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32 PART I Neuroanatomy and Neuroanatomic Localization

S upe rior Ara chnoid

Choroid ple xus s a gitta l s inus gra nula tion Dura ma te r
of la te ra l ve ntricle Ara chnoid
Inte rve ntricula r P ia ma te r
fora me n of Monro

Ce re bra l ve in

Choroid ple xus

of third ve ntricle

S uba ra chnoid
s pa ce

Ce re bra l a que duct

Choroid ple xus Fora me n of Ma ge ndie
of fourth ve ntricle

Fora me n of Lus chka

FIGURE 3–7 Schematic o CSF f ow. Reproduced with permission rom Aminof M, Greenberg D, Simon R: Clinical Neurology, 9th ed.
New York: McGraw-Hill Education; 2015.

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