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The attention given to each student leads to different factors which affect their personality

that may be applied to cognition and academic performance. Parental support plays pivotal role in

behavioral development of a child and one of the most powerful factors in a child's growth which

is positively related to developing personality of student. As it was one of the problems facing by

every of schooling youth, there were already previous studies conducted regarding the parental

support affecting the development and children’s behavioral problem associated with the students’

academic performance. The majority of the students can be easily piqued by the judgmental

environment that further affects their cognitive behavior and academic standing. Therefore, the

students easily acquire receptions from other people and tend to manifest in terms of studies.

The main idea of this research is to identify how parental support affects the behaviors

exhibited by the students in their environment since it has been known as one of the usual incident

of every students’ life. The researchers choose this topic for they want to emphasize how words

and actions could turn into a catalyst for a student to change in a positive or negative way, also

how people treatment can affect their personality development. Parents’ involvement can be

considered as positive impacts on behaviors of the child as stated by Fan et al., 2005. In this study,

reality will be shown that most students are affected by the parental support which may lead them

to have either positive or negative traits toward the environment. Some may think a topic like this

is too shallow as a research but for the researchers, it has deeper and personal connection to the

students’ cognitive aspect and academic performance.

Statement of the Problem

This research will discuss and identify how parental support affects the behavioral

aspects and academic performance of their children as psychology students. Specifically, it

will answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of

1.1. Sex

1.2. Grade and Section

1.3. Grade Point Average (GPA)

2. Does the support you are getting from your parents is enough?

3. Is there any significant changes on your cognitive and academic standing when you don’t

get the support you expected?

4. Is your parents giving either positive or negative feedback whenever the outcome of your

work disappoints or satisfy them?

Significance of the study

This research primarily benefits the students as respondents of this study because they will

know how parental support will affect their cognitive behavior as well as their academic

performance. Students may experience a specific situation as the research title entail but with the

help of this study; it can widen their perception on impacts of parents’ involvement on their

behavioral aspects. Parents will also benefit from this study by being mindful. It is essential for

the parents to know that giving enough support to their children is highly needed to be aware of.

Also the researchers will benefit because they are also students that might have been in few

situations of receiving not enough support from their parents.


Ha. There is a significant relationship between their Cognitive Behavior and GPA.

H0 There is no significant relationship between their Cognitive Behavior and GPA.

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to have an in-depth insight on the relationship of the parental support

on the behavior and academic standing of psychology students. As people know, there are

various reasons why students sometimes misbehave, and one of the possible factor is the

support they are receiving from their parents. At the end of this study, the researches will be

having recommendations on how students should deal in some instances about their parents’

support. Researchers will gather 50 respondents of different year and sections which may

serve as the basis on research study’s completion. Moreover, this study is limited only for

students of Universidad De Manila who are taking psychology as their degree.

Conceptual Framework

The Input-Process-Output system approach was used in describing the conceptual

framework of the study. It refers to the system of ideas, beliefs, assumptions, and theories that
gives a comprehensive understanding of a phenomenon.

This study focuses on parental support associated to the cognitive behavior and academic
performance of psychology students in Universidad de Manila. As shown in figure 1, the analysis
of how it is structured and organized:

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Cognitive Behavior of BS GPA OF THE STUDENTS

Psychology Students:
3.75-4.00 - 95-100
 Comprehension 3.25-3.50 - 89-94
 Follow
 Recall 2.75-3.00 - 83-88
2.25-2.50 - 82-76

Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm

Source: Researcher’s Perspective

Definition of Terms

Academic Performance. Academic achievement is the extent to which a student, teacher,

or institution has achieved their short or long-term educational goals.

Cognitive Behavior. Describes how students comprehend, follow, recall

Comprehend. It is the ability to understand something, such as difficult or complex subject.

Follow. To watch or to find out what happens.

Manifest. Able to be seen: clearly shown or visible.

Recall. To remember something from the past.


The following discusses how the parental support affects the cognitive behavior and

academic performance of BS Psychology students.

Foreign Literature

It is known that family is the basic unit which nurtures a child from infancy to other higher

stages of human development. Similarly, school is viewed as an institution responsible for

enhancing cognitive development, learning, socialization and molding an individual who fits in

the community. Finally, community is perceived as the universe where all individuals converge,

irrespective of their character or past experience. To build a healthy and peaceful society, human

interactions at various stages of human development are inexcusable.

Every individual is traced back to a family and therefore parental involvement in any stage of

individual’s growth is inseparable. It is worth noting that parental involvement in development of

an individual varies within cultures and societies. Parental involvement takes many forms such as

good parenting at home, provision of basic necessities, positive behavior molding, instilling

positive social values and good citizenry and above all, enhancing educational aspirations (Rafiq

et al., (2013). Parental involvement and academic achievement; A study on secondary school

students of Lahore, Pakistan. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. In particular,

parental involvement in their children’s academic performance may include activities such as

helping the child in reading, supervising their homework, offering coaching and presenting

learning activities outside schools.

