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A doubt can alter the course of your life. Have you ever thought of that? If you were to doubt that your
parents are your parents, how would your life change?

You don’t have to do anything about dispelling the doubt but your life changes all the same. A door
opens somewhere in your mind and you become aware of possibilities of a totally different reality, and
suddenly something you thought as impossible begins to seem possible.

People respond negatively to doubt because they feel like doubting something is doubting yourself and
we have a great need for certainty we never want to unsure of who we think we are. However, doubts
are not a question about who we are, they are a question about what we see. When you allow yourself
to believe that maybe what you see is not all there is to be seen, you create room for your mind to
expand and you begin your carpet ride into a whole new world.

Doubting is basically the question ‘What if there’s more to know/see/feel about this?’

Given that doubt expands our awareness, coaches use it a lot to help their clients allow in more
possibilities in their experience so that they can have clarity and confidence to make choices that will
change their lives to what they want it to be. When someone asks you the question ‘Are you sure?’ or
‘How do you know that?’, do not take it as an invitation to defend or argue out your perspective, take it
as an opportunity to see within yourself whether there is another way you can ‘see’ the situation or to
just acknowledge your awareness that there are other ways of seeing the same situation.

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