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July 23rd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 88 Toll Free Number: 18001-200-1818 www.biotecnika.



For The First Time
Images Captured
In Action
VIA WHATSAPP every week New Govt PhD Scheme –
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HEADLINES July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88

Human Brain Can Now Connect To Computer

Via Elon Musk’s – Neuralink
Tech entrepreneur Elon Musk has finally revealed the initial take a look at what’s is most likely to be his ambitious brain control interface system.



By Preety Suman

Musk aims to accomplish this new

era AI tech with the help of a chip,
implanted in the human skull.

The man behind SpaceX & Tesla

has been known for his futuristic vi- can have as many as 3,072 electrodes surgical treatments on animals as well warnings to the AI experts.
sions & innovations to take humani- per variety dispersed throughout 96 as successfully placed the “strings”.
ty to the next techie level. Be it self “threads” – each “thread” smaller It does not come as much of a sur-
driving electric cars or rocket launch- sized than the tiniest human hair. Musk claims that the moment his prise then that Musk’s enthusias-
ers aimed at outer space habitat ex- Brain Control User Interface (BCIs) tic Neuralink endeavor has actually
ploration – Musk’s Ideas have been The chip which will be cordless in is given a go by the United States maintained “mitigation” of dangers
out of the box. And here he is with the future can read, transmit high-vol- Food and Drug Administration – posed by AI at the center of all activ-
a mind-bending project – Neuralink. ume information as well as amplify FDA, it would be all set to unravel a ity.
signals from the mind. The aim is large amount of information – treat
Neuralink has revealed little brain to drill 4 8mm openings right into brain-related diseases at an entirely Musk time & again have repeated
“strings” in a chip which is resilient, patients’ skulls and also insert the new level, mitigating the risk of “ex- that the Brain-Computer System User
usable at home. Owing to its easy us- “strings” each of the size in between istential threat of AI.” Interface is in a nascent phase as well
age & lesser complexity it has the po- 4 and also 6 micrometers– concern- as will take time before a human-ma-
tential to replace the existing difficult ing one-third the diameter of a human The Tesla CEO has actually been chine placement is in fact happened.
devices currently used as brain-ma- hair. rather singing when it pertains to And prior to Musk’s business might
chine interfaces. brewing threats presented by the ex- in fact operatively place implants in
Presently, robotics aids te surgeons pert system. He has actually called AI the human brain.
Regulated by an apple iPhone appli- to do the brain surgical procedure much more unsafe than the “nukes”
cation, the chip called “N1 Sensor” which, according to a paper launched and in the recent past has actually
with simply a USB port coming out by Neuralink, has actually executed even increased down on his alarming
July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88 HEADLINES 3

For The First Time – Images Captured

Of CRISPR-Cas9 Enzyme In Action
For the very first time, scientists have recorded high-resolution, three-dimensional pictures of CRISPR-Cas9 enzyme in the process of just cutting on DNA strands.


By Preety Suman

It shows new details regarding how

gene-editing tool CRISPR-Cas9 func-
tions, which might help researchers
develop versions of it which function
more effectively and just to change
genes that are targeted.

The research study is published in

Nature Structural and Molecular Biol-
ogy. This revolutionary finding holds
the key for treatment & prevention venting the development of better The Subramaniam lab was the first This study was financially backed by
of a wide range of human ailments gene-editing tools using Cas9 is that to achieve atomic resolution imaging the US National Cancer Institute, Na-
caused by DNA mutations. we didn’t have any pictures of it ac- of protein-bound medication mole- tional Institutes of Health grants, the
tually cutting DNA,” said the study’s cules and proteins utilizing cryo-EM. UIC Center for Clinical and Trans-
It is fascinating to be able to see at co-senior author, researcher Miljan In the past couple of years, they have lational Sciences, and by a Canada
this high degree of detail how Cas9 Simonovic. “But today we’ve got a pioneered using cryo-EM to visualize Excellence Research Chair position
really works to reduce and edit DNA much clearer image, and we even see an assortment of proteins including awarded to Subramaniam.
strands, said UBC researcher Sriram the way the and this might be an im- metabolic enzymes, mind receptors
Subramaniam, that led the cryo-EM portant goal for modification.” and DNA-protein complexes.
studies. He added that these images
give us invaluable insights to enhance
the efficiency of this gene-editing
process so that we could hopefully fix
disease-causing DNA mutations fast-
er and just in the future.

To better comprehend the sequence

of events involved with the procedure,
Subramaniam and colleagues em-
ployed cryo-EM technology to image
the Cas9 enzyme at work. The imag-
es deliver unprecedented glimpses of
their stepwise molecular motions that
happen in the span of DNA cutting
by Cas9, including a photo of the cut
DNA still connected to the receptor
immediately prior to release.

Miljan Simonovic – Researcher at

the University of Illinois and co-sen-
ior author of the study said that the
main obstacle preventing the devel-
opment of better versions of Cas9
gene-editing tools was the lack of
clear images of how exactly it func-
tions by nicking the DNA. But with
this finding, they could even observe
major domains of the enzyme move
during the reaction which could pave
way for the creation of advanced
gene-editing tools.

“One of the principal hurdles pre-

HEADLINES July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88

New Govt PhD Scheme –

“Videshi PhD & Desi College”
The Govt is working on a proposal to give scholarships to Indian students aspiring to pursue their PhD Degree at top 200 international universities – But with Terms
& Conditions Applied.


By Preety Suman

The new New Govt PhD scheme

has been formulated by the Ministry
of Human Resource Development to
facilitate “permanent” return/migra-
tion of young Indian academicians /
scholars under the age of 40. Under
the “Prime Minister Academician re-
turn Scheme” scholars returning back
to the country will be offered to teach
in institutions that are Indian that are

This proposed scheme is expected to

be launched by 2020 and will be avail-
able to post-doctoral scholars and
Indian/Indian-origin PhDs from the
top 200 universities of the world.

A ministry official said that the re-

turning scholars will be eligible for an
appropriate salary package upon join-
ing an Indian Institute. One-Time re-
location money & one-time research
grant will also be provided, with eligi-
bility to apply for research top-ups for
up to 5 years and apply for an expedit-
ed visa and expedited OCI card.

Furthermore, scholar’s spouses will

be provided assistance for a suitable
job search in India and will be sup-
ported for obtaining an expedited

Besides teaching, the additional re-

sponsibilities for these foreign return
academicians will be to mentor a
minimum of one Indian Ph.D. schol-
ar/post-doctoral scholar every year
and also to oversee the geographical-
ly-proximate ATAL Tinkering Lab or
ATAL Incubation Centre. More de-
tails on the scheme from the Govt are

The above news has been adapted

from original information published
at the Deccan Herald.
July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88 NEWS 5

Jeff Bezos Moon Dream – How Practical It Is?

Biological Challenges He May Face?
He was just 5 years old when Jeff Bezos first saw the Americans walked on the lunar surface in the grainy black and white television.


By Kajol Patel

In between handling the shipping,

the web servers, the newspapers and
groceries this dream of touching the
moon never went out of his mind.

Jeff Bezos is the man wearing mul-

tiple hats and playing a varied role
in his leading company Amazon
and owning The Washington Post. Visionary Bezos is of the opinion the infrastructure so they will be able collecting a bag which is present on
He also runs a spaceflight company that Earth’s resources are finite and to. We are going to build a road to the lunar surface. Mission controller
named Blue Origin which interesting- someday they will get depleted. This space,” Bezos stated to the audience. spent a huge amount of time analyz-
ly has come up with a giant spacecraft will result in human species finding “And then amazing things will hap- ing this video footage to understand
designed to touch the lunar surface or forced to seek other homes. “Space pen. Then you’ll see entrepreneurial why they lost balance and what all
having a small rover with eyes like is the only way to go,” Bezos said. So, creativity. Then you’ll see space en- techniques they can use as a backup
WALL-E. “This is an incredible vehi- the plan of Blue Origin is to land a ro- trepreneurs start companies in their in order to walk upright. Only recent-
cle,” Bezos said, grinning. “And it’s botic ship which is the size of a small dorm rooms. That can’t happen to- ly it was found that humans need at
going to the moon.” house and which can carry rovers day.” least 15 percent of the level of gravity
with the help of a rocket engine and found on earth to orient themselves,
And in case you are surprised to hear soaped up a rocket. It’s that version But how practical Jeff Bezos dream and these findings were published
this name for the first time that’s be- that could bring people to the moon in is from a biological point of view: in the journal PLOS ONE. And on
cause the work conducted by the Blue the same time frame as NASA’s pro- the moon, there is about 17 percent
Origin is secretive and they rarely posed 2024 return. While describing how Earth is by of Earth’s gravity which is enough
hold a press event. Bezos spends near- far the best planet in the solar sys- to provide cues to understand which
ly $1 billion on it each year which he He stated: “It’s time to go back to the tem to habitat life and how we should way the astronauts should go.
collects from selling off his Amazon moon. This time to stay.” all protect it, but how much is Bezos
stock. Till now Blue Origin has car- contributing to this thought really?! 3. Food
ried out many successful flights on Bezos spacefaring dreams have al-
its rocket named New Shepard rock, ways been associated with the moon. 1. Water In order to cultivate a huge amount
named after Alan Shepard who was Hence, he also was a firm believer of food, a huge amount of energy will
the first American to go into space. of the vision put forth by his former Where we are already started fac- be needed to transport it from the
The rocket goes upward until it reach- professor, the late Princeton physicist ing the water crisis, it’s quite a bigger earth itself. We haven’t really found
es the space and then lands vertically. Gerald O’Neill. O’Neill envisioned a challenge in front of Blue orbit right a reasonable and reliable source of
Bezos wants to fly space tourists as future with millions of humans living now. It has been proved that there is energy on the moon hence to run this
early as this year and with this, an- up in space in giant orbiting space water ice on the surface of the moon whole habitat consisting of trillions of
other ambitious dream of his is moon cylinders, harnessing the energy of at two lunar south and north pole. But people, it will be a big challenge to
which requires different technology. the sun, growing crops. This Physicist it’s still in the frozen form in order to understand and find the source of re-
theorized that the moon being free of make it in a useable form it needs to liable energy to produce food, to keep
The beautiful machine is designed the atmosphere and which is a repos- be melted and processed which addi- the dome working, etc. Oxygen is ab-
to make a landing on the moon which itory of raw materials with drastic tionally will require even more ener- sent in the space hence it is worth not-
is named as BlueJeff Bezos Moon gravitational forces of the earth can gy. ing down how Bezos will fulfill this
Dream - How Practical It Is? Biologi- act as a staging ground to construct huge requirement of oxygen in order
cal Challenges He May Face? Moon. and launch economically efficient 2. Gravity to sustain life on the moon.
It’s gleaming, ponderous, and in- habitats. This view of Bezos set him
sect-like, with lean legs to cushion the apart from his space-faring tech col- The myth that the moon doesn’t
landing. The plan or at least the part league Elon Musk. Elon Musk visual- have a gravitational pull is false, it’s
of it is before touching down on the ized planet Mars as humanity’s most just that the moon’s surface grav-
lunar surface, Blue Moon will release suitable Plan B. ity is weaker than that of the Earth.
some of the tiny satellites, putting In one of the famous episodes from
them into an orbit around the moon. “The kids here and their kids and NASA’s Apollo 17 mission in 1972,
Their aim is to collect scientific data. grandchildren will build these colo- it can be clearly seen how moonwalk-
nies. My generation’s job is to build er Jack Schmitt fumbles over while Next Page>>>>
NEWS July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88

4. Genetic and immune response space? bit.

In the absence of Earth’s gravity
NASA had conducted an experiment Although a human-related birth which weighs down the human body, 8. Muscle loss and bone thinning
called the ‘Twins Study’, in which hasn’t experimented so far, in 1983 anyone can get space sickness which
two astronauts, in reality, who were the Soviet Union had launched a sat- is famously called space adaptation In space lower body muscles loss
twin brothers, were kept under ob- ellite having a pregnant rat on board syndrome. Very similar to motion sometimes referred to as atrophying,
servations on how space affects the and they concluded that the trip was sickness but along with this its cou- has also been observed. One will also
health. Out of these twins, Mark Kel- harder on the mother than to the fe- pled with disorientation, headaches, experience a loss in bone density.
ly, conducted approximately 400 ex- tus. When the babies were brought vomiting and intense discomfort. Such developmental growth defects
periments and spent 340 days in space back to Earth, they were thinner and will eventually lead to stunted growth
to understand how his body reacted weaker as compared to their Earth- 7. Vision Problem and development. This is one major
when subjected to extreme conditions based counterparts. They also lagged challenge that Jeff Bezos needs to
at the International Space Station. His in their mental development which History and almost every astronaut study as well.
twin, Scott Kelly, was considered as they caught up later. Mother was very have the experience that their vision
a control and remained on Earth in much affected who eventually lost a starts becoming blur in space. The Jeff Bezos Moon Dream – More
order to understand the difference quarter of her body weight and some eyeballs are initially affected and be- then funding, a thorough analysis &
through comparison. significant changes in her endocrine come flat and the retina changes a bit. planning is required to send people
An interesting finding was Mark’s and hormonal system. There is a re- Statistics states that out of 300 astro- to Mars or the moon and to under-
gene expression and immune system. quirement to study this developmen- nauts about 43% experience long term stand their biological growth aspects
They found that Mark’s aged slow- tal aspect of human development in vision problem and 23% experienced which are most important if someone
ly as compared to his brother and he depth before starting a colony on the short-term vision problem. So be is visualizing a human habitat on any
could maintain immunity by vaccina- moon as it will surely affect the hu- ready if this blue orbit plan becomes a other planet. Along with the utiliza-
tion. Mark’s gene behaved quite dif- man endocrine system. It will be in- reality, it will affect your vision mak- tion of resources, how resources will
ferently in space but was reverted to teresting to see how this aspect will ing it blurred. This happened because be made available for sustaining the
normal level after spending 6 months be handled in accordance with Jeff when one experience weightlessness human colony is another aspect that
back on earth. Bezos Moon Dream. the fluid travels to your upper body needs to be kept in the mind.
eventually increasing pressure in your
5. Can a human baby be born in 6. Space Sickness head and crushing your optic nerve a

CSIR-IICB, Bose Institute & Jadavpur

University Scientists Decode Molecular Mechanism
Behind Latent TB
viruses, and parasites. However, the and got into the cell membrane, re- Biology and Bioinformatics Division
scenario reverses when it comes to sulting in the formation of pores and at IICB and staff leader, while talking
TB bacterium. Instead of killing it, consequently the death of the host to India Science Wire.
the macrophage makes a sac-like for- cells along with the release of these
mation known as granuloma around germs. Besides Dr. Krishnananda, the re-
By Preety Suman it. The equilibrium can last for even search team comprised of Achinta
several decades before it gets bro- “Our team would try to confirm Sannigrahi, Indrani Nandi, Sayantani
Mycobacterium tuberculosis – ken resulting in the discharge of in- these findings in field strains of TB Chall, Junaid Jibran Jawed, and Ani-
the TB-causing bacterium can stay fectious germs into the human body. bacillus and see whether they can be mesh. The analysis results will short-
dormant in the body for decades till it This can happen due to many reasons employed to create new therapeutic ly be released in journal ACS Chem-
turns infectious. In its latent form, the like lowered immunity due to bodily interventions,” said Dr. Krishnanan- ical Biology.
bacterium remains sheltered within a weakness or infections such as HIV. da Chattopadhyay, Head of Structural
form of white blood cells known as
macrophages. The group has identified a protein
molecule called MPT63 secreted by
Group of researchers from CSIR- the bacteria – may be playing a part
IICB, Bose Institute & Jadavpur Uni- in the release procedure. Synthetical-
versity have decoded the Molecular ly produced MPT63 protein molecule
Mechanism Behind Latent TB. How was subjected to various levels of
the tuberculosis bacterium is released acidity. The result – when the acidi-
from its reservoir inside the human ty value is high its structure changed
body. dramatically. It began as what’s re-
ferred to as a beta-sheet and it turned
A macrophage is an important part into a helical type in the acidic condi-
of the immune system. It is an amoe- tion, which prevails in the developed
ba-like organism and its job is to granuloma.
clean out the entire body of micro-
scopic debris and germs. It’s an innate The protein, which was found to
capability to track down and consume have no clear function from the fold-
invaders like germs, viruses, fungi, ed beta-sheet, abruptly became poi-
sonous on assuming the helical type,
July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88 NEWS 7

Human Pancreas On a Chip

To Identify CF-Related Diabetes
Scientists have created human pancreas on a chip which will enable the identification of the possible cause of a deadly and frequent complication of cystic fibrosis (CF)
called CF-Related Diabetes, or CFRD.



By Preety Suman

The study reports were published in

Nature Communications.

For now, Scientists want to see if

their device helps people with Cystic small-molecule interventions. Devices have been around since apparatus in a pilot study to examine
Fibrosis – CF a hereditary lung dis- 1979. But inventions in their layout FDA-approved drugs that modulate
ease brought on by a mutation in the Cystic Fibrosis is known to cause and performance, especially since the CFTR gene expression. The goal is to
CFTR gene. The mutation leads to a by the CFTR gene but its exact role advent of organoid engineering, now determine how well different CFTR
salt and water strain on cell surfaces in CFRD is unclear. To answer this allow researchers to bioengineer hu- drugs can reverse or slow lab-simu-
that clogs the lungs. query, the investigators began by man organ tissues and mimic the pur- lated CFRD.
isolating pancreatic ductal epithelial pose of pure organs in a laboratory
As individuals with CF get older, cells and pancreatic islets given by setting. Additionally, tinkering was co-cor-
they become more at risk for CFRD, patients. responding study author Jamie Na-
as per Anjaparavanda Naren, Ph.D., The research team, which includes than, MD, surgical director of the
the study’s principal investigator and The ductal organoids were in a study first author and research part- Pancreas Care Center at Cincinnati
Director of the Cystic Fibrosis Re- transparent dual-chamber called a ner Kyu Shik Mun, PhD, will use the Children’s.
search Center (Division of Pulmo- microfluidic device, which contained
nary Medicine). Making things worse specific biochemical solutions to cre-
is that until now there has not been an ate the pancreas-on-a-chip. Ductal
efficient means to study CFRD in the epithelial cells were cultured at the
laboratory to search for better reme- top chamber and pancreatic islet cells
dies. were at the bottom chamber, separat-
ed by a thin coating of a porous mem-
“Mouse models of CF do not faith- brane that let the different chambers
fully recreate CF-Related Diabetes to interact.
within the lab, and it wasn’t feasible
to examine the disease in the depth The cells grew and expanded into
we attained in this study,” said Naren. three-dimensional pancreatic organs
“Our technology closely resembles that mimicked cell-to-cell fluid and
the pancreas and possibly may help communications exchange, similar to
us find curative measures to control the function of a naturally designed
glucose imbalance in people with CF, human embryo.
which is linked to increased illness
and death.” When the researchers tested pan-
creas-on-a-chip by disrupting CFTR
The in-vitro chip technologies may gene expression, it impaired cell-to-
be employed to study CFRD and cell communication, fluid exchange,
sugar imbalance in specific individ- and adversely affected endocrine
uals with the condition, producing function. This caused an insulin de-
the potential for diagnosing different ficiency and recreated the CFRD
disease manifestations on a highly disease procedure similar to that ob-
personalized basis. The chip will help served in the pancreas of a person.
assay variability in the glucose meas- Researchers reported this confirmed
ures of different folks, determine the the CFTR gene has a direct role in
correlation of glucose levels with regulating insulin secretion and in-
the CFTR mutation type, and test ducing diabetes in people with CF.
NEWS July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88

Smooth Your Wrinkles With Loose RNA –

A Johns Hopkins Research
Intend to ravel your wrinkles, remove scars and sunspots, and also look years more youthful?


