Intro To Hiking For Health: By: Nichol Lucido

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Intro to Hiking for Health

By: Nichol Lucido

Hiking for Health - Benefits
Hiking benefits multiple dimensions of health
● Physical
● Spiritual
● Mental
● Emotional
● Social
● Environmental
Hiking for Health - Benefits
Hiking benefits multiple dimensions of health
● Physical
○ lose excess pounds
○ assist in preventing heart disease
○ decrease hypertension (high blood pressure)
○ build stronger bone density
○ and much more!
● Spiritual
● Mental
● Emotional
● Social
● Environmental
Hiking for Health - Benefits
Hiking benefits multiple dimensions of health
● Physical
● Spiritual
○ connect with nature
○ create purpose in life
● Mental
● Emotional
● Social
● Environmental
Hiking for Health - Benefits
Hiking benefits multiple dimensions of health
● Physical
● Spiritual
● Mental
○ set mind at ease
○ enhance knowledge of nature
● Emotional
● Social
● Environmental
Hiking for Health - Benefits
Hiking benefits multiple dimensions of health
● Physical
● Spiritual
● Mental
● Emotional
○ clear your head from stressful day
○ free yourself from worry
○ become calm and relaxed
● Social
● Environmental
Hiking for Health - Benefits
Hiking benefits multiple dimensions of health
● Physical
● Spiritual
● Mental
● Emotional
● Social
○ connect with others of similar interest
○ join hiking clubs
○ enjoy with family and friends
● Environmental
Hiking for Health - Benefits
Hiking benefits multiple dimensions of health
● Physical
● Spiritual
● Mental
● Emotional
● Social
● Environmental
○ surrounded by positive environment
○ keep hiking environment clean
○ become an advocate
Hiking Necessities
A few things to remember.....
● Gear
● What to pack
● Food and water
● Safety
Hiking Necessities
A few things to remember.....
● Gear
○ a good pack sized for the length of hike
○ hiking boots/shoes
○ hiking stick
● What to pack
● Food and water
● Safety
Hiking Necessities
A few things to remember.....
● Gear
● What to pack
○ headlamp or other light source
○ multi-purpose tool (swiss army knife)
○ sunscreen
○ bug spray
○ jacket
○ and more, depending on the length of your hike
● Food and water
● Safety
Hiking Necessities
A few things to remember.....
● Gear
● What to pack
● Food and water
○ carbohydrates for energy (sandwich)
○ protein to keep muscles strong (mixed nuts/tuna)
○ something crisp to quench thirst (apple)
○ anything else your hiking heart desires
○ plenty of water! more is better than less!
● Safety
Hiking Necessities
A few things to remember.....
● Gear
● What to pack
● Food and water
● Safety
○ first aid kit sufficient for hike
○ ALWAYS let someone know where you are going
and when you'll be back
○ wilderness first aid class is never a bad idea
Happy hiking!

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