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RUNE MIGHT /E.Thorsson

Germanic Occult Tradition and 20th Century Runic Revival

1. Guido Von List
2. Friedrich Bernhard Malby
3. Tarnhari
4. Lobesan
5. Rudolf John Gorsleben
6. Sigfreid Kummer

Guido Von List – Armanen runic system of 18 runes, Theosophy (IndoEuropean). Journalist and
writer who traveled around collecting esoteric information, magic techniques... He claimed that his
knowledge was communicated to him by clairvoyance – he raised long dead spirits of ancestors that
taught him wisdom that he could corroborate the information through conventional literary research.
He believes that the 18 rune system originates from the last 28 stanzas of the Havamal.

Freidrich Bernhard Malby – Anglo-Frisian system of 33 runes. Theosophy. He may have been
influenced by List's work. He also believes that he has received wisdom from clairvoyance, and he
believes that the runes originate in the MotherLand, Hyborea, Thule, Altantis which sunk into the North
Sea, however it always comes from the north.

Both List and Malby believe

 theirs is the original runic system and that it was later adulterated during the growth of Xianity
and as the AngloSaxons developed their language and needed more phonetics, and the growth
and spread of the Roman alphabet.
 That the runes are cosmic encodings in the very being of the German folk – and that they
originated in the antediluvian culture of the MotherLand, Hyborea, Thule, Altantis which sunk
into the North Sea, however it always comes from the north.

The German esoteric interest in ancient traditions of the North, was in large part a reflection of the
Romantic urge to turn inward to find ultimate reality (both as individual, folk and nation) to find
within their own tradition, lore, and culture that which they could not find outside of it. Xianity and the
religions of S. Europe left a void in the Truth which they could only find from within their collective
conscious – looking northwards.

Tarnhari (E. Lauterer) and Lobesan (Wiligut) both claimed to be repositories of ancient initiatory
family traditions that were handed down to them from time immemorable. Read more in The Secret
King – RunaRaven 2001.

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RUNE MIGHT /E.Thorsson

List, Marlby, Tarnhari and Lebesan were looking for their national past.. a past that was organically
linked to their present reality.

List raised spirits of lond dead ancestry to gain wisdom.

Rudolf John Gorlseben wrote Die Hoch-Zeit Manscheit The Zenith of Humankind or High Tide of
Humankind. He saw the zenith of power of the Aryan Race, originally manifested in antediluvian
Golden Age, to be manifested through a system of eugenics and systematic reawakening of occult
powers and abilities (neither of these are original ideas) – but he saw the runes as a key to this
reawakening-- as tools for the reception and transmission of subtle forces in the universe. Through
them, “the people of the runes” and the ultimate powers of the universe commune, thereby constantly
bringing those who use the runes into greater levels of universal power.

Marby was the first to publish practical applications of the runes in magical work. Hes the first to
employ the runes in a psychosomatic system of gathering and channeling rune-might through the
personal sphere and among the body of the cosmos. He created a system that he called Rune
Gymnastics, Kummer developed a similar system and called Rune Yoga.


1. Anglo-Frisian Futhorc—400CE Holland, Marby's 33 runes, systematic principle is
expansion. Source Old English Runepoem. Recorded by anglo-saxon monks trained in
esoteric traditions. Graal myth about holy grail (odins mead/holy grail) spear (Odin's
spear and symbol of dominion and sovereignty / longinus' spear to stab jesus), altar
stone (stone of sacrifice / fell from lucifers crown and was given to secret order by
angels not taking sides in heavenly battle).
2. Younger Futhark—16 runes—in use 800-1100CE—reformation of elder futhark, in use
during viking age,
3. Armanic Futhork—guido von list, 18 rune system is an expansion of younger futhark,
developed during 20th century. System accepted by german magicians and esoteric
philosophers, the basis for Kummer's practical work, Gorsleben, and Spiesberger. Only
one not to use it is Marby.
4. Elder Futhark—2000 yrs old, the original 24 runes.the odest and most original of all the
traditional systems.
These are the only four true runic systems, the others are pseudo-systems developed out of Anglo-
saxon marketplace. What is needed is a synthetic understanding of the four legitimate systems which
will give the runester a synthetic understanding of magical practices and lore to anchor knowledge.