By Preety Suman

Humankind’s mission for the eternal

youth has often come at a terrific cost
both financially and also ethically.

Currently, Johns Hopkins research-

ers have discovered that laser thera-
pies and also the drug retinoic acid
share a usual molecular pathway.
Furthermore, that path– which allows
skin cells to pick up loosened RNA 55, and therapies were executed on noic acid, they reclaimed the capaci- novel approaches to minimize wrin-
molecules– is additionally turned up their faces and also arms. Skin biop- ty to regenerate the roots. The results kles and sunspots by incorporating
in mice when they regenerate hair sies were collected prior to the laser point towards a path entailing TLR3 retinoic acid and laser treatments in
roots. Results can be read in Nature treatment and also one week after the that detects double-stranded RNA new means, Garza says. They could
Communications journal. treatment. and shows up the synthesis of retinoic additionally cause methods to restore
acid. hair follicles, as mice do when there’s
“Comprehending the biology behind Garza, as well as his coworkers, eval- an increase in dsRNA after an injury.
exactly how damage at a cellular lev- uated the expression levels of genes ” In retrospect, it makes a great
el can cause this kind of regeneration in each sample as well as discovered deal of feeling since retinoic acid is ” After a shed, human beings do not
can harness a brand-new generation that genes associated with sensing already a pillar of wrinkle reduction regrow structures like hair roots and
of therapeutics,” says Luis Garza, dsRNA along with genes involved in as well as nobody recognized what gland that made use of to be there,”
M.D., Ph.D., Associate professor of creating the skin’s all-natural retinoic turned it on,” says Garza. “Currently, claims Garza. “It’s feasible because of
dermatology at the Johns Hopkins acid were all revealed at greater de- we understand that damages result in these new findings that double-strand-
College of Medicine. grees after the laser treatment. Next dsRNA, which leads to TLR3 activa- ed RNA may have the ability to en-
off, the researchers treated separated tion and retinoic acid synthesis.” hance the look of burn marks.”
Scientists have known for years human skin cells with loose dsRNA–
that mice, unlike human beings, can simulating the effect of the laser treat- The searchings for could result in
regrow hair follicles after a deep ment — the amount of retinoic acid
wound. Recent studies by Garza as inside the cells raised by more than
well as others discovered that loose significantly. Readily created retinoic
pieces of RNA, called self-noncoding acid is currently utilized to treat acne,
double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) could wrinkles, as well as sunspots.
spur this regrowth. They assume that
this might be since dsRNA is released ” It’s not a mishap that laser restora-
by harmed cells at the website of a tion, as well as retinoic acid, have ac-
wound. Garza, as well as his col- tually both succeeded treatments for
leagues, wondered whether dsRNA early aging of the skin from sunlight
additionally contributed to skin reju- damages and also various other kinds
venation therapies such as laser treat- of direct exposure,” states Garza.
ment, micro-needling as well as facial “They’re really working in the exact
abrasion, which all include temporary same molecular pathways, and also
damages to skin cells. Although these no one knew that until now.”
treatments are reputable among skin
specialists, scientists have not been To further strengthen and also com-
clear why they function. prehend the link, the researchers
turned to mice. They knew that in
The group gathered biopsies from both mice as well as human beings, a
17 individuals being diagnosed with healthy protein called toll-like recep-
at The Johns Hopkins Health center tor 3 (TLR3) detects dsRNA. When
with conventional laser skin restora- Garza’s team crafted mice to do not
tion to get rid of sunspots as well as have TLR3, the pets can no longer re-
wrinkles electively. All people were grow hair roots after a wound. When
White women with an average age of the researchers gave these mice reti-
July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88 NEWS 9

UC San Diego Cancer Researchers Identify

Novel Drug Target For Multiple Tumor Types
A group of Scientists has identified an enzyme which plays a key role in remodeling the plasma membrane of multiple cancer cell types that are required for both
survivals of tumors and also their uncontrolled enlargement.



By Preety Suman

The study was published in Cell Me-

tabolism and suggests a possible tar-
get for new drugs.

“Cancers are distinguished not only

by significant changes in their ge-
nomes but also by profound shifts in
how they consume and use nutrition benefit many patients, motivating a unlocking new techniques to more ef- CAT1 might be a really persuasive
to propel rapid tumor development,” deeper search into knowing how ge- fectively treat patients. new drug target in a wide array of
said senior author Paul S. Mischel. netic alterations in tumors alter the cancer types.”
How can these varied aspects fit to- way cancer cells act, and potentially “These results also imply that LP-
gether and will they be cared for, for
the benefit of patients”

In the new study, conducted in col-

laboration with Benjamin Cravatt,
PhD, professor at Scripps Research,
and led by original author Junfeng
Bi, PhD, in Mischel’s lab, researchers
identified a molecule called LPCAT1,
whose degrees increase in cancer
and which plays a key role in tumor
growth by altering the phospholip-
id composition of the cancer cells’
plasma cells, allowing amplified and
mutated growth factor signs to spur
tumor growth.

With no LPCAT1, tumors can’t

survive. When researchers geneti-
cally depleted LPCAT1 in a number
of kinds of cancer in mice, such as
exceptionally lethal glioblastomas
(mind ) and aggressive lung cancer,
malignancies shrank dramatically and
survival times improved.

The findings demonstrate that LP-

CAT1 enzyme is a key enzyme that
gets dysregulated in cancer, linking
common genetic alterations in tumors
with changes in their metabolism to
drive aggressive tumor growth.

“Advances in DNA sequencing

technology have reshaped our com-
prehension of the molecular basis
of cancer, implying a new and more
effective method of treating cancer
patients,” stated Mischel. “Howev-
er, to date, precision oncology has to
CAREER ADVICE July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88

Which Fellowship Is Better For You?

Just finished with your Masters? Or maybe you are in your final year, and hell scared about your career ahead? Then go on reading further, this article might be of great
help to you.



By Urmimala Ray

Being life science students, you

must already be aware of the need
and importance to be associated
with the research domain. Be it aca-
demics or even some industry where
you are expected to be exposed to
research-based activities. Hence a
Ph.D. is going to become a mandate in
the near future. But getting into such al contingency grant of Rs. 20000 per –> CSIR qualifying candidates can BE/ BTech/ BArch/ BPharm degree
programs is again another challenge. fellow in addition to this. take advantage of other benefits too to pursue research leading to Ph.D.
One is required to clear entrance ex- apart from earning the scholarship CSIR has also introduced a new re-
ams to be eligible for application at Most Renowned Fellowship In India amount, such as they need not pay search fellowship in 2002 known as
renowned institutions/universities, any income tax during their fellow- the GATE qualified Junior Research
and also to be entitled to fellowships/ The best part of CSIR fellowship is ship tenure and that they can use the Fellowship (JRF-GATE). Such fel-
scholarships to be able to self-fund that it is one of the most recognized prize money to advance their research lowships are tenable only at CSIR lab-
their further studies. fellowships for PhD in India and defi- activities. CSIR also provides travel oratories. This scheme is an excellent
nitely adds a heavy weightage to the assistance to some deserving research opportunity for JRFs to work with the
But then again, there are quite such CV of the qualifying students. Also scholars working in an academic or CSIR scientists with state-of-art R&D
fellowships available like CSIR, since it is a nationwide accepted fel- research institution in India to partic- facilities. The aim of JRF-GATE is to
ICMR, GATE, DBT, etc, and can lowship, students get to choose their ipate in conferences, symposia, etc. generate high-level science and to at-
be intimidating to choose one from institutions where they want to pursue held abroad. tain academic excellence; hence such
these, to ensure you get your monthly research, based on their skills and in- scholars are expected to contribute to
stipends on time and complete your terests. However, they can do so only –> There are other 2 very important lab research through a suitable Ph.D.
Ph.D. successfully. Worry not, this ar- after qualifying rounds of interviews added advantages, which exclusively program.
ticle will help you to understand your and maybe even an additional institu- comes with CSIR NET exam qualifi- Fresh BE/ B Tech degree holders
requirements and opt for your most tional entrance exam to get into their cation. One is that the JRFs are au- with valid GATE score are eligible
suitable fellowship. dream institute, but yes, CSIR doesn’t tomatically entitled to Lectureship in candidates to apply for the same.
put any restrictions on the institute of any institute across the country. No
Below we have discussed on Which choice. other Ph.D. entrance exams have any The selected candidates will get to
fellowship is better for you – CSIR such possibility. pursue Ph.D. either by getting direct
/ GATE / ICMR or DBT? Let’s start The CSIR fellowships are tenable in admission to a Ph.D. program of Uni-
analyzing: any of the government research insti- –> Another one is the top students versity/ IIT/ NIT/REC etc, or the can-
tutions, universities, IITs, government clearing JRF are awarded a special didate may pursue MTech as a part of
CSIR establishments, CSIR research labo- fellowship called the Shyama Pras- the Ph.D. program, after joining as
ratories or any R&D establishments ad Mukherjee Grant. This fellow- JRF-GATE. In order to keep the con-
CSIR Fellowship Details of recognized public or Private Sec- ship stipend amount is Rs.36000/- + tinuity for the Ph.D. program, their
tor. However, CSIR also reserves the HRA per month during the first two thesis semester (last semester) should
CSIR UGC NET exam, via which right to determine the place best suit- years of the fellowship and a Con- be spent at the CSIR laboratory relat-
you can either get Junior Research ed to provide the necessary facilities tingency grant of Rs.70000/- per an- ing to lab specialization. However, it
Fellow or Lecturership if you qualify in the science and technology field in num. It may be raised to a whopping should be noted that MTech candi-
the exam. If you clear this exam, you which the awardees are to specialize. Rs.42000/- + HRA per month from dates (either with BTech/ MTech or
not only get to work as a researcher third year onwards on the basis of as- with MSc/ MTech) are not eligible for
in a prestigious laboratory/ institute Added Advantages sessment through interview. This also this fellowship. Instead, they have a
but also get an opportunity to bag has a condition, that if performance is separate opportunity for direct SRF-
Rs. 31000 as a monthly stipend for –> Appearing for the CSIR exam has not found satisfactory, it may be re- ship through interview. Hence, all
the 1st 2 years and then Rs. 35000 an advantage that fellowships are of- verted to JRF (NET)
for the next 3 years. This is as per fered from both CSIR and UGC, both
the latest updates, where the Central having separate merit lists. Needless JRF-GATE Scheme
Government has enhanced the month- to say, the number of fellowships of-
ly stipend allocated to JRF, SRF and fered by CSIR is much more. The seat There is yet another opportunity
Ph.D. scholars in the field of Science limit can be as high as 1500 students/ for GATE qualified candidates with
& Technology. There is also an annu- exam conducted every 6 months. Next Page>>>>
July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88 CAREER ADVICE 11

those who are eligible for direct CSIR many options to choose from. + HRA and for SRF it is Rs. 28000/ Fellowship, which is only granted to
SRF cannot apply for this fellowship. month + HRA. DBT is under the few exceptionally meritorious GATE
On the other hand, ICMR exam same ministry as the Department of qualified students, where candidates
The selected candidates receive fel- qualification opens up the opportuni- Science and Technology. Hence, the may be entitled to a Rs 70000-80000
lowships as per the CSIR guidelines ty for students who specifically wish amounts get revised once in every 5 fellowship in the duration of 5 years.
for a total duration of five years with- to work in the medical research field, years, depending on the inflation and This may be an added advantage for
in which the candidate is required to such as the study of diseases, causa- the corresponding increase and pre- GATE, but no doubt, it will be very
complete the Ph.D. degree. On com- tive agents, their spread or epidemi- vailing fellowships provided by the difficult to bag, as there are other eli-
pletion of 2 years as JRF-GATE, the ology. other agencies. So this may also get gibility criteria as well.
fellowship may be upgraded to SRF- be hiked very soon.
GATE. The Director may recommend DBT GATE Exam Preparation Kit
up-gradation of the fellowship to The contingency grant is slightly
SRF-GATE, in case any exceptional DBT-BET Junior Research Fellow- higher in DBT fellowships, where Rs. So to sum up, while all the Biotech
candidate completes MTech within ship (JRF) program is the flagship 30,000 is provided per year. entrance exams listed above are of
one year of joining JRF-GATE. All and the most prestigious program of importance and has its own aim. They
other conditions of JRF-NET are ap- the Department of Biotechnology –> One advantage of the DBT-JRF all will help you build & propel your
plicable. However, JRF-GATE fel- (DBT), Government of India. JRF fellowship is that it is directly dis- career in research. So you have a few
lows cannot be deployed in any spon- program was initiated by the depart- bursed to the students, whereas nor- options here from which you can
sored project. ment way back in 1985 to enhance mally other fellowships are disbursed choose:
the students to pursue research in the to the institutes, where the students
Important: Qualifying candidates field of biotechnology in the country. are pursuing their Ph.D. Very recent- • You can attempt all the Exams –
should register for Ph.D. within two This program was initially imple- ly, DBT had implemented direct ben- But select at least 2 which you
years of joining, otherwise the fel- mented by the University of Pune, efit transfer scheme of Government want to clear sureshot.
lowship is deemed to be canceled then it was shifted to National Cell of India with effect from 1st April • Preparing for CSIR NET Exam
and withdrawn. Also, the intimation culture Science, Pune, and off-late, 2018. Under this scheme, around alone helps you prepare for other
about Ph.D. registration is to be sent Biotech Consortium India Limited is 629 fellowships were transferred to exams as well.
to HRDG. helping DBT with the implementa- the Junior Research Fellows / Senior • Majority of Biotech Candidates
tion of DBT-JRF. Research fellows’ respective bank ac- Prepare simultaneously for
ICMR counts. CSIR NET, DBT & GATE Exam
The main key objective of the DBT- together.
Next coming to ICMR NET exam, JRF program is to provide fellowship GATE • Of course, qualifying all the
this is conducted by the Indian Coun- to enough researchers in Biotechnol- above Exams gives you “The
cil of Medical Research (ICMR), an ogy field in the country. Therefore, One thing about GATE is that it is Added Advantage” over all other
organization offering the awards to DBT-JRF entrance exam will have not an exam for pursuing a Ph.D. de- candidates in the queue.
young scientists with the Junior Re- more questions from Biotechnolo- gree as such. GATE Biotechnology
search Fellowships (JRFs) to help gy oriented topics like Recombinant or GATE Life Science Exam qualifi- As per the in-depth analysis of all
them to carry out a successful research DNA Technology, Immunology, Bio- cation entitles one to pursue M.Tech, the above exams and the fellowship
in the field of Biomedical Sciences chemical Engineering, etc. The DBT- but apart from that GATE score is provided – It is always best to aim
and Social Sciences at Medical Col- JRF entrance exam is exclusively also considered by the IITs/universi- for the CSIR NET Fellowship if you
leges, Biomedical Research Institutes framed for the Biotechnology quali- ties/institutions to enroll for a Ph.D. are not having any specific require-
and Universities in India. fications. degree. ments in the research field, as ICMR
and DBT may be a little restrictive in
–> A major disadvantage for this fel- –> JRF has a provision for 250-270 The procedure for getting admission these areas. But in the end, the choice
lowship is that only a total of 150 Fel- fellowships per year, but in the past for Ph.D. depends on the respective is yours. Analyze what your goals are,
lowships are awarded per year. Need- years, although not more than 150- institute. While some institutes may what you are good at and then tread
less to say, there is a huge competition 175 students have actually activated require GATE as mandatory for get- accordingly.
for these fellowship120 candidates the fellowship. ting admission, while some others
are selected for work in the field of may require CSIR NET as mandato- “There are no secrets to success.
biomedical sciences (emphasis on life –> DBT JRF has are 2 categories of ry. Some IIITs and other NITs may It is the result of preparation, hard
sciences) and 30 for social sciences. fellowships. The 1st category offers require neither GATE nor CSIR NET work, and learning from failure.” –
275 fellowships which are tenable in as mandatory. Such institutes conduct Colin Powell
–> Another 100 candidates are se- any research institutions or universi- their own exams and yet provide a “It takes determination to see a
lected for consideration for positions ties. Under the 2nd category, a merit stipend. All in all, it depends on the dream come to pass. The question is
of JRF under various ICMR research list of 100 students is published; who institute in which candidates want to not will you start, but will you fin-
projects only for the duration of that is eligible to join any of the DBT apply for. ish.” – Joel Osteen
project. The fellowship amount is the funded external projects in the coun-
same as that of CSIR. try. However, DBT does not provide GATE Fellowship Details
fellowship to these candidates. They
–> These JRFs are permitted to com- have to avail the fellowship from the A stipend of ₹28,000 per month
plete a Ph.D. while working in the project that they are working in. Some is given for the 1st year and for the
project if enrolled. The validity of the institutions projects may not even al- next 4 years, ₹30,000 per month for
result is two years for placement in low the student to register for Ph.D. regular Ph.D. programs. The stipends
ICMR funded projects for this cate- This is distinct from the 1st category, generally depend on the type of Ph.D.
gory. The validity is only for a year where the student has to mandatorily program you are in i.e., regular/part-
and the tenure is only for 2 years. register for Ph.D. in order to avail the time/sponsored/Research Interns, etc.
–> Another disadvantage of ICMR Prime Minister Research Fellow-
fellowship is that the selection of DBT Fellowship Details ship
institutes is very restricted, as is the
field of research. Hence qualifying The fellowship amount for DBT JRF Apart from this, there is new scheme
and selected candidates don’t have as of now is lesser: Rs. 25000/month called as the Prime Minister Research
CAREER ADVICE July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88

Top 10 Biotech Govt Colleges /

Institutes List
BIOTECHNOLOGY is an extensive discipline which includes the utilization of various biological processes, cells or cellular components, organisms to develop ad-
vanced technologies.



