of startups in the Philippines and technology being
used by Filipinos almost everyday in their life, various tech startup tried to pioneer in
the country. The scene of the “Startup” in the country is conquering new heights and
its future is only set to get brighter. Most of the successful ones are offering virtual
services like Shopee and Lazada, some are produced online content creation like
game streaming services (Tier 1/Royale Rumble) and Carpooling and delivery
services – Grab Food, Car, Delivery. These startups started to grow bigger, and
bigger. Once ideas living in a great mind, realized as a big tech-product / services that
serves people convenience and enhancement of quality of life, creating job
opportunities to the fellow Filipinos.

Startups occupy old built offices, that were designed to serve old companies.
The recent tech cannot anymore be implemented due to the space’s lack of updates
when it comes to technological advances. Startups’ spaces should involve not only
“paperwork offices” but establish or incubate the development of the said startup.
These are relating to the layout of the interior spaces, the strategic planning of the
office which will create a more efficient workflow that best fits all startups, and could
encompass their “high growth” status. Outdated office space couldn’t handle latest
innovation therefore limiting the growth of the startups. The decaying environment
itself, most of the offices around Philippine’s business districts doesn’t attract the
millennial shift of entrepreneurs, meaning office spaces are just insufficient when it
comes to productivity, creativeness and location.

Spaces that encourage growth, development and adventures. Modern offices

needs to cope up with its users, the people. The people started to invest towards a
better and appealing work environment. Where great ideas will be cradled, honed, and
develop. Architecture is the passive and most effective way of bringing out these
idealistic solutions in create the best fit environment for the startups. Creating a whole
facility that enhances the work productivity and create collaborative spaces enables
startup to be at their full potential in creating innovations.

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To design the first collective Tech Startup Campus of the Philippines that will
cater and breed high growth startups and initiate a collaborative productive
environment as their


A. To create a center for startups and improve their growth by exposing them to
experienced companies and potential partners.
B. To, with the use of architecture, create a productive working space for the tech
C. To design a structure that would keep up to technological requirements of the
companies it caters.
D. To landmark the collective as the first building for the emerging startup
companies in the Philippines.
E. To build a facility that is flexible and robust for the tech companies’ needs and
space requirements.

The project goals and objectives were directly introduced for the researcher to create
a solution. Architecture and research based solutions for the requirements of startups.


The Tech Campus will cater every High Growth Tech Startup’s space needs. It
will be housing three types of Work environment; A Coworking Space, an Incubator,
and an Accelerator, each suit to be occupied with enough space flexibility and
designed for the Startups’ needs. A temporary head-start that includes their company
being exposed to successful startups, up to date tech advancements, collaboration
with corelated startups, and events, expositions or workshops that may contribute to
their business model.

This project will not only suffice the sprawling Tech Startup communities but
also enables and encourage collaborative work within the startup and within the

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facility. Giving the opportunity to Great Ideas to realize and develop to greater
developments. Designing a facility that will be a breeding grounds for local startups.

Now that the Startup Scene has proven itself to the economic mass, it’s
potential raised every year. Enable young entrepreneurs, who doesn’t have the
resources, realized his or her own ideas. The local startups will form a collective
workspace to develop their strategies and products in a single structure. It’s like
creating a factory of business models that came from young infamous entrepreneur
minds. Collaborative workspace enables these startups to be partnered with corporate
companies that may provide the experience they lack and let them feel the water up
there in the field.

The main reason why the Researcher wants to build a Silicon Valley-like
structured space in a business district. Therefor creating a center for the Startup
Scene. Inspiring young entrepreneurs to further develop their ideas and get into the
Silicon Valley of the Philippines.


The Collective facilitates High Growth Startups. These includes incubators,

accelerators, and coworking spaces. It’s an all in one startup facility that will help
startup establish their connections, learning their ground, guiding them until these
companies can walk on by themselves.

The scope of the project involves firsthand observations, research, and data
analysis. The researcher will observe actual-office scenarios, the users involve, the
work environment of typical Startups and study of behavioral patterns of the workers.
The research part covers history, definitions, descriptions, theories and examples of
technologies regarding Coworking, Incubators, and Accelerator.

Behavioral studies and computations are fundamentals of thesis work. The

researcher should provide a dedicated space program for the project. Calculations will
be summarized for the presentation. A major component of the project includes
interviewing startup companies in terms of special and technological usage.

The project will be limited to local Startup companies, their work environment,
and what the present facilities lacks. The researcher also ought to experience working
or at least visiting ng in a startup company to get first hand data regarding the project.

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Accelerators - Startup accelerators, also known as seed accelerators, are fixed-term,

cohort-based programs that include seed investment, connections, mentorship,
educational components, and culminate in a public pitch event or demo day to
accelerate growth.
Collective - A cooperative enterprise. Collective of startups.

Coworking - The use of an office or other working environment by people who are
self-employed or working for different employers, typically so as to share equipment,
ideas, and knowledge.

Collaboration - The action of working with someone to produce something. In this

project, this will be observe on startups working together to the top.

Digital/ Virtual Goods – virtual or intangible products that are seen online in a form
of digital product or services.

Entrepreneur - A person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial

risks in the hope of profit.

High Growth Startup – Fast growing companies in terms of revenues and exhibits
high caliber and quality when it comes to their products/services. These are the target
companies for the project.

Incubator - incubator is a company that helps new and startup companies to develop
by providing services such as management training or office space.

Products – May be in a form of goods or services, digital and physical that involves
technology as their main grounds.

Startup – Companies that are independent or self-funding, therefore be a person or a

group or team of professionals that pursue an idea.

Tech Startup – Startups that deals with technology as their main playing field.

Tech Campus – Tech Startups’ facility for growth, exposure, and supports their needs
for their development.

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