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Thesis: We shouldn’t trust the Government to tell the truth.


The use of a democratic government has been present in society for

thousands of years. Its creation being in the best interest of the
common peoples, to give them a voice. Tragically with the rising tide
of manipulation and unheeded warnings, those present in
government are choosing to put the commoners far from first
regarding their interests. With acts of inhumanity, manipulatory
abuse and deception labelled as “for your own good”.

In the year of 1989, china played host to one of the largest protests
the world had ever seen. With numbers exceeding the tens of
thousands and reaching the millions at its estimated peak crying out
for democratic reform, freedom of press and speech, for freedom to
interact with their countries future. Their government’s response?
They open fired, hundreds of armed soldiers surrounded and fired
into the crowds of protesters. Forever crippling the democratic
progression of the country.

Now, how do you think the elected party of the country attempted
to repair such damage?

Nothing. The ruling party outlawed the discussion of the event,

mentioning/searching for the event online in the country results in a
server disconnect followed by an investigation. The event only has a
passing mention in the country’s history books being described as “a
small-scale protest that was later peacefully resolved”. The rest of
the world wouldn’t be even aware of its existence had a journalist
not snuck a photo of it out of the country inside a toilet roll.
With that catastrophic event covered, lets move to a slightly close to
home event.

One of the most infamous, yet commonly ignored displays of blatant

lying by a government to its people is none other than the claims of
“weapons of mass destruction” within Iraq. Following the events of
911, the US government saw an opportunity to weaponize a nation
in mourning. With such a devastating force under their control the
US invaded Iraq, over threw their government, and devastated its
populous. With the country’s army in shambles they then saw it fit to
claim its resources. With over 141 billion barrels worth of oil within
the country, its value roughly exceeding 8 quadrillion dollars in
collective value, the country would be able to grow exponentially, to
maybe have some good come out of such a gruelling war. Instead
they were all sold off to private businesses for immediate return,
some of which they say went to the people who fought for it but
that’s a matter of opinion.

Point 3: Australian Government – paladin asylum seeker funding

- Upwards of thousands gained per immigrant detained
- Hardly liveable conditions
- No intent to change
- Revealed after being re elected
- Will likely be swept under the carpet
“Nothing so diminishes democracy as secrecy.”
Ramsey Clark – former lawyer and activist against
government over reach.

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