By Ankita Trivedi

Biotechnology is one of the most

emerging fields of technological
development. Its omnipresent utili-
zation across vivid industries such
as chemicals, textiles, pharmaceuti-
cal, bio-products, nutrition, animal
sciences, and environmental conser-
vation constructs a career in Biotech- come true. tional Capital Territory of Delhi since entire spectrum of Biotechnology re-
nology as one of the rapidly growing 1963. Later in 2009, it was given the search, education, and consultancy.
fields with abundant opportunities for TOP 10 BIOTECH GOVT COL- status of the STATE UNIVERSITY
highly qualified individuals or pro- LEGES / INSTITUTES : and was popularized as Delhi Tech- Course Structure
fessionals. One who wants to have a nical University. Students in B.Tech
bright career in this field should have 1.Indian Institute of Technology courses are enrolled through the • B.Tech in Biotechnology
certain qualities such as patience, co- (IITs) Joint Admission Counselling Delhi • M.Tech in Biotechnology
herent, accuracy and aptitude for lab- (JAC-Delhi). Biotechnology depart- • Ph.D. Program
oratory work. IIT is the loftiest institute of technol- ment was founded in 2004 focusing
ogy in India. It is admired all around on the top class training as well as For further details, visit the link
It is the desire of every individual to the globe and isTop Biotech Govt research in various interdisciplinary
get a degree from topmost and highly College considered as THE BEST areas of biotechnology toward the
reputed colleges & Institutes so that locale to study BIOTECHNOLOGY. blossoming of advanced technologies 4. Anna University, Chennai, Ta-
they can fly high with their deter- Numerous branches of IIT are there of materialistic significance. mil Nadu
mined aim. There are numerous ac- in different regions of India, naming
claimed Top Biotech Govt colleges/ few of them – IIT Delhi, IIT Roorkee, Course Structure A public state university located in
institutes in India that offer compre- IIT Mumbai, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Kan- Chennai, Anna University is quite
hensive Biotech degree courses. pur and many more. One can study • B.Tech Biotechnology distinguished for its department of
B.Tech and M.Tech courses related to • M.Tech Biotech / Bioinformatics Biotechnology. It encompasses six
Do you know what is the most im- Biotechnology from this institute. IIT • Ph.D. Program government colleges, three govern-
portant and toughest decision nowa- holds an entrance test for grabbing a ment-assisted private institutes and
days regarding higher studies ?? It is seat in this reputable organization of For further details, visit the link 426 self-financed colleges in total.
to choose the best and right college/ India. Advanced, applied as well as Anna University is one of the pres-
institute after completing the 10+2 concerted courses offered here help tigious universities housing some re-
curriculum or Bachelor’s degree. the students to get a fringe over var- 3. National Institute of Technology nowned institutes like Madras Insti-
Trust me it is !! ious other biotechnologists in the (NITs) tute of Technology (MIT), Alagappa
world. College of Technology. School of Ar-
Apart from the scored marks, the In total 31 NIT’s are there in India chitecture & Planning (SAP) and Col-
first and foremost thing which comes Course Structure that bestows technical courses to the lege of Engineering, Guindy. Univer-
to your mind is whether to study in aspirants who Top 10 Biotech Govt sity renders several undergraduate,
a GOVERNMENT COLLEGE or • B.Tech & M.Tech Biotechnolo- Collegeswant a career in Biotech- postgraduate and research programs
a private college. Highly qualified gy nology. It is one of the spearheading which mainly focuses on the fields of
and trained faculty are available in • M.Tech Bioprocess Engineering institutes that offer biotechnological Biotechnology and Food Technology.
government colleges which helps the • Ph.D. Program courses. Gaining a seat here in NIT You can get admitted to any of the
students to score much better in any is not at all easy, candidate needs to courses by qualifying an entrance test
competitive examinations. It is a par- 2. Delhi Technical University qualify the Joint Entrance Exam with which is conducted by the university
amount facet being the popularity of (DTU) an overwhelming victory. You can ex- itself. Two state-level exams are also
the government colleges. pect various degrees from this insti- conducted by the Anna University
DTU is another topmost universities tute like B.Tech, M.Tech, as well as TNEA and TANCET. GATE quali-
Let us have a look at the Top 10 in India that offer brilliant course cur- the Ph.D. scholarship, is also offered
most reputed Biotech govt colleges or riculum in Top Biotech Govt College for meritorious candidates. Each NIT
institutes that can make your dream DTUBiotechnology. The institute was desires to attain excellence by impart-
of becoming BIOTECHNOLOGIST being run by the Government of Na- ing best training to the students in the
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July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88 CAREER ADVICE 13

fied candidates are exempted from • M.Tech. Bioprocess Technology Indore is one of the most acknowl- desired Study in India Programme.
this TANCET exam who are willing • M.Tech. Food Biotechnology edged universities at National as well It has also been conceded through a
to get admission in M.Tech courses. • Ph.D. Biochemistry/Biotechnol- as International level, as it is appar- number of awards: a grading of ‘A
ogy (the Ph.D. program is unar- ent from the placement records of ’ (which is the highest ), by the Na-
Course Structure guably among the best ones in their alumni. It is one of the Top Govt tional Assessment and Accreditation
India) Biotech Colleges where students are Council (NAAC) and PURSE, given
• B.Tech. Industrial Biotechnolo- admitted to Biotechnology course in by Prime Minister of India.
gy For further details, visit the link this University through a Combined
• Biotechnology Entrance Examination in Biotechnol- The University has grabbed its po-
• B.Tech and M.Tech Food Tech- ogy (CEEB) at all India level, which sition among the top 100 in Asia in
nology 6. Madurai Kamaraj University is conducted by JNU, New Delhi. The its various academic fields of study,
• B.Tech. Biopharmaceutical main strength of this university is a which includes Applied Sciences, Ba-
Technology MKU in Tamil Nadu is on its una- strong research profile of their teach- sic Sciences, Medical Science, Engi-
• M.Tech. Pharmaceutical Tech- bated journey for the past 51 years ing staff and their avidity to do even neering Science, Neural & Cognitive
nology conquering all the aboriginal and better always. University provides a Sciences and many more. School of
• M.Tech. Nanoscience and Tech- tropical nature on its way and through highly active and positive research Life Sciences encompasses several
nology passing entrustment, it has reached environment that nurture students sci- departments like-Department of Plant
• M.Sc. Computational Biology the status of supremacy. Its aim is entific adroitness and abilities. Sciences, Department of Animal Bi-
• Ph.D. Program head high with all its efforts in pro- ology, Department of Biochemistry,
gress to keep the momentum of excel- The Department of Biotechnology Department of Systems and Compu-
5. Institute of Chemical Technolo- lence in the process. MKU includes has the absolute potential for Plant tational Biology and Department of
gy, Mumbai several centers mainly focussing on Tissue Culture, Microbiology, En- Biotechnology & Bioinformatics.
the research and development of man- zyme Technology, Genetic Engineer-
ICT was established as the De- power, producing different services ing, and Environmental Biotechnolo- Course Structure
partment of Chemical Technology in the fields of proteomics, database gy. Enriched with high-level research
through dynamic support of indus- development, molecular modeling, database and software tools, Devi • M.Sc. Programs
tries and benefactors in 1933 by the structural bioinformatics, and drug Ahilya University has one sub-center • M.Tech Bioinformatics
University of Mumbai. Earlier it was designing. Chief Centers embraces of Bioinformatics. Apart from CEEB, • Integrated M.Sc + Ph.D. Pro-
known as UDCT, Mumbai. Research Center of Excellence in Bioinformat- conducted by JNU, New Delhi; Uni- gramme in Biotechnology & Bi-
has been an inherent part of the Insti- ics, Center for Genetic Engineering versity itself also conducts exam CET oinformatics
tute of Chemical Technology since & Strain manipulation and Center for & DET for M.Sc. genetic Engineer- • 5-Year Integrated M.Sc Pro-
its origination and has created 500 or plant molecular biology. ing, M.Sc. Bioinformatics and other gramme in Systems Biology
even more first-generation tycoons. courses. Scholarships are also offered • Integrated M.Sc + Ph.D. Pro-
Since then, it has been continuous- Renowned government organiza- for the meritorious students. The im- gramme in Biochemistry and
ly receiving funds and grants from tions like DBT, DST, UGC, CSIR, plausible placement cell of the Uni- Molecular Biology
DAE, DST, DBT, UGC and other DRDO and many more provide funds versity helps to escort and serve stu-
foreign agencies. ICT is regarded as and grants to this University. Predom- dents for higher studies in India and For further details, the School Web-
the best Post Graduate center in India inantly the major research is carried Abroad. site can be reached at https://www.
having a strong and dedicated incli- out in R-Technology for plants and
nation towards research culture. ICT microbes, Immunology, Immuno- Course Structure ics/2011-10-27-18-38-04/school-of-
has innumerable research centers technology, and Biophysics. Univer- life-sciences
in the campus only like DBT-ICT, sity is engrossed with well-furnished • M.Sc. Biotechnology
Center for Green Technology and labs and outstanding infrastructure • M.Sc. Genetic Engineering 9.National Institute of Pharma-
Center for Energy Bioscience. They which motivates the students to car- • M.Sc. Bioinformatics ceutical Education &Research
have certain academic collaborations ry out the exigent testing in the fields • Ph.D. Program
with Foreign universities and India. of Structural Genomics, Proteomics, NIPER, the paramount national lev-
This particular institute has a mag- Genetic engineering, and Genom- For further details, visit the link: el institute in Pharmaceutical Scienc-
nificent history of 78 years sharing ics. Madurai Kamaraj University has es with a manifested objective of
the shaping and packaging process also been granted with the position of becoming center of supremacy for
of many Academics, Industrialists, UNIVERSITY WITH POTENTIAL 8. University of Hyderabad advanced research and studies in
Bureaucrats, Padma awardees, Di- FOR EXCELLENCE by UGC. pharmaceutical sciences is located in
rectors of CSIR labs, Secretaries to UoH- The University of Hydera- Mohali, Punjab. NIPER is declared as
Government Departments. To name Course Structure bad is one of the prime institutions of an ‘Institute of National Importance’
a few, Mukesh Ambani (Chairman of higher studies in India and is primar- by the Government of India and is
the Reliance Industries), Kallam Anji • M.Sc. Biotechnology ily devout to Postgraduate education. one of the Top 10 Biotech Govt Col-
Reddy (Founder of DR. Reddy’s Lab- • M.Sc. Computational Biology Since 1974, it has been widely known leges / Institutes from where you can
oratories), Ashwin Dani (Founder of • Advance Diploma in Plant for its eminence in research & prom- pursue your higher degree. It believes
Asian Paints) and the list is endless. Genomics inent faculty and has come out as a in the promotion of novel and trans-
• Advance Diploma in Bioinfor- leading teaching and research center. lational research. It offers various de-
You can also be a part of this insti- matics Almost 150 programs of study rang- gree programs supported by different
tute and shape your career as well as ing from research studies to Masters academic departments such as- De-
the future. To facilitate admission to For further details about the Univer- level degree, as well as short-term partment of Biotechnology, Depart-
various courses offered by ICT, two sity, courses offered & Fee structure, courses by Distance mode and a wide ment of Pharmacology and Toxicol-
separate exams are conducted- MHT visit the link Madurai Kamaraj Uni- range of post-graduate diplomas, are ogy, Department of Pharmaceutical
CET and JEE Main Everyone wants versity Courses. offered by the University of Hydera- Technology. One can get admitted to
to have that ‘TAG’ of some prestig- bad. In addition to all these amenities, this reputed institute on the basis of
ious institutes, ICT is one of them. 7. Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, it also thrives a 5-year Integrated Mas-
Believe in your Dreams and keep Indore ters Programme. UoH has built up a
your dreams Alive! totally different status in an academic
Devi Ahilya University, Indore is field, it hosts an expanding number of
Course Structure formerly known as the University of foreign scholars in the tremendously
Next Page>>>>
CAREER ADVICE July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88

GPAT/NIPER JEE/GATE/NET en- BHU, situated in the religious city of the university itself to get admission but there are also plenty of organi-
trance examination. Varanasi is an internationally respect- in the various courses offered by the zations that offer Diverse courses in
ed house of learning and experience. BHU, apart from that Combined En- Biotechnology & its allied fields. But
Course Structure The university consists of over 15000 trance Test at the national level is alsogetting admissions to the above-listed
students associated with different conducted by JNU, New Delhi. They colleges is an achievement in itself.
• M.Sc. in Biotechnology streams of life, castes, races & reli- also demand CSIR, UGC, GATE fel- Therefore, if Biotechnology field en-
• M.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Analy- gions emphasizing the immigration lowships for certain degree programs. chanted you in school days and have,
sis of a large number of foreign students at some end, contemplated to take
• M.Sc. in Pharmacology & Tox- from the U.S.A., Europe countries, Course Structure your interest further, rest secured of
icology etc. Its main aim is to promote new the colossal potential and value that
• M.Sc. in Pharmacoinformatics emerging ideas related to science and • M.Sc. Biotechnology this field possesses and Set your
• M.Tech. in Pharmacy Technolo- technology in addition to the cultiva- • Ph.D. Programme BEST foot forward to ACQUIRE the
gy tion of intellectual and cultural activ- SCHOLASTIC INSTITUTE of your
• Ph.D. Programme ities. BHU is small Virtually the uni- For further details, visit the link dreams.
verse in miniature. It offers plenty of
For further details, visit the link courses for undergraduate, post-grad- “Work Hard And Never Give Up uate, diplomas as well as for Ph.D. So here we are with the Top 10 Bi- On Your Dreams, Even When No-
program. Most of the students dream otech Govt Colleges / Institutes List. body Else Believes They Can Come
10. Banaras Hindu University to be a part of this organization. The Biotechnology is not only confined to True But You.”
entrance examination is conducted by the colleges or institutes listed above,

Genetic Engineering Career, Job Scope, Salary,

Companies Hiring
In our day to day lives, we hear about new inventions in life sciences for the benefit of mankind. It might be related to the insecticide or herbicide resistant plant vari-
eties development, induced increase nutrient content in vegetables or fruit and diagnosis of birth defects or diseases.



By Dr.Tanushree

It is now possible to sequence and

edit the genome. The new CRISPR
technology which is the most pow-
erful gene editing tool is a result of
genetic engineering. These new in-
field. It has a wide scope in agricul- bachelor, masters as well as a doctor- (Hons.) Genetics)
ventions have attracted and encour-
ture, medicine, and industries. To be a al degree in this field. In order to get • Applied Genetics
aged students to pursue their career in
genetic engineer a strong understand- admission for Bachelor courses, the • Human Genetics
genetic engineering but still, a huge
ing of scientific methods, critical student should have Physics, Biology, • Biomedical Genetics
mass of the biotech graduate & post-
thinking, analytical, mathematical, and Chemistry at the senior second- • Molecular Biology and Human
graduate crowd are unaware of this
problem-solving skills and the ability ary level. Genetics
field due to lack of information or
to use graphics, photoimaging, com- • Master of Philosophy (M. Phill
proper guidance students have to look
puter-aided design (CAD), laboratory Some of the courses in this field Genetics)
for some other option to choose it as
equipment, software such as PERL, are: • Microbial Genetics and Bioin-
their career path. This article provides
Python are required. formatics
an insight on Genetic engineering ca-
Bachelor of Science • Stem cell and Tissue Engineer-
reer scope, Job prospects, salary, and
Courses in Genetic Engineering ing
• Genetics (B.Sc Genetics),
Genetics field is very vast – it com- • Honors in Genetics (B.Sc Doctoral of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Genetic engineering involves organ-
prises of population, ecological, hu- (Hons.) Genetics)
isms manipulation of genes using bi-
man, conservation, medical, clas- • Genetics
otechnology. In recent years there is
sical, quantitative, molecular and Master of Science • Human genetics
a demand in genetics as a career due
immunogenetics. There are sever- • Molecular and Human Genetics
to the development of improved med-
al undergraduate and postgraduate • Genetics (M.Sc Genetics),
icine and wellness therapies. Genet-
courses available for students such as • Honors in Genetics (M.Sc
ic engineering is a research-oriented Next Page>>>>
July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88 CAREER ADVICE 15

