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Pre-conventional, Conventional and Post-Conventional

Level 1 - Pre-conventional

Stage 1 : Obedience Orientation - If you do good , no punishment . But if you do bad may parusa .

Stage 2 : Relativist - If you do good to me then I will be good to you but if you do bad I will do the same .

Level 2 : Conventional

Stage 3 : Interpersonal Concordance - Goodgirl ; Goodboy . "I am doing this because everyone is doing
the same "

Stage 4 : Law and order - behavior is right when it conforms to the law .

Level 4 : Post-conventional

Stage 5 : Social Contract Orientation - "It is wrong to violates ones right . Respect the differences "

Stage 6 : Universal Ethic Principle - " I will do this because I know this is the right thing to do it" .

Godbless �

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