The fourth edition of the Evidence publication entitled “New Wave of Evidence Report”

by Henderson and Mapp (2002). A new wave of evidence - the impact of school, family, and

community connections on student achievement. This report indicated that the continuously

generated evidence on positive parental participation influences their children’s academic

performance is substantial and consistent. When families, schools and communities work in

collaboration in supporting the child’s learning, the children gain better education outcomes. These

outcomes include: improved learning achievement, retention in school and improved educational

aspirations. The same report indicates that there are long-term effects associated with children

whose families are involved in their education. Such include children attaining better test scores,

being enrolled in education programs which are perceived to be challenging, regular school

attendance, positive behavior and better socialization skills.

Foreign Studies

Fan (2001) demonstrated that parents' educational aspiration for their children proved to

be strongly related to students' academic growth. Research studies have found that parental

educational level has a significant impact on child’s learning, (Khan & Malik, 1999). Similarly,

Schneider and Lee (1990) linked the academic success of the East Asian students to the values and

aspirations they share with their parents, and also to the home learning activities in which their

parents involve with them. In fact, all parents have desired to do something better for their children

according to their available resources. But the extent and effectiveness of parental support depends

on a variety of reasons, such as, ethnicity, family income, and home environment and their

awareness about the importance of education.

Parental support plays pivotal role in schooling of a child and one of the most

powerful factors in a child's education which is positively related to their academic

performance. Parental support is used to observe its impact on the academic performance of

students; it is closely associated with financial, emotional and educational support provided

by parents and other family members at home. Academic performance is therefore not

merely based on the educational processes within school, it depends no less on the

circumstances that young live in, on the encouragement and support teenage receive at home,

the atmosphere in the peer group, and lifestyles of adolescents in different places (Pong, et

al. 2005). Academic support is defined as the provision of the facilities needed by the child

and the resources needed for their socialization. Emotional support in the form of

encouragement and assistance in homework of the child is also a part of academic support

(Birch and Ladd 1996).

Local Literature

Parental involvement refers to the amount of participation a parent has when it comes

to the schooling of his/her children. Some schools foster healthy parental involvement, but

sometimes parents has hesitations if they will involve themselves with their children's

education. It has been advocated in Western countries. However, there is a body of literature

that examines the significance of social and cultural influences and the effects of parents'

involvement in and expectations of their children's development and learning. It is important

for schools to recognize the existence of cultural variations in parent involvement because

there are differences among parents with diverse background on when, why, and how they

are involved in their children's education. Parenting is important in the Philippine society

because family is viewed as a center to one's social world. But, social contexts in which

Filipino families are embedded have changed rapidly over the past ten years (Ochoa & Torre,

n.d.). Children's learning is increasingly moving toward a broader vision of the 21 st century

learning. As children's educations increasingly occur across a range of settings, parents are

uniquely positioned to help ensure that these settings best support their children's specific

learning needs. Thus, parental involvement researches remain misrepresentative of parents

and the involvement that they have with their children's education (Jackson, 2010). The

present study is using a qualitative research design that will investigate existing literatures

on parental involvement in Early Childhood Education in terms of communicating from the

school, volunteering and participating in school's activities, and learning at home. The study

will rely on the analysis of documents in order to gain deeper understanding about parental

involvement in the Philippines and propose a School-facilitated Parental Involvement (SPIn)


The Nature of Education in the Philippines

School throughout the Philippines are often subjected to a variety of challenges,

ranging from overcrowded classrooms, under-staffed faculty, and a lack of adequate

resources. In rural schools, electricity is often lacking. Families, in turn, are often strained to

provide adequate support (for example, school supplies, uniforms, among others), yet

Filipino parents across all social class levels typically regard education as essential to their

children’s success, and are willing to go to great lengths to help their children through school.

There is also a clear distinction between the school experiences of females, as compared to

males. Girls are approximately 1.5 times more likely to attend school than boys. (Maligalig

et al. 2010).

Local Studies

According to Shankar Dominic Gore (2015), “Parental help with children’s education

determines achievement more strongly for children in lower grades.” Parental support or

involvement has been one of the reason why students are getting recognized for negative

things at school. When there are parents who give a certain student need, most probably they

will have a more pleasing results or grade.

It is said by Cadosales et al., 2017 “Regular communication between students and their

parents allow them both to solve the problems that might affect the schooling of the

students.” Parents’ involvement on their children as students makes their children efficient

in a way that their problems as students will fixed. Proper words that are said will become a

huge help for their children because it makes their feelings light that will result on

encouragement that will make them productive regardless of failing or passing.



Research Design

The survey method will be using a correlational research design in conducting this study

regarding “A Correlational Study about Parental Support Associated to the Cognitive and

Academic Performance of Psychology Students in Universidad de Manila” since it aims to depict

what kind of relationship does the Parental Support affects the variables: (1) Cognitive Behavior,

(2) Academic Performance of psychology students. Survey method was the accurate method for

this study, considering that the researchers shall focus on the present situation. This research design

can help the researchers to elicit concrete responses from the participants which in return can help

the researchers in forming the conclusion at the end of this research study. The discussion of the

methodology attempts to present some of the specific tools and experiences used to inform the

design of the research and the development of an interpretation. The survey method requires survey

questionnaires prepared by the researcher to generate data.