• Genetic engineering in India, but much more scope is also and M.Sc. If you qualify these exams, to cancer, DNA samples, unborn de-
• Molecular Biology and Genetic there in countries like Europe, Cana- you will be eligible for lectureship. fects, reproduction, and cell growth.
Engineering da, especially the USA, and the UK. You can pursue a Ph.D. or join edu- Genetic profiling is also very popu-
cational institutes or universities as lar nowadays, as people want to get
Some colleges /universities conduct The employment areas where you assistant professor or lecturer. access to any future diseases such as
an aptitude test for admission in bach- can work after studying genetic diabetes, cancer, etc. or complications
elors or master degree course and course are: Agriculture & Food Industry so that they can change their lifestyle
give admission in genetic courses on to prevent such condition. Patience,
the basis of merit list of the qualifying Research The geneticist has a major role to perseverance and good communica-
examination. For example, AIEEE, play in agriculture and food industry. tion skills are required in order to be
JEE-IIT GATE/JAM are the exams Undergraduate or postgraduate (M. The scientists work by manipulat- successful in the job. All India Insti-
for admission in these courses. tech /M.Sc) degree or specialization ing plants genes, forming new vari- tutes of Medical Sciences (AIIMS),
in genetic engineering can work as a eties with improved quality as well Tata Memorial Centre, Apollo hospi-
Some of the colleges that offer research assistant in government or as quantity, biopesticide production, tals, DNA Labs India are the places
above-mentioned courses are: private labs or can work in biotech and nutraceutical development. The where you can find the opportunity to
and pharmaceutical companies. The scientists also work on animal breed- work.
• University of Delhi work of a genetic engineer is to iso- ing to get a better variety for meat and
• Maharshi Dayanand University late and alter the genetic material of milk production. Scientist in Forensic Lab
– MDU an organism and transplant or splice it
• Bharathiar University, Coim- to another. The research assistant has Indian Agricultural Research In- There is a rapid increase in crime
batore to assist the scientists in the lab and stitute is a national institute for ag- and parental issues within the past
• Jawaharlal Nehru University perform duties such as preparation ricultural research and education, few years. There is a lot of demand
(JNU) of cultures of microorganisms, oper- ICAR-National Institute of High-Se- for genetic engineers in the forensic
• SRM University ate laboratory equipment, preparing curity Animal Diseases, National In- department. You have to work with
• Banaras Hindu University samples for testing, maintain labora- stitute of Animal Biotechnology, etc. the law enforcement firms where you
• Ch. Charan Singh Haryana Agri- tory standards, process development, where you can perform research. need to identify and analyze evidence
cultural University analyses and reporting data. from crime scenes. The nature of work
• Acharya Nagarjuna University Genetic Counsellors involves analyses of samples such as
• Punjab Agricultural University You can qualify CSIR/UGC NET or DNA, skin, blood, etc. and generating
• Guru Nanak Dev University Indian Council of Medical Research Improvements in healthcare, clini- data which will help in the identifica-
• Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Ag- (ICMR) exam and work as a Junior cal diagnostics, medicine, gene-based tion of the culprit of the crime.
ricultural University Research Fellow (JRF) in research therapies, wellness treatment have
• Osmania University labs as well. increased demand for genetic coun- Salary
• Manipal University selors. It is estimated to be raised in
• University of Kolkata Ph.D. candidates can work as join the coming years as well. The role It is quite obvious that when you are
R&D section in biotech companies. of a genetic counselor is to advise or fresher you are not being paid much as
You can also do your graduation in They can work as a research scientist, counsel patients, new parents on ge- it happens in other fields as well but
biotechnology and specialization in can do postdoctoral training. netic test results. The counselors have as you gain experience in this field,
genetic engineering. to provide genetic services to patients there are very good salary packages
In India, some of the genetic engi- and their families regarding the risk for you. The salary package depends
If you are planning to study abroad neering research centers are: or occurrence of diseases such as can- on a number of factors, like the field
than your GPA, GRE/TOEFL scores cer (Pedigree analysis), producing of specialization, type of job, whether
and research projects are very impor- • International Centre for Genetic reports, etc. There are certain require- it is government or private and also
tant. The projects or summer intern- Engineering and Biotechnology ments to become a genetic counselor job position as well as location. The
ship from prestigious organizations (ICGEB), New Delhi, under Board of genetic counseling in institute from which the course has
such as IISC, TIFR, etc. will increase • The Institute of Genomic and In- India. been completed, skills, knowledge,
your research skills and also help in tegrative Biology (IGIB), Delhi. experience, position and the company
you to obtain scholarships for high- • Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Ad- An accredited genetic counseling you are associated with also matter.
er studies (Masters or Ph.D.) from vanced Scientific Research (JN- course or formal training (at least one-
abroad. CASR), Bangalore, year duration) is required from India Salary Range Provided in Genetic
• National Institute of Immunolo- or equivalent, from any other country Engineering field :
Genetic Engineering Career Scope gy (NII), Delhi, to become a genetic counselor. Also,
& Job Prospects • Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Bio- postgraduate courses in medicine, life • Candidate in jobs or training pe-
technology (RGCB), Thiruva- science, genetics, sociology, psychol- riod ranges from 2-2.8 Lakh per
Career scope in the genetic engi- nanthapuram. ogy for at least a two-year duration annum
neering field is enormous. It is a • Tata Institute of Fundamental and clinical counseling experience • For research associate, it ranges
rapidly developing field in India as Research (TIFR), Mumbai is required. Ph.D. or master degree from 3.5 lakh to 5 lakh per year.
there is a need for genetically mod- • Indian Institute of Science (IISc), in human genetics or working expe- • Junior scientists vary from 6-9
ified crops to fulfill the demands of Bangalore, rience in genetics or genomics lab lakh per annum
a growing population and also due to • IIT Biotechnology departments. for more than 3 years, providing test • Whereas for a senior scientist,
the availability of limited resources. • Bcs-Insilico Biology, Lucknow result related counseling to patients it varies between 15-16 lakh per
Therefore, grants, funding, and devel- ie needed to become a genetic coun- annum in private companies.
opment of institutions such as the In- Assistant Professor selor. The genetic counselors have a
dian Institutes of Science Education very lucrative salary as well. Not only in India but in foreign also
and Research (IISERs) for genetic If you have an interest in academ- if you are looking for a career the av-
engineering have been established by ics and want to pursue your career Hospitals/Genetic Diagnostic lab-
the Indian government. In biomed- in teaching, you can give Council oratories
ical, dairy, agriculture industry and of Scientific and Industrial Research
forensic labs there is a wide scope for (CSIR) UGC NET examinations after Geneticist role is very important in
students who want to pursue their ca- completing your B.Tech (B.Tech final the scientific and medical field. It
reer in genetic engineering. Not only year exam students are also eligible) has a critical role in research related
Next Page>>>>
CAREER ADVICE July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88

erage annual base salary is $159,339 • Cadila pharmaceuticals at Ah- works to create recombinant bi- galore based company who is
to $194,895 of geneticists in the USA. medabad, work on recombinant ogenerics in oncology, nephrolo- taking tissue engineering to the
For example, a doctoral researcher vaccines, anticancer biothera- gy, cardiovascular and gynecol- next level in India. It has made
gets a package of more than 22 lakh peutics, and diagnostics using ogy. India’s first 3D printed artificial
per annum (i.e. € 29,060/ year) where- recombinant antigens. • Datar Cancer Genetics Limited human liver tissue.
as for postdoctoral researchers more • Bharat Biotech International in is situated in Nashik, Maharash- • Swagene, a Chennai based com-
than 50 Lakh per annum (€50,525/ Hyderabad manufactures human tra work in molecular genetics. pany, is India’s first lab who is
year). As the experience in this field vaccines, pharmaceuticals, and working on personalized medi-
increases, the salary packages offered cancer therapeutics. In the past few years, many genet- cine especially working on can-
in both private and government sector • Claris Lifesciences in Ah- ic engineering based companies have cers their detection and therapy.
increases. medabad works on recombinant been established. They have launched a personal-
technology and monoclonal anti- ized medicine for children suf-
Companies Hiring bodies technology. • Stempeutics is a Bangalore fering from blood cancer.
• Intas Biopharmaceuticals at Ah- based leading stem cell company • By now you must be having a
There are various companies in In- medabad, work on recombinant develops stem cell-based medic- brief knowledge on Genetic En-
dia who hire candidates in this field. DNA technology, developed re- inal products. It has developed gineering CareerGenetics has
Some of the companies and there are combinant human granulocyte India’s first allogeneic stem cell a lot of opportunities howev-
of work are: colony-stimulating factor. therapy. er your achievements depends
• Invitrogen in Bangalore is a • Maymygenome, in Hyderabad, upon your interpersonal skills,
• Panacea Biotech in New Delhi manufacturer and distributor of is a genomic and a molecular interest and what you aim to be-
works on recombinant genes. recombinant proteins and pep- diagnostic company which mon- come.
• Boston biological in Bangalore tides. itors the risk of cardiac and brain
works in DNA vaccines for poul- • LG Life Sciences India in Del- diseases. Also, perform DNA- So, dear students, aim high, work
try and human diseases. hi works on recombinant DNA based test to assess the risk of hard and remember everything is pos-
• Wockhardt in Mumbai manufac- pharmaceuticals including re- cancer, lifestyle diseases such sible if you believe.
tures and markets recombinant combinant Hepatitis B vaccine, as obesity, diabetes, newborn
products such as vaccines, hep- human erythropoietin, and infer- screening, health prediction and
atitis, erythropoietin, recombi- tility drugs. also guide for suitable therapy.
nant insulin named wosulin. • Emcure Pharmaceuticals in Pune • Pandorum technologies is a Ban-

Biophysics: Introduction, Eligibility, Career Scope,

Companies Hiring
Science is divided into different disciplines – Biology, Physics, Chemistry, etc. All these are again incomplete without the contribution of mathematics.



By Dr. Sunita Adak

But with time it was realized to un-

derstand the real world, we need to
combine all the knowledge of differ-
ent fields to get a unified view. Only
a unified view can bring us closer to
the real world. This led to the devel-
opment of many multidisciplinary as
well as an interdisciplinary field of
studies, like astrophysics, biophys-
ics, physical chemistry, biochemistry, science. All these together are utilized Research in this aspect widened the Living organisms are comprised
astrobiology, biomechanics, biopsy- to define the biological systems, phe- view of biology by utilizing physics of basic elements like Carbon, Hy-
chology, etc. nomena, and functioning. to explain the mechanics of life. This drogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Sulphur,
new approach seeks to explain the Phosphorous, etc. All these combine
Biophysics or biological physics The concept of biophysics might life at the molecular level – molecular in a different manner to give rise to
combines physics with biology. It is have been around many centuries and composition of biomolecules, cells, the basic biomolecules – proteins,
an interdisciplinary field of science can be traced back as early as ancient organization, and hierarchy, how they carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic
which is a congruence of many other Romans and Greeks. Discovery of from molecules to cells to tissues to acids. They help to create the unit of
disciplines. Major contributing dis- radioactive elements and inventions organs to organ system to organism life the cell. Though diverse in their
ciplines are physics, mathematics, related to those elements like nucle- work.
chemistry, engineering, pharmacolo- ar weapons shifted focus to the ef-
gy, material sciences, and computer fect of radiation on living organisms. Life At The Molecular Level Next Page>>>>
July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88 CAREER ADVICE 17

shape, size, composition, and prop- macromolecules like DNA, RNA information like visual, auditory, etc. ics, Biochemistry, and Computational
erties, they function as the building and proteins have been elucidated models have been developed using Chemistry, Biophysics, Medicine and
blocks of life creating cells, tissues, till date. Techniques of purification, neural networks. Neuroscience, Pharmacology, etc.
organs, organ systems and finally the characterization, sequencing, and Higher education at Ph.D./PDF level
entire organism. crystallization has helped in this pro- 5. Nanotechnology and Biomed- involves research in diversified fields
cess. Presently innumerable entries ical engineering – The critical un- viz. Nanotechnology, Bioengineering,
The major functions allocated to are available for DNA, RNA, and derstanding of mechanics of an organ Systems Biology, Agrophysics, etc.
basic macromolecules are as fol- protein sequences from varieties of and its supportive tissues helps in the
lows: living organisms. These entries have development of biomimetics. The Following courses are available:
been utilized for the structural analy- detailed knowledge and simulations
1. Nucleic acids store the informa- sis, sequence matching, development provide an extra edge to design ap- 1. B.Sc in Biophysics – Bachelor of
tion required for the cell functioning of gene maps, and evolution and phy- propriate biomaterials and to improve Science in Biophysics is a three years
are known as genetic material. logenetics. Species relatedness, de- upon it which can replace the dam- course. The eligibility criteria include
2. Lipids create the membranous velopmental hierarchy, and diversifi- aged tissues or organs like prosthetic basic 10+2 with Biology, Physics,
boundaries which help to compart- cation can be studied extensively. limbs. Even the development of bet- Chemistry and Mathematics compul-
mentalize the cell from the rest of ter nanomaterials as a drug delivery sory.
the surrounding and even creates 2. Modelling – Biophysics also system is also possible through bio-
sub-compartments inside the cell deals with computation, using which physical studies. 2. M.Sc in Biophysics – Master of
which help in work distribution. models can be developed for DNA, Science in Biophysics is a two years
3. Carbohydrates used as energy RNA, protein, and viruses, etc. This 6. Imaging – Development of so- course. Eligibility for Master degree
source and storage and are part of approach helps in better visualization phisticated imaging techniques like includes Bachelors in Physics, Biolo-
many structural and functional com- of the desired object and understand- CT scans, MRI, US, and PET scans gy with mathematics in 10+2, Bioin-
ponents of the cell in association with ing the working process. A complete have been possible by biophysical formatics, Chemistry, Biotechnology,
proteins or lipids. understanding is essential for further studies. These types of imaging and etc. Many institutes conduct entrance
4. Proteins are the working machin- manipulation of structure and predic- diagnostic tools are essential for ef- exams for admission; hence clearance
ery of cells in the form of enzymes tion of the consequences. Thus, gives ficient, precise, rapid and safe diag- of admission test is also mandatory.
and take part as a major structural an in-depth understanding of the ef- nosis and monitoring of organs and
component. fect of mutations, DNA damage or any bioprocesses. 3. M.Phil in Biophysics – Master
other abnormality due to conditions of Philosophy in Biophysics is a two
All these macromolecules interact like disease or cancer. Moreover, the 7. Medical Therapeutics - Bio- years course. Candidate interested
among each other and with other mol- foremost application of modeling so physicist also work towards research need to have Post Graduation in rele-
ecules, ions for the sustenance of life. far has been done in drug designing and development of therapeutic de- vant subject or equivalent and need to
The underlying mechanisms involved and finding new drug targets. vices, which can be successfully uti- clear institutional entrances.
in a molecular association like associ- lized to treat certain conditions. Some
ation and dissociation kinetics, ener- 3. Molecules Dynamics – Molec- of such devices and techniques so far 4. P.hD in Biophysics – Doctor of
getics, thermodynamics, and molec- ular dynamics can also be studied developed and being utilized include Philosophy in Biophysics is a re-
ular dynamics, special organization, under biophysics. This has been ac- a pacemaker, stents, cardiac defi- search-based course with variable
stability, ionization, wave-particle complished by using fluorescent tags brillators, artificial joints – knee and duration based on the institute. Can-
interaction, etc. can be studied by bi- which can bind to specific target in- hip, dialysis, electrotherapy, radiation didate interested need to have Post
ophysics. Using diversified tools and side or outside the cells. The fluores- therapy, etc. Graduation in relevant subject or
analytical methods, the intricacies of cence can be monitored using spec- equivalent and need to clear institu-
biological functions at cellular can be troscopy or microscopy techniques 8. Ecosystem study – Biophysics tional entrances.
explained in terms of structure, func- and thus the movement of molecules also studies life from a larger view of Apart from these courses many certi-
tion, and properties of specific mole- could be recorded. It has immense environment and population, commu- fication and Diploma courses are also
cules. Even it is possible to develop scope in predicting the working ma- nity, so considering both aspects of available of various duration and eli-
tools for detection, and manipulation chinery of cells like the dynamics of abiotic and biotic factors. A detailed gibility.
of a single molecule. the plasma membrane during endo- study of all these along with model
cytosis, exocytosis, signaling, trans- development is essential for under- Biophysics Career Scope & Op-
Biophysics can also integrate the portation, assembly, and disassembly standing the ecosystem, its variations portunities
cellular working mechanism at the of cytoskeleton during the cell cycle, and complexities, dynamics, conser-
higher levels of organ and organism, sudden rise and fall of internal signals vation, and management. Biophysicists can solve biological
helping to unravel the body’s func- in form of ions, cAMP etc. and even and physical problems pertaining to
tioning. These functions can be vis- outside the cell movement of secre- daily life. As the research is carried
ualized using different biophysical tory signals viz. hormones from one Courses Offered in Biophysics & out at different biomolecular, organ-
techniques and even modeled. Mod- cell to another. The Eligibility Criteria ism and environment levels, it has tre-
elling and simulation are successful- mendous career opportunities.
ly used for prediction and therapeu- 4. Neuroscience – Another active Many colleges/universities in India
tics. Moreover, the biophysical study area where biophysics has been ex- offer academic courses in Biophys- Some of the job profiles available
of environment and organisms also tensively used is in understanding ics in India. Some of them are – All are as follows:
sheds light on the ecological interac- the nervous system. Nowadays fa- India Institute of Medical Sciences,
tions around us on earth. mous Deep learning in computation Aligarh Muslim University, Manipal 1. Medical/Clinical Biophysicist –
is based on Neural Networks – single University, University of Mumbai, Working in the field of mainly thera-
Applications of Biophysics layer, multilayer – an algorithm which University of Madras, University of peutics and diagnosis. Need skills of
is modeled based on the human brain. Kalyani, and so on. From a basic de- a variety of analytical, computer-aid-
Being an interdisciplinary science, it The neural network recognizes pat- gree to higher advanced level of de- ed and bioengineering techniques in
can be applied in multiple domains. terns by interpretation of sensory data gree is available. The course of Bio-
Some of them have been mentioned through a kind of machine perception physics mainly comprises of subjects
below: viz. labeling or clustering raw input. like Mathematics, Physics, Chemis-
Likewise, to understand the working try, Biology, Physiology, Computer
1. Structure and Data Analysis of the brain and nervous system dur- science, Molecular and Structural
– The structure of many biological ing processing of different sensory biology, Bioinformatics, Biomechan-
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CAREER ADVICE July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88

their work such as x-ray imaging, to- 4. Researcher/ Scientist – Working job opportunities include work in in- Abbott Laboratories, Bristol-Myers
mography, ultrasound, radiotherapy, in different institutes- laboratories, tellectual property, writers and edi- Squibb, Boehringer Ingelheim India
radiology, lasers, and nuclear mag- research institutes, universities, Phar- tors, and legislative advisers. Pvt Ltd, Baxter, Boston Scientific,
netic resonance imaging. Also work maceutical companies, Hospitals, etc. CPA Global, Thermofisher, Merck
as professionals developing new di- Investigating biophysical aspects of Institutes & Companies Hiring In and Pfizer also hire Biophysicist in
agnostic tests, drug delivery systems, biomolecules, drugs, etc., their ef- Biophysics Field the capacity of scientists, engineers,
and drug designing. fect on the living organisms and their research fellows, analysts, designers,
modification for improvement or cor- Biophysicist gets a job as Profes- programmers, patient specialists and
2. Nutritional Biophysicist – Work- rection. sor, Associate Professor and Assis- directors.
ing in the field of food and nutrition. tant Professor in Universities and
Need skills of food analysis of differ- 5. Professor/Lecturer/Teacher – Institutes like University of Madras, Biophysics has immense scope in to-
ent nutritional content, adulterants, Work as a teacher of Biophysics in Banaras Hindu University, Indian In- day’s world. With the increase in the
toxins, product processing, quality different institutes, colleges and uni- stitutes of Technology, and National institutes offering courses for study
control and analysis, research and de- versities. Institute of Mental Health & Neuro and research, many are opting for it
velopment of products. Also, monitor Sciences. Research jobs as a Junior and there has been a significant rise in
the effect of nutrition on the body and Other work fields as bioinformati- Research Fellow, Senior Research its application in different sectors. As
bioprocesses. cist, programmer and computation- Fellow, Research Associate, Scientif- there are so many related fields of ap-
al biophysicist involved in database ic officers, etc. also available in many plication, a biophysicist with a wide
3. Applied Biophysicist – Work in compilation, computer model devel- research institutes as Indian Institutes breadth of training, find a wide range
projects regarding basic and applied opment for viruses or new protein of Technology, Raman Research In- of career open to them. This is the up-
research. Associated with checking structures to elucidate their function. stitute and National Institute of Men- coming field which will bear many
the effect of substances like hor- Also have career scope as engineers tal Health & Neuro Sciences. successes and help in human progress
mones, drugs etc. on biological pro- targeting environmental problems in a sustainable manner.
cesses. such as pollution control, waste treat- Companies like AstraZeneca Phar-
ment, biofuel production, etc. Other ma India Ltd, Johnson & Johnson,

Cancer Biology Research – Top Cancer Research

Institutes Where You Can Apply
If your inspiration is to become a researcher with a Ph.D. degree specialized in Cancer Research and you possess the urge to work towards the development of treat-
ment & cure for this silent killer then this article is a must read for you.



