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Chaos and Resistance: 1800 to 1830 Page 1 of 10

1800 to 1830: Chaos and Resistance

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VOC formally dissolved on January 1; properties Help the People of Aceh

revert to Dutch government.

Sultan of the Kraton Kanoman in Cirebon is banished

to Ambon by the Dutch. A low-level rebellion breaks
out under Bagus Rangen.

During these times, the Netherlands was allied to or

occupied by Napoleon's France. Until Daendels
arrived, not all Dutch officials in the Indies approved
of the government in Amsterdam.

Around this time, many ports and markets that had

been monopolized by the VOC were opened to free
trade. This turned out to be profitable for the local
government, which then allowed the Netherlands
Indies officials to be more independent of the
Napoleonic government in Amsterdam (until events
of war reduced trade around 1807-1808).


British take control of the Minahasa region, remaining

until 1816.

1802 7/15/2005
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Melaka and Maluku are returned from British to Dutch

control by the Treaty of Amiens.

Dutch begin sending military reinforcements to Java.


Dutch government (Batavian Republic) issues The "Padri" advocates on Sumatra were heavily
colonial charter making the Netherlands Indies influenced by the Wahhabiyah in Arabia, a
government responsible to the Netherlands (unlike fundamentalist movement founded by Ibnu Wahhab
the VOC). in the middle 1700s. The movement is still favored in
Saudi Arabia today.
Three pilgrims from Minangkabau return home after
travelling to Mecca for the hajj, and encountering
advocates of the Wahhabi movement that was
gaining strength in Arabia and had occupied Mecca
itself. The three pilgrims are called "Padri" after the
port of Pedir (or Pidie) in Aceh, where people from
that area started their hajj journey. The Padri
movement begins to grow in the Minangkabau area,
promoting more orthodox Islam as opposed to
traditional local practices.

British surrender Ambon to the Dutch.

Badruddin becomes Sultan of Palembang.


Pangeran Diponegoro experiences prophetic visions.


British Navy skirmishes with French and Dutch forces

off Java.

British seize Bangka.

Ministry of Colonies is founded for the Netherlands.

The "Batavian Republic" of the Netherlands, under

French control, is converted into the "Kingdom of
Holland", with Louis, the brother of Napoleon, as


Tondano leads a rebellion against the British in


British retake control of Melaka.

French-run government of the Netherlands appoints

Daendels as Governor-General of the Indies.

1808 7/15/2005
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January 1 Daendels arrives.

Daendels moves his residence to Buitenzorg (now


Daendels takes formal possession of Lampung for

the Dutch.

Pakubuwono IV appeases Daendels;

Hamengkubuwono II opposes him.
Herman Willem Daendels
Daendels was a product of revolutionary Europe and
Mangkunegara II organizes "Mangkunegaran Legion" a supporter of Napoleon, but he was also a
with Dutch financing. colonialist. Daendels did not like the Sultans and
Princes of Java at all, but he himself was sent to rule
Daendels reinstates the exiled Sultan of Cirebon, but in their place. He thought he was ending oppression,
the rebellion in the countryside around Cirebon but he was really bring in a newer, heavier rule from
continues. Europe. In particular, he took advantage of Dutch
treaty rights over native rulers that had never before
been exercised. He reorganized the legal system, but
August 18 Daendels reorganizes areas under Dutch he himself governed through arbitrary decrees.
control in Central and East Java. Bupatis and local
rulers are made employees of the Dutch government.
He faced problems from every side, especially a
British naval blockade that choked off much economic
Daendels orders a series of public works around activity.
Banten, including highways and a new harbor, to be
carried out with local workers. The workers revolt
under the burden; the Dutch Resident at Banten is
killed. Daendels sends in a military force to put down
the rebellion and replace the Sultan of Banten, who is
sent to exile in Ambon.

British decide to abandon Melaka; Stamford Raffles,

then a clerk, writes urgent letter to India urging a
reversal of the decision. The decision is reversed,
and the British stay in Melaka.