There are no equivalencies between the four systems, but only rough correspondences. The benefit of
the Armanic system to magicians within the Western tradition of magic, who are not dedicated to a
Germanic path of initiation, is that the Armanic system is more a phenomenon of the general occult
revival spanning the nineteenth and twentieth centuries than is the tradition of the Older Futhark, which
is far more a unique creature of the Germanic world. Even though the Armanic is a modern
phenomenon, it is still a German phenomenon.

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RUNE MIGHT /E.Thorsson

Rune Yoga p37

Scandinavian children learn the alphabet by striking a pose in the shape of the letter while making the
sound to learn them thoroughly and internalizing the sounds.

The Theory of Rune Yoga

Marby's theory has to do with much of the theory of how several of the other popular magical
techniques used by 20th C. German rune-magicians work. “In these ideas we get a theory of the full,
practical magical use of the mysterious and often obscure streams and fields of power present in the
earth and in the atmosphere, streaming ot us from the vast reaches of space”.

The Five Zones of the Cosmos

1. inner-earth space
2. material earth space
3. wave space
4. cosmic space
5. super cosmic space.

5 4 3 2 1

The inner space of earth, zone 3, is a vast but contained zone of tranquil space that radiates energy.
This is compared to the outermost zone of cosmic space which is also tranquil and radiates energy.
Cosmic space, zone four is charged with radiations from the zone of cosmic space and is influenced bu
the physical bodies (stars, planets which are heavily loaded with ancient forms of energy coursing
through it in various patterns. Wave space is the space about the surface of the earth that our bodies
inhabit, this is where energy patterns from above and below are most freely exchanged.

The rune-magician makes him/herself capable of receiving and sending patterns of energy to and from
all five zones (like an antenna). The proper combination of runic postures with the intonation of the
right runic sound, allows the vitki to draw certain forces of combinations of forces and then reshape
and redirect them.

The interplay of forces within the various zones constitutes the phenomena of the universe. By
engaging in them, being aware of them, redirecting them the magi participates in the evolution and
reconstruction of the cosmos. The runes are keys to the reception, absorption, and projection of these
forces. First is healing and transformation of the individual. Then the authentic nation or collective

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RUNE MIGHT /E.Thorsson


The Nine Mothers ...Several factors needed for this to be effective

1. shape-posture
2. environmental space
3. location (with relation to the surface of the globe)
4. direction or orientation
5. stream of breath
6. vocal sound (vibration)
7. consonantal sound (vibration)
8. will (patterns of conscious thought)
9. motion (shapes and postures made dynamic in dance.

These nine factors are the keys to using the runes, which are the very qualities or essences of the
powers themselves. The shapes and the sounds then are the keys to the engagement and use of the
individual qualities of power.

The Exercise of Rune-Yoga p39

I-rune Posture... egyptian king.
1. Inhale five count exhale 5 count, slowly work towards even slower breathing
2. Softly sing the I sound (ee as in fee)
3. after you are comfortable and natural tone has been mastered, practice raising the pitch as high
as you can. Do not pause in the raising of the pitch. You're doing it right if it feels right and
powerful to you.
4. Next try expanding the length of the initial I-sound to ten seconds, continue to your limits.
5. As you raise the tone from lowest to highest visualize or feel the power rising from below your
feet out through the top of your head. Feel the power rise and spiral out of your body. Then try
descending notes. Like a siren. The transition between high and low notes should be 4
seconds. The end tone held longer. Practice several times daily
6. next step is to repeatedly jump from lowers to highest without strain or cracking voice. Practice
daily and often
7. jump from highest to lowest note
8. return to pattern of step 6 and jump from the low tone to high note. During the practice of steps
6-8 the transition between notes is 4 seconds.
Follows steps 1-8 in order exactly. To master the program you should take 54 days to complete the
complete cycle of runes. This will give mastery of rune yoga and rune song. After basic concentration
and visualization are mastered, at some point add basic mental affirmations to the routine.

The basic idea is your body is the antenna for all five zones.

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RUNE MIGHT /E.Thorsson

The Working Of The Individual Runes P42

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