By Dr. Ankita Trivedi

In 2018 alone 9.6 million deaths oc-

curred due to cancer. It is estimated
that by 2030 the cancer death toll will
hit a scary number of 23.6 million.

We might not have found a way yet

to beat cancer, however, as per statis- more progress we can make toward discoveries based on their research rally or throughout the development
tical data the number of researchers declining the prodigious human and results in a wide array of disciplines of a disease. Also cited as preclinical
stepping into the Cancer research sec- economic trolls of CANCER. that are considered as a major break- or lab research.
tor to accelerate the quest of develop- through in identification, screening,
ing a cancer cure, has increased dras- “CANCER Research Transforms diagnosis, and treatment of cancer. Translational Research: It re-
tically over a period of past 5 years. And Saves Life” counts an approach that accelerates
While the scientific community is on Broad Categories of Cancer Re- the execution of several discoveries
its toes to find “The Cancer Cure”, a Advanced research in the field of search and inventions conducted in the lab-
lot of advancements have been made. cancer has helped us gather immeas- oratory to clinical practice. Also cited
urable knowledge about the biologi- Cancer research is basically frag- as operating advances from bench to
It is a high profile sector of research cal processes involved in the onset of mented into assorted broad categories bedside.
as the ultimate goal of learning facts a malignant tumor. All those inven- :
about Cancer is to create guarded and tions have to lead to highly effective
constructive methods to diagnose, and earmarked treatments as well as Basic Research: Includes the re-
detect, treat and prevent cancer. The prohibition strategies. Over the dec- search of various cellular as well as
finer we understand this disease, the ades, Scientists have made numerous molecular variations occurring natu- Next Page>>>>
July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88 CAREER ADVICE 19

Clinical Research: It includes the operations accountable for causation like CSIR, UGC, DBT, etc. UGC NET for JRF, ICMR-JRF/SRF,
implementation of treatments and of crucial human cancers relevant to CSIR-SRF, DST-JRF/SRF, DBT-JRF/
procedures in patients. The research India. It is expected that ACTREC Multiple Job openings are posted by SRF, UGC-JRF/SRF, NBHM screen-
team conducts clinical trials where will play a significant role in drug de-ACTREC which can be located here. ing test, GATE, INSPIRE fellowship.
they try to study a group of patients, a velopment and emerging therapies for ACTREC very frequently hires Selected candidates through entrance
particular patient and employ samples treatment and prevention of cancer in /Ph.D. Biotech & Life Science Candi- examination with one of the aforesaid
from humans like blood or any tissue the future. dates for positions like Scientific Of- fellowships can easily pursue their
samples to know details about the ficer, Scientific Assistant, Research doctorate degree from AIIMS.
disease. They are interested to know One can be a part of Cancer Re- Fellow, and many other posts.
how the healthy body works and re- search at ACTREC by obtaining a For further details visit the link
sponds to therapy. Ph.D. degree in Life Sciences provid- For More Details Visit – http://www.
ed by Homi Bhabha National Institute
Population Research: Most loved (HBNI), a Deemed University estab- 3. Amala Cancer Research Centre,
area of research. It includes the study lished by the Department of Atomic 2. All India Institute of Medical Amalangar, Trichur
of various causes and patterns of Can- Energy. The Research Scholars at Sciences, New Delhi
cer as well as their risk evaluation. ATREC handles basic and transla- ACRC is an integral part of Amala
Epidemiologists, the population sci- tional research in Cancer Biology AIIMS is an autonomous institution Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS),
entists engage themselves in studying where they focus on specific research of national importance and awards its situated in the valley of Vilangan
and identifying the patterns, causes, topics such as Cell proliferation, dif- own medical degrees and other aca- Hills, 8KM from Thrissur town. The
and effects of health & diseases in ferentiation, apoptosis, metastasis, demic distinctions. The Cancer Re- Centre focussed to accept scientific
defined groups. It is highly symbiotic tumor immunology, carcinogenesis, search is carried out at Institute Rotary research in Cancer and other associ-
and can stretch the spectrum from ba- molecular imaging, stem cell biol- Cancer Hospital (Dr. B.R.A. Institute ated branches of medical sciences in-
sic research to clinical research. ogy, biophysics, structural biology, Rotary Cancer Hospital). It is among cluding basic as well as applied fields.
bioinformatics, genomics, genetics & the best centers in the country to have
Where To Apply For Cancer Re- epigenetics. Applications are invited entrenched hematopoietic stem cell, This research center offers vari-
search? early in the year (February/March) bone marrow transplant program, ous courses for research aspirants
through the website by candidates all around 250 or even more transplants like Ph.D. Programme, M.Sc./M.
If you have that desire to become a across India. The final selection de- have been already implemented. Pharm./M.Tech/M.D. Dissertation
researcher and want to serve the peo- pends on the student’s performance in There are about 8 departments under Work and Summer Training Pro-
ple in need of care and assistance, Written Examination followed by an this Institute, out of which Cancer grammes. Amala Cancer Research
Cancer Research is the best sector for interview. Research is basically carried out in Centre is acknowledged by the Uni-
you to grow and make a career in. The the Department of Medical Oncolo- versity of Calicut and Mahatma Gan-
foremost question which comes to Educational Qualifications: gy. This department has been using dhi University for the Ph.D. course
your mind to start a career in cancer modern techniques including FISH program.
research is – Where to apply? How • M.Sc. (Bioinformatics/ Applied and PCR to prophesy cancer patients.
to apply? What are the Future pros- Biology/ Biochemistry/ Bio- It has been using screening programs In addition to the Ph.D. program,
pects? No need to Fret at all! You can technology/ Biophysics/ Botany/ to detect cancer at a very early stage, ACRC enrolls post-graduate stu-
get all your answers here. Microbiology/ Life Sciences/ apart from this a preventive oncolo- dents for their dissertation and pro-
Molecular Biology/ Zoology or gy program has also been initiated. ject works in Cancer-related research.
Depending upon the abilities and related Biological Sciences) Department excels in teaching, clin- Students are enrolled from numerous
qualifications, numerous Cancer In- • M.Tech. ( Biotechnology / Bio- ical and research related activities. Universities and Colleges. Special
stitutes have been established that ad- informatics ) MO department is managing DM and training programs are also organized
mit young scholars with sharp minds. • M.V.Sc. or M.Pharm. Degree Ph.D. program. by ACRC to help students in under-
According to the eligibility criteria of obtained from a recognized or- standing the concepts and values of
all these institutes, you can apply for ganization with 60 % or more If you wish to apply for Cancer Re- Experimental Biology. It conducts a
research as per your suitability. marks. search in AIIMS, you have to apply major training program for postgrad-
• Final Year candidates are also for the Doctorate program here. For uate students from different institu-
Let’s look at some of the most re- eligible. entry in this highly prestigious insti- tions annually.
nowned Cancer Research Institutes • Candidates with a post-graduate tute, you need to crack the AIIMS
where you can apply for research! degree of one year are not eligi- Ph.D. Entrance Exam conducted by Numerous projects are carried out
ble. AIIMS itself twice in a year -Jan & by eminent scientists of this institute
1. Advanced Centre for Treat- July Session. which are funded by various prestig-
ment, Research and Education in Fellowships : ious government organizations like
Cancer (ACTREC), Navi Mumbai Educational Qualifications : CSIR, UGC, DBT. If you wish to car-
Candidates qualifying written exam- ry out your research in Cancer from
The futuristic Research & Develop- ination are called for an interview and • Masters Degree (M.Sc, M.Tech. the Institute that is only engaged in
ment satellite of the Tata Memorial final admissions are dependent on the & BAMS) -2 years course by In- Cancer study, nothing else ! ACRC
Centre (TMC), ACTREC functions HBNI eligibility criteria and other re- dian Universities or equivalent is one of the perfect places where
as a national center for medical care, quirements such as Medical Exami- in the subject as per requirement. you can land safely without a second
research and enlightenment in cancer. nation. You can avail Junior Research • Candidates should have at least thought.
TMC also includes Tata Memorial Fellowship, once you are selected by 60% or more marks in their last Educational Qualifications :
Hospital (TMH), the largest cancer ACTERC for Cancer Research. JRF’s qualifying examination.
hospital in Asia under its patronage. earns a stipend of Rs.25,000 +30 % • Candidates having Masters de- • Master’s Degree in any branch
HRA per month as applicable. This gree through correspondence are of Life Sciences with at least
ACTREC embrace 2 arms- one for fellowship is tenable for a period of 2 not eligible. 60% marks
basic research and the second one for years, can be extended for a further 2 • Candidate should have a valid
clinical research. As discussed above, years (not more than that) on an annu- Fellowships : fellowship from any of the fol-
you can choose among numerous al renewal basis which is considered lowing agencies – UGC, CSIR,
broad categories of cancer research. on your performance of the previous Candidates must have qualified at
Research explorations at both the year. You can also avail external fel- least one of the following examina-
arms of ACTREC focus on molecular lowships if secured from agencies tions in the last 2 years – Joint CSIR-
Next Page>>>>
CAREER ADVICE July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88

DST-INSPIRE, ICMR, DBT, Registration, Molecular Epidemiolo- students during the previous years. & Research Centre, Vasundhara
KSCSTE gy, Cancer Control, and Prevention. Enclave, New Delhi
• Ph.D. entrance examination For More Details Visit – http://tmce- • Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute,
conducted by the University of To get admitted in the Doctoral Guwahati
Calicut qualified candidates may program of CCE, applicants have to • Dr. Bhubaneswar Borooah Can-
also be considered for enroll- apply through the website of the in- If we talk about Careers in cancer cer Institute, Guwahati
ment in Ph.D. Programme for stitute [] early Research now, we have many paths to • Dr. Rai Memorial Cancer Insti-
Cancer Research. in the month of May/June of every choose. tute 562, Chennai
year. It is open for all the candidates • G.V.N. Cancer Centre, No.16,
Fellowships: Candidates having all across India. The entrance exam- Cancer Research has progressed Kiledar Street, Tiruchirapalli,
aforesaid valid fellowship are admit- ination is being conducted by CCE with the times, adopting new tech- Tamil Nadu.
ted for various course work at ACRC. for shortlisting the candidates based nologies enabling scientists to chase • Goa Cancer Society, GM Cancer
Candidates can avail the fellowship on their performance in that particu- varied research goals than ever. Re- Hospital & Research Institute,
as per the rules and regulations of that lar examination followed by an inter- searchers involved in Cancer study Goa.
respective funding agency. view. An Orientation Course is avail- can find themselves in numerous set- • Indian Rly. Cancer Institute &
able for students seeking admission to tings to either industry or academia Research Centre, Varanasi
For further details, visit http:// the Doctoral program. A core training from addressing vivid questions in • Institute of Cytology & Preven- course of HBNI is conducted for all the laboratory to testing new vaccines tive Oncology, Opposite City
JRFs at CCE, before initiating the and drugs in the clinic. Centre, Noida
4. Centre for Cancer Epidemiolo- Ph.D. research or thesis work. This is • International Cancer Centre,
gy, Maharashtra implemented just to expose the stu- At the Basic Research point, most of Neyyoor, Tamilnadu
dents to various facets of Cancer Epi- the young scientists will agree and ad- • International Network for Can-
CCE is the new cancer research demiology, Public Health, and Statis- mit that they were mesmerized at the cer, Treatment, & Research Ra-
center established by Tata Memori- tics. All JRFs are examined through a outset to explore fundamental biolog- jinder Nagar, New Delhi
al Centre, Mumbai. It is one of the series of written tests, seminar pres- ical questions than to work precisely • J.K. Cancer Institute (G.S.V.M.
top-ranking tertiary cancer research entations and home assignments in on Cancer. Moreover, they often no- Medical College), Kanpur, Uttar
centers as well as treatment centers in which they have to achieve at least tice the importance and suitability of Pradesh.
South Asia. The CCE is equipped with 60% marks. their immense work to understanding • Jagdish Cancer & Research Cen-
the finest amenities for data storage, the elementary biological processes tre, Hyderabad.
high-speed servers, high throughput Educational Qualifications Re- leading to Cancer. New treatments or • Jawaharlal Nehru Cancer Hospi-
technologies and cold storage of bio- quired: let us say new technologies can arise tal, & Research Centre, Bhopal
logical samples. It also has automated from such conception. If you have • Marathwada Cancer Hospital &
biobanks for storage of around 3 mil- • M.Sc. (Applied Biology/ Bio- a deep and broad knowledge of the Research Centre, Maharashtra.
lion biological samples. chemistry/Life Sciences/ Mo- related subject with good molecular • Bhagwan Mahaveer Cancer
lecular Biology/ Biophysics / biology skills and ability to produce Hospital & Research Centre, Jai-
This institute’s main objective is to Biotechnology / Botany /Bio- new ideas, you are the Right Person pur
develop Nationally and Internation- informatics / Microbiology / / for the Cancer Research. • Mohan Das Oswal Cancer Treat-
ally acknowledged as well as funded Zoology or related Biological ment & Research Centre, Pun-
inter-disciplinary research programs Sciences ) Gazing forward, Cancer Research jab.
in epidemiology with prominence on • M.Tech. ( Biotechnology/ Bi- seems set to thrive- distinctly in the • Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Hospital &
assessing cancer Burden, the perva- oinformatics); M.Pharm. Or translational research arena and the Research Institute, Rohini, Delhi
siveness of threat factors, recogniz- M.V.Sc. from any acknowledged evolution of new salubrious facili- • Rajkot Cancer Society, Mr. N.P.
ing threat factors related to genetics University, with at least 60% ag- ties. Coming 10 years is going to be a Cancer Institute, Gujrat
and lifestyle and to study about these gregate marks. GOLDEN AGE in Cancer Research. • Regional Cancer Centre, Thiru-
threat factors for disease advance- • Candidates whose results are If you desire to be a part of this golden vananthapuram, Kerala.
ment. CCE operates Molecular Epi- awaited may also apply era, do apply in the above mentioned • Regional Centre for Cancer Re-
demiology research that fosters col- • Candidates having only one year Cancer Institutes and make your ca- search, Adyar, Chennai.
laborative research, in addition, CCE of post-graduate degree are not reer progress exponentially. • Regional Centre for Cancer Re-
has also developed an Education and eligible to apply search and Treatment, Cuttack
Training program in Epidemiology • Candidates with valid Junior Apart from the most prestigious • Rotary Cancer Centre, Kanpur,
that encompasses Masters and Doc- Research Fellowships from rec- Cancer Institutes mentioned above, Uttar Pradesh
torate degree. Centre for Cancer Ep- ognized funding agencies like you can apply in other Cancer Insti- • Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai
idemiology has certain set Goals such CSIR/UGC/DBT are called for tutes as well. • The Gujarat Cancer & Research
as to build a strategy to identify Can- direct interview at CCE, these Institute, Ahmedabad
cer Causation and Prevention, build candidates are also requested to The list for the other Cancer Re-
capabilities to conduct Population ge- apply online. search Institutes is provided below: Governments all across the globe
netics studies. Finally, CCE focuses have taken a personalized interest in
on the blossoming of manpower for Fellowships : • Asian Institute of Oncology, this field and have formulated special
Cancer observation, Epidemiology, S.L.Raheja Hospital, Raheja research cells and funding schemes
and Molecular Epidemiological stud- At CCE, Junior Research fellows Hospital Road, Mahim, Mumbai & opportunities via which they aim
ies. will receive a fellowship of Rs.25,000 • Bose Institute, Kolkata to promote and invite more young
+ 30% HRA and Senior Research Fel- • Cancer Institute (WIA), Chennai researchers to join Cancer Research
This Cancer Centre offers numerous lows gets Rs.28,000 + 30% HRA per • Cancer Treatment & Research field. The increasing competition
education and training courses. CCE month as applicable. This is the sti- Centre, Visakhapatnam & dedication to finding a cure for
enrolls Ph.D. students in the field of pend provided by the institute to the • Chittaranjan Cancer Institute, this life taking disease is on its peak
Epidemiology from a deemed Uni- Research Scholars. Candidates hav- Kolkata throughout the world, thus one can
versity- Homi Bhabha National Insti- ing valid fellowships from any exter- • Christian Cancer Centre, Andhra foresee a flourishing career through-
tute (HBNI), established by the De- nal agencies can avail the same. The Pradesh out if proper educational degree &
partment of Atomic energy. Research JRF is viable for 2 years, which can • Jaslok Hospital & Research Cen- knowledge is attained.Remember – “
Scholars handles research in the field be further extended to a maximum of tre, Mumbai
of Epidemiology counting Cancer 2 years depending on the progress of • Dharamshila Cancer Hospital
July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88 SCHOLARSHIP 21