Sulaiman becomes Sultan of Banjar.


Daendels builds mountain route from Batavia to While in Batavia, Daendels started a campaign to
Cirebon (Jalan Raya Pos/Groote Postweg), orders clean up the city's canals. His project to build a great
town of Bandung to be relocated to the road (its highway through the Parahiyangan took the lives of
current site). Pangeran Kornel, local ruler of many laborers.
Sumedang, refuses to cooperate due to the
mistreatment of locals.

Daendels abandons the Dutch presence at

Banjarmasin in order to consolidate his hold on Java.


Daendels abandons the Dutch presence at


May British retake Ambon, Ternate and Tidore.

Raden Rangga, brother-in-law of the Sultan, starts

failed revolt against Dutch in Yogya; Daendels
marches on Yogya, forces Hamengkubuwono II to 7/15/2005
Chaos and Resistance: 1800 to 1830 Page 4 of 10

abdicate in favor of young Hamengkubuwono III.

Napoleon annexes the Netherlands to France.

Daendels flies the French flag over Batavia.

Raffles visits Lord Minto, British Governor-General in

India, in Calcutta, urging him to drive the French and
Dutch from Java. Minto is convinced.


January Daendels imposes new treaties on Yogya

and Surakarta, including end to rent payments by the
Dutch to the Sultans for the north coastal areas.

Hamengkubuwono III hands over Pangeran

Natakusuma to the Dutch on suspicion of being
involved in 1810 rebellion.

May Daendels is replaced by Jan Willem Janssens.

(Daendels soon served under Napoleon on his failed Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles
Moscow campaign.) Raffles was known for his scientific interests as well
as the work he did for the British East India Company:
August 3 British forces land on Java. governing Java, governing the output at Bengkulu,
Sumatra which was British at the time, and of course,
for founding Singapore.
Local princes at Banten, which was still an area of
unrest due to the burden of public works ordered by
Daendels, take the Sultan of Banten prisoner and
cooperate with the British.

August 26 British under Lord Minto take Batavia.

The Dutch, having suffered heavy losses, retreat to

September 18 Dutch surrender to British at Salatiga.

Thomas Stamford Raffles appointed Lt-Governor of


Bagus Rangen is captured by the British; the

rebellion around Cirebon subsides.

Dutch resident at Palembang and company are killed,

probably on orders of Sultan Badruddin; the British
have Badruddin dethroned and replaced by his

Hamengkubuwono II retakes title in Yogya.

December Raffles visits Yogya Kraton, generates

much hostility.

Pakubuwono IV sends secret letters to Yogya

offering assistance against the British, but hoping to
make Yogya overextend themselves; British begin
secret negotiations with Hamengkubuwono III;
Natakusuma offers help to British. 7/15/2005
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January 12 Raffles issues a proclamation to Raffles had the same delusion as Daendels, that he
reorganize and modernize the court system. was ending oppression, when in fact he was bringing
in a tighter colonial rule. The nobility in Yogya
June British shell, take, and loot Yogya. Pakubuwono considered the British to be horribly impolite.
IV of Surakarta offers little help. Hamengkubuwono II
is removed by the British, sent to exile in Padang, In Raffles favor, it could be said that he liberalized the
and replaced again by Hamengkubuwono III. economy of Java with free-market reforms that helped
farmers. He abolished forced labor and the
Natakusuma becomes Pangeran Pakualam I, compulsory cultivation of crops. He also tried to end
founding the house of Pakualam. the slave trade between Indonesians and foreigners.

October British sign treaty with Sultan of Banjar. On the other hand, while farmers under Raffles were
free to grow whatever they wanted, they still had to
pay up to 40% of their crops to the government.
British take Timor.

British seize Belitung as reparation for the

"massacre" at Palembang the previous year.


Bahauddin becomes Sultan of Palembang.

Raffles abolishes the Sultanate of Banten; the Sultan

to receive a pension from the British government.

November Revolt in the Netherlands against



June Lord Minto, British Governor of India and

Raffles' patron and promoter, dies. Charges of
corruption are brought against Raffles, who is
eventually found innocent.