Sample and Sampling Technique

In pursuit to analysis in A Correlational Study about Parental Support Associated to the

Cognitive and Academic Performance of Psychology Students in Universidad de Manila,

researchers used Purposive Sampling in 50 students from different year and section of BS

Psychology. The use of the chosen research sample allowed the researchers to gather information

based on their purposes and on the respondents' knowledge toward the study. The researchers

distributed a minimum of 5 and maximum of 10 survey questionnaires for each class of psychology

wherein a total of 50 responses will be accumulated from the said respondents.

Research Instrument

The chosen research instrument used is survey questionnaire. The survey questionnaires which

were in form of checklist were used to gather the needed data from the respondents. It consists of

items that determined the respondents’ choices and perspectives in terms of Parental Support

Associated to the Cognitive and Academic Performance of Psychology Students. In the preparation

of the instrument, the requirements in the designing of good data collection were considered. For

instance, statement describing the situation or issues pertaining will be toned down to

accommodate to the knowledge preparedness of the respondents. In this way, the instrument is

authorized to obtain valid responses of the students.

Data Gathering Procedures

The following content of this chapter are the procedures in data gathering that will be

considered by the researchers.

Step 1: Preparation

Before proceeding to the actual data gathering, the researchers would provide a

requisition letter signed by the participants and by the researchers themselves. The purpose of

this letter is to inform the participant that the researchers conducted a survey through distribution

of survey questionnaire.

Step 2: Actual Distribution and Gathering of Survey

The actual data gathering of the proposed study will be done by distributing survey

questionnaires to the participants. By the means of survey forms, this will enable the researchers

in accumulating the participants’ perspectives which are relevant to the study. The estimated

accumulation of data is approximately 2 days to be accomplished.

Step 3: Tallying, Tabulation and Interpretation of Data

The researchers analyzed and interpreted the answers of the respondents from which the

compilation of common response was comprised. Moreover, gathered data of this study will be

presented in form of graph figures.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The study used graphs and figures to determine the data and to show differences between

the variables. This allowed the researchers in generalizing the ideas of the gathered data and

having the validity of each data gained. One formula was used, which is the Pearson r.


n = number of pairs of scores

n∑xy = sum of the products of paired scores

∑x = sum of x-scores (independent variable)

∑y = sum of y-scores (dependent variable)

∑x² = sum of squared y-scores

∑y² = sum of squared y-scores


Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of data

This chapter aims to show the results of all the answers of the respondents based on the

following questions.

Table 1.Sex of Respondents


Sex Number of Respondents Percentage


Male 15 30%

Female 35 70%

Total 50 100%

Table 1 showcases the sex of the respondents who answered the survey questionnaire, there

are 15 males (30%) and 35 females (70%). Universidad de Manila is the school or setting where

the researchers gathered the data about “A Correlational Study about Parental Support Associated

to the Cognitive Behavior and Academic Performance”

Table 2. Cognitive Behavior and GPA

x y xy

Comprehensive 48 2.90 139.2

Follow 43 2.68 115.24

Recall 47 3.05 143.35

Total 138 8.63 397.79

Table 2, the result of the Pearson r is 0.32 wherein the range falls to Low Correlation.

Therefore, there is no significant relation of the cognitive behavior and the academic performance

of the student.

Relationship of Parental Support on Cognitive Behavior and Academic Performance

∑x ∑y ∑xy ∑x² ∑y²

138 8.63 397.79 19,044 74.48

n(∑xy) n(∑x²) n(∑y²) Computed


19.89 952,200 19,044 0.32

Interpretation of the computed value of Pearson-R

R Verbal Interpretation
±0.01 - ±0.19 Slight Correlation
±0.20 - ±0.39 Low Correlation
±0.40 - ±0.69 Moderate Correlation
±0.70 - ±0.89 High Correlation
±0.90 - ±0.99 Very High Correlation
1.00 Perfect Correlation

The parental support and cognitive behavior and academic performance LOW

CORRELATION to each other, were the result is 0.32

Decision: H0 = ACCEPTED

Interpretation: There is no significance relationship between Parental Support and

Cognitive Behavior and Academic Performance.

Revina Ortizano- Mendoza (PhD) / Attendance and Parental Support: Its Influence to

College Students’ Academic Performance (2017) pg. 130

Francesco Avvisati, Bruno Besbas and Nina Guyon / Parental Involvement in School: A

Literature Review (2010)

Ronel Mondragon Sapungan / Parental Involvement in Child’s Education: Importance

Barriers and Benefits (2014)

Cadosales et al., / Students’ Relationship with Parents: Basis for an Action Plan (2017)


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