Wellcome Trust/
DBT India Alliance Early Career Fellowships 2019

he Wellcome Trust/DBT tion); due consideration will be
India Alliance invites ap- given to justified career breaks
plications for its Early Ca- • The applicant may have/be pur-
reer Fellowships in Bio- suing PhD in almost any area of
medical Research. This is a mentored science
Fellowship programme that provides • There are no limitations based
a unique opportunity for promising on age or nationality
postdoctoral researchers to carry out • The applicant does not need to
high-quality biomedical research in be resident in India while apply-
India towards building an independ- ing, but ought to be aspiring to
ent research career. launch an independent research
career in India
Purpose: • Applicant must decide on a
non-profit host institution in
The Wellcome Trust/DBT India India which can administer the research interests and expertise
Alliance invites applications for the Fellowship for the entire dura- • Competitive personal support • An additional letter of recom-
Early Career Fellowships in Basic tion (five years) of their award • Generous research funds mendation
Biomedical Research. That is a men- based on India Alliance condi- • Funding to work overseas for
tored Fellowship programme which tions and policies. up to 2 years and develop global How to Apply:
offers a special chance for promising • The applicant may or may not collaborations
postdoctoral researchers to perform have a faculty position Preliminary application forms will
high-quality biomedical research in Essentials on the preliminary ap- soon be available from 23 July 2019
India towards developing an inde- Remit: plication: (9 AM IST) at the India Alliance on-
pendent research career. line application System (IASys)
The full spectrum of biomedical sci- • Outline (750 words) of a re-
Eligibility: ence from fundamental molecular and search proposal that seeks to The preliminary application dead-
cellular studies through Clinical and answer an original biomedical line is 2 PM IST on 20 August 2019.
• Applicant must be in the final Public Health research** research query
year of PhD or possess no more Interdisciplinary projects are wel- • A Fellowship Supervisor Who’d Please see our site for additional de-
than four years of post-PhD re- come guide the applicant in the pro- tails on eligibility, remit, provisions,
search experience from the date posed research and a letter of along with the application procedure.
of PhD viva to the invited full Provisions: support to this conclusion; the Queries can be addressed to info@in-
application submission deadline proposed research is expected to
(tentatively in October 2019 for The 5-year Fellowship typically pro- complement and take advantage
the present round of competi- vides: of the Fellowship Supervisor’s

Janaki Ammal –
National Women Bioscientist Award 2019

he official notification for National Women Bioscientist
the Janaki Ammal National Award (Senior Category) (one)
Women Bioscientist Award
2019 has been released. The National Women Bioscientist
Cash Prizes of Rs. 5 lakh and Rs. 1 Award (Senior Category) is given to
Lakh available. Research Grants of senior women scientist for lifetime
Rs. 5 Lakh also available. Interested contributions, that have done out-
and eligible candidates can check out standing research in the nation and
the awards available in 2 categories has applied the results for the bene-
and apply for the same below: fit of students and society. The award
carries a cash prize of Rs 5.00 lakh
Goal: together with citation along with a
gold medal.
To recognize outstanding contribu-
tions of women scientists in both ba- National Women Bioscientist ronmental and biomedical sciences Eligibility:
sic and applied research in the areas Award (Young Category) (Two) together with the potential for appli-
of Biosciences and Biotechnology cation/product and technology devel- i) Any Citizen of India who’s en-
including agricultural, environmental The National Women Bioscientists opment. Contributions made during gaged in basic and applied research
and biomedical sciences with poten- Award (Young Category) is award- the past five years would be the main in the areas of biosciences and bio-
tial for application/product and tech- ed for outstanding contributions of consideration. The award carries a technology in the nation. The work
nology development. women scientists under 45 years old cash prize of Rs 1.00 lakh with cita- for which nomination is made must
in basic and applied research in the tion plus a gold medal and Research
Nature of the Award: fields of biosciences and biotech- Grant of Rs 5.00 lakh per annum for a
nology including agricultural, envi- period of five years.
Next Page>>>>
SCHOLARSHIP July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88

have been completed in Indian insti- and not for age and consequently, Resource Development and Advisor/ the Department of Biotechnology ac-
tutes and acknowledged in the publi- there’s absolutely no age limitation. Member (Science) Niti Aayog. Nomi- cording to Govt. of India rules.
cations. For the young category, the candidate nations will need to be sent in the pre-
must be below 45 years of age accord- scribed proforma (Annexure). How to Apply:
ii) For Senior Category Award: ing to the closing date of nomination
Citizens of India must have made submission i.e. 31.8.2019. Nomination from individuals Nominations in the prescribed pro-
lifetime significant and outstanding sponsoring their own names won’t forma ought to be submitted through
contribution in research in the fields Nominations: be considered. online DBT portal (ePromis) (url:
of Biosciences/Biotechnology and on or
has applied the results for the benefit Women scientists working in the Selection: before August 31st, 2019. 3 hard cop-
of students and society and the work Region of biosciences/biotechnolo- The selection of candidates for the ies of the application Together with
should have been done completely in gy can be nominated by members of award will be made on the basis of requisite documents must be sent
India. the SAC(O), DBT; Vice-Chancellors recommendations of a Selection to Dr. Kakali Dey Dasgupta, Scien-
of Universities/ Deemed Universi- Committee. Just nominations com- tist”E”, Department of Biotechnolo-
iii) For Young Category Award: ties; Chairman, UGC; DGs of CSIR, plete in all respects as per proforma gy, Ministry of Science & Technolo-
Citizens of India must have made an ICAR, ICMR, DRDO; Directors of will be considered. gy, Room No.814, 8th Floor, Block-2,
outstanding and significant contribu- National Research Laboratories etc; CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New
tion in the fields of Biosciences/Bio- Presidents of approved scientific so- Presentation of these awards: The Delhi -110003. For details of this
technology during the last five years cieties and academies of All India Na- awardees will receive the awards at award, nomination proforma and
and the work should have been done ture; Secretaries of S&T Departments a formal function organized by DBT. steps for online submission of nom-
entirely in India. / Ministries like DST, DBT, DSIR, ination please log on to DBT site
MES, MOEF, Atomic Energy, De- Payment of TA/DA: (
iv) The senior category award is for partment of Space, New and Renew-
excellence in research (and not for able Energy, Commerce, Industry, TA/DA to the awardees for attending Last Date of Submission of Nomi-
governance/promotion of Science) Health & Family Welfare and Human the award ceremony will be paid by nation: 31st August 2019

ICGEB Life Sciences

International Fellowship Programme (IFP)

he notification for the of the ICGEB.
national Fellowship Pro- The IFP is targeted at promoting the
gramme which is a life training of scientists and researchers
sciences short term program has been from developing nations and emerg-
announced. Interested candidates can ing economies, especially in Asia,
check out all of the details on the Africa and nations engaged in the
scheme, the overview, application de- Belt and Road initiatives. The Pro-
tails, financial stability, timelines and gram supports short term fellowships
all of the important links are given of scientists from qualified ICGEB
below: Member States in these regions as
listed below (see Eligibility sec-
The ICGEB-DIC-MOST Interna- tion) to prestigious Chinese labs as
tional Fellowship Program (IFP) a means of improving skill develop-
provides competitive Short-term Fel- ment, obtaining specific hands-on to define together the research project Eligibility:
lowships in Life Sciences to highly training in technology available in the proposal which will be submitted for
motivated scientists from the eligi- receiving lab and increasing bilateral evaluation. Applications should out- According to the rules of the “Young
ble ICGEB Member States wishing cooperation in science and technolo- line the effect for the fellow’s career, Talented Scientist Program” financed
to pursue postgraduate research in gy between China and the applicable the benefit to the home lab as well as by the Chinese MOST, the Call is
China. The Program encourages the ICGEB Member State. also the suitability of the receiving open only to nationals of the follow-
mobility of researchers to prestigious lab. Proposed projects should reveal ing countries:
Chinese labs for a period of 6 or 12 The listing of Chinese Partnering clear signs of strong collaborative
months, to benefit from the expertise Institutes such as a short description potential between the originating lab • Europe: Bulgaria, Croatia, Hun-
and technologies available in the re- of hosting Research Groups is availa- and the Chinese lab of destination. gary, Montenegro, North Mace-
ceiving laboratories. ble at: IFP — Partnering Institutes in donia, Romania, Serbia, Slova-
China. Partnering Institutes in China The Partnering Institute will provide kia, Slovenia
Program scope have now been identified as one of the applicant with a”work consent” • Africa: Algeria, Cote d’Ivoire,
acceptable internationally-oriented letter to state its willingness and ca- Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia,
The International Fellowship Pro- high excellent research centres. Every pacity to host the fellow (both in terms Sudan, Nigeria, South Africa,
gram (IFP) is a new initiative estab- Partnering Institute has signed a Part- of available lab space and administra- United Republic of Tanzania
lished by the International Centre for nership Agreement with the CNCBD tive/logistics/insurance obligations • Asia: Bangladesh, India, Kyr-
Genetic Engineering and Biotechnol- outlining obligations towards fellows undertaken). The”work-consent” gyzstan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Sri
ogy (ICGEB) and the Department of and scholarship administration. declaration ought to be submitted by Lanka, Viet Nam
International Cooperation of the Chi- the applicant as part of her/his appli- • Middle East: Iran, Jordan, Saudi
nese Ministry of Science and Tech- How to apply: cation documents. Arabia, Syrian Arab Republic,
nology (DIC-MOST). The IFP Call Turkey
is managed by the China National As a first step, applicants must con- The application is to be completed
Center for Biotechnology Develop- tact the Principal Investigators (PI) in online in line with the guidelines and
ment (CNCBD) together with the aid the Partnering Institute of their choice application form below by the dead-
line of 30 September 2019. Next Page>>>>
July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88 SCHOLARSHIP 23

• Central America & Caribbean: of 6 or 12 months. Any requests for addition to lab consumables and help and then shortlist the best candidates
Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico, Pan- alternative durations will be evaluat- the fellows together with visa/permit on the grounds of scientific merit. Fi-
ama ed on a case-by-case basis. of stay processes and any mandatory nal selections will then be made by
• South America: Argentina, Bra- administrative issue. Partnering Insti- the CNCBD Selection Committee
zil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, The fellowships cover the stipends tutes will also offer help to the fellows and the China Science and Technolo-
Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela of the fellows and are awarded in for accommodation and logistics. gy Exchange Center (CSTEC).
the context of this Chinese”Talented The final decision on awards will be
Applicants must have received a Young Scientist Program”. The fi- The IFP is financed in the context taken by the CNCBD/CSTEC based
PhD degree; in the event of equiv- nancing standard is fixed at a month- of this”Talented Young Scientist on national priorities depending on
alent scientific merit, preference is ly stipend of 12,500 RMB Yuan (ap- Program” financed by the Chinese the shortlist of applicants provided by
granted to applicants with postdoctor- proximately 2,000 USD/month before Ministry of Science and Technology the ICGEB.
al experience. taxation ) to cover the cost of housing (MOST). The rules of the Program
and living expenses. The fellowship will apply. CNCBD will notify both chosen and
Applicants wish to spend 6 or 12 stipend will be paid through bank rejected applicants by email the mo-
months at a partnering research insti- transfer straight to the bank account The ICGEB/CNCBD can’t make ment the selection process is conclud-
tute in China. of this Partnering Institute in which financial provision or provide any ed.
the fellow works. Travel costs aren’t administrative support for family
No age limit applies. Nevertheless, covered by the fellowship. Travel ex- members wanting to accompany suc- For further information
in the event of equal scientific merit, penses shall be borne by the fellow cessful applicants. ICGEB Fellowships Office
preference is given to younger and/or or by the Partnering Institute, to be ICGEB Trieste
female scientists. agreed. Selection process: Email:,
Terms and benefits: The Partnering Institute in China The ICGEB Fellowships Selection
will provide health insurance, ade- Committee will evaluate total appli- Deadline for Applications: 30 Sep-
Fellowships are awarded for periods quate laboratory space and setup, in cations received by the closing date tember 2019

TWAS Research Fellowships 2019 –

Advanced Training

he official notification for provided to young scientists
the TWAS Fellowships holding an MSc or equivalent
for Research & Advanced degree.
Training has been an- • Eligible applicants for the fel-
nounced. Candidates from develop- lowships are young scientists
ing nations who have a Master’s de- working in any area of natural
gree in any field or branch of natural sciences who are citizens of a
sciences are eligible to apply for this developing country and there-
fellowship. Check out all of the de- fore are employed by a research
tails on the same below: institution in a developing coun-
TWAS provides fellowships to • There’s no age limit. But pref-
young scientists in developing na- erence is awarded to young sci-
tions to allow them to spend three to entists at the beginning of their
12 months in a research institution research career and those work- Postdoctoral and Visiting Schol- the basis of scientific merit.
in a developing country aside from ing in the least Developed Coun- ars from Developing Coun-
their own. The objective of these fel- tries. tries ( Submitting your application:
lowships is to improve the research • Lists of possible host institutions operation/fellowships/201503/
capacity of promising scientists, par- divided by field can be found t20150313_145274.shtml). Applicants should complete the on-
ticularly those at the beginning of here. These lists are only a sug- line application form by clicking on
their research career, helping them gestion and institutions which Deadline: 1 October annually. the ‘Apply now’ button at the bottom
foster links for additional collabora- aren’t included are acceptable as of this page. While filling in the on-
tion. long as they’re in a developing Prerequisites of this Fellowships: line application, applicants also need
country. to upload the following documenta-
STARTING IN 2018 APPLICA- • Institutes of the Chinese Acad- • The fellowships are available for tion:
TIONS CAN ONLY BE SUBMIT- emy of Sciences (CAS), China, no less than 3 months and a max-
TED VIA THE ONLINE POR- aren’t eligible host institutions imum of twelve months. • Scanned copy of your passport,
TAL- PLEASE USE THE “APPLY under this programme. Appli- • TWAS covers international low- even if expired (page with your
NOW” BUTTON AT THE BOT- cants interested in conducting cost airfare and a contribution name and surname);
TOM OF THIS PAGE TO START a fellowship in China are ex- towards subsistence amounting • CV, maximum of five pages such
YOUR APPLICATION. pected to check whether their to a maximum of USD 300 a as publications;
chosen host is a CAS institute. month. No additional costs will • Supporting Statement from Head
Field: Natural sciences For a complete list of CAS in- be provided by TWAS. of Home Institution;
stitutes, visit: • The host institution is expected • two reference letters of senior
Duration: 3-12 months institutes/. Applicants wishing to provide accommodation and scientists familiar with your
to attend a CAS institute should food in addition to research fa-
Qualification: either apply to the CAS-TWAS cilities.
President’s Postgraduate Fel-
• The fellowships are for research lowship Programme or think Fellowships are awarded by the
and advanced training. They’re about the CAS Fellowships for TWAS Fellowships Committee on Next Page>>>>
SCHOLARSHIP July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88

work. Please note that the and OWSD portfolio. Applicants

• Head of your Home Institution won’t be eligible to visit another
cannot be one of your referees; institution in that year under the
• MSc certification and appropri- TWAS Visiting Professor pro-
ate university transcripts; grammes. 1 exception: the head
• Official invitation letter from the of an institution who invites an
Head of the Host Insitute; external scholar to share his/
her expertise under the TWAS
IMPORTANT: Visiting Professor programmes
may still apply for another pro-
• Notice that the Fellowships are gramme.
provided for South-South visits
only, i.e. for visits by research- Please make certain to comprehend
ers from developing countries to the eligibility criteria along with other
institutions in other developing key requirements that are also given
countries. in the online application form.
• Please note that applicants may
apply for only 1 programme Contact email:
each calendar year at the TWAS

JNCASR Visiting Fellowships Programme


he official notification interrupted period of sixty days and a
for the JNCASR Visiting maximum of 3 months and valid for a
Fellowships Programme year from the date of the offer letter.
2019-2020 has been re- The timing of this visit may be decid-
leased. This fellowship is available ed according to mutual convenience.
for Indian Nationals in the research The fellowship carries an honorarium
areas of Life Sciences. Interested and of Rs 50,000 a month.
eligible candidates are asked to check
out all of the details on the same be- Qualification: Faculty or engineers
low: with a Ph.D., that have permanent po-
sitions in Central or State Universi-
Scope: ties or R&D labs are invited to apply.
To Nurture collaborations with the Individuals who have applied for or
Centre’s faculty and to Give research utilized this Visiting Fellowship Pro-
opportunities, the Centre offers Vis- gramme earlier shouldn’t apply.
iting Fellowships to faculty working
in Central or State Universities and Application process:
R&D Labs in India. Visiting fellows The application form can be down-
are associated with faculty of JN- loaded from
CASR, along with the research work fe. Completed
is carried out at JNCASR. The application should include a
certificate from the Head of the can-
Research Areas: Life Sciences didate’s parent institute permitting
(such as developmental and molecu- continuous leave for the duration of
lar biology, chronobiology, genetics, the fellowship. The completed ap-
ecology, behavior, neurobiology); plication and supporting documents
Materials Sciences (such as nanosci- must be sent as a single PDF file by
ence); Chemica/ Sciences (such as email to
chemical biology, interfaces of chem- and in hard copy by post to The Ac-
ical science with materials, solid-state ademic Coordinator, JNCASR, Jak-
chemistry, theoretical/ computational kur, Bangalore -560 064. Email sub-
chemistry, inorganic, physical and ject line and an envelope containing
organic chemistry);Political Sciences hard copy should be clearly marked
(such as theoretical and experimen- ‘Application for Visiting Fellowship
tal condensed-matter and materials Programme 2019-2020′. Incomplete
physics, statistical physics, organic applications will be rejected and no
electronics and experimental nanobi- additional correspondence will be en-
otechnology);Engineering Sciences tertained in this regard.
(such as fluid dynamics, nonlinear dy-
namics, and thermal and chemical en- Important Dates:
gineering); and Atmospheric Scienc-
es. Last date for receipt of completed
application form: 16 August 2019.
Duration and Fellowship: The fel- The awardees will be notified in Oc-
lowship is tenable for a minimum un- tober 2019.
July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88 SCHOLARSHIP 25