June 21 Agreement between the nations that fought

Napoleon to found a new "Kingdom of the

August 13 British agree on eventual return of

possessions in the Indies to the Dutch.

British war with Balinese in Buleleng and

Karangasem over the slave trade.
Javanese palace guard with keris, early 1800s.
Bone attacks the British.

British residents are stationed in Banjarmasin and


Hamengkubuwono IV takes rule in Yogya.

Diponegoro (his older brother, who had declined the
succession) is appointed as guardian for the 13-year-
old Sultan. 7/15/2005
Chaos and Resistance: 1800 to 1830 Page 6 of 10

British expedition reports on Borobudur and

Prambanan to Europe for the first time.


Much of Minangkabau nobility killed by Padri The eruption of Tambora changed climate worldwide;
supporters; Padri begin to expand promotion of Islam in the northern United States, 1815 was called "the
into Batak areas. year without a summer", and snow fell in July.

April-July Mount Tambora on Sumbawa erupts:

12,000 are dead from the eruption itself, later 50,000
die from related famine.

May Raffles visits Borobudur.

Raffles establishes direct rule over Cirebon, removing

power from its Sultans.

Netherlands government establishes regulations for

governing the Netherlands Indies. (These would
serve as a sort of constitution for the Netherlands
Indies, in one form or another, until 1942.)


Bone attacks British again.

August 19 Dutch return to Batavia. Cornelis Elout

continues Raffles' reform policies.

Dutch unsuccessfully try to get rajas of Bali to accept

Dutch authority.


Madura consolidated into single kabupaten.

Pattimura leads revolt against returning Dutch in

Ambon; hanged in December.

Botanical Gardens founded at Bogor.

Gunung Ijen erupts in eastern Java.

Thomas Matulessy, or Pattimura, led a rebellion

against the Dutch in Ambon in 1817.


March Raffles is sent to govern British fort at


Raffles sends a small force into Lampung to establish

a British presence there; British East India Company 7/15/2005
Chaos and Resistance: 1800 to 1830 Page 7 of 10

officials in Calcutta tell him to turn back.

Raffles sends troops to Palembang to intervene in

negotiations between the Sultan and the Dutch. They
are arrested and sent to Batavia. British officials
again tell Raffles to withdraw.

Dutch under Cornelis Elout end the slave trade on


Dutch return to Melaka.

Dutch return to Pontianak.


January 19 Raffles founds Singapore, having

purchased the island from the Sultan of Johore.

Dutch return to Padang. Raffles tries to incite anti-

Dutch actions in the Minangkabau countryside.

Najamuddin Pangeran Ratu becomes Sultan of



Pakubuwono V becomes Susuhunan of Solo.

Dutch send expedition to the Aru Islands.

Umbrella commission is organized to oversee

Protestant churches in the Netherlands Indies.
Netherlands Indies cent from the 1820s


Remaining Minangkabau nobles sign treaty giving

Minangkabau to Dutch in exchange for protection
against the Padri. "Padri War" begins.

Cholera appears in Java for the first time; rice harvest


Najamuddin Prabu Anom becomes Sultan of



Hamengkubuwono IV dies amid rumors of poisoning.

Hamengkubuwono V is new Sultan. Diponegoro is
upset by the handling of the situation by Dutch

Mount Merapi erupts near Yogya. 7/15/2005
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Gov.-Gen. van der Capellen


Dutch forces are defeated by the Padri at Lintau. The nobility of the Yogya kraton in these days served
without collecting a salary. Instead, courtiers were
Gov.-Gen. van der Capellen abolishes land leases in given the right to collect rent on land within the
Central Java. Sultanate. Such rentable lands had been greatly
reduced due to colonial expansion, first by the VOC,
then the British. The situation for them improved a
Pakubuwono VI ascends in Solo. little after the Dutch returned in 1816, as European
planters began to rent lands (and the use of the
Kramo Jayo becomes Sultan of Palembang. peasants living on them) for plantations.

