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Table 1: The reaction’s height of the three variable, submerged in a cold water.

Test Tube
1 2 3
Carrot 0.5 0.3 0
Potato 1 0.5 1
Liver 2.5 4.4 4

The table number 1 interpret the height of the reaction of the three variable, which is the carrot,
potato and liver that was submerged with hydrogen peroxide in a test tube, while the test tube
was also submerged in a cold water. As for the first variable; carrot, in its first test the reaction is
quiet low and the catalase is slower to react that measures 0.5cm only, and the foam became
only visible after a couple minutes, there was only a slight different in the result as we conduct
the second test that measures 0.3cm and the third test with no foam or reaction to measure.
The second experiment of measuring the reaction was conduct with the use of potato as the
variable, as the test goes by the measurement of potato’s catalase reaction was maintained
from the first test to third test that measures 1cm, it shows that there’s only a slight difference in
the second test where the height of the reaction measures 0.5cm, lastly is the experiment using
the liver which managed to show the highest measured reaction and quickest variable to react
in the hydrogen peroxide while its test tube was being placed in a cold water, in the first test its
foam measures 2.5cm that increases in the second test that measure 4.4cm and decrease a
little in the third test having 4cm.

Table 2: The reaction’s height of the three variable, submerged in a hot water.

Test Tube
1 2 3
Carrot 0 0.5 0.2
Potato 0.5 1.5 0.5
Liver 6 6 7.1
The table number 2 shows the height of the reaction of the three variable, which is the carrot,
potato and liver that was submerged with hydrogen peroxide in a test tube, while the test tube
was also submerged in a hot water. As for the first variable; carrot, at first test it shows no
reaction at all, in the second test it made a slight reaction where the reaction height measures
0.5 cm and decreases again in the third test where the height reaction only measures 0.2cm,
the second variable used in the experiment is the potato, it also made the slightest difference
between the three test while measuring its reaction height, where the first and third test
measures 0.5cm while the second test measures 1.5cm that made the most visible reaction
among the three test, the third and last variable to be observed is the liver, among all the
conducted experiment the liver made the most quickest reaction when it is submerged with
hydrogen peroxide inside the test tube, it managed to have a height reaction of 6cm in the first
and second test, and it increases more in the third test where it measures 7.1cm.

Three kind of protein was used to measure it's catalase reaction submerged with hydrogen
peroxide, the experiment was conducted three times to see if any difference will be shown in
the result, first experiment conducted is the reaction of liver's catalase submerged with
hydrogen peroxide, the observation is that when the bigger the surface area the quicker the
reaction will be.

First the liver, it's quick reaction is because of its more particles that was exposed to the
hydrogen peroxide therefore the liver that is ground up will be the quickest reaction. In the
conducted experiment only a small part of the liver was exposed hence the test tube was too
small for the liver that became the cause why there's only a little amount of foam formed; in
regards to the reaction of liver, but among the three protein, the liver has the highest foam and
reaction and quickest to react in the hydrogen peroxide, in because the liver has more catalase
than the two, The variables that affect the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide are, The
temperature of the liver, The surface area of the liver, The pH of the hydrogen peroxide and The
concentration of the enzymes, where in the experiment the liver has a quiet more foam reaction
in hot water than in the cold water,

While in potato, when the sliced potato is placed in a test tube and submerged with a hydrogen
peroxide solution, bubbles also suddenly appeared which only shows that oxygen is being
evolved, but it's the slowest to react among the three protein, it took a couple of minutes before
to actually see the bubbles, that also the temperature plays a big part in the experiment where
in the potato has much more foam reaction in cold water, which is the total of opposite in the
liver experiment,

In the experiment the key factors that possibly affect the result of the potato submerged with
hydrogen peroxide are the The temperature of the surroundings and test tubes, The pH value of
its surroundings, The substrate volume, Concentration of the H202, (Substrate mass), Surface
area of the potato, (surface area of the active site) and the time, lastly is the carrot's catalase
reaction in hydrogen peroxide,

In the experiment the carrot has the slowest reaction among the three, and the observation is
that when the temperature increased more foam was produced, the carrot reaction was more
visible in the hot water, The temperature did affect the catalase in the carrot cells when the
hydrogen peroxide

(H2O2) was added. The enzyme breaks down the H2O2 to produce water and oxygen which
made the foam. Most of the foam was produced in the range of 0-.5 cm, enzymes are found in
living cells and are made of proteins. As enzymes are made of protein if the temperature is too
high it becomes damaged. The collision theory states that particles need enough kinetic energy
for a reaction to happen.

To say the least almost similar variables among the three trigger the reaction to happen. There
is a slowing or stopping down of the catalase mostly because of the drastic change in the
enzymes environment which cause by the enzyme and substrate to bind or to not bind correctly.
Figure 1: The reaction of carrot, Figure 2: The reaction of carrot,
potato and liver inside a test tube potato and liver inside a test tube
submerged with hydrogen submerged with hydrogen
peroxide in a hot water. peroxide in a cold water.

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