ICMR-Newton Fund Researcher

Official Notification

he official notification for found in the downloads section.
the Indian Council of Med-
ical Research & British Partner Countries:
Council UK Researcher
Links Workshops under the Newton Brazil
Bhabha Fund programme has been China
released. Indian nationals are encour- India
aged to check out all of the details of Jordan
this below and apply for the same: Philippines

Indian Council of Medical Research The thematic research areas are:

has partnered with British Council
UK for the Researcher Links Work- 1. Elimination Strategy for HIV
shops under the Newton Bhabha Fund — together with the following sub-
programme. themes: here ). that you’re enquiring about the
a) The test-and-treat strategy along • Each proposal should have one Newton Fund Researcher Links
Newton Researcher Links Work- with other potential strategies for Principal Applicant from the Workshops call.
shops bring together early-career HIV elimination including themes united kingdom, in addition to
researchers from the united king- such as — a Principal Applicant from the After applying, a soft copy of the
dom and a partner nation to make partner countries listed above. proposal may please be submitted to
international connections which Treatment as prevention for HIV • Please download and see the list the undersigned for the record.
may enhance the standard of the AIDS that highlights the impact of of eligible UK research institu-
research. treatment on the transmission dynam- tions (in the Downloads section). Contact person(s) at ICMR:
ics of HIV in populations; Dr. Reema Roshan
Once funded, grants are available for Other possible elimination strate- Other eligibility criteria apply – for Scientist C(Project)
early-career researchers in the united gies. complete eligibility criteria, please International Health Division (IHD)
kingdom and the country hosting the b) Challenges to elimination such as read the guidelines document availa- ICMR Hqrs, New Delhi
workshop to attend. These grants are topics such as — ble in the downloads section. Email:
financed under the Newton Fund, a 91-11-26588895, Extn.347
UK Government initiative funded by Resistance, Social behavioural as- How to Apply: Dr.Mukesh Kumar
the UK Department for Business, En- pect and persistent HIV infection Scientist G & Head
ergy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), Dynamics of HIV reservoirs Applicants should submit a com- International Health Division
together with spouse funders from all pleted application form through
over the world. 2. HIV-TB co-infection — togeth- the British Council online applica- Tele Fax. 91-11-26588755, Tele.
er with subsequent sub-themes: tion system. 26589794,26588980
The Fund intends to promote the Extn.242
economic development and welfare a) Understanding TB latency now Prior to applying, kindly go to
of either the partner countries or, and its opportunities for HIV and TB the site https://www.britishcouncil. Dr. Harpreet Sandhu
through working together with the programs including topics include — org/education/science/current-op- Scientist F
partner country, to deal with problems portunities/newton-fund-research- International Health Division
of low-income and vulnerable popu- • Current Choices for treatment er-links-workshops?_ga=2.261
lations. and diagnosis and for TB latent 486093.1636826022.1563263022 Tele Fax. 91-11-26589492, Tele.
infection; 1592752652.1562737002 for the de- 26589794,26588980
Researcher links grants are made to • New strategy/ formulas for treat- tails. Extn.237
provide financial aid to bring along ing latent TB infection: opportu-
a UK/Indian bilateral cohort of ear- nities and challenges; Contact: Closing Date: The last date of sub-
ly career researchers to take part in • Reach all needing treatment of mission of applications is 9th Au-
workshops to satisfy the overarching latent TB & and its own opportu- • In case you have any queries, gust 2019.
objectives. nities for HIV and TB programs. please contact UK-Researcher-
Every workshop will be co-ordinat- b) Finding synergies between the • In your email, please specify
ed by 2 Leading or Established Re- HIV and TB programs such as topics
searchers, (Principal Applicants), one like —
from every country, and will focus on
a particular research area. • TB prevention in HIV-associat-
ed TB: Opportunities and chal-
Priority areas: Partner nations may lenges;
specify priority areas and will only • New regimens for both TB and
accept applications within these. Pri- HIV.
ority areas are listed in the guidelines
document. Eligibility Criteria:
ODA requirement: All applications
must satisfy the mandatory relevance • Leading or Established Re-
to economic development or social searchers can apply to be Prin-
welfare of the partner country – view cipal Applicants (according to
guidelines document that can be the EC – download information
SCHOLARSHIP July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88

Netaji Subhas –
ICAR International Fellowships for the Year 2019-20

0 fellowships are availa- the awardee will be known as”NS-IC-
ble for Indian and Overseas AR International Fellow”.
nationals at Netaji Sub-
has-ICAR International Purpose:
Fellowships 2018-2019. Netaji Sub-
has-ICAR International Fellowships The NS-ICAR IFs are available to
2019-2020, thirty fellowships are support Indian/ Overseas nationals
available for Indian and overseas can- for pursuing a doctoral degree in ag-
didates. Check out all of the details on riculture and allied sciences, in the
the same below: identified priority areas, to the

The Indian Council of Agricultural • Indian candidates for study over-

Research (ICAR) invites applications seas in the recognized overseas
from the Indian as well as overseas Universities/Institutions having
nationals with Master’s degree in Ag- strong research and teaching ca- a PhD degree under this scheme will area pertinent to Indian/Global
riculture and allied sciences for the pabilities and be thirty (30). The allocation of fel- agriculture as identified by the
Netaji Subhas-ICAR International • Overseas candidates for study in lowships between Indian and Over- Council and the exact same shall
Fellowships (NS-ICAR IFs) for its the very best Indian AUs in the seas candidates depends upon the be notified annually beforehand.
calendar year 2019-20. The NS-IC- ICAR-AUs system. availability of good candidates in the • The candidate will provide two
AR IFs are available for pursuing a identified priority areas. references together with their
doctoral degree in agriculture and al- Location: contact Email addresses, in
lied sciences, in the identified priority Eligibility: support of his application, who
areas, to the (I) Indian applicants for For study in the identified insti- may be directly contacted by the
study abroad in the recognized over- tutions having strong research and • Master’s degree in agriculture/ Council for obtaining comments
seas Universities/Institutions having teaching capabilities and sufficient allied sciences with an Overall in the prescribed format on his
strong research and teaching capa- strength in terms of infrastructure and Grade Point Average (OGPA) candidature. One of the 2 refer-
bilities and (ii) to overseas applicants faculty facilities, the NS ICAR-IFs 6.60 out of 10.0 or 65% marks ees should preferably be his/her
for study in the Indian Agricultural are tenable at: or equivalent is going to be the supervisor at the present occupa-
Universities (AUs) in the ICAR-AUs eligibility requirement for the tion (if employed) and one that
system. Thirty fellowships for the du- • identified overseas institutions NS-ICAR IFs. is a master in the region and well
ration of 3 years will be available. in the event of Indian applicants • The fresh candidates shouldn’t acquainted with the candidate’s
and be over 35 years old on the last work.
Overview: • recognized Indian Agricultur- date prescribed for receipt of ap- • The candidates for the ICAR-IF
al Universities (AUs) from IC- plications. The upper age limit must obtain at their own level,
In its ongoing efforts towards im- AR-AU system in India in the for In-service candidates will be an acceptance of their admission
proving and sustaining the criteria, event of overseas applicants. 40 years on the final date for re- in the PhD degree programmes
quality and significance of higher ceipt of applications. with an identified area of study
agricultural education in the nation, Tenure of Fellowship: • The notification for the fellow- at the Indian AUs in case of
the Indian Council of Agricultur- ship will contain detailed eligi- overseas applicants and the iden-
al Research (ICAR) here-in-after, • The NS-ICAR IFs are available bility requirements. tified overseas institutions in the
called the Council, has instituted In- to Indian candidates in addition • Netaji Subhas- ICAR IF will event of Indian applicants. Such
ternational Fellowships with double to overseas applicants for a peri- be available for both fresh and approval letters should rather be
function of (I) human resource devel- od of 3 years. in-service candidates. However, included with the application for
opment in cutting-edge technologies • The tenure of the fellowship the fresh candidates must have the fellowship.
and (ii) demonstrating the strength of won’t be extended in any case, completed their qualifying de- • The candidates must satisfy
Indian agricultural system overseas. so far as the Council support is gree more than two years before themselves concerning admis-
The target is to develop competent concerned. the specified date in the year of sion and course requirements of
human resource which is trained in • In the event the fellow isn’t able admission. The in-service candi- the university prior to identify-
the identified best labs in the world to complete his/her degree dur- dates from India ought to be em- ing these as a place of study.
(for Indian applicants ) and addition- ing this period, he/she will use ployed in the ICAR-AU system. • Applications for NS-ICAR IFs
ally expose overseas applicants to the his/her own resources for com- • The Council will identify and will be invited on a yearly basis
very best Indian Agricultural Univer- pleting the degree. announce the priority areas of through announcements pub-
sities (AUs) in the ICAR-AU system • In the event the fellow isn’t able research and also the list of in- lished in Indian national news-
(comprising of State Agricultural to finish even after two years stitutions for admission, 1 year papers along with the notifica-
Universities, Central Agricultural of the prescribed duration of ahead of time, for availing the tion on ICAR site”http://www.
Universities (CAUs), ICAR-Deemed this programme for which the Netaji Subhas- ICAR IFs.”. Indian diplomatic
Universities, Allahabad Agricultur- fellowship was sanctioned, the missions in foreign countries
al Institute-DU, Central Universities Council might take necessary Mode of Application: will also be informed through
with agricultural faculty) for creat- steps, for the retrieval of the fel- e-mails.
ing a pool of scientist-envoys for im- lowship paid. • The candidate must submit an
proved future co-operation. application for the fellowship,
No.of.Fellowships: online, in the prescribed format.
Title: The fellowship is named • The area of study and the line
as”Netaji Subhas – ICAR Interna- The number of fellowships available of this proposed research work
tional Fellowship (NSICARIF)” and annually for a programme leading to must be in the identified priority
Next Page>>>>
July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88 SCHOLARSHIP 27

Mode of Selection: by the Council). of fellowship”. scheme.

• The overseas fellows will quali- (iv) The period of absence from the
• The candidates will be evaluated fy for economy-class-travel cost The Indian in-service candidates host university and stay in Indian uni-
according to parameters/weight- compensation from the port of chosen for international fellowship versity/Institute have to be authenti-
ed scale consequently taking into arrival in India to the destina- shall execute a bond with all the de- cated/verified from the identified Ad-
consideration the significance of tion University in India as well puting University/Institute to under- visor and Co-Advisor respectively.
this area of study, the proposed as back. take to serve that institution after the
research plan, academic records, • For Indian candidates, the cost completion of the degree for at least Medical Fitness: Selected fellow
achievements and past work ex- on travelling from place of resi- three years. will be asked to get his or her medi-
perience of the candidate. dence/work to the port of depar- cal fitness test and medical insurance
• The decision will be made on ture in India and from the port of Continuance of this Fellowship: done at their cost.
the basis of evaluation score and arrival to the destination Univer-
subsequent interview by a Selec- sity overseas will be fulfilled by The fellow will submit his progress Payment of Fees: All fees charge-
tion Committee, constituted by the fellows themselves by their report to the Council, through his/her able from the host institution where
the Council and duly empow- host organization. adviser/supervisor/ head of their in- the fellow is enrolled will be covered
ered to judge the suitability of a • The amount payable to the Inter- stitution every six months. by the fellow himself from their fel-
candidate with respect to the im- national fellowship applicants: Throughout the tenure of the fellow- lowship grant or from his or her own
portance of the area of study and • ship, the fellow should neither change resources.
also the proposed research plan. • The fellowship amount for the the place of work nor deviate from the
The Committee may also decide first instalment is going to be broad research area for which the fel- IPR Issues: The fellow is expected
to conduct a telephonic/telecon- released by the Council to the lowship is sanctioned. The selected to take appropriate steps to protect the
ferencing interview for the pur- fellow through government noti- applicants will be required to submit Intellectual Property Rights likely to
pose. The overseas candidates fied/ approved bank to be depos- an Undertaking to this effect and for be generated during his or her stay in
might even be interviewed by ited in the bank account of their adherence to the other conditions of the host institution. The Council will
experts according to the Coun- fellow on receiving his/ her ac- the guidelines regulating the fellow- have the appropriate share on the pat-
cil who might be located in their ceptance for the fellowship and ship as prescribed by the ICAR, to- ents/ knowledge generated by the fel-
home country. admission letter received from gether with the acceptance of this In- low whilst pursuing the programme
• The candidate must have a clear the host University. ternational Fellowship. as specified under IP Management
record of good conduct all- • Thereafter, the amount of fel- The fellow will devote his or her bulletin. If the fellow enters into any
through, duly certified by the lowship is going to be released full time for his/ her preferred area of other IP agreement, the exact same
Competent Authority of the Uni- to the fellow, after getting the ac- studies/ research work during the ten- will be shared with the Council. In
versity last attended or the pres- ademic progress report from the ure of his or her fellowship. most publications arising out of the
ent employer in the event of an fellow duly certified by the con- Satisfactory progress in studies will work, the support from the Council
in-service candidate. cerned advisor/ supervisor/ head be necessary for the continuance of must be duly acknowledged.
• In the time of the interview, the of the institution. their fellowship during the period of
candidates should provide a let- • The first instalment to the Indian study as represented by the grades Completion Report from Netaji
ter of acceptance for their ad- fellow is going to be paid in In- certification and secured by the advi- Subhas-ICAR IF: Both Indian and
mission in the respective degree dian Rupees only. sor/ supervisor. Overseas fellows will need to submit
programme at the University. • The fellow will meet the other In the event of unsatisfactory perfor- within 15 days of their completion of
• The in-service Indian applicants costs including medical insur- mance in studies, or conduct proba- the program, a copy of the disserta-
should also furnish deputation ance from the aforementioned tion, the fellowship will be terminated tion/thesis plus a concise report on
approval by their respective fellowship or by his or her own with immediate effect and the fellow the activities undertaken including
Director of ICAR Institutes/ resources. will have to meet the expenditure on any substantial research contribution
Vice-Chancellor of Agricultural • Throughout the tenure of the remaining part of their programme to the Council.
Universities. fellowship, an in-service fellow from their own resources.
• Once selected, the candidates could continue to receive his/ This fellowship isn’t intended for Non-return of Indian Fellows to
should register for the pro- her salary, types of benefits and the conduct of training or to carry out India: The Indian Fellows must re-
gramme within a year from the leave etc., from the parent organ- research of brief duration. turn to India after completion of their
date of issue of letter of the fel- ization according to rules. Research Experiment and data col- PhD degree. If the fresh Indian Fel-
lowship award. In the event of lection at Indian SAUs/Institutions low is offered a suitable position in
a delay, the deal will get termi- Bank Guarantee and Service situated in India. ICAR-AU system, he/she shall serve
nated automatically and no sep- Bond: (i) The fellows, that are expected to the ICAR-AU system. In case of
arate communication towards put experiments at Indian SAUs/In- non-compliance to these provisions,
cancellation will be issued by (i) Indian chosen fellows will pro- stitutes situated in India and data col- the entire sum paid to the Fellow along
the Council. vide an irrevocable Bank guarantee lection in the Indian location, might with 10% overhead cost is going to be
for an amount of US$ 10,000/(equal be permitted for a maximum period retrieved by the Council from the Fel-
Fellowship Amount and Contin- in rupee currency) in favour of the of one-and-a-half-year in accordance low himself from his surety, failing
gencies: Secretary, ICAR. The Bank guaran- with their research plan. that, the Indian Embassy in the host
tee ought to be valid for the whole (ii) With the approval of the Advi- country will be informed to take ap-
The fellow will be entitled to the fol- duration until the successful con- sor and prior approval of ICAR, they propriate action.
lowing: clusion of this programme. (ii) For could undertake interim visits to India
foreign national chosen fellows, an on their own resources. ICAR won’t Budget Head for Expenditure:
• To-and-fro, economy class air amount of Rs. 2,00,000 will be recov- provide any financial aid on travel- The expenditure on the NS-ICAR
ticket for international travel, ered from their fellowship grant as ling for the purpose. International fellowships, contingent
by the shortest route, from the alternate of Bank guaranty, concern- (iii) During the stay in India, they’ll grant and travel expenses will be
airport, nearest to the residence/ ing Rs. 1,00,000 each from first and be eligible for fellowships @ Rs. met from the Council from the Plan
workplace of the candidate to second instalment until successful 40,000/- per month and contingent
the airport, nearest to the desti- completion of their PhD study pro- and preparatory expenses @ Rs.
nation University in regard of gramme. This fellowship amount of 25,000/- per annum, as the exact same
both Indian and Overseas candi- Rs. 2,00,000 is going to be paid to the sum that’s offered to foreign national
dates (Air tickets to be provided fellow in the time of the final release fellows doing PhD in India under the
Next Page>>>>
SCHOLARSHIP July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88

budget-head”ICAR International/
overseas fellowships”.

Review of this Netaji Subhas-IC-

AR international fellowship
Scheme: The ICAR international
fellowship scheme together with the
fellowship amount and its guidelines
will be subject to periodic reviews, as
deemed fit by the Council.


• For any clarification regarding

the NS-ICAR IFs, the Assistant taking a decision on any situa- hi only. Director-General (EQR), Education
Director-General (EQR), Educa- tion/case of conflict as well as Division, ICAR, Krishi Anusandhan
tion Division, ICAR, New Delhi his decision shall be binding on How to Apply: Bhavan II, Pusa, New Delhi-110012
may be contacted. all parties concerned. (email:
• Secretary, ICAR and Addition- • For any dispute, the applicable Application ought to be submit-
al Secretary DARE will be the law will be the Indian law under ted (one hard copy by post and one The last date for receipt of appli-
final authority in resolving and the jurisdiction of Courts in Del- soft copy by email) to the Assistant cation is August 30, 2019.