Raffles, in poor health, returns to England. Van der Capellen, however, was of the same liberal
mindset as Daendels and Raffles before him, and
was disgusted by the feudal lifestyle these planters
had started to enjoy. But when he abolished this
system of land leasing, he also stopped the main
source of income for the nobility, turning them against
the Dutch.


March 17 British and Dutch sign Treaty of London The Treaty of London in 1824 was intended to divide
and divide the Indies between themselves. The Dutch the Indies between British and Dutch control. Many of
claim Sumatra, Java, Maluku, Irian Jaya, and so on. the boundaries defined in this treaty would later
The British claim Malaya and Singapore, and retain become boundaries of the Republic of Indonesia.
an interest in North Borneo. Aceh is supposed to
remain independent.

Bone takes Dutch areas in south Sulawesi.

Netherlands Indies faces a financial crunch--Gov.

Gen. van der Capellen offers the colony to a private
British firm, Palmer and Co., as collateral on a loan to
bail out the colonial government. (The Netherlands
government, embarassed by these events, made
large loans to the Netherlands Indies in 1826 and

Dutch institute direct rule in Riau.


March 29 Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij is Diponegoro had support of many princes and bupati,
founded. rural farmers, and religious leaders, including Kyai
Maja. The Yogya Kraton did not side with him. 7/15/2005
Chaos and Resistance: 1800 to 1830 Page 9 of 10

Dutch defeat Bone before Java War; sporadic fighting Pakubuwono VI of Surakarta supported him quietly.
continues for years. The "Java War" began with a dispute over a new
road that would have disrupted an orchard that
Padri fighters take southern Tapanuli area. King Diponegoro had planted, but this was only the last in
Sisingamangaraja X of the Bataks is killed fighting a long series of insults and conflicts.
against the Padri.

Dutch require Muslim pilgrims who wish to make the

hajj to get a passport and pay a 110 gulden tax.

May Diponegoro and court retainers clash in dispute

over new road.

July Dutch send troops to arrest Diponegoro, who

declares rebellion. This was the beginning of the
"Java War", which lasted until 1830.

Adam al-Wasi' Billah becomes Sultan of Banjar.

Line of succession in Palembang ends. Dutch

institute direct rule.

Dutch issue orders to arrest Raden Intan in

Lampung. Raden Intan dies and is succeeded by
Raden Imba Kusuma.


Guerilla warfare widespread throughout central and

east Java.

The Dutch begin organizing special troops for fighting

in the Indies.

Van der Capellen is replaced by Du Bus as


August Dutch return Hamengkubuwono II from exile Prince Diponegoro

in Ambon, and reinstall him as Sultan of Yogya. Pangeran or Prince Diponegoro is remembered as a
great hero today. He had the mystic vision of a
October Diponegoro is defeated at Gowok, near religious leader, the pedigree of the House of Yogya,
Surakarta. His forces are pushed back. and an affinity for the common people. Many streets
and public institutions have been named for him.


Dutch reorganize forces in the Java War, change to

more flexible tactics, take offensive against guerilla


April Javanese successes against the Dutch.

Madura consolidated with Surabaya.

Smallpox epidemic in Bali. 7/15/2005
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Fort Du Bus founded by Dutch in Irian Jaya.

November Kyai Maja, spiritual advisor to

Diponegoro, is taken prisoner by the Dutch after
hand-to-hand combat.


September Pangeran Mangkubumi (uncle of

Diponegoro) surrenders. He is allowed to return to his

October Sentot surrenders. The Dutch make him a


Sentot fought against the Dutch during the Java War,
but later switched allegiances.


March Diponegoro agrees to negotiations in

Magelang, is arrested, exiled to Manado, then to
Ujung Padang (until 1855).

Pakubuwono VI, suspected by the Dutch, is exiled to

Ambon (until 1849). Pakubuwono VII becomes
Susuhunan of Solo.

Sejarah Indonesia · · Indonesia Pages · Bookstore · Sejarah Indonesia Store 7/15/2005

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