Research Grant of Rs 15 Lakh –

S. Ramachandran-National Bioscience Award 2019

he official notification for ii) He/She must have made an out-
the S Ramachandran-Na- standing and significant contribution
tional Bioscience Award in the regions of biosciences/biotech-
2019 has been released. S. nology during the last five years. The
Ramachandran-National Bioscience work for which nomination is made
Award for Career Development 2019. must have been carried out in India.
Interested and eligible candidates can
check out the awards available in 2 iii) He/She must submit a research
categories and apply for the same be- project for the advancement of their
low: work in India for a period of the fol-
lowing 3 years.
iv) He/she ought to be under the age
To recognize outstanding contri- of 45 years as on closing date of nom-
butions of young scientists under 45 ination submission i.e. 31.8.2019. Nominations from individuals spon- mandatorily online through DBT
years old in basic and applied research soring their own names aren’t consid- portal (ePromis) (url: http://www.dbt-
in the fields of Biosciences and Bio- Nominations: ered. on or before August
technology including basic, agricul- 31st, 2019. 3 hard copies of nomina-
tural, biomedical and environmental Names of Scientist could be proposed Selection: tions Together with requisite docu-
sciences together with possible for in the prescribed proforma for consid- ments must also be sent to Dr. Kakali
application/product and technology eration for the Award by the following The selection of awardees for the Dey Dasgupta, Scientist”E”, Depart-
development and also to provide a categories of persons or organizations: award will be made on the basis of ment of Biotechnology, Ministry of
grant for research for their career ad- Secretaries of S&T Departments; user recommendations of a Selection Science & Technology, Room No.814,
vancement. Ministries/Departments like Atomic Committee. Only nominations com- 8th Floor, Block-2, CGO Complex,
Energy, Commerce, Environment & plete in all respects as per proforma Lodhi Road, New Delhi -110003. For
Nature of the Award: Forests, Health and Family Welfare, will be considered. details of this award, nomination pro-
Human Resource Development, In- forma and steps for online submission
Up to 10 awards subject to the dustry, New and Renewable Energy, Presentation of these awards: Just of nomination please log on to DBT
availability of suitable candidates Earth Sciences, Space, members of selected awardees will be informed. site (
will be provided each year. Each the Standing Advisory Committee The awards will be presented to the
award includes a cash prize of Rs (Overseas) of DBT, Directors Gener- chosen scientists at a formal function, Last Date of Submission of Nomi-
2,00,000/- (one time) plus a project al of Scientific Organizations (CSIR, organized by the DBT. nation: 31st August 2019
research grant of Rs 15,00,000/- @ DRDO, ICAR, ICMR); Presidents of
Rs 5,00,000/- annually for a period of Scientific Societies and Academies of Payment of TA/DA:
3 years for career development with a all India character; Chairman UGC;
citation and trophy. Vice-Chancellors /Directors of uni- TA/DA to the awardees for attend-
versities and deemed universities; ing the award ceremony will be paid
Eligibility: Heads of R&D Institutions; Directors by the Department of Biotechnology
of National Research Laboratories according to Govt. Of India rules.
i) Any Citizen of India such as who and Advisor/Member (Science), Niti
are engaged in basic and applied re- Aayog. The nominations should in- How to Apply:
search in the fields of biosciences and clude a brief project proposal to get
biotechnology in the nation. suggested research in the subsequent Nominations in the prescribed
3 years. proforma ought to be submitted
July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88 GOVT JOBS 29

Govt CDFD –
Centre for DNA Fingerprinting Life Science / Biotech Research Job

Sc and PhD Biotech- is provisional and may vary at
nology, Genetics, Life the time of selection, if more
Sciences, Biochem- vacancies with identical job re-
istry, Bioinformatics, quirements become available at
Microbiology candidates apply on- the time of selection or within
line for Research positions that are a year after the selection, these
available at CDFD – Centre for DNA may also be filled from among
Fingerprinting & Diagnostics. CDFD the candidates that might apply
jobs for msc and phd genetics and life and be placed on the panel for
sciences candidates, as per the details the aforementioned posts.
that have been given below: • For all the aforementioned posts
candidates shouldn’t have fin-
Advt. No. CDFD/EMPC/1/July’19 ished the age of 35 years. Age
limits shall be reckoned as on
CDFD, an autonomous institute of the final date of receipt of appli- reason. (ii) Project Assistant / Project – Junior
the Department of Biotechnology, cations. • Candidates that have qualified Research Fellow / Research Assistant
Ministry of Science and Technolo- • No TA/DA is going to be com- CSIR / UGC — JRFship NET are asked to pay an application fee as
gy, invites applications from Indian pensated for attending the inter- or Project — JRF fellowship detailed below:
nationals for the following only tem- view. under the ICMR funded project
porary vacancies in research projects • Based on the qualifications, ex- Scheme or so are empanelled • The additional Payment Gate-
funded by National / International pertise and recommendations in DBT — JRF listing (catego- way Transaction Charges @
agencies at CDFD such as DST/DBT/ of the Selection Committee, ry I & II) or GATE (All India 3.10% will be charged extra
ICMR/CSIR etc.. The description of the chosen candidates could be Top 100 Ranks in Biotechnolo- from the Candidate.
the positions and minimal qualifica- placed in a scale and designation gy [BT], Life Sciences [XL] or • The online facility will open on
tions for a variety of vacancies are as lower than the grade advertised/ Chemistry [CY]) and those who 04.07.2019 and will be shut on
follows: applied (in precisely the exact apply to CDFD may be asked to 07.08.2019
same group) directly appear for interview in • Incomplete Applications and
Research Associate:: • These positions are strictly tem- Hyderabad. Applications with no caste/dis-
porary and are initially for a ability certificate (if applicable)
Minimum qualifications: Ph.D. in period of six months or a year. How to Apply: or the applications received fol-
Physics / Chemistry / Life Science / They are extended/terminated lowing the final date are liable to
Biotechnology / Genetics / Biochem- depending on the continuation Interested candidates who meet the be rejected.
istry / Microbiology / Bioinformatics of this project(s). above conditions may register their • The names of short-listed candi-
from recognized University / Institute • Reservation for SC/ST/OBC/ names by applying in the prescribed dates will be displayed on our site
or MD / MS / MDS. Physically Handicapped/Ex-ser- application form online. Complete and the short-listed candidates
vice person applicants will be the application form online at http:// will be called for LAN based
or according to Govt. of India rules. and take the print Exam/Interview. The individual
• Relaxation of age for SC/ST/ from this filled form. Admit Card / Hall Ticket with
M.V.Sc. / M.Pharm. / M.E./ M.Tech. OBC/Physically Handicapped/ details of password, username,
Having three years of research, teach- Ex-service person/ Women ap- Application Fee: venue of the exam and time will
ing and design and development plicants will be according to be sent via email. No individual
experience with a minimum of one Govt. of India rules. The applicants applying for the po- intimation letter would be sent.
research paper in Science Citation In- • Mere fulfilling the minimum sitions of (i) Research Associate and
dexed (SCI) journal. qualifications will not entitle the
candidate for being called for in-
2. Project–Junior Research Fellow terview. The applications will be
/ Project Assistant /Research Assis- screened with a Committee and
tant: applicants found suitable will
be required interview. The con-
Minimum qualifications: M.Sc. in clusion of the Director, CDFD
Physics / Chemistry / Life Science / will be final in this respect and
Biotechnology / Genetics / Biochem- no correspondence will be enter-
istry / Microbiology / Bioinformatics tained in this regard.
/ Medicinal Chemistry / M. Tech from • Any of those chosen individ-
recognized University / Institute. uals may from time to time be
assigned to perform any other
Desirable Qualifications: Expertise duties commensurate with their
in research as demonstrated by the qualifications, from the Director,
successful conclusion of a research CDFD.
project in a reputed Institute / Centre. • The Director, CDFD reserves the
right to appropriately change/re-
General Terms and Conditions: lax some of the aforementioned
conditions. He also reserves the
• The number of vacancies ad- right to accept or reject any ap-
vertised against each category plication without assigning any
GOVT JOBS July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88

Govt Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission Scientific

Officer Job With High Pay

overnment research jobs POST I
for graduate candidates
at Indian Pharmacopoe- S. No. 2: Scientific Officer, (Pay
ia Commission (IPC). Matrix Level 10; Rs.56100-177500)
IPC is recruiting for Scientific Of- (Direct Recruitment)
ficer jobs. Govt jobs for postgraduate
candidates. Scientific Officer jobs at Scale as per 7th (CPC) recommen-
IPC. Interested and eligible candi- dation: Pay Matrix Level 10
dates, check out all of the details on
the same below: Essential Qualification: Post
Graduate degree in Pharmaceutical
The Indian Pharmacopoeia Com- Sciences/Bio-Chemistry/Biotech-
mission (IPC) Was established as an nology/Pharmacology/Microbiology
autonomous Institution under the ae- Chemistry or equal Associateship di-
gis of the Ministry of Health & Fam- ploma of the Institution of Chemists tion(s) and experience prescribed for 34800) and Grade pay Rs.4800
ily Welfare, Govt. Of India chiefly (India)/ from a recognised University. direct recruitment as specified below: (pre-revised) [according to 7th CPC,
with the aims of routinely upgrading Experience Five years’ experience in Pay Matrix Level 8; Rs.47600-151100
the Indian Pharmacopoeia (an official the related field i.e. Pharmaceutical Scale as per 7th (CPC) recommen- (revised)] or with 3 years regular ser-
book for setting standards of drugs Sciences/ Bio-Chemistry/ Biotech- dation: Pay Matrix Level 11 vice in Pay band-2 (Rs.9300-34800)
in the Country) by publishing new nology/ Chemistry/ Pharmacology/ and Grade pay Rs.4600 (pre-revised)
edition and its addenda, from time Microbiology especially in the anal- Essential Qualification: Post [according to 7th CPC, Pay Matrix
to time; National Formulary of India ysis/ research of pharmaceuticals and Graduate degree in Pharmaceutical Level 7; Rs.44900-142400 (revised)]
(reference book for rational use of ge- drugs. Sciences/Biochemistry/Biotechnolo- or with 8 years regular service in Pay
neric medications ) and carrying out gy/ Chemistry or equal Associateship band-2 (Rs.9300-34800) and Grade
other related tasks like providing Ref- Desirable Qualification: diploma of the Institution of Chem- pay Rs.4200 (pre-revised) [accord-
erence Substances into the stakehold- ists (India)/ Pharmacology/Microbi- ing to 7th CPC, Pay Matrix Level 6;
ers and conducting skill development (i) Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Scienc- ology from a recognised University. Rs.35400-112400 (revised)] from the
programmes. The Commission also es/ Bio-Chemistry/ Biotechnology/ parent department/cadre and owning
functions as National Coordination Chemistry/ Pharmacology/ Microbi- Experience: 5 years of experience the qualification(s) and experience
Centres (NCC) for Pharmacovigi- ology/ in the region of pharmaceuticals es- prescribed for the post as specified
lance Programme of India (PvPI) and (ii) Post-qualification research ex- pecially in the analysis/research of below:
Materiovigilance Programme of In- perience in the relevant field with a pharmaceuticals and drugs.
dia (MvPI) for ensuring the safety of support of paper(s) published/ drugs Essential Qualification:
patients/drugs and medical devices, analysis experience. Desirable:
respectively, in the Country. Applica- (iii) Good understanding of comput- Post Graduate degree in Pharmaceu-
tions are encouraged, for filling up of er application. (i) Ph.D. from the associated tical Sciences/Biochemistry/Biotech-
the following posts, by direct recruit- fields i.e. Pharmaceutical Scienc- nology/ Pharmacology/ Microbiolo-
ment and by deputation, according to Age Limit: Up to 35 years es/ Bio-Chemistry/ Biotechnology/ gy Chemistry or equal Associate-ship
the details below, from competent, Chemistry/ Pharmacology/ Microbi- diploma of the Institution of Chemists
dynamic and dedicated citizens of POST II ology. (India)/ from a recognised University.
India who fulfil the eligibility crite- (ii) Post-qualification Research ex-
ria and other details which might be S. No. 6: Senior Scientific Officer, pertise in the relevant field with a Experience: Five years’ experience
downloaded from the website of the (Pay Matrix Level 11; Rs.67700- support of paper(s) published/ drugs in the related field i.e. Pharmaceutical
Commission ( 208700) (Deputation) analysis experience. Sciences / Bio-Chemistry/ Biotech-
along with attested copies of support- (iii) Good understanding of comput- nology/ Chemistry/ Pharmacology/
ing documents and Annual Confiden- Deputation: Officers under the er application. Microbiology especially from the
tial Reports for the previous five years Central Government/State Govt. /Un- analysis/ research of pharmaceuticals
in the event of applicants employed ion Territories/Central Public Sector POST III and drugs.
in Govt. Organizations or assessment Undertakings/Autonomous Bodies/
report in the event of private employ- Statutory Organizations/Recognized S. No. 7: Scientific Officer, (Pay Desirable:
ment and the employer certificates Research Councils or Institutions Matrix Level 10; Rs.56100-177500)
THROUGH PROPER CHANNEL in (Deputation) (i) Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Scienc-
order to reach the Commission within (a) holding an analogous post or es/ Bio-Chemistry/ Biotechnology/
45 days of its publication in the Em- (b) with 5 years regular service in Scale as per 7th (CPC) recommen- Chemistry/ Pharmacology/ Microbi-
ployment News. Pay band-3 (Rs.15600-39100) and dation: Pay Matrix Level 10 ology.
Grade pay Rs.5400 (pre-revised) [ac- (ii) Post-qualification study exper-
Note: – cording to 7th CPC Pay Matrix Level Deputation: tise in the appropriate field with the
10; Rs.56100-177500 (Revised)] or support of paper(s) published/ drugs
Age comfort according to Govt. equivalent Officers under the Central Govern- analysis expertise.
Norms. (c) or with 6 years regular service ment/State Govt. /Union Territories/
The number of position may de- in Pay band-2 (Rs.9300-34800) and Central Public Sector Undertakings/
crease or increase without assigning Grade pay Rs.4800 (pre-revised) [ac- Autonomous Bodies/ Statutory Or-
any reason. For the essential quali- cording to 7th CPC Pay Matrix Lev- ganizations/Recognized Research
fications, experience & other details el 8; Rs.47600-151100 (revised)) or Councils or Institutions holding anal-
please see our site ( equivalent in the parent department ogous post or with two years regu-
/cadre and possessing the qualifica- lar service in Pay Band-2 (Rs.9300- Next Page>>>>
July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88 GOVT JOBS 31

(iii) Good knowledge of computer of certificates must be sent to as admissible to Central Govern- serves the right to reject any/or
application the Secretary-cum-Scientif- ment Employees of correspond- all incomplete/incorrect/without
ic Director, Indian Pharmaco- ing status. signature applications received
How to Apply: poeia Commission, Sector 23, • The experience may also be re- for the post without assigning
Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad-201002. laxed at the discretion of the any reason.
• Application giving particulars The envelope containing the competent authority if an ade- • The application complete in all
according to prescribed for- application ought to be super- quate number of applications respects has to be sent in order
mat with a passport size photo scribed”Application for the post from applicants with the requi- to the undersigned lasted by 5.00
on the application at the space of _______________”. site experience isn’t available. PM on 13th August 2019.
indicated with attested copies • The posts carry usual allowances • The competent authority re-

Latest Govt Recruitment at Wildlife Institute of India

– MSc Biotech / Life Science / Biology Apply

II Zoology/ Biotech- analysis, technical analysis and
nology/ Life sciences scientific paper writing.
candidates apply for • Candidate Will Need to be phys-
Project Fellow posts ically fit for working in Difficult
at Wildlife Institute of India, Dehra terrain and display the ability to
Dun. Latest Govt Recruitment. WII carry forward the Tasks under
Dehra Dun jobs for MSc Biotech/Life limited logistics.
Sciences/Zoology candidates. Wild-
life Institute of India job vacancies Duration: 1 year (extendable based
for msc candidates. Wildlife Institute upon performance for an additional 2
of India – WII is hiring as per the de- years)
tails posted below:
Emoluments: Rs. 25,000/- + HRA
Advt. No. WII/In- as applicable
SEA-NCPOR/2019-22 • The Institute Won’t provide ac- such applicant won’t be consid-
Funding agency: Ministry of Envi- commodation for candidates ap- ered for Selection and due action
Position: Project Fellow ronment, Forest and Climate Change; pearing for the written examina- will be taken.
Wildlife Institute of both India and tion and personal interview. No • The application form may be
No of Posts: 01 NCPOR, Goa. TA/DA will be compensated for downloaded from the Institute’s
attending the written examina- site
Name of the Project: Long-Term How to Apply: tion and personal interview. • The Director WII reserves the
Monitoring of Wildlife and their • At the time of this verification of right to reject any candidature in
Habitats in Antarctica and Southern • Age limit for the position is 32 original documents or even after view of incomplete information
Ocean years but age relaxation will be selection, if it’s Found that an at- provided by the candidate or for
considered according to Govern- tempt has been made by the ap- any other reason.
Essential Qualification (EQ): First ment of India standards for re- plicant to willfully conceal, Mis-
Class Master’s degree in Wildlife served category candidates. represent or canvass the facts,
Sciences/ Marine Biology/ Zoology/ • The candidates appearing for
Biotechnology/ Life sciences or allied Written Exam ought to report at
disciplines. Wildlife Institute of India (WII),
Chandrabani, Dehradun, Uttara-
Desirable Qualification (DQ): khand, with original application
and Documents at 0930 hours on
• Minimum one-year expertise of 2nd August 2019 for scrutiny of
field research/wildlife Conser- documents followed By Written
vation work in high altitudes/ Examination on precisely the ex-
overseas marine Surveys/ Polar act same day at 1030 hours. The
areas. result of this written examination
• Experience of working in a will be announced at 1300 hours
multidisciplinary project. and shortlisted candidates would
• Experience of conducting aerial be interviewed From 1400 hours
surveys or participation in field onwards.
expeditions. • The application should be duly
• Publications in peer-reviewed filled in the prescribed format,
UGC approved journals duly signed and ought to be ac-
companied by self-attested cop-
Job Description: ies of documents on educational
qualifications, Research exper-
• Work involves data collection tise, UGC/CSIR/GATE certif-
onboard marine vessels, Aerial icates (if any), extracurricular
surveys, on-foot surveys for sea- activities, Date of birth, mark
birds and seals over Large re- sheets of all examinations, com-
gions, aerial surveys. munity certificates (if sought
• The candidate will conduct field Relaxation according to Govern-
research, data collection, data ment of India rules), etc.
BIOTECNIKA TIMES July 23rd, 2019
Vol. 03 